Are Americans capable of looking past high gas and food prices when deciding on their leaders?

Here’s the alarming reality as I see it – looking at the “West” while I’m thinking about Ukraine. Way too many people who live in Europe and the United States are either part of the right wing lurch toward authoritarianism OR apathetic when it comes to what is taking place in Ukraine. It’s as if we don’t want our sweet lives affected by anything going on in far away places (Although, Ukraine is a part of Europe). Kind of reminds me of what I’ve read about the beginnings of WW II. I’ve pointed out here my total support of President Biden who, I believe, is fully attempting to prevent WW III. (At least regarding his commitment to Ukraine)

I’ve read recently where the promises of support for Ukraine from countries in Europe borders on emptiness. Weapons Germany has promised are going to be delivered “by the end of July.” My thought when I read that was, “Are you kidding me?” The Ukrainian people are putting up a valiant FIGHT in order to save their democracy from the world’s leading menace, Vladimir Putin, and members of NATO are “going to be sending aid” at the end of next month. (After further reading, the Germans have to train the Ukrainians how to use the weapon I referred to above)

I read today where Biden has authorized another $1 BILLION in military hardware to be sent (immediately, I believe) – but, if I understand the recent appropriation from Congress, there’s $54 BILLION allocated. To me, let’s get on with it. How are the French and the Germans and the other members of NATO going to react once Putin pushes beyond the boundaries of Ukraine? Or, do they believe they can simply allow the Ukrainian people to be slaughtered and that will be the end of it? Do we have some “Neville Chamberlains” out there? My hope is the Ukrainians push the Russians OUT of their country – and, that includes Crimea. But, clearly, it won’t happen without a solidified response from NATO.

We’re seeing in America, as the January 6th Select Committee is releasing the information it has collected in its inquiry of what actually happened on 1/6, 2021 and the months leading up to the INSURRECTION – that, individual 1, who in many ways comes across as a “moron” (to use a description from a couple of his cabinet officials), was actually very CUNNING in his plan to upend nearly 240 years of American democracy. And, obviously, he’s not finished with his attempted coup d’etat. You can check out my previous posts for my thoughts about that AND the role Merrick Garland has as democracies around the world are under assault.

But, as I watch Putin’s actions and I compare them to the actions of individual 1 while he had the reigns of POWER in America, the similarities are striking. While both seem deranged, I’ve come to conclude that both are sinister orgainzed CRIMINALS. Putin, who has Russia “by her short hairs,” and individual 1 who has cast a “spell” on maybe 20 – 25% of the American public seem like “two peas from the same pod.” In both cases it appears they have managed to pull together CULT followings by abusing social media – most notebly, Facebook. Yikes!

Much of what I read about regarding the Russian people and how they believe the words coming from Putin’s mouth – a LIAR on the same magnitude as individual 1 – demonstrates the intoxicating power of media outlets focused on pure propaganda and social media outlets more concerned with MONEY than mis/disinformation on their sites. In America there’s Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and various other right wing outlets keeping the “ditto heads” in order along with Facebook, where mis/disinformation quickly becomes “viral” – but, in America there are choices and some of the media outlets are actually attempting to do investigative journalism – something which is outlawed in Russia.

So, you look at the one fourth of Americans who’ve “bought the cool-aid” of individual 1’s blathering you see something resembling the Russian people. To me, it’s a much sadder phenomenon because of the “choices” people have when looking at the Americans who continue to support the so-called “big LIE” – most of them KNOWING it’s exactly what William Barr called it in his 1/6 testimony – “Bullshit” – but, many of them can’t pull themselves away from information they (SHOULD) know is, well, “Bullshit.” It’s called “willful ignorance.”

On a more positive note, there ARE those in Russia who understand what Putin is doing is MURDERINGG, in many instances, their relatives and LEVELING Ukraine in a brutal attempt to prevent the people of Ukraine from choosing their own leaders. Reports have Russians sympathic to Ukraine’s plight involved in sabotaging various strategic targets inside Russia. Kind of like the “underground” which developed during WW II in places like France.

In my view, too many people are worried about the cost of gas and groceries – which clearly are affected by the WAR in Ukraine – with little concern to the possibility this WAR could metastisize outside of Ukraine’s borders. What if Putin decided to push into Poland? Are “we the people” (I’m talking about Americans, of course) going to keep complaining about the price of gas instead of putting our support toward stopping Putin’s aggression? Honestly, I’m seeing Putin in a Hitler like “light” and I hope enough people in the “West” have studied their History books relating to WW II. This could get very ugly very fast – especially, if Putin has some rock solid agreement with China. I remember he went to Beijing right before he ordered the invasion.

My son is 32 and very perceptive and we discuss the Ukraine situation virtually every day – he is much more pessimistic than me about Ukraine’s chances for “success.” (Probably a more realistic position – especially, as I become aware of the “casual” response from the major European countries in getting arms to the Ukrainian “front”) The more concerning part to me is his disdain for politics – he doesn’t like politics to enter into any of our conversations. I tell him that’s exactly where the people I’m apposing want you to be. Disgusted with politics to the point where he doesn’t vote. To him, the cost of filling his tank while most jobs don’t pay enough to make even having an apartment where we live “affordable” is the result of “politics.” (And, largely, I don’t believe he’s wrong)

To a degree, it’s hard for me to argue with that – but, by my way of thinking, that’s because not enough people vote AGAINST republicans – too many Americans don’t vote. And, in the upcoming elections in America – critical for many reasons – the pundits believe republicans will retake control of Congress – in an election which may be the key to preserving America’s republic as it has stood for those 240, or so, years. As Benjamin Franklin famously said, “you’ve got a republic, if you can keep it.”

All of this is tied together and it’s incumbent on the American people to take the next step in pushing this nation closer to its “ideal” and that will require voting the vast majority of republicans in Congress out of office. This is a challenge in one country after another in the so-called “West.” The one “democracy” which clearly believes in their right of self government enough to FIGHT for it is Ukraine – from where I’m sitting. Which almost breaks my heart.

The optimist in my says enough Americans will tune into the January 6th Committee’s hearings and enough will be paying attention to several upcoming Supreme Court decisions to understand the gavity of the situation the MAJORITY of Americans are facing. Solving the problem will require VOTING in large enough numbers to overwhelm the voter suppression tactics put forth by republicans in one state after another. It will require enough democratic Senators willing to get rid of the filibuster to, well, get rid of the filibuster.

Getting rid of the filibuster will require democrats to have enough confidence in their own beliefs to actually codify them into law. And, it will require democrats to be WILLING to fully defend the “bottom up middle out” approach to their domestic agenda. It will require them to have the courage to implement a progressive agenda, should they somehow retain control of Congress with enough Senators to actually pass Biden’s agenda this November. And, it will require them to LEARN how to compete in the world of “messaging” – where they’ve been woefully inadequate for as long as I can remember.

Not only is America’s domestic agenda at stake this coming November, but, additionally, our position as a leader in regard to NATO and relationships with Europe. I believe the Europeans are understandably cautious in their dealings with the U.S. because they are smart enough to see individual 1 “laying in the weeds” with the intention of retaking POWER in 2024. I’ve said this many times before on this site, but I believe individual 1 is more of a threat to the U.S.’s republic than Hitler was in WW II. I do not question he will attempt to align America with Russia and China should we be STUPID enough to vote him back into POWER again – and, the likes of the other republican “hopefuls” don’t offer a much brighter, if as bright, a “picture.”

I pray that “we the people” – in our short attention spans – don’t grow weary of supporting Ukraine, especially if Congress is “flipped” come November (as most “experts” predict) To me, the valiant FIGHT being put forth by the Ukrainian people has been inspiring. I’m no fan of America’s “war machine” – but, Ukraine has made it clear Putin has been attempting to undermine the world’s “democracies” for the past couple decades and he believes his “active measures” campaign designed to destablize America has created this opportunity for his “wet dream” of reconstituting the Soviet Union – starting with Ukraine. Very few people believed Ukraine was willing or able to put up the FIGHT which so far has exposed the weakness of the Russian military – but, one thing remains clear – Putin is a ruthless tirant who will stop at nothing in order to achieve his goals. Stay tuned……………….

Final Thought: I don’t agree with the consensus that President Biden blundered the U.S. out of Afghanistan – to me, there was no “easy way out” and Biden was “hamstrung” by the agreement individual 1 made in 2020 with the Taliban. The bottom line, to me, was: 20 years was nearly 20 years too long for America to have been entrenched in Afghanistan. The fact their “army” folded in a matter of days prior to our exit just confirmed that reality. I clearly remember America’s exit from Viet Nam, also with her “tail between her legs” and there’s just no way to “smoothly” exit a “war” you’ve clearly lost.

That being said, I don’t agree with President Biden on everything, just as I didn’t agree with President Obama on everything. Of course, I didn’t agree with individual 1 on almost anything although there have been things I’ve agreed with regarding republican presidents in the past – my evolution to voting AGAINST republicans began with Bush/Cheney and their LYING “we the people” into Iraq and their INCOMPETENT actions leading to the 20 year fiasco in Afghanistan. Biden’s soon to embark on a trip to Saudi Arabia which seems to be flashing a few “red flags” – and, I hope and pray it’s not a desperate attempt to get them to pump more oil – at the expense of some kind of long term defense agreement.

However, it’s not hard for me to think of reasons why it’s imperative for “we the people” to vote in a Congress with enough democrats for Biden to enact his domestic agenda not to mention the importance of protecting against key parts of the republican agenda – which I can’t believe I have to write about after four years of individual 1. For example, most progressives I know are alarmed at the makeup of the Supreme Court. Well, it should be obvious to ANYONE that if republicans gain control of the Senate there could be ADDITIONAL right wing judges added to the court. Right now it’s 6 – 3 – just imagine 7 – 2 or worse. There would be no way to even consider expanding the court in that case.

The court will be an issue for EVERY election going forward for well beyond my lifetime. Democrats should HAMMER that point ALL the time – every election. But, that, of course, is not all. Voting rights legislation was blocked because of two recalcitrant democratic Senators – progressives need MORE democrats in the Senate – which means they MUST vote in substantial numbers this November – there are several good options to flip seats – but, there are also contested seats for Senators already there. And, controlling the House is imperative is ANYTHING is going to be accomplished. Not only voting rights but CLIMATE legislation is critical, MORE infrastructure legislation is necessary to bring America into competition with other countries around the world, student loan debt should be addressed as well as reasonable gun legislation (like BANNING assault weapons and high capacity magazines)

The cost of higher education, making health care a right instead of a privilege, and balancing the budget via tax increases on the wealthy – including a “wealth tax” on the “wealth” of the billionarie class – are just a few more of the issues which COULD be addressed by YOUNGER and more PROGRESSIVE members of the House and Senate. My hope is young Americans will vote in record numbers despite republican attempts to prevent them from doing so. The future is theirs and I believe there are too many CORRUPT members of Congress (mostly republican) and too many who are way too old. Republicans don’t want young Americans and “Black and Brown” Americans to vote and they’re doing everything in their power to discourage them from voting. I can tell you this, if they allow republicans to take control in 2022 it won’t become any easier – and the stakes will be astronimically higher – posiibly too high for our constitution to withstand the right wing assault!

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