Question: How will the January 6th Select Committee’s hearings combined with the Court’s decision to overturn Roe effect the 2022 mid-terms?

I wrote recently that individual 1, referred to as a MORON by at least two of his original cabinet appointees, is much more “cunning” than many of us realized. His SCHEME to overthrow our government had been “birthed” well before the November 3rd, 2020 election and, as those of us who are watching the hearings of the Select January 6th Committee can clearly see, he ALMOST succeeded. I’ve been pointing out America has long had a corporate/government partnership (since the days of Reagan – which followed the infamous “Powell memo”) – the definition of Musolini fascism – but, of course, that’s never good enough for republicans so they enlisted our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president to do what Adolf Hitler failed to do back in the 1940’s. He nearly pulled it off and still could – because he won’t be deterred unless Merrick Garland decides to deter him.

Cunning, you ask? Yep! So, if you’re watching the 1/6 hearings there can be NO doubt in your mind individual 1 is “GUILTY as sin” No here’s my point: Clearly, individual 1 is watching the hearings and he realizes he’s in “deep doo doo.” Naturally, his reaction is, well, NO surprise. Tonight, I read a post he put in his “Truth” Social – Twitter rip off. In it he made a point to claim he actually BELIEVED he’d “won” the election – despite the OVERWHELMING evidence he was told otherwise NUMEROUS times. (And, of course, he said he still believes it) Why would he make such a preposterous claim?

I’ve heard numerous RESPECTED former prosecutors point out the hardest thing to prove in cases like the MANY individual 1 may be defending himself in is “intent.” Some have asked, “Did he really believe” what Bill Barr called bullshit? Now, I’m suggesting he’s “cunning” not STUPID. (He thrives because he knows his supporters are STUPID – to the point they’ve grifted him about a quarter BILLION dollars since he LOST the 2020 election) The reality is our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is preparing his DEFENSE in advance of what I’m certain he BELIEVES will be his indictment for NUMEROUS felonies.

There’s so many possible charges individual 1 SHOULD be facing it’s hard to keep up. The judge in California who ruled John Eastman’s emails had to be given to the 1/6 Committee said it’s “likely” both Eastman and individual 1 committed the FELONIES of OBSTRUCTING an official proceeding of Congress and FRAUD against the United States of America. That’s for starters. Of course, the charge of “Seditious Conspiracy’ is much more serious and, to me, it appears obvious individual 1 and a plethora of his associates committed that offense.

We don’t hear much about the legal issues he COULD be facing in New York – where, apparently, the successor to Cy Vance as Manhattan’s DA has decided NOT to proceed with an indictment of individual 1 (and his children) because, well, who knows. Two prosecutors who were on the case for over a year resigned in protest saying, “our former president committed several FELONIES.” Will that case get revived? Who knows, But, individual 1, his eldest son, and his daughter Ivanka are going to be questioned under oath in mid July. The entire family “organization” could be in danger if New York’s AG wins a civi lawsuit alleging FRAUD by individual 1 and his children.

And, remember, his organization is already facing 15 FELONY charges which were already filed along with his former top aide being charged with FELONIES as well. Do you understand why I’ve been calling him a low level MOB boss for several years now? And, none of this even mentions Fani Willis in Fulton County Georgia who has a “Special Grand Jury” going on right now, as I’m writing this, which potentially could result in a RICO charge – meaning people like Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham could get caught up in individual 1’s illegal behavior.

RICO stands for “The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act.”  The law was brought in to help tackle large scale criminal organizations in the US. That would allow Ms. Willis to indict individual 1 and those who participated in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election in Georgia in one felled “swoop.” When you listen to the 67 minute recording of individual 1 berating Brad Raffensperger – Georgia’s Secretary of State – attempting to get him to “find 11,780” votes – well, you’d have to be STUPID not to understand THAT is actual “election fraud.” (Fraud seems to be a common adverb when looking at individual 1’s behavior)

I read a column in the Washington Post tonight by Eugene Robinson titled “It will be bad if Merrick Garland prosecutes (individual 1 – he, of course, used his surname), and worse if he doesn’t.” If you’ve been on this site in the past you likely know I’m a firm believer in “no one is above the law.” Richard Nixon proved (I thought) “we the people” DON’T believe “if a president does it, it must be legal.” However, since the days of Watergate, our justice system has progressively proved maybe Nixon was correct.

For example, Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush were in, up to their eyeballs, in the Iran/Contra fiasco. In “Iran/Contr” the Reagan administration was secretly selling ARMS to Iran, which was subject to an arms embargo (The Iranians had captured a large group of Americans out of the American Embassy and held them hostage – ironically until Reagan took office – raising other questions), and used the money to fund the Nicaragua “Contras” in an effort to topple Nicaragua’s “leftist” government – a CLEAR violation of Congress’ “Boland Amendment” which prohibited funding of the Contras.

Both Reagan and Bush (HW) went without punishment while several others in the Reagan administration were convicted of serious FELONIES. All were eventually pardoned by HW Bush in the latter days of his administration. This set the stage for the NEXT republican administration, that of GW Bush and Dick Cheney. Both GW Bush and Cheney admitted on national TV to authorizing TORTURE for their so-called “enemy combatants” (determined by them – or their “assigns”) and one of the first things Barack Obama did once he became president was to STOP all the investigations into the WAR CRIMES of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld administration. (Donald Rumsfeld was Sec. of Defense) I stated at the time, this would just be another “signal” to republicans that democrats didn’t have the stomach to stop their lawlessness. And, I said it will just get progressively worse.

I still FIRMLY believe that and, just imagine, how much worse can it get? Well, if you’ve paid attention to individual 1 since he was BOOTED out of the nation’s capital with his “tail between his legs,” he believes he’ll be back in POWER if he “chooses.” His lackeys have been busy changing election laws in numerous states since his failed coup d’etat. Apparently, there are a lot more Americans who don’t believe in our democratic republic than I thought. These “lackeys” are still busy and they’ve got their sights set on the offices of Governor, Secretay of State, and House of Representatives in various key states. IT CAN GET A LOT WORSE!

Here’s the reality: If republicans gain control of Congress (they already CLEARY have control of the courts) it won’t matter who the American people VOTE for in 2024 because republicans in Congress showed their “hand” in 2020. They will simply “object” to the results in states they “need” in order to control the Electoral Vote count and have the POWER to “overturn” the 2024 election – completing what they failed to do in 2020. As many people have said, 2020 was simply the “trial run.” And, sadly, MOST Americans have no idea what is going on. Of course, we can count on democrats to FAIL in pointing this out – if history is any gauge.

I talk to as many people as I can and most of them believe I’vel lost my “marbles.” It just doesn’t seem fathomable to them this could be true. Hopefully, they’re watching the 1/6 hearings which are pointing out what myself (and many others) have been saying for several years now. This republican party continues to tilt strongly to the “right” and it appears to have adopted out and out fascism at this point in time.

Remember, the “base” of the republican party is comprised significantly of outright white nationalists who are, at a minimum, neo-Nazi’s. If you don’t believe me, take another look (online) at the so-called “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia back in 2017 – with the “good people on both sides.” You tell me who the “good people” were carrying the Tiki Torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” while wearing swastika armbands and/or carrying confederate flags. David Duke was there and praised individual 1 for his “good people on both sides” comment. Yikes!!!

My point here is that while it may be true that when it comes to governing individual 1 is a MORON, when it comes to his self preservation he’s not only “cunning” but he’s simply put DANGEROUS. He appears to be void of any moral compass – he’s a MASTER con man a MOB boss. The “conservative Christian” community made the classic “deal with the devil” because individual 1 allowed Moscow Mitch and Don McGahn to flood the court system with right wing judges. And, individual 1 placed THREE right wing (and dishonest) judges on the Supreme Court – which will be a problem for a generation (unless progressive succeed in expanding the Court)

The issue with the Court, in fact, SHOULD motivate progressives to VOTE against republicans for the next MANY MANY elections – and, of course, to vote AGAINST individual 1 or those trying to take his “place.” I firmly believe if democrats lose control of Congress in the 2022 mid-term elections the republicans will have succeeded in achieving what Karl Rove called the “permanent republican ‘majority.'” It will be a kind of the American version of apartheid. As I’ve stated here before, Merrick Garland is, historically, on the spot. He had to decide if he has the stomach for prosecuting individual 1 – and the rest of us can do nothing but “sit on the edge of our seats” in anticipation. He will be roundly criticized one way or the other! And, prosecuting individual 1 will be the first step in salvaging this nation’s principles.

Final Thought: Every day I try to read something about what is going on in Ukraine – I do NOT want to allow myself to get tired of paying attention to Putin’s war of aggression there – a clear view of fascism (Putin’s Russia). I would just point out to anyone reading this that Putin’s war with America has not slowed down and you can be as sure as the sun rising in the East that Putin will have his “paws” all over the upcoming election in America. The last thing he wants to see is President Biden having success – kind of like republicans. How much they’re working in “unison” we may never know – but, rest assured they’re working toward the same end. My hope is the American people will FINALLY see through this “deplorable” partnership.

It didn’t work for Putin in 2020 because, likely, many more Americans were aware of what he’s up to, but the reality is while there were MILLIONS more people voting for democrats, there were also MILLIONS more voting republican. In fact, something I found interesting in watching the 1/6 hearings was something Brad Raffensperger said regarding why individual 1 LOST in Georgia. There were at least 28,000 Georgians who didn’t cast a vote for persident but voted everything else down ballot. So, had all Georgia’s republicans cast a ballot for individual 1 he would have carried the state by around 15,000 votes. So, good on all thos Georgians who had the audacity to refrain from voting for a CRIMINAL and I hope we see more of that in 2022. Individual 1 is a CANCER on this nation – the “cure” is in the hands of AG Garland!

I wrote the above yesterday – the day the Supreme Court overturned 100 years of gun safety laws in New York – now an “open carry” state (with more states likely to follow) and, today, they did what most have been watitng for and overturned Roe v Wade. Judges who had pledged in confirmation hearings they would honor precedence in this matter were, well, LYING. They were ruling on a case from Mississippi which severely limited Roe, but instead of agreeing to that case they decided to “go the full nine yards.” I know “Christians” who are very happy about this, but the reality is abortions will still happen – this ruling will simply create serious health care issues for an untold number of women in America. I have to wonder how many of them are planning to VOTE come November.

Several months ago, when I first allowed myself to use the word STUPID (a word I loathe) regarding republican leaders (and sadly many of their followers) I pointed out the results of some of their decisions. First was the so-called “HEROES Act” the democrats in the House “gave” to individual 1 (and republicans) during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Nancy Pelosi said, this will help us “crush the virus.” Of course, Moscow Mitch (republicans controlled the Senate) labled it “dead on arrival” with individual 1’s blessing. Passing that piece of legislation likely would have led to another (disastrous) four years of our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

Naturally, that decision led to the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION the result of individual 1 being the world’s WORST loser. And, of course, the INSURRECTION and MORE republican STUPIDITY led to the January 6th Select Committee. Republicans had the option of a 9/11 type “Commission” with equal representation and, not surprisingly, voted it down. (As usual, thinking is not a characteristic of republican leaders – and, the “flock” almost always does what they are “told”) The result of this STUPIDITY is very possibly going to be what, in conjunction with Supreme Court decisions which get the attention of just about EVERYONE, very well could be a massive move to the polls in November by people who don’t want America to be a fascist state (anymore than it already is).

Time will tell. I’ve always thought democrats were expert at pulling DEFEAT from the “jaws of victory” – but 2022 could very well see the shoe on the other foot. Of course, republicans have a decided advantage due to gerrymandered districts in determining the control of the House, but I just have a feeling democrats could gain a few seats in the Senate – enough to counter Manchin and Sinema – and, if they can keep control of the House it could be possible legislation aimed at “we the people” might actually happen. Make no mistake, I believe Joe Biden is pushing the most progressive agenda since LBJ. He believes in the “Bottom up Middle out” approach to governing. Let’s hope the Roe decision and the 1/6 hearings get enough people’s attention for them to realize what is at stake going forward for our nation!

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