Monthly Archives: June 2023

Are Americans paying close enough attention to understand the threat republicans pose for our republic?

Republican Trump “sycophants” are often referring to the “left” in terms such as “communists,” “socialists,” and even “fascists.” Fascism as defined: “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.” If you’re still reading, I’ll let you look up communists and socialists. My point is you always find projection out of the mouths of republican politicians and, therefore, their “minions.”

On multiple occasions I’ve pointed out republicans appear to be fully invested in the propaganda arm of the Nazi’s of the 1930’s and 40’s. It was Joseph Goebbels, the head of Nazi propaganda, who put the so-called “Big Lie” theory of Adolph Hitler – that if you repeat a LIE over and over, those hearing it will eventually believe it’s true. (Progressives, ie “liberals,” often point out Trump’s “Big Lie” without connecting it to the original source of this “strategy” – Nazi propaganda) Goebbels also said to accuse your adversaries of the very things you’re doing which are illegal or wrong. Hence, you often hear republicans referring to “liberals” (ie democrats) as being fascist. Read the definition above and think clearly about “Trumpism.” Remember, Trump is one generation removed from Germany and his father was involved with the KKK many years ago. Just sayin….

I’ve been refering to Trump as a “wannabe fascist” and/or “wannabe Mob boss” for years. If you learn about the “total picture” with Trump, going back to his childhood, what you see is someone completely removed from any religious affiliation or moral compass and he comes across as the prime example of a “spoiled brat.” He is also the classic example of a narcissist. “Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one’s own needs, often at the expense of others. Narcissism exists on a continuum that ranges from normal to abnormal personality expression.” In my view, Trump falls in the “abnormal” category.

As Trump continues his attempt to “try his case (he’s facing 71 FELONY charges as I write) in the public domain” you’re going to often hear the term “gaslighting.” According to Psychology Today here’s the definition: ” Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true…” Gaslighting, in essence, is another term for the use of the “Big Lie Theory” – but, at least when I’m listening, it’s more often used to describe Trump’s LYING. Personally, I believe the connection to the Nazi’s SHOULD be part of the public discussion of why Trump is such a LIAR. (Again, it – LYING – works)

I’ve pointed out here, many times, the MOST important election in the lifetimes of America’s voters who cherish our democratic republic as it has existed for the past 240+ years is the NEXT one. I’ve been saying this since the mid terms of 2018 and it just becomes more clear as time rolls on. (I’ll explain a bit further down below) Just imagine where we’d be today had voters not put the democrats in control of Congress back in 2018. And, of course, the election of Joe Biden was of historic proportions – not only based on what he’s accomplished, but I believe he was the ONE democrat who could defeat Trump. And, the mid terms of 2022 were far from the “Red wave” republicans were predicting, despite the (sad) reality republicans gained a slim majority in the House of Representatives.

I keep it in the front of my mind constantly that these republicans never seem to get the message – they just keep moving forward with the same tired schtick – because they’ve got a large group of very wealthy “puppet masters” pushing them on. The list of these right wing “donors” seems endless, but it’s been clear many of the wealthy American families – like the “Koch brothers” – now just Charles Koch – the DeVoss family, the Coors family, The Walton family, and a bunch of others which don’t come to mind right now, have been pushing the right wing, authoritarian, anti democratic push we’ve been enduring since the day Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States. I don’t think I need to explicitly point out the issue which makes their (these right wing republicans) “push” seem so critical to them. (OK, racism) but the evidence is clear – they KNOW they’re in the minority and they’re pushing schemes which will give them “minority” rule. (To them, that’s far superior to actually addressing the needs of “we the people.”)

That’s precisely why as soon as the coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021 FAILED, state after state under the control of republican legislatures began passing voter suppression legislation. In some instances legislatures gave themselves the authority to overturn results they don’t agree with. States like Florida, Georgia, and Texas were outright willing to put their RACIST views right up front as they were passing their “anti-woke” legislation. (These people have no idea where the term “woke” came from – suffice it to say, you could substitute the term “Black” for “woke” and you’d get their “drift.”) In Texas, legislatures went so far as to give themselves the authority to overturn the results in ONE county – the largest county in Texas which has, of late, been voting for democrats. Yikes!!!

Here’s the “deal” – virtually all of this anti-democratic (as well as that which is aimed at those who vote for democrats) legislation falls neatly into the definition of FASCISM. That’s a touchy term in America because there are many like me who have Mothers and/or Fathers who were directly involved in America’s fight against Adolf Hitler back in the 1940’s. I’ve often said here Trump has come closer to achieving Hitler’s goals in America than Hitler ever did. And, as I’ve said, he continues to act as if he’s going to have his political success reborn. Multiple CRIMINAL charges be damned. Being credibly accused by a jury in a defamation lawsuit of being a sexual predator (as he admitted on the Access Hollywood tape AND in his court deposition) be damned. His “base” – full of conservative “Christians” doesn’t seem to care about any of this.

I’ll end this by suggesting if you think I’m nuts – do a little reading about Viktor Orban in Hungary or Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. They give a good example of the “blue print” republicans are attempting to follow. For heaven’s sake, both (the now shamed) Tucker Carlson, with his (canceled) show on Fox and the CPAC “conservative” gathering have done their schtick in Hungary – sucking up to Orban. (CPAC brought Orban to one of their gatherings in the U.S.) That SHOULD give all Americans pause thinking about what these republicans have in mind for America. They’ve already (in the past 40+ years) “pruned” TRILLIONS from America’s taxpayers into the pockets of the “top 1%” and it’s likely to get much worse before/if it gets better unless “we the people” wake up. (All the while they’re doing this “pruning” they complain, when there’s a democrat in the “White House,” about the deficits.)

However, I do believe Trump understands how the propaganda scheme of the Nazi’s works – the Big Lie Theory – plus the use of projection (If he accuses you of doing it that means he’s done or doing it) – and, the republican party has “jumped in” with “both feet.” I’ve been pointing out for years republicans believe “the end justifies the means,” and Trump has convinced them of two things. First, the LYING and CHEATING works. Secondly, they believe their base (and potentially some of the independent voters) are STUPID enough to believe he’s telling them the truth. His CORRUPTION is so deep, and much of it was committed in “broad daylight,” – as if to say “na na na” to the authorities who are investigating him. (While he claims to be “draining the swamp”)

Now that he’s facing SERIOUS criminal charges – from two venues and soon to be from (possibly) two more (who knows how many more – I can see the possibility of FOUR more indictments) – we’re going to see some serious lashing out at the Justice Department and the FBI. Additionally, he’s got some really wacked out members of the House of Representatives who will do everything they can to DEFLECT the charges Trump is facing to both Joe and Hunter Biden. (Take your pick) These House members don’t know how to do governing, so they’re focusing their time on attempting to IMPEACH Biden, Merrick Garland, FBI director Christopher Wray, and just about every member of Biden’s administration. Great job meeting the needs of the American public! If young people don’t vote in 2024 things could (probably will) get much worse.

For example, I’ve been doing some reading about “A.I.” (Artificial Intelligence) – which is the brainchild of some right wing hacks – like Elon Musk, and Peter Thiel (who has a spot already located in New Zealand for when his technology advances make income inequality far more insidious than it is as I’m writing this – and, of course, he’ll be far RICHER and he’ll be far away from the consequences) Musk comes across as a total FASCIST, to me, and Thiel was funneling money to the Trump endorsed candidates in the previous mid term election by the “boatloads” and they could care less what their technology does for humanity. Trust me when I say this, A.I. technology could do TEN times more DAMAGE to the 2024 “elections” than what the Russians accomplished in 2016. As usual, our legislators will be behind the times when they realize the importance of regulating this technology – it might already be too late. Americans are likely to be FLOODED with A.I. generated mis/disinformation STARTING NOW regarding the election of 2024.

Personally, as someone who’s got “living long enough to see Trump behind bars” on his “bucket list” I also realize the so-called “liberal media” spends so much time on Trump that it’s almost as if many Americans might not know who their president is. Certainly, many have no idea who the leaders in their states are. This is why I want to see Trump expunged from the political “arena.” How many Americans know what Joe Biden’s administration has done for them? And, I’m talking about people from all parts of the political spectrum. The infrastructure bill is not providing good paying jobs for just democrats. It’s not providing benefits for just democrats.

There’s not a SINGLE part of the successes under Biden which hasn’t permeated across partisan lines. This is exactly why republicans focus their actions on “culture issues.” There’s a good example of this below where the Supreme Court INVENTED a hypothetical circumstance to further their AGENDA to undermine the issue of anti-discrimination. Where will this stop? Who knows. This court will be “in charge” for a generation. That’s exactly why I’ve been saying VOTERS must vote AGAINST republicans for the next 20 – 30 years – because these extremists have unlimited funding and they “stick around like a bad dream.”

OK, I have to add: I’ve putzed around long enough finishing my thoughts here that the Supreme Court (which I’ve written about most recently) has been busy pissing off those on the “left” with their end of the term decisions. Well, today was another prime example of how the court (mostly put in place by republican presidents – who “garnered” less popular votes than the politician they “defeated” – republicans who’ve historically complained about judges who “legislate from the bench”) has been, you guessed it, legislating from the bench – by overturning a half century of “precedent” when they ruled against “affirmative action” regarding admissions policies by our nation’s top universities. My response: “What is anyone surprised about?”

Now, I’m not a lawyer, I don’t even play one on TV (and, I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night) and, I don’t study Court decisions up close and personal. However, I remember Chief Justice Roberts’ reasoning when he wrote the majority decision GUTTING Section 5 of the Voting Right’s Act of 1965 – saying, in essence, we don’t need protections for “people of color” anymore because (tee hee!) there’s no longer any voter suppression legislation aimed at people of color. (My characterization, although, it’s pretty close). Well, today, he basically used the same reasoning; racism is no longer an issue in America (again, my words). I’d write “tee hee!” once again, but this court is NO laughing matter.

Apparently, Roberts and the rest of the “conservatives” on the court have had their heads up their…… oops! in the sand. Suggesting there’s not enough racism in this nation to justify allowing Colleges and Universities to use affirmative action to create student bodies which represent the make-up of our society is, well, ABSURD! What are these people thinking? Oh yes, if you read my recent post on the Court (providing nothing new news wise) you know the “conservative” members of the court have been participating in “conservative CORRUPTION” just like their “conservative” brethren in the republican party in a way which has created a path toward fascism. And, they may be the KEY part of the strategy!

Yikes!!! This is the time of year when the SCOTUS hands out their “detention slips” to those who are believing in a progressive society and with today came a couple “doozies.” The court ruled against President Biden’s ability to grant “student loan forgiveness” by accepting a challenge from a source in Missouri (I always refer to it as “misery”) with a more than questionable challenge to whether or not it even had “standing.”

And, in a decision agreeing with a “hypothetical” situation which “could” arise in Colorado the court ruled, once again, that discrimination is, well, OK. If you can claim your religious beliefs grant you the right to discriminate against someone for, whatever, the court is on your side. In this HYPOTHETICAL case it involved someone who MIGHT be asked to do web work for a couple seeking “gay marriage.” The court ruled it was OK, in this HYPOTHETICAL case for discrimination.

Let me say this more clearly, the person bringing this case (with a republican “dark money group” doing the bidding and funding) had NEVER been asked to create a “wedding website” for a same sex couple. Apparently, it was part of her imagination. Talk about opening your pandora’s box. (What about, for example, someone who doesn’t believe in interracial marriage? What about an Atheist?) I’m not going to trouble my mind to come up with more HYPOTHETICALS, but you can be sure there are “conservatives” out there who’ll do that “work” for me. Stay tuned…….

The Supreme Court is part of the three prong republican plan to turn America into something unrecognizable!

OK, I can’t refrain from writing about the rot which has permeated our Supreme Court over the past 25 years. Yes, I’ve written about the Court before, especially the right wing determination of the 2000 presidential election – CHOOSING GW Bush/Dick Cheney over Al Gore – who, graciously stepped aside “for the betterment of our country.” Do you think Donald Trump got a good laugh over that one? That was really bad, but it’s progressively gotten worse since then.

In 2008 Barack Obama shocked many in America (including me) by becoming the FIRST African American to be elected to the Presidency. Of course, that set Trump through the roof along with people like David Duke, Don Black, and a host of other white nationalists who’d been hiding in the “weeds” for years – ostensibly since the days of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – followed on to the scene by the (racist) “Tea Party” – a group who’ve since taken control of the republican caucus in the House – making Kevin McCarthy the “SINO” (Speaker in Name Only). If you’ve been paying even peripheral attention you remember Trump leading the so-called “birther” movement – which emanated out of the “Tea Party.” If you witnessed any of their rallies I don’t have to point out their schtick was based on racism. Obama’s election put their backlash in “high gear” and Trump was the mechanism to get them into the “mainstream.”

This all was followed by the Supreme Court, now with John Roberts as the Chief Justice, taking the extreme position of “legislating from the bench.” ostensibly, a key example being the decision often referred to as “Citizen’s United.” If you’ve been frustrated by the HUGE amounts of SECRET money which has assaulted our political system well, it appears, the “conservative” members of the Court have been focused on “getting theirs.” Not only have they been busy gutting the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and overturning Roe v Wade, but they’ve been busy getting FREE vacations paid for by some of America’s top BILLIONAIRES who seem to get very preferable treatment by the Court – with the judges these BILLIONAIRES are “courting” coming through in their court decisions. It’s a rare occurence when one of these judges recuses him/herself despite the “appearance of impropriety.” And, I believe, what’s known today is only “scratching” the surface of the corruption.

The latest example of this Court CORRUPTION comes from none other than Sam Alito – the judge I’ll always remember shaking his head as if to say “no, no” when Barack Obama lashed out at the Citizen’s United decision pointing out it would undoubtedly lead to foreign money pouring into our elections during one of his early State of the Union speeches. Well, we now KNOW of some Russian money being funneled to Trump in 2016 but we’ll NEVER know the full extent of the AMOUNT of foreign money being introduced into our electoral process because it’s just too easy to hide it, again thanks to Citizen’s United, allowing influence pedaling in American politics surreptitiously – despite Mr. Alito’s head shaking to the contrary.

And, by the time Alito was shaking his head at Obama (I believe it was the 2010 State of the Union address) he had already accepted the (allegedly) ILLEGAL free gift from Paul Singer (BILLIONAIRE) via the organizing skills of Leonard Leo – He who’s the expert at turning BILLIONAIRE money into right wing justices on the various courts who (surprisingly :o) decide cases in favor of these very BILLIONAIRES – who managed to get Justice Alito a FREE trip to Alaska in 2008 on a fishing trip which, by all accounts, SHOULD have cost him about $200 – $250 THOUSAND dollars – you know “chump change” to people like Mr. Singer. (Especially, when you learn Singer eventually – after some dogged perseverance – cashed in to the tune of $2.4 BILLION resulting from a favorable Supreme Court decision – which Alito participated in, just like the many other cases Singer brought before the Court and which Alito failed to recuse himself. Oops!!!

Well, as it turns out, it’s apparently NOT illegal for Supreme Court Justices to lavish themselves with their BILLIONAIRE acquaintances – they just have to report it in their annual financial statements before the Court. Just like Clarence Thomas before him, you guessed it, Justice Alito “forgot” to disclose this nearly quarter of a MILLION “gift.” What makes this a bit more interesting is he says he barely knows Mr. Singer (although that comes across as a bit of a …….. OK, I’ll say it, a [alleged] LIE) – but, I have to ask: “If you didn’t know this man (Singer) why did you accept this trip – did you even wonder why he was willing to lavish you with a couple hundred grand fishing trip to Alaska? (Maybe there’s a bunch more we don’t yet know about)

Free plane rides, free lodging ($1000 and up per night), free food (very expensive food) along with apparently $1000 a bottle wine, free fishing at spots only accessible by plane, and…… I’m guessing you’re starting to get the idea here. Another Supreme Court Justice accepting FREE “hospitality” from a BILLIONAIRE which he’s OBLIGATED to report – and, likely didn’t report because accepting this trip was likely ILLEGAL. (The value of the trip probably rivaled a year’s salary of a SCOTUS Justice) Honestly, I have to wonder if there might be tax questions here. We’ve heard so much about Hunter Biden’s tax problems (he paid the taxes back he owed – anyone other than Biden’s son would never face charges for that) are we going to hear about those of Alito and Thomas and their unreported gifts? I think I have to agree with republicans, there does appear to be a two tiered Justice system.

I know someone who was pulled over for a tail light being out, was on his way home from work, and had ONE drink on an empty stomach, the officer smelled alcohol and away he went into Jail for the night – a precursor of a lot of harsh treatment as he went through the court system and its process. His blood alcohol limit WAS (rounded up to) .08, the legal limit in the State of Washington and he was “put through the ringer” by the local prosecutor and everyone else he came into contact with at the local Court House. It’s true, he wasn’t in possession of classified documents and he wasn’t a former president, but as I’ve watched Trump’s experience, so far, (with a judge who appears to “look up to him”) I can really see the argument about a two tiered legal system. And, Trump and the republicans (like Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan, for example) should be very thankful for that.

When people like my acquaintance are involved with the Justice System, they’re dealing with local prosecutors and locally elected judges – plus probation officers with way too many cases and, from what I could see, too many years on the job – most of them very cynical. In Trump’s case, he’s dealing with a judge he appointed, the prosecutors are bending over backwards to appear non-partisan and fair, and, despite Trump’s reputation of “stiffing” his lawyers, he still has high priced lawyers (wether or not they’re “good” lawyers is another question), and he’s got Congressional “hacks” attempting (futilely) coming to his defense – despite the appearance he doesn’t have much of a defense. Add to that, most people are saying Trump won’t go to jail even if convicted – why? because of his secret service detail! On that, you’ve got to be kidding!

If Trump is convicted of a felony he SHOULD lose his government pension along with the Secret Service detail he’s suppose to get “for life.” Especially, if he’s convicted of Sedition in the January 6th investigation – the 14th Amendment makes it clear, at least, that anyone who participates in an INSURRECTION (there’s more to it, but…) may not hold any office in the government – ever again – from that day forward – FULL STOP! My point is there really is a two tiered Justice System which is something us “liberals” have been fighting against for as long as I can remember. And, these Supreme Court Justices are right in the middle of it – apparently thinking just like Trump that they are “above the law.” It’s up to “we the people” to assure them they are NOT above the law and the ONLY way to do that – from my vantage point is to VOTE in MASSIVE numbers in the upcoming elections as “far as the eye can see.”

These right wing republicans won’t quit just because they lose an election. That just causes them to “double down.” And, you can see their strategy – Leonard Leo manages to cause numerous right wing judges to be confirmed and then he goes about the “work” of causing those judges to “feel” obligated to his causes and those who he “connects” them to – really, are these judges so STUPID as to not understand what is happening to them? It’s possible, but I digress – and, once they (the judges) have been compromised with their new “friend” these mysterious cases appear before the court and ALWAYS seem to go the way of the BILLIONAIRES.

Now, don’t get me wrong – the “stench” which is permeating the Supreme Court as I’m writing this goes much deeper than Justices Alito and Thomas – although their part in the “stench” is quite significant – Justice Roberts’ wife has brought in a small fortune “herding” potential justices at all levels of our Federal Court system into the “fold,” while Justice Gorsuch does real estate deals with BILLIONAIRES who “he doesn’t know” and, which he doesn’t report. Do you think as I do that if there’s nothing wrong with what these justices are doing why aren’t they reporting all the details – as required BY LAW? Of course, they each get to “police” themselves, so there’s nothing to worry about here, right? Oh, for heaven’s sake…….. as my Mom used to say!

These right wing judges are a key component of the republican fever dream of a “permanent republican majority.” Of course, as things are going, there’s NO chance republicans have majorities almost anywhere beside the deep South and the Rust Belt. In addition to their attempt to assault the court system with right wing judges, they’ve managed to gerrymander voting districts in enough states to have a reasonable chance to control the House with MILLIONS fewer votes than democrats. For example, in a state like Wisconsin, the state is about 50/50 between registered republicans and registered democrats – yet they control THEIR legislature with a near super majority AND, they send six republicans to the House of Representatives as opposed to two democrats – thanks to gerrymandered districts.

One other thing republicans are doing to achieve their “fever dream” is to enact voter suppression laws aimed at areas in the state leaning democratic – like, surprise surprise, areas predominantly areas with Black voters. Their wacky Senator, for example, Ron Johnson “defeated” African American democrat Mandela Barnes by about 50,000 votes. After the election a leading republican claimed they (republicans) had succeeded in stifling the voting by around 100,000 votes in the democratic stronghold of Milwaukie. Just sayin……

When listening to Trump attempting to deflect the very REAL charges he’s facing toward the “democrats – the socialist, communist, fascist” who are giving “we the people” one more “alleged” hoax – as if STEALING highly sensitive TOP SECRET documents when he left the job he “won” with the help of Vladimir Putin in 2016 and then refusing to give them back when the National Archives realized they were missing. The Justice Department bent over backward to give Trump the opportunity to give them back and his response was “Their mine.” Yikes!! And, now republicans are continuing to willfully believe his LIES.

Final Thought: You’d have thought a monetary settlement of $787.5 MILLION would have been enough to get Fox “news” to start telling something resembling the TRUTH. But, of course, believing that was happening would be like believing Peter Pan was actually a real character back in the day when the first movie came out. (no idea why I picked that analogy) The bottom line is Fox continues spewing LIES and pushing “conspiracy theories” as if they’ve never faced backlash from their campaign of misinformation. This past weekend, for example, based on all I could tolerate, saw Maria Bartiromo suggesting the “media” covering the crisis in Russia this past weekend was a democratic plan to take the “heat” away from Hunter Biden.

Boy, do these republicans love to gang up on Hunter Biden. I wonder if he can file a defamation suit against Fox? Just a thought. What Bartiromo, and apparently others on Fox’ airwaves were suggesting was that Prigozen’s forray into Russia this past weekend was a result of some mysterious agreement with the Biden administration to take the “heat” off Hunter. And, sadly, many/most members of the republican party who “religiously” view Fox, will suck it all in – despite the absurdity of what Bartiromo and the others are saying.

Along with the right wing control of the courts and the gerrymandered districts (along with voter suppression tactics) by virtue of the republican “puppet masters” (hiding in the “weeds”), this campaign of mis/disinformation via right wing media outlets fits right into a plan for a fascist takeover of our government. I, personally, know members of Trump’s “cult” who have shared with me they “hate democracy.” They feel our democratic republic is “authoritarian” because, well, they actually LOSE many elections and they see the writing on the wall regarding the large numbers of voters (especially younger ones) determined to vote AGAINST them. This despite Trump’s comments to the contrary. (Trump is full throated “all in” on the propaganda scheme of Joseph Goebbels from the Nazi’s Third Reich back in the 1930’s)

Republicans Claim there are Two Tiers to our Justice System. Donald Trump Should be very Thankful for That!

Several years ago I suggested Donald Trump would end up in the History books right next to Benedict Arnold. After reading the 37 count indictment today, coming from the investigation of Special Counsel Jack Smith, I want to say, “I’ll rest my case.” Trump’s reckless abuse of the LAWS against the retention and dissemination of classified documents puts him squarely in the crosshairs of those calling him a TRAITOR. For example, we may never know who he shared that information with, but the reality is just storing the stuff in HIGHLY exposed areas of Mar a Lago and who knows where it was stored when he took some of it to Bedminster means ANY number of his “guests” could have had access to the documents.

Today, I’ve been reading the responses of republicans – you know, the party of “law and order” – to the most recent indictment of Trump and, I have to say, these people are becoming insufferable. Their complaints are likely to just keep getting louder as the future indictments begin to pile up. For heaven’s sake, I just finished reading an opinion piece in the Washington Post – the one “major” newspaper I still subscribe to – by (OK, I can’t remember his name) – which was virtually mind boggling. These “conservatives” will excuse ANY actions by Trump with the most creative ways to suggest we should just let him keep pushing the limits of his lawbreaking – daring the government to FINALLY hold him accountable – because, you know, “it’s just how he is.” (My characterization)

The guy made a point to say we don’t know for sure if any of the government secrets Trump went out of his way to keep from the National Archives was used in a “nefarious” manner – the indictment “only” lists two occasions where Trump showed “stuff” to people without security clearances – to me, not that it makes a hill of beans of difference whether they had a security clearance or not. The reality is the stuff was stored in several places which would have been easily accessed by virtually ANYONE who managed to worm their way onto the grounds at Mar a Lago – and, the only thing we KNOW about when the documents were at Bedminster in New Jersey is that Trump, while being taped for a book interview for Mark Meadows claimed a document he was showing at least two journalists was a classified document relating to plans for a potential military intervention in Iran. Apparently, Trump showed that document to support his badmouthing of General Mark Milley regarding remarks Milley had made about the last days of the Trump administration. You know, after he LOST to Joe Biden by OVER 7 MILLION votes!

What the hell is wrong with these people. They still cower in FEAR of the nastygram Trump will post on his “untruth” social instead of standing firm in what MOST of them KNOW is right. I’ll give a pass on that last comment to people like Marjorie Taylor Greene, Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Jim Jordan, Matt Gaetz, and Kevin McCarthy because the group of them together don’t seem to be “playing with a full deck.” That might not include McCarthy who simply comes across as a conniving, cowardly, overly ambitious politician with a complete lack of a spine (is that redundant?). Did any of them read the indictment?

OK, the guy who wrote the opinion piece in the Post clearly had read the indictment but, to him, it was that none of it mattered. His attitude was what I worried was AG Garland’s prior to the Select Committee on January 6th began giving their reports. Why would the DOJ refuse to indict Trump on these charges of threatening the national security of the United States, according to this guy? Well, simply because he was a former president. That is to confirm what democrats have been allowing republicans to spew since the Iran/Contra “affair” during the waning days of the Reagan administration. Prosecute the underlings and let the actual perpetrators go “scott free.”

It was done again after the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld crew publicly admitted to authorizing TORTURE of the so-called “enemy combatants” in Bush’s absurd (Afghanistan) and ILLEGAL (Iraq) wars of choice. (Don’t remember the details – you can find them in the archives of this site – I still believe President Obama’s biggest blunder was “looking forward instead of back” – which I thought AG Garland was going to conveniently do regarding Trump until, as I said above, he was pressured into investigating the actual ringleaders of the attempted coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021 – this “stolen documents” case arrived about a year later)

Here’s what I have to say to columnists like the one I referenced in today’s Post – stop embarrassing yourself and boring me with your blather. Trump, as with any defendant, is presumed innocent until proven guilty. The trial will be in “Trump country” – ie South Florida – and as “luck” would have it, Trump drew the same judge – who he appointed AND who, in the beginning of this investigation, showed complete fealty for our TWICE IMPEACHED, TWICE INDICTED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president with absurd rulings which were “blasted” by the conservative 11th Circuit’s judges – unanimously – so, the odds are stacked against the DOJ getting a guilty verdict. It will be hard to find a 12 person jury in South Florida without at least one juror who read that Post column and thinks like whoever that nimwit is. (Sorry) If Trump is found guilty under these circumstances, well, that would seem to suggest he’s VERY guilty. Which, when you read the entire 49 pages of the indictment, it’s hard to conclude otherwise – unless, of course, you believe former presidents are “above the law.”

While Trump’s sycophants are complaining about the FACT he’s now a CRIMINAL defendant in BOTH State and Federal Courts (with MORE on the horizon) – suggesting Joe Biden appointed Jack Smith and head’s the “most corrupt” administration in our nation’s history – I’ve pointed out NUMEROUS times here what PROJECTION is and that Trump is the master of PROJECTION – he accuses you of it, that means he DID/IS it – and while he says the charges are “very unfair” and this is a “witch hunt” I’d like republican politicians to explain to me why Jack Teixeira is being held in custody for, in essence, the SAME criminal conduct as Trump while Trump can fly internationally should he choose to do so. (I’ve predicted, prior to Smith’s FIRST indictment Trump may seek asylum before he will risk going to PRISON – supposedly, he’ll simply be subjected to “home confinement” if convicted.

That all said, here’s what the government has said in regard to the case against Mr. Teixeira, “The unauthorized removal, retention, and transmission of classified information jeopardizes our nation’s security. Individuals granted access to classified materials have a fundamental duty to safeguard the information for the safety of the United States, our active service members, its citizens, and its allies,” Acting U.S. Attorney Joshua S. Levy said in a statement. “We are committed to ensuring that those entrusted with sensitive national security information adhere to the law.” The judge in Trump’s arraignment seems to believe Trump SHOULD get special treatment – therefore, the same for Walt Nauta. But, what about all the OTHERS who’ve been held to account for mishandling classified information? Stay tuned……..

Final Thought: It’s interesting to listen to Trump’s “lackeys” complaining that Trump is the result of a “two tiered” legal system as if Trump is getting unfair treatment for being INDICTED on the 7 charges (37 Counts) for the theft and retention of over 300 documents with CLASSIFIED markings on them – apparently, he’s ONLY being held accountable for the 31 most egregious documents which endanger America’s national security. He had about a year and a half to simply return the documents and the INDICTMENT would never have happened. Keep in mind, there were (something like 30) empty folders labeled “classified” which were EMPTY. Do you, as I do, wonder where all those documents went? Do you believe, as do I, that Trump still has classified documents in his possession? Or, worse yet, do you wonder who might have those documents? It makes no sense that he would STEAL empty folders, does it?

So, if you really believe he’s being treated unfairly, think about Reality Winner – who was the first person convicted of taking a classified document and leaking it to the press (it had to do with the “Russia thing” back in 2016 or 2017). And, I emphasize “document.” She made a copy of ONE document (which had to do with the Russia interference in the 2016 election), leaked it to the press, and was arrested and held without bail – again, for ONE document! She received a sentence of 5 years in prison and is still under supervised release. Trump had NO bail to post, he’s free to go virtually wherever he chooses – including internationally. Yep, there is an unfair legal system – a two tiered system of “justice” ant Trump is the beneficiary of incredibly “liberal” terms during his arraignment. Plus, Trump gets a judge who’s shown in the past to be totally beholden to the FACT Trump appointed her to the bench. Most people know she interfered in this case shortly after the FBI exercised its warrant to search Mar a Lago – actually making comments about her concern with how this investigation might make Trump look. Yowee!

Republicans have no sense of connection to the TRUTH, but, in this instance, they’re correct. There is a two tiered system of justice in America and it’s clearly set up to bend over backward to give Trump deference. What are they going to say when Jack Smith INDICTS Trump for instigating the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION? Will Trump’s supporters bring up the same (ridiculous) defense of Trump – that the system is attacking him unfairly? While over 1000 of his sycophants are facing (or have faced) prosecution for answering his call to go to the Capitol and “fight like hell or you’re not going to have a country anymore.” Will his supporters in the House, once again, complain he’s being unfairly treated? (Maybe that’s why the so-called freedom caucus says those who assaulted the Capitol were just peaceful visitors. Or is it because MANY of these House members were part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the government?) Yikes!!!

I have to add that everytime I hear Matt Gaetz spewing this “unfair two tiered legal system” my stomach gets queazy. He is still walking free despite the (allegedly) credible evidence accusing him of being a “child sex trafficker” while “ordinary”Americans face legal consequences for FAR LESS. In addition, Gaetz supposedly was sharing photos of some of his “conquests” to other members of the House, ON the House floor during session. I realize I can’t stop myself from being “judgemental” about members of the republican party – I justify my “thoughts and actions” because I’m seriously worried about what lies ahead for my children and grandchildren. I keep telling myself, when it comes down to “it,” the American people will eventually VOTE these republicans into the history books.

However, my “life experience” is telling me the “line” – in numerous ways – lies right in the “headlights.” Regarding preserving our democratic republic – which has to be the number one objective – to voting rights, civil rights, climate change, education, women’s rights, and on and on – these issues are facing “we the people” RIGHT NOW! If you read this and fail to vote – well, if I know who you are or not that would sadden me. It’s time for ALL of us who want America to continue evolving toward her better ideals to, at a minimum, VOTE!

To me, the way to change the topics in today’s news to something at least resembling a “positive” begins with voting these republicans into the HISTORY books! Full Stop!!!

Like Nixon before him, Trump could be taking numerous others “down” with him!

Today, Ron DeSactimonious (OK DeSantis) went on “Twitter” sitting next to Elon “Give me Free neo-Nazi Speech” Musk to announce what everyone already knew – that he’s running for the republican nomination for president in 2024 – an announcement which proved two things. First, DeSantis isn’t all that bright – the announcement was “greeted” with 25 minutes of what you would expect with Musk running “Twitter” and that’s a bunch of funny noises as the connection kept dropping. You could hear Musk in the background saying – “There’s so many people online the servers are melting down” (Which was utter nonsense – there were maybe between 100 and 200 THOUSAND “anti-woke” crusaders hanging out with two men proving that having MONEY doesn’t buy you………………… (fill in the blank).

Why did DeSantis wait so long to do this? Well, he had to wait until the Florida legislature was able to re-write Florida law so that he could run for president without being forced to resign his position of governor – you know, just in case. DeSantis announcement was so ludicrous (OK funny, from my perspective) that Donald Trump already had a vicious campaign add out on the airwaves by the time “Twitter” managed to “un melt” their servers. (25 minutes) Of course, DeSantis is HOPING the rumors Trump is about to be indicted by Jack Smith for OBSTRUCTING the attempt to get HUNDREDS of classified documents returned to the archives (and, please, don’t bore me with something like “This is so unfair, what about Joe Biden?” or “what about Hunter Biden?” If you’re “thinking” that, you’re just another right winger who lacks the ability to think)

Not only did Florida’s legislature pass a law ALLOWING DeSantis to do what NO other Florida politician has been able to do in recent memory – be governor and run for president – but the “cherry on top” was the Florida legislature managed to throw in some right wing voter suppression stuff as well. So, with DeSantis’ plan to “make America like Florida” scheme “we the people would not only get a wannabee FASCIST but we’d have less books to read, we wouldn’t have to worry about someone passing gun legislation, we could all rest assured that Black people will be kept in their place, and if you know anyone who’s part of the LGBTQ community you wouldn’t have to worry about them interfering in your WHITENESS (I wish I could have come up with a gentler way to say that), those of us on Social Security could just go back to work and, well, those of us on Medicare – is there a polite way to say this – would make it so there would be less people on Social Security. Problem solved. (DeSantis was part of the “Freedom Caucus” in Congress trying to eliminate Social Security/Medicare)

I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but it almost makes me better appreciate Trump. And, if you’ve been around here you KNOW how much it pains me to say that. (I honestly didn’t think there was a person in the world who could make me better appreciate Trump.) Speaking of Trump – I believe DeSantis’ entire “strategy” is to hope Jack Smith INDICTS Trump for at least the TWO investigations we know of (The third? Wire fraud in relation to the “big lie?”) However, I (sadly) believe republicans will vote for Trump thinking he can run the country from PRISON!

I wrote the above a week or two ago – I’ve been, well, “on mental vacation:” The latest “news” seems to be swirling around when (not if) Trump is going to be indicted by Jack Smith. Speculation is the FIRST indictment will be regarding the so-called “documents” case where Trump STOLE thousands of documents, which SHOULD have been in the possession of the National Archives, including some of the nation’s VERY top secrets. And, to make matters more SERIOUS, there is some evidence Trump was SHOWING these documents to people who frequented his places of residence – ie Mar a Lago in Florida or Bedminster, New Jersey.

To me, the MOST serious of the potential charges against Trump has to do with the attempted coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021. And, as I watch the “news,” I continue to see commentators who are totally focused on Trump, but not even mentioning the co-conspirators who helped create the attack on our Capitol on the sixth. For example, it appears Mark Meadows has now testified before Smith’s Grand Jury and one has to WONDER what kind of “deal” did Meadows agree to before testifying. Did he plead guilty and agree to a cooperation agreement? Or did he somehow manage to get an immunity agreement from Mr. Smith. To me, it’s clear Meadows was a KEY part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the 2020 presidential election.

There were others you might say! Of course there was. I can think of a bunch of them off the top of my head – which I’ve done several times here, but I’ll do it once again because indictments seem to be on the horizon. In addition to Trump and Meadows, the obvious ones would be John Eastman, Jeffrey Clark, Rudy Giuliani, Steve Bannon, Scott Perry, Ginni Thomas, Jim Jordan (more on him in a bit), Andy Biggs, Paul Gosar, Mo Brooks, Louie Gohmert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matt Gaetz, Peter Navarro, Roger Stone, Sydney Powell, Cleta Mitchell, and a bunch of people who participated in the “fake elector” scheme. You seldom see ANYONE who has a “platform” in the news world even mentioning all these people who seemingly were part of the January 6th, 2021 coup d’etat CONSPIRACY. Of course, indicting all those involved makes this case MUCH more complicated – although, if Merrick Garland is telling the truth they will follow the facts and the law and hold those involved ACCOUNTABLE.

OK, I’ve got to back off Merrick Garland. Yesterday Trump was indicted for retaining and lying about the classified documents he STOLE from the “White House” and did who knows what with. There were 37 COUNTS against Trump and a few against his aide “Waltine” Nauta. As I usually do, I read the full indictment – it’s 49 pages (as I remember :o). There, as I said, were 37 COUNTS against Trump many calling for a sentence of 20 years, with several calling for a sentence of 10 years and a few calling for a sentence of 5 years. The evidence shared in the indictment suggests Trump’s best chance to “beat” the odds once again rest in the fact the charges were brought in Miami, Florida (the home of Enrique Tarrio and the Proud Boys) and the Judge assigned to the case – so far – is Aileen Cannon. She’s the now infamous judge who attempted to help Trump, after the documents were seized as the FBI exercised a search warrent, to avoid having the classified documents used in an investigation against Trump. She even made some statement about Trump’s public image (I can’t remember the exact quote, but it showed her inability to be an apolitical judge).

Miami, Florida is apparently heavily “MAGA” country. Jack Smith is following the facts and applying the law – as promised by Garland – which requires these charges be filed in the Southern District of Florida. The evidence put forth is STRONG but it will only take one devoted MAGA juror for Trump to get a verdict of “innocent” – while, obviously, he’s (allegedly) NOT innocent. This is the SECOND of what could be as many as FIVE indictments Trump is facing before he attempts to overthrow our government once again in 2024. The next shoe to drop would be the Jan. 6th CONSPIRACY I referenced above.

Should that case be brought, it would happen in the District of Columbia. If you don’t understand the decisions on where to file the charges, the law requires the charges be brought in the jurisdiction where most of the CRIMINAL conduct occurs. And, there could be another charge coming Trump’s way in Washington D.C. and that has to do with the potential WIRE FRAUD involved in Trump’s scheme to raise about a quarter of a BILLION dollars and then using the funds in a totally different manner (still undetermined) than the “pleading” to Trump’s unsuspecting minions in the email requests. I’ve heard several former federal prosecutors say that prosecuting “wire fraud” is their “bread and butter.”

And, of course, the FIFTH possible charge could come from Fulton County, Georgia. That particular (alleged) CRIMINAL conduct, by many observers, is the most serious charges Trump could face. (Is that because of what it’s like in Georgia’s jails?) By now, almost everyone has heard the tape from Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger where Trump said, “All I want is to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have” (whatever “have” means there). That seems like overwhelming evidence of an obstruction of an official proceeding (and election) by our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. As I’ve been saying for over 5 years now – Trump comes across as a wannabee Mob Boss. And, it appears, like Nixon before him, he could be taking numerous others “down” with him. (Remember, there were something like 49 members of Nixon’s “team” who were convicted of crimes and sent to prison) Stat tuned…..

Final Thought: I (in the past when I was healthier) have loved to play golf. Some of the questions people are asking about what Trump did with some of these classified documents involves his relationship with the Saudi’s. That brings me to the sad reality that the PGA (Professional Golf Association) of America has sold out their members for MONEY by aligning with the Saudi funded “LIV” golf league. The golfers who abandoned their PGA membership to sign with “LIV” were given tens of MILLIONS of dollars to turn their backs on the PGA. (For example, Phil Mickelson allegedly got $200 MILLION) I, for one, will discontinue watching professional golf on TV. I’ve already refused to buy the Greg Norman line of clothing carried by Costco (my “taylor”) and it actually grieves me knowing the head of the PGA succumbed to the MONEY instead of recognizing what the Saudi’s are doing – attempting to “whitewash” the TRUTH about the history of the Saudi’s. It was a sad day for me right before Jack Smith took step one regarding the two items on my bucket list.

The first item is/was to shoot my age (now 75) in golf before I head “out to pasture) and, due to my failing health (my lower back is “shot” and apparently beyond “fixing”) it is unlikely I’ll be able to accomplish the first item. The second item is/was to live long enough to see Trump going to jail for at least one of his (allegedly) many crimes. After reading the indictment brought by Jack Smith, it seems that day may happen if I can manage to live another year or two. And, of course, there are other potential CRIMES which could make that “wish” a reality. As a Christian, I’m called to love my neighbor, and Trump isn’t the first individual causing me a challenge in that regard. I don’t know how to do that but I continue to realize one of my true shortcomings. But, apparently, it is what it is. (Maybe I can forgive Trump once he’s been found guilty of one of these crimes and sentenced to jail time) Yikes!!!

(In reality, much of what I consider almost unforgivable is how Trump is USING the “conservative Christian” community. Trump is no Christian but, instead is someone who comes across as an “idol” in the eyes of so many Christians. Exactly, what is warned against in the Bible)

Oh, by the way: If you believe Trump has, even now, returned ALL the classified documents he STOLE from the “White House” I have a bridge to …………. Do you wonder, as do I, about all the EMPTY classified documents folders which were discovered during the FBI raid at Mar a Lago where over 100 classified documents were found – after Trump’s lawyers attesting that “all the documents have been returned.” Something had to have been in those folders at some point in time. Would Trump actually STEAL empty folders from the “White House?” Unlikely!!!