Are Americans paying close enough attention to understand the threat republicans pose for our republic?

Republican Trump “sycophants” are often referring to the “left” in terms such as “communists,” “socialists,” and even “fascists.” Fascism as defined: “Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.” If you’re still reading, I’ll let you look up communists and socialists. My point is you always find projection out of the mouths of republican politicians and, therefore, their “minions.”

On multiple occasions I’ve pointed out republicans appear to be fully invested in the propaganda arm of the Nazi’s of the 1930’s and 40’s. It was Joseph Goebbels, the head of Nazi propaganda, who put the so-called “Big Lie” theory of Adolph Hitler – that if you repeat a LIE over and over, those hearing it will eventually believe it’s true. (Progressives, ie “liberals,” often point out Trump’s “Big Lie” without connecting it to the original source of this “strategy” – Nazi propaganda) Goebbels also said to accuse your adversaries of the very things you’re doing which are illegal or wrong. Hence, you often hear republicans referring to “liberals” (ie democrats) as being fascist. Read the definition above and think clearly about “Trumpism.” Remember, Trump is one generation removed from Germany and his father was involved with the KKK many years ago. Just sayin….

I’ve been refering to Trump as a “wannabe fascist” and/or “wannabe Mob boss” for years. If you learn about the “total picture” with Trump, going back to his childhood, what you see is someone completely removed from any religious affiliation or moral compass and he comes across as the prime example of a “spoiled brat.” He is also the classic example of a narcissist. “Narcissism is a self-centered personality style characterized as having an excessive preoccupation with oneself and one’s own needs, often at the expense of others. Narcissism exists on a continuum that ranges from normal to abnormal personality expression.” In my view, Trump falls in the “abnormal” category.

As Trump continues his attempt to “try his case (he’s facing 71 FELONY charges as I write) in the public domain” you’re going to often hear the term “gaslighting.” According to Psychology Today here’s the definition: ” Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true…” Gaslighting, in essence, is another term for the use of the “Big Lie Theory” – but, at least when I’m listening, it’s more often used to describe Trump’s LYING. Personally, I believe the connection to the Nazi’s SHOULD be part of the public discussion of why Trump is such a LIAR. (Again, it – LYING – works)

I’ve pointed out here, many times, the MOST important election in the lifetimes of America’s voters who cherish our democratic republic as it has existed for the past 240+ years is the NEXT one. I’ve been saying this since the mid terms of 2018 and it just becomes more clear as time rolls on. (I’ll explain a bit further down below) Just imagine where we’d be today had voters not put the democrats in control of Congress back in 2018. And, of course, the election of Joe Biden was of historic proportions – not only based on what he’s accomplished, but I believe he was the ONE democrat who could defeat Trump. And, the mid terms of 2022 were far from the “Red wave” republicans were predicting, despite the (sad) reality republicans gained a slim majority in the House of Representatives.

I keep it in the front of my mind constantly that these republicans never seem to get the message – they just keep moving forward with the same tired schtick – because they’ve got a large group of very wealthy “puppet masters” pushing them on. The list of these right wing “donors” seems endless, but it’s been clear many of the wealthy American families – like the “Koch brothers” – now just Charles Koch – the DeVoss family, the Coors family, The Walton family, and a bunch of others which don’t come to mind right now, have been pushing the right wing, authoritarian, anti democratic push we’ve been enduring since the day Barack Obama became the 44th president of the United States. I don’t think I need to explicitly point out the issue which makes their (these right wing republicans) “push” seem so critical to them. (OK, racism) but the evidence is clear – they KNOW they’re in the minority and they’re pushing schemes which will give them “minority” rule. (To them, that’s far superior to actually addressing the needs of “we the people.”)

That’s precisely why as soon as the coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021 FAILED, state after state under the control of republican legislatures began passing voter suppression legislation. In some instances legislatures gave themselves the authority to overturn results they don’t agree with. States like Florida, Georgia, and Texas were outright willing to put their RACIST views right up front as they were passing their “anti-woke” legislation. (These people have no idea where the term “woke” came from – suffice it to say, you could substitute the term “Black” for “woke” and you’d get their “drift.”) In Texas, legislatures went so far as to give themselves the authority to overturn the results in ONE county – the largest county in Texas which has, of late, been voting for democrats. Yikes!!!

Here’s the “deal” – virtually all of this anti-democratic (as well as that which is aimed at those who vote for democrats) legislation falls neatly into the definition of FASCISM. That’s a touchy term in America because there are many like me who have Mothers and/or Fathers who were directly involved in America’s fight against Adolf Hitler back in the 1940’s. I’ve often said here Trump has come closer to achieving Hitler’s goals in America than Hitler ever did. And, as I’ve said, he continues to act as if he’s going to have his political success reborn. Multiple CRIMINAL charges be damned. Being credibly accused by a jury in a defamation lawsuit of being a sexual predator (as he admitted on the Access Hollywood tape AND in his court deposition) be damned. His “base” – full of conservative “Christians” doesn’t seem to care about any of this.

I’ll end this by suggesting if you think I’m nuts – do a little reading about Viktor Orban in Hungary or Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey. They give a good example of the “blue print” republicans are attempting to follow. For heaven’s sake, both (the now shamed) Tucker Carlson, with his (canceled) show on Fox and the CPAC “conservative” gathering have done their schtick in Hungary – sucking up to Orban. (CPAC brought Orban to one of their gatherings in the U.S.) That SHOULD give all Americans pause thinking about what these republicans have in mind for America. They’ve already (in the past 40+ years) “pruned” TRILLIONS from America’s taxpayers into the pockets of the “top 1%” and it’s likely to get much worse before/if it gets better unless “we the people” wake up. (All the while they’re doing this “pruning” they complain, when there’s a democrat in the “White House,” about the deficits.)

However, I do believe Trump understands how the propaganda scheme of the Nazi’s works – the Big Lie Theory – plus the use of projection (If he accuses you of doing it that means he’s done or doing it) – and, the republican party has “jumped in” with “both feet.” I’ve been pointing out for years republicans believe “the end justifies the means,” and Trump has convinced them of two things. First, the LYING and CHEATING works. Secondly, they believe their base (and potentially some of the independent voters) are STUPID enough to believe he’s telling them the truth. His CORRUPTION is so deep, and much of it was committed in “broad daylight,” – as if to say “na na na” to the authorities who are investigating him. (While he claims to be “draining the swamp”)

Now that he’s facing SERIOUS criminal charges – from two venues and soon to be from (possibly) two more (who knows how many more – I can see the possibility of FOUR more indictments) – we’re going to see some serious lashing out at the Justice Department and the FBI. Additionally, he’s got some really wacked out members of the House of Representatives who will do everything they can to DEFLECT the charges Trump is facing to both Joe and Hunter Biden. (Take your pick) These House members don’t know how to do governing, so they’re focusing their time on attempting to IMPEACH Biden, Merrick Garland, FBI director Christopher Wray, and just about every member of Biden’s administration. Great job meeting the needs of the American public! If young people don’t vote in 2024 things could (probably will) get much worse.

For example, I’ve been doing some reading about “A.I.” (Artificial Intelligence) – which is the brainchild of some right wing hacks – like Elon Musk, and Peter Thiel (who has a spot already located in New Zealand for when his technology advances make income inequality far more insidious than it is as I’m writing this – and, of course, he’ll be far RICHER and he’ll be far away from the consequences) Musk comes across as a total FASCIST, to me, and Thiel was funneling money to the Trump endorsed candidates in the previous mid term election by the “boatloads” and they could care less what their technology does for humanity. Trust me when I say this, A.I. technology could do TEN times more DAMAGE to the 2024 “elections” than what the Russians accomplished in 2016. As usual, our legislators will be behind the times when they realize the importance of regulating this technology – it might already be too late. Americans are likely to be FLOODED with A.I. generated mis/disinformation STARTING NOW regarding the election of 2024.

Personally, as someone who’s got “living long enough to see Trump behind bars” on his “bucket list” I also realize the so-called “liberal media” spends so much time on Trump that it’s almost as if many Americans might not know who their president is. Certainly, many have no idea who the leaders in their states are. This is why I want to see Trump expunged from the political “arena.” How many Americans know what Joe Biden’s administration has done for them? And, I’m talking about people from all parts of the political spectrum. The infrastructure bill is not providing good paying jobs for just democrats. It’s not providing benefits for just democrats.

There’s not a SINGLE part of the successes under Biden which hasn’t permeated across partisan lines. This is exactly why republicans focus their actions on “culture issues.” There’s a good example of this below where the Supreme Court INVENTED a hypothetical circumstance to further their AGENDA to undermine the issue of anti-discrimination. Where will this stop? Who knows. This court will be “in charge” for a generation. That’s exactly why I’ve been saying VOTERS must vote AGAINST republicans for the next 20 – 30 years – because these extremists have unlimited funding and they “stick around like a bad dream.”

OK, I have to add: I’ve putzed around long enough finishing my thoughts here that the Supreme Court (which I’ve written about most recently) has been busy pissing off those on the “left” with their end of the term decisions. Well, today was another prime example of how the court (mostly put in place by republican presidents – who “garnered” less popular votes than the politician they “defeated” – republicans who’ve historically complained about judges who “legislate from the bench”) has been, you guessed it, legislating from the bench – by overturning a half century of “precedent” when they ruled against “affirmative action” regarding admissions policies by our nation’s top universities. My response: “What is anyone surprised about?”

Now, I’m not a lawyer, I don’t even play one on TV (and, I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn last night) and, I don’t study Court decisions up close and personal. However, I remember Chief Justice Roberts’ reasoning when he wrote the majority decision GUTTING Section 5 of the Voting Right’s Act of 1965 – saying, in essence, we don’t need protections for “people of color” anymore because (tee hee!) there’s no longer any voter suppression legislation aimed at people of color. (My characterization, although, it’s pretty close). Well, today, he basically used the same reasoning; racism is no longer an issue in America (again, my words). I’d write “tee hee!” once again, but this court is NO laughing matter.

Apparently, Roberts and the rest of the “conservatives” on the court have had their heads up their…… oops! in the sand. Suggesting there’s not enough racism in this nation to justify allowing Colleges and Universities to use affirmative action to create student bodies which represent the make-up of our society is, well, ABSURD! What are these people thinking? Oh yes, if you read my recent post on the Court (providing nothing new news wise) you know the “conservative” members of the court have been participating in “conservative CORRUPTION” just like their “conservative” brethren in the republican party in a way which has created a path toward fascism. And, they may be the KEY part of the strategy!

Yikes!!! This is the time of year when the SCOTUS hands out their “detention slips” to those who are believing in a progressive society and with today came a couple “doozies.” The court ruled against President Biden’s ability to grant “student loan forgiveness” by accepting a challenge from a source in Missouri (I always refer to it as “misery”) with a more than questionable challenge to whether or not it even had “standing.”

And, in a decision agreeing with a “hypothetical” situation which “could” arise in Colorado the court ruled, once again, that discrimination is, well, OK. If you can claim your religious beliefs grant you the right to discriminate against someone for, whatever, the court is on your side. In this HYPOTHETICAL case it involved someone who MIGHT be asked to do web work for a couple seeking “gay marriage.” The court ruled it was OK, in this HYPOTHETICAL case for discrimination.

Let me say this more clearly, the person bringing this case (with a republican “dark money group” doing the bidding and funding) had NEVER been asked to create a “wedding website” for a same sex couple. Apparently, it was part of her imagination. Talk about opening your pandora’s box. (What about, for example, someone who doesn’t believe in interracial marriage? What about an Atheist?) I’m not going to trouble my mind to come up with more HYPOTHETICALS, but you can be sure there are “conservatives” out there who’ll do that “work” for me. Stay tuned…….

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