Monthly Archives: October 2020

No more stimulus; Let’s see how all the “free market” republicans save our economy! (hint: “socialism”)

Often times I think of all the “conservatives” who complain that democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are “socialists.” These are the same “conservatives” who don’t bat an eye when the “Fed” intervenes in their reckless financial behavior and bails them out. We saw this in the “Great Recession” back in 2008 where GW Bush’s Treasury Secretary, a “free market” kind of guy, Hank Paulsen rushed to Congress right before the 2008 election asking for 700 BILLION in TARP bailout funds. Money to prevent the major banks on Wall Street from having to “face the music” for their reckless, and in many instances, likely illegal behavior. Of course, we all know now many of those banks used some of that money to pay BONUSES to the very traders who created the problem in the first place.

Well, in the panic which followed the “invasion” of the coronavirus and the reality our “leadership” in Washington DC is incapable of dealing with it, Congress, again led by the republican “conservatives” who claim to believe in “free markets” were, this time, giving Jerome Powell, the Fed Chairman, almost a “blank check” to bailout all the industries which benefited to the tune of BILLIONS from the 2017 tax scam and used the money to buy back stock preventing numerous industries from, again, “facing the music.” Many times, here, I’ve made the disclaimer “I’m no economist,” but from what I can tell Mr. Powell has “funneled” something in the neighborhood of $6 – $7 TRILLION into Wall Street to keep various INDUSTRIES somewhat afloat. Not necessarily, for example with the airline industry, keeping the workers afloat, but keeping the shareholders afloat. This has been going on since the days of Ronald Reagan – shareholders are more valuable than workers. To me, in a “nutshell” what’s wrong with America.

I’ve been pointing out for months Wall Street is, to me, like the house built on sand and I’ve suggested republicans just never picked up on Nancy Pelosi’s attempt to help individual 1’s “economy” with the “HEROES Act” which Moscow Mitch stuffed under his desk calling it “dead on arrival.” Well, now our IMPEACHED so-called president’s precious stock market appears to be “teetering” on that foundation of “sand” and it’s likely too late for republicans to turn the impending crash of the market before the election. Just as there’s a “spike” in coronavirus infections as we approach the election the market is appearing to be “tanking.” I’m sure individual 1 will blame it all on a “democratic hoax.”

Today, the “White House” declared the “end of the coronavirus” as an accomplishment of their administration. Yes, you read that correctly. Today there were over 80,000 NEW confirmed cases of Covid-19 so saying we’ve reached the “end of the coronavirus” just shows you individual 1’s sycophants are as delusional as our IMPEACHED so-called president. Individual 1’s campaign is so much more disgusting than any I’ve EVER witnessed in my lifetime it’s hard for me to put words to it. Just today Federal Judges had to make two ORDERS which pretty much says it all in regard to our IMPEACHED so-called president’s attempt to CHEAT in order to win this election. First, there were a couple guys who sent “robo calls” to THOUSANDS of democratic voters telling them it was too dangerous to send in mailin ballots and trying to discourage them from voting at all. These calls were sent to primarily African American voters in several “rust belt” states. Of course, these two men committed FELONIES and the judge ORDERED them to send messages to EVERYONE who got the original message explaining the original call was a scam and not true. Of course, it’s likely too late for those who get the “new” message to vote by mail because of the other issue.

Another judge has ordered the Postal Service to REVERSE all the changes put into effect right after Lewis DeJoy was put in as the head of the Post Office. The result of the changes has been delays in the delivery of First Class mail by several days in several “battleground states” like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Do you think that’s a coincidence? The delays are focused in Detroit, Philadelphia, and Cleveland (Ohio) in areas which, again, are heavily African American communities. OK, it’s NOT a coincidence. Well, the NEW robo calls – reversing the original ILLEGAL ones would be helpful, except the mail won’t NOW get those votes to the polls in time. It’s like individual 1’s sycophants are “doubling up” on their voter suppression tactics.

Heck, individual 1 seems to be even “suppressing” his own voters. I’m sure, if you’re reading this, you know our IMPEACHED so-called president is holding “super spreader” rallies “on top of each other” – but, it gets worse. Yes, the people attending the super spreader events this close to the election should be able to make it to the polls, even if they get the virus – you Know they’ll take it with them – but, last night, individual 1 outdid even himself, if that’s possible. In search of 1 Electoral College vote in Nebraska he held a rally in an obscure airfield outside of Omaha in freezing cold temperatures. We all KNOW our IMPEACHED so-called president cares about NO ONE but himself, but apparently, that hasn’t sunk in to his supporters just yet – unless they live in Omaha, Nebraska.

At the conclusion of this rally individual 1 was in Air Force one and “on his way” within moments of the end of the rally, but not so much for his supporters. In fact, hundreds of them were left in the freezing temperatures to find their way back to the main airport terminal which is around 4 miles from where the rally was held. There were several supporters who were admitted to local hospitals (which are already full of Covid-19 patients) – some with the original form of pneumonia, frostbite, or ????? Of course, other than members of individual 1’s “death cult” we all know he doesn’t care about a single ONE of those people.

I mentioned above about how the stock market is in the beginning stages of another cratering and, soon, individual 1 will be touting a “record” rise in GDP for the “third quarter” of this year – which will be another phony argument suggesting he’s good for the economy. As I often say, I’m no economist, but the reason for the large increase in GDP for the third quarter is because it is following the second quarter which had the LARGEST drop in GDP in recorded history. So, picture this – the economy drops 32% in the second quarter and then it recovers, say, 25% in the third quarter, we’re still DOWN around 7% and when you add the 5% we were down in the first quarter, well, I think you get my point – especially if you’re ANY good at all with Math. And, the NEXT drop in the economy may very well be under way as I’m writing this. The stock market, individual 1’s measure of success, was at around 20,000 when he took office. Today, it closed around 26,000 – around a 30% increase in four years. When President Obama took office, the market was at around 10,000 and tanking thanks to the policies of Bush/Cheney – soon to be at around 6500.

Now, remember, individual 1 inherited an economy which had been expanding for over 7 years and the market continued to increase at about the same rate which he INHERITED for the first three years of his administration. So, now it’s about 30% above what he INHERITED and Obama/Biden left him a market which was about 300% above where the market bottomed out after Bush/Cheney’s debacle and over DOUBLE 200% of what it was when they took office – which was during the “Great Recession.” Either way, individual 1 comes up well short of what Obama/Biden did during their eight years in office. In the final three years of the Obama/Biden administration well more JOBS were created than in the first three years of individual 1’s. Of course, when you take into account the coronavirus, individual 1 is the FIRST (IMPEACHED so-called) president to administer over a net job LOSS, well, EVER.

And, speaking of the coronavirus he keeps suggesting the ONLY reason there are so many cases in America is because of the testing – suggesting, I guess, if we didn’t test people they wouldn’t have the virus. Of course, this is the perfect way to cause the virus to spread even more rapidly than it already is. And, now he’s suggesting Joe Biden shouldn’t be pointing out we’re facing a “dark winter” (as are virtually ALL the scientists) as if by not saying anything about it will make it not happen. I’m not sure who disgusts me more – individual 1, who is a pathological LIAR, a misogynist, a racist, a xenophobe, and I’ve got to add he’s ignorant and, by far, the most narcissistic person I’ve ever seen – or the 40% of America who cheer as he’s LYING to their faces, who don’t care about the incompetent response to the one crisis he’s had to deal with, and who say “I’m not a racist” as they’re cheering for the president who has torn apart over 500 families simply seeking a better life and a plethora of other issues. I find this disgusting!

The people who attend the rallies of our IMPEACHED so-called president don’t seem to care about the surges in the virus which are following these rallies. These are among the Americans who don’t believe Covid-19 is serious and refuse to wear a mask. Where I live, most people I see are wearing masks and our “numbers” are pretty low – the hospitals are not overwhelmed. But, that’s not the case in places like Idaho, Montana, North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas, and on and on. This virus is SURGING and our republican LEADERS don’t seem to “give a rip.” The first republican who comes to my mind – of course, not counting individual 1 – is South Dakota governor Kristi Noem – a politician who disgusts me almost as much as our IMPEACHED so-called president – seems to be lining herself up to be the next “individual 1” in 2024 – via her disregard for the health of the people in her state. She not only encouraged people to attend individual 1’s rally on July 4th at Mt. Rushmore without mask and without “social distancing” but she also allowed the “Sturgis” motorcycle rally to happen in her state where something like 500,000 “maskless” bikers showed up for a couple weeks and then went back to states all over the country – maybe the largest “super spreader” event in the world.

I’ve been following the increases in cases of Covid-19 in the states around South Dakota since the Sturgis rally and it’s hard to argue against the DAMAGE caused by all those people “hanging out” for a couple weeks as if there’s no pandemic. To me, this is the epitome of selfish people. Check with the people in the hospitals in the Dakotas and the surrounding states which have been affected by this rally. Just today, in South Dakota there are over 1500 NEW cases reported of Covid-19 with OVER 1300 NEW cases today alone in North Dakota and MORE than 1000 in Montana. Makes me wonder if people like Ms. Noem care at all about the doctors and nurses in the hospitals who are the ones who have to risk their own health in trying to save the lives of all those who end up in their ICU’s fighting for their lives. Of course, just as many of us pointed out in the beginning of this pandemic, by not having a national policy to FIGHT this virus “we the people” are at the mercy of people like Ms. Noem who are making reckless decisions which impact people all across the country. The virus does not respect borders and people travel all around this great country.

Joe Biden understands the key to re-invigorating our economy and saving the lives of HUNDREDS of thousands of Americans is by “crushing the virus” in the words of Nancy Pelosi. Now the virus, as was predicted by the scientists (I listen to Michael Osterholm) is surging to levels we haven’t seen yet this year – we could be at 100,000 cases per day within a week or two, yesterday there were over 90,000 NEW cases according to “” – and Wall Street is responding by heading a bit south. Of course, if you’ve been on this site before, you know I’ve been pointing out Wall Street is like a “house built on sand” and, unless Jerome Powell has a couple more TRILLION dollars to pump into the failing businesses he’s been propping up since April the market could TANK to dangerously low levels. When there are over 20 MILLION Americans collecting some level of unemployment benefits the reality is we’re in a serious economic downturn – maybe depression levels of unemployment. Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: We all KNOW the disaster of the previous four years is likely the result of James Comey deciding to temporarily “re-open” the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s EMAILS just 11 days prior to the 2016 election. I was watching the polling very CLOSELY back then and I saw the polls shift noticeably toward individual 1 during those 11 days – Comey’s report VIOLATING all FBI protocols and turning America, essentially, “upside down.” In that vain you have to understand the recent press briefing by the head of the DNI (Department of National Intelligence), John Ratcliffe, was likely an orchestrated attempt by our IMPEACHED so-called president to order one of his sycophants to attempt recreating Comey’s intransigence.

Ratcliffe, it has since been reported, strayed from the script those standing next to him on the podium were expecting to come from his mouth. He suggested the “interference” he and Chris Wray, the head of the FBI, were reporting to “we the people” was designed to “hurt” individual 1. If you’re aware of the supposed spoof emails he was referencing, which appeared to come from the “Proud Boys” and threatened those who received them with – HARM of some sort – if they didn’t re-register as a republican and vote FOR individual 1. Somehow, Ratcliffe interpreted those emails as being designed to “hurt” our IMPEACHED so-called president. He took a different logic class than myself, just sayin……… Additionally, he failed to mention the “Proud Boys” in his remarks, although, according to reports since that briefing, his prepared remarks had that reference in them – and Mr. Wray was expecting that reference.

Mr. Ratcliffe hardly mentioned Russia in his remarks and, personally, I hope Joe Biden is planning to give Russia “what for” regarding what they’re doing this year in their “meddling.” Not only are the Russians spewing “misinformation” into places like Facebook and their plan to create division in America has been wildly successful. Now the Russians are attacking our Voting infrastructure – and, of course, we don’t know what they’ll accomplish in the last few days of the election – or what they’ve already accomplished because individual 1 won’t allow anyone to even mention the Russians – but, they’ve also been attacking hospitals around the country with a form of “ransomware” which, apparently, the virus “protectors” are unfamiliar with so there are hospitals which are actually shut down. I really hope Joe Biden will authorize our cyber warriors to give it back to Russia many times over what they’ve done to us. Maybe that would get them to stop their so-called “active measures.”

OK, one more thing: I’ve pointed this out many times here I have a tendency to watch/listen to MSNBC, although I’m starting to find out what it’s like at CNN, But today I was listening to “Deadline White House” on MSNBC as I was driving around, I do like to listen to former republican Nicole Wallace, and I found myself yelling at my car radio. The topic was the 545 children at the border separated from their parents, likely forever, and that this was “criminal.” Well, of course it was! It’s a NEW blight on our nation and the question was should we “look back.” Ms. Wallace seemed to think this action was egregious enough for us to “look back,” although she added many of the other transgressions of individual 1 weren’t “worth it.” That’s when I started YELLING!

If you remember, one of the first things President Obama did regarding ALL the ILLEGAL behavior of Bush/Cheney – including WAR CRIMES by authorizing TORTURE – was to say, “we’re going to look forward instead of back.” At the time (and, many times since) I pointed out it’s IMPOSSIBLE to deal with ILLEGAL activity without LOOKING BACK! That SHOULD make perfect sense. The crime is committed and then the investigation leads to accountability. You MUST “look back.” There was NO accountability for Bush/Cheney and several others in their administration (Don Rumsfeld, et al) and, at the time, I predicted Obama was opening the “door” to further lawlessness coming from the “White House” down the road – and, it didn’t take long to make me look prophetic. (OK, I wasn’t the only one making these predictions) The list of ILLEGAL activity by individual 1 and his surrogates goes way beyond what was done by Bush/Cheney and it MUST be fully investigated if our system of LAWS is to “prevail” over those disregarding it because they are part of the powerful “elite.”

“We the people” need to get “RID” of individual 1 so that we can actually “make America great again.”

With the exception of the anticipated CHEATING, it appears individual 1 could be going down to an overwhelming defeat on November 3rd. He knows this and his republican sycophants know this so, as I’ve pointed out here numerous times, grab onto your “safety belt” as our IMPEACHED so-called president and those in Congress who’ve been enabling him for the past four years attempt to INCREASE the DAMAGE they still have the ability to cause prior to January 20th – the date most of us are hoping will be a “peaceful transition of power.” It was reported today there were changes made to the “rules” of how our government personnel process works so that republicans can “stick” some of their worst sycophants deeply into the “bowels” of the government, apparently so they’ll be unnoticed in Biden’s administration. That’s just one of the ways they’re attempting to “muck up” the system. Of course, the obvious way is the cramming through of Amy Barrett onto the Supreme Court – a person who is clearly out of touch with anything close to “mainstream” America. Are there NOT four republicans willing to put the future of this nation ahead of their political “well being?” Of course not, maybe one!

Everyone of the republicans in Congress who continues to be enablers of individual 1 need to start thinking about their own legacy as well. Take for example reports last week there are STILL 545 children at our Southern border who may NEVER be reunited with their parents. Apparently, their parents have been deported and the children are still here. This will be written in our history books in the same section where we learned of the Japanese Americans put in cages during WW II. Everytime I see video of these children – still in CAGES (which individual 1 claims are very clean – as if that absolves him of this DEPLORABLE situation) I get tears in my eyes and I bow down in prayer for the children. Knowing there’s NOTHING I can do about this other than VOTE and keep PRAYING is beyond frustrating. And, then I think of all the republicans who are enabling this. How can any American vote for someone cruel enough to do this to all these children? How do these republicans sleep at night?

These children represent the stark reality of the previous four years and what individual 1 is doing to this once great nation (“we the people” now really need to “make America great again”) but, as usual, there’s obviously more. On most days the cruelty aimed at these children gets no mention in the “news” because of what, to some degree, will be an even worse section of our history books. That’s the lack of response to the pandemic caused by the coronavirus and the disease resulting from it, Covid-19 (I’ve seen it called “SARS CoV-2”) which will likely have KILLED over 400,000 Americans before individual 1 leaves office. (OK, that’s assuming he LOSES to Joe Biden on November 3rd) Should our IMPEACHED so-called president somehow manage to CHEAT his way into another four years (he’ll be trying to make it permanent) it would almost guarantee the loss of at least one MILLION “souls” with the possibility of many more. If the vaccines don’t work and he continues with this “herd mentality” approach to the virus there could be as many as six MILLION lives lost before the virus finally, as he says, goes away.

Environmental regulations have been rolled back to dangerous levels, the deficit is at astronomical highs and “deficit spending” is still called for because of the MILLIONS of Americans who are unemployed with no “road” to a decent job – until investment can be made by the government to rebuild this nation and transform it in a way to create MILLIONS of new jobs as is being proposed by Biden, by the way. The Justice Department, under William Barr has been turned into a “weapon” of the “White House” and if that continues this nation is ruined. Virtually every traditional department of our government has been purged of the skilled non-partisan public servants who will be very difficult to replace – it will take a lot of time and if individual 1 remains these departments will be in ruins before long.

I’ve mentioned several times here about how one of my friends, who somehow continues to be part of individual 1’s cult, has predicted a “red wave” after which “liberals” will be “rioting” in the streets. Of course, I see it in exactly the opposite direction, I told him Biden will win and the right wing militia’s will be the ones in the streets. I certainly hope we’re both wrong as far as “the streets” are involved, but every time I see individual 1 making absurd comment after absurd comment I just shudder to think he’s our IMPEACHED so-called president let alone he could still be in that position after January 20th. Individual 1 won’t even do ANYTHING in an attempt to mitigate the deaths coming from the virus in line with the scientists who’ve been correct all along as this devastating virus has engulfed this nation.

Our IMPEACHED so-called president ignored the pandemic for the now infamous “first 70 days,” then made a half-assed attempt to participate with the White House Coronavirus Task Force with Dr. Fauci but couldn’t last even one day after putting out the plan for “opening up the country” after the “15 days to slow the spread” which morphed into about a month – and, by the way, was actually working – until Twitter was bombarded by “tweets” calling for groups like the Proud Boys and other right wing militia groups to “LIBERATE Michigan,” “LIBERATE Minnesota,” and “LIBERATE Virginia.” That was when individual 1 grabbed his “white flag” and went AWOL from any sense of fighting to mitigate the virus leading to the HUGE rise in cases during July and August. Now, the administration has admitted they’ve completely “thrown in the towel” and, consequently, we’ll soon be at 100.000 cases per day.

For people like me, I don’t think it will be long and the NFL season will be in serious doubt and, I believe, it will be a miracle if there’s an NBA season this next year – unless they can do the entire league in a “bubble” like they finished last season. And, Baseball – Spring training starts right after the inauguration and, based on the predictions of the best scientists – like Michael Osterholm of the University of Minnesota, we’ll be experiencing over 100,000 NEW cases per DAY at that point in time – possibly several hundred thousand cases per day. Hospitals will be over capacity and it will take Joe Biden four to five months to get the virus under control once he’s in office, should he win on November 3rd.

Biden is likely to win decisively on November 3rd, but individual 1’s strategy is becoming clearer by the day. Take Pennsylvania, for example. Individual 1 MUST win Pennsylvania to have any chance for re-election. So far, there have been close to two MILLION early votes cast in Pennsylvania’s election. This is something like 40% of the expected turnout and something like 70+ per cent of the early votes have been from democrats to less than 20 per cent coming from republicans with the rest coming from “other” – and, of course, who knows who was voted for on those ballots. The expectation is democrats will continue sending in early mail in ballots building up an almost insurmountable lead going into election day.

However, in Pennsylvania, the ballots which are counted FIRST are the ones cast on election DAY. So, I can see individual 1 claiming he’s won Pennsylvania – probably by a landslide because his supporters are planning to vote in person on election day – so the first reports will show him way ahead. Of course, once the “ballots,” as he calls them, are counted – meaning the mail-in, and early voting ballots – he’s likely to be well behind Biden. Right now, the “polls” are suggesting Biden leads by about 7% which, in Pennsylvania, would be around 400 – 500 THOUSAND votes. Individual 1 will claim Pennsylvania’s vote was “rigged” – GUARANTEED.

“We the people” need to hope for the best and prepare for the worst – because there is NO low which is too LOW for individual 1. He not only doesn’t want to be humiliated by Joe Biden, but he’s looking at some serious legal jeopardy once he’s out of office for the things still within the limits of the statute of limitations. I, for one, feel he’ll need to face the Southern District of New York allegations which got him the moniker “individual 1” – and, by the way, also got Michael Cohen 36 months in prison. (Oh yes, Michael Cohen’s book was one of the best I’ve read about individual 1 – and, of course, partly about Mr. Cohen – which was nice. If you haven’t read it, I would highly recommend it.) The District Attorney in Manhattan is targeting our IMPEACHED so-called president and someone SHOULD follow through on all the allegations in Mueller’s report which include many instances of Obstruction of Justice. These are likely the MAIN reason individual 1 is campaigning so hard. He’s the head of a mini “crime family” and a bunch of them could be preparing to “face the music.” Stay tuned………………………….

Tonight, on MSNBC, there was a discussion of the number of LIES in one of individual 1’s rallies – the list was ENORMOUS – and the discussion evolved to talking about legislation which was passed by Barack Obama with the support of John McCain and, which individual 1 is taking credit for passing. A reporter for the Washington Post, Ashley Parker, pointed out how effective our IMPEACHED so-called president’s LYING is because, during the recent Republican National Convention there were several speakers who wanted to include this LIE in their speech but thinking it was actually true.

Ms. Parker pointed out how effective individual 1’s “strategy” of repeating the LIES over and over until people start to believe the LIES are actually true is. My disappointment hit a near 10 level because it was the PERFECT opportunity for SOMEONE in the “liberal media” to point out this is the propaganda strategy of the Nazi’s – called the “Big Lie Theory” which was devised by Hitler himself and put into effect by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief of propaganda. Go ahead, look it up! I’ve pointed this out too many times, here, to remember – but, Ms. Parker came the closest of anyone I’ve seen in the media to exposing that our IMPEACHED so-called president is using the Nazi’s propaganda scheme.

Final Thought: Sadly, once we’re rid of our IMPEACHED so-called president the “machinery” which made his assault on our republic possible, Fox “news” et al, will still be in business and, in order to remain “alive,” they will have to rebrand their ATTACK mode and I can virtually guarantee you it will be aimed directly at Kamala Harris. We’re already seeing the signs, as I’ve pointed out in previous postings, and it’s going to get UGLY – as their “schtick” always is. They spent years attacking Hillary Clinton – succeeding in causing members of the republican Congress to WASTE millions of America’s tax dollars in fruitless endeavors such as the “Benghazi” fiasco. That STUPID waste of government energy ended in the so-called “Benghazi hearings” where republicans finally had to interview Ms. Clinton. For 11 hours she made them look like the fools they are – but, that wasn’t the message which permeated the public sphere. They were going after her “favorables” with the public and they succeeded.

Well, these DEPLORABLE republicans are already going after Ms. Harris including by “dog whistle” memes to make sure their right wing racist base knows, aside from being a woman, she’s of African American (and Indian) descent. Individual 1 and others are already attempting to brand her with the “socialist” label because she’s in favor of ALL Americans having access to affordable health insurance. But, of course, just like with President Obama, the worst offenders will be the white nationalist section of the republican base which they will have a hard time distancing themselves from. This is exactly why many traditional “conservatives” are suggesting the republicans need to lose in a landslide – “burn the party down” – so it can be rebuilt into something which has a future beyond total fearmongering, racism, and nationalism in the years ahead. America is changing and, if the republicans want to be part of it, they will have to change.

I’ve been saying this for years: “This is a WAR for the heart and soul of America.” Eventually, the republicans will LOSE and hopefully that happens this year. It would be good for America and good for the GOP if they got hit by a “Blue Wave” in this year’s election. I, personally, believe we need a progressive agenda like what democrats are pushing to turn this nation back to what was once the envy of the rest of the world, but it won’t happen unless we finally address our “original sin” and, collectively, demonstrate we are an empathetic and compassionate society. Our government MUST work from the “bottom up” in order to save this nation from itself and the GREEDY corporate interests which were unleashed with the election of Ronald Reagan back in 1980.

I know many of the republicans who’ve turned against individual 1 still view Reagan as the patron saint of the party, but, I believe, they need to take a more focused look into who Reagan really was. By all accounts, he SHOULD have been indicted because of the Iran Contra fiasco which, to many republicans, was another “who cares” violation of our system of laws. However, in my view, the accountability should be greatest at the “top” and what happened following Iran Contra set the wrong message going forward. Actually, GHW Bush was “knee deep” in that controversy as well and he pardoned a bunch of the perpetrators on the “front lines” of the illegal scheme. Naturally, that was followed by GW Bush and Dick Cheney leaving office as “alleged” WAR CRIMINALS – the investigations which NEVER happened because of Barack Obama saying “we need to look forward instead of back.”

I always felt that was Obama’s greatest failure, and it happened shortly after he took the oath of office. Just as I predicted, at the time, that failure to hold Bush/Cheney and others accountable for a plethora of ILLEGAL activity – some of it horrendous – helped lead to individual 1 and his belief he’s “above the law.” No one has EVER flouted himself to be above the law anywhere close to our IMPEACHED so-called president. And, of course, the republican led Senate kind of proved him correct when they FAILED to hold him accountable for ANOTHER (some of them MUST have actually read the Mueller report) attempt to CHEAT in an election via help from a foreign source. And, of course, if, somehow individual 1 CHEATS his way into another term, he’ll do it again – as he’s trying to run for a third term in 2024!

I continue to be confounded as to how so many Americans can fall for the republican schtick.

Joe Biden is leading, according to the polls, by numbers far outside the “margin of error,” yet people like me are just waiting to see how individual 1’s CHEATING is going to make it possible for him to “win” another election. Clearly, he’s going to be overwhelmed by the “popular vote” but, of course, America’s presidents are chosen by the Electoral College. So, today, the director of the Department of Intelligence (DNI) gave a very strange press briefing where he pointed out both the Iranians AND the Russians have “penetrated” our election systems – they’ve found “holes” in the local voting elections software with the ability to actually change things like voter registrations. We’re all witnessing the possibility our democratic republic is under siege and, if this allows individual 1 to gain another four years in the “White House,” this nation is in big trouble.

Today I saw copies of emails sent to various voters around the country which supposedly were sent from the “Proud Boys” to registered democrats threatening them with harm should they fail to re-register as republican and vote for individual 1. The threatening letters include the recipients full names and legal addresses. Voters in Florida, Arizona, and Alaska received these letters and maybe people in other areas. The head of the DNI suggested the emails were intended to harm individual 1’s campaign – which appears a bit ludicrous to me – but, apparently, the emails came from an Iranian intrusion into the voter lists of about three or four states. How the emails were designed to “hurt individual 1” I’m not sure – hopefully, NONE of the recipients were intimidated into actually voting for our IMPEACHDED so-called president.

So, for the first time this year I decided to actually watch a “debate” from start to finish and I watched the final debate between individual 1 and Biden. My first takeaway is that Christin Welker, the debate moderator, did a great job. Compared to the segments of the first debate I saw I thought she had a much better grasp on the moderators role and, at times, it was actually a “debate.” The debate commission decided to turn off the microphone of the person not speaking and I thought that was a great idea. I believe that sent the message to individual 1 that his boorish interrupting was unacceptable. Almost all of individual 1’s interrupting was when he was interrupting Ms. Welker.

I’m guessing MOST of the people watching the “debate” aren’t like someone like me who is feverishly paying attention to as much as I can in regard to this election and don’t understand the incredible number of LIES coming out of individual 1’s mouth. Of course, if you’ve been paying attention that would be NO surprise and aren’t likely to check out the fact checkers in tomorrow’s Washington Post or Politifact’s “truth-o-meter.” Naturally, one of the places where the LIES were coming “fast and furious” was the discussion of the coronavirus. I was sitting there wishing I could be debating our IMPEACHED so-called president after many of his absurd comments. Like, how many times has he attempted to convince “we the people” that “stopping flights from China” was a great move to “stop the spread.” (OK, he didn’t say, “Stop the spread” – but, what he said made NO sense) He only claims he stopped flights from China because he believes that relieves him of “the missing 79 days” which, early on, scientists estimated caused hundreds of thousands of American lives. Actually hundreds of thousands, shortly afterward, came in from China – the flights weren’t actually stopped.

In the “debate” I didn’t hear any discussion on individual 1’s new “policy” – herd ‘mentality’ – OK, I’m sure he meant “herd immunity” – which is the “work” of Scott Atlas the non-epidemiologist who is now running the “Covid Task Force” in the “White House.” I’m sure this appeals to individual 1 because he doesn’t have to do anything. Of course, had the issue been raised it would have been interesting to hear him explain why losing a few MORE MILLION Americans would be OK and how would that be good for the economy? Everyone wants the economy open, kids back in the classrooms, restaurants open, movie theaters open, flying on a plane without a mask, and on and on. That doesn’t happen by doing nothing now and hoping there’s a vaccine which rids us of this virus. The reality is those “missing 70 days” took away the opportunity to fully mitigate this virus forever – you can’t get those days back – and, individual 1 IS responsible.

Our IMPEACHED so-called president’s “super spreader” campaign rallies weren’t part of the debate from what I can tell, either, but, as I watch the statistics of the recent upsurge in new diagnosed cases, it appears to me individual 1’s rallies are leaving behind problems for hospitals and other medical personnel along with thousands of people contracting the disease Covid-19 after he’s gone and then “spreading” it to others. The states he’s been in are suddenly experiencing expanding numbers to the point where it’s becoming critical. I have to wonder what people in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are saying in regard to what he’s doing to their states’ fight against this deadly virus. It won’t be long until the death toll of the virus passes a quarter MILLION. Predictions are another 200,000 dead by the inauguration and still, “crickets” coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president.

Earlier today I wrote:

Today, I checked “” where I follow the “numbers” of the Covid-19 pandemic and it demonstrated clearly the SURGE in diagnosed cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus with almost 60.000 NEW cases by early afternoon Pacific time with likely more than another 10,000 coming from the 9 states which haven’t reported. I wrote the other day about the result of the Sturgis “rally” in South Dakota – a state with a governor who has failed to do ANYTHING to mitigate this disease from the start – and South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Iowa, Idaho, and Nebraska have numbers putting their hospitals into serious issues with lack of capacity and lack of personnel able to address the needs of the incoming SURGE of patients. South Dakota and North Dakota have TOTAL populations of less than one MILLION people and, today, they each had close to 1000 new cases.

Well, by the time the “Worldometer” stopped reporting cases for today the total was up to almost 75,000 which, I believe, is the second highest one day total yet – and soon to be moving down the list of statistics – Dr. Anthony Fauci, earlier this year, said he expects 100,000 per day if we don’t instigate more effective mitigation efforts. Well, from the standpoint of individual 1 the mitigation would be “open your businesses, open your schools.” In the debate tonight he said something like not many teachers would die from this. I’m a retired teacher and my wife is still teaching and, I have to add, those words weren’t very comforting. Today, I said to her individual 1 reminds me of a teacher who comes to class without preparing for the days’ lessons. He was “winging it” in the “debate” – often times it felt to me as if he was making up what he said – I’ve said many times here he’s a pathological LIAR and, so, as the words roll off his tongue he actually believes he’s telling the truth. To him, there is NO truth.

We’re also learning more every day about why individual 1 has been refusing to release his taxes. The NY Times has gained access to 20 years of his tax returns and it makes it curious about some of our IMPEACHED so-called president’s accusations toward Joe Biden and his son Hunter. These attacks, to me, come across as simply more PROJECTION coming from individual 1. It was reported the other day he has a SECRET bank account located in China, which he pulled something on the lines of 15 MILLION dollars from shortly after his “election” (with 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) and, now, he’s making evidence lacking claims against Hunter Biden about some connection to China. This bank account, along with at least two others, (UK and Ireland) have not been reported on individual 1’s required financial disclosure forms filed with the government – just more REFUSAL to abide by the “laws of the land.” Unfortunately, Mr. Biden failed to point out this broach of our campaign laws to the audience tonight. And, of course, individual 1 continued to claim he can’t publish his taxes because of this audit – which is 100% malarkey. Biden did ask directly to individual 1, “What are you hiding?”

I’ve written many times about the deplorables at Fox “news” who are a serious problem in this country. I know people who refer to Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson by name, “Sean says,” or “Tucker says” when they are making absurd comments which make my stomach curl as I ask for evidence to support their opinions. These are people who should know better but have been brainwashed and have no idea what’s happened to them. I can only tell them to stop watching Fox, but the next time I see them it’s like a broken record, we go through the same thing again and again. I’ve offered to give them books to read and both have declined. I did give one of them a book a few years ago but he only made it through a few pages and then decided the information didn’t appeal to his Fox damaged brain. It’s very sad.

One of my individual 1 supporting friends has been predicting a “red wave” to me and suggesting the streets will be full of “liberals” creating havoc once individual 1 wins re-election. I’ve always said, the opposite will likely be true. After Joe Biden wins, the “Proud Boys” and their white nationalist/supremacist brethren are going to be the ones in the streets. And, these people are armed to the “hilt.” And, of course, the person in charge of defending our constitution and defending the laws of the land will be our “law and order” IMPEACHED so-called president for about 70 days from the end of the election until the inauguration. Here’s a question I’ve been asking of late; Do you trust William Barr, the head of the Justice Department, to come down heavily on these white supremacists who are a significant part of individual 1’s base? Rumors have it that individual 1 is going to fire Chris Wray, the head of the FBI, after the election because he’s angry Wray has been telling “we the people” the truth. Stay tuned………..

Back to the debate: Joe Biden did bring up the FACT the democrats have had the HEROES Act passed since early summer and that Mitch McConnell is doing nothing with it. It includes money to help State and Local governments along with money for workers and PPP, etc. Individual 1 tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for no bill passing through the Senate which, I believe, MOST Americans are smart enough to realize was an absurd comment. Individual 1, again, brought up his vendetta against “blue states” giving Biden the perfect opportunity to look right into the camera and say, “I’m going to be the president of all Americans not just those who vote for me.”

What no one seems to bring up is that, like in places where I live – Washington State – a “blue state” – which individual 1 has no chance to “carry,” there are MANY “MAGA” supporters. In fact, many of them are beyond obnoxious. When I drive into town (I live in a semi rural area) I’m always driving past groups of people waving an assortment of flags – some of which say…………. his name, the one I can’t bring myself to write – you know what I’m talking about, and they’re selling shirts, hats, the flags, etc. By refusing to support our “blue state” individual 1 is refusing to support his own supporters. He’ll likely carry between 30 and 40% in the election in Washington state. And, his supporters are getting the virus just like everyone else – in fact, possibly at a higher rate because many don’t believe in wearing a mask.

Another day has passed: And, today there were OVER 80,000 Americans newly infected by the novel coronavirus’ “Covid-19.” As I’ve said, I follow this on the “worldometer” and they also keep track of the number of people in “serious/critical” condition and that number has INCREASED by over 2000 people in the last week or so as this fall surge – you know, where individual 1 says again, “it’s going away” – is picking up steam. As of today, in America, there are almost 16,500 people in critical/serious condition in hospitals around the country. Many states are at or near capacity in their ICU’s and, sadly, the increase in deaths is going to follow within the next couple of weeks. Predictions of the number of Americans who are going to die between now and the inauguration based on individual 1’s inaction are staggering – some predictions suggesting there will be OVER 400,000 dead by February 1. The sad part of this is it just didn’t have to be this way and with individual 1 at the “helm” there’s not much more “we the people” can do. Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: “The Atlantic” has been in business as a publication for 163 years and have endorsed only three previous persons running for President of the United States – and, now a fourth with Joe Biden. In their support of Biden they, essentially, eviscerated individual 1 in a way which made me envious – because I struggle to stay this focused. Here it is:

What we have learned since we published that editorial is that we understated our case. Donald Trump is the worst president this country has seen since Andrew Johnson, or perhaps James Buchanan, or perhaps ever. Trump has brought our country low; he has divided our people; he has pitted race against race; he has corrupted our democracy; he has shown contempt for American ideals; he has made cruelty a sacrament; he has provided comfort to propagators of hate; he has abandoned America’s allies; he has aligned himself with dictators; he has encouraged terrorism and mob violence; he has undermined the agencies and departments of government; he has despoiled the environment; he has opposed free speech; he has lied frenetically and evangelized for conspiracism; he has stolen children from their parents; he has made himself an advocate of a hostile foreign power; and he has failed to protect America from a ravaging virus. Trump is not responsible for all of the 220,000 COVID-19-related deaths in America. But through his avarice and ignorance and negligence and titanic incompetence, he has allowed tens of thousands of Americans to suffer and die, many alone, all needlessly. With each passing day, his presidency reaps more death.

I couldn’t have said it better and, of course, I couldn’t make myself write the actual surname of our IMPEACHED so-called president. The “editorial” they are referring to in the first sentence is their reasons for endorsing Hillary Clinton (The other two they’ve endorsed are Abraham Lincoln and LBJ) when they correctly, but understatedly – as they point out above – predicted why individual 1 was UNFIT to be the President of the United States!

October Surprise? Do you really think the laptop dropped off somewhere without an “owner” which mysteriously has emails from Hunter Biden furthering Russian misinformation will compare to Borat’s movie – which, apparently, will be seen by MILLIONS in the next week or so (probably not me) and has a scene in it which, according to Steve Schmidt who has seen it, will be the end of Rudy Giuliani’s public career. I continue to be confounded as to how so many Americans can fall for the republican schtick.

As I said above, I watched my first debate – the last one – and I saw little in it which would cause people change their minds on who they support. I don’t remember individual 1 saying ANYTHING which resembled a policy position other than saying he can somehow guarantee Americans protection for “pre-existing conditions” if the ACA is overturned. And, of course, anyone who’s been paying attention (which, apparently, is a minority of Americans) KNOWS individual 1 and the republicans are not capable of coming up with any health care “plan” other than the private insurance rip-offs which have been getting progressively worse over the years and leave more than 30% of Americans uninsured.

I read a Washington Post editorial suggesting individual 1 won the debate based on his attacks on Biden’s record with the crime bill back in 1964. I wish I had recorded Al Sharpton’s response to that argument, but suffice it to say this guy’s (of course, I forgot his name despite my senior ability to remember things – like “person, woman, man, camera, TV”) suggestion “Black men” are going to flock toward individual 1 is, in my mind, a fantasy. Of course, time will tell, but I, personally, believe Black male Americans are more concerned with individual 1’s incompetence with the Covid-19 pandemic which is killing them in far disproportionate numbers compared to their percentage of the population than Joe Biden’s support (along with many Black leaders, at the time) of the 1964 “Crime Bill.” (And, of course, Biden has admitted he was wrong in his beliefs back then.

I don’t remember if it was pointed out individual 1 has NEVER apologized for taking out a full page ad in the NY Times calling for the execution of 5 innocent Black youths in 1989. At the time our now IMPEACHED so-called president paid $85,000 for the ad. I have to wonder if the guy who wrote that STUPID (OK, sorry) Op Ed in the WA Post thinks that reality will draw Black men toward individual 1. Personally, I expect Black men to support Biden overwhelmingly and I expect there is FINALLY going to be a concerted effort in this country to address systemic racism.

And, if you tell me you have a Black friend so you couldn’t possibly be racist – forget it! I, personally, have MANY Black friends and acquaintances and, truth be told, I’ve spent a lifetime benefiting from “white privilege” and haven’t done near enough to address the issues which cause the lives of my Black friends to be so much more difficult than mine. The amount of productivity in this nation which is lost because brilliant persons are held back because of the color of their skin is a national tragedy and it is well past time to deal with it – DIRECTLY. “We the people” need to VOTE en masse for Biden/Harris and then “keep the pedal to the medal” in demanding police reform and developing a PLAN to address the issue of systemic racism and income inequality in America. Should we actually cause this to happen this country will be a much better place!

I have to add: Most Americans understand the ONLY way individual 1 can “win” this election is via CHEATING – which he’s proven he has no compunction to doing. (That’s how he “won” in 2016) Republicans, for example, have won a battle in Michigan’s Supreme Court to block ANY mail in ballots which arrive AFTER November 3rd from counting, even if they’re postmarked by election day. Hopefully, the word will get out to Michigan’s voters so their votes will count. In addition, to make matters worse, the Postal Service’s “slowdown” instigated by Lewis DeJoy is working in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania – states where there will be MILLIONS of mail in votes which individual 1 is trying to get “suppressed” because the Postal Service is tardy in getting them delivered on time. This is DEPLORABLE! Why are republicans constantly attempting to prevent people from VOTING or having their votes count? In “red” states, are officials going to open ballots to determine if they’re going to be counted? Will it get to that?

Last thing (I promise): Today, individual 1 held ANOTHER “super spreader” event with supporters crammed together like “sardines.” This one was in “The Villages” in Florida, which, curiously, includes the largest retirement community in America – a bunch of old people, among the MOST vulnerable to the virus, without masks, sitting side by side yelling and cheering, causing all kinds of potential Virus to be passed around the setting. As I said above, everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of sick people and crowded hospitals in his wake. These people in “The Villages” listened to him claim, again, “we’ve turned the corner on the virus, at the same time there were around 83,000 new cases just TODAY! A new record – over yesterday’s new record. Florida had around 4000 cases just today and it’s likely that number will be much higher by election day. Maybe his supporters are planning to vote in person on election day – and, by then, this will end up being an unexpected way he suppresses the vote. We’ll see…………….

Individual 1 wants to jail Joe Biden! Has he turned America into another Russia? Is the poisoning of opponents next?

I’ve written before that I don’t consider Robert Mueller the “hero” so many others have suggested – most at the time he was chosen to be the “special counsel” to investigate the Russian intervention into our 2016 election and the connection of the Russians to the individual 1 campaign. “We the people” waited on the edge of our seats for almost two years as Mueller went through over 500 interviews where he indicted the Russians who hacked the DNC computers – identifying them to the actual computers they were using with the help of our allied intelligence services – but, indicting individual 1 was NEVER an option and Mueller failed to “follow the money” in the investigation and refused to subpoena individual 1 because he didn’t want to go through the time it would take to fight it out in the courts. And, then individual 1 LIED in his interview questions with no consequences. Mueller “memorialized” all the evidence – which was considerable – so some future prosecutor could follow through on it. But, in my view, his investigation was a bit “timid.”

Then along came William Barr. He totally undermined Mueller’s work in one three page “‘summary” where, along with spineless Rob Rosenstein, he claimed the TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice Mueller “memorialized” – which hundreds of present and former US Attorneys put their names on an op-ed saying they would prosecute this evidence – without hesitation as, well, “obstruction.” This was a “gut punch” to the investigators on Mueller’s team and Mueller tried to point out to anyone who was listening that Barr had misled the findings of their report. Of course, in Mueller’s testimony he showed his age and that was what was focused on more than what he said – he had forewarned he would say nothing more than what was in his report prior to his testimony – but, only 1% of Americans read it (I, personally, read it TWICE) – although, he did give some important information which MOST people didn’t notice. Mueller pointed out the Russians were still “at it” (at the time of his testimony) and would be doing this again in the 2020 election! And, of course they are!

Now we’re learning individual 1’s campaign is using the Russians again in a desperate attempt to swing what appears to be a hopeless election prospect through the latest Russian “useful idiot” Rudy Giuliani. I would love to hear Joe Biden say once he’s been inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States he will hold the Russians or any other foreign nation intervening in our election to account. And, I would love to hear someone claim there is some kind of plan to unearth publications who are spewing misinformation purposefully. Meaning projecting PROPAGANDA knowing what they’re spewing is false. I’m talking about publications like the “Enquirer,” the NY Post, Fox “news,” etc. I realize it’s paramount we protect EVERYONE’S, including those I disagree with, first amendment rights. But, I believe there are limits to this. Where I struggle is with the organized propaganda coming from the GOP. (This goes for “the other side” as well – the question is; If you have a national “stage” is purposeful LYING OK?

This is a problem well beyond the election, although it’s easy to see how important each election is. Not only do we have an IMPEACHED so-called president who is, essentially, incompetent at just about everything except LYING – we now have a government full of sycophants willing to do his bidding. So, for example, the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19 is getting progressively worse, just as the scientists have told us it would – based on the FACT there’s no organized NATIONAL plan to, as Speaker Pelosi always says, “crush the virus.” Without getting Covid-19 under control the economy will continue to be “hanging by a thread.” And, the issues are much deeper and getting worse by the day. I’ve talked repeatedly here about what I call the DAMAGE being done to our fundamental institutions during individual 1’s administration and that DAMAGE is accelerating as his electoral demise seems more certain.

Those are just a couple of the issues which are causing America to be teetering on the brink of a national disaster which could make the Great Depression appear to be a “cake walk.” First, in regard to Ms. Pelosi and her attempts to pass legislation which would “crush the virus,” and, at the same time throw a “lifeline” to our economy, the republicans have been ignoring it for over four months now. It appears individual 1 has finally realized Ms. Pelosi was trying to help him save his presidency – indirectly – because she values the health of America and her people more than who wins this next election, or so it has appeared. It seems impossible for him to agree to anything with “the other side” which might make them look good.

Had the republicans come to an agreement with Ms. Pelosi and the democrats on some version of the “HEROES Act” we wouldn’t be looking at the edge of the economical “cliff” right now. I’m no economist and it doesn’t take an economist to “get” what the $600 per week to those Americans collecting unemployment INSURANCE payments had done for the economy in the first few months of the pandemic. For heaven’s sake, the stock market went up and almost regained it’s early losses during the first month or two of the pandemic because these workers were still able to pay their bills. This is with TENS of MILLIONS unemployed. Now, of course, that’s a terrible issue for the MILLIONS of these workers whose employment opportunities look bleak. I don’t own stocks but I developed a habit years ago to check in on the market each morning and, it appears to me, the market is preparing to head “south” if there’s no “stimulus” package coming out of the Congress.

From where I sit it’s looking as if the GOP led Senate is beginning to “inch” away from individual 1 because their outlook is no brighter than our IMPEACHED so-called president as we approach the November election – so, they appear to be willing to block any kind of stimulus bill from being passed before the election – and, should Biden prevail, it just won’t happen. In fact, they’ll be blaming Biden for the deficit – as I’ve said numerous times before, prior to him taking the oath of office and they’ll do everything they can to OBSTRUCT any progressive legislation going forward. When you see the brazenous of the LYING which is coming from the republicans and their DEPLORABLE backers in the media, it shouldn’t surprise anyone to see that continue unabated going forward once Biden is president. Should Biden “lose”……………OMG!

Keep in mind, there will be another part of Biden’s administration which will be getting a constant “diet” of right wing disgusting propaganda and attacks democrats MUST be ready for and be willing to push back right from the start. Kamala Harris will be Vice President and, because Joe Biden will be 78 years old on January 20th of 2021, republicans will start tearing down Harris immediately as she will likely be the front runner for the democrats in 2024 – and, there’s two things republicans really dislike about her – we’re already seeing it coming from various sources. First, she’s a girl – I know you knew that, but they really hate the idea of a girl being president. And, of course, the worst part for them is she’s African American AND Indian – talk about your “stimulus” for their DEPLORABLE racist tropes – they’ll be coming “fast and furious.” I guess there is some “stimulus” they believe in!

As we approach the election it feels as it has for many months now; Can things get any worse? Well, the answer is, yes they can get much worse and, as usual, individual 1 is likely to be right in the middle of the coming catastrophe. Other than our IMPEACHED so-called president and his maskless sycophants, MOST Americans realize the major issue is the Covid-19 pandemic and the reality our federal government is FAILING to respond to the crisis. In fact, individual 1 is likely making matters SO much worse – we likely won’t know for sure until after the election the gravity of what is happening right before our eyes – he’s holding rallies with thousands crammed together, most without masks, in a series of “super spreader” events which will likely compete with the Sturgis motorcycle fiasco in South Dakota a month or so ago for the prize regarding – who infected the most Americans?

Sturgis has left South Dakota and the states surrounding it awash in THOUSANDS of people who have contracted Covid-19 and, of course, they, in turn, are spreading it to others, and those others are spreading it to – OK, I think you “get it.” Today, North Dakota, which is a state with a total population of less than 800,000 (and, yes, they get two Senators – their state has less people than the city across the river from where I live – Portland, Oregon which is considered a “small city”) reported OVER 1000 NEW confirmed cases of Covid-19 TODAY and their hospitals are already being overrun by people sick with the virus. I listened to a doctor in one of the larger (if not the largest) hospitals in North Dakota point out 6% of those cases (60) will end up in the hospital and these numbers or numbers close to them have been happening every day for a couple of weeks. This all started happening a week or two after Sturgis, the hospital workers are exhausted and, some of them, are in tears explaining what they’re dealing with.

South Dakota is getting large numbers EVERY day as well, Montana the same, Nebraska the same, and on it goes. Reports are the “bikers” who dispersed from Sturgis spread all across the nation, many taking the virus with them – it’s impossible to know how much DAMAGE they’ve caused, but just look at the Covid statistics since the rally – it’s really BAD. The governor of South Dakota has been one of the most disparaging politicians in regard to Covid and, I’m sure, feels no sympathy for all the hospital workers who are becoming overwhelmed by all the Covid cases coming from that gathering. And, now, individual 1 is traipsing around the country holding one super spreader event after another, sometimes a couple in each state in one day, with no regard to how many people at the event – or those who come into contact with them “down the road” – are exposed to this, in some instances, deadly virus. The death count is now over 220,00 and likely to be around 400,000 at the time of the inauguration – hopefully of a president Biden.

Individual 1 is now pushing the “herd immunity” approach to the virus – apparently, the FACT that means he doesn’t have to do ANYTHING appeal to him – it kind of goes along with his record as our IMPEACHED so-called president so far, with the exception of stuff which directly benefits him, of course. Should he succeed in this strategy America will be facing the loss of something in the range of TWO to SIX MILLION “souls” and will likely still be dealing with the virus – unless an effective vaccine is produced. Even with a vaccine we’re looking at losing at least a half MILLION Americans due to the incompetence and negligence of this IMPEACHED so-called president. Sad! Disastrous! Disgusting!!

Individual 1 has been throwing one scandal after another at “we the people” since the day he LIED about the oath of office and the size of his crowd on inauguration day (ironically, he’s now complaining about Joe Biden’s “lying” at the next “debate” where his microphone will be turned off while Biden is speaking – personally, I don’t believe that will stop his interruptions, but we’ll see) – our IMPEACHED so-called president has committed over 25,000 documented LIES since he moved into the “White House” and he, and his family, have been pilfering MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars into their bank accounts while they have acted as if there are no laws which apply to them. Individual 1 has violated “norms” to the point where “norms” no longer seem to exist. This is what Joe Biden seems to be pointing toward “fixing.” (I really hope they deal with the issue of nepotism – even Laura Trump is listed as a “presidential adviser.” Yikes!)

Biden is NOT the choice I would have made during the primaries but I always “got” why he ended up being the choice of the party. The democrats understood long ago the first and foremost objective of the 2020 election is and has been defeating individual 1. Should Biden win a LOT of credit MUST go to James Clyburn of South Carolina for “resurrecting’s” Biden’s campaign when most thought it was “lost.” Clyburn clearly understood Biden is someone who, like the president he was the VP for, will attempt to bridge the “gap” which has caused America to be headed toward third world status – the “gap” between democrats and republicans. Clyburn is a wise statesman and someone who will be extremely important in helping Biden accomplish the goal of healing this country. The process MUST work from “the bottom up” and, I believe, both Clyburn AND Biden fully understand that.

The republican party has progressively moved toward that “cliff” I mentioned above which we are now “teetering” over. All republicans, however, aren’t like individual 1 and we’re seeing more and more of them who are peeling off the “individual 1 train” and Biden realizes their importance if we are to “heal” this nation once he’s in office. (I say “we” because it will take a collective effort) Individual 1 has been encouraging his supporters to violate laws in ways which have, in some instances, ended up in terrible tragedies or near tragedies. Just a week, or so, ago a group of his supporters were arrested for a plot to kidnap and MURDER the governor of Michigan (naturally, a woman) and his rhetoric was directly tied to the Murders last year in El Paso – among other tragedies. It’s ugly. The result of individual 1’s actions have led to groups like the “Lincoln project” – republicans dedicated to help defeat our IMPEACHED so-called president (full disclosure – the Lincoln Project has been the group I’ve donated the most money to during this election cycle) and there are other groups of disaffected republicans supporting Biden in the election. Sadly, none of the Congressional republicans are willing to speak out.

The real hope I have is the Senate gets “flipped” to democratic control including Jaimie Harrison being the new “junior” Senator from South Carolina. Of course, that would mean the most discouraging republican of ALL, in my view, Lindsey Graham would be gone. To me, no one has “soiled” themselves more than Mr. Graham. He’s proven his “loyalty” to his “friend” John McCain, was no “loyalty” at all. He’s the best example of a politician following the “wind” in his attempt to remain in the limelight. His support of individual 1 has been mind boggling, although, at this point, he’s turned himself into such a pathetic example of a leader that no matter how the election turns out I believe Graham has become nothing more than a pitiful afterthought.

Once the Senate is controlled by democrats there becomes the possibility our government could then become focused on “fixing” the problems which have grown to the critical level as we move on from this nightmare. Some of the “promises” Biden has made might actually be able to come to fruition without Moscow Mitch in control of the Senate. (Oh yes, I pray the people of Kentucky could somehow choose to rid us of McConnell – “wouldn’t that be lovely”) Count on the republicans to do everything they can to prevent Biden from doing what he’s said he wants to accomplish. “We the people” need to remain vigilant AND we need to include some of the republicans who have supported Biden in the process of putting this needed legislation into law. I look forward to the day when democrats and republicans can work together to solve those problems which we all can agree are undeniable.

As Speaker Pelosi says, first and foremost “crush the virus,” and then health care for every American, infrastructure, Climate Change, police reform, justice reform, education reform, racial reform, and on and on. These are issues which ALL of us SHOULD be able to understand need to be addressed. The list is long, but if “we the people” are not arguing aimlessly among ourselves we can accomplish incredible things. And, somehow, “we the people” need to figure out a way to deal with those in individual 1’s cult who are “salvageable” – meaning letting them know they are important and “we’re all Americans.” However, it should be clear the racism and hate is not something which is “welcome” in this nation and if they continue supporting this it’s back to the “fringes.” Read “Rising out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow, the story of how Derek Black “freed” himself from the KKK to get an idea on the White Supremacist movement in America and their connection to individual 1. They won’t go away quietly!

As I wrote above, Robert Mueller’s report was undermined by individual 1’s “Roy Cohn,” William Barr, and shortly thereafter individual 1 was IMPEACHED for CHEATING again, shortly after he felt he had “dodged the bullet” of the Mueller report. After the republican Senate said it’s OK to EXTORT our allies, individual 1 became even more unhinged (which included going after his “enemies” including people like Alexander Vinman). The coronavirus followed his “win” in the Senate “trial” and the incompetence and narcissism many of us had been talking about since the day he took office became obvious to anyone willing to look objectively. This year MILLIONS of Americans became unemployed and are desperate, at this point in time, to pay their rent and put food on their tables. (I can’t remember an administration with a “net loss” in job creation – and, then claiming they’re best for the economy) It’s all a terrible tragedy and individual 1 and the Senate are acting as if these people don’t matter.

Additionally, individual 1 even said us “old people” don’t matter – we’re the ones most affected by Covid-19 – so let’s all have a “herd mentality.” Let’s hope it all ends on November 3rd. (For God’s sake – we’re not Russia are we? As our IMPEACHED so-called president is suggesting his opponent should be in jail. Is the poisoning next?) I’m really struggling to understand how his supporters can continue in the cult. The list of scandalous, illegal behavior seems never ending. I haven’t even referred to the kids separated from their parents at the border who will never see those parents again – this is a tragic mark on America’s history which is what should result in people, like individual 1 being one of those in jail. There’s so many abuses which should NEVER happen again – the question becomes: how do we prevent them from happening again? It’s a sad state of affairs!

Think of this: People I know who support individual 1, when asked why, say it’s the “policies.” So let’s quickly go over the policies which apparently are the selling point he would provide to say he deserves four more years. The deficit is at record levels – over $3 TRILLION just this year, between 11 and 15 MILLION Americans are unemployed – depression era levels – almost 10%, over 222,000 Americans are DEAD from the virus with close to double that expected by the end of January, we’ve lost our standing in the world – we’re LOSING to China, Russia, etc., We’re potentially going to lose the ACA and with it protection for “pre-existing conditions,” individual 1 has promised to abolish Social Security and Medicare in his next term by repealing the payroll tax, many state and local governments are facing major layoffs because of the pandemic – police, firefighters, health care workers, teachers, etc., hate groups are on the rise and being enabled by individual 1’s rhetoric, the Justice Department is in “tatters,” and the intelligence community is being undermined as well.

Traditional American institutions are being bludgeoned from the inside out and individual 1 and his sycophants are acting as if the laws don’t apply to them. They mock anyone who points out all the MANY violations of the “Hatch Act,” for example, saying “no one cares.” The CHEATING to get elected? They think “no one cares.” The hundreds of kids at the border who will likely NEVER see their parents again? No one cares. Of course, that’s not true, but that’s what they say and that’s what individual 1 is “selling” as his campaign “promises.” The really sad part is the number of Americans who are “buying it.”

Final Thought: I had closed out my thoughts here after the first few paragraphs (to be continued) when I heard republican Senator Ben Sasse’s words in a “phone town hall” somewhere in Nebraska. He was lamenting all the reasons why he couldn’t support individual 1 and, actually, made perfect sense. EXCEPT, that he won’t do this in any real public setting and he hasn’t had the GUTS to stand up to our IMPEACHED so-called president at ANY time over the previous four LONG years. He’s like so many republican Senators – I’m certain he’s not the only one – no GUTS! They want it both ways. In a private setting Sasse comes across as a thoughtful intelligent person who clearly sees what a DEPLORABLE person sits in the “White House,” but when it’s time to show some COURAGE for, say, the vote on IMPEACHMENT – no GUTS!

There’s a bunch of them and they don’t deserve the opportunity to sit in those chairs in the Senate. I couldn’t help but think about what has caused this TERRIBLE political “climate” in America and I believe there’s a “focal point” to how this all came about. I can remember times when what is going on today was UNTHINKABLE. Individual 1 stands for the OPPOSITE of what I remember republicans SUPPOSEDLY standing for years ago. It all started “tilting” to the “right” when Reagan became president and it’s gotten progressively worse since. The Koch brothers have spent BILLIONS creating the political “climate” we have in America these days and I hope, at some point, along with individual 1 and his sycophants, they get the true credit they deserve in our history books! When historians are trying to understand how this all happened, they’ll look at the Koch network of donors and their sophisticated strategy to create a political POWER structure designed to protect corporate polluters and the WHITE power structure.

I often wonder who’s “pulling the strings” (ie “puppet masters”) causing these republicans – in BOTH the House and Senate – to lose track of any decency they may have possessed prior to becoming part of the republican caucus in Congress. Those paying close attention, for example, remember the tax (scam) cut of 2017 was in response to demands from the republican “donors” who, according to – I believe it was Lindsey Graham who I heard say it – were demanding a “return on their investment.” That Congress could get NOTHING else passed, but they managed a couple TRILLION dollars for Americans who, at the time, didn’t need it. That tax scam financed a lot of stock buy backs! Right now the hypocrisy of republicans in pushing through the nomination of Amy Barrett is “front and center,” but their hypocrisy never ends and they seem to have not an ounce of SHAME in all of it – just “par for the course.” God help us!

Joe Biden is correct, this election is for the heart and soul of this nation!

I’ve pointed out here I’m a Christian – liberal – because I do believe in the “teachings of Jesus.” To me, they’re hard to argue against, but I “get” everyone sees these things in their own way. However, I’m also becoming clearer in my witnessing people who claim to be Christians who make me rethink my own beliefs because, in no way, do I want to be associated with them. Last night I heard someone, I can’t remember who – someone in individual 1’s employ – was lamenting Joe Biden’s “plan” for a “public option” as being “Socialized medicine.” Since the end of WW II republicans have been fighting to prevent America from having a national health care system. The idea of basic health being a “right” for American citizens just doesn’t register with these republicans. I don’t understand how they can “square” that thinking with “the teachings of Jesus.” (And, of course, they all claim to be “Christians”)

My granddaughters are in Christian schools and the oldest one, who knew virtually nothing about what is in the Bible when she started the school as a freshman, was talking the other day about her “favorite verse.” I forget the exact verse, but it had to do with how “everyone” is loved by God. Well, that reminded me of one of my favorite verses which is in Matthew – “Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.” Just as “What you do FOR the least of these you do FOR me.” Almost every day I’m reminded of republicans who don’t believe in this basic human decency – whether you’re not a Christian or if you are a “Christian?” you SHOULD support health care for all of us. It’s the “right” thing to do. If not out of empathy and compassion, then because it saves money for those who are already insured. Sadly, not only are republicans opposed to health care for “the least of these,” just yesterday individual 1 blocked any more negotiation for stimulus with MILLIONS of Americans on the verge of economic disaster. (It didn’t take even him long to realize how STUPID that decision was)

Calling a “public option” “socialized medicine” is beyond absurd to me, let alone thinking about how it relates to the MO of republicans in general. Joe Biden putting forth a “public option” will require the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to survive the Supreme Court challenge. My thought is, if they succeed in overturning “Obamacare” (ACA), then maybe Bernie Sanders becomes “front and center.” Doing the “Medicare for All” solution to the issue of health care in the middle of this pandemic very well may be the reasonable way to go if the ACA has been overturned. And, again, suggesting the “public option” is “socialized medicine” is absurd on its face. What they’re saying (ADMITTING) is the private health insurers with their BLOATED executive salaries, can’t compete with a “Medicare like” option.

By all accounts, individual 1 is looking at a LANDSLIDE “whoopin” come early November – he’ll try to prevent any of the ballots COUNTED after November 3rd from “counting” – which is why Americans are VOTING EARLY in numbers never seen before – and, our IMPEACHED so-called president is counting on soon to be Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett to be the deciding vote to help him overturn – once again – the WILL of the people (Remember: “Bush v Gore”). This year, individual 1 is standing to LOSE the “popular vote” by OVER 10,000,000 votes. That’s TEN MILLION for anyone who struggles with math. And, it could be as many as 15 MILLION votes! Just imagine what it would do to this nation if he could somehow completely overturn Biden’s LEGITIMATE victory on November 3rd!

And, if, as it appears to me it will, even the Electoral College is clear on the outcome, there are few who believe individual 1 will go away quietly. By many accounts Biden could win over (or close to) 400 Electoral College votes with only 270 needed, but individual 1 believes (“future”) Judge Barrett will be what is necessary for him to overturn all those “ballots” he doesn’t like “we the people” submitting to our polling places. From what I’ve heard, as of today – 20 days before the “election” – there have been 15 MILLION Americans voting early ALREADY. And, based on reports I’ve read/heard something like two out of every three, so far, have gone for democrats. Other than finding ways to CHEAT in order to win, what our IMPEACHED so-called president is doing is turning away MORE and MORE Americans who might be thinking of voting for him.

Take us old people, for example. He’s basically suggesting we get “written off,” kind of like how people like him depreciate their property so they can CHEAT on their taxes. Do you think that’s a good idea to turn things around in Florida where he’s already, according to Five Thirty Eight (the best polling place on the internet in my view), trailing Biden by almost four points? I believe it’s possible he’ll LOSE Florida by even more – except for one thing – Ron DeSantis. Do you really believe DeSantis won’t CHEAT in order to help individual 1 “win?” PPPPPPLeeeeease! In 2000 Florida’s governor was Jeb Bush – I’m sure you remember – and, along with his republican Secretary of State AND the Supreme Court they managed to STEAL the 2000 election – resulting in, among other travesties, the Iraq Fiasco. Stay tuned…………

And, how about Texas? Governor Abbott is doing everything he can to BLOCK as many Texans as possible from voting – and, it’s not necessarily working. In Harris County, today, over another 100,000 voters voted on the second day of early voting – after almost 130,000 voted yesterday. After two days of early voting, just in this one county, close to 15% of all registered voters have voted and when you look at the lines, it would be a reach to think too many of them were standing there for 6 – 8 hours to vote for individual 1. It’s happening all over Texas in the urban areas and, yes, Abbott is trying to “slow the spread” (of voters) by going to court and finding ways to SUPPRESS the vote, but it appears Biden has a real shot in Texas – and, maybe the young lady who’s trying to unseat John Cornyn – who is not what I would consider anything close to a “progressive” – which is what young people are looking for. Not too many people, early on, thought Biden had any chance in Texas. But, what about, say, Georgia?

Well, in Georgia on the first day of early voting, which preceded that of Texas by a day or two, the lines were LONGER and it took longer for people to vote – but, they stood there and waited – in some instances – TEN HOURS! These are people I consider American heroes. If you remember Wisconsin back during the primary campaign, there were long lines of voters who stood in the rain for HOURS so they could vote – in the early stages of the pandemic. They voted down a judge who the republicans believed they could get elected by making it harder for democratic leaning voters to vote – and, it backfired. The voters overcame the republican legislature of Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court – all who said the voters had to risk their lives to vote in a pandemic. And, what did they do? They risked their lives to vote and, sure enough, that republican judge LOST!

We’re going to see the same thing with individual 1 except he’s not going quietly. He very well may need to be dragged from the “White House.” I have to admit, I’m a bit anxious about the “transition period” – from the end of the election and inauguration day – this man is as VINDICTIVE as anyone I’ve every witnessed. I keep saying he’s a “mafia boss” and his actions are those of someone you’d expect who was in that “line of work.” I believe he’s going to discover Joe Biden will be a “law and order” president and the first example will be “dragging” him from 1600 Pennsylvania, Avenue. Following that will be all the investigations into the ILLEGAL activity which is/has been going on while he’s serving as our (IMPEACHED so-called) president. I believe individual 1, several of his offspring – including Jared Kushner, William Barr, possibly Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan, and who knows how many of them – will be facing legal liability for their transgressions. Yup – “law and order” – I totally agree! DRAINING THE SWAMP!

Getting back to the election individual 1 is planning to CHEAT in order to “win,” there’s early voting in several other states besides the two I mentioned above. As of tonight – with twenty days to go until “election day,” as I said above, there have been over 15 MILLION votes cast – ALREADY! That’s MORE than 10% of the total votes cast in the 2016 election and, based on what I’ve seen, individual 1’s total very well could be substantially less than he received back then – and, early indications are that Biden is on track to exceed the totals of Barack Obama! I’m thinking of a musical I saw when I was a kid and one of the songs went like this: “And, wouldn’t it be lovely!?” I’m expecting to receive my ballot by next Monday and I will have it on it’s way to the polling office by Tuesday – guaranteed! I’m guessing HALF of all votes COULD be cast prior to the actual election date of November 3rd.

You might wonder, “why are so many people voting early?” Well, even though republicans are doing everything they can to prevent people from voting, there’s your answer. The FACT republicans are openly trying to SUPPRESS the vote is what is MOTIVATING millions of Americans to plan ahead and VOTE early. Individual 1’s threats to shut off the voting count on November 3rd, even though MILLIONS of votes will arrive after that date because they come from places like Afghanistan – where our troops get to vote – as long as votes, in almost ALL jurisdictions, are postmarked by November 3rd they WILL be COUNTED. Of course, that’s what individual 1 is going to try to prevent – the counting of the ballots which arrive after the 3rd. But, he won’t be legally allowed to in almost every state – even with Amy Barrett on the Supreme Court.

Speaking of Judge Barrett. No one is lost on why republicans are violating their own “norms” they set back in the last year of Obama’s term when they refused to even vote on Merrick Garland – as they try to “cram” her nomination through, they see “red” in their opportunity to turn the court into a 6 – 3 “majority.” Not only does individual 1 think Ms. Barrett is going to save his presidency, but republicans are counting on her to be the key vote in overturning the Affordable Care Act – as mentioned above – along with overturning Roe v Wade (along with a bunch of other stuff). I, personally, believe the only part of that scenario which concerns individual 1 is the first part – that she can help him CHEAT to stay in office (and out of court).

Honestly, I want to give John Roberts the benefit of the doubt and, I believe, he’s in a very precarious position at this point in time. The nomination of Barrett at this point in time – instead of waiting for “we the people” to “speak” is taking whatever mask (pun intended) off the exterior of the Court which may have existed – largely thanks to a couple votes by Roberts which suggested an endless number of right wing 5 – 4 decisions were on the horizon leaving some of us optimists to hope we would have a “fair” court. The nomination of Barrett and the process which republicans are going through has taken any semblance of that “mask” away. The court will now be simply considered another highly partisan part of our political process – anyone suggesting otherwise is more naïve than me. (Most were already “there” – meaning seeing the partisanship of the judiciary – especially after the work of Moscow Mitch over the previous 4 years)

Individual 1 has put the very basic foundation of our republic in jeopardy – an attempt to turn our nation into a fascist corporatocracy/dictatorship “from within” (Mussolini style) – and, the good news is, it appears that MOST of us are willing to FIGHT to preserve our traditional nation where “we the people” choose our leaders and where we “frown” on people like Vladimir Putin sticking his/their noses into our “business.” When the “smoke clears” and individual 1 has been “run out of town” the partisan courts are going to be left “standing.” In our nation, when the people get to a point where they don’t trust the Judiciary we are in serious trouble, and that’s where William Barr is leading “we the people.” There are going to be some right wing challenges to the legitimacy of Biden’s administration via actions similar to what we saw recently in Michigan. My own governor has received similar threats to those received by governor Whitmer of Michigan and I have to wonder if Barr’s Justice Department will/would respond. We KNOW the groups who are fulminating the threats.

Everytime I start writing the thoughts just pile up and I struggle to keep up with them and keep myself coherent, but the bottom line here is for those at the “bottom of the hierarchy” this is a really dark time in America. And, for those of us a bit more fortunate, watching how those who are the sycophantic supporters of individual 1 are willing to accept as being “our country” is gut wrenching. When I talk about the “least of these” the first picture I get in my mind are the CAGES full of children who have been separated from their parents – in many instances NEVER to see them again and facing the likelihood of being sent back to their home country and dropped off at some airport and – good luck ‘ it breaks my heart every time I think of this.

And, the list goes on and on – and, now what I’ve been suggesting for two months is individual 1’s acceptance of the “herd mentality” (I pointed out when he said that he meant “immunity”) approach to the Covid-19 pandemic – which means his plan is to do NOTHING (works well for him) – is further evidence of his disdain for “the least of these.” By now, MOST Americans understand that is who take the “brunt” of the damage of this virus. The elderly, “Black and Brown” Americans who are disproportionately represented on the “front lines” of the fight against this pandemic, the poor (in many tangential ways affected by the virus), and people with disabilities of various natures are the ones who would be the bulk of the 2 – 6 MILLION Americans who would have to die to reach “herd immunity” – if that’s even possible.

This is why I’m so saddened every time I think about “Christians” being the “base” of this DEPLORABLE person and why I’m lost in understanding how they can find themselves in what appears to be almost a death cult. The next three weeks are going to be determinative of where this country is headed. Joe Biden is correct, this election is for the heart and soul of this nation! The FACT a significant majority of American oppose individual 1 has been no secret – that has been consistent since the WOMEN’S MARCH just a day after the inauguration of our IMPEACHED so-called president. Clearly, individual 1 is planning on different ways to CHEAT to achieve his “end.” That’s what he’s been doing for his entire life – so, it should surprise no one. It’s time for him to enter the history books after LOSING to “Sleepy Joe Biden.” “Wouldn’t that be lovely?”

Final Thought: When I made my “kitchen sink” prediction a couple months back I was not able to think creatively enough to keep up with the republicans. This is one you may have problems believing, but I can assure you it’s true. Republicans are placing FAKE ballot drop off boxes all around the state of California. What do you think their plan is with all the ballots which might get inadvertently put in there? When I heard this one, it was “are you kidding me?” But, sure enough, it’s true. Apparently, GOP operatives were caught and a judge has interceded but it shouldn’t take too many brain cells to realize what they’d do with all the ballots they’d collect. Of course, doing this is a FELONY, but, these days, our “law and order” republicans don’t feel they are encumbered by the laws. Stay tuned……………….

Brace yourself for the transition period because individual 1 will be calling out his “boogaloo bois!”

I started this “blog” as, basically, my own little space in the cyber world to vent my frustrations with America’s politics after Bush/Cheney LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO which continues to cause the world to be destabilized to this day – bringing back memories of Viet Nam to me – and it accelerated with the “election” (with the help of the Russians, James Comey, and the Electoral College) of individual 1 who continues to make ALL of my earlier predictions come true and is making his AUTHORITARIAN nature more public by the day. Honestly, I’m getting tired of doing this, but it’s likely I’ll continue at least until November 3rd, where I hope our IMPEACHED so-called president will be voted into the history books – as I’ve said many times, right next to Benedict Arnold. He’ll have lots of company; William Barr, Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, Moscow Mitch, Leningrad Lindsey, and Sean Hannity off the top of my head.

When individual 1 contracted Covid-19 I wrote that my prayers for him were that he wouldn’t succumb to the virus but that he would get sick enough to stop pushing for his “herd mentality” (OK, that was a HUGE “gaffe” by our IMPEACHED so-called president for anyone looking for Biden’s “gaffe’s) and actually show some compassion for the MILLIONS of Americans who have been affected by this virus – maybe even get him to back off his attempt to destroy the ACA. So far, although I believe he’s got a good dose of Covid he’s trying to come across as some invincible knothead who’s “conquered the disease.” All I could think of when I heard what he was tweeting was “tell that to the families of the 215,000+ Americans who’ve died or the MILLIONS who now have a “pre-existing” condition to deal with for the rest of their lives. (While he’s in court trying to end their protection for “pre-existing” conditions)

What I had hoped wouldn’t happen is what appears to be in our IMPEACHED president’s “crosshairs” and that is him getting the virus and then suggesting to the American people – well, the 30-40% who believe what he says – that it’s just another case of the flu. Of course, if you’ve been paying attention, you know there’s still a very good possibility he’s far from through with this disease – so, I continue to hope he’ll need to go back into the hospital to be treated – not because I despise him (I do – I DON’T hate him) – but, because I’d like to see our nation FINALLY have an organized plan to mitigate this virus – so our economy could ACTUALLY re-open safely. I believe it will require some kind of court decision before we actually know how sick he’s been with this virus. The statistics suggest from 5-12% of Americans in individual 1’s category (74 years old and obese with high cholesterol) die from this disease. Quite possibly, he’s not “out of the woods” just yet. (I wrote that yesterday and he’s planning a rally today) Of course, he gets treatments the rest of us are not “privy to.”

Herman Cain, who died from Covid about three weeks after attending individual 1’s “kick-off” rally in Tulsa last June, thought he had “beat” the disease a couple times before it “reared it’s ugly head” and took him out. Of course, he likely didn’t have the medical treatment available to our IMPEACHED so-called president – which makes individual 1’s cavalier attitude even that much more disgusting. He’s encouraging his supporters to, seemingly, not worry about protecting themselves from the disease and just go about life as if it isn’t there. Those people aren’t going to be getting experimental “cocktails” of anti-bodies and things like Remdesivir or dexamethasone unless they are desperately ill – which, naturally, raises more questions than have been answered about individual 1’s illness.

For example, why was he administered Remdesivir in the White House within 24 hours of his diagnosis. Was the diagnosis actually well before it was reported? (That would suggest individual 1 KNEW he was positive when he went to the fundraiser in Bedminster and, possibly, at the first debate) It’s been reported many times Remdesivir is an experimental drug requiring special approval and is given in the hospital as an attempt to keep patients off respirators. And, dexamethasone has been used for patients who are on respirators which causes even more questions about individual 1’s being administered this drug – which can actually weaken your immune system. It’s as if the doctors are infusing individual 1 with everything on the shelf. I can only assume they wouldn’t be administering all these EXPERIMENTAL treatments – especially at the same time – unless there was serious cause for concern.

So, again, I do NOT wish for individual 1 to become one of the victims of this disease, but based on his “tweets” I’ve only heard about (I don’t participate in “Social media”) I’m hoping he’ll take a turn for the worse. That appears to be the ONLY way to get him to respect how serious this pandemic is and get him off the “herd mentality.” If, as he appears to be suggesting, we simply allow this virus to take it’s course with the idea of reaching “herd immunity” somewhere between two and six MILLION Americans would die. And, of course, all those “pro life” republicans seem to be going along with this thinking. Their concern is Wall Street and NOT Main Street. (And, Pro life?????)

Just to give you a quick glimpse at how stupid that thinking is – today, individual 1 announced there would be no more negotiating for a coronavirus relief package in Congress. Of course, Democrats have had the so-called “Heroes Act” on Moscow Mitch’s desk for OVER three months – a bill which would help the people out of work, it would help the state and local governments, and it would help a whole bunch of others affected by this disease. (Like, for example, the airline industry) Republicans would rather focus on one more judge – a judge which will mark the Supreme Court as a political body for, maybe, a generation. The Court, itself – by the way – should be enough to get MILLIONS of people to the polls to support democrats. If Amy Barrett is confirmed the court will be tilted toward republican appointed judges 6-3. With another four years it could get a lot worse. Individual 1 Is GOING to lose the votes of women by an historic margin – just a guess on my part.

By announcing the end of any attempt to come up with a stimulus bill, individual 1 caused Wall Street to drop about one percentage point (300 points) in a matter of minutes. I checked the “futures” and the last time I checked the DOW was predicted to start the day tomorrow down about 2%. That changes by the hour, but, as I’ve been suggesting, this market is like a house built on sand – it’s foundation is murky at best. Most people don’t understand the amount of money Jerome Powell has infused into Wall Street to keep it propped up while we have near depression era levels of unemployment in America. The original “Cares Act” protected “we the people” from going into a “real” depression by supporting unemployed workers. That support ended on August 1 and the number of people who are desperate for money is growing by the minute. Walking away from more support for those affected by this virus is, well, republican. I’m happy Nancy Pelosi didn’t allow them to BULLY her into a stupid agreement which further would have put money in the hands of those who don’t need it!

I can guarantee you individual 1 will do everything he can to provide MONEY for people in a way to, in his mind, get them to vote for him – ie BUYING votes. He’s also unleashing the Justice Department on the voting system as he continues to LIE about the “ballots” – suggesting voting by mail is completely fraudulent. I pointed this out months ago; individual 1 IS throwing “everything, INCLUDING, ‘the kitchen sink’,” at this election. When he loses he’s going to be claiming the “ballots” were fraudulent and, who knows to what extent he’ll try to remain in the “White House?” He’s got William Barr using the Justice Department as a “battering ram,” and, I’m sure, much to the chagrin of our IMPEACHED so-called president, he’s got an FBI director who is telling the TRUTH – of course, that is unacceptable in individual 1’s administration – and pointing out there is NO evidence of “voter fraud” – AT ALL! – means Chris Wray is going to be fired!

People are voting in record numbers and they’re MOSTLY NOT voting for individual 1 – they’re LINING up in LONG lines in the early voting states and, the MORE individual 1 shows his authoritarian streak, the worst things get for him. He’s not only making things worse for himself, he’s making it worse for those “down the ballot.” Personally, I’m OK with that because I’ve been lobbying for “we the people” to send today’s republican party into the history books. I’ve been an independent for over 50 years but “today’s republicans” consider the republicans I’ve voted for over the years as “RINO’s.” The republican party, in my view, has been headed for the “cliff” on the “right” for years and it looks as if individual 1 is what will take them over the edge. Hopefully, they’ll be facing the proverbial “blue wave.”

We saw this after Bush/Cheney and, therefore, democrats MUST be preparing themselves for what is next. Democrats have a habit (of late) where they take a deep breath after blocking the republican push for their “permanent republican ‘majority'” and, then, they forget to keep PUSHING to put their fundamental values into law. President Obama was a pragmatic left of center president who knew his limitations as the FIRST Black president – he needed the rest of us to stand much taller against the RACIST attacks he endured for his entire eight years in office. The force behind individual 1 isn’t simply going to go away – the FIGHT will have just begun when we get individual 1 out of office. Obviously, individual 1 is NOT going to go away quietly. And, when the legal system puts its crosshairs on him his supporters will consider him a martyr.

Neither individual 1 nor VP Pense were willing to agree to a “peaceful transfer of power” in the two debates as of the time of my writing this. Individual 1 actually gave the “proud boys” words for their logo as he encouraged them to “stand by.” I certainly wasn’t surprised when our IMPEACHED so-called president was unable to draw the words to condemn “White Supremacists” (Because, of course, they’re a significant part of his “base” and, well, he’s one of them) – he’s been pointing out they’re “very fine people” since the march on Charlottesville a couple years ago – which, once the “smoke cleared” David Duke was thanking individual 1 “for his kind words.” He can complement White Supremacists, he just is unable to criticize them – he needs the votes! (Today, as I was driving toward town a pickup truck passed me by with, in the window right behind the driver was a (individual 1)/Biden bumper sticker and in the other window was a sticker which said simply “Stand by.” It doesn’t take long for individual 1’s foment to spread.

As more information comes out about what has transpired during individual 1’s administration my thoughts are evolving. We’re watching a wannabee Vladimir Putin in action, every day. It’s disgusting – unless, I guess, you’re Vladimir Putin. I believe individual 1 dreams of being the next “Putin” as he’s, in his own right, attempting to funnel as much American taxpayer money into his own accounts as possible before he’s “run out of town.” However, he also sees all the potential legal hurdles he’s going to face once out of office and no longer protected by the OLC memo which has, on several occasions, prevented him from indictment since he took the “oath of office.” Maybe that is why he’s calling all the whacko right wing terrorist groups, like the Proud Boys, to “action” as “poll watchers” – apparently thinking that will cause enough people from refusing to vote to “flip” the election in his favor.

I’m guessing this is the main reason he’s been clamoring about “voting by mail” for months now. He knew Joe Biden was likely to beat him in the election last year when he tried to extort the Ukrainians to help him in this election – of course, leading to his IMPEACHMENT. And, the republicans who soiled themselves in the IMPEACHMENT “trial” are soon looking straight at their spot in the history books which will NOT look good to their ancestors. But, as usual, there’s always more; Not only is individual 1 refusing to SAY he opposes White Supremacists, he is encouraging the White Supremacist GANGS (terrorist organizations) in their attempt to undermine our government. Trust me, the days after the election – once it’s clear individual 1 is FINISHED – are going to be interesting. I’m not sure I’ve EVER witnessed ANYONE as VINDICTIVE as individual 1 and I believe the DAMAGE he’s done to this nation will be increased in ways I’m unable to imagine at this point. It’s the “you take me down, I’ll take you down with me” syndrome. Just imagine what he’ll do if he believes he’s headed for a jail cell.

America is teetering on the brink of an historic economic downturn and individual 1 seems oblivious to the possibilities and republicans simply don’t know how to actually govern in a way which would prevent a disaster prior to it actually happening – and, personally, I don’t believe they know how to deal with disasters when in the middle of one. This is why I’ve been pointing out since democrats passed the ‘HEROES” Act several months ago that republicans don’t see a “gift horse” even when it’s right in front of their faces. Suddenly, individual 1 is realizing the “HEROES Act” was designed to save this economy from the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic. Apparently, because it was put together by democrats meant, to Moscow Mitch and individual 1, that it was “dead on arrival” in the Senate. In fact, republican senators don’t believe in helping anyone other than their wealthy donors – so, providing an extra “bonus” to people collecting unemployment insurance (that’s INSURANACE) is not in their DNA. Helping the people on the front lines FIGHTING against this virus – not something which appeals to republicans. And, I could go on and on. (The Post Office – no, State and local govt.’s – no, etc.)

Final Thought: Individual 1 is now throwing around accusations against President Obama and Vice President Biden along with Hillary Clinton (OK, AGAIN) urging William Barr to prosecute them before the election. Apparently that’s how he expects to “win” on November 3rd – by having Barr indict Biden! I keep asking myself: “Is our IMPEACHED so-called president really this stupid?” Can you imagine Barr indicting Biden before this election while he’s about 15 points ahead in most of the polls. I guess individua 1 really does believe he’s turned America into “Russia lite.” Like me, virtually everyone I listen to is urging Americans to VOTE as the way to end this nightmare. So, I’ll say it again, VOTE!!!

And, my God, these sycophants! I’m not sure who repulses me the most – our IMPEACHED so-called president, or the sycophants like – the one coming to mind right now is Mike Pompeo. Remember, this guy was first in his class at West Point – where there’s an HONOR code! OK, we’ve seen several West Point alums proving their “honor code” is worth about the cost of the paper it’s written on. The other day I heard individual 1 expressing his disappointment in Pompeo for not finding the “missing 33,000 emails.” That’s right, he’s still looking for them – apparently the FACT the Russians couldn’t find them has our IMPEACHED so-called president pressuring the Secretary of State to find them. Sure enough, today, I saw an interview with Pompeo – who was grinning as if his fuhrer would now be happy with him as he said, “we’ve found them, we’ll have them out before the election.” (Is individual 1 running against Ms. Clinton again?)

Let me just say, individual 1 is saying it’s OK to attempt to have your political opponents JAILED. Any one who has been paying attention knows our IMPEACHED so-called president is going to SELF-PARDON before he allows himself to be dragged from the “White House” while he encourages the Proud boys and the “Boogaloo’s” to foment as much violence as possible in protest to “we the people” voting their fuhrer out of office. And, if you believe I’m being hyperbolic in the use of the term “fuhrer” you HAVEN’T been paying attention. They are neo-Nazi’s and they’ve made the Nazi salute part of their routine. And, some of them refer to individual 1 as a “god.” Brace yourself for the transition period because individual 1 will be calling out his “boogaloo bois” who are focused on disrupting our government and starting a race war. The group which was responsible for the plan to kidnap and MURDER Michigan’s female governor is par of that “network” as are the “Proud Boys.” I’ve pointed out several times it was that “network” which was responsible for much of the violence and damage in the protests which followed the LYNCHING of George Floyd. It’s “ugly” right now, but it’s going to get uglier! Individual 1 is NOT a “good loser,” although, by all metrics, he’s a LOSER!

Spewing misinformation (LYING) appears to be a requirement of the MAGA “movement.”

As I watch what is transpiring in Louisville, Kentucky – today, the only Black member of their legislature was arrested and charged with “felony rioting” for being in a group of protesters WALKING to a church right before the curfew “kicked in,” why would it be surprising? Moscow Mitch is the senior Senator for the “commonwealth” (State) of Kentucky and, likely, will be re-elected again on November 3rd. There’s a very competent opponent for McConnell, but she’s a democrat and it appears the people of this “commonwealth” approve of the “deplorable” behavior of their senior Senator. Sad!

And, when you think of individual 1’s unwillingness (AGAIN) to “condemn” White Supremacist groups you have to keep in mind McConnell is one of the leading enablers of our IMPEACHED so-called president – in fact, it was McConnell who made it clear in the IMPEACHMENT trial there would be no, well, trial. And, sadly, I feel the people in McConnell’s “commonwealth” won’t lift a finger to pull him from Congress where he led the RACIST attacks on Barack Obama. It was McConnell who famously (infamously – ultimately) claimed his “number one goal” was that the president would FAIL. Of course, if the president fails the country fails – which we’re seeing in glaring lights with individual 1 as we watch a president who is FAILING and can’t seem to help himself. It’s a terrible time for our country and my hope is “we the people” will hold as many republicans as we can accountable along with this DEPLORABLE IMPEACHED so-called president.

I said from the start – individual 1 would last as long as the republicans would allow his racist, duplicitous, un-American behavior to continue and, sadly, almost NONE of them have been able to draw the courage to fight against this ugly part of our history. When individual 1 suggests he’s unaware of the “Proud Boys” that is such a BLATANT lie – they’ve already plastered his words “stand back, stand by” on their logo and they’re selling “proud boy” shirts with individual 1’s words on them. They’re celebrating individual 1’s words just as David Duke celebrated his “very find people on both sides” comment after Charlottesville – the same David Duke individual 1, just as he did with the Proud Boys, said, “I don’t know who that is.” He can LIE with impunity and, sadly, his base either doesn’t care or they believe him. Of course, that one of his top Latino supporters in Florida is one of the leaders of the Proud Boys means, well, you know!

This post was one of three I had going a couple days ago due to my seeming inability to keep up with all the scandalous behavior of our IMPEACHED so-called president and, last night, the inevitable happened and was reported. Individual 1, his wife, and who knows how many others in his “orbit” have tested positive for Covid-19 – the disease individual 1, earlier in the day, sent a recorded message to the “Al Smith” dinner claiming the end of this virus is near – again, almost ignoring the words of the top scientists in this country. It’s the next day from his positive test and, surprise, surprise what we’re hearing from the White House is, putting it in the best light I can, information to be skeptical of. Individual 1 is going to Walter Reed Medical Center and the viewpoints of America’s citizens will likely vary greatly.

The list of those close to individual 1 who have been infected with the virus continues to grow. Two republican Senators who were at the ceremony for the introduction of Amy Barrett, Kelleyanne Conway, the president of Notre Dame University, several staff members, at least three members of the press corps, numerous Secret Service personnel along with who knows how many of the hundreds of support persons who work in the “White House,” and, still, people inside the “people’s” House were refusing to wear masks. At the debate – which likely followed the “super spreader” event on Saturday in the Rose Garden (the intro of Ms. Barrett) ALL the members of individual 1’s family and entourage REFUSED to wear masks – even after a doctor from the Cleveland Clinic – which hosted the debate – personally asked them to do so. Masks were REQUIRED and they were the ONLY people NOT wearing one. ARROGANCE?

So, who was the most responsible for what could be HUNDREDS of people becoming infected with Covid-19? Well, much to many people’s surprise, including me – if you were watching “The Last Word” on MSNBC when Lawrence O’Donnell interviewed one of the top experts on these infectious diseases, Laurie Garrett, she pointed out that despite the fact Amy Barrett had already experienced Covid-19 she very well could still have been “shedding” the virus while at the White House gathering. There’s likely no way to know for sure – because individual 1 has been “thumbing his nose” at the reality of this virus so it’s likely he was the cause of all these people becoming infected. But???? Keep in mind, Vice President Pense was situated right in the middle of the people who ended up infected at that ceremony. Stay tuned……. If he was infected it could be a couple weeks until we know. Should the VP “debate” go forward??? One thing you can count on – Pense will IGNORE the CDC guidelines suggesting he should be quarantined for at least 14 days. (That would cause the VP “debate” to be canceled)

Certainly, those who end up with the virus in New Jersey who attended the fundraiser at individual 1’s Bedminster Golf Course – supposedly between 100 and 200 supporters of our IMPEACHED so-called president – where individual 1 chose to attend AFTER KNOWING one of his close associates (Hope Hicks) had tested positive. These are people who were donating large amounts of money for the person who was threatening their health – KNOWINGLY! I have to wonder how they feel today? (Aside from maybe feeling a bit sick) Individual 1 is demonstrating how infectious this virus really is.

The coronavirus has CLEARLY demonstrated to “we the people” how incompetent our IMPEACHED so-called president is, how incompetent the people he’s surrounded himself with are, and how dangerous this time is for the United States of America. Who knows what the Russians, Chinese, and other adversaries around the world are doing right now to take advantage of the reality the American “ship of state” is “rudderless.” Things can’t get better until individual 1 is sitting in the history books next to Benedict Arnold. Our IMPEACHED so-called president, last week, was identified as the top purveyor of misinformation (LIES) about the virus in the WORLD! Something like 38% of the LIES – after experts inspected 38 MILLION examples around the world of people commenting on Covid-19 – can be traced back to individual 1.

We are all going to get a break from his vendetta of LIES for at least a week or two while the virus is either spreading in his body or his body is winning the battle against Covid-19. Based on the FACT the doctors are giving him experimental treatments and he’s already been administered Remdesiver would suggest there’s a concern he could get very sick from this virus. Personally, I certainly hope it doesn’t kill him, I’d just like to see him get very sick and not be able to campaign again until election day. I heard two experts, yesterday, explain people in his category – 74 years old and obese – 5% to 12% end up dying. Not “odds” I’d be that happy with. What that means is he’s likely to recover – but, you hear of people still struggling after two to three months of battling the disease – Covid-19. I’d be OK if he fell into that category. I’d love for him to be able to face all the allegations mounting as he gets toward January 20, 2021.

By the way, BOTH of the republican Senators who came down with the virus at the ceremony for Amy Barrett are members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. That means it would take only one more republican to vote against this egregiously hypocritical process to put an end to it, at least until after the election. As of right now – while I’m writing this – the “make-up” of the Judiciary Committee is 10 – 10. I’m not sure if a tie gets the nomination to the floor. Who knows how many more Senators are going to come down with this virus in the coming days. There are a number of republicans who REFUSE to wear a mask and, personally, I hope a bunch of them end up like their leader trying to overcome what they are ignoring.

Do you find this interesting? Individual 1 is presently in what is considered one of the BEST hospitals in the world and it is a GOVERNMENT run hospital – the NAVAL hospital at Bethesda called the Walter Reed Medical Center. He’s getting this care for FREE while he’s trying to take health care coverage from untold MILLIONS of Americans in an act which would impact many more than those who are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Not only would the repeal of the ACA have a negative impact on Medicare, individual 1 is threatening both Medicare and Social Security with his reckless claim he’s going to repeal the payroll tax. Should he succeed the TRILLIONS in the Social Security “trust fund” would be gone in a matter of a few short years – robbing America’s Seniors of their “firewall” from poverty. Individual 1, along with his sycophants like McConnell, Graham, Jordan, etc., is/are the epitome of hypocrisy! OK, I know, “surprise, surprise.”

Joe Biden claims he’s going to be the “president of all Americans, not just “blue” Americans” and, personally, I hope he can bring a sense of some kind of common spirit back to this country – of course, that would require the rejection of groups like the Proud Boys and other “gangs” or “militias” – groups of extreme right wing “wing nuts” who have become heavily armed and are pushing toward a race war in this nation. Many of these groups are connected with the moniker “boogaloo” in some kind of fashion and many of them should be held accountable for their actions. I, personally, believe much of the violence and damage caused during the protests which followed the LYNCHING of George Floyd, was caused by the right wing groups as they infiltrated the protests and then spurred on the looting and damage to small businesses. As I’ve previously predicted, I believe the BLATANT racist, misogynists’ attacks on Kamala Harris will begin PRIOR to her taking the oath of office should her and Biden prevail on November 3rd.

Of course, individual 1 is encouraging this racism and violence – I listened with a sense of horror as he attempted to rationalize away the MURDERS committed by Kyle Rittenhouse in Kenosha, Wisconsin. He said to someone at a press briefing, “You saw the same video I did” – suggesting Rittenhouse was acting in self defense as he shot a couple people after tripping and falling to the ground while people chased him because he had just MURDERED someone. They were chasing him because the police – there were several military styled vehicles sitting and watching – simply did NOT respond to Rittenhouse KILLING two people right in front of their faces! (By the way, to me, that’s NOT “law and order”) They actually threw him bottled water and thanked him – right before he went on his KILLING spree. The police watched him KILL two people and then ALLOWED him to walk right out of town! I’ve said this before, what if he’d been Black? You KNOW the answer!

Final Thought: As I drive around doing errands or spend a little time at home just reflecting on what is happening to America I keep coming back to wondering how so many Americans can be fooled into voting for someone who willingly stands in front of their faces and spews one LIE after another and they simply “suck it up.” Of course, he relentlessly LIES to ALL of us – “we the people” – the “pile” of LIES now surpassing 25,000 – yes, that’s correct TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND LIES since the day he took an oath to protect and defend the United States of America from all threats both foreign and domestic. OK, I get it – he’s the DOMESTIC threat to this nation and, at this point in time, it appears that’s the more dangerous THREAT – although, the case can certainly be “broached” he may be in cahoots with a foreign THREAT – ie Vladimir Putin.

Here’s what people are voting for beyond the LYING – which, in my view, SHOULD be disqualifying in itself. (EVERY one of his supporters I know have justified the LYING with “we all lie, or everyone lies. Yikes!) Of course, we all exaggerate, spin to our own beliefs, etc. but out and out purposeful LYING – 25,000+ TIMES – Yikes again! His LYING about the coronavirus has created consequences which are almost unthinkable – instead of leading the world’s FIGHT against this pandemic, he’s been AW0L and accepting of the loss of, at this point in time, OVER 210,000 Americans DEAD and what will soon be TENS OF MILLIONS with a “pre-existing condition” (including himself) – for the ones lucky enough to survive the disease. Why would I bring that up? Because, just as I mentioned above, he’s going after American’s access to health care – any kind of government supported health care – including MEDICARE! Why, you might ask? Who knows, he LIES about EVERYTHING including health care!

Well, he’s also a KNOWN tax cheat! The NY Times FINALLY got ahold of 20 years of his tax returns including his first two years in office and they reported there was a TEN YEAR period where he paid NO taxes and, in his first two years of the presidency he paid $750 each year. That’s correct $750! I’m a retired school teacher (the last 23 years of my working life) and my wife is a part time school teacher and we paid over $10,000 in income taxes. (Of course, we paid about another $10,000 in other taxes like property taxes, sales taxes, etc.) I don’t complain about paying taxes and I’m thankful I’m able to do so – I feel it’s my civic duty. Just as I felt it was my duty to volunteer for the Marines back in 1967 when I had been brainwashed into believing fighting in Viet Nam would protect our nation from “communism.” (Full disclosure, I was ultimately medically discharged about six months after taking my oath because of a knee injury, so I didn’t end up in Viet Nam)

Of course, individual 1 considers people like me stupid and, thanks to his rich daddy, he was able to find a doctor to LIE about his mysterious “bone spurs” – the ones which didn’t bother him during his time participating in athletics – so he could receive one of his FIVE deferments from his, what was at the time, mandatory military service. When there became a “lottery” for the draft, apparently, he got “lucky” and got a high number which was never called. The bottom line: he NEVER served and, as our IMPEACHED so-called president, has referred to those who have as suckers and losers. That’s especially grating to someone like me who survived that period when many of my high school classmates didn’t as he refers to those in the graves in France and other military cemeteries as losers. Most of us would say “heroes.”

Do you need more? I’m an evangelical Christian (liberal, apparently) who is constantly grappling with the FACT a large segment of individual 1’s base is the “Christian” community. I just recently read the book “White too Long” by Robert P Jones, which researches the history of the White Supremacist movement’s connection to the Christian church and it’s undeniable. I’ve known this for years, I just haven’t wanted to associate it with me and I’ve always looked at the issue via my “whiteness.” This is the issue which causes me the MOST struggle with the “church” as I attempt to feel connected to the people in my church who look offended when I bring up the issue of racism and their connection to individual 1. They believe they’re NOT racists – but, that requires a public rejection of them giving their support to a known RACIST and I just don’t accept any of them who say “I’m not a racist” when they associate themselves with individual 1. You just can’t have it both ways! He can’t even bring himself to say the words “White Nationalist” or “White Supremacist” as he’s encouraging groups like the Proud Boys to “Stand by” – a “dog whistle” which is now part of their logo.

There are RACIST cells of different militia type groups spread all across our nation which emerged after the election of our first “president of color,” and with individual 1 and William Barr at the “helm” NOTHING is being done about it. Just as our “leaders” refuse to fight back against the Russian attack on our nation – which, don’t kid yourself, it’s going in “high gear” as I’m writing this – the evidence is mounting the COLLUSION which CLEARLY happened in 2016 is ongoing, Individual 1, Barr, and others are encouraging the right wing militia movement as opposed to putting an end to it. Our IMPEACHED so-called president believes he’s above the law, he believes he’s going to be able to stay in power – in fact, there are numerous reports he sees himself as staying in power for 3 – 4 terms – just like his idol Putin – and, there are MILLIONS of American’s who remain willingly IGNORANT to this sad reality OR they are Ok with it. Either option, to me, is disgraceful.

I could go on and on. For example, to me, the abject destruction of our traditional institutions is not OK and the idea “judges” are more important than the foundation of the “experiment” which has lasted for around 240 years prior to this DEPLORABLE so-called president makes me want to gag. Clearly, there’s a significant portion of America who understand their views are in the minority and they are willing to resort to tearing the nation apart to get their “will.” They believe the rest of us don’t care enough to fight back and I truly hope they’re wrong. This upcoming election is a “watershed” moment in American history. There’s no doubt a strong majority of Americans want individual 1 out of office and he’s willing to do ANYTHING to stay in office. I hope they’re determined to vote – more determined than he is to prevent them from voting!

One of the most offensive moments in individual 1’s time in office, to me, was when the protesters in Lafayette Square were tear gassed and faced rubber bullets from police on horseback to clear the square so individual 1 could march across the street and stand in front of “The President’s Church” (where, apparently, he’s not too welcome) holding someone else’s Bible UPSIDE DOWN for a photo op which he could use in his fake campaign ads aimed at his “Christian” base. I remember at the time thinking, “I’ll bet he can’t even paraphrase one verse from that Bible.” I tried to find evidence of him attending ANY church service and could find none – although, in his niece’s book I believe she said occasionally he would attend with his family on Christmas and Easter when he was a child – occasionally. He’s a total fraud and his base sucks it up! Sad!

Here’s a thought for those of you who struggle with the idea there is a spiritual realm aside from the physical realm. You can’t believe in anything you can’t see or touch. I get it. But, the thought crossed my mind today as I was driving around: “Individual 1 is in the hospital fighting the very disease he’s been mocking others for worrying about.” I have to wonder if God is involved? (As a Christian I believe “God is in Control”) He may be fighting for his life. I have to admit, my prayers for him are, well, they’re prayers but mainly that he survives. I can’t say for sure if it’s prayer or hope – but, I’d like to see him, as I’ve stated elsewhere, to get a really good dose of this Covid thing – so, he’ll quit acting like it’s the “flu” and he’ll start doing what is necessary to save as many lives as possible. Even if he loses in November, his actions could save, from what I’ve read, HUNDREDS of thousands of lives if he’d put forth a national action plan which follows the advice of the scientists! I’ll keep praying!

Sorry, can’t help myself – I’ve got to add: I did some checking today of groups of individual 1’s supporters in an attempt to gauge their thoughts with their fuhrer in the hospital fighting the disease he’s told them will “just go away.” The disease he referred to with the term “herd mentality” – which, I’m pretty sure he’s not so much a fan of right now if he meant “herd immunity.” The range of comments weren’t that surprising because I’ve come to the conclusion his supporters live in a “fact free” world. Many of them, for example, don’t believe he’s in the hospital because they’re convinced the virus is a “hoax.” Most think he’ll be out and about in a week or so as if he’s got a common cold. (Do they administer Remdesiver or Dexamethasone for the common cold?) I think a better characterization of what I read would be “ignorant” instead of “stupid,” but, sadly, his supporters don’t come across as very thoughtful. And, his sycophants in Congress and the “White House” seem content to continue “feeding” their flock misinfor……………… OK, let’s call it what it is ….. LIES – just as he does. It seems to be a requirement of the MAGA movement!

Maybe we’ll all be spared from another one of individual 1’s debate fiascos!

As anyone who has been following the “proceedings” since the coronavirus struck America and our IMPEACHED so-called president chose to LIE about the severity of the incoming pandemic as a STUPID and FUTILE way to save his treasured “stock market” which he viewed as his pathway to “four more years” knows, the crisis caused by the disease emanating from the coronavirus, referred to as Covid-19, is now responsible for the DEATHS of OVER 200,000 Americans (almost 210,000 as I’m writing this and predicted to double by the end of the year based on the lack of a “plan” coming from the federal government). The “battle” to fight this disease, sadly and thanks to individual 1, has become political. And, to me, maybe the worst part of all this is the sycophancy of the republicans in Congress.

Republicans deciding to “sink” with individual 1 is my major miscalculation as I’ve been following closely the administration of our IMPEACHED so-called president and his response to this once in a century (hopefully) pandemic, Covid-19. One of the really STUPID, in my view, ways individual 1 has politicized the pandemic is his refusal to wear a mask or to encourage others to wear masks – when virtually ALL the REPUTABLE scientists are pointing out if everyone was wearing masks in public TENS of thousands, maybe HUNDREDS of thousands of lives would be saved and getting back to something resembling “normal” would be accelerated – by a LOT! There have been some examples of what the scientists are talking about which are the result of the inability of our IMPEACHED so-called president to formulate ANY plan to combat the virus – even something as easy as encouraging people to wear masks in public.

The first example was the “rally” individual 1 held in Tulsa, Oklahoma a few months ago (June 20th – I remember the date because the rally was conspicuously planned for “Juneteenth” until individual 1’s advisers convinced him that bit of racism was too overt – even for him). Herman Cain was sitting right in the middle of a small group of “Blacks for individual 1” (They, of course, used his surname, which I’m unable to make my fingers type) at the rally with no mask on, surrounded by people with no masks on, and three weeks later he was DEAD – from, you guessed it, Covid-19. Did he get the virus there? Or, did he have it and take it there with him – transmitting it to who knows how many others? We’ll likely never know – what we do know is he looked healthy in the photos of him at the rally and three weeks later he was DEAD from the virus. I’ll let you figure that one out.

Of course, as there always is with individual 1, there’s more. At the time of the rally the reported cases of Covid-19 in Oklahoma were, from what I remember, hovering around 200 (or less) each day. Today, Oklahoma reported 1083 NEW cases and, from what I’ve been able to tell since the rally, that’s about normal. Oklahoma has approximately half the population of the state I live in, Washington state, and, of course, we were the original “hot spot” for the virus. Someone returned from China to the Seattle area and soon Seattle was the most infected place in America – until being “passed up” by New York and the states surrounding New York. Our governor, Jay Inslee, who’s been denigrated by individual 1 (is that a badge of honor for a democrat?), has fought the virus aggressively according to the scientists and, soon, Oklahoma (with, as I said, half our population) will pass Washington in the total number of cases reported.

I point this out because there are several states (including Oklahoma) with republican governors who just can’t seem to bring themselves to believe the scientists – even with something as simple as ordering people to wear face coverings in public. In our state it’s required and today, as I’m writing this, Washington state has reported 148 cases today – with double the population of Oklahoma. But, let’s take a quick look at South Dakota and her surrounding states. South Dakota has a population which is just above one tenth of Washington state’s population and, today, reported 463 newly reported cases of Covid-19, North Dakota reported 470 (ND has 1/10 Washington’s population), Montana 330, and Nebraska almost 500 yesterday and hadn’t reported by the time I’m writing today. These statistics are standard since the “biker” rally in South Dakota which drew in a quarter of a MILLION bikers who weren’t wearing masks at the encouragement of South Dakota’s (strange) governor. Those bikers spread all over America once this rally was over and we don’t know the extent of how they’ve spread the virus – but, this is the epitome of a “super spreader” event.

Prior to the biker rally these states had extremely low numbers of new cases each day and it will be interesting as we go forward because South Dakota’s governor is adamant in refusing to follow science. Each day the number of infections seems to go up. And, this is happening in many other states where the governors are republicans. In Missouri, not only is the governor and his wife infected – a governor who’s balked at taking action against this virus – but Missouri is not one of the “hot spots” in America. Today, over 2500 Missouri residents were reported with Covid-19. The list of these states which seem to be simply letting the virus run its course is growing – and, unfortunately, because people in the country travel from place to place, this affects all of us.

I started this post several days ago and got somewhat sidetracked trying to keep up with the “scandal a day” IMPEACHED so-called president who, just a couple days ago, was mocking Joe Biden, at the (what was supposed to be a) debate where individual 1 was spewing his bile all over the stage – toward both Joe Biden and the moderator Chris Wallace – while potentially being infected by the coronavirus. It was ANNOUNCED tonight that both individual 1 and his wife Melania are now INFECTED with the virus he had, earlier in the evening in a recorded message for the so-called “Al Smith” dinner, suggested the virus was nearing an end. I MUST add, he had better hope that statement is not true – because the rest of us will be dealing with this virus for the next couple of years – at least.

He was doing appearances today after KNOWING his close aid Hope Hicks was infected with the virus at least one day prior to visiting a couple small rallies. When you think about the confined spaces on aircraft and helicopters which is how the presidential “inner circle” travels, you have to wonder how many others have been exposed. I certainly don’t wish for individual 1 to be one of the people who get infected with this virus and end up intubated, but I think we’ll all be better off if he has to go through some serious flu like symptoms. Just so he doesn’t come out on the other side of this and claim “this was nothing.” He’s 74 years old, he’s obese, and it appears he’s got other issues which make him vulnerable to the serious side of this virus. Maybe a small dose of that “vulnerable” possibility will benefit us all.

Individual 1 has continued to hold rallies in violation of state regulations in one state after another as if he was immune from this disease – in my mind, showing a lack of concern for his own supporters – we don’t know how many of them have DIED because they attended one of his rallies – other than Herman Cain as I mentioned above – where he DIED within three weeks of attending one of individual 1’s rallies. (Oklahoma continues to have totals in excess of 1000 new cases PER DAY since our IMPEACHED so-called president’s rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Right now, I’m wondering if he’s, right now, thinking of Mr. Cain. Three weeks????

It will be interesting to find out how many of the president’s sycophants have been infected with this virus – we’re about to see how “contact tracing” actually works. Just as us “normal people” are unable to get tested unless we are experiencing symptoms there doesn’t appear to be enough money budgeted for contact tracers in most places around the nation. People close to our IMPEACHED so-called president will be on the edge of their seats if they’ve been close to individual 1, his wife, Hope Hicks, and others who have been close to those infected. I have to wonder how close he got to the people at his rallies and MORE important – how close did he get to Joe Biden. What if he infected Biden? Yikes!!!

Maybe we’ll all be spared from another one of individual 1’s debate fiascos!

One more thing I have to add: I really get tired of listening to reporters giving individual 1’s talking points for him which are, to me, absurd. Tonight I was listening to Jonathon Lamier of the AP – who I, basically, like – repeating individual 1’s claim “I grew the economy once and I can do it again” as if the claim was true. I really wish, for example, every time individual 1 makes claims about how he “grew” the economy the reporters would put up a graph SHOWING the GROWTH of the economy from the time President Obama took office and any way it changed once he took office. I believe, if they would do that, you’d see a graph which, basically, continued in the same trajectory once he was in office. To me, that means he was able to keep from destroying what he “inherited” until he tried to ignore the virus he’s now dealing with! In other words, don’t give credit where it is unwarranted!

Final Thought: (Now I have to add I wrote this “final thought” yesterday) I always have to wonder about why do Americans continue to support individual 1 as his true motives become more public. Just yesterday he said the only way he would support a “peaceful transition of power” after the elections was, well, basically if he “wins.” He said, and I’m not kidding, “Get rid of the ballots and then I’ll support a peaceful trans – there won’t be a transition it will be a continuation.” Get rid of the ballots? Is he really suggesting we actually become like Russia? We know he admires Vladimir Putin – are there really MILLIONS of Americans who want to “go there?” Sadly, I believe there are :o(

I know some of them and they’ll say “judges” when I question how can you support this. They will tell you they’re “pro life” as they support a person who’s willing to lose MILLIONS of our citizens to the coronavirus because, well, most of them had something else wrong anyway – as if that means it doesn’t count. In fact, I believe that’s exactly how some of the republican governors are CHEATING with the death counts of Covid-19, as bad as they are. They order their health departments, for example, to place the “cause of death” as “pneumonia” despite the reality the pneumonia resulted from Covid-19. Still, the death count is 200,00 after 8 months and projected to double in the next four months.

I’m 73 and had my annual physical today and my doctor reminded me I’m in the “vulnerable category” to this disease because I have a compromised immune system. I only point that out because individual 1 isn’t the only republican I’ve heard suggest people like me SHOULD be willing to sacrifice ourselves for the stock market – as if the market being “up” at the time of the election is more important than all the lives lost to get it there. Thankfully, from my perspective anyway, I have a good chance to witness the results of what I consider the MOST important election of my lifetime and I don’t believe for a moment Biden has it in the “bag,” despite the polls suggesting that. Everyone remembers 2016 when this nightmare began but there’s still MANY Americans who don’t understand the CHEATING which played into that outcome.

And the CHEATING continues and very likely much worse – because individual 1 now has the “power” of the federal government behind his CHEATING – thanks to the republicans in Congress who have been totally OK with enabling it. It appears to me they are almost in awe of someone willing to BRAZENLY LIE as our IMPEACHED so-called president is so willing to do – right to the faces of HIS own supporters – and, they suck it up. I think back to how he treated people like Ted Cruz, Marko Rubio, Mitch McConnell and others and his disparagement simply caused them to “fall in line” – and, form the foundation of the firewall which is protecting his fascist attack on our democracy. (Actually, it’s a democratic republic – with the “checks and balances” individual 1 would like to get rid of)

This is all why we can’t even find four republicans who have the gravitas to BLOCK what will be considered ANOTHER illegitimate Supreme Court Justice. And, of course, potential judge Barrett could care less about the circumstances under which she has been nominated. Both her AND the republican enablers of individual 1 are headed for the ugly place reserved in our history books for individual 1.

When individual 1 denies knowing the “Proud Boys,” if you believe that I have a ……….OK, you know the rest!

I have felt for a long time that Robert Mueller was NO “hero” in his handling of the Special Counsel’s office during the so-called “Russia thing” (in the words of individual 1). I just ordered the book coming out by Andrew Weisman, who was one of the lead prosecutors during Mueller’s probe, and I believe it is going to FINALLY become public why individual 1 was NOT subpoenaed to testify face to face regarding his connections to the Russians. We’re going to learn why the Mueller investigation allowed themselves to be intimidated from “following the money” – which any investigator I’ve ever listened to has said that’s the key to any “white collar” investigation.

I believe as time goes by “we the people” are going to learn our IMPEACHED so-called president is much “DIRTIER” than even those people like me have suggested – I’m not what you’d call a “never (individual 1er)” – sorry, I just can’t force myself to write the name – because, as an independent, I long ago started voting AGAINST (almost every) republican(s). Ronald Reagan, to me, was a racist who. because he came across as “grandfatherly” became popular for a period of time AND, during that time, democrats came across as a bunch of – well, cowards. People unwilling to fight for their own basic beliefs. It was during this time, in my view, when democrats LOST their connection to blue collar workers. Of course, as we’re learning with individual 1, there’s a significant “swath” of America willing to accept this “white supremist” shtick. I still remember Reagan starting his campaign in 1980 in Philadelphia, Mississippi!

Of course, Bush/Cheney ignored the warnings about 9/11, for some reason, and then LIED “we the people” into the invasion of Iraq which is still a MAJOR negative issue – not only with America, but, essentially, the entire world. America’s “thirst” for oil has led to an ongoing level of corruption which, hopefully some day, will become part of our understood history. I’ve witnessed republicans working to “white wash” even more of our history as they look back on Bush/Cheney and don’t like what they see. I can guarantee you, ultimately when they look back on individual 1’s time in office, their attempts to hide reality will go even further. He’s on the verge of turning America into a faux Russia. Vladimir Putin is his idol and he’s doing everything he can to duplicate what Putin has done in Russia to “we the people.”

I listened to the second half of the so-called “debate” number one where our IMPEACHED so-called president further soiled this nation in the eyes of our “allies” around the world. Individual 1 put a new “look” on how a desperate politician responds to a situation which is getting more impossible every day. I’ve been saying for months now we can expect “the kitchen sink” coming at us from this IMPEACHED so-called president and, during the final moments of this debate, we saw/heard maybe the WORST words coming from the mouth of an American president in our HISTORY. He called his “white nationalist/supremacist” to “arms” at the end of this “debate.”

The RUDE attempts at intimidation during what I heard in the “debate” was shameful and embarrassing. Our IMPEACHED so-called president barely allowed Joe Biden to get a word in “sideways.” And, Chris Wallace, sadly lost control because of individual 1’s “antics” and he couldn’t “reel” it in. Clearly, individual 1 is (and will be) doing EVERYTHING he can to prevent an actual debate because he has no answers to an actual focused discussion of the issues which matter to “we the people.” And, had Wallace been able to control the situation, individual 1 laid the groundwork for Biden to provide the reason why Americans should not only vote this disgusting pseudo mob boss out of the “White House” but, in addition, why the republicans in the Senate need to “go.”

At one point individual 1 brought up the issue of all the judges. He “mocked” that there were 128 open judicial seats when he took office. Had Biden been able to get a word in “edgewise” he could have brought up the OBSTRUCTION of Moscow Mitch – the number of filibusters enacted by McConnell went well beyond anything EVER seen in America prior to President Obama’s becoming president and these “white nationalists” at the heart of the republican party claiming their number one goal was that Obama would “fail.” The success of our nation hasn’t been their purpose for as long as I can remember.

Republicans have been pilfering taxpayer dollars since the days of Reagan and his “trickle down (up)” economic disaster – which has turned America into a nation of “haves” and “have nots” and turned our national debt into something all Americans SHOULD be concerned about. Individual 1’s “tax scam” added a couple more TRILLIONS to the the national debt and when the “smoke” clears on individual 1’s DISASTROUS response to the Covid-19 crisis he will be handing off a debt issue which makes the DISASTER Bush/Cheney turned over to Obama/Biden look like a lemonade stand. And, as I’ve been predicting for some time now, I GUARANTEE you the republicans will be BLAMING Biden/Harris for the debt before they take the oath of office.

And, Biden/Harris ARE going to win decisively when the “smoke” clears from this election – but, now even the “main stream” pundits and commentators on the cable “news” outlets – like on MSNBC and CNN – are realizing how a mafia boss responds to LOSING an election. Individual 1 is NOT capable of accepting that Joe Biden is going to give him a THRASHING! MOST of the American people can’t stomach our IMPEACHED so-called president and if he thinks his actions in this “debate” drew ANY “undecided” voters into his “camp” he’s more delusional than certainly I thought. And, while Biden was TRYING to speak directly to the American people about issues like HEALTH CARE Individual 1 was trying to prevent it. He doesn’t want “we the people” to know, for example, he’s not only trying to repeal the Affordable Care Act but, additionally, he’s going after Social Security and Medicare. (I don’t believe Biden, or other democrats, are pointing out the attack on the two most popular American “institutions” – Social Security and Medicare as they should.)

Individual 1’s FAILURE in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic SHOULD be enough to cause him to be facing his legal issues without the OLC “memo” protecting him from indictment as it did during Mueller’s investigation. The reality he’s trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act will cement his position next to Benedict Arnold in the History books – especially if he succeeds. I do have to say, should the Affordable Care Act be repealed it will create a national disaster which will require swift action by democrats in Congress – again, this is why people should vote AGAINST EVERY republican on the ballot. Send a message to these COWARDS who continue to hide in the shadows despite their leader calling “white nationalists” to the polls to intimidate voters in front of MILLIONS of people in the first debate. They need to go so “we the people” can attempt to create a situation where EVERY American has health insurance – no matter their financial situation.

Getting back to Mueller and my understanding he “chickened out” during the Russia Investigation I’m really looking forward to reading Weisman’s book – which should clarify whether my instincts are correct. Based on the couple of interviews I’ve seen with Weisman since I learned about the book it came across to me Weisman was suggesting the Mueller “team” failed miserably to follow the evidence which was leading toward Russia because of individual 1’s threat to fire them. As I listened to Weisman talk about how Mueller took the “easy way out” as the investigation proceeded – I believe “we the people” will require a “second chance” to figure out the truth about why individual 1 acts subserviently to Putin. We MUST find the answer to that!

Keep in mind, many EXPERTS who know what they’re talking about keep reminding us the Russians are STILL involved in our “affairs” and we have NO idea how much “interference” they could cause in this upcoming election because individual 1 and his traitorous sycophants are suppressing as much information as they can. For example, it’s been reported the Russians have successfully “inserted” malware into two counties elections bureau’s with the ability to wipe out as many as 10 per cent of those who are registered to vote – another REASON why it’s important to VOTE EARLY just in case you’re one of the many who MAY be purged from the voter rolls by this Russian malware. And, who knows how many election bureau’s they’ve managed to penetrate. One thing we know – there won’t be any federal response as long as individual 1 is in the “White House.” (And, picture in your mind how often the Russians celebrate they were able to get individual 1 into the “White House” to begin with) One of the many things our IMPEACHED so-called president has in common with Putin is being a White Supremacist – which individual 1 just can’t bring himself to hide.

As individual 1 makes his connection to the Proud Boys public (his words are now on their logo) and refuses to condemn “White Supremacists,” I continue to lose patience with people I know who continue to support him – usually because of a one word answer when I ask them, why? – judges. He’s now claiming he doesn’t know who the Proud Boys are – which is simply ANOTHER lie to add to the pile of LIES which is over 25,000 as I’m writing this. Of course he knows who the Proud Boys are – they have been in the middle of the violence in the protests in Portland, Oregon – where individual 1 sent in his unidentifiable “thugs” who were pulling citizens off the street with no “probable cause,” taking them to “secret places” (with bags over their heads) and attempting to intimidate them to do, who knows what – then releasing them. Individual 1 suggesting he doesn’t know who the Proud Boys are reminds me of him suggesting he doesn’t know who David Duke is. He is sending his “dog whistle” messages to these groups – who view him as their “fuhrer” – since he took the oath of office.

Final Thought: When someone tells you who they are, believe them. In the first “presidential” debate individual 1 was challenged to condemn white supremacy. As he’s done numerous times before, including his phony denial that he didn’t know who David Duke is, he “hemmed and hawed” around the question and couldn’t bring himself to do it. When he was pressed he asked “What is it exactly you want me to condemn” as if he didn’t understand the very straight forward question. Joe Biden said, “Go ahead and do it.” Of course, individual 1 was unable to do so because the white nationalists make up a significant portion of his “base.” So, Joe Biden said, “Proud Boys” as individual 1 was pretending he didn’t know what Chris Wallace, the moderator was suggesting, and he then said of the Proud Boys – a violent White Nationalist group of thugs – “Stand back and stand by.” He COULDN’T do it – to actually CONDEMN any White Supremacist movement or group. Yikes!

Here’s the truth about this – and the “dog whistles” individual 1 has been spewing through what Kamala Harris called a “bull horn” – within an hour of the debate’s end the Proud Boys had either altered their logo with the terms “Stand By” and Stand Back” OR that was the logo prior to the debate and individual 1 was simply repeating it. To me, both options are really BAD, but “option 2” is by far the worst. How much is he in cahoots with these thugs. And, when he talks about “my people” being present at the polling places to make sure of I don’t know what – maybe that people of color don’t vote??? – it makes you wonder doesn’t it? Or, is “wonder” necessary?

When individual 1 denies knowing the “Proud Boys,” if you believe that I have a ……….OK, you know the rest!