I continue to be confounded as to how so many Americans can fall for the republican schtick.

Joe Biden is leading, according to the polls, by numbers far outside the “margin of error,” yet people like me are just waiting to see how individual 1’s CHEATING is going to make it possible for him to “win” another election. Clearly, he’s going to be overwhelmed by the “popular vote” but, of course, America’s presidents are chosen by the Electoral College. So, today, the director of the Department of Intelligence (DNI) gave a very strange press briefing where he pointed out both the Iranians AND the Russians have “penetrated” our election systems – they’ve found “holes” in the local voting elections software with the ability to actually change things like voter registrations. We’re all witnessing the possibility our democratic republic is under siege and, if this allows individual 1 to gain another four years in the “White House,” this nation is in big trouble.

Today I saw copies of emails sent to various voters around the country which supposedly were sent from the “Proud Boys” to registered democrats threatening them with harm should they fail to re-register as republican and vote for individual 1. The threatening letters include the recipients full names and legal addresses. Voters in Florida, Arizona, and Alaska received these letters and maybe people in other areas. The head of the DNI suggested the emails were intended to harm individual 1’s campaign – which appears a bit ludicrous to me – but, apparently, the emails came from an Iranian intrusion into the voter lists of about three or four states. How the emails were designed to “hurt individual 1” I’m not sure – hopefully, NONE of the recipients were intimidated into actually voting for our IMPEACHDED so-called president.

So, for the first time this year I decided to actually watch a “debate” from start to finish and I watched the final debate between individual 1 and Biden. My first takeaway is that Christin Welker, the debate moderator, did a great job. Compared to the segments of the first debate I saw I thought she had a much better grasp on the moderators role and, at times, it was actually a “debate.” The debate commission decided to turn off the microphone of the person not speaking and I thought that was a great idea. I believe that sent the message to individual 1 that his boorish interrupting was unacceptable. Almost all of individual 1’s interrupting was when he was interrupting Ms. Welker.

I’m guessing MOST of the people watching the “debate” aren’t like someone like me who is feverishly paying attention to as much as I can in regard to this election and don’t understand the incredible number of LIES coming out of individual 1’s mouth. Of course, if you’ve been paying attention that would be NO surprise and aren’t likely to check out the fact checkers in tomorrow’s Washington Post or Politifact’s “truth-o-meter.” Naturally, one of the places where the LIES were coming “fast and furious” was the discussion of the coronavirus. I was sitting there wishing I could be debating our IMPEACHED so-called president after many of his absurd comments. Like, how many times has he attempted to convince “we the people” that “stopping flights from China” was a great move to “stop the spread.” (OK, he didn’t say, “Stop the spread” – but, what he said made NO sense) He only claims he stopped flights from China because he believes that relieves him of “the missing 79 days” which, early on, scientists estimated caused hundreds of thousands of American lives. Actually hundreds of thousands, shortly afterward, came in from China – the flights weren’t actually stopped.

In the “debate” I didn’t hear any discussion on individual 1’s new “policy” – herd ‘mentality’ – OK, I’m sure he meant “herd immunity” – which is the “work” of Scott Atlas the non-epidemiologist who is now running the “Covid Task Force” in the “White House.” I’m sure this appeals to individual 1 because he doesn’t have to do anything. Of course, had the issue been raised it would have been interesting to hear him explain why losing a few MORE MILLION Americans would be OK and how would that be good for the economy? Everyone wants the economy open, kids back in the classrooms, restaurants open, movie theaters open, flying on a plane without a mask, and on and on. That doesn’t happen by doing nothing now and hoping there’s a vaccine which rids us of this virus. The reality is those “missing 70 days” took away the opportunity to fully mitigate this virus forever – you can’t get those days back – and, individual 1 IS responsible.

Our IMPEACHED so-called president’s “super spreader” campaign rallies weren’t part of the debate from what I can tell, either, but, as I watch the statistics of the recent upsurge in new diagnosed cases, it appears to me individual 1’s rallies are leaving behind problems for hospitals and other medical personnel along with thousands of people contracting the disease Covid-19 after he’s gone and then “spreading” it to others. The states he’s been in are suddenly experiencing expanding numbers to the point where it’s becoming critical. I have to wonder what people in places like Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania are saying in regard to what he’s doing to their states’ fight against this deadly virus. It won’t be long until the death toll of the virus passes a quarter MILLION. Predictions are another 200,000 dead by the inauguration and still, “crickets” coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president.

Earlier today I wrote:

Today, I checked “Worldometer.com” where I follow the “numbers” of the Covid-19 pandemic and it demonstrated clearly the SURGE in diagnosed cases of the disease caused by the novel coronavirus with almost 60.000 NEW cases by early afternoon Pacific time with likely more than another 10,000 coming from the 9 states which haven’t reported. I wrote the other day about the result of the Sturgis “rally” in South Dakota – a state with a governor who has failed to do ANYTHING to mitigate this disease from the start – and South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Iowa, Idaho, and Nebraska have numbers putting their hospitals into serious issues with lack of capacity and lack of personnel able to address the needs of the incoming SURGE of patients. South Dakota and North Dakota have TOTAL populations of less than one MILLION people and, today, they each had close to 1000 new cases.

Well, by the time the “Worldometer” stopped reporting cases for today the total was up to almost 75,000 which, I believe, is the second highest one day total yet – and soon to be moving down the list of statistics – Dr. Anthony Fauci, earlier this year, said he expects 100,000 per day if we don’t instigate more effective mitigation efforts. Well, from the standpoint of individual 1 the mitigation would be “open your businesses, open your schools.” In the debate tonight he said something like not many teachers would die from this. I’m a retired teacher and my wife is still teaching and, I have to add, those words weren’t very comforting. Today, I said to her individual 1 reminds me of a teacher who comes to class without preparing for the days’ lessons. He was “winging it” in the “debate” – often times it felt to me as if he was making up what he said – I’ve said many times here he’s a pathological LIAR and, so, as the words roll off his tongue he actually believes he’s telling the truth. To him, there is NO truth.

We’re also learning more every day about why individual 1 has been refusing to release his taxes. The NY Times has gained access to 20 years of his tax returns and it makes it curious about some of our IMPEACHED so-called president’s accusations toward Joe Biden and his son Hunter. These attacks, to me, come across as simply more PROJECTION coming from individual 1. It was reported the other day he has a SECRET bank account located in China, which he pulled something on the lines of 15 MILLION dollars from shortly after his “election” (with 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) and, now, he’s making evidence lacking claims against Hunter Biden about some connection to China. This bank account, along with at least two others, (UK and Ireland) have not been reported on individual 1’s required financial disclosure forms filed with the government – just more REFUSAL to abide by the “laws of the land.” Unfortunately, Mr. Biden failed to point out this broach of our campaign laws to the audience tonight. And, of course, individual 1 continued to claim he can’t publish his taxes because of this audit – which is 100% malarkey. Biden did ask directly to individual 1, “What are you hiding?”

I’ve written many times about the deplorables at Fox “news” who are a serious problem in this country. I know people who refer to Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson by name, “Sean says,” or “Tucker says” when they are making absurd comments which make my stomach curl as I ask for evidence to support their opinions. These are people who should know better but have been brainwashed and have no idea what’s happened to them. I can only tell them to stop watching Fox, but the next time I see them it’s like a broken record, we go through the same thing again and again. I’ve offered to give them books to read and both have declined. I did give one of them a book a few years ago but he only made it through a few pages and then decided the information didn’t appeal to his Fox damaged brain. It’s very sad.

One of my individual 1 supporting friends has been predicting a “red wave” to me and suggesting the streets will be full of “liberals” creating havoc once individual 1 wins re-election. I’ve always said, the opposite will likely be true. After Joe Biden wins, the “Proud Boys” and their white nationalist/supremacist brethren are going to be the ones in the streets. And, these people are armed to the “hilt.” And, of course, the person in charge of defending our constitution and defending the laws of the land will be our “law and order” IMPEACHED so-called president for about 70 days from the end of the election until the inauguration. Here’s a question I’ve been asking of late; Do you trust William Barr, the head of the Justice Department, to come down heavily on these white supremacists who are a significant part of individual 1’s base? Rumors have it that individual 1 is going to fire Chris Wray, the head of the FBI, after the election because he’s angry Wray has been telling “we the people” the truth. Stay tuned………..

Back to the debate: Joe Biden did bring up the FACT the democrats have had the HEROES Act passed since early summer and that Mitch McConnell is doing nothing with it. It includes money to help State and Local governments along with money for workers and PPP, etc. Individual 1 tried to blame Nancy Pelosi for no bill passing through the Senate which, I believe, MOST Americans are smart enough to realize was an absurd comment. Individual 1, again, brought up his vendetta against “blue states” giving Biden the perfect opportunity to look right into the camera and say, “I’m going to be the president of all Americans not just those who vote for me.”

What no one seems to bring up is that, like in places where I live – Washington State – a “blue state” – which individual 1 has no chance to “carry,” there are MANY “MAGA” supporters. In fact, many of them are beyond obnoxious. When I drive into town (I live in a semi rural area) I’m always driving past groups of people waving an assortment of flags – some of which say…………. his name, the one I can’t bring myself to write – you know what I’m talking about, and they’re selling shirts, hats, the flags, etc. By refusing to support our “blue state” individual 1 is refusing to support his own supporters. He’ll likely carry between 30 and 40% in the election in Washington state. And, his supporters are getting the virus just like everyone else – in fact, possibly at a higher rate because many don’t believe in wearing a mask.

Another day has passed: And, today there were OVER 80,000 Americans newly infected by the novel coronavirus’ “Covid-19.” As I’ve said, I follow this on the “worldometer” and they also keep track of the number of people in “serious/critical” condition and that number has INCREASED by over 2000 people in the last week or so as this fall surge – you know, where individual 1 says again, “it’s going away” – is picking up steam. As of today, in America, there are almost 16,500 people in critical/serious condition in hospitals around the country. Many states are at or near capacity in their ICU’s and, sadly, the increase in deaths is going to follow within the next couple of weeks. Predictions of the number of Americans who are going to die between now and the inauguration based on individual 1’s inaction are staggering – some predictions suggesting there will be OVER 400,000 dead by February 1. The sad part of this is it just didn’t have to be this way and with individual 1 at the “helm” there’s not much more “we the people” can do. Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: “The Atlantic” has been in business as a publication for 163 years and have endorsed only three previous persons running for President of the United States – and, now a fourth with Joe Biden. In their support of Biden they, essentially, eviscerated individual 1 in a way which made me envious – because I struggle to stay this focused. Here it is:

What we have learned since we published that editorial is that we understated our case. Donald Trump is the worst president this country has seen since Andrew Johnson, or perhaps James Buchanan, or perhaps ever. Trump has brought our country low; he has divided our people; he has pitted race against race; he has corrupted our democracy; he has shown contempt for American ideals; he has made cruelty a sacrament; he has provided comfort to propagators of hate; he has abandoned America’s allies; he has aligned himself with dictators; he has encouraged terrorism and mob violence; he has undermined the agencies and departments of government; he has despoiled the environment; he has opposed free speech; he has lied frenetically and evangelized for conspiracism; he has stolen children from their parents; he has made himself an advocate of a hostile foreign power; and he has failed to protect America from a ravaging virus. Trump is not responsible for all of the 220,000 COVID-19-related deaths in America. But through his avarice and ignorance and negligence and titanic incompetence, he has allowed tens of thousands of Americans to suffer and die, many alone, all needlessly. With each passing day, his presidency reaps more death.

I couldn’t have said it better and, of course, I couldn’t make myself write the actual surname of our IMPEACHED so-called president. The “editorial” they are referring to in the first sentence is their reasons for endorsing Hillary Clinton (The other two they’ve endorsed are Abraham Lincoln and LBJ) when they correctly, but understatedly – as they point out above – predicted why individual 1 was UNFIT to be the President of the United States!

October Surprise? Do you really think the laptop dropped off somewhere without an “owner” which mysteriously has emails from Hunter Biden furthering Russian misinformation will compare to Borat’s movie – which, apparently, will be seen by MILLIONS in the next week or so (probably not me) and has a scene in it which, according to Steve Schmidt who has seen it, will be the end of Rudy Giuliani’s public career. I continue to be confounded as to how so many Americans can fall for the republican schtick.

As I said above, I watched my first debate – the last one – and I saw little in it which would cause people change their minds on who they support. I don’t remember individual 1 saying ANYTHING which resembled a policy position other than saying he can somehow guarantee Americans protection for “pre-existing conditions” if the ACA is overturned. And, of course, anyone who’s been paying attention (which, apparently, is a minority of Americans) KNOWS individual 1 and the republicans are not capable of coming up with any health care “plan” other than the private insurance rip-offs which have been getting progressively worse over the years and leave more than 30% of Americans uninsured.

I read a Washington Post editorial suggesting individual 1 won the debate based on his attacks on Biden’s record with the crime bill back in 1964. I wish I had recorded Al Sharpton’s response to that argument, but suffice it to say this guy’s (of course, I forgot his name despite my senior ability to remember things – like “person, woman, man, camera, TV”) suggestion “Black men” are going to flock toward individual 1 is, in my mind, a fantasy. Of course, time will tell, but I, personally, believe Black male Americans are more concerned with individual 1’s incompetence with the Covid-19 pandemic which is killing them in far disproportionate numbers compared to their percentage of the population than Joe Biden’s support (along with many Black leaders, at the time) of the 1964 “Crime Bill.” (And, of course, Biden has admitted he was wrong in his beliefs back then.

I don’t remember if it was pointed out individual 1 has NEVER apologized for taking out a full page ad in the NY Times calling for the execution of 5 innocent Black youths in 1989. At the time our now IMPEACHED so-called president paid $85,000 for the ad. I have to wonder if the guy who wrote that STUPID (OK, sorry) Op Ed in the WA Post thinks that reality will draw Black men toward individual 1. Personally, I expect Black men to support Biden overwhelmingly and I expect there is FINALLY going to be a concerted effort in this country to address systemic racism.

And, if you tell me you have a Black friend so you couldn’t possibly be racist – forget it! I, personally, have MANY Black friends and acquaintances and, truth be told, I’ve spent a lifetime benefiting from “white privilege” and haven’t done near enough to address the issues which cause the lives of my Black friends to be so much more difficult than mine. The amount of productivity in this nation which is lost because brilliant persons are held back because of the color of their skin is a national tragedy and it is well past time to deal with it – DIRECTLY. “We the people” need to VOTE en masse for Biden/Harris and then “keep the pedal to the medal” in demanding police reform and developing a PLAN to address the issue of systemic racism and income inequality in America. Should we actually cause this to happen this country will be a much better place!

I have to add: Most Americans understand the ONLY way individual 1 can “win” this election is via CHEATING – which he’s proven he has no compunction to doing. (That’s how he “won” in 2016) Republicans, for example, have won a battle in Michigan’s Supreme Court to block ANY mail in ballots which arrive AFTER November 3rd from counting, even if they’re postmarked by election day. Hopefully, the word will get out to Michigan’s voters so their votes will count. In addition, to make matters worse, the Postal Service’s “slowdown” instigated by Lewis DeJoy is working in places like Michigan and Pennsylvania – states where there will be MILLIONS of mail in votes which individual 1 is trying to get “suppressed” because the Postal Service is tardy in getting them delivered on time. This is DEPLORABLE! Why are republicans constantly attempting to prevent people from VOTING or having their votes count? In “red” states, are officials going to open ballots to determine if they’re going to be counted? Will it get to that?

Last thing (I promise): Today, individual 1 held ANOTHER “super spreader” event with supporters crammed together like “sardines.” This one was in “The Villages” in Florida, which, curiously, includes the largest retirement community in America – a bunch of old people, among the MOST vulnerable to the virus, without masks, sitting side by side yelling and cheering, causing all kinds of potential Virus to be passed around the setting. As I said above, everywhere he goes he leaves a trail of sick people and crowded hospitals in his wake. These people in “The Villages” listened to him claim, again, “we’ve turned the corner on the virus, at the same time there were around 83,000 new cases just TODAY! A new record – over yesterday’s new record. Florida had around 4000 cases just today and it’s likely that number will be much higher by election day. Maybe his supporters are planning to vote in person on election day – and, by then, this will end up being an unexpected way he suppresses the vote. We’ll see…………….

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