Individual 1 wants to jail Joe Biden! Has he turned America into another Russia? Is the poisoning of opponents next?

I’ve written before that I don’t consider Robert Mueller the “hero” so many others have suggested – most at the time he was chosen to be the “special counsel” to investigate the Russian intervention into our 2016 election and the connection of the Russians to the individual 1 campaign. “We the people” waited on the edge of our seats for almost two years as Mueller went through over 500 interviews where he indicted the Russians who hacked the DNC computers – identifying them to the actual computers they were using with the help of our allied intelligence services – but, indicting individual 1 was NEVER an option and Mueller failed to “follow the money” in the investigation and refused to subpoena individual 1 because he didn’t want to go through the time it would take to fight it out in the courts. And, then individual 1 LIED in his interview questions with no consequences. Mueller “memorialized” all the evidence – which was considerable – so some future prosecutor could follow through on it. But, in my view, his investigation was a bit “timid.”

Then along came William Barr. He totally undermined Mueller’s work in one three page “‘summary” where, along with spineless Rob Rosenstein, he claimed the TEN instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice Mueller “memorialized” – which hundreds of present and former US Attorneys put their names on an op-ed saying they would prosecute this evidence – without hesitation as, well, “obstruction.” This was a “gut punch” to the investigators on Mueller’s team and Mueller tried to point out to anyone who was listening that Barr had misled the findings of their report. Of course, in Mueller’s testimony he showed his age and that was what was focused on more than what he said – he had forewarned he would say nothing more than what was in his report prior to his testimony – but, only 1% of Americans read it (I, personally, read it TWICE) – although, he did give some important information which MOST people didn’t notice. Mueller pointed out the Russians were still “at it” (at the time of his testimony) and would be doing this again in the 2020 election! And, of course they are!

Now we’re learning individual 1’s campaign is using the Russians again in a desperate attempt to swing what appears to be a hopeless election prospect through the latest Russian “useful idiot” Rudy Giuliani. I would love to hear Joe Biden say once he’s been inaugurated as the 46th President of the United States he will hold the Russians or any other foreign nation intervening in our election to account. And, I would love to hear someone claim there is some kind of plan to unearth publications who are spewing misinformation purposefully. Meaning projecting PROPAGANDA knowing what they’re spewing is false. I’m talking about publications like the “Enquirer,” the NY Post, Fox “news,” etc. I realize it’s paramount we protect EVERYONE’S, including those I disagree with, first amendment rights. But, I believe there are limits to this. Where I struggle is with the organized propaganda coming from the GOP. (This goes for “the other side” as well – the question is; If you have a national “stage” is purposeful LYING OK?

This is a problem well beyond the election, although it’s easy to see how important each election is. Not only do we have an IMPEACHED so-called president who is, essentially, incompetent at just about everything except LYING – we now have a government full of sycophants willing to do his bidding. So, for example, the coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19 is getting progressively worse, just as the scientists have told us it would – based on the FACT there’s no organized NATIONAL plan to, as Speaker Pelosi always says, “crush the virus.” Without getting Covid-19 under control the economy will continue to be “hanging by a thread.” And, the issues are much deeper and getting worse by the day. I’ve talked repeatedly here about what I call the DAMAGE being done to our fundamental institutions during individual 1’s administration and that DAMAGE is accelerating as his electoral demise seems more certain.

Those are just a couple of the issues which are causing America to be teetering on the brink of a national disaster which could make the Great Depression appear to be a “cake walk.” First, in regard to Ms. Pelosi and her attempts to pass legislation which would “crush the virus,” and, at the same time throw a “lifeline” to our economy, the republicans have been ignoring it for over four months now. It appears individual 1 has finally realized Ms. Pelosi was trying to help him save his presidency – indirectly – because she values the health of America and her people more than who wins this next election, or so it has appeared. It seems impossible for him to agree to anything with “the other side” which might make them look good.

Had the republicans come to an agreement with Ms. Pelosi and the democrats on some version of the “HEROES Act” we wouldn’t be looking at the edge of the economical “cliff” right now. I’m no economist and it doesn’t take an economist to “get” what the $600 per week to those Americans collecting unemployment INSURANCE payments had done for the economy in the first few months of the pandemic. For heaven’s sake, the stock market went up and almost regained it’s early losses during the first month or two of the pandemic because these workers were still able to pay their bills. This is with TENS of MILLIONS unemployed. Now, of course, that’s a terrible issue for the MILLIONS of these workers whose employment opportunities look bleak. I don’t own stocks but I developed a habit years ago to check in on the market each morning and, it appears to me, the market is preparing to head “south” if there’s no “stimulus” package coming out of the Congress.

From where I sit it’s looking as if the GOP led Senate is beginning to “inch” away from individual 1 because their outlook is no brighter than our IMPEACHED so-called president as we approach the November election – so, they appear to be willing to block any kind of stimulus bill from being passed before the election – and, should Biden prevail, it just won’t happen. In fact, they’ll be blaming Biden for the deficit – as I’ve said numerous times before, prior to him taking the oath of office and they’ll do everything they can to OBSTRUCT any progressive legislation going forward. When you see the brazenous of the LYING which is coming from the republicans and their DEPLORABLE backers in the media, it shouldn’t surprise anyone to see that continue unabated going forward once Biden is president. Should Biden “lose”……………OMG!

Keep in mind, there will be another part of Biden’s administration which will be getting a constant “diet” of right wing disgusting propaganda and attacks democrats MUST be ready for and be willing to push back right from the start. Kamala Harris will be Vice President and, because Joe Biden will be 78 years old on January 20th of 2021, republicans will start tearing down Harris immediately as she will likely be the front runner for the democrats in 2024 – and, there’s two things republicans really dislike about her – we’re already seeing it coming from various sources. First, she’s a girl – I know you knew that, but they really hate the idea of a girl being president. And, of course, the worst part for them is she’s African American AND Indian – talk about your “stimulus” for their DEPLORABLE racist tropes – they’ll be coming “fast and furious.” I guess there is some “stimulus” they believe in!

As we approach the election it feels as it has for many months now; Can things get any worse? Well, the answer is, yes they can get much worse and, as usual, individual 1 is likely to be right in the middle of the coming catastrophe. Other than our IMPEACHED so-called president and his maskless sycophants, MOST Americans realize the major issue is the Covid-19 pandemic and the reality our federal government is FAILING to respond to the crisis. In fact, individual 1 is likely making matters SO much worse – we likely won’t know for sure until after the election the gravity of what is happening right before our eyes – he’s holding rallies with thousands crammed together, most without masks, in a series of “super spreader” events which will likely compete with the Sturgis motorcycle fiasco in South Dakota a month or so ago for the prize regarding – who infected the most Americans?

Sturgis has left South Dakota and the states surrounding it awash in THOUSANDS of people who have contracted Covid-19 and, of course, they, in turn, are spreading it to others, and those others are spreading it to – OK, I think you “get it.” Today, North Dakota, which is a state with a total population of less than 800,000 (and, yes, they get two Senators – their state has less people than the city across the river from where I live – Portland, Oregon which is considered a “small city”) reported OVER 1000 NEW confirmed cases of Covid-19 TODAY and their hospitals are already being overrun by people sick with the virus. I listened to a doctor in one of the larger (if not the largest) hospitals in North Dakota point out 6% of those cases (60) will end up in the hospital and these numbers or numbers close to them have been happening every day for a couple of weeks. This all started happening a week or two after Sturgis, the hospital workers are exhausted and, some of them, are in tears explaining what they’re dealing with.

South Dakota is getting large numbers EVERY day as well, Montana the same, Nebraska the same, and on it goes. Reports are the “bikers” who dispersed from Sturgis spread all across the nation, many taking the virus with them – it’s impossible to know how much DAMAGE they’ve caused, but just look at the Covid statistics since the rally – it’s really BAD. The governor of South Dakota has been one of the most disparaging politicians in regard to Covid and, I’m sure, feels no sympathy for all the hospital workers who are becoming overwhelmed by all the Covid cases coming from that gathering. And, now, individual 1 is traipsing around the country holding one super spreader event after another, sometimes a couple in each state in one day, with no regard to how many people at the event – or those who come into contact with them “down the road” – are exposed to this, in some instances, deadly virus. The death count is now over 220,00 and likely to be around 400,000 at the time of the inauguration – hopefully of a president Biden.

Individual 1 is now pushing the “herd immunity” approach to the virus – apparently, the FACT that means he doesn’t have to do ANYTHING appeal to him – it kind of goes along with his record as our IMPEACHED so-called president so far, with the exception of stuff which directly benefits him, of course. Should he succeed in this strategy America will be facing the loss of something in the range of TWO to SIX MILLION “souls” and will likely still be dealing with the virus – unless an effective vaccine is produced. Even with a vaccine we’re looking at losing at least a half MILLION Americans due to the incompetence and negligence of this IMPEACHED so-called president. Sad! Disastrous! Disgusting!!

Individual 1 has been throwing one scandal after another at “we the people” since the day he LIED about the oath of office and the size of his crowd on inauguration day (ironically, he’s now complaining about Joe Biden’s “lying” at the next “debate” where his microphone will be turned off while Biden is speaking – personally, I don’t believe that will stop his interruptions, but we’ll see) – our IMPEACHED so-called president has committed over 25,000 documented LIES since he moved into the “White House” and he, and his family, have been pilfering MILLIONS of taxpayer dollars into their bank accounts while they have acted as if there are no laws which apply to them. Individual 1 has violated “norms” to the point where “norms” no longer seem to exist. This is what Joe Biden seems to be pointing toward “fixing.” (I really hope they deal with the issue of nepotism – even Laura Trump is listed as a “presidential adviser.” Yikes!)

Biden is NOT the choice I would have made during the primaries but I always “got” why he ended up being the choice of the party. The democrats understood long ago the first and foremost objective of the 2020 election is and has been defeating individual 1. Should Biden win a LOT of credit MUST go to James Clyburn of South Carolina for “resurrecting’s” Biden’s campaign when most thought it was “lost.” Clyburn clearly understood Biden is someone who, like the president he was the VP for, will attempt to bridge the “gap” which has caused America to be headed toward third world status – the “gap” between democrats and republicans. Clyburn is a wise statesman and someone who will be extremely important in helping Biden accomplish the goal of healing this country. The process MUST work from “the bottom up” and, I believe, both Clyburn AND Biden fully understand that.

The republican party has progressively moved toward that “cliff” I mentioned above which we are now “teetering” over. All republicans, however, aren’t like individual 1 and we’re seeing more and more of them who are peeling off the “individual 1 train” and Biden realizes their importance if we are to “heal” this nation once he’s in office. (I say “we” because it will take a collective effort) Individual 1 has been encouraging his supporters to violate laws in ways which have, in some instances, ended up in terrible tragedies or near tragedies. Just a week, or so, ago a group of his supporters were arrested for a plot to kidnap and MURDER the governor of Michigan (naturally, a woman) and his rhetoric was directly tied to the Murders last year in El Paso – among other tragedies. It’s ugly. The result of individual 1’s actions have led to groups like the “Lincoln project” – republicans dedicated to help defeat our IMPEACHED so-called president (full disclosure – the Lincoln Project has been the group I’ve donated the most money to during this election cycle) and there are other groups of disaffected republicans supporting Biden in the election. Sadly, none of the Congressional republicans are willing to speak out.

The real hope I have is the Senate gets “flipped” to democratic control including Jaimie Harrison being the new “junior” Senator from South Carolina. Of course, that would mean the most discouraging republican of ALL, in my view, Lindsey Graham would be gone. To me, no one has “soiled” themselves more than Mr. Graham. He’s proven his “loyalty” to his “friend” John McCain, was no “loyalty” at all. He’s the best example of a politician following the “wind” in his attempt to remain in the limelight. His support of individual 1 has been mind boggling, although, at this point, he’s turned himself into such a pathetic example of a leader that no matter how the election turns out I believe Graham has become nothing more than a pitiful afterthought.

Once the Senate is controlled by democrats there becomes the possibility our government could then become focused on “fixing” the problems which have grown to the critical level as we move on from this nightmare. Some of the “promises” Biden has made might actually be able to come to fruition without Moscow Mitch in control of the Senate. (Oh yes, I pray the people of Kentucky could somehow choose to rid us of McConnell – “wouldn’t that be lovely”) Count on the republicans to do everything they can to prevent Biden from doing what he’s said he wants to accomplish. “We the people” need to remain vigilant AND we need to include some of the republicans who have supported Biden in the process of putting this needed legislation into law. I look forward to the day when democrats and republicans can work together to solve those problems which we all can agree are undeniable.

As Speaker Pelosi says, first and foremost “crush the virus,” and then health care for every American, infrastructure, Climate Change, police reform, justice reform, education reform, racial reform, and on and on. These are issues which ALL of us SHOULD be able to understand need to be addressed. The list is long, but if “we the people” are not arguing aimlessly among ourselves we can accomplish incredible things. And, somehow, “we the people” need to figure out a way to deal with those in individual 1’s cult who are “salvageable” – meaning letting them know they are important and “we’re all Americans.” However, it should be clear the racism and hate is not something which is “welcome” in this nation and if they continue supporting this it’s back to the “fringes.” Read “Rising out of Hatred” by Eli Saslow, the story of how Derek Black “freed” himself from the KKK to get an idea on the White Supremacist movement in America and their connection to individual 1. They won’t go away quietly!

As I wrote above, Robert Mueller’s report was undermined by individual 1’s “Roy Cohn,” William Barr, and shortly thereafter individual 1 was IMPEACHED for CHEATING again, shortly after he felt he had “dodged the bullet” of the Mueller report. After the republican Senate said it’s OK to EXTORT our allies, individual 1 became even more unhinged (which included going after his “enemies” including people like Alexander Vinman). The coronavirus followed his “win” in the Senate “trial” and the incompetence and narcissism many of us had been talking about since the day he took office became obvious to anyone willing to look objectively. This year MILLIONS of Americans became unemployed and are desperate, at this point in time, to pay their rent and put food on their tables. (I can’t remember an administration with a “net loss” in job creation – and, then claiming they’re best for the economy) It’s all a terrible tragedy and individual 1 and the Senate are acting as if these people don’t matter.

Additionally, individual 1 even said us “old people” don’t matter – we’re the ones most affected by Covid-19 – so let’s all have a “herd mentality.” Let’s hope it all ends on November 3rd. (For God’s sake – we’re not Russia are we? As our IMPEACHED so-called president is suggesting his opponent should be in jail. Is the poisoning next?) I’m really struggling to understand how his supporters can continue in the cult. The list of scandalous, illegal behavior seems never ending. I haven’t even referred to the kids separated from their parents at the border who will never see those parents again – this is a tragic mark on America’s history which is what should result in people, like individual 1 being one of those in jail. There’s so many abuses which should NEVER happen again – the question becomes: how do we prevent them from happening again? It’s a sad state of affairs!

Think of this: People I know who support individual 1, when asked why, say it’s the “policies.” So let’s quickly go over the policies which apparently are the selling point he would provide to say he deserves four more years. The deficit is at record levels – over $3 TRILLION just this year, between 11 and 15 MILLION Americans are unemployed – depression era levels – almost 10%, over 222,000 Americans are DEAD from the virus with close to double that expected by the end of January, we’ve lost our standing in the world – we’re LOSING to China, Russia, etc., We’re potentially going to lose the ACA and with it protection for “pre-existing conditions,” individual 1 has promised to abolish Social Security and Medicare in his next term by repealing the payroll tax, many state and local governments are facing major layoffs because of the pandemic – police, firefighters, health care workers, teachers, etc., hate groups are on the rise and being enabled by individual 1’s rhetoric, the Justice Department is in “tatters,” and the intelligence community is being undermined as well.

Traditional American institutions are being bludgeoned from the inside out and individual 1 and his sycophants are acting as if the laws don’t apply to them. They mock anyone who points out all the MANY violations of the “Hatch Act,” for example, saying “no one cares.” The CHEATING to get elected? They think “no one cares.” The hundreds of kids at the border who will likely NEVER see their parents again? No one cares. Of course, that’s not true, but that’s what they say and that’s what individual 1 is “selling” as his campaign “promises.” The really sad part is the number of Americans who are “buying it.”

Final Thought: I had closed out my thoughts here after the first few paragraphs (to be continued) when I heard republican Senator Ben Sasse’s words in a “phone town hall” somewhere in Nebraska. He was lamenting all the reasons why he couldn’t support individual 1 and, actually, made perfect sense. EXCEPT, that he won’t do this in any real public setting and he hasn’t had the GUTS to stand up to our IMPEACHED so-called president at ANY time over the previous four LONG years. He’s like so many republican Senators – I’m certain he’s not the only one – no GUTS! They want it both ways. In a private setting Sasse comes across as a thoughtful intelligent person who clearly sees what a DEPLORABLE person sits in the “White House,” but when it’s time to show some COURAGE for, say, the vote on IMPEACHMENT – no GUTS!

There’s a bunch of them and they don’t deserve the opportunity to sit in those chairs in the Senate. I couldn’t help but think about what has caused this TERRIBLE political “climate” in America and I believe there’s a “focal point” to how this all came about. I can remember times when what is going on today was UNTHINKABLE. Individual 1 stands for the OPPOSITE of what I remember republicans SUPPOSEDLY standing for years ago. It all started “tilting” to the “right” when Reagan became president and it’s gotten progressively worse since. The Koch brothers have spent BILLIONS creating the political “climate” we have in America these days and I hope, at some point, along with individual 1 and his sycophants, they get the true credit they deserve in our history books! When historians are trying to understand how this all happened, they’ll look at the Koch network of donors and their sophisticated strategy to create a political POWER structure designed to protect corporate polluters and the WHITE power structure.

I often wonder who’s “pulling the strings” (ie “puppet masters”) causing these republicans – in BOTH the House and Senate – to lose track of any decency they may have possessed prior to becoming part of the republican caucus in Congress. Those paying close attention, for example, remember the tax (scam) cut of 2017 was in response to demands from the republican “donors” who, according to – I believe it was Lindsey Graham who I heard say it – were demanding a “return on their investment.” That Congress could get NOTHING else passed, but they managed a couple TRILLION dollars for Americans who, at the time, didn’t need it. That tax scam financed a lot of stock buy backs! Right now the hypocrisy of republicans in pushing through the nomination of Amy Barrett is “front and center,” but their hypocrisy never ends and they seem to have not an ounce of SHAME in all of it – just “par for the course.” God help us!

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