Monthly Archives: October 2019

Each republican in Congress will soon be voting on what place they want in the future History books of the U.S.!

I keep wanting to take a break from bloviating on this site, then I think about what individual 1 is doing to this country – likely pushing us to the brink of fascism. And, before you go thinking that is hyperbole, check out what fascism is. Check out the politics of many of his followers on the so-called “alt right.” Do some research on Steve Bannon who, I believe, is still working behind the scenes to further the right wing assault on our nation he was openly pushing when he was actually working in the “White House.” The book I’m reading right now, “Siege” by Michael Wolf, documents how Bannon, for example, is still pushing the right wing Neo-fascist agenda across Europe. Personally, I believe people like Bannon are scheming on who they can push onto “we the people” after individual 1 is either removed or voted out of office.

People like Bannon, behind the scenes, acknowledge individual 1 is “stupid.” There have been an “endless” number of former “White House” aids who have referred to individual 1 as anything from the “stupid” Bannon was quoted in Wolf’s book (and there was an adjective which begins with the letter “F” and the ending “ing” preceding the term “stupid”) to the word “moron” which came from the mouth of former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson (and, of course, Tillerson used the same adjective preceding the word “moron” as Bannon used prior to the word “stupid”) John Kelley and James Maddis have also been quoted in different “circles” as laying very unflattering descriptions of individual 1 at various times including the same descriptive terms as Bannon and Tillerson.

These are the people close to our so-called president – the people who were supposedly going to keep up the “guard rails.” The “generals” who, now, individual 1 is denigrating (as he does to anyone who disagrees with him – maybe, somehow, he’ll read this blog – Oh yes, he doesn’t read) are now warning of the expanding disaster in Syria. Today, I saw video of the America troops, who are withdrawing from Northern Syria – leaving the Kurds to likely be facing genocide in the coming days – with the Kurds throwing rotten fruit and tomatoes at the vehicles carrying the troops – troops, who, by the way, from all accounts of people on the scene, are ashamed they are leaving these Kurds to the whims of Erdogan – who is one of the prime ruthless thugs who individual 1 seems to admire. Apparently, the guard rails are gone!

I’m having a hard time getting the pictures of what is happening to the Kurds out of my mind. and it’s very likely going to get worse. I keep trying to imagine what republicans would be saying if President Obama had done something like this. It was Obama who initiated the policy which created the “partnership” with the Kurds who did the “heavy lifting” in the battle against ISIS. I still remember the republicans criticizing Obama for following the “plan” initiated by GW Bush on the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. I suppose individual 1’s supporters aren’t sophisticated enough to remember their so-called president calling Obama the “father of ISIS” – or something of that nature as he (individual 1) was, later, taking credit for “defeating ISIS.” (Which was simply another of his MOUNTAIN of LIES)

Republicans were not shy about criticizing Obama’s (kind of) pulling American troops from Iraq, but as I remember it, he still had troops fighting ISIS in (Mosul) as he left office. However, I believe it was Obama who initiated the plan for American troops to be working indirectly in the fight against ISIS via special forces (the “small footprint” strategy – meaning their guys do the dying – like in the case of the Kurds) supporting either the Iraqi troops or, in Syria, the Kurds – who, essentially, both, rendered ISIS to be scattered around the world and caused them to lose their “caliphate.” This situation the Kurds presently find themselves in, is just going to get worse – and, I can picture individual 1 attempting to LIE his way out of responsibility for all the Kurds being slaughtered as it’s going to be reported by what he WILL call the “fake news.”

OMG, I just listened to individual 1 claim, “I defeated ISIS.” He was referring to the Kurds and how “they are no angels,” and how we didn’t have an endless agreement to defend them (or words to that affect) forever. He was referring to the agreements made during Obama’s term in office and, while I, personally, don’t want American troops “in endless wars” – the reality is the section of Syria occupied by the Kurds was relatively stable and they were holding over 10,000 ISIS fighters in detention (fighters who likely are escaping during this debacle). My first thought, individual 1 taking credit for personally “defeating ISIS” made me think of “bone spurs.” The idea individual 1 would actually be part of defeating ISIS is maybe the MOST absurd thing I’ve heard yet during individual 1’s time in office, and that’s saying something!

I’ve also heard individual 1 and his sycophants justifying the extortion of the military aid they used as a way to get the Ukrainians to provide them some “dirt” on Joe Biden and a pathway to FOOL “we the people” into thinking it was the Ukrainians “interfering” in the 2016 election and they were doing so to help Hillary Clinton by claiming our nation does not have an endless agreement to support Ukraine. again, OMG! It’s as if EVERYTHING he does is aimed at helping Vladimir Putin. Are we ever going to find out why? I keep talking about the DAMAGE individual 1 is doing to America and what it will take to correct it, but what about Ukraine? Individual 1 is, basically it seems, helping Vladimir Putin to gain even more of a foothold in Ukraine – that will only be able to be undone by even more sever sanctions on Russia or military confrontation.

So, here’s the results of individual 1’s “foreign policy:” The Ukrainians are “staggered” by the threat of the “conditions” put on the much needed aid that they would invent something on Joe Biden individual 1 can use in his next election battle. I’ve heard reports that individual 1 has intimidated Ukraine’s president Zelensky into seeking a “compromise” with Putin that has the people of Ukraine, again, up in arms. This is bad, but personally, watching American tanks leaving Syria with the Kurds throwing rotten tomatoes, potatoes, and other “projectiles” at the vehicles carrying our troops who are leaving the Kurds “with their tails between their legs.”

Of course, it’s not the troops themselves who the Kurds are angry with, it’s individual 1. They are using the word “betrayal” whenever a reporter can get an interview. But, they understand that MOST of the American people are devastated by the condition they’ve been put in by our so-called president. Can you imagine what the troops AND those the troops are protecting around the world are thinking? The reality is that Vladimir Putin is on a “rampage” around the world in his attempt to turn the “West” inside out via the Russian’s “active measures” while he’s trying to recreate the “former Soviet Union.”

And, all of this is happening while there’s a serious “IMPEACHMENT inquiry” going on in the House of Representatives which is LIKELY going to result in Articles of IMPEACHMENT being passed in regard to individual 1’s incredible ABUSE of power. Sometimes I have to wonder if he simply believes there are no laws, or the laws simply don’t apply to him. (And, I’m thinking this is not a new thought process for him – I believe he felt the same way as he was when managing his criminal enterprise – the “Trump Organization.”

Republicans, at some point, are going to be put “on the spot” as they will need to vote on whether this mob behavior coming from the “White House” is acceptable to them. Each one of them will be deciding what spot they want in the future American History books. Do they want to be “resting” next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold or do they want to be in a place where Americans who spent their lives defending the constitution – no matter what – find themselves. I’ve said this all along: Individual 1 is a disgusting person. He’s an incredible narcissist, a racist, a misogynist, a xenophobe, and a pathological LIAR.

Sadly, as I’ve also said many times, his base is the so-called “Evangelical Christians” – who MUST be struggling to find ways to justify their support of this person with what they read in the Bible. Today, individual 1 claimed the IMPEACHMENT inquiry was like a LYNCHING. OMG! This was said, apparently to again “gin up” his base. Well, is a reference to LYNCHING something the Christian community “buys?” It will take years for America to recover from what this thug is doing to this nation. He’ll take us all down with him if that’s what he thinks will save him. And, remember, he’s got to be thinking that once he’s no longer our so-called president, he can then be indicted!

Final Thought: In Wolf’s book, there is a much clearer explanation of the MONEY LAUNDERING scheme individual 1 carried out in Florida with a property he “purchased” for $41 MILLION (The first I heard of this was via the reporting of Rachel Maddow on MSNBC) – ironically STEALING the property from Jeffrey Epstein – and then, without doing virtually ANY improvements to the property reselling it to a Russian, Dimitry Rybolovlev, for $96 MILLION in an obvious money laundering scheme. There are even questions as to whether or not that individual 1 “purchased” the property in the first place as a “front” for someone else – maybe even Rybolovlev. Likely Epstein didn’t make more of an issue with this because he had his own problems at the time and individual 1 was well aware of what they were.

As I’ve said, “I can’t keep up!” I wrote this a week or two ago and didn’t publish it because, well, there was “other stuff” – so, I’m going to publish it now – my apologies for the lack of editing (which, often, is “par for the course” in my writing – keep in mind, if you find this, I have no idea how or why :o)

Since I wrote this Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed and, of course, according to individual 1 he (and his bone spurs) did the killing. I’m sure I’ll write more about all that later.

All the BOOING at the World Series game along with the chanting: “Lock him up” confirms to me I’m not the only one who doesn’t believe individual 1 is a “stable genius.”

Every day I learn something else that causes me to yearn for the day individual 1 is no longer destroying (what’s left of) our democratic republic. I can’t remember who said it but I still remember when I was young (likely High School age in the 60’s) hearing someone (maybe JFK) warning “we the people” that the only way our republic could be “defeated” was from “the inside out.” Well, that’s exactly what is happening with individual 1 and his (deplorable – Hillary Clinton was correct) supporters who put their TOTAL power ahead of our nation’s best interests and the constitution. Make no mistake, individual 1 is a “White Nationalist” and many of his supporters are “White Nationalists.” I’ve personally seen several images of people connected directly to his administration brandishing the “White Nationalist” hand signal.

Individual 1 has placed people into various traditional government institutions with the intent to destroy the very institutions they have taken an OATH to protect and defend. Today I read where the former head of the VA’s office of Accountability and Whistleblower protection, Peter O’Rourke, actually was using his office to retaliate against whistleblowers (does that sound familiar?) and stifle their claims. This came out in an Inspector General report which said, “the office’s first executive director, Peter O’Rourke, ‘leveraged his power as head of the whistleblower office to end investigations into allies and failed to provide basic reports to Congress on the office’s operations.'” Of course, O’Rourke has now “moved on” and is now the executive director of the Florida Republican party. Yikes!!!

The article (in “The Daily Kos”) went on to say, “In its first two years of operation, the [office] acted in ways that were inconsistent with its statutory authority, while it simultaneously floundered in its mission to protect whistleblowers,” the report said. It didn’t provide adequate training for the investigators it hired and “did not have an approach that ensured comprehensive and impartial investigations,” it concluded. “The [office] itself engaged in actions that could be considered retaliatory.” What a racket for Trumpers—a perfect “catch and kill” system to hide corruption within the administration. “The report’s findings of failings in all these areas help explain the significant challenges [the office’s] leaders face today in establishing trust and achieving its intended goals,” said Michael Missal, the department’s inspector general.”

A couple things – first, this appears to be individual 1’s way of preventing any of the problems which appear to be rampant in the VA system – as “we the people” have an OBLIGATION to support MILLIONS of military veterans who have returned home from duty in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, various places in Africa, and more – with many of them desperately needing medical treatment which is not readily forthcoming – preventing the shortcomings from becoming public. During Obama’s terms as president there were issues publicized but I don’t remember a concerted attempt to block whistleblowers – although, it’s been no secret that whistleblowers have (and do) face/faced peril by coming forward. This is/has been a problem. As far as I could tell, Obama was no “saint” in dealing with whistleblowers.

Which leads to my other point. Now individual 1’s time in office has been credibly threatened because there is one person in the government who had the courage to file a whistleblower complaint regarding our so-called president and his minions (Giuliani, Sondland, Pompeo, Pense, Barr, and likely others) attempting to EXTORT political favors from Ukraine while suspending military assistance which the country’s existence depended. Now we’re (unsurprisingly) hearing attempts by individual 1 and his sycophants to force this whistleblower to “testify in public.” They feel the (so-called) president should have the right to cross examine this person. (Of course they do – but, if the “shoe were on the other foot” they’d be claiming “foul” at a level which would make your ears twinge) The point of the whistleblower protection law is to (surprise) PROTECT the identity of the whistleblower so there’s NO retaliation!

Well, in both instances it’s clear individual 1 doesn’t like the idea of “whistleblowers.” To him, we’re talking about “rats.” (Do you remember that’s what he called Michael Cohen when Cohen said he was going to cooperate with the government and tell the truth?) I’ve been pointing out since year one of individual 1’s destruction of the office of the president that he comes across to me as a mafia boss. Of course, as time has gone by (and, I’ve read a bunch of books on him AND Vladimir Putin) it’s become clearer and clearer that individual 1 would like to transform our “government” into something that resembles the Kremlin. And, sadly, almost EVERY republican “still standing” in our Congress has shown the kind of fear I can only imagine those in government in Russia have for Vladimir Putin.

In Russia the dissident political figures and journalists find themselves either in prison or falling out of high rise buildings or ingesting poisons that make their deaths excruciatingly horrible. And, Putin has a way of finding those “dissidents” who manage to flee the country and find refuge elsewhere – like, for example, the “father and daughter” who were poisoned while living in England. They use poisons that make it clear who did it which is also a message to anyone else who might “cross” Putin. It’s always a slow death!

Poor individual 1 is left with blithering tweets showing his outrage at anyone who says something about him which is not a compliment. He has received “reinforcement” in the form of his new Attorney General William Barr who has made individual 1 even more dangerous. (Although, at some point, I believe members of the FBI and Justice Department may very well revolt on what Barr is “up to.”) In line with his (individual 1’s) attempt to MALR (Make America Like Russia) Barr is now leading an “investigation” into the “investigators” – ie the origins of the Mueller investigation that now has the ability to charge people with crimes.

It’s not apparent, at least to me, who they think they can charge with a crime regarding the investigation into individual 1’s COLLUSION with the Russians during the 2016 election. I’ve read from many different sources the so-called “Russia investigation” began when George Papadopolous decided to get drunk in a London Pub and BRAG to some guy who’s a diplomat from Australian that the Russians had “Hillary Clinton’s emails” which were going to be released to help individual 1. The guy from Australia passed this “information” on to the FBI (as Papadopolous SHOULD have). That is what started the so-called “Russia investigation.” (Mueller clearly lays it out in his report – which maybe even Barr did NOT read)

Keep in mind, while individual 1, Giuliani, Barr and others are trying to “prove” it wasn’t the Russians who got individual 1 elected in 2016 the Russians are still at it as I’m writing this. Add to that, those who are part of individual 1’s campaign are using the same “active measures” strategy of the Russians as they unfold their 2020 campaign. They are using Facebook as kind of a “home base” for their LIES. And, of course, if you’ve been paying attention, Facebook recently publicized their decision to allow dishonest political advertising on their platform with NO boundaries. When you think of the amount of people on Facebook (which, by the way, doesn’t include ME) you can see the potential POWER of LIARS like individual 1 on a platform like Facebook. Plus individual 1’s campaign STILL has all the STOLEN data they received via “Cambridge Analytica” during the previous “fake news” campaign.

For over three years now it’s been hard to NOT see individual 1 using Twitter as another platform for his LYING. And, clearly, just like Facebook, Twitter has no compunction in regards to self regulation regarding all the LYING. (Again, I don’t use Twitter, but in today’s world you can escape all of individual 1’s LIES Twitter routinely allows to be published. Twitter and Facebook, by all accounts, is how individual 1 keeps his “minions” in line. But, occasionally, there’s a sign of hope “out there.”

Just the other day, at the fifth game of the World Series where the Washington (DC) Nationals were playing baseball against the team from Houston, individual 1 decided to give the “fans” a treat by attending the game – actually going to an event which wasn’t pre-programmed with a bunch of “MAGA” hat wearing “deplorables” who are always warned to “drown out” anyone who might be a protestor until “security” can remove them from the site. At the game, individual 1, his wife, and the rest of his entourage were pictured on the “big screen” at the stadium (and these screens are huge) while the public address announcer pointed out the (so-called – that’s just me) “president is at the game.”

With big smiles on their faces all the people in individual 1’s “box” including our so-called president himself stood waving to what they imagined would be an adoring audience. (Not sure who suggested to him this was a good idea) Earlier in the day individual 1 had announced the killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Northern Syria earlier that day. I’m sure individual 1 was expecting cheering from his adoring public after spending the morning BRAGGING about something which was reported happened in spite of him instead of because of him. (The decision to abandon the Kurds in Northern Syria – the same Kurds who provided the intelligence required to locate al-Baghdadi – caused our special forces to re-calibrate the timeline of the attack due to the changing nature of the Kurds being forced from their territory by the Turks and Russians – who, by the way, individual 1 curiously thanked in regard to the raid)

So, the look on individual 1’s face and that of his wife quickly changed from ear to ear smiles when the crowd in unison began BOOING. This wasn’t like a few BOOS, but a chorus of BOOS that permeated the entire stadium. But, it got worse for our so-called president. The BOOS soon changed to a chorus of chanting: “lock him up” reminiscent of the chanting individual 1 has encouraged at his rallies (it started at the 2016 Republican Convention) in regard to Hillary Clinton in regard for her “missing” emails. Apparently, the very emails which are LIKELY to get him IMPEACHED.

Yes, this whole saga regarding the so-called “quid pro quo” in the Ukraine scandal – where individual 1 is EXTORTING the Ukrainians to investigate the “origins of the 2016 investigation into Russian interference in our election” where individual 1 has bought into the crazy conspiracy theory there’s a server in Ukraine with all the missing emails and it was the Ukrainians who were “meddling” in the 2016 election to help Mrs. Clinton and NOT the Russians helping individual 1 – despite ALL the evidence to the contrary! (What’s worse – while individual 1 is focused on Ukraine – the Russians are “at it again” – with, apparently, no orders to stop them coming from “the top”)

All the BOOING at the World Series game along with the chanting: “Lock him up” confirms to me I’m not the only one who doesn’t believe individual 1 is a “stable genius.” This republican party has been headed for the right wing “cliff” for years and, I believe, it’s about to go over the edge. They fear this (so-called) president from one side of Capital hill to the other. After he’s been IMPEACHED it’s very unlikely the Senate will remove him from office, but they will ALL be forced to vote on whether or not they believe it’s OK to EXTORT political favors from other nations in return for things like foreign aid (or who knows what – individual 1’s “acting” chief of staff admitted on camera “we do this all the time.” What are the other examples of EXTORTION coming from this (so-called) president in mafioso clothing? (Again) Yikes!!!!

Final Thought: Speaking of the crowd chanting “Lock him up” – I believe a clear majority of Americans want individual 1 to “face the music” – regarding all the criminal activity – once he’s out of office. (Of course, his avid supporters think the criminal activity is OK because of various reasons – things they are willing to trade their morality for) Here’s the question I have. I’ve heard (and read of) individual 1 claiming he has the right to pardon himself. I’ve also heard discussions by legal experts about whether or not he’s correct in that assertions. Most say it’s not clear because NO ONE has ever broached the subject before – meaning we’ve NEVER had anyone in the Oval Office as CORRUPT as individual 1. So, I have to wonder, will he be able to avoid prosecution for his crimes – both before his “election” (with 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton) and after by PARDONING himself on the way out? Seems like there’s something new EVERY day!

One more question: If somehow the Senate voted to remove him from office would that mean he no longer had the power to pardon? At that instant would he no longer be our (so-called) president and be unable to PARDON anyone? Stay tuned!

When all is said and done regarding Putin’s “intrusion” into America’s 2016 election, I believe the final “verdict” will be: individual 1 has “Made Russia Great Again!”

The republicans just keep getting more absurd as they are attempting to defend the ILLEGAL behavior of their so-called president. They continue to use the same “playbook.” During the Mueller investigation it was “There was no collusion,” followed by “collusion is not illegal” then followed by “Who gives a s@#t?” Of course, the ILLEGAL behavior of individual 1 didn’t stop with his “vindication” (by William Barr) following the Mueller report when almost immediately he was “at it again” when he called the newly elected president of Ukraine and attempted to extort “dirt” on Joe Biden in exchange for the duly authorized military assistance which had been authorized on a bi-partisan vote in Congress.

The democrats, mainly Nancy Pelosi and a bunch of “rookies” who had won in districts carried by individual 1 in 2016, had finally had enough. They began the formal (informal?) IMPEACHMENT process which has now evolved to kind of the same “shenanigans” republicans were relying on during the Mueller investigation. Have we gotten to the point where they are claiming EXTORTION is OK? Do you think they are thinking ahead to when there’s a democrat in the “White House” and, it now seems improbable, that they might have the majority in Congress again? (I’m not sure they are able to “think ahead”) I’m starting to think the republicans could be facing the same kind of era of being the minority they experienced in the 60’s and 70’s. I’ve been lamenting where this republican party has evolved for years. It’s time for “we the people” to put this to “bed.”

Yesterday Bill Taylor, an unimpeachable (no pun intended) diplomat who has a history which is almost the opposite of individual 1, gave testimony which is devastating to our so-called president. Adam Schiff is running the hearings of the intelligence community in a way to prevent each witness from hearing the others ahead of time – the depositions are happening in private. (By the way, similar to how republicans carried out the “Benghazi hearings”) The republicans don’t like getting the same treatment they gave the democrats when they were in control. Taylor is an honored Viet Nam veteran AND he’s been a respected foreign service “lifer” AND no one questions his integrity. Can you say that about individual 1? Today, the republicans actually “stormed” the secure room (SKIF) where the depositions are taking place stopping today’s activity – apparently objecting to the “process” for about 5 embarrassing hours. My first thought was: “Be careful what you wish for.”

I believe, at some point, these witnesses who are now giving depositions will be testifying in public. Just a reminder, a deposition simply lets the investigators know what to expect when someone is testifying in public. I think these republicans who are objecting to this process will be rolling their eyes when Bill Taylor testifies in public. Taylor, by all accounts, is the last in a line of former (or present) public servants who have confirmed individual 1 was EXTORTING the Ukrainians for an investigation which WOULD be ILLEGAL, this investigation would be coming from the Ukrainians, in exchange for military aid which was desperately needed to fight off, who else, the Russians. And, keep in mind, Taylor was pulled out of retirement by Mike Pompeo (and individual 1) to replace Marie Yovanovich who had been “railroaded” out of Ukraine (as our ambassador) because she was not cooperating with this EXTORTION scheme. Did they really think Taylor would succumb to their corruption? Yikes!!!

Matt Gaetz continues to cause me to wonder what is going on in the minds of the people who vote people like him into office. I have to wonder if his “moral compass” is as blank as individual 1’s? Gaetz is the one who was leading the group of republicans who “stormed” the SKIF where today’s deposition is taking place – brandishing their cell phones in an apparent attempt to make sure their disregard of any “norm” was part of their “message” and challenging the democrats to enforce ethics protocols. In fact, I’m now hearing these right wing thugs suggesting “quid pro quo’s” are not illegal. Just as a little further back they were saying “collusion” is not illegal. Here’s the part they will not have an answer for: it IS illegal to solicit “anything of value” from a foreign person or country in regard to an American election!

I’ve heard Gaetz in Congressional hearings and not once, in his attempts to defend individual 1, has he EVER (at least while I’ve been listening/watching) defended our so-called president’s behavior. When I was watching the hearings involving Michael Cohen, Gaetz (along with the other republicans in the Judiciary [Oversight? Intel?] Committee) did NOT use one word to defend individual 1, virtually EVERY word that came from their mouths were aimed at attacking Cohen. Just as with the “stunt” today, there’s NOTHING suggesting a defense of the (so-called) president’s actions – only an attempt to “muddy the waters” – which seems to be the “new normal.” Sadly, there’s NEVER any republicans objecting to ANYTHING being done by individual 1. Is anyone watching?

Not only is our so-called president putting our constitution at jeopardy, but what is happening to the Ukrainians AND the Kurds is devastating to them and, not so coincidentally, beneficial to the Russians! Today there were videos on TV of the Russians, already, moving into Northern Syrian and occupying the land the Kurds were envisioning as their homeland – resulting from their battle against ISIS, arm in arm with American special forces – with the Russians warning the Kurds to get the h-e- double toothpick out of Syria if they want to continue breathing. And Ukraine? Well, the Ukrainians are understandably worried about whether or not the Americans are going to abandon them in the face of the Russian incursion.

If the Russians end up taking over Ukraine this will be an even greater disaster. Putin is active around the world and, it appears, individual 1 is working as a Russian asset. It’s hard to imagine an American president abandoning American allies as he’s done with the Kurds and possibly the Ukrainians and the republican party virtually in lockstep saying, well…… NOTHING! The republicans were beside themselves when Putin took Crimea and, as I remember it, they criticized President Obama’ sanctions (which have proven to be effective) as not enough. In fact, I believe Bill Taylor was one of those suggesting the Obama administration had not done enough in Ukraine. Now, individual 1 is attempting to get the sanctions removed – much to the delight of his idol Putin. Will republicans continue to look away.

Here’s the reality of the situation, that gets more serious by the day. Individual 1 seems to be working for the benefit of Vladimir Putin and Putin is gleefully filling ALL the voids our so-called president is creating. (Well, I should add, the Chinese are very quietly also filling some of the voids, and there’s more) The Russians and Chinese have become much closer since individual 1’s “election” (with 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) and, based on what I read in “Putin’s World” by Angela Stent, Putin is making “deals” with the Saudi’s, the Iranians, the Turks, of course the Syrians, the Egyptians, and even the Israelis. When all is said and done regarding Putin’s “intrusion” into America’s 2016 election, I believe the final “verdict” will be: individual 1 has “Made Russia Great Again!” (And, the “green light” individual 1 is giving Putin around the world may be irreversible once this national nightmare has ended – plus, we may never know what Putin “has” on our so-called president???)

Final Thought: In the never ending quest of individual 1 to PROVE the Russians had nothing to do with his “victory” in the 2016 election (with 3 MILLION fewer votes than Hillary Clinton not to mention the James Comey blunder) it was reported today that William Barr has opened the possibility of a CRIMINAL investigation of the “investigators” – as he’s been flying around the world making an ASS of himself in front of our allied intelligence officers. Not only has Barr, from all reports, been up to his ears in the Ukraine scandal, but he’s pursuing, seemingly, every Alex Jones conspiracy theory you can find on the right wing blogosphere.

Today, I reminded myself of the time when Keith Olberman had a show on MSNBC and, on a nightly basis, he had a segment called “The Worst Person in the World.” It’s hard to imagine anyone taking that “honor” from individual 1 at ANY time, but tonight I came up with a new “winner” – at least for this one day. Today’s “Worst Person in the World” is William Barr. I’ve stated before that, for some reason, he seems to be “volunteering” for a place in the History books right next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold!

Pense, as usual, is fawning over individual 1 – while there are funerals en masse going on with the Kurds! Sad!!!

Individual 1 claimed he was simply focused on “corruption” in Ukraine when he was (extorting) Ukraine President Zelensky to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter in return for the desperately needed military assistance our so-called president had previously BLOCKED despite bipartisan Congressional support for the assistance to be provided “forth with.” Well, as all is coming together on this fiasco we see the “corruption” was apparently coming directly from individual 1 and his so-called “lawyer” Rudy Giuliani.

Here’s where the “rubber is hitting the road” – long time non-partisan public servants are refusing administration attempts to shut them up and they are walking into the IMPEACHMENT hearings and willingly giving their depositions to the committees “investigating” individual 1’s brazen abuse of power – which has been ongoing since the day he took the oath of office, but has been brought to a “head” with his (curiously) releasing a transcript of his call with Zelensky where he ADMITTED to breaking American law in at least one way and likely several ways. The bottom line is it’s a VIOLATION of campaign finance laws to solicit ANYTHING of value from ANY foreign source. And, trust me, what individual 1 was soliciting from Zelensky was worth enough to make it a FELONY (over $25,000) because of the expense Rudy Giuliani has incurred trying to get “dirt” on the Biden’s. (Which, by the way, has Giuliani, very possibly, in the crosshairs of legal impropriety – if there is any legal accountability in America anymore)

Then top this all off by having individual 1, apparently in an attempt to change the narrative from the IMPEACHMENT inquiry, turn the Turks loose on our allies the Kurds in Northern Syria while also getting about 1000 American troops caught in the “crossfire.” Pictures of the Kurds being slaughtered by the Turks have maybe even had an affect on some of individual 1’s supporters. Just picture them – what would they be saying had President Obama done this? Of course, how many of individual 1’s absurd actions could we ask the exact same question? (In fact, I’ve even heard republicans suggest this is the “same” issue which arose when President Obama “pulled our troops from Iraq.” As usual, the similarities they suggest are absurd. Obama simply followed the agreed upon departure of American troops set forth by GW Bush – which, I must add, I was not in agreement with)

As was predictable, most observers are saying the “winner” in individual 1’s ABRUPT decision to pull our troops from Syria (mainly the troops protecting the Kurds) will be Vladimir Putin. Observers continue to “wonder” what does Putin have on individual 1? Not only is Putin the beneficiary of this blunderous action in Syria but likewise in Ukraine. Clearly the new president of Ukraine, who was committed to fighting “corruption” when he got elected has been somewhat intimidated by Giuliani and individual 1 (and, likely Ambassador Sondland as well) as they’ve been attempting to get Zelensky and his surrogates to provide some kind of “dirt” on Biden – who, I don’t believe, will end up being the democratic nominee. Overcoming the gains Putin has made BECAUSE of individual 1 will quite possibly take years!

Additionally, the real threat to the Ukrainians is the one coming from the Russians – who are presently attacking a couple of regions in Ukraine while individual 1 is attempting to pressure them (the Ukrainians) into caving to Putin. After the former Soviet Union disbanded, Ukraine agreed to give up their nuclear weapons in return for a guarantee from America and her Western European (NATO) allies to protect Ukraine from intrusions from Russia. Well, Putin seized Crimea in 2014 and President Obama instigated severe sanctions which have prevented Russia (and Exxon Mobile) from tapping into Russia’s vast oil reserves in the Arctic and Siberia. Putin wants those sanctions removed and he wants control of Ukraine’s oil reserves as well – which apparently are located in the Donetsk region where they are presently fighting. Obviously, if the Americans withhold military aid, it benefits Putin and the Russians. Plus, at some point, I see individual 1 attempting to remove the sanctions on Russia.

I’ve said for almost two years now individual 1 appears to me to be acting just as if he’s a mob boss. This morning I’m listening to Mick Mulvaney attempting to obfuscate and LIE his way out of a BUNCH of trouble he and individual 1 are in. It’s making my stomach churn. Sadly, there are surely people out there who actually believe what Mulvaney’s saying and have difficulty “reading between the lines,” but it’s obvious Mulvaney is describing IMPEACHABLE and ILLEGAL behavior. Individual 1, Mulvaney, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Pompeo, Mike Pense, and others are up to their necks in this ILLEGAL behavior regarding Ukraine. And, as I’m listening while typing I’ve got to add, the president doesn’t get to do whatever he wants in regard to foreign policy. These people can’t be GONE soon enough for me! (Wow! Mulvaney just confirmed that individual 1 and Co. was bargaining the military support for the political “dirt” ie a “quid pro quo” – are these guys actually this stupid? The answer appears to be YES!)

Just as he seemed to think breaking the law in plain sight makes it OK – as he solicited both the Ukrainians AND the Chinese to investigate the Biden’s while standing on the White House lawn in front of a plethora of cameras, apparently he believes the same thing regarding the emoluments clause to the constitution. So, this morning, as I tuned in, Mulvaney was giving their justification for having the “G-7” Summit next year at individual 1’s Doral Resort. Mulvaney had the temerity to suggest individual 1 would NOT profit from this meeting on one of his properties. All I can say is they believe “we the people” are more stupid than I thought.

Is this just another example of individual 1 attempting to get “we the people’s” attention off of the impending IMPEACHMENT? Well, if it works as well as his “plan” to allow the Turks into Syria leading to the potential genocide of the Syrian Kurds well, God help us. No matter how that “diversion” works out, once again, individual 1 has enabled Vladimir Putin to continue with his “laughing all the way to the bank.” As I’m writing this, there have been thousands of Kurds killed and upwards of 250,000 Kurds who have lost their homes and, I’m sure, people around the world have an even lower view of the United States based on this betrayal of the Kurds by individual 1. Right now I’m listening to individual 1 supporters claim they can “put the toothpaste back into the tube.” As I often say, Sad!!!

Today, a letter individual 1 sent three days after unleashing the Turks onto the Syrian Kurds to the president of Turkey was publicly released. It was embarrassing to listen to it as I heard it read by Nicole Wallace on MSNBC. Obviously, Turkey’s president Erdogan was as impressed with the letter as I as he reportedly crumbled it and tossed it to the trash can. I can only imagine how these dictators around the world speak of individual 1 in private as he’s attempting to seek their favor. Sad (again)!!! (I’ll attempt to find a copy of the letter I can link to)

Mike Pense is, as I’m writing this, speaking in Turkey in regard to a “cease fire” in the war zone that was created by individual 1’s impulsive decision to remove the American troops from Northern Syria. As both Pense and Mike Pompeo try to make this all look like it’s some kind of brilliant move on individual 1’s part Erdogan is getting everything he wanted from the start. Pense just said, “let me be clear, the president has been clear about American opposition to Turkey’s entrance into Syria.” In my mind I’m going, “Are you kidding me?” What would individual 1 say to the Kurdish leaders if he had to face them in person? I suppose his “bone spurs” would prevent that from happening!

Personally, I hope this cease fire works, but “I’ll believe it when I see it.” (It’s two days later, and it’s NOT working) Sadly, as I watch Pense and Pompeo in their news conference in Turkey I believe I’m looking at American leaders who have engaged in lawbreaking while in office and who have near zero credibility around the world. As I’m writing this they are participating, back home, in individual 1’s ILLEGAL refusal to answer legally submitted subpoenas. If they didn’t do anything wrong in regard to Ukraine – which is, obviously, the source of the subpoenas – then why not defend themselves via transparency. It’s as if they “do things” and then clean up the mess afterward. I don’t see much difference between the Ukraine fiasco and the BLUNDER in Syria. Other than the FACT, from the standpoint of the Kurds, the “mess” can’t be “cleaned up.”

Individual 1 continues to show himself to be a reckless, boneheaded, and ignorant decision maker to “we the people” AND those around the world. Right now, with Pense in Turkey, they are trying to undo something which may be impossible to undo. Pense, as usual, is fawning over individual 1 giving “credit” to both our so-called president and Erdogan of Turkey – while there are funerals en masse going on with the Kurds. It appears to me this may be a desperate attempt to get the remaining American troops out – the troops who’ve been blowing up their own facilities as they leave with “their tails between their legs,” before the Turks complete their objective of “ethnically cleansing” the Kurds from their homeland. Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I’ve got to stop – this is more “rambling” than my usual posts. I long ago accepted that it will take an overwhelming response at the polls by “we the people” to get this nightmare over. What has caused me to be so, I guess, more ANGRY than usual, it the betrayal of the Kurds. I’m not sure “we the people” will be able to recover from the damage associated with that BETRAYAL in my lifetime. Anything more I would write at this point would be redundant!

If individual 1 was really concerned with “CORRUPTION” in Ukraine – he needed look no further than the nearest MIRROR!

Would it really surprise you if, after all is said and done, we find out Rudy Giuliani AND individual 1 had a scam underway to get their “mitts” on some of the incredible oil MONEY available in Ukraine via CORRUPTION? Well, if you’ve been around here you know about individual 1’s PROJECTION which would tell you when he says over and over his “concern” with Ukraine, as he’s trying to defend his EXTORTION of Ukraine’s president, is “corruption” you KNOW the CORRUPTION is coming from, well ………. individual 1!

Just yesterday, two Ukrainian “investors” were arrested for funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars – apparently from a mysterious Russian – into the “coffers” of a “Super pac” associated with individual 1 (I believe its name is “America 1” or “America First”). These are CLEARLY illegal campaign donations AND the two Ukrainians responsible are now sitting in a jail cell. Both of these “thugs” are associates of Rudy Giuliani and have been seen in photographs eating lunch with individual 1 at the “White House.” Is the “picture” getting clearer? (Somehow, each of these thugs came up with a cool $1 MILLION for their bail????)

The question I keep asking myself is what does Putin really have on individual 1. Yesterday I was also asking myself the same question in regards to Erdogan of Turkey – because I continue to be confused as why individual 1 would abandon the Kurds in Syria, seemingly on a whim, who are now fighting for their lives against Erdogan’s forces after individual 1 had a call with Turkey’s president. This appears to be the beginnings of a genocide – against a group who’ve been incredibly reliable allies of America’s forces in Syria. This is maybe the most SHAMEFUL move by individual 1 yet. It was a small group of American forces who were preventing this slaughter of the Kurds and you have to think individual 1 has NO moral compass to allow this to happen.

It’s no secret, what is happening, so you MUST understand individual 1 KNEW exactly what would result from the spur of the moment decision – despite his “tweet” where he claimed this move came “In all his wisdom.” Makes me wonder if he has any “wisdom” at all? (Two days later….) The Kurds have now made a deal with the Russians and al Assad to join them so they will join the fight and stop the Turks – who are doing horrible “stuff” as they push into Northern Syria. So, now that the publicity is REALLY bad, individual 1 is not happy!

I just listened to Mike Pense – with a very serious look on his face as only he can give – reporting that individual 1 just had a “very firm” call with Erdogan and he told Erdogan “he’s not going to tolerate Turkey’s invasion of Syria……….any more.” There was a noticeable pause between the word “Syria” and the phrase “any more.” It’s as if individual 1 actually believes he has ANY power in this fight “anymore” – after publicly saying he’s pulling out all American troops and “let the others fight it out” – or something along that line.

There’s still 1000 American troops stuck in Syria who are trying to get out without leaving their equipment behind. I’ve heard reports the Turks are firing on the Americans, but I haven’t heard any corroboration from other sources – so I’m not sure. But the bottom line is individual 1 committed another DUMB act and now he’s trying to “put the toothpaste back in the tube.” What are the odds Mike Pense has ANY credibility with anyone involved – like Erdogan, al Assad, or Putin – not to mention the Iranians.

Personally, I started this “blog” in response to the absurd invasion of Iraq back in 2003 – which to me was “deja vu all over again” after going through the Viet Nam era – so I’m no fan of all our troops in the Middle East. I can even see myself agreeing with individual 1 on pulling troops out of Syria had he done so in a way that didn’t cause the Kurds to face a possible genocide – causing them to “change sides.” (Plus potentially exposing Israel to the wrath of the Iranians from “close up”) The Kurds are fighting to survive and individual 1’s “serving them up” to the Turks has gained the attention of leaders (and people) around the world.

I would surmise that suggesting individual 1 is looking like a “traitor” is an image which goes well beyond the borders of the United States. I even heard this morning, as commentators were suggesting “sanctions” were being aimed at Turkey, individual 1 was still planning to meet with Erdogan in the “Oval Office.” Keep in mind, he’s got two large interests in Turkey (plus other interests from what I’ve heard) in the form of “twin towers.” Do you really think he’ll do anything which would cause the Turks to kick him out of Turkey as far as his business interests? If he’s proved anything as our so-called president it’s that he’s going to gain as much MONEY as he possibly can while “we the people” allow his scam to continue.

Another very significant problem is the about 50 American nuclear warheads on an American base in Turkey which could easily be cut off from America if Erdogan decides he doesn’t like individual 1’s sanctions. Individual 1 like’s to come across as some kind of tough guy, but it seems the reality is that leaders around the world are laughing at him – and filling as many “vacuums” as he manages to create before the republicans in Congress who are his “firewall” come to their senses. Each one of them (the republicans in Congress) is going to be “tagged” with being part of this disaster when the history books are written. I’m sure many of them are now considering how they want to be remembered.

And, speaking of the “vacuums” individual 1 is creating around the world via his incomprehensible “foreign policy” most are being filled by either Russian (Putin) or China. When you read the many books which are available to give “non partisan” information about what is happening around the globe you see Vladimir Putin has received a return on his investment in getting individual 1 elected which has been magnified exponentially. Putin has created alliances with China, Israel, and Saudi Arabia – off the top of my head as I try to remember what I’ve been reading – and, much of what he’s gained has been due to malfeasance by individual 1. And, this is not to mention the damage which has been done to America’s relations with traditional allies like the members of NATO.

I’ve been constantly referring to the DAMAGE caused by individual 1 over the past 2 1/2 years, mostly about what he’s doing to the traditional American institutions like the State Department, the Defense Department, along with the other institutions individual 1’s sycophants have been bludgeoning. We’re seeing the results of the tearing down of the State Department in this fiasco going on in Ukraine which is likely to be the initial “blow” in the impeachment of this thug of a (so-called) president. There’s been no one to provide “diplomatic” advice to a president who likely didn’t want any advice – in “all his wisdom.”

At this point I believe individual 1’s IMPEACHMENT is going to happen – the question ALWAYS has been his (what I’ve called the) firewall in the Senate. It appears this decision to allow the Turks to institute a policy of GENOCIDE on the Syrian Kurds – who’ve been staunch American allies in the battle against ISIS – may be a “bridge too far” for even a few republicans. Many of the “safe red” states are the home of some of America’s military bases – where, I believe, the military personnel are not happy with turning and running from out allies in Syria. More and more Americans are being challenged to personally defend their own defense of this despicable president. If they turn on him, well………………………………….

Final Thought: Individual 1 claimed his actions in Ukraine were based on his desire to combat the corruption in Ukraine – which the new president was committed to fighting as well. However, clearly, individual 1’s actions – via his new “fixer” Rudy Giuliani (who’s quickly becoming an American embarrassment) – was actually causing MORE corruption in Ukraine. Of course Ukrainian president Zelensky found himself “‘between a rock and a hard place” as he’s trying to get individual 1 to release the military assistance already appropriated by Congress which had “mysteriously” been put on hold (do you really think Zelensky didn’t understand why?) while the president is pressuring him to FIND “dirt” on his (imagined) 2020 opponent.

Here’s the deal as I see it: If individual 1 was really concerned with “CORRUPTION” in Ukraine – he needed look no further than the nearest MIRROR!

As long as individual 1 occupies the “White House” the DAMAGE to America will mount. This blunder in Syria may cause damage which is irreversible!

I brought up, briefly, in my previous post about individual 1’s decision to pull American troops out of Syria thereby opening up the Kurds, who’ve been doing the bulk of the fighting against ISIS – and, who have over 10,000 ISIS fighters in “custody” – to what could be a devastating attack coming from the Turks. From all reports individual 1 had another of his now infamous phone calls with Turkey’s president Erdogan where he agreed to what could end up being the most disastrous of his decisions yet. This appears to be another action which will work to the benefit of Vladimir Putin and the Russians who are filling the “vacuum” individual 1 is creating in the Middle East. If the Kurds get slaughtered the DAMAGE to America in regard to our reliability with nations around the world will be “in the tank.”

I actually started this “blog” (if that’s what it is) years ago after Bush/Cheney created the foreign policy DISASTER of invading Iraq – which, to me, was “deja vu all over again” in regard my memories of Viet Nam. And, it turned out to be even worse than Viet Nam, in my view, not only for the hundreds of thousands KILLED because of their blunderous action but also the MILLIONS who’ve been uprooted since that fiasco began. Getting out has not been easy because of the repercussions stemming from the initial blunder. President Obama seemed to authorize a lot of drone attacks along with the use of special forces to turn the tide against what evolved into a battle with ISIS – which was “on the run” when Obama left office. At the time it appeared to me getting “out” was not a realistic option and the strategy was to minimize the danger to American forces while continuing the fight against ISIS AND Syria’s dictator al-Assad.

I say this because I wish we had no troops in Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other places in that region – if it was practical. Well, the small number of American troops who have been protecting the Kurds, who, by all accounts, are the heroes in the battle against ISIS, are leaving the Kurds at risk as they pull out of the country. It was reported tonight that Turkey’s forces are on the move and will be in a position to attack the Kurds within 24 hours which caught my eye. I certainly hope those reports are wrong and that individual 1 is correct in suggesting the Turks are NOT going to attack the Kurds. Of course, that feels like my idealistic side kicking in again. Should the Kurds release the 10,000+ ISIS fighters it will be another bad day for our so-called president – at least that’s how it appears to me.

From my perspective it seems as if individual 1 should be more concerned about republican support than democratic – ie I believe he’s going to be impeached at this point in time by the House (Unless they get the classic democratic “cold feet”). It’s the republicans in the Senate who are the “firewall” against removal from office and I don’t believe even Moscow Mitch will be OK with the Kurds getting slaughtered and the ISIS fighters back on the loose. Maybe republicans will find a way to “spin” even that outcome, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Lindsey Graham? Is he going to continue supporting a so-called president who commits what many will consider an obscene act of negligence? OK, I know what you’re thinking. Graham is capable of incredible acts of hypocrisy – so, “we’ll see.”

My first thought when I heard about his decision regarding out troops in Syria was “he’s trying to take the focus off the IMPEACHMENT inquiry.” I’m just not sure he picked the right distraction. I was convinced the warmongers in the Congress, on the republican side, would likely support some kind of attack on Iran (which still could happen – if he decides it’s the best way to save his administration). People like Mike Pompeo have been lobbying for an attack on Iran for years. I can picture Lindsey Graham at the microphone defending this type of action – but, if the Syria situation blows up, “all bets are off.” (Of course, the ISIS fighters are Sunni and the Iranians are Shia – not sure if that matters)

One more thing which happened today making much of what individual 1 – and his sycophants – have been up to lately look even worse was the Senate Intelligence Committee releasing their report which, essentially, confirmed Mueller’s report stating the Russians intervened in the 2016 election for the benefit of individual 1 and to the detriment of Mrs. Clinton. This report further puts the LIE to individual 1’s claim it was the Ukrainians who did the “interfering” in the 2016 election by furthering the conspiracy theory about a company called “Crowd Strike” supposedly having “the missing server.” (Whatever that means)

The FACT our so-called president falls for these absurd conspiracy theories put forth by some really questionable characters is a story in itself. Even more incredible to me is the FACT our (or should I say individual 1’s) Attorney General, William Barr, is shuttling around the world in an attempt to undermine the very agency he’s in charge of – the FBI and the Justice Department. Honestly, I’m not sure who’s more disgusting; individual 1, Barr, Pompeo, or Giuliani. And, of course, there’s a group of republicans in Congress who are reliable (absurd) sycophants. This, of course, would include the above mentioned Graham – who, if he watches any TV except Fox (I’m now going to call it) noise would be watching himself, 20 years ago saying the exact OPPOSITE of what he’s spewing these days. (Must be the cost of free golf)

In fact, it was reported today that none other than the guy who, over and over again, soiled himself during the MANY Benghazi hearings during Obama’s administration aimed at Hillary Clinton – where she made them (republicans) look like FOOLS during 11 HOURS of testimony – Trey Gowdy, is now heading individual1’s defense against impeachment. Gowdy will be, apparently, shamelessly defending the indefensible in our so-called president as he (individual 1) is extorting political “help” from the leader of Ukraine while, at the same time, undermining our ally the Kurds in Syria – which very well may lead to their (the Kurds) slaughter and the re-emergence of ISIS. I really don’t understand how anyone can defend this.

And, as a Christian myself, the idea individual 1’s base is largely made up by “evangelical Christians” makes me sick to my stomach. What kind of “witness” are all these so-called Christian leaders making as they defend someone who LIES “like a sieve,” who is an admitted sexual predator, and who acts as if he’s a dictator instead of our so-called president. I’ve just read a bit about the “prosperity gospel” which is conveniently believed by those who are part of the top 1% and supported by many of the “Christian” leaders we see regularly on TV. Personally, that’s a convenient twisting of Christ’s words by those who’ve created the issue of income inequality which even individual 1’s supporters oppose. In fact, many of them are the victims of the policies of those they’ve been tricked into voting for.

I believe there is little to NO chance individual 1 will be convicted in the Senate. However, the democrats IMPEACHING individual 1 will be a start in changing the public impression that democrats are spineless. “We the people” voted democrats into control of the House for this very reason – to hold individual 1 accountable. Anyone who doesn’t understand the 2018 election was a referendum on individual 1 wasn’t paying attention. The republicans have operated via FEAR mongering for as long as I can remember. The democrats should have NO fear in proceeding with IMPEACHMENT. It’s warranted and this issue with Syria……….

If the Kurds get slaughtered and they release the thousands of ISIS fighters the republicans will really be put to the test. For sure, there are many examples of comments they made during Obama’s time in office which will be replayed if they support this blunder on individual1’s account. Trying to figure out why he would have done this will range from appeasing Vladimir Putin to protecting his personal business “footprint” in Turkey. Individual 1 could easily be (maybe he was) blackmailed by Turkey’s president Erdogon in order to “get out of the way” of what Turkey has wanted for many months.

Here’s the bottom line: As long as individual 1 occupies the “White House” the DAMAGE to America will mount. This blunder in Syria may cause damage which is irreversible! “We the people” have until November of 2020 to demonstrate to the world we reject this thug. However, that may be of little resolve for the Kurds – who are now, as I’m writing this fighting for their lives! Every day I find myself asking: When will “enough” be enough for republicans? And, concurrently, when will voters in places like Iowa, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Maine, etc. vote out their republican Senators who have been enabling this disastrous behavior? I’m actually worried that individual 1 is making it almost impossible for America to be “great again.”

Many “conservatives” have supported individual 1 despite the reality MUCH of what is known about his ACTIONS, you would think, would be repugnant to them!

OK, I’m really trying not to lose my patience with people who actually believe they are “informed” as they spew the Fox “news” propaganda. Sometimes, I’m sure, I’m coming across as a bit arrogant as I point out to people what they are saying is – well, I’d like to use the word our so-called president put in all caps yesterday in one of his (many) tweets, but I’ll just say “BS.” Yesterday I ran into a very nice fellow who made light of Bernie Sanders having a heart procedure to a friend of mine who’s a Bernie supporter saying something like maybe he (Bernie) should get his medical care in Sweden.

To me, that was the typical right wing mantra which has evolved over the past 50+ years of being mean spirited. Personally, I’m not one who wants Bernie to win the nomination (I actually did want him to win it in 2016), but when someone has an issue with their heart, to me, it’s not a joking matter. I have to say, if individual 1 was hospitalized with a heart issue I can see myself praying for his recovery but certainly I wouldn’t be joking about something that serious.

Yes, I understand that a bunch of old white guys at a golf driving range is no big deal and joking around is commonplace. It’s just that, to me, the comment by the guy who joked about Bernie was simply a manifestation of his succumbing to the Fox “narrative.” I tried to broach a conversation with him about him saying “I’m a conservative.” So, I said, “What is a conservative?” He said, someone who believes in “limited government and free markets.” I said, “What markets are free?” He couldn’t answer. I said, “There are no free markets – markets reflect whoever can influence them to favor themselves.” He basically agreed.

I said, “I’ve always considered myself a ‘conservative’ because I believe in balanced budgets and traditional values.” His response was, “like the president who recently doubled the national debt?” I said, “are you suggesting that was President Obama?” He didn’t respond so I said, “the cause you’re referring to was the Bush/Cheney regime and the crash of 2008.” He responded by saying, “That was no crash, a crash was what happened in1929 when my grandfather had to walk 2 miles in the snow to earn 6 cents an hour.” I decided it wasn’t worth proceeding in the conversation so I just added that the economy was shedding 800,000 jobs per month when Obama took office and the annual deficit was $1.5 TRILLION. The only reason the “mess” he inherited didn’t evolve into another “Great Depression” is because people LEARNED something from the first one.

It didn’t make sense to me to proceed with the conversation except to point out to him there really isn’t two sets of “facts.” FACTS are facts and “alternative facts” are make believe. If my facts are wrong point that out. But, no one gets their own facts. We have a so-called president who makes up “facts” at a rate which is hard to keep up with. Unfortunately, there are few members of the media “fact checking” him in real time. He’s a pathological LIAR and he convinces himself whatever he’s saying is true as it rolls off his tongue because he’s been doing this his entire life. It’s disgusting, but people like this guy I met yesterday fall for it.

Individual 1 is now “doubling down” on his illegal, corrupt behavior as he tries to normalize his IMPEACHABLE behavior. This morning, in an impromptu “news conference” he called on China to investigate the Biden’s. I guess he figures if he keeps doing this in public people will believe it’s “normal.” However, the TRUTH is when he asks the Chinese to “investigate the Biden’s” he’s again BLATANTLY violating American law. Despite the FACT he took an oath to “faithfully defend the constitution and the laws of the land” he continues to show a disdain for any thought those laws should apply to him.

Individual 1’s “projection” is almost unbelievable to me – the fact he gets away with it is the part that just “boggles” my mind. Almost EVERY absurd accusation he hurls at this or that democrat is something he’s actually guilty of – that’s his way of shielding his own misbehavior. This “suggestion” to the Chinese they investigate the Biden’s is ABSURD – but it’s a key part of his strategy to fight the IMPEACHMENT inquiry which has him “backed into a corner.” Incredibly, he’s suggesting he’s on a “crusade” to eliminate “corruption” in Ukraine. Do I need to point out the obvious? To me, this absurd accusation should simply add another “ARTICLE” to the democrats “investigation.” (To me, individual 1 is, by far, the MOST corrupt president during my lifetime)

All of this just confirms what individual 1 has said more than once and that is he welcomes “help” from foreign entities in his quest to win elections. He did this during the Mueller investigation when he suggested, in regard to individual 1 Jr.’s visit with Russians to get “incriminating information” on Hillary Clinton directly from the “Russian government,” that “anyone would do this.” He even went so far as to suggest taking aid from foreigners in elections was common, “everyone does this.” Obviously, it’s just more of his delusion. Oh yes, if you’re confused, everyone DOESN’T do “this!”

This morning, in the same press briefing where individual 1 was suggesting he wanted the Chinese to investigate the Biden’s he basically ADMITTED to prodding the president of Ukraine to do the same thing. With our so-called president who can’t keep his mouth shut there’s no secret to the FACTS involved in the “impeachment inquiry.” He admitted he wanted Ukraine’s president to open (ANOTHER) investigation of the Biden’s and all their “corruption” – all why he was suspending desperately needed military assistance to Ukraine. That’s EXTORTION. Even his request to China this morning included threats that “I’ve got a lot of power in regard to our trade negotiations with China if they don’t do what we want.” That could also be considered EXTORTION! Like I’ve said over and over here, he’s like a MOB BOSS!

Well, the part of all this about whether he’s correct or NOT in regard to the Biden’s (which every thing I can find says he’s NOT) is TOTALLY irrelevant. The reality is that his EXTORTION of the president of Ukraine was ILLEGAL Full stop! That being said, I have tried to find out if there’s anything to his accusations aimed at the Biden’s. As you might have already guessed, the answer to that is a big fat NO! There are neutral observers who have suggested Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine and, to a small degree in China, was poorly thought out because of the “appearance of a conflict” for his father. But NO one has been able to find anything which would indicate “corruption” or “lawbreaking.”

Regarding Ukraine, in essence from what I’ve been able to find, Joe Biden was doing the opposite of what individual 1 is accusing him of doing. In reality he WAS pressuring the Ukraine government to fire a prosecutor who was considered corrupt by virtually all interested parties internationally. Biden, actually, was pressuring the Ukrainians to investigate corporate interests which would have INCLUDED the gas/energy company of which Hunter Biden was on the board. If anything, Joe Biden was suggesting the company his son worked for SHOULD be investigated for corruption! Go figure!

The “conspiracy theory” individual 1 has fallen for (That Ukraine was the source of “interference” in the 2016 election and it was to favor Mrs. Clinton) comes from the same guy who’s been busy making up stories on democrats for years,. Peter Schweitzer. He wrote the book “Clinton Cash” which played a role in smearing Mrs. Clinton during the 2016 election – so, individual 1 is simply using this guy’s made up “scandal” in advance of the 2020 election thinking his likely opponent will be Joe Biden. They (which includes William Barr) are attempting to prove the “Russia Investigation” was a made up story by our intelligence community and the real “culprit” was the Ukrainians who were working to benefit Hillary Clinton! This is almost too incredible for me to believe because it’s so absurd, but our so-called president falls for this crap and therefore people like Schweitzer and Fox “news” will continue to have too large an audience! Sad!!!

Like many Americans I keep asking myself “How did this happen?” Well, there are a lot of people who are attempting to answer that question and, for me, the search for answers continues. What I understand is that “we the people” MUST fight for our local communities, our states, our country, and our planet – which includes an interest in the success of our allies around the world – and, actually, those who aren’t considered our allies. Somehow turning the focus of world leaders away from the MILITARY to common needs of the working class of people, it seems to me, is the key to the fight to save our planet from ourselves.

Recently I received a small book in the mail which was anonymously sent to me via Amazon. I finally figured out who sent it to me and I’ve now commenced reading it. It’s obvious to me, now, why it was sent my way and I’m ready to recommend it to others at this point. The title of the book is “The Three Dimensions of Freedom” by Billy Bragg. He makes a very cogent argument about what “freedom” really is and what is required, in reality, for “freedom” to exist. He also gives a totally believable explanation as to how the emergence of all the right wing populists in Western democracies has evolved – which would include individual 1.

I’m not going to go into great detail of what is in Bragg’s book, but, I believe, the key to what he’s “arguing” is what will come in the section I have yet to read – and, that is the requirement of “accountability” for “freedom” to exist. In a much more intelligent manner than I ever could, he is explaining (in the part I’ve read) the history of how wealthy individuals/corporate interests have manipulated the “freedom” of people in the West via providing themselves with favorable manipulation of what Bragg termed “liberty” and “equality.” The reality, and why as I said above to the guy I was talking to at the driving range, is there is no “free market” and the “freedom” of “we the people” is defined by the “regulation” which is imposed by those with the money and power to influence our “leaders” – in Washington, London, and other places in the West where democracies are under assault by neo-Nazi extremists – like individual 1.

So, what can “we the people” do – in America – to reverse this trend which is, in effect, destroying the country as envisioned by our founding fathers. In short, we can VOTE! The sad reality is that those of us who don’t like what is happening MUST vote in overwhelming numbers because, as they’ve done since the days of Nixon, “conservatives” believe “the end justifies the means” and VOTER SUPPRESSION is a main tactic they’ve used for years. Not only MUST we vote out individual 1, in a manner which sends a message to our traditional allies we intend to “heal” the wounds created by our so-called president, but we also MUST vote out enough republicans from the Senate to take the gavel out of Mitch McConnell’s hands. (Message to the people of Kentucky: You all have the opportunity to guarantee this!)

One more thing: If “we the people” do what we should do, it’s vastly important we make it clear to those in the “rust belt” and the south they are extremely important to the success of this nation – this partisan divide must end. For some reason many of them have supported individual 1 despite the reality MUCH of what is known about his ACTIONS, you would think, would be repugnant to them – especially those who call themselves “Christians.” At the very least, once individual 1 (and his willing sycophants) are removed from office, hopefully “we the people” can start talking to one another again – respectfully.

I have a good friend who is a supporter of individual 1 (I’m constantly wondering why?) and we meet regularly for breakfast. He believes I’m a liberal nut job and I call him a right wing wack job – but, we NEVER walk away from our conversations mad and we acknowledge to each other how much we care about one another. Often we surmise it would be great of people around the country who see things differently could have dialogue without rancor. One requirement, in my view, is we SHOULD expect our leaders to make decisions based on FACTS and that they would be HONEST with “we the people” – no matter their party affiliation. Call me an idealist – but, I believe this is possible – when it is accepted that our leaders MUST put country before party and, more importantly, when we have leaders (and a general population) who believe WORKERS are more important than shareholders.

When you study American history from the Great Depression to today – people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren don’t seem so “radical.” When you hear everyday Americans acting as if they fear these two women while they call them “socialists” it demonstrates our educators have done a poor job of teaching American History. “Conservatives” have spent the past 75+ years working to undermine the “New Deal” – which provided the benefits so many Americans take for granted – and, they’ve actually succeeded in convincing many Americans in the “heartland” to vote against their own self interests as they help the “top 1%” get rid of regulations which were designed to prop up the middle class.

Final Thought: If “we the people” are going to actually “drain the swamp” – which seems to be one of the main objectives of individual 1’s supporters – the first step will be voting individual 1 and as many republican Senators as possible OUT of office in 2020’s election and THEN holding them ACCOUNTABLE for their lawbreaking once they’re out of office. I’m not only talking about our so-called president, but William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Giuliani, and any others who have broken our laws. Until “we the people” make a STAND saying that “on one is above the law” this rampant lawbreaking by our leaders will continue. (Of course, there’s no suggestion President Obama was a “lawbreaker” – but, the past two republican administrations along with Reagan’s and Nixon’s, not so much – Clinton was a womanizer)

I will even go so far as to say the “OLC memo” which says a sitting president can’t be indicted should be changed. Our present (so-called) president is showing an alarming disregard for the law and he’s going so far as to defiantly break our laws in plain sight. This can’t be allowed in a nation which has based its existence on the understanding “we are a nation of laws and not men.” If we actually believe that to be true, then it makes no sense to suggest a president can’t be indicted. Obviously, individual 1 has interpreted that “memo” to give him a “green light” to “do whatever (I) want.” Yikes!!!

As usual of late, this post took me a few days to finish and, therefore, much of what I referred to is already “old news.” Since I started this post our so-called president has unilaterally pulled American troops from Syria – apparently leaving the Kurds to the whim of President Erdogan of Turkey – who views the Kurds as “terrorists.” While I would agree that American troops shouldn’t have invaded Iraq, they shouldn’t be starting a war with Iran, and much of the objections of many about our presence in the Middle East, I don’t have a good feeling about how individual 1 is going about this. I’ll write more later – I just hope those who claim the Kurds are going to be slaughtered by the Turks are wrong and I hope those who say the Kurds are holding over 10,000 ISIS fighters prisoner and may turn them loose at any time are wrong. We’ll see!

Earth to individual 1: IMPEACHMENT is not a “coup” it’s an act of democracy put in our constitution by our founders!

I’ve known all along – well, anyone who’s been paying close attention to our fractured political system has known – that Moscow Mitch McConnell was very likely going to block the impeachment “trial” of individual 1, should the democrats stay united and vote articles of impeachment on our so-called president. The easy way for Moscow Mitch to prevent people like Susan Collins, Joni Ernst, Lindsey Graham, and other Senators up for re-election from being forced to vote yea or nea on whether they support EXTORTION by the president of the United States is to, well, have NO vote at all.

Of course, if you’ve been on this site at all, it shouldn’t surprise you that I would hope this action, should he take it, only further the destruction of the present day republican party. I’m not “anti-republican” I’m just not OK with the version which has evolved over the past couple of decades. For me, it began with Reagan and then Newt Gingrich, but, in reality, it likely began before that – most historians would say with the so-called “Powell memo” – written by Lewis Powell prior to his appointment to the Supreme Court (that appointment in itself should be sobering to progressives) when he wrote to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce with the plan to create, in essence, the corporatocracy “we the people” are dealing with as I’m writing this.

Many would claim the income inequality in America is certainly one of the main issues going forward and It could be argued the seeds of that inequality was that Powell memo. Since that time republicans have moved farther and farther to the “right” each decade with the ultimate push to the “right” coming with the so-called “Tea Party” which was a backlash to our first president of “color,” and, of course, this led to individual 1 making it to the “White House” – albeit with the help of Vladimir Putin and James Comey – a very unlikely pair.

It has taken almost three years for the democrats to find a reason to do what many of us felt they SHOULD have done expeditiously after Mueller’s report was published. Of course, William Barr very strategically undermined Mueller and his report and Mueller is too much of a gentleman and traditionalist to have responded any other way than what he did – which was very passive – when being OUTRAGED was called for. And, of course, as democrats slow walked their response – all the while those of us who actually read the report were disgusted with the entire process and how Barr and individual 1 had controlled the narrative – with LIES – were preparing to place our hope that the 2020 election would be the ultimate IMPEACHMENT! (And, likely, it still will be)

Then, along comes this whistleblower, who, essentially, put it on paper what most already new – and that is individual 1’s top sycophant, Rudy Giuliani (Who’s turned himself into a laughing stock with the exception of individual 1’s hard core followers – and, he could lose them soon as it appears he’ll be the first “under the buss” in the present – or should I say most recent- scandal.) The whistleblower heard, apparently indirectly, that individual 1 had directly EXTORTED campaign “dirt” on the Biden’s (Joe and Hunter) from the new president of Ukraine in return for nearly $400 MILLION in military aid, which had been curiously put on “hold” about a week before the now infamous phone call. (Even republicans should be able to add 2 plus 2)

Evidently, “our” president EXTORTING the president of an ally – which “we the people” committed to defend after they (Ukraine) agreed to denuclearize following the breakup of the “former Soviet Union” was a “bridge too far” even for Nancy Pelosi. Within a few days the number of democrats supporting IMPEACHMENT rose from about 135 to almost their entire caucus. I believe the last I heard the number was at 225 plus Justin Amosh – the one republican (well, now, former republican) who actually read Mueller’s report – all who support IMPEACHING individual 1. (Some may say they’re supporting the “inquiry” and will decide on IMPEACHMENT after hearing all the “facts.” Of course, individual 1 released enough “facts” to warrant his removal from office via IMPEACHMENT in the summary of the call in question.)

And, there could be more. Also implicated in the “whistleblower report” – which, by the way, is verified by the summary of the call’s official transcript which was declassified, they’re (the whistleblower complaint and individual 1’s declassified call summary) like “two peas out of the same pod” – so, along with Giuliani, the likes of Mr. Barr, Mike Pompeo, and, it appears, Mike Pense need to “lawyer up.” With all the finger-pointing which seems to be “heating up” they need to be careful not to bump their fingers into each other. If Trump – er individual 1 – goes down, I would love it if he took Mike Pense with him. Of course, that would make Ms. Pelosi president and I can’t see the republicans going along with that on the darkest of days!

Individual 1 and his sycophants will be on the attack – full throat – until it becomes apparent they’re all a bunch of – in the words of Nixon – crooks! (and LIARS) The strategy of DEFLECTION is soon to be seen for what it is and, hopefully, the focus will be on what actually happened, Let me lay it out here in very simple terms. First, it matters NOT whether Joe Biden did something wrong or NOT back when he was Vice President. By all accounts, he didn’t do ANYTHING wrong, but while individual 1 and his sycophants try to keep the focus on Biden, the reality is that argument is total deflection. The PROBLEM is that individual 1 attempted to EXTORT some kind of “dirt” on Biden from the newly elected president of Ukraine in exchange for military equipment which had long since been funded by Congress. (If he wanted someone to uncover wrongdoing by Biden, if there might be any, he should have hired someone like Christopher Steele)

This call was ILLEGAL, it was immoral, it was out and out EXTORTION – not to mention campaign finance violations, possible BRIBERY, and maybe more. And, if you think the campaign finance issue is NOT a problem – well, here’s the truth: if you seek something of value worth more than $25,000 it’s a FELONY. Obviously, this “information” they are seeking is worth more than $25,000 because they’ve certainly spent more than that trying to get it. Individual 1’s supporters SHOULD be well aware that he readily commits campaign finance FELONIES – see the Southern District of New York and how he got the name “individual 1.” The bottom line is whatever Biden may or may NOT have done is irrelevant to the charges individual 1 SHOULD be facing. Hopefully the democrats will not cave in the face of the torrent of LIES which will be heading their way in the next couple of months.

If you are one of the Americans who are aware we have a so-called president who is a pathological LIAR and you’re tired of the mountain of LIES – well, as the saying goes “you aint seen nothin yet!” And, if you’ve ever been around someone who’s a pathological LIAR you know they actually BELIEVE their own LIES as the words exit their mouths. So the reality is our so-called president has likely already convinced himself this phone call where he was EXTORTING the president of Ukraine was actually “perfect.” This is when it gets really dangerous because his sycophants have “fallen in line” and are willing to spew out the LIES themselves. This has truly become a “constitutional crisis” as individual 1 is using terms like “coup” over and over and accusing Adam Schiff of being a “traitor.” (Using the term “treasonous”)

So far, I’ve heard Giuliani spewing LIES, I’ve heard Pompeo LYING, it appears Barr has been LYING (surprise, surprise,), we’ve heard Lindsey Graham LYING, this morning I heard Newt Gingrich LYING about the impeachment fiasco he led against Bill Clinton. I have to add that, while I will never condone Clinton’s behavior, Gingrich was doing probably worse behavior in regard to sexual infidelity as Clinton himself. Soon after Clinton was impeached both Gingrich and his sidekick Bob Livingstone resigned for behavior similar to Clinton’s.

When I look back to those days, we had a republican party which was hypocritically holding themselves above the reality of their actual lives as the leaders of the “party of family values.” Republicans have tried to hold onto that moniker since and it somehow worked until individual 1 came along. They, along with the so-called “religious right,” have sacrificed whatever moral acuity they may have felt was their personal commitment prior to selling their souls to “Trumpism.” As a Christian I have struggled to understand how the “Christian right” could have traded the reality of individual 1’s clear moral shortcomings apparently for a bunch of right wing judges – judges who will carry an asterisk next to their name for years to come as individual 1 appointees.

For almost two years I’ve been pointing out individual 1 comes across to me as a “mob boss.” It doesn’t take a lot of reading to see that his idol, Vladimir Putin, runs what is considered an international crime syndicate and it has always appeared to me that individual 1 wants to be like Vladimir. Clearly, he’s frustrated by the “checks and balances” he’s had to deal with and which now are threatening his time in office. Once out of office will he be pardoned? If he’s removed by the republicans in the Senate will Pense pardon him? I really don’t think whoever wins the nomination among the democrats will be of a mind to pardon him once he’s out of office. Clearly, he’s going to have a lot to face once he’s no longer president. Mueller made it clear in his report that OBSTRUCTION evidence in his report was “memorialized” so that “in the future” there could be charges filed – once individual 1 is no longer protected by the OLC “memo.”

Individual 1’s sycophants are likely to continue the STONEWALLING as this IMPEACHMENT inquiry proceeds. Democrats are somewhat hindered by the FACT if they charge anyone with CONTEMPT of Congress they will be relying on William Barr who’s in charge of the Justice Department to prosecute. The reality is that Barr likely will continue to be an impediment to any STONEWALLING by Giuliani, Pompeo, Pense, and possibly Barr himself. It’s unclear to me how far individual 1’s sycophants are part of what appears to be our so-called president’s fixation on Russia and Putin – which is at the heart of what is possibly going to take individual 1 down.

When you research what Putin is up to you see he’s got his “fingers” into much of what is creating the nationalistic move toward fascism across Europe and, of course, with individual 1 in America. Putin was involved in the Brexit election similarly to how he interfered in the U.S. 2016 election. He’s been filling the vacuums individual 1 has created with some of his odd decisions since taking the “oath” of office. Russia and China are forming a partnership designed to allow them to impede the United States economically around the world. Putin has wedged Russia into the Middle East in ways I don’t believe individual 1 has a clue to what is happening.

I still remember the G-20 summit this past year where I watched as Putin and Mohammad bin Salmon shook hands and had a smirky laugh right after individual 1 had walked by. Kind of looking at each other with body language which said, “we’ve got this guy.” It was even reported that Putin contacted individual 1 and said he can’t disclose the contents of phone calls with Putin without Putin’s “permission.” That pretty much says it all. I just forced myself to listen to individual 1 bloviating right in front of the president of Finland and it was a total embarrassment. I really believe individual 1 is mentally deranged!

He’s still calling the whistleblower a “spy.” Individual 1 appears to have gone off the “ledge” and he’s going to take a few others with him. It appears to me Mike Pompeo should be very concerned, not only with the FACT he was listening on the call and said NOTHING, but that he’s credibly LIED about his role in this multiple times. And, William Barr – well, I’ve pointed out numerous times what a threat he is to our republic. And, let me be clear, individual 1’s comments calling this IMPEACHMENT inquiry a “coup” is beyond dangerous. His wack-job white nationalist base will take these words to heart. You can expect there to be more violence coming from someone who will be acting as if he’s a “patriot.”

Here’s some of the people who need to have security details – especially Ms. Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and the other democrats chairing committees investigating all of individual 1’s corruption. It’s beyond ironic that individual 1 claims his phone call to Ukraine was intended to “fight corruption” in Ukraine – apparently corruption of Joe Biden. This would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. For example, Andrew Anglin, the founder of the white nationalist website the Daily Stormer, calls individual 1 “Our Glorious Leader.” His website has allegedly radicalized people like Dylan Roof who killed 9 worshipers in a Black church in South Carolina a couple of years ago. Anglin is a neo-Nazi who routinely attacks Jews and African Americans and encourages violence. He recruits kids as young as 10 on his website which he’s said is “aimed at children.”

Final Thought: Earth to individual 1: IMPEACHMENT is not a “coup” it’s an act of democracy put in our constitution by our founders! Individual 1 has operated via FEAR from the first day I started to follow his actions and he’s not likely to change now. His use of words like “coup” and “treason” are ginning up his “uneducated voters.” Trust me, something really BAD is going to happen because of this rhetoric. People have suggested we are headed to a “constitutional crisis” and I will say with confidence – we are there!

There’s two questions, in my mind, that remain. First, will the democrats cave or will they remain strong and IMPEACH individual 1? Secondly, will Moscow Mitch actually allow a trial in the Senate. I’m guessing there’s more than a few republican Senators who DON’T want to have to make that vote while facing re-election in 2020.

Oh yes, one more thing – the signs of the impending recession are looming LARGE. I’ve personally been saying since day 1 of individual 1’s term that I don’t believe he has a clue about how to manage this economy – his history is “inheriting wealth” and squandering it. His one “success” was providing himself and his wealthy surrogates a direct line into “we the people’s” taxes and they are, true to form, funneling as much as they can into their own accounts before we “wake up.” It appears more and more people are “waking up” and this “free lunch” for the top 1% may be coming to an end. But, it will take until 2021 to put leaders in a position to stop this reverse “Robin Hood” policy. If we go into recession I have no confidence either individual 1 or his supporters have a clue as to how to pull us out – they’ll probably suggest something similar to the BAILOUT enacted by the last republican administration – Bush/Cheney. Stay tuned………….
