Many “conservatives” have supported individual 1 despite the reality MUCH of what is known about his ACTIONS, you would think, would be repugnant to them!

OK, I’m really trying not to lose my patience with people who actually believe they are “informed” as they spew the Fox “news” propaganda. Sometimes, I’m sure, I’m coming across as a bit arrogant as I point out to people what they are saying is – well, I’d like to use the word our so-called president put in all caps yesterday in one of his (many) tweets, but I’ll just say “BS.” Yesterday I ran into a very nice fellow who made light of Bernie Sanders having a heart procedure to a friend of mine who’s a Bernie supporter saying something like maybe he (Bernie) should get his medical care in Sweden.

To me, that was the typical right wing mantra which has evolved over the past 50+ years of being mean spirited. Personally, I’m not one who wants Bernie to win the nomination (I actually did want him to win it in 2016), but when someone has an issue with their heart, to me, it’s not a joking matter. I have to say, if individual 1 was hospitalized with a heart issue I can see myself praying for his recovery but certainly I wouldn’t be joking about something that serious.

Yes, I understand that a bunch of old white guys at a golf driving range is no big deal and joking around is commonplace. It’s just that, to me, the comment by the guy who joked about Bernie was simply a manifestation of his succumbing to the Fox “narrative.” I tried to broach a conversation with him about him saying “I’m a conservative.” So, I said, “What is a conservative?” He said, someone who believes in “limited government and free markets.” I said, “What markets are free?” He couldn’t answer. I said, “There are no free markets – markets reflect whoever can influence them to favor themselves.” He basically agreed.

I said, “I’ve always considered myself a ‘conservative’ because I believe in balanced budgets and traditional values.” His response was, “like the president who recently doubled the national debt?” I said, “are you suggesting that was President Obama?” He didn’t respond so I said, “the cause you’re referring to was the Bush/Cheney regime and the crash of 2008.” He responded by saying, “That was no crash, a crash was what happened in1929 when my grandfather had to walk 2 miles in the snow to earn 6 cents an hour.” I decided it wasn’t worth proceeding in the conversation so I just added that the economy was shedding 800,000 jobs per month when Obama took office and the annual deficit was $1.5 TRILLION. The only reason the “mess” he inherited didn’t evolve into another “Great Depression” is because people LEARNED something from the first one.

It didn’t make sense to me to proceed with the conversation except to point out to him there really isn’t two sets of “facts.” FACTS are facts and “alternative facts” are make believe. If my facts are wrong point that out. But, no one gets their own facts. We have a so-called president who makes up “facts” at a rate which is hard to keep up with. Unfortunately, there are few members of the media “fact checking” him in real time. He’s a pathological LIAR and he convinces himself whatever he’s saying is true as it rolls off his tongue because he’s been doing this his entire life. It’s disgusting, but people like this guy I met yesterday fall for it.

Individual 1 is now “doubling down” on his illegal, corrupt behavior as he tries to normalize his IMPEACHABLE behavior. This morning, in an impromptu “news conference” he called on China to investigate the Biden’s. I guess he figures if he keeps doing this in public people will believe it’s “normal.” However, the TRUTH is when he asks the Chinese to “investigate the Biden’s” he’s again BLATANTLY violating American law. Despite the FACT he took an oath to “faithfully defend the constitution and the laws of the land” he continues to show a disdain for any thought those laws should apply to him.

Individual 1’s “projection” is almost unbelievable to me – the fact he gets away with it is the part that just “boggles” my mind. Almost EVERY absurd accusation he hurls at this or that democrat is something he’s actually guilty of – that’s his way of shielding his own misbehavior. This “suggestion” to the Chinese they investigate the Biden’s is ABSURD – but it’s a key part of his strategy to fight the IMPEACHMENT inquiry which has him “backed into a corner.” Incredibly, he’s suggesting he’s on a “crusade” to eliminate “corruption” in Ukraine. Do I need to point out the obvious? To me, this absurd accusation should simply add another “ARTICLE” to the democrats “investigation.” (To me, individual 1 is, by far, the MOST corrupt president during my lifetime)

All of this just confirms what individual 1 has said more than once and that is he welcomes “help” from foreign entities in his quest to win elections. He did this during the Mueller investigation when he suggested, in regard to individual 1 Jr.’s visit with Russians to get “incriminating information” on Hillary Clinton directly from the “Russian government,” that “anyone would do this.” He even went so far as to suggest taking aid from foreigners in elections was common, “everyone does this.” Obviously, it’s just more of his delusion. Oh yes, if you’re confused, everyone DOESN’T do “this!”

This morning, in the same press briefing where individual 1 was suggesting he wanted the Chinese to investigate the Biden’s he basically ADMITTED to prodding the president of Ukraine to do the same thing. With our so-called president who can’t keep his mouth shut there’s no secret to the FACTS involved in the “impeachment inquiry.” He admitted he wanted Ukraine’s president to open (ANOTHER) investigation of the Biden’s and all their “corruption” – all why he was suspending desperately needed military assistance to Ukraine. That’s EXTORTION. Even his request to China this morning included threats that “I’ve got a lot of power in regard to our trade negotiations with China if they don’t do what we want.” That could also be considered EXTORTION! Like I’ve said over and over here, he’s like a MOB BOSS!

Well, the part of all this about whether he’s correct or NOT in regard to the Biden’s (which every thing I can find says he’s NOT) is TOTALLY irrelevant. The reality is that his EXTORTION of the president of Ukraine was ILLEGAL Full stop! That being said, I have tried to find out if there’s anything to his accusations aimed at the Biden’s. As you might have already guessed, the answer to that is a big fat NO! There are neutral observers who have suggested Hunter Biden’s involvement in Ukraine and, to a small degree in China, was poorly thought out because of the “appearance of a conflict” for his father. But NO one has been able to find anything which would indicate “corruption” or “lawbreaking.”

Regarding Ukraine, in essence from what I’ve been able to find, Joe Biden was doing the opposite of what individual 1 is accusing him of doing. In reality he WAS pressuring the Ukraine government to fire a prosecutor who was considered corrupt by virtually all interested parties internationally. Biden, actually, was pressuring the Ukrainians to investigate corporate interests which would have INCLUDED the gas/energy company of which Hunter Biden was on the board. If anything, Joe Biden was suggesting the company his son worked for SHOULD be investigated for corruption! Go figure!

The “conspiracy theory” individual 1 has fallen for (That Ukraine was the source of “interference” in the 2016 election and it was to favor Mrs. Clinton) comes from the same guy who’s been busy making up stories on democrats for years,. Peter Schweitzer. He wrote the book “Clinton Cash” which played a role in smearing Mrs. Clinton during the 2016 election – so, individual 1 is simply using this guy’s made up “scandal” in advance of the 2020 election thinking his likely opponent will be Joe Biden. They (which includes William Barr) are attempting to prove the “Russia Investigation” was a made up story by our intelligence community and the real “culprit” was the Ukrainians who were working to benefit Hillary Clinton! This is almost too incredible for me to believe because it’s so absurd, but our so-called president falls for this crap and therefore people like Schweitzer and Fox “news” will continue to have too large an audience! Sad!!!

Like many Americans I keep asking myself “How did this happen?” Well, there are a lot of people who are attempting to answer that question and, for me, the search for answers continues. What I understand is that “we the people” MUST fight for our local communities, our states, our country, and our planet – which includes an interest in the success of our allies around the world – and, actually, those who aren’t considered our allies. Somehow turning the focus of world leaders away from the MILITARY to common needs of the working class of people, it seems to me, is the key to the fight to save our planet from ourselves.

Recently I received a small book in the mail which was anonymously sent to me via Amazon. I finally figured out who sent it to me and I’ve now commenced reading it. It’s obvious to me, now, why it was sent my way and I’m ready to recommend it to others at this point. The title of the book is “The Three Dimensions of Freedom” by Billy Bragg. He makes a very cogent argument about what “freedom” really is and what is required, in reality, for “freedom” to exist. He also gives a totally believable explanation as to how the emergence of all the right wing populists in Western democracies has evolved – which would include individual 1.

I’m not going to go into great detail of what is in Bragg’s book, but, I believe, the key to what he’s “arguing” is what will come in the section I have yet to read – and, that is the requirement of “accountability” for “freedom” to exist. In a much more intelligent manner than I ever could, he is explaining (in the part I’ve read) the history of how wealthy individuals/corporate interests have manipulated the “freedom” of people in the West via providing themselves with favorable manipulation of what Bragg termed “liberty” and “equality.” The reality, and why as I said above to the guy I was talking to at the driving range, is there is no “free market” and the “freedom” of “we the people” is defined by the “regulation” which is imposed by those with the money and power to influence our “leaders” – in Washington, London, and other places in the West where democracies are under assault by neo-Nazi extremists – like individual 1.

So, what can “we the people” do – in America – to reverse this trend which is, in effect, destroying the country as envisioned by our founding fathers. In short, we can VOTE! The sad reality is that those of us who don’t like what is happening MUST vote in overwhelming numbers because, as they’ve done since the days of Nixon, “conservatives” believe “the end justifies the means” and VOTER SUPPRESSION is a main tactic they’ve used for years. Not only MUST we vote out individual 1, in a manner which sends a message to our traditional allies we intend to “heal” the wounds created by our so-called president, but we also MUST vote out enough republicans from the Senate to take the gavel out of Mitch McConnell’s hands. (Message to the people of Kentucky: You all have the opportunity to guarantee this!)

One more thing: If “we the people” do what we should do, it’s vastly important we make it clear to those in the “rust belt” and the south they are extremely important to the success of this nation – this partisan divide must end. For some reason many of them have supported individual 1 despite the reality MUCH of what is known about his ACTIONS, you would think, would be repugnant to them – especially those who call themselves “Christians.” At the very least, once individual 1 (and his willing sycophants) are removed from office, hopefully “we the people” can start talking to one another again – respectfully.

I have a good friend who is a supporter of individual 1 (I’m constantly wondering why?) and we meet regularly for breakfast. He believes I’m a liberal nut job and I call him a right wing wack job – but, we NEVER walk away from our conversations mad and we acknowledge to each other how much we care about one another. Often we surmise it would be great of people around the country who see things differently could have dialogue without rancor. One requirement, in my view, is we SHOULD expect our leaders to make decisions based on FACTS and that they would be HONEST with “we the people” – no matter their party affiliation. Call me an idealist – but, I believe this is possible – when it is accepted that our leaders MUST put country before party and, more importantly, when we have leaders (and a general population) who believe WORKERS are more important than shareholders.

When you study American history from the Great Depression to today – people like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren don’t seem so “radical.” When you hear everyday Americans acting as if they fear these two women while they call them “socialists” it demonstrates our educators have done a poor job of teaching American History. “Conservatives” have spent the past 75+ years working to undermine the “New Deal” – which provided the benefits so many Americans take for granted – and, they’ve actually succeeded in convincing many Americans in the “heartland” to vote against their own self interests as they help the “top 1%” get rid of regulations which were designed to prop up the middle class.

Final Thought: If “we the people” are going to actually “drain the swamp” – which seems to be one of the main objectives of individual 1’s supporters – the first step will be voting individual 1 and as many republican Senators as possible OUT of office in 2020’s election and THEN holding them ACCOUNTABLE for their lawbreaking once they’re out of office. I’m not only talking about our so-called president, but William Barr, Mike Pompeo, Rudy Giuliani, and any others who have broken our laws. Until “we the people” make a STAND saying that “on one is above the law” this rampant lawbreaking by our leaders will continue. (Of course, there’s no suggestion President Obama was a “lawbreaker” – but, the past two republican administrations along with Reagan’s and Nixon’s, not so much – Clinton was a womanizer)

I will even go so far as to say the “OLC memo” which says a sitting president can’t be indicted should be changed. Our present (so-called) president is showing an alarming disregard for the law and he’s going so far as to defiantly break our laws in plain sight. This can’t be allowed in a nation which has based its existence on the understanding “we are a nation of laws and not men.” If we actually believe that to be true, then it makes no sense to suggest a president can’t be indicted. Obviously, individual 1 has interpreted that “memo” to give him a “green light” to “do whatever (I) want.” Yikes!!!

As usual of late, this post took me a few days to finish and, therefore, much of what I referred to is already “old news.” Since I started this post our so-called president has unilaterally pulled American troops from Syria – apparently leaving the Kurds to the whim of President Erdogan of Turkey – who views the Kurds as “terrorists.” While I would agree that American troops shouldn’t have invaded Iraq, they shouldn’t be starting a war with Iran, and much of the objections of many about our presence in the Middle East, I don’t have a good feeling about how individual 1 is going about this. I’ll write more later – I just hope those who claim the Kurds are going to be slaughtered by the Turks are wrong and I hope those who say the Kurds are holding over 10,000 ISIS fighters prisoner and may turn them loose at any time are wrong. We’ll see!

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