As long as individual 1 occupies the “White House” the DAMAGE to America will mount. This blunder in Syria may cause damage which is irreversible!

I brought up, briefly, in my previous post about individual 1’s decision to pull American troops out of Syria thereby opening up the Kurds, who’ve been doing the bulk of the fighting against ISIS – and, who have over 10,000 ISIS fighters in “custody” – to what could be a devastating attack coming from the Turks. From all reports individual 1 had another of his now infamous phone calls with Turkey’s president Erdogan where he agreed to what could end up being the most disastrous of his decisions yet. This appears to be another action which will work to the benefit of Vladimir Putin and the Russians who are filling the “vacuum” individual 1 is creating in the Middle East. If the Kurds get slaughtered the DAMAGE to America in regard to our reliability with nations around the world will be “in the tank.”

I actually started this “blog” (if that’s what it is) years ago after Bush/Cheney created the foreign policy DISASTER of invading Iraq – which, to me, was “deja vu all over again” in regard my memories of Viet Nam. And, it turned out to be even worse than Viet Nam, in my view, not only for the hundreds of thousands KILLED because of their blunderous action but also the MILLIONS who’ve been uprooted since that fiasco began. Getting out has not been easy because of the repercussions stemming from the initial blunder. President Obama seemed to authorize a lot of drone attacks along with the use of special forces to turn the tide against what evolved into a battle with ISIS – which was “on the run” when Obama left office. At the time it appeared to me getting “out” was not a realistic option and the strategy was to minimize the danger to American forces while continuing the fight against ISIS AND Syria’s dictator al-Assad.

I say this because I wish we had no troops in Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other places in that region – if it was practical. Well, the small number of American troops who have been protecting the Kurds, who, by all accounts, are the heroes in the battle against ISIS, are leaving the Kurds at risk as they pull out of the country. It was reported tonight that Turkey’s forces are on the move and will be in a position to attack the Kurds within 24 hours which caught my eye. I certainly hope those reports are wrong and that individual 1 is correct in suggesting the Turks are NOT going to attack the Kurds. Of course, that feels like my idealistic side kicking in again. Should the Kurds release the 10,000+ ISIS fighters it will be another bad day for our so-called president – at least that’s how it appears to me.

From my perspective it seems as if individual 1 should be more concerned about republican support than democratic – ie I believe he’s going to be impeached at this point in time by the House (Unless they get the classic democratic “cold feet”). It’s the republicans in the Senate who are the “firewall” against removal from office and I don’t believe even Moscow Mitch will be OK with the Kurds getting slaughtered and the ISIS fighters back on the loose. Maybe republicans will find a way to “spin” even that outcome, but I wouldn’t bet on it. Lindsey Graham? Is he going to continue supporting a so-called president who commits what many will consider an obscene act of negligence? OK, I know what you’re thinking. Graham is capable of incredible acts of hypocrisy – so, “we’ll see.”

My first thought when I heard about his decision regarding out troops in Syria was “he’s trying to take the focus off the IMPEACHMENT inquiry.” I’m just not sure he picked the right distraction. I was convinced the warmongers in the Congress, on the republican side, would likely support some kind of attack on Iran (which still could happen – if he decides it’s the best way to save his administration). People like Mike Pompeo have been lobbying for an attack on Iran for years. I can picture Lindsey Graham at the microphone defending this type of action – but, if the Syria situation blows up, “all bets are off.” (Of course, the ISIS fighters are Sunni and the Iranians are Shia – not sure if that matters)

One more thing which happened today making much of what individual 1 – and his sycophants – have been up to lately look even worse was the Senate Intelligence Committee releasing their report which, essentially, confirmed Mueller’s report stating the Russians intervened in the 2016 election for the benefit of individual 1 and to the detriment of Mrs. Clinton. This report further puts the LIE to individual 1’s claim it was the Ukrainians who did the “interfering” in the 2016 election by furthering the conspiracy theory about a company called “Crowd Strike” supposedly having “the missing server.” (Whatever that means)

The FACT our so-called president falls for these absurd conspiracy theories put forth by some really questionable characters is a story in itself. Even more incredible to me is the FACT our (or should I say individual 1’s) Attorney General, William Barr, is shuttling around the world in an attempt to undermine the very agency he’s in charge of – the FBI and the Justice Department. Honestly, I’m not sure who’s more disgusting; individual 1, Barr, Pompeo, or Giuliani. And, of course, there’s a group of republicans in Congress who are reliable (absurd) sycophants. This, of course, would include the above mentioned Graham – who, if he watches any TV except Fox (I’m now going to call it) noise would be watching himself, 20 years ago saying the exact OPPOSITE of what he’s spewing these days. (Must be the cost of free golf)

In fact, it was reported today that none other than the guy who, over and over again, soiled himself during the MANY Benghazi hearings during Obama’s administration aimed at Hillary Clinton – where she made them (republicans) look like FOOLS during 11 HOURS of testimony – Trey Gowdy, is now heading individual1’s defense against impeachment. Gowdy will be, apparently, shamelessly defending the indefensible in our so-called president as he (individual 1) is extorting political “help” from the leader of Ukraine while, at the same time, undermining our ally the Kurds in Syria – which very well may lead to their (the Kurds) slaughter and the re-emergence of ISIS. I really don’t understand how anyone can defend this.

And, as a Christian myself, the idea individual 1’s base is largely made up by “evangelical Christians” makes me sick to my stomach. What kind of “witness” are all these so-called Christian leaders making as they defend someone who LIES “like a sieve,” who is an admitted sexual predator, and who acts as if he’s a dictator instead of our so-called president. I’ve just read a bit about the “prosperity gospel” which is conveniently believed by those who are part of the top 1% and supported by many of the “Christian” leaders we see regularly on TV. Personally, that’s a convenient twisting of Christ’s words by those who’ve created the issue of income inequality which even individual 1’s supporters oppose. In fact, many of them are the victims of the policies of those they’ve been tricked into voting for.

I believe there is little to NO chance individual 1 will be convicted in the Senate. However, the democrats IMPEACHING individual 1 will be a start in changing the public impression that democrats are spineless. “We the people” voted democrats into control of the House for this very reason – to hold individual 1 accountable. Anyone who doesn’t understand the 2018 election was a referendum on individual 1 wasn’t paying attention. The republicans have operated via FEAR mongering for as long as I can remember. The democrats should have NO fear in proceeding with IMPEACHMENT. It’s warranted and this issue with Syria……….

If the Kurds get slaughtered and they release the thousands of ISIS fighters the republicans will really be put to the test. For sure, there are many examples of comments they made during Obama’s time in office which will be replayed if they support this blunder on individual1’s account. Trying to figure out why he would have done this will range from appeasing Vladimir Putin to protecting his personal business “footprint” in Turkey. Individual 1 could easily be (maybe he was) blackmailed by Turkey’s president Erdogon in order to “get out of the way” of what Turkey has wanted for many months.

Here’s the bottom line: As long as individual 1 occupies the “White House” the DAMAGE to America will mount. This blunder in Syria may cause damage which is irreversible! “We the people” have until November of 2020 to demonstrate to the world we reject this thug. However, that may be of little resolve for the Kurds – who are now, as I’m writing this fighting for their lives! Every day I find myself asking: When will “enough” be enough for republicans? And, concurrently, when will voters in places like Iowa, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina, Arizona, Colorado, Maine, etc. vote out their republican Senators who have been enabling this disastrous behavior? I’m actually worried that individual 1 is making it almost impossible for America to be “great again.”

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