Monthly Archives: November 2015

As our republican “leaders” are attempting to block our borders from Syrian refugees Germany is taking in one MILLION.

Have you ever heard of the phrase; “The tail is wagging the dog?”  Well, in reference to that and America’s present state of disequilibrium politically, I’m not sure who I blame more: the republican “candidates” for their presidential nomination (If you’re not thinking yet today, I put the word candidates in quotes because, to me, there isn’t ONE capable of actually handling the job of president) or the media which is giving these wack jobs a platform to spew their (mostly hateful) rhetoric.  And, for the sake of defending my own hypocrisy, I don’t hate any of them, I just can’t stand to listen to their inflammatory words which, every day, seem to make Osama bin Laden look like a prophet.

I mean, as I stated in one of my more recent rants, we’ve (Americans) been warned by previous (actual) statesmen (like JFK, FDR, Eisenhower, and others) that the only way we (America) can be “destroyed” (politically, and I suppose, economically) is if we destroy ourselves.  When you listen to people like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and the others I don’t see how you can’t understand that what they’re proposing is to “dump” our constitution, our history, and the Bill of Rights in order to save ourselves from the so-called terrorists.  If my point is not getting through to you, think of it this way:  They are suggesting that the American solution to terrorism is TERROR!  Like, “be afraid, be very afraid.”

It’s like a cancer.  By my thinking the cancer started 35+ years ago when somehow the American people were fooled into believing Ronald Reagan’s promise that he could “cut taxes and balance the budget.”  It sounded great to enough people for Reagan to gain the White House.  And, Reagan was so congenial that the American people fell in love with him (well, for at least a few years anyway) allowing his surrogates to do untold damage to the foundation of our government – which Reagan portrayed as the enemy.  (and, a quick poly sci 101 reminder; WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT) In 2001 along came GW Bush and Dick Cheney (and others – many from the Reagan surrogates) and the cancer started spreading to the point where it got out of control by the time they left Washington DC “with their tales between their legs.” (Say what you will about Bill Clinton – and, I could say a lot – but, during his two terms in the White House it was like the cancer started to be controlled with the possibility of being cured – and, I’m talking about the economy and America’s “standing” in the world)

Not only did Bush/Cheney put the Reagan “trickle down” (I call it trickle up for obvious reasons) theory on steroids, but George W imagined himself as the tough guy “war president.”  Yikes!!!  And, we’ve (not only the American people, but the rest of the world) been suffering the consequences ever since.  (Just the thought of what Bush/Cheney did should cause anyone even thinking of voting for one of these republican “candidates” to shudder)  I suppose you could lay the blame for the “Bush Doctrine” – which led to the invasion of Iraq – and, subsequently to the destabilizing of the Middle East – at the “feet” of the Project for a New American Century.  (you can “google” the name or find info by clicking here or here)  However, any way you look at it, to me, the idea that we should trust anyone who thinks even REMOTELY as Bush/Cheney did is insanity.  (I know you’ve heard the definition of insanity – doing the same thing and expecting different results)  Today, as I listened to the commentary of the situation in Europe (France) and North Africa (Mali) I just kept getting the image in my mind of the dog chasing its tail.  I guess you could call it a “catch 22” or a vicious cycle.  It’s like we’re expending MORE and MORE energy and getting NOWHERE!

When George W Bush was chosen by the Supreme Court as president (remember, he was never officially elected – both elections were achieved via rigged voting practices and voting machines – Florida in 2000 and Ohio in 2004), once I recovered from Al Gore’s decision to not fight for the MILLIONS of people who had voted him into the office of the president, I chose to support President Bush (albeit reluctantly).  I’m not one to want my president to FAIL.  That’s because I love this country and I’ve always wanted it to succeed – despite the MANY issues that require repentance that could be laid at the feet of the U.S. Government.  When Bush decided to invade a sovereign nation (which had not attacked us – the first time in our history any president had the audacity to do so) I felt he had gone too far and I started speaking out against the policies of my own president.  I never lost sight of the fact that my hope was he would change the policy – although, I’m realizing more and more, once the Bush/Cheney regime removed Saddam Hussein with no idea of what to do next (do you remember Cheney predicting we would be received as “liberators?”) was when the “cancer” started to metastasize.

It was the de-Baathafication of Iraq which laid the groundwork for the present day group calling itself “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” or, as referred to by others either as ISIS or ISIL.  Essentially, ISIL is part of the Sunni vs Shia “battle” that’s been raging for thousands of years.  (and, if you believe the Bible, will continue until the return of Christ)  The more I read about this area of the world the more I realize the Bush Doctrine (via the Project for a New American Century – made up of the leaders of America’s conservative movement) was founded on ignorance.  Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Wolfowitz and all the others (whose “thirst” for oil superseded whatever common sense they may have had), I believe, failed to even consider the “side-effects” of their invasion of Iraq.  And, now we’ve got the same people attacking President Obama as he tries to figure a way out of this mess without making it even worse.

When I listen to the rhetoric of today’s republican “leaders” I’m reminded of GW Bush when he used the phrase “Bring it on” in reference to the Iraqi insurgents (who, by the way, today make up the majority of ISIS) – like we’re going to somehow kill them all.  Donald Trump would “bomb the hell out of them and then get a general like Patton to go in and take all their oil.”  (sound familiar?) Ben Carson said, …… well, I don’t understand what he said, it makes no sense – the only thing I got from reading what he said (and, listening a couple times) is that he’s more clueless than most of the republican “candidates.”  He did agree, however, with Trump that we simply take their oil from them!  (he makes it sound so easy – isn’t that what Bush/Cheney originally planned to do?)  Ted Cruz suggests we “bomb Iraq and Syria back to the Stone Age” and, of course, that we “fix the border.”  Marco Rubio essentially says the same thing as Cruz but adds that he would put ground forces into Iraq and Syria and enforce a “no fly” zone in Syria.  (by the way, as I was listening to one of Rubio’s speeches I couldn’t help but think of the old saying; “You’re so full of s@#t your eyes are brown.”  I’m not sure that he doesn’t repulse me more than the others)  I’ll let you find Jeb Bush’s “plan” – suffice it to say that he’s a Bush and he was a signatory to “The Project for a New American Century.”

So, we have a president (who’ll be president for another year) trying to find a way to stem the tide in Iraq/Syria (and, now other places as well) and, we’ve got a bunch of “wing-nut” republican wannabe presidential candidates (I’m presuming several are simply the Sarah Palin type who saw how she cashed in on her 15 minutes of fame and are attempting to do likewise – prepare yourself for more ghost written books) spewing anti Muslim hate speech as if no one’s listening.  And, we’ve got a media that (probably actually) believes it is “fair and balanced” allowing these people to broadcast their hate world wide as if it’s really what America thinks.  And, we the people have to wait until next November to have a chance to TOTALLY repudiate this type of thinking. And, trust me on this one, the “liberal media” will get sucked in by these people in their attempt to continue causing Americans to “tune in.”  When I can stomach TV I watch MSNBC (supposedly the “liberal” station) and they seem to be falling all over themselves trying to make these republican “hopefuls” look reputable – evidently, to make the 2016 campaign more exciting.

In the meantime, it’s like these republican candidates are “throwing gas on the fire” in regards to ginning up what appears to me to be two bases.  First is their own right wing base of religious zealots here in America and secondly the right wing religious zealots in Iraq and Syria (ie ISIS).  So, who knows, with the help of our 24 hour media cycle we could encourage 2016 to be a record year of terrorist attacks. (and, by the way, Jeb Bush, in his interview where he suggested only Christian refugees be admitted to the United States claimed there are no Christian terrorists – I honestly have to say, I wish he was correct on that piece of ignorance – does anyone remember Tim McVeigh?, for starters)

I guess I’ll end this by reminding you that the number one agenda for republicans is (and has been for 7 long years) that President Obama FAILS.  So, of course, I wouldn’t expect them to follow the great American tradition of supporting our leaders in times of international crisis – but I totally agree with our president when he reminds these wing nuts – “The world is watching” and their words are damaging our nation in the eyes of the rest of the world.  A quick reminder:  the “global” world – ie economy, etc. – we find ourselves in is largely the result of the “conservative” movement and their push for “free trade,” globalization, etc.  As our republican “leaders” are attempting to block our borders from Syrian refugees (fleeing the conflict resulting from our invasion of Iraq) Germany is taking in one MILLION. (we’re balking at ten thousand)  As the mess in Iraq and Syria (exacerbated in the first place by Bush/Cheney placing American troops “on the ground” in Iraq) gets worse, it should be no surprise that republicans are pushing for more troops “on the ground.”

As an afterword: First, as I’ve stated many times on this site, I’m a (liberal) Christian – but, I have to add one more thing (and, I’m not making this up).  Jeb Bush was (apparently) asked to comment on Donald Trump’s plan to round up 11 million “illegals” and deport them to who knows where.  He commented that he was in agreement, “except for the Christians.”  I don’t even know what to say!

The FEAR MONGERS are winning, and therefore, the terrorists are accomplishing their goal.

I recently finished reading “Who Stole the American Dream” by Hedrick Smith (in my view, a “must” read for anyone struggling to understand why America is headed toward second class status) which motivated me to read “The Power Game” by the same author another great book that I’ve nearly finished.  One of the main points I’ve pulled from these books is the role the so-called “liberal media” is playing in the demise of our nation – or, maybe a better way to put it is how the (mostly) republican party has learned to PLAY the media in order to manipulate public opinion.  If you’ve read many of my posts on this site it won’t be “news” to you when I talk about the propaganda scheme of the republican party – which, to me, dangerously resembles the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels in Nazi Germany during the rise of the Third Reich.  It just adds a bit to my frustration, watching this nation spiral in a downward direction, as I read confirmation of the focus the republican party has been putting on manipulating the media since the days of Ronald Reagan (and before).  And, I guess, I have to add that the democrats just don’t seem to be very good at this and still don’t seem to “get it,” regarding the implications of this media manipulation.

What caused me today to think even more about how the media is getting “jobbed” in America, I was listening on the radio to MSNBC on my way home from work today and realized that the terrorist group “ISIL” (or ISIS or The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria or whatever they’re called) have learned how this works and they’re doing essentially the same thing.  Their focus is to spread “terror” and our media is almost like a willing partner, from what I can tell.  What has evolved into a 24 hour “news cycle” requires “news” – well – or whatever whoever’s “running the show” decides is “news.”  If there’s not “real” news, it must, evidently, be created – at all hours of the day.  So, for example, ISIL has been publishing “propaganda videos” which I would have little to no interest in, except our media outlets are falling all over themselves trying to be the “first” to report on the latest one.  Today, what I remember about the broadcast I was listening to, they said there have been videos published for 8 straight days.  Well, that will ensure that who knows how many people will attempt to find them.  And, it will apparently assure that “we the people” are “very afraid.”  Because, at the same time, MSNBC has repeatedly pointed out that over 80% of us are expecting a “major terrorist attack” at any moment.  It seems to me, the “terrorists” have “we the people” figured out really well.  They’re spreading “terror” and we seem to be “willing buyers.”  Yikes!!!!

I find all sorts of ironies in all of this.  Let’s start with all the right wing zealots in America who’ve been railing against our government for the past – well – as many years as I can remember.  OK, I guess I am “beating a dead horse,” but the lord of these people, the aforementioned Ronald Reagan began the scenario where “government is the problem not the solution.”  I’ve been watching from the sidelines for years as people in America with this “bent” have been pushing for “less government,” “lower taxes,” (especially on the well off) and, they’ve been ceaselessly attacking President Obama since before he took the oath of office – having agreed to the unenviable job of trying to un-mess the MESS created by GW Bush/Dick Cheney (Bush/Cheney lowered taxes and BORROWED Trillions to ignite this mess). Of course, now their (republicans) complaint is that “government” (presumably meaning President Obama) isn’t doing enough to fight ISIL.  It’s called the “I want it both ways” syndrome!

These people ignore ALL the accomplishments of the Obama administration (many, directly benefiting them) while BLAMING EVERYTHING they can think of that may or may not be going well on our President.  Even if it’s going well, they will tell you it isn’t.  If it isn’t going well, Yikes! here comes another congressional investigation!  They are able to create crisis out of thin air – and, of course, once President Obama has successfully “solved” a problem, we never hear about it again.  Need an example?  Do you remember the Ebola scare?  President Obama was aggressive in addressing the issue and was constantly assuring the American public it was not a problem we should fear.  He sent troops and others to Africa to help the people there combat the crisis.

And, now the crisis has been essentially removed from people’s minds.  Yet, I haven’t heard ONE republican giving President Obama credit for the “adult in the room” manner in which he showed leadership during that crisis.  We had republican governors (yes, Mr. Christie, you’re one of them) doing incredibly STUPID stuff in reaction to the “crisis” and escalating the situation with their normal manner of doing “business;” FEAR!  Now that (internal) terrorists have hit France, the FEAR MONGERS are out in force again – and, who would you think would be leading the “charge?”  Well, let’s let the republican “leaders” form a line. (and, I have to add, having pointed out often how many democrats are totally spineless, you’ll see a fair number of them, fearful of the very media I’m writing about, falling in line – and, as usual, they’re ALWAYS at the end of the line)  It’s like the leaders of ISIL couldn’t ask for more.

Yet with candidates like Donald Trump, Christie, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and the others, our republicans are constantly giving them “more.”  The racist rhetoric that comes out of these people seems to be endless.  Evidently, they’re not paying attention to the reports which indicate they are like a walking recruiting team for the terrorists.  Trump (I honestly wake up every day thinking the reality of his political success is simply a bad dream) probably creates a new terrorist every time he broaches the subject of Muslims.  You see, the people around the world are actually paying attention to our political process.

I believe years ago some of the egregious acts of our government – ie, the invasion of Iraq, for one – were considered as being in opposition to the will of the American people.  However, people around the world are seeing that someone spewing racist hate like Donald Trump is actually the front-runner – in the republican nomination for President for God’s sake!  Trust me, this doesn’t make us look good.  Trump has pointedly belittled Mexicans, Muslims, and today he suggested that something like 80% of all whites who are murdered in America are killed by Blacks!  I’m not making this up (Maybe MSNBC is, but I’m pretty sure I heard “The Donald” verify it in his own voice).  He also said he saw, with his own eyes – on TV – “Thousands and thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheering as the World Trade Center came down.”  Trump has been credited with something on the order of 15 or 16 “Pants on Fire” LIES by some media outlet that actually fact checks these people, but that doesn’t seem to bother the republican brethren who are lining up to support him. (I remind you again of Joseph Goebbels – just take a quick tour of 1930’s history when you’re looking at the Trump “movement.”)

Here’s the American reality for people of the Muslim faith.  When they see an attack like the one in Paris they know the recriminations are coming.  They know they’re going to have to listen to the race baiting on our “news” media and they know they’re going to be stereotyped.  Honestly, I don’t remember the same reaction when Tim McVeigh killed more Americans in Oklahoma City a few years back than were killed in Paris and McVeigh was acting as an anti-government right wing Christian terrorist.  He (and his cohorts in crime) were labeled criminals – as well they should have been.  They didn’t represent me (I’m a Christian) just like the criminals who killed the people in Paris don’t represent all the Muslims around the world.  For anyone who’s paying attention, ISIL is killing far more Arabs than they are people in the “West.”  Seriously, they don’t need the encouragement they’re getting from people like Trump and the others running for the republican nomination for president (or anyone else with a national “platform” for that matter).

So, getting back to my earlier point that the people leading the charge to support Trump or Carson or Rubio or “fill in the blank” (I even heard today, the so-called Republican “establishment” is longing for Mitt Romney) actually hate government – yet, at the same time they are expecting the government they hate to “keep them safe.” (Although, it seems to me there are people in the republican party who are longing for us to get “hit” again, kind of as a counterbalance to the FACT that Bush/Cheney were in charge during 9/11)  They want to cut government spending to the bone, they’re constantly railing against the deficit, yet they’re willing to spend “whatever” in the fight against “terror” by encouraging another all out war.  (First, how do you fight “terror?” Certainly not by encouraging FEAR wouldn’t you think?  And, secondly, how did the all out war work out last time?  OK, that was rhetorical – we created ISIL) None of this makes any sense!

Here’s another point that seems a bit ironic (or scary or disgusting – I’m searching for the right word) to me.  There’s a list kept by the FBI and other law enforcement personnel across America – I believe it’s called the “Terrorist Watch List” – where law enforcement is following the actions of (I think) around 2000 suspected (possible) home grown “terrorists.”  Americans who may have been “radicalized” and are considered possible “lone wolf” – I’ll use my term – criminals.  What’s interesting (and disgusting – I decided I now know the word I was searching for above) is that there’s NO RESTRICTION on the ability of ANY of these people to purchase weapons in America.  They can cross state lines and purchase, presumably, assault weapons indiscriminately with no background check, no anything.  This, of course, is the result of the right wing’s REFUSAL to consider any restrictions on “gun laws” in America as a violation of our (phantom) 2nd Amendment rights.  Everyone knows, republican politicians live in fear of retribution from the NRA should they cast ONE vote contrary to their absurd FIGHT against ANY restrictions on people’s right to purchase weapons.  Yet, these same people will be at the front of the line blaming President Obama (and, most certainly Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders – depending on which one is the likely democratic nominee) should one of these “homegrown terrorists” attempt to become famous.

And, believe me when I say, that (becoming famous) could be a motivator for one of these people who may be thinking of committing some horrible act of violence.  Back to our “liberal media” that, in my view, is getting played by the republicans (even on MSNBC it’s a rare day when you hear anything from the mouths of Clinton or Sanders – Trump is correct when he says he doesn’t need to advertise – our media is giving him all the advertising he needs – and FREE OF CHARGE!) and the terrorists running the propaganda campaign for ISIL.  They (the media) have focused so much on the one “terrorist” who escaped in Paris, naming him, and calling him “the number 1 fugitive in the world” – that I don’t think they’re taking the time to ponder what might be the unintended consequences of trying to keep us informed 24 hours per day to his whereabouts – as if that, in itself, would make us feel safer.  I think it makes the reporters feel important – but, I really don’t see where it makes anyone safer. (and, it probably makes it even more difficult for the authorities to actually catch the man) Personally, I can imagine someone committing a horrific crime simply for the notoriety.

I could go on, but I’m sure by now you catch my “drift.”  I just keep wondering when (and if) “we the people” will be able to be served by a media that is truly focused on responsibly reporting “news” and not allowing itself to be “played” by either of the political parties  or others, like ISIL. Today’s reality is that the experts at this are the republicans with ISIL’s “media experts” close behind.  Obviously, people around the world are paying attention To what’s happening in America (our right wing “leaders” are even afraid to allow the Syrian refugees – which we are largely responsible for creating – into our country after an extremely intense “vetting” process) and now we don’t even seem to need the government to issue “terror alerts.”  With the “liberal media’s” help, the American people have learned to be afraid, be “very afraid.”  I could give you the statistics of all the ways THOUSANDS more Americans are killed EVERY year than via terrorist attacks – despite how tragically awful those attacks are/were – but, that wouldn’t calm the American public down – because the FEAR MONGERS are winning, and therefore, the terrorists are accomplishing their goal.


Are right wing zealots “conservative” enough for the invisible leaders of today’s republican party?

There’s an old saying: “Be careful what you wish for.”  Well, Republicans, after the Mitt Romney fiasco of 2012, came to the conclusion they were not “conservative enough.”  In the meantime you’ve had Fox “news” and people like Rush Limbaugh ginning up their base of government haters (and, liberal haters, immigrant haters, LBGT haters, women haters, minority haters, etc. etc.) and now you have a group of candidates commonly referred to (by those in the “mainstream” of American politics) as the “clown car.”  There isn’t one of their candidates who will be able to make a credible candidate for president.  However, that minor detail hasn’t derailed them in the past – I will explain.

Then there’s the saying: “Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.”  Enter: the Democrats.  A reminder: Ronald Reagan was a fringe candidate in 1980 who had failed in bids for the Republican nomination for a decade and a half prior to gaining the nomination in 1980.  Reagan was imminently unqualified to be President – although he was a great spokesperson for what I’ve been referring to as the “invisible cabal” for years – that is, the wealthy benefactors of republican candidates who choose to stay in the background.  Then, in 2000, we got George W Bush, another republican who was like a figure head – being manipulated by this cabal and their surrogates like Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld – the group calling themselves the “project for a new American century.”  This group was connected at the wallet with the above mentioned cabal (that, I believe, history will at some point identify).

Reagan won the election in 1980 by taking advantage of a democratic party in disunity and by promoting John Anderson, a liberal republican, to head off the independent voters and democrats who couldn’t vote for Reagan, but who also were disenchanted with Jimmy Carter.  (Of course, Reagan’s surrogates were busy making sure the hostages being held in Tehran Iran were not released until after the election.  Someday, that “dirty trick” – in the words of republican operatives circa Richard Nixon – will also be on the historical record).  Additionally, anyone who’s paid attention knows that George W Bush commandeered the election from Al Gore by “stealing” the electoral votes in Florida with the help of his brother (I still can’t believe he got away with that one) and the Secretary of State (Kathleen Harris) in Florida.  Rigged voting machines and using the Supreme Court to prevent a recount of all the defective paper ballots allowed GW to gain the White House.  (I still am disappointed that Gore didn’t put up more of a FIGHT to gain the Presidency that “we the people” elected him to – the only saving grace is that Joseph Lieberman never became Vice President).

One more thing, GW Bush defeated John Kerry in 2004 via rigged voting machines – this time in Ohio – again with the help of a republican Secretary of State who was also acting as Bush’s campaign manager for that state.  Kerry, like Gore before him, failed miserably in FIGHTING for the election that he almost certainly won.

I’m giving this little history lesson to caution democrats who are using terms like “clown car” to describe the republican hopefuls. (although, I totally understand where that comes from – these people are – well, let me put it this way, I can’t imagine ANY of them becoming president of the United States – and, having their “finger on the trigger.”  Yikes – is the best word that comes to my mind.  However, back to my earlier thoughts:  democrats had better not underestimate the so-called “clown car” – because that invisible “cabal” I often write about has BILLIONS of dollars aimed at the next election and the perfect candidate for them is a blundering idiot who can’t make a complete sentence (AKA GW Bush) who will be easily manipulated.  Considering the amount of money these people have AND the FACT that they have laid out a “ground game” I’m not even sure the democrats understand which is designed to WIN no matter what (ie, “the end justifies the means.”) it would behoove democrats to take this next election VERY seriously!

Let me explain: look back at the past few years; first the Supreme Court named a president and then gave us the Citizens United decision which opened the flood gates to money flowing into politics from who knows where.  To me, there’s little doubt that foreign money is having a HUGE influence on our political scene. Then there’s the obvious reality that, with the help of the Supreme Court, republicans have eviscerated the Voting Rights Act and are employing voter suppression strategies all across America (yes, that means not just in the South).  The “covert” reality has to do with the electronic voting machines which, from what I’ve heard will generate something in the neighborhood of 80% of the vote in 2016.  These machines are manufactured from corporations run (and owned) by republican operatives (some are even owned in part, so I’ve heard, by Mitt Romney) and they are easily “hacked.”  The reports of machines “lighting up” the wrong name have been “out there” since the GW Bush “robbery” of 2000, yet we hear little about this.  It would not surprise me to hear stories of people pressing the button for Sanders or Clinton and seeing Trump or Cruz on the screen (actually, it could happen more surreptitiously, like where you wouldn’t even see the switch – does anyone besides me wonder how, in the recent gubernatorial election in Kentucky the candidate who polled well below his rival won in a landslide??  Virtually, all votes on electric voting machines with NO “paper trail?”)

And, given the FACT, that neither Al Gore nor John Kerry chose to FIGHT this reality, you can see that the democrats are potential “sitting ducks” for another stolen election.  Many will sit back and call stuff like I’m writing tonight “conspiracy theory” and go to the polls in 2016 thinking that in America we have free and fair elections.  The possible end result will be the completion of Karl Rove’s dream of “The permanent republican ‘majority.'”

Every day I spend most of my time, when checking my email, deleting a plethora of emails coming from candidates constantly asking me for money.  I read as many as I have the stomach for and the conclusion I come up with is that the leadership of the democratic party is no match for the “invisible cabal” guiding the republican “ship.”  If democrats get too full of themselves due to the dearth of qualified republican candidates, we could end up with a Donald Trump or a Ted Cruz or one of the other “wack jobs” on the republican stage as president.  Honestly, I couldn’t believe the democrats held their last debate on a Saturday night.  To me, that’s enough to FIRE whoever is in charge of their campaign strategy.

I feel a bit awkward pushing for democrats – I grew up as an independent – but the thought of one of these republicans as president makes me sick to my stomach.  What would that mean to those of us who are moderates to liberals?  I’ll tell you, if this next year isn’t enough to motivate you to get involved in the process I don’t think it will ever happen.  My son may be correct when he says that we need to elect Donald Trump to fast forward us to a disaster large enough to get our full attention.  I’m just worried as to the size of the disaster.  Will it take another Great Depression to get “we the people” to understand where these republicans want to take us?  I’m afraid it could be worse than that.  When I hear candidates suggest we bomb Syria “back to the Stone Age” I honestly get a bit on edge.

I’m a semi-retired sixth grade teacher and some of the reasoning of my sixth graders reminds me of the level of discourse when I listen to people like Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, or Marco Rubio (plus most of the others) present their solutions to problems in speeches and the republican “debates.”  Donald Trump will defeat China (and, presumably Russia and every other adversary on the planet) by “negotiating.”  Seriously!  When asked to elaborate, Trump thoughtfully explains, “I’m good at negotiating.”  He’s proud to let us all know he’s “smart” and our leaders are “stupid.”  I guess that’s good enough for 40% of the republican “base.”  I don’t even know how to present what Ben Carson says – his political reasoning is evidently pre-sixth grade thinking. Ted Cruz is the sixth grade bully who’s going to bomb Syria “back to the Stone Age” – but fearful of allowing Syrian refugees into this country.  Mario Rubio is the student who has an answer for everything – it’s just that the answer is different depending on who is his audience.  I wouldn’t want any of these people as the principal of my school, let alone president of the United States.

Well, this idea among republicans (I believe it’s major proponent was Rush Limbaugh – I’m just sayin) that they lost in 2012 because they weren’t conservative enough has a bunch of politicians running as if they’re going to jump off the right wing cliff!  I believe the worst part out of all of this is that our media is fomenting these people because it’s good entertainment – and, the rest of the world is watching.  I’m sure people around the world are wondering, what the hell has happened to America?  Since 9/11 we’ve been getting eaten alive – from the inside out – by FEAR.  And, the right wing politicians have been pushing an agenda of fear successfully since that tragic date.  Bush/Cheney had their fear colors – ie “terror alerts” which they could heighten right before election day – and, it worked.  I stated back then, it’s much easier for “we the people” to give up our liberties than to get them back.  Based on what I’m hearing as I listen to my satellite radio while driving around and watching what I can stomach of TV “news,” it won’t be long and a majority of Americans will be encouraging the NSA to be spying on our phone calls and emails.  Piece by piece we’ll be surrendering our bill of rights in order to “keep us safe” – just like Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq to “keep us safe.”  And, while all this right wing bloviating is going on democrats are “debating” on a Saturday night.

It will be our entertainment based media that will ultimately be what takes down our nation as those of us old enough to be called “baby boomers” knew it.  I go to work every day and notice that most people are busy just living out their lives.  By presenting Donald Trump constantly on one channel after another, the media is making him into what many who are simply noticing the sound bites or the headlines as a credible candidate.  (Trump is correct when he says he doesn’t have to make adds, the media is constantly giving him free add time) The same for Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Rubio, and the rest of them.  I’m sure that somewhere in the republican party there is actually someone with qualifications that would be traditionally acceptable for the presidency – but, in today’s conservative world, that in itself would automatically disqualify that person.  I don’t consider the republican candidates “conservatives” – to me, they are right wing zealots – giving them something in common with the leaders of ISIL.  I guess my final question would be:  Are right wing zealots “conservative” enough for the invisible leaders of today’s republican party? (people like Limbaugh and his ilk)

I’ll say it again, be careful what you wish for!

How can any Bush be allowed by any media outlet to claim President Obama got us “bogged down” in the Middle East?

Today, I listened to an interview (on Fox “news”) with Jeb Bush (I really shouldn’t expose myself to Fox – I’m a grown adult and know what to expect – I guess I just want to keep up on their propaganda scheme) where Bush had the AUDACITY to accuse our president Barack Obama of getting us “bogged down” in the Middle East.  In addition, he pandered to the Fox “hosts” who were leading him on in their quest to ensure that the United States closes its doors to the Syrian refugees (that, essentially, are the long term result of his brother’s STUPIDITY in invading Iraq some 12+ years ago).  Honestly, I’m getting beyond sick of listening to these people, but as the “stakes” are increasing and the need for the American public to stand behind our leadership increases, I guess all I can hope for is that Fox gets their satellite projectors (or whatever it is they use to spread their venom) hit by lightning.

I’ve said many times on this site that Dick Cheney (or anyone closely involved with the Bush/Cheney regime) should not be allowed a platform on national TV to spew their toxic obstructive criticism of the president who’s got the un-enviable task of cleaning up the mess left behind by Bush/Cheney et al.  It really doesn’t matter what President Obama does or says, anyone affiliated with the republican party (yes, the same group that accused people like me who cautioned against invading Iraq as “un-patriotic”) will take the other side.  While I “get” that’s part of the American “landscape” I just find it almost unbelievable that any “news” outlet could let a Bush accuse anyone of (other than GW Bush/Dick Cheney et al) getting us “bogged down” in the Middle East!  Have these people not been paying attention???? It was George W Bush and Dick Cheney who got us STUCK in this terrible situation!  We’ve been in this “spot” since Bush/Cheney invaded Afghanistan and shortly thereafter took their eyes off the “prize” (Osama bin Laden) and shifted their focus to the oil fields of Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

The other day I heard Donald Trump (the apparent “front runner” for these same republicans regarding the 2016 presidential nomination) accuse the American public of being “STUPID.” Well, if Jeb Bush gets away with this latest absurd accusation toward President Obama, then I guess I’m going to have to agree with Mr. Trump on something (which, in itself, is hard for me to stomach).  OMG – does this man (Jeb Bush) really believe he’s qualified to get us out of the quagmire his brother (with the likely manipulation of Dick Cheney) got us into?  Keep in mind, he’s got the same advisers (to an extent) that were responsible for much of the damage done to America and the rest of the world by his brother.  PPPPPPPLEASE, give me a break!!  If you’re reading this, do something – call your congress person or something – the local republican office and tell them to get this guy to SHUT UP!  The actual terrorists are listening!

The reality is (it should be obvious to just about anyone right now) that the problem is getting worse instead of better.  The policies of the United States of America have been a disaster for the past 15 years (probably longer – but, I’ll leave that argument for another day).  I’ve written about my view of the failings of President Obama many times – he SHOULD have allowed the investigations (and likely prosecutions) of the Bush administration regarding the WAR CRIMES committed in ALL OF OUR names during the Iraq (and Afghanistan) fiascos!  The world would have breathed a sigh of relief had “we the people” made a public repudiation of the invasion of a sovereign nation under false pretenses along with the TORTURE and war profiteering and on and on.  That didn’t happen, but it is ridiculous to accuse President Obama of getting us “bogged down” in this civil war.  I would suggest that President Obama has failed to completely remove himself from the so-called “Bush doctrine” which has led to the unrest in Libya and now Syria.  I don’t understand where we have the right to determine (or maybe a better term is dictate) the make-up of the countries in the Middle East.  But it wasn’t Obama who got us into this mess!

Obviously, it is their oil that makes the region so important to America (and many others) – but, in my view, our leaders have continually shown a lack of understanding of the age old “rift” between the different sects in the region.  And, the impression the Americans left in the region when you study what the American tactics were after the over throw of Hussein were, well, let me put it this way – I don’t think we befriended many Iraqi’s – as our troops were barging into their homes and hauling away suspected “enemy combatants” to Abu Ghraib – to be TORTURED for “actionable intelligence” that didn’t exist.  The harsh reality is that the group ISIS (or ISIL as President Obama and others refer to them – or the Islamic State which is how they refer to themselves) was created by the Bush/Cheney regime.  In fact, I believe the founding of ISIS was the day Paul Bremer “debaathified” Iraq by FIRING all the government employees under Saddam Hussein along with his military.  Bush/Cheney showed an incredible ignorance regarding the Sunni Shia rivalry and I’m not sure we’ve learned much since. (In fact, brother Jeb suggested we “rehire” the Arabs we “hired” during the infamous “surge” to help solve the present problem.  I’m no expert – OK, quit laughing, but I believe you’ll find most of those people as members of ISIS)

Obviously, I’ll say it again, just in case you haven’t been listening, I’m not an expert myself, but I have to believe the problems in the region won’t be solved by killing everyone.  If you listen to our republican brethren, you might believe otherwise.  Just like Donald Trump believes (OK, do you really think he’s sincere?) he can somehow round up 11 or 12 MILLION immigrants in America and ship them back to who knows where, when I listen to some of these republican front runners it almost sounds as if they see the solution to the present day problem (and, again, it’s the problem created by themselves) is to somehow “eliminate” all the Muslims.  Well, maybe today one of them said it’s OK to let the “Christian” Muslims – wait, that can’t be possible can it?  They must have said, the Christians in the area are OK, we just need to kill all the Muslims.

OK, I know what you’re thinking.  And, you’re correct.  They were talking about taking in refugees (when referencing Christians) who are fleeing the area because ISIS is brutally killing – well, it must be Muslims, because many of the refugees fleeing to Europe are definitely Muslims.  Of course, many of America’s leaders are balking at us taking ANY of these refugees because one of them might be a terrorist.  But, then I thought I heard Mr. Bush (the aforementioned Jeb) say that if the refugees are Christians than we can take them in.  I took that to mean that Christians can’t be terrorists.  I guess we can all rest easy now. (by the way, I’m not knocking Christians, I am one myself, I just have a hard time stomaching this republican rhetoric)

Isn’t this just the “new America” – the melting pot nation that has been built on immigrants to create a disastrous situation (ie the Syrian conflict in the Middle East ie ISIS) and then turn our backs on the resulting FLOOD of people fleeing the situation in fear of their lives.  I have to believe that we have been acting almost EXACTLY as Osama bin Laden imagined when he schemed up 9/11.  I still remember as a child (a LONG time ago) hearing recordings of FDR as he said, “We have nothing to fear, but fear itself.”  Evidently, bin Laden understood American history better than most of us – like when Abraham Lincoln (the first republican president) said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside, if we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”  Well, it appears to me that fear is ruling the day in Washington DC among many of our “leaders.”  And, while President Obama seems to be, at least, “the adult in the room” when it comes to our leadership in dealing with the recurrent crises that seem to be “ruling the day,” one thing “we the people” can seemingly count on is a media that specializes in fear mongering and “leaders” who willingly take the “bait,” with the result being we are “destroying ourselves.”

Republicans (and, again, I remind you they, via Bush/Cheney et al, gave us the present mess) are falling all over themselves proclaiming that we should not allow Syrian refugees into our country (unless, of course, as stated above, they are Christians) despite the FACT these refugees are fleeing the very forces created by our government (circa Bush/Cheney – I have to keep reminding of that, just in case you are one of the Americans referenced by Donald Trump above – I’ll let you figure that one out for yourself).  Politicians like Jeb Bush are patronizing the republican “base” that has proven over the past seven years that EVERYTHING is (including, believe it or not, the TARP bailouts, the deficit handed down by Bush/Cheney, obviously these “wars,” etc. – all pre Obama’s inauguration) President Obama’s fault.  It’s impossible to have an adult conversation across party lines in America because the republicans ONLY want President Obama to FAIL.  They, apparently, could care less about America and Americans.  OK, I “get” that – I mean it’s been the “order of the day” for 7 long years now.  But, honestly, it’s beyond the pail when I have to listen to Jeb Bush accuse Obama of getting us “bogged down” in the Middle East.  How can any serious media outlet allow him to make that claim? (You don’t have to remind me, I know that Fox is not a serious media outlet – but in a time of war, wouldn’t you think even they could get beyond wanting our president to FAIL?)

I truly believe in the constitution and the 1st amendment that gives us the freedom of speech.  But can’t we just make a law for the Bush family?  That no one in that family can accuse the president of this?  He’s spent 7 years trying to undo an apparently undo-able mess created by GW and Dick (sounds like a comedy duo – would be funny except think of all they did) – at the very least he should be expected to SHUT UP on this particular subject until or if the American people are, as Donald Trump implied, STUPID – and, put another Bush in the White House.  Can you really imagine Jeb Bush trying to get us out of this mess???  He’d probably hire a Cheney to help him. What a depressing thought!  (I’ll end by saying: think of all the republican “hopefuls” on their “debate” stage – who would you trust with this problem?  Yikes!!!)

The Benghazi committee will be responsible for electing Hillary Clinton as president.

If you’ve spent much time on this site it would not surprise you to hear me say that the present “makeup” of the republican party pretty much repulses me.  The United States is spiraling toward second class status and the republicans are doing everything they can to impede the workings of our government in a way that allows themselves to cement POWER via a constant ATTACK on anyone in leadership who represents the democratic party.  They clearly stated their number one goal as President Obama was inaugurated; and it was his FAILURE.  They’ve done everything they possibly can to OBSTRUCT every initiative Obama would support.  That is, if he’s “for it” they are automatically “against it.”

Take for example the Affordable Care Act, popularly referred to as “Obamacare.”  The basic structure of this legislation comes right out of the Heritage Foundation (a right wing “think tank”) and mirrors the plan put forth in Massachusetts by none other than Mitt Romney when he was the governor there.  Of course, even Romney – when he was running against President Obama in 2012 – bought into repealing “Obamacare” despite him being the proponent of a similar plan in Massachusetts.  The Reason?: Of course, the reason is that no republican can succeed without pandering to the puppet masters (ie Koch Brothers, Rush Limbaugh, Fox “news,”).  As I’ve stated many times here, the republicans are following the propaganda scheme of Joseph Goebbels – “The Big Lie Theory” – that if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it’s true.  This theory has proven so successful in America that, apparently, the American people accept that their politicians are partisan liars without the slightest bit of impunity.  Yuck!!!

(For the record, I’m not a great fan of “Obamacare” myself.  I would definitely support “Medicare for all” – you know, the Medicare republicans are busy trying to destroy – so, I’m not holding my breath in anticipation.  Even if they would work with the other side to “fix” Obamacare, I would consider a miracle had happened.  Do you remember the “public option?” Republicans – along with Joseph Lieberman – made sure the private insurance companies didn’t have to compete with “that” – you know, a government program that actually works)

So, the reason for these thoughts today is that, on my way home from work, I listened in to the republican prosecution of Hillary Clinton regarding the attack on the American State Department compound in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 where Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others were killed by Libyan terrorists.  This charade reminds me of the endless Whitewater hearings during the Clinton administration when Mrs. Clinton’s husband was president.  Obviously, the republicans fear Mrs. Clinton regarding her candidacy for president in 2016 and they’ve been on the attack for at least two years now.  This partisan WASTE of taxpayer money makes me sick to my stomach.  As the representative from my home state (Washington) pointed out, accurately, there wasn’t close to this level of scrutiny on the 9/11 terrorist  attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. (Dick Cheney was too busy “convincing” GW Bush to destabilize the world by invading the sovereign nation of Iraq)

Again, if you’ve been around here much lately, you know that I’m a fan (I’ve sent him money) of Bernie Sanders.  I believe the New Deal of the Roosevelt administration planted the “seeds” for the greatest middle class in the history of the world.  It’s the same middle class which has been constantly “pruned” by the right wing republicans who’ve been (masterfully) gaining more and more of a stranglehold on this government they supposedly hate since the 1970’s.  To me, Hillary Clinton is not the person I would get excited to support for president.  However, as I watch these hearings I’m gaining more respect for her and I get the sense that if the republicans are going to this extent to defeat her, I need to reconsider supporting her.  Clearly, it’s the republicans – in the present make-up of the party (there was a day when I could respect many republicans – like Eisenhower, Dirksen, Rockefeller, Javits, and others) – that have to go if “we the people” are going to reclaim the fundamental values of this nation that so many, today, take for granted (and, don’t have a clue as to what happened to create them.  For example, the 40 hour work week, child labor laws, Social Security, Medicare, unemployment insurance, minimum wages, workplace safety, food safety, environmental safety, etc. etc.).

The reality of what the republicans are doing is virtually guaranteeing that Hillary Clinton will be the democratic nominee for president in 2016.  I’ve been thinking, are they doing this on purpose?  Are they afraid of Bernie Sanders? (I would think they’d be trying to help him get the nomination so they could lambaste a “communist.”)  Are these guys so stupid that in their zealous attempt to discredit Mrs. Clinton they turn her into a national hero?  Obviously, she showed a complex understanding of the workings of our government as this committee forced her to explain some reality to them that someone like me thought they would be aware of themselves based on their standing in government.  Obviously, for example, several of the members of the republican side of the committee had little expertise on the workings of the State Department and other important aspects of government.

As I’m pondering all this, I can’t keep the thoughts of republican reality from my head – not only are they propping up Mrs. Clinton their “base” is propping up Donald Trump and Ben Carson.  My thoughts on that “reality:” Are you kidding me?  Donald Trump as President?  Ben Carson as President?  Yikes!!!  Do these people really think that America is so “great” that the rest of the world doesn’t see what is happening here?  Maybe the republicans WANT another “Great Depression” – I keep thinking that the “invisible puppet masters” would probably be able to profit even more off a great disaster like that.  Maybe they are so angry with President Obama because he managed somehow to “head off” that type of disaster following the debacle of the Bush/Cheney regime that they’re attempting to push someone worst than Bush/Cheney on us.  George W Bush was so incompetent as President you would think they’d try to find someone who could actually govern – at least that’s my thinking.  (apologies to my good friend who continues to believe GW to be a good man who was blindsided – my term – by Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld – which, to an extent, I agree with) However, I, myself, might be totally caught up in the “trap” they’ve been setting for all of us – all along.

Could it be that those pulling the strings behind the scene have been wishing an economic national disaster on the rest of us all along.  (ie – Trump or Carson for President????)  Clearly, they’re targeting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance, the minimum wage, environmental protections, worker safety laws, food safety laws, and, I’m sure, many other aspects of the New Deal “thinkers.” I do find it odd that they argue for their “tax cuts for the wealthy” by claiming that “entitlements” are “out of control.”  (for example, claiming Social Security is the cause of the burgeoning deficit problem)  You NEVER hear them arguing that our defense department – which receives a budget that surpasses the defense budgets of the rest of the world COMBINED – is the budget issue that is out of control and, the more we spend on it, the less “safe” we get.  ‘

Of course, you wouldn’t hear them making that argument, because the plundering of our taxpayers is largely connected to the largess of the defense department’s seemingly unlimited budget.  When’s the last time you heard our congress complaining about money intended for WAR?  Food stamps are causing us to go broke and our HUGE cost overruns on military equipment that is outdated and not even wanted by the military has nothing to do with the problem, if you listen to these people.  Should “things” continue on the present course the American economy will be bankrupted and “we the people” will still be arguing whether it was caused by abortion, LGBT rights, Social Security, Medicare, President Obama, Hillary (and Bill) Clinton, democrats, gun laws, – I’ll be arguing it’s the republicans – and who knows who or what other “wedgies” will be blamed.  All the while those who have “bought” people like the Representatives who created the charade of the Benghazi inquisition are “laughing all the way to the bank.” (I’m not even convinced that the recipients of the money doled out by the invisible “cabal” I often refer to, even know what the REAL agenda is or who the real perpetrators are)

I have a good friend who is a lifelong voting republican with libertarian philosophical views who I have breakfast with most weekends.  He’s a “right wing” Christian and I’m a “liberal” Christian.  We have some interesting discussions and we see things from almost polar opposite directions (except for Jesus).  However, we always have a great dialogue and we learn from each others different perspective.  In fact, this morning I’m pretty sure I heard him say he may have to vote for Bernie Sanders (:o).  In our discussion we talked about the frustration that our “leaders” are unable to have constructive dialogue (similar to our own – it is, we believe, therefore possible) resulting in positive leadership – that would include COMPROMISE.  Both of us are deeply concerned about the nation we are leaving to our children and grandchildren.

I believe it took the emergence of Donald Trump as the republican “front runner” to get my friend to understand why I’ve been calling for the repeal of the present day republican party for years now.  When you consider that reality (Trump – or Carson for that matter – or, really, any of their candidates) with things like the Benghazi fiasco, the present state of WAR in the Middle East (and beyond – thanks to Cheney/Rumsfeld and the “neo-cons”), and the CONSTANT obstruction and dismantling of government by the “right wing,” it’s easy to see why republicans like my friend are reconsidering their allegiance. I have to add here that there’s no way my friend would vote for Hillary Clinton, so it was interesting how he reacted when I claimed that it could be that the Benghazi committee will be responsible for electing Hillary Clinton as president.  (From what I have been able to tell, since that hearing her poll numbers have gone way up – instead of their stated goal of knocking them down)