Monthly Archives: March 2022

Could Ginni Thomas be included in the “Seditious Conspiracy” to overthrow the 2020 election?

For days I’ve wanted to sit down and make a comparison between individual 1 and, arguably his mentor, Vladimir Putin – which, hopefully, I will. However, there are other things happening these days aside from Putin’s CRIMINAL assault on Ukraine. The one which immediately comes to mind is the Senate confirmation proceeding for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Biden’s first appointment to the Supreme Court. Before I get into the INCREDIBLE (for lack of a better word) questioning coming from republicans like Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Tom Cotton (among others) I couldn’t help but make the “connection” with the Brett Kavanaugh hearings which these republicans keep bringing up OVER and OVER.

Here’s my original thought – which was “confirmed” (pun intended) by a conversation I heard on MSNBC with Joy Reid and Chris Hayes. Just try to picture this, “what if” Judge Jackson responded to questioning as Kavanaugh did when he appeared to have a TOTAL meltdown – exactly the type which appealed to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president? Can you picture the response by all these republicans? They keep asking her about decisions she’s made regarding “child pornography.” I wonder why they’re not asking about “child sex trafficking?” (Do you think Matt Gaetz is wondering this?) Or how about, how does Judge Jackson feel about college wrestling coaches who don’t report sexual abuse of their student athletes? (Maybe they should ask Jim jordan how he feels about such “deplorable” people?) Is there anyone beside me (I’m white) who finds it interesting to observe a bunch of white nationalist supporting Senators trying to “get” judge Jackson on questions regarding “Critical Race Theory” or (in Cruz’s case) children’s books depicting the issue of race?

So, as I’ve said, there are other issues going on “out there” despite the (warranted) focus on Putin’s CRIMINAL invasion of Ukraine. And, oh, by the way, I don’t see Putin as anything resembling a “genius.” (Maybe that’s why I see him and individual 1 from such a similar vantage point) Take for example, the January 6th Select Committee is still gathering information and working toward a public report coming sometime around May or June. We know, from a recent court filing, the Committee has determined they have “evidence” individual 1 and members of his campaign “committed CRIMINAL acts.” I kind of am missing the daily reports on the Commttee’s progress. Just sayin……… I trust they’re still busy! (I’m also wondering if the reason the Justice Department hasn’t acted on the CRIMINAL referral of Mark Meadows for obstructing Congress is because he’s a TARGET of a much more serious OFFENSE? – And, I’m not talking about VOTER FRAUD – although, it appears he committed an egregious act of VOTER FRAUD in the 2020 election)

There’s also the issue of President Biden’s actions regarding Putin’s CRIMINAL invasion of Ukraine and the subsequent WAR CRIMES being committed on a daily basis by Russia’s troops. Biden has miraculously pulled together the NATO Alliance – the very Alliance individual 1 was attempting to undermine – in furtherance of Putin’s wishes. The Alliance has enforced CRIPLING sanctions against Russia which have created a suffocating crashing of Russia’s economy and there have been rippling affects around the globe – like an increase in the prices of many commodities – most prominently, oil prices and the price of items like wheat. Of course, the American public will give Biden low “marks” in the polling, because, well, there’s nothing worse in America than “high” oil prices. (“We the people” should check on oil prices elsewhere at some point) I continue to thank “the Lord” President Biden is guiding the ship of state as opposed to the alternative. Picture the result of Russia’s invasion had individual 1 managed to successfully undermine NATO. Yikes!!!

I started this post about a week or two ago and just haven’t been motivated to write. I want to keep up with Russia’s ILLEGAL invasion of Ukraine, but it brings me to tears everytime I do so. For example, today I saw a group of Classical musicians playing music in one of the underground train depots where people have been “hiding” for the past three (or more) weeks in Kharkiv – where eventually all those hiding from the bombs there were singing the Ukrainian national anthem. Once again, I found myself crying like a baby. It breaks my heart to watch what’s going on there and, to a degree, it pisses me off (sorry, couldn’t find a better phrase) when I hear the polling saying the American public care more about the price of gas than the results of the “war” (Russian invasion) in Ukraine. That’s just me!

I said above I’ve given a lot of thought to comparing individual 1 and Putin – I consider Putin individual 1’s “mentor” – but, it may have to wait. In the time since I started this post two significant things have happened regarding January 6th, 2021 and the “Select Committee.” First, a couple days ago the Washington Post got ahold of something like 29 text messages sent from Clarence Thomas’ wife (yep, the Supreme Court Clarence Thomas) imploring Mark Meadows to do whatever he could to overturn the election (even going so far as suggesting Joe Biden and his “co-conspirators” will be sent off the Coast of “GITMO” in a barge to be tried for “seditious conspiracy.” Do you get the irony here?

First, keep in mind, to be part of a “conspiracy” it’s only required that you converse with co-conspirators about the “plan” – in this case, overturning an American election and preventing the “peaceful transfer of power” for the first time in America’s 240 or so years as a democratic republic. So, to make this short and sweet, if individual 1, Mark Meadows, John Eastman, Sidney Powell, Rudy Giuliani, likely several members of Congress, and a bunch more (including close to 100 republicans around the country who FORGED fake Electoral Count documents) CONSPIRED to commit CRIMINAL offenses regarding the functioning of Congress and the “peaceful transfer of power” then LIKELY Ginni Thomas, Clarence’s wife, is part of that CONSPIRACY.

Just to make this “saga” a bit more “juicy” just today a Federal District Judge in California ruled John Eastman MUST turn over text’s/emails regarding January 6th and in his ruling suggested it’s LIKELY both Mr. Eastman AND our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president committed MULTIPLE felonies. Do you see where I’m going with this? If you’ve been around this site for the past, say – number of years – you KNOW I’ve been calling for individual 1 (Google where he got that “name”) to be PROSECUTED for his ILLEGAL activities with, well, so far, no success. Is that going to be changing? OK, you know my answer to that question! YES!!!

My concern since President Biden took office is that Merrick Garland doesn’t have the stomach to follow through on seeking to indict our former (CORRUPT) president. I even heard he was “reluctant” because he didn’t want to exacerbate the divisions in the country. I’ve said this numerous times, SO WHAT! It’s getting to the point where I think it will divide the country even MORE if Garland refuses to act! For example, virtually everyone paying attention has heard individual 1’s phone call with Georgia’s Secretary of State where he “just wanted them to ‘find’ 11,780 votes” in order to OVERTURN Georgia’s election – along with several other phone calls along with calls from others like Lindsay Graham. Why is the DA in Fulton County, Georgia investigating this CLEAR act of PURE corruption? INSTEAD of the Justice Department? None of this looks good for Mr. Garland – who will have a disgraced legacy if he refuses to act – mark those words!

So, getting back to Ginni Thomas – who, by the way, it’s being reported is being asked to testify “under oath” to the January 6th Select Committee – is SHE going to refuse and have to be subpoenaed? Will her husband be asked to rule on that case? None of this looks good for the Thomas’s. OK, none of this looks good for the whole bunch of them who CONSPIRED to overthrow a “free and fair election.” In the court ruling today, the judge went to great lengths to point out individual 1 MUST have known the “election wasn’t stolen.” He listed all the reasons which would make arguing otherwise in court “LIKELY” futile. I believe the whole bunch of them SHOULD eventually be part of the same CONSPIRACY (Seditious – again, do you see the irony from Ms. Thomas’s Qanon conspiracy “charge” regarding President Biden) as the OATHKEEPERS (I always have to add – who was their “oath” to?) and, soon to include, the “Proud Boys.” Stay tuned…………..

Final Thought: Regarding my thoughts about the similarities between individual 1 and Vladimir Putin – I’m reminded of the saying, “Birds of a feather, flock together.” Both of these men are PATHOLOGICAL LIARS. They would have to have a “cage match” to determine who’s the most NARCISSISTIC and, to me, they’re both enabled “mob bosses.” Of course, compared to Putin, in the “mob boss” category, individual 1 is “small potatoes.” It’s true there’s much to suggest his “organization” has been committing various examples of FRAUD over the years, but Putin and his so-called “oligarchs” have been pilfering “Mother Russia” of much of her Natural Wealth since, well, since he gained control of the country. Clearly, individual 1 was attempting to emulate him, and it seemed, had come to the conclusion he had the right to use his office in order to further his personal WEALTH. By most accounts, prior to the invasion of Ukraine, Putin was the WEALTHIEST person in the world. Do you think this is why individual 1 emulates him?

Shortly after the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021 I predicted “the truth will come out, drip by drip.” Of course, at that time I had no idea republicans in Congress would refuse to authorize a “9/11 Style Committee” designed to “get to the bottom of what happened on January 6th” leading to the Select Committee. (What’s that word I don’t like? Stupid? Yep!) The 9/11 Style Committee would have been “totally bipartisan” with members outside of Congress chosen by Congress AND it’s term would have alread expired. Now republicans are going to get the results of the Select Committee’s work (over 750 interviews, to date – with more to come). hearings right in the middle of the Mid Term election cycle (likely with the Supreme Court’s ruling on Roe V Wade happening about the same time).

On top of that, it now appears LIKELY the Select Committee will send CRIMINAL referrals to the Justice Department including the above mentioned co-CONSPIRATORS – which would NEVER have happened had the Senate agreed to the 9/11 style Committee – and, additionally, a plethora of TRIALS of the January 6th INSRURRECTIONISTS will be happening during the course of the next many months. I’ll say it again, the republicans have an incredible ability to be STUPID. OK, I know what you’re thinking, what does that say about “we the people” with all predictions suggesting republicans are favored to take back control of Congress at the end of this year? Yikes!!!

With the help of Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and other right wing media outlets republicans will continue to believe the same GARBAGE Ginni Thomas allowed herself to “believe” – although, it’s hard for me to think she really believed it. Oh yes, do you think Clarence Thomase should be interviewed? Are you really going to try convincing me he had no idea what his WIFE was doing? If you believe that, “I’ve got a bridge…………………….”

One more thing: As long as I’m a bit concerned about Merrick Garland’s willingness to “tackle” controversial cases involving republicans I can share my further concern in two words. Matt Gaetz! The case AGAINST him was started during individual 1’s reign – so, what’s the holdup? Again, I’m getting more concerned about AG Garland, by the day!

Please forgive me for publishing this rant without re-reading it and fixing the “foo pahs.” It’s late and I’m feeling a bit lazy.

Move over Adolf Hitler, you’ve got company on the end of the “bench” in the darkest places of World History! Vladimir Putin!

It appears Vladimir Putin will not be satisfied until Ukraine is a huge pile of rubble and the Ukrainian people are either ALL dead or looking for a place to live after they’ve reached a refugee site. What the hell is Putin attempting to accomplish? The Ukrainians are as close to being Russian as can be. Is Putin that afraid of people actually choosing their own leaders? He’s been “in charge” for over 20 years in Russia and he’s 69 years old, what on earth is his plan? He’s put himself, already, in the History books right next to Adolf Hitler – and is it going to get worse?

It’s clear to me the Russian army is not that threatening when you talk about the idea if the Russian troops decide to advance into Poland, Hungary, or one of the other NATO countries which border Ukraine. Of course, Russia has, like the United States, a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying the planet. Would he actually start a nuclear war? Russia could achieve a “dead heat” with the U.S. but, of course, this would be “the end.”

Right now the Russians are attacking CIVILIANS who are attempting to flee to the refugee camps. They’re fleeing by the THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS and there’s a plethora of videos showing them being indiscriminately attacked via missiles coming in from Russians outside the city from where they’re fleeing. The road to Lviv is fraught with danger. And, the Russians appear to be willing to go after CIVILIANS as well as military targets. This is “we the people” watching WAR CRIMES unfolding in real time. My God, Putin is EVIL personified! Does he remind you of anyone?

I can’t help thinking about how DISGUSTING our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president calling Putin “a genius,” “very smart,” and more incredulously STUPID remarks – obviously, he’s been gushing over Putin since well before Putin helped him “win” the 2016 presidential election. Individual 1, Mike Pompeo, Tucker Carlson, and maybe others have been “useful idiots” of the Russians due to their STUPID public comments – used by Putin to help him keep the Russian people in the dark about his attack on, in many cases, the relatives of the Russian people.

I pray the American people will realize the importance of somehow coming together in disgust toward Putin – although, I understand the segment of our nation who identify as white nationalists will never be moved to a rational place where they rejoin reality. If you don’t understand my point here, you need to find some of the film which came out of a recent AFPAC conference – held in unison with the so-called “CPAC” conference, “CPAC,” of course, stands for “Conservative Political Action Conference” while “AFPAC” stands for “America First PAC” – essentially the heart of individual 1’s “base.” The real wingnuts!

AFPAC is lead by Nick Fuentes who is an unabashed Neo-Nazi who, during this conference, ADMIRINGLY compared Putin to Adolf Hitler. (I suppose, I’m making the same comparison, but it’s NOT “admiringly”) Just prior to announcing the keynote speaker, Marjorie Taylor Greene, (yep, a House republican who is very close to individual 1) Fuentes – after making a white nationalist remark cheered by the audience – lauded Putin and Russia and the audience responded with “Putin, Putin, Putin.” Ms. Greene seemed to take that with a “grain of salt” before giving her keynote address. Yikes!!

I have to wonder whether or not Putin’s WAR CRIMES in Ukraine will be enough to cause MORE Americans to realize it’s time to remove republicans from Congress – en masse, or whether republicans will make the connection between Putin and individual 1. Of course, it’s going to be hard to get attention away from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They (the Russians) seem hell bent on a genocide – MURDERING Ukraine civilians by the THOUSANDS. In some cities there are dead bodies lying in streets because the remaining people are unable to get to them so they can be buried. In several cities the Ukrainians are being forced to dig MASS burial sites. And, I have to wonder what are the Russians doing with the THOUSANDS of Russian troops who are being KILLED during this war? Some of THEM are simply lying on the frozen ground? Maybe Putin doesn’t want their mammas to know what happened to her boys!?

The more I watch Putin during this seige of Ukraine the more the similarities between him and individual 1 become obvious. Both narcissistic, pathalogical LIARS – among other “strengths!” Of course, we witnessed four years of individual 1 attempting to act according to Putin’s “playbook.” We all know our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is incapable of doing ANYTHING creative, so he simply copies. It’s even been reported he’s plagarized his motto along with the code used on his FAILING social media site.

One thing I’ve done over the years on this site is “make predictions.” Apparently, this is the result of being a reading teacher during my teaching career. Here’s the latest one: The Ukrainian casualties are mounting fast and, surprisingly, Americans are unusually in agreement on our repulsion to “Putin’s war.” Of course, there’s the usual right wing wack jobs expressing their admiration of Putin and, in the case of Madison Cawthorn – a republican congressman from North Carolina (shame on you, North Carolina) who is referring to Volodomyr Zelensky as a “thug” – I believe republicans will begin to “peel” away from President Biden and demand “we the people” enter the war on the side of the Ukrainians.

Of course, we already ARE in this, on the side of Ukrainians – we’re sending massive amounts of weapons and humanitarian supplies, Biden has brought the NATO alliance together like we haven’t seen for years – despite individual 1’s attempts to undermine it – and, based on what I’ve heard from one former General after another, Biden’s strategy has been “spot on.” We have to assume Putin will stop at Ukraine – otherwise, well, it’s WW III. President Biden is in no hurray for that to happen – no matter what America’s republicans will say. Keep in mind, they’ll say ANYTHING they believe will bring them back into power.

Can you just imagine if individual 1 was president right now? None of the options are appealing. For starters, there’s no way NATO would have coalesced as they have, and, to me, there’s no way individual 1 would have the slightest idea what to do. I’ve heard multiple reports, despite his EXTORTION of Zelensky leading to the FIRST impeachment, individual 1 would have been unable to locate Ukraine on a map. Yikes!

Here’s another thing you can count on: The Russians will continue flooding America’s social media platforms with mis/disinformation. (ie “fake news”) And, they’ll have support from the far right of America’s pathological LYING republican party. Actually, this LYING in these “circles” has been going on for generations. You can trace it all the way back to the end of “reconstruction” following the Civil War where the so-called “lost cause” was “born.” Members of the “United Daughters of the Confederacy” (UDC) were writing a “pack of LIES” from the mid 1870’s all the way up to the first World War.

American “conservatives” took it from there. Over the 150 years since then we’ve seen school text books written by people with a similar agenda to those today who are attempting to control what our children might read. OMG, what if a white student became uncomfortable? What is a white student discovered the TRUTH about SLAVERY? What if a white student discovered the TRUTH about LYNCHINGS? How many students know about “Juneteenth?” How many Americans knew about it until individual 1 scheduled a rally on that date? How many Americans know about the slaughter in Tulsa shortly after WW 1? I could go on – hell, today’s republicans don’t even want their children to know the truth about Martin Luther King Jr.!

Banned books and book burnings have been going on ever since the Civil War – when are “we the people” going to learn? I keep bringing this up – those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. When are we going to learn? People like Ron DeSantis in Florida and Greg Abbott in Texas fight right into the “deplorable” mold. I’m happy that Abbott is being challenged by Beto O’Rorke in Texas and pray the people of Texas will rise up against the radical “garbage” coming out of that state in the past year.

There are opportunities all over the political landscape for real CHANGE to happen in this country – but, the sad reality is, it won’t happen until republicans are routinely voted ouf of office. Whether that calls for a “third party” or not – these COWARDLY right wing LIARS need to be voted into the history books. Maybe Liz Cheney can reclaim the republican party, who knows? And, trust me, I disagree with just about everything she votes for, but it’s hard NOT to respect her integrity in the face of HUGE right wing backlash. I actually believe SHE will be the key to bringing individual 1 to JUSTICE. I believe he FEARS her more than anyone on the planet!

So, while America’s justice system “chugs” along at a snails pace, “we the people” will be focused on the war in Ukraine. Putin is GOING to be the recipient of WAR CRIME allegations once this is all over – should the planet survive his threats of a nuclear holocost – and, hopefully, his actions will once and for all show Americans how fortunate they are Putin couldn’t get individual 1 elected a second time. Will that end up being Putin’s biggest failing? Move over Adolf Hitler, you’ve got company on the end of the “bench” in the darkest places of World History! Stay tuned…………….

Final Thought: If you’re reading this and you’re not sure who “individual 1” is, just do a little research and check our who told Michael Cohen to pay two women, one a “porn star” who goes by the same “Stormy Daniels” (her actual name is Stephanie Clifford) , to keep quiet right before the 2016 American presidential election. With people already “abuzz” about the so-called “Access Hollywood tape” (where he admitted to sexually assaulting women) being made public, these two women coming forward publicly claiming they had affairs with “individual 1” (while his wife was pregnant with his last son) very well would have cost him any chance of the election. He paid them each around $150,000 if memory serves me correct. I can’t bring myself to write his surname until he’s had the opportunity to “clear himself” before the Southern District of New York’s U.S. Attorney’s office. Curiously, Mr, Cohen was given a three year jail sentence for his part in this scheme (plus a few other issues – common to both he and individual 1 – you know, FRAUD) and, apparently, the SDNY U. S. Attorney’s office is declining to follow through on the charges for individual 1. It’s as if our Justice Department FEARS him as much as the republican party!

Let’s hope Facebook blocks Russian misinformation (actual fake news) being funneled via their platform!

I’ve written about Mark Zuckerberg and how I see Facebook as a large part of the division existing in America (and elsewhere) due to algorithms designed to suck people onto their site no matter the consequences. Clearly, there’s mis/disinformation being spread by Facebook’s algorithms simply because it causes more people to spend more time on their platform. It’s really bad, but, as usual, there’s always more.

Over the past few months I’ve noticed some “subtle” advertising showing up on my screen (I don’t do Facebook or any of the other Social Media sites like “Twitter” etc.) attempting to convince me that “Meta” is, in essence (my characterization), good for all of us. Allowing us to communicate with each other.

Of course, it says nothing about the DATA it’s collecting and using to provide us with “information” their algorithm thinks will cause us to spend more time on their platform. Some groups are able to remain somewhat secret and create “communities” which have agendas which SHOULDN’T be private. This is where many of the INSURRECTIONISTS “gathered” online as they planned the ATTACK on our Capitol on January 6th, 2021. I took these ads to be necessary for Facebook (er “Meta”) to further manipulate the people who frequent their site.

Well, now, I’m seeing ads for “What’s Ap” – the messaging ap owned by, yep, you guessed it, Facebook (er “Meta”). This is the ap Jared Kushner was using in his communications with MBS of Saudi Arabia – communications which likely violated the presidential preservation act (do you remember Hillary Clinton’s emails?). Why would Kushner use “What’s Ap?” You know the answer to that, don’t you? The communication is encrypted. That is, no one can find out what you were saying. When is that something most of us should be worried about?

Well, obviously, Kushner was worried about what he was saying – despite the fact all communications by top government officials MUST be documented for “posterity.” (And, Kushner was a “senior advisor” to individual 1, therefore all communication was “official”) The CONSPIRATORS who attacked the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 were using encrypted devices. Here’s how “Meta” advertises their ap: They show “Postal Workers” delivering mail that’s been opened and suggesting “don’t worry, no one has read it.” To me, this is just one more example of how disgusting Zuckerberg and everything he “touches” is. If you’re doing “naughty” stuff, just use “What’s ap” and no one will have any idea “what’s up.”

There’s also “Instagram” – another “ap” which Facebook “gobbled up” – in their attempt to “dominate” Social media aps, where they purchase their competitors. You’re correct, this appears to be a MONOPOLY, but our Congress is so divided I don’t see any way “Meta” will end up getting broken up – or, even facing regulation which prevents them from being the foundation for mis/disinformation worldwide. So, the reports of what is happening on “Instagram” are not all that encouraging either.

From reports I’ve read there are numerous (really) young people using Instagram and the “algorithms” which are designed to do the same thing they do on Facebook and are resulting in more use by (really) young people along with some disturbing evidence the mis/disinformation is leading to mental issues with many of those who are sucked in by this “ap.” Obviously, I’m speaking based on third party information and reports, but not much of it sounds good.

I read “An Ugly Truth” – “Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination” by Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang and it, essentially, documents Zuckerberg’s “tunnel vision” of dominating the Social media “space” on the internet. He wants, eventually to have 5 BILLION users and he wants them hooked to their screens for increasing amounts of time each day. The consequences of all this? To Zuckerberg it appears he’s oblivious to the consequences. Those who attacked our Capitol on January 6th, 2021 did much of their “planning” on Facebook. Some were even (stupidly) livestreaming on Facebook as they breached the Capitol itself.

I’ve said this before, but I see a direct correlation between the rise of Facebook and the rise of division in America and people being bombarded by The Big Lie theory of the Nazi’s resulting in Americans believing almost unbelievable nonsense. It appears the QAnon conspiracy phenomenon festered into a serious danger to our society thanks to Facebook. When you put all this together with “Meta” so unscrupulously advertising “What’s ap” encouraging people to use encrypting devices for their communication. To this day I wonder what it was Kushner felt required him to hide his communications with the leader of the Saudi’s – where he’s now attempting to gather financing for his ambitions. Something smells “fishy” to me.

It should be obvious I’ve got a plethora of thoughts going through my head and this “stuff” coming from “Meta,” to me, has gone a long way in leading to the DISASTER which is unfolding in Ukraine as I’m writing this. I’m trying to tear myself away from watching the reporting coming out of Ukraine as much as I can, but, on the other hand, I feel an obligation to pay as close attention as I can. The reality is Vladimir Putin can NOT “win” this “war” he started for some absurd reason – likely a FEAR of a country on his border which is a fledgling democracy and which is flourishing. Putin is going to end up with a nation whose infrastructure has been destroyed, Millions will have fled, and Putin will be considered a WAR CRIMINAL who will be stuck in Russia.

Here’s the big question I have – will the Russian people revolt to the point where Putin is finally put out of power? What is his ultimate goal? Do we have people in our intelligence community who believe Putin would actually start a nuclear war? I certainly have questions about whether he’ll stop at Ukraine, although it appears the Russian army isn’t as fierce as Putin would lead us to believe. Yes, they’ve got the ability to launch missiles, but they certainly look vulnerable from where I’m sitting. Is there a way out for Putin? Remember, he’s got similar characteristics to individual 1 – that is, NEVER admit you’re wrong or that you’ve made a mistake.

This mistake of Putin’s is, in my view, clearly WAR CRIMES. Now, keep in mind, I felt similarly to what was authorized back in the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the aftermath for GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and some of the other Americans who authorized TORTURE of the so-called “enemy combatants” during the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos. Investigations into those CRIMES were blocked by President Obama so what will happen now with Putin? The entire world is watching him order the destruction of Ukraine – apparently to get even with the Ukrainians for defending their country.

In the end, Putin CAN’T “win” this war. I don’t even believe he will be able to occupy the rubble he’s creating – he’s even ordered his troops to attack the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Is he going to push beyond Ukraine and, it has to be asked, does he really have the “stones” to launch nuclear weapons? Could this be the end of the world as we know it? Putin has secured a place in the history books right next to Adolf Hitler.

Here’s my final thought: I’m really thankful individual 1 is NOT our president right now. I’m hopeful “we the people” will find something else to do with our time besides Facebook and I certainly hope our government, at some point, does an investigation of “What’s ap.” What is the audience “Meta” is seeking via their advertising – which is a bit phony to say the least. Finally, I hope and pray somehow Putin will be STOPPED and I pray for all the Ukrainians whose lives have been upended by the world’s WORST tyrant. The damage from this invasion will be lasting beyond the rest of my lifetime. Yikes!

And, I also hope Facebook will find a way to BLOCK all the misinformation (fake news) coming from the Russians via their platform. At some point there has to be something more important than MONEY!

I have to add: Should we all still be here come November (Putin is threatening a nuclear war), the American people MUST remember who was calling Putin a “genius” and who was making comments in support of Putin which got them on Russian TV as part of Russian propaganda – as the Russians call them, “useful idiots.” It was individual 1, Mike Pompeo, and Tucker Carlson – (and, maybe others) apparently, Carlson is the “darling” of Russian TV in their push to control the media there. These are the leaders of the republicans siding with the madman Putin! We can’t allow them to have ANY control in Washington D.C.

“Liberals” who are blaming President Biden for the obstruction in Congress preventing his POPULAR agenda from being passed need to look at the reality. It was made clear to me as I watched the State of the Union Address. There was Joe Manchin sitting among his GOP brethren and in a 50/50 Senate it only takes one to “rock the boat.” In our present circumstance there are two, Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Instead of being disappointed to the point of staying home in November, the appropriate response is to work hard to elect MORE democrats. I’m not officially a “democrat” although I regularly, of late, have voted that way because I’m usually voting against republicans. There are multiple opportunities to win Senate seats in November and, additionally, it’s imperative democrats remain in control of the House – for the sake of this nation! Can you imagine Kevin McCarthy as Speaker right now?

It’s going to be extremely difficult because many of the contested seats are in states which have enacted voter suppression bills designed to make it more difficult for those who traditionally vote for democrats to cast ballots – although, in many of those cases it could backfire. However, the idea states are putting in place laws which allow their legislature to overturn election results they don’t like is, well, a bit unnerving. Again, the reason for this isn’t Joe Biden, it’s Manchin and Sinema – pure and simple. The democrats MUST gain at least two progressive seats in the Senate in order to overcome the obstacles created by those two obstinate democrats. I believe it will require at least 10 MILLION more democrats than republicans voting in November to accomplish this. Stay tuned…………….

While Mike Pompeo, Tucker Carlson, and individual 1 are Kissing up to Putin, the Rest of the World sides with Ukraine!

When I see the images (and words) of individual 1, Mike Pompeo, and Tucker Carlson on Russian TV fawning over Vladimir Putin I have to wonder what it’s going to take to cause the republican party to STOP acting as if they have an obligation to OBSTRUCT our government at every level until or if they manage to LIE themselves back into POWER. I’ll say it once more: “What is it going to take?” for republicans to tear themselves away from the “spell” of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who can’t handle he LOST the 2020 election by over 7 MILLION votes? Is it Joe Biden’s fault the sun goes down every day?

Individual 1 has been showing his TRAITOROUS self for several years now. He was siding with the Russians from well before they helped him “win” the 2016 election. His “fawning” over Putin has been embarrassing since he moved into the “White House” and his decision to side with Putin as the Russian DICTATOR orders a tragedy of potentially catastrophic human proportions simply shows what a disgusting morally bankrupt human being he is. Volodymyr Zelensky is proving to be a more than worthy opponent of Putin and, should the Russians succeed in MURDERING him, I believe he’s established himself as a true LEADER and, likely, a legend! Zelensky has refused offers to evacuate him from Kyiv and, based on videos he’s posting, it almost looks as if he’s participating in the street fights himself which are going to be a classic struggle for the Russians.

Back when individual 1 “owned” the “Miss Universe” pageant (2013) and it was held in Moscow, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president stumbled all over himself in a futile attempt to get a meeting with Putin at the time when the most disgusting alleged kompromat likely was collected via the so-called “golden showers” episode – this is when the video was allegedly created. Apparently, this is when the Russians (ie Putin) put the plan in place to help individual 1 “win” the 2016 election. The Russians are masters at grooming their “useful idiots” and individual 1 has proved to be VERY useful, in the eyes of the Russians, as a VERY “useful…..” I’ll let you finish the sentence. In fact, he continues to provide them “benefits” of this idiocy to this day. It SHOULD disgust EVERY American watching individual 1’s words being used by Russian propagandists (ie media outlets like RT) in their attempt to justify the attack on Ukraine.

Just tonight, at the “CPAC” convention, individual 1 outdid himself in his one expertise – PROJECTION! While America sits on the verge of WAR he’s busy making absurd, baseless accusations against his “enemies” – starting with what he called the “Biden Crime Family.” Do you get the point, or are you an idiot? This simply confirms individual 1 KNOWS the authorities are on his and his children’s doorstep and his “Roy Cohn” – organized crime – response is to accuse his perceived “enemies” of his OWN crimes! In this case, he’s confirming his FAMILY is involved in his plethora of CRIMINAL activity which began MANY years ago. This narcissistic, deranged, sick man will be doing whatever he can to avoid being targeted by Merrick Garland – who, very well may be falling for this “Roy Cohn” ish trick. (I really hope not)

As individual 1 reaffirms he’s a TRAITOR virtually every time he speaks, well, of course, he did it again tonight, but when you “read between the lines” you can see he’s trembling in his boots about what he very well COULD face coming from the Justice Department. You’ll be hearing a lot of attacks coming from our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president aimed at Liz Cheney because all you have to do is look into her eyes and it’s obvious she will be undeterred in exposing the CRIMINAL CONSPIRACY individual 1 was “allegedly” in the center of and which 11 “Oathkeepers” have already been charged with, in essence, SEDITION! Do you seriously believe individual 1’s administration wasn’t in contact with the “Oathkeepers?” Do you really believe the “Proud Boys” weren’t part of the conspiracy?

Individual 1 continues to “hitch his wagon” to Vladimir Putin’s – once again confirming he believes Putin is really smart. You can count on our DISGUSTING disgraced (ex) president to say whatever he feels keeps him connected to the CULT – despite the absurdity of the words coming from his mouth. Just a little perspective, though. Smart? Putin has become an even larger “pariah” than individual 1 himself – definitely etching a spot at the Hague as a WAR CRIMINAL when all is said and done. Smart? The bulk of the rest of the world has cut Putin and his cronies off from much of their wealth, the Russian economy is cratering, and Russians are swarming to the streets in protest, despite the threats coming from Putin’s hard right government of extreme consequences against protesting. Yep, in individual 1’s mind, this is “smart.” Of course, as I’ve said above, individual 1 is Putin’s “useful idiot.” Despite Putin’s “posturing,” things aren’t going all that well for the Russians in the battle.

Based on reports coming from the Ukrainians, there have been OVER 3000 Russian soldiers KILLED in the first three days of FIGHTING. (How will these body bags be seen at “home?” – update: the estimate after 5 days is 4500 Russian troops KILLED) I pointed out before this started, the Ukrainian Army consisted of over 250,000 Soldiers and, it appears, they were well prepared to take on the Russians as Putin’s troops were meeting much more resistance than was expected. Will the Germans and Americans be able to get additional weapons to Ukraine’s Army? Anti Tank weapons and “stingers” which will down helicopters and low flying aircraft are on their way – it’s just questionable how the weapons will make their way into the hands of the Ukrainian troops – who’ve seemed to show they know how to use them.

How will the Russian population respond to losing their sons and daughters who have been sent to Ukraine in order to MURDER, in many cases, their “cousins.” if the “civilized world” remains unified in their OPPOSITION to Putin and his Oligarchs the Russian DICTATOR very well could be “toppled” from within. What’s going to happen once the Russians succeed in MURDERING Zelensky, should they do so? I believe he’s become a symbol of the FIGHT for freedom which is going on around the world in many circles – so, this unprovoked invasion and GENOCIDE could be the beginning of the end for Putin – who’s coming across as more deranged than even individual 1 – if that’s possible.

Of late I can’t stop wondering how so many Americans can continue supporting this republican party. The book I’m presently reading is “Race and Reunion” by David Blight, a professor at Yale University. The subtitle is “The Civil War in American Memory.” The book focuses on the fifty years following the Civil War and how the horror of that war was glossed over by many of those writing about it. The “Lost Cause” movement in the South is mirroring, to me, how the bulk of individual 1’s CULT is attempting to, already, rewrite the History of January 6th, 2021. That becomes almost painfully obvious when the Republican National Committee calls the VIOLENT INSURRECTION at our Capitol “legitimate political discourse.” Southerners got away with the “Lost Cause” because people in the North didn’t want to “make waves.” (My characterization)

Here’s the deal, information in Blight’s book is confirming thoughts in my mind from books I’ve read previously, generations of people in the South (ie “confederacy”) have purposely rewritten “History” as they would like it to have happened. The “Lost Cause” is a great example, which, I believe, is the LYING which continues to this day about the Civil War and the ACTUAL treatment in the South of “Negros.” There is the continued contempt by (many) Southerners for those who refuse to allow them to “white wash” (pun intended) history. To me, this is where the contrived controversy over so-called “Critical Race Theory” being taught in public schools pushes the “absurd button.” Well, I was a public school teacher for over 20 years and I’m still not certain, beyond making inferences, what the hell they’re talking about. I presume, based on legislation proposed in Florida, under Ron DeSantis, this means republicans don’t want white people being made “uncomfortable” when it comes to OUR history of RACISM in America. This glossing over of America’s RACIST past is nothing new – it’s just become more overt! It’s an issue with republicans, because – well, of course it is!

It’s the very people who are leading the “fight” against “CRT” who are also calling Vladimir Putin a “genius” or “very smart” or whatever. This past weekend, right before Marjorie Taylor Greene gave a speech at a white nationalist conference – the host, I believe his name is Nick Fuentes a neo-Nazi, made a disgusting Pro-Russia comment (right after pointing out the “importance of young white men”) which led to the audience chanting “Putin, Putin, Putin.” You get the idea. That is what directly preceded Marjorie Taylor Greene’s speech which was followed by one from Paul Gosar – both republican members of Congress who would be EXPELLED at any other time in my lifetime. What on earth more does the republican party need to see to understand individual 1 and his rabid followers have taken the party way “off the rails.”

Final Thought: Every passing day you can see the parallels of Vladimir Putin to individual 1. They are BOTH pathological LIARS, they are both NARCISSISTIC beyond comprehension – to the point of making them incredibly DANGEROUS – deranged, and they are both, in essence, organized crime bosses. It’s apparent Putin has been individual 1’s idol for many years and both have gained wealth by questionable means (well, Putin has been robbing Russians blind for over 20 years – individual 1 was “only” able to do so for four years), but it will be interesting to see how Putin responds to being cut off from much of his WEALTH by the sanctions of Western governments – led by Joe Biden. The “West” is “putting the screws” to Putin. And, maybe, individual 1?

Individual 1’s saga is happening on a much smaller scale. While it appears Merrick Garland doesn’t have the stomach to take him on, it also appears Tish James, the New York AG, has him directly in her sights. A Civil suit brought against individual 1’s organization could do to it what Biden (and other Western leaders) have done to Putin – and, that is, take the entire organization down. There are Russian Oligarchs all around the globe looking at the confiscation of their “ill gotten gains” like yachts, fancy apartments, expensive cars, etc. who are on the edge of their seats. Rumor has it, they don’t like the idea of giving up their lavish lifestyle. And, I believe, individual 1’s entire family could be looking at the same outcome. As I’ve said, drip, drip, drip! It’s ALL going to come out. (I believe this is why Jared Kushner has been in the Middle East since the 2020 election trying to get the Saudi’s or other Middle East “wealth funds” to finance his operation.)

When America comes to her senses, people like Pompeo, Carlson, Josh Hawley, MTG, Gosar, Matt Gaetz, and a bunch of others (including individual 1) will become in this country what Putin has become in the eyes of the world – and, that is pariahs. Their willingness to give up their MORAL “compass” in exchange for their “deal with the devil” (ie individual 1) will, I believe, eventually come back to haunt them. I hope Volodymyr Zelensky doesn’t end up being a HERO everywhere but the United States and Russia (and, I hope he survives). He’s showing everyone the importance of fighting for the right to self determination via the ballot box. And, of course, that means “win or lose” you accept the results. In America, for my entire lifetime, the ONLY president to refuse to accept defeat at the polls is individual 1 and, additionally, in the case of war or foreign challenges to our way of life, Americans have always pulled together in one line. Obviously, with today’s republican party – which stands for NOTHING other than OBSTRUCTION – that is no longer the case. Stay tuned…………..

I have to add: Individual 1’s original “CEO” of his 2016 campaign, Steve Bannon, has been busy since being “excommunicated” from the “White House” in 2018, in a world wide “white nationalist, neo-Nazi” movement and, according to everything I’ve read, the “head” of the pyramid for him and his neo-Nazi followers IS Vladimir Putin. We KNOW the Russians have been busy with their “active measures” in America for the past decade – designed to create division – and, of course, they’ve been wildly successful – and, we also KNOW they’ve been doing the same JUNK in Western Europe where the neo-Nazi movement is spreading and we ALSO know there’s been American “collusion.” Will Putin’s miscalculation in Ukraine cause this movement to be exposed? Will those who have been taking our democratic ideals for granted be inspired by Zelensky? Bannon, along with our disgraced former president appears to have been part of the SEDITIOUS CONSPIRACY of January 6th, 2021. Let’s hold our breath as we wait to see if AG Garland decides if our republic is worth fighting for!?