Let’s hope Facebook blocks Russian misinformation (actual fake news) being funneled via their platform!

I’ve written about Mark Zuckerberg and how I see Facebook as a large part of the division existing in America (and elsewhere) due to algorithms designed to suck people onto their site no matter the consequences. Clearly, there’s mis/disinformation being spread by Facebook’s algorithms simply because it causes more people to spend more time on their platform. It’s really bad, but, as usual, there’s always more.

Over the past few months I’ve noticed some “subtle” advertising showing up on my screen (I don’t do Facebook or any of the other Social Media sites like “Twitter” etc.) attempting to convince me that “Meta” is, in essence (my characterization), good for all of us. Allowing us to communicate with each other.

Of course, it says nothing about the DATA it’s collecting and using to provide us with “information” their algorithm thinks will cause us to spend more time on their platform. Some groups are able to remain somewhat secret and create “communities” which have agendas which SHOULDN’T be private. This is where many of the INSURRECTIONISTS “gathered” online as they planned the ATTACK on our Capitol on January 6th, 2021. I took these ads to be necessary for Facebook (er “Meta”) to further manipulate the people who frequent their site.

Well, now, I’m seeing ads for “What’s Ap” – the messaging ap owned by, yep, you guessed it, Facebook (er “Meta”). This is the ap Jared Kushner was using in his communications with MBS of Saudi Arabia – communications which likely violated the presidential preservation act (do you remember Hillary Clinton’s emails?). Why would Kushner use “What’s Ap?” You know the answer to that, don’t you? The communication is encrypted. That is, no one can find out what you were saying. When is that something most of us should be worried about?

Well, obviously, Kushner was worried about what he was saying – despite the fact all communications by top government officials MUST be documented for “posterity.” (And, Kushner was a “senior advisor” to individual 1, therefore all communication was “official”) The CONSPIRATORS who attacked the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 were using encrypted devices. Here’s how “Meta” advertises their ap: They show “Postal Workers” delivering mail that’s been opened and suggesting “don’t worry, no one has read it.” To me, this is just one more example of how disgusting Zuckerberg and everything he “touches” is. If you’re doing “naughty” stuff, just use “What’s ap” and no one will have any idea “what’s up.”

There’s also “Instagram” – another “ap” which Facebook “gobbled up” – in their attempt to “dominate” Social media aps, where they purchase their competitors. You’re correct, this appears to be a MONOPOLY, but our Congress is so divided I don’t see any way “Meta” will end up getting broken up – or, even facing regulation which prevents them from being the foundation for mis/disinformation worldwide. So, the reports of what is happening on “Instagram” are not all that encouraging either.

From reports I’ve read there are numerous (really) young people using Instagram and the “algorithms” which are designed to do the same thing they do on Facebook and are resulting in more use by (really) young people along with some disturbing evidence the mis/disinformation is leading to mental issues with many of those who are sucked in by this “ap.” Obviously, I’m speaking based on third party information and reports, but not much of it sounds good.

I read “An Ugly Truth” – “Inside Facebook’s Battle for Domination” by Sheera Frenkel and Cecilia Kang and it, essentially, documents Zuckerberg’s “tunnel vision” of dominating the Social media “space” on the internet. He wants, eventually to have 5 BILLION users and he wants them hooked to their screens for increasing amounts of time each day. The consequences of all this? To Zuckerberg it appears he’s oblivious to the consequences. Those who attacked our Capitol on January 6th, 2021 did much of their “planning” on Facebook. Some were even (stupidly) livestreaming on Facebook as they breached the Capitol itself.

I’ve said this before, but I see a direct correlation between the rise of Facebook and the rise of division in America and people being bombarded by The Big Lie theory of the Nazi’s resulting in Americans believing almost unbelievable nonsense. It appears the QAnon conspiracy phenomenon festered into a serious danger to our society thanks to Facebook. When you put all this together with “Meta” so unscrupulously advertising “What’s ap” encouraging people to use encrypting devices for their communication. To this day I wonder what it was Kushner felt required him to hide his communications with the leader of the Saudi’s – where he’s now attempting to gather financing for his ambitions. Something smells “fishy” to me.

It should be obvious I’ve got a plethora of thoughts going through my head and this “stuff” coming from “Meta,” to me, has gone a long way in leading to the DISASTER which is unfolding in Ukraine as I’m writing this. I’m trying to tear myself away from watching the reporting coming out of Ukraine as much as I can, but, on the other hand, I feel an obligation to pay as close attention as I can. The reality is Vladimir Putin can NOT “win” this “war” he started for some absurd reason – likely a FEAR of a country on his border which is a fledgling democracy and which is flourishing. Putin is going to end up with a nation whose infrastructure has been destroyed, Millions will have fled, and Putin will be considered a WAR CRIMINAL who will be stuck in Russia.

Here’s the big question I have – will the Russian people revolt to the point where Putin is finally put out of power? What is his ultimate goal? Do we have people in our intelligence community who believe Putin would actually start a nuclear war? I certainly have questions about whether he’ll stop at Ukraine, although it appears the Russian army isn’t as fierce as Putin would lead us to believe. Yes, they’ve got the ability to launch missiles, but they certainly look vulnerable from where I’m sitting. Is there a way out for Putin? Remember, he’s got similar characteristics to individual 1 – that is, NEVER admit you’re wrong or that you’ve made a mistake.

This mistake of Putin’s is, in my view, clearly WAR CRIMES. Now, keep in mind, I felt similarly to what was authorized back in the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the aftermath for GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, and some of the other Americans who authorized TORTURE of the so-called “enemy combatants” during the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos. Investigations into those CRIMES were blocked by President Obama so what will happen now with Putin? The entire world is watching him order the destruction of Ukraine – apparently to get even with the Ukrainians for defending their country.

In the end, Putin CAN’T “win” this war. I don’t even believe he will be able to occupy the rubble he’s creating – he’s even ordered his troops to attack the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Is he going to push beyond Ukraine and, it has to be asked, does he really have the “stones” to launch nuclear weapons? Could this be the end of the world as we know it? Putin has secured a place in the history books right next to Adolf Hitler.

Here’s my final thought: I’m really thankful individual 1 is NOT our president right now. I’m hopeful “we the people” will find something else to do with our time besides Facebook and I certainly hope our government, at some point, does an investigation of “What’s ap.” What is the audience “Meta” is seeking via their advertising – which is a bit phony to say the least. Finally, I hope and pray somehow Putin will be STOPPED and I pray for all the Ukrainians whose lives have been upended by the world’s WORST tyrant. The damage from this invasion will be lasting beyond the rest of my lifetime. Yikes!

And, I also hope Facebook will find a way to BLOCK all the misinformation (fake news) coming from the Russians via their platform. At some point there has to be something more important than MONEY!

I have to add: Should we all still be here come November (Putin is threatening a nuclear war), the American people MUST remember who was calling Putin a “genius” and who was making comments in support of Putin which got them on Russian TV as part of Russian propaganda – as the Russians call them, “useful idiots.” It was individual 1, Mike Pompeo, and Tucker Carlson – (and, maybe others) apparently, Carlson is the “darling” of Russian TV in their push to control the media there. These are the leaders of the republicans siding with the madman Putin! We can’t allow them to have ANY control in Washington D.C.

“Liberals” who are blaming President Biden for the obstruction in Congress preventing his POPULAR agenda from being passed need to look at the reality. It was made clear to me as I watched the State of the Union Address. There was Joe Manchin sitting among his GOP brethren and in a 50/50 Senate it only takes one to “rock the boat.” In our present circumstance there are two, Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema. Instead of being disappointed to the point of staying home in November, the appropriate response is to work hard to elect MORE democrats. I’m not officially a “democrat” although I regularly, of late, have voted that way because I’m usually voting against republicans. There are multiple opportunities to win Senate seats in November and, additionally, it’s imperative democrats remain in control of the House – for the sake of this nation! Can you imagine Kevin McCarthy as Speaker right now?

It’s going to be extremely difficult because many of the contested seats are in states which have enacted voter suppression bills designed to make it more difficult for those who traditionally vote for democrats to cast ballots – although, in many of those cases it could backfire. However, the idea states are putting in place laws which allow their legislature to overturn election results they don’t like is, well, a bit unnerving. Again, the reason for this isn’t Joe Biden, it’s Manchin and Sinema – pure and simple. The democrats MUST gain at least two progressive seats in the Senate in order to overcome the obstacles created by those two obstinate democrats. I believe it will require at least 10 MILLION more democrats than republicans voting in November to accomplish this. Stay tuned…………….

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