Monthly Archives: May 2022

I shudder to think of what would be happening in this world if individual 1 still had the reins of American POWER.

Off the top of my head I can think of numerous issues in America which have the support of MOST Americans that NEVER seem to get addressed. And, in almost EVERY instance the PROBLEM with getting something done in Washington DC is because of, yep, you guessed it, republicans. I’m going to list some of these issues which, with my faulty (old person’s) memory, come off the top of my head. Naturally, one day after 19 (or more) elementary school children perished in West Texas to a miltary style weapon (in the hands of a high school student) is where I feel I MUST start.

I’m 74 years old and as far back as I can remember republicans (and, yes, some democrats) have been in the “pocket” of the so-called “gun lobbly.” What we’re talking about is the NRA and the gun manufacturers who pay the NRA to pay politicians to work to twist the “second amendment” into knotts. Most people I know (reflexively) support the “2nd amendment” as if they’ve even read the second amendment. There can be much debate about what the 2nd amendment “guarantees” to Americans, but I can say things like AR 15’s isn’t one of them. The ability to fire deadly bullets at a dizzying speed isn’t something guaranteed by the 2nd amendment (unless you’re making these things). The second amendment wasn’t written to protect Americans from their own government, but from (at the time) what was considered the possible threat of foreign invaders.

Something like 90% of Americans support, at a minimum, some kind of universal background check system designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who might do something as horrific as what happened in Texas yesterday. That would be a start – but, for some reason there are 50 republicans in the Senate who will BLOCK any attempt at ANY reform to the gun laws in America. There are people taking “legal” weapons and turning them into weapons which are capable of mass shootings and the “stuff” used to do so seems to be readily available. For heaven’s sake, I see NO reason for someone to own a gun capable of MASS murder for the purpose of “defending yourself” of “hunting.” Give me a damn break! Addressing this stuff SHOULD not be so hard.

I listened to a line of republican Senators this morning blaming democrats for “politicizing” the issue of guns – saying, gun legislation won’t stop people like this from committing this type of MASS murder. The past TWO mass shootings which have made it to the national news media (trust me, many don’t) were BOTH committed by 18 year old “children.” This SHOULDN’T be this hard, but when you listen to these republican Senators – EVERY one of them taking HUGE amounts of money from the NRA and gun manufacturers – it seems as if the ONLY hope for ANY progress lies in the American public doing what I’ve been lobbying for over the past 20+ years and that is to VOTE these republicans into the history books. That won’t, of course, solve the problem immediately, because logic tells us it’s going to take YEARS to turn the issue of gun violence around in America. There are over ONE MILLION guns in private hands in this country – and, likely a bunch more “on the way” as every time something like this MASSACRE happens, right wingers go out and buy MORE guns – just in case the Congress comes to its senses.

I’m not someone who would have supported an abortion in my lifetime when it could have been an issue – except in extreme circumstances. For example, when I was producing children the first pregnancy of my life (of course, I wasn’t the one pregnant) ended in a miscarriage – which was resolved (after the fetus had died) via what amounted to an “abortion” – I believe they called it a “D and C.” In some states now days that would expose myself and my wife at the time to potential criminal liability. Then there’s the cases of rape and incest and I can’t imagine a young girl (or any girl/woman) suffering from either of those terrible crimes being forced to take a resultant pregnancy to term. To me, even suggesting that is the crime. I’m a Christian (who actually believes in the “teachings of Jesus”) and possibly the greatest thing I appreciate about it is that I’ve (and all of us) have been blessed with “free will.” My theory about abortion (I’ve written an entire post which is in the archives if you want to argue with me) is if you don’t believe in it don’t have one.

Something in the neighborhood of 65 – 70% of the American public believe somewhat the same thing – they don’t want Roe v Wade to be overturned by the right wing Supreme Court – which is continuing their ASSAULT on the rights of the American people. I pointed this out long ago – a “right” is much easier to lose than to regain. And, when it comes to this court, keep in mind they’re going to be “there” for the next generation. This all started (in my memory) when the Court installed Bush/Cheney into the “White House” back in 2000. (As I look back on that, Al Gore’s “gentlemanly” acceptance of that decision looks like pure weakness to these republicans. Can you imagine individual 1 if he’d lost by a decision of the Court?) The Court has participated in this “slow motion” coup d’etat in our nation since that Bush v Gore decision.

There have been numerous decisions of the right wing Supreme Court which are either very “unpopular” or are “flying under the radar.” This has led to the Court experiencing likely the LOWEST “popularity” in my lifetime – NOT simply based on the Roe reversal which is upcoming. The “Citizen’s United” decision – with those I know who even know what it was – is very unpopular (MOST have no idea what it was – or did) because MOST Americans don’t want corporations (and foreign nationals) having an untoward influence on our elections. This Court, prior to individual 1’s appointees, gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (and, we’re seeing the result of that across much of the nation this year) and they’ve gone so far as to, in essence, “approve” partisan gerrymandering. That is an issue which only seems popular with the political party who gets away with it in their own state. (Usually republicans) Yikes!!!

We’re going to see an “uproar” which will be possibly the most significant number of protests since the “women’s march” right after individual 1’s inauguration once the court’s decision to overrule Roe v Wade becomes final. Of course, Congress made a futile attempt to “codify” Roe once it became apparent what the Court’s decision would be – after the “leaking” of Sam Alito’s (weird) opinion reversing Roe – but, as usual, there were 50 republicans voting to BLOCK the attempt. (Including, the socalled “pro choice” republicans) Again, I wouldn’t choose to support an abortion in my own circumstances (you’re correct, as a male …………… well, you figure out the rest of what I’m thinking) but a WIDE majority of Americans support a WOMAN having the right to make that choice for herself. And, the list of factors going into that choice is a LONG one!

The curious thing to me, as I pay attention to the “mood” of the American people these days, is, by all accounts, it appears the republicans have the “inside track” to retake control of Congress in the next election. It is this logic which has caused me to use the term “stupid” on this site for the past several months. I “get” that gas prices are high, inflation is an issue, but it saddens me to think the American people are unable to look beyond that “today” issue and see things based on the “big picture.” This is exactly what republicans have been (masterfully) planning for years. Whether it’s the culture “wedge” issues or the “issues of the day” we’ve been programmed to look for who to BLAME in virtually EVERY instance. Who’s fault are the high gas prices? (can’t figure it out, blame the president) Who’s fault is inflation? (Must be Biden) Biden isn’t getting his “promises” through Congress – it’s his fault. This is the catch-22 we’ve found ourselves in over the past many years. In some instances, the fault is obvious, but in others, not so much.

For example, Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and I don’t believe there are many Americans who can even picture what WW III would be like. Clearly President Biden doesn’t want anyone to have to experience that for themselves. To me, paying more at the gas pump is a small price to pay for attempting to STOP Putin in Ukraine. (I’ve been saying for YEARS he wants to reconstitute the “former Soviet Union.”) In fact, to me, I’ve become a strong supporter of President Biden even though I wasn’t during the democratic primary season. Seeing the NATO alliance being UNITED, to me, is a big deal. My 32 year old son doesn’t believe Biden had much to do with that – he gets much of his news off “social media” (Reddit) – the ONLY “social media” I experience is occasional videos (usually regarding my attempting to learn more music in my old age) on Youtube. I believe Biden is making decisions based on what he believes is the “right thing to do” regardless of the political consequences – and, it seems to be costing him “popularity.” (To me, a refreshing sight!)

I have to add here, I’m not much of a “fan” of our so-called “liberal media” although I’m very grateful we have a “free press.” To me, outlets like Fox “news” and other right wing sites are nothing more than propaganda arms of the republican party – but, I understand, those who hang out there think the same thing (in reverse) of what I watch (when I watch anything) which is MSNBC. I usually watch a show led by one of Bush’s communication people, Niclole Wallace, on MSNBC. For some reason, I “connect” better with former republicans who, in my view, have come to their senses than with someone who’s maybe a bit farther “left.” That being said, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the democratic primary in my state back in the 2020 primary season. (I’m personally very THANKFUL the voters were much smarter than me and chose President Biden to navigate through these “treacherous” times.)

Today, as I was driving around – listening to MSNBC – I, as usual, got a bit frustrated listening to journalists commenting on the “gun issue” which is first and foremost in MANY people’s minds as I’m typing this. One of the journalists was sharing the results of her unofficial “polling” while she was in Minnesota when these NINETEEN children (and two teachers – I’m a retired teacher and my wife is still teaching) were MURDERED. She said the people were blaming politicians in Congress and suggested “both” republicans and democrats share in the blame – why? Because they can’t seem to get any legislation done regarding this issue. I wanted to slug my radio (I’ve become calmer in my old age, thankfully) – yes, there’s are TWO democrats who are HELPING to BLOCK Joe Biden’s agenda (and the democratic agenda) – Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema – by now virtually EVERYONE paying attention knows their names. But, for HEAVEN’S sake, there are FIFTY republicans in the Senate who ALL vote against VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING – the “BLAME” is not equal. Clearly, the solution is to elect MORE democrats to the Senate and keep democrats in control of the House. There are two AWESOME democrats running for the Senate in Ohio and Pennsylvania – and, with everyone else on the ballot re-elected the democrats would have enough cooperating members to get rid of the FILIBUSTER! That’s a solution to the problem!

As stated above, the list of issues with the support of HUGE majorities of the public which NEVER even get voted on in Congress seems endless to me – and, in almost EVERY instance it’s republicans BLOCKING the votes. I’ll go into one other that I can list off the top of my head – and, one of the most frustrating from my vantage point. When President Obama was working to pass the “Affordable Health Care” bill, there was a provision for a “public option” which had the support of something over 70% of the American public. It would have caused insurance companies to COMPETE with an entity that didn’t have close to 30% of it’s income going to management overhead – items like these companies put in place to prevent customers from being able to access their insurance benefits (I recently experienced this with Blue Cross). This has led to what appears to me to be a very CORRUPT health care system as I’m writing this.

When President Obama was attempting to get his bill through Congress two things happened which ended up preventing even a vote on the “public option.” First, and sadly, Ted Kennedy died and was replaced (in Massachusettes) by a republican who was going to vote against the public option (with ALL other republicans – who voted against ALL of the Affordable Care Act – at the time there were [almost] 60 democrats until Kennedy’s death (Al Franken was still waiting the official end of his WINNING campaign). The other issue was the former VP candidate with Al Gore in 2000, Joe Lieberman – who’s wife was an executive with a large insurance company. OK, you know the rest – no public option – not even a vote. (As I was writing that I couldn’t help but think of Ginni and Clarence Thomas – I don’t know why? What’s the old saying? “The more things change the more they stay the same”)

Final Thought: I could go on (and on and on and ………..) but that’s enough for this particular rant. I cried when I first heard the news of the little children being MURDERED in Texas. I cried when I first heard of the “shoppers” MURDERED in Buffalo NY. I’ve cried several times as I FORCE myself to continue paying attention to the TRAJEDY unfolding in Ukraine – more human SLAUGHTER every day – instigated by a MADMAN. Before I became a teacher I worked for several years in a sawmill. It’s HARD physical work and youi’re working with, what was in my mind, the epitome of “blue collar” workers. People get maimed and KILLED working in sawmills and the logging industry which supports the mills. I always thought, as a sawmill worker, I was incapable of CRYING. Obviously, time has changed that thought. I even CRIED a time or two in my 20+ years in the classroom working with underprivileged children – but, lately, there seems to be a lot to CRY about.

Here’s the good news to me: “We the people” have a decent, honest, compassionate President which we, hopefully, will learn to appreciate. I go to bed many nights thinking of what it would be like if our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president would have allowed Nancy Pelosi to help him combat SARS-Cov-2 (OK, the COVID 19 pandemic) She, and the House democrats TRIED to help with the so-called “HEROES ACT” and Moscow Mitch declared it “dead on arrival” in the Senate with individual 1’s approval. In a long line of STUPID coming from the previous administration that one could “take the cake.” However, that pathological LYING “former guy” is OUT and I shudder to think of what would be happening in this world if he still had the reins of POWER. We DO have the possibility of voting them OUT!

But, as has been happening for the past 40+ years, republicans are busy attempting to LIE themselves back into what’s important to them, and that’s POWER! That’s their agenda, POWER! I used to listen to Thom Hartman (and, still do occasionally) and, today, I read a posting as “Daily Kos” by Mr. Hartman which encapsulates my issue with republicans much better and more succinctly than I can. If you’re interested, click HERE – It’s a great, and in my mind, IMPORTANT read! Stay tuned…………….

How many republicans CONSPIRED with individual 1 to overthrow our 2020 election? Will AG Garland hold them ALL accountable?

So, Eric Holder just confirmed what I’ve speculated about for the past 12+ years and that has to do with his “institutional” pholosophy which FULLY explains to me why those who authorized TORTURE in the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld administration were NEVER prosecuted. These three men – and others – admitted to authorizing TORTURE and both George W Bush and Dick Cheney admitted this on prime time TV and said they’d do it AGAIN! I’ve lamented many times listening to Barack Obama say “we’re looking forward instead of back” as he (and AG Holder) blocked ALL the investigations into the lawbreaking of the Bush/Cheney administration soon after President Obama took the oath of office.

Holder mentioned his “institutional” beliefs as what has caused him to refrain from suggesting, despite OVERWHELMING evidence suggesting GUILT, that individual 1 and his co-CONSPIRATORS should face indictment. What apparently changed his mind is the FACT the evidence of ILLEGAL behavior has become so overwhelming he’s, to my mind, coming to his senses. Mr. Holder said the same thing I’ve felt is holding back Merrick Garland from prosecuting individual 1 and those who participated in the coup d’etat with him and that is Garland’s worry about the “divisiveness” of indicting our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

What’s wrong with these people? The DIVISIVENESS of NOT holding individual 1 and those who CONSPIRED with him to overturn a “free and fair” election will be MUCH greater than “doing the right thing.” If “no one is above the law” then that SHOULD mean that individual 1, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Ted Cruz, John Eastman, Gini Thomas, Rudy Giuliani, Mo Brooks, and ALL those who signed FORGED fake elector documents which were submitted to the Senate and the National Archives, and who knows how many more?

I “get” that the Justice Department is ALREADY prosecuting over 800 of the “thugs” who stormed the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 and that’s a “daunting” task. (There’s several hundred more the FBI is attempting to identify) However, that’s no excuse for allowing the “ringleaders” to go unpunished. Individual 1 has been getting away with violating laws for so long he simply assumes he’s “untouchable.” In fact, this “looking the other way” has gone on since the days following Watergate. Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush BOTH escaped prosecution for their roles in the Iran/Contra CRIME back in the latter days of Reagan’s term in office. I mentioned above how Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld got away with authorizing TORTURE, and, “the beat goes on.”

In fact, the parallel to the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld CRIMES to the CRIMES of individual 1 and his co-CONSPIRATORS is eye opening. Regarding the TORTURE which took place during the days of the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos the ONLY people held accountable were the Army “grunts” who felt they were simply following orders at Abu Ghraib as they committed TORTURE day after day. Regarding January 6th, 2021 it looks more and more possible the ONLY ones who will be held accountable will be the SUCKERS who read those “tweets” “inviting” them to the Capitol on January 6th, “it will be wild.” Will individual 1 escape accountability once more? Stay tuned…………..

Well, what individual 1 has done over the past 5 years (and, actually, he was allegedly committing several versions of FRAUD in the years preceeding his move into the “White House”) makes the ILLEGAL activity of the republicans (GW Bush, Reagan, et al) who came before him look like “child’s play.” Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president has “experience” at evading our system of laws as a pseudo MOB BOSS while running this business empire out of New York City. (He’ll soon regret having his business located in New York) It appears he’s learned how to intimidate prosecutors throughout his life and it’s worked for him. Yikes! (I’ve been saying, since Reagan was “let off the hook,” the misbehavior will only continue getting worse until SOMEONE is held accountable – as if “no one (really) is above the law.”

I keep hearing the so-called “experts” suggesting individual 1 is the “likely” presidential candidate of the republicans in 2024. Honestly, that puzzles me – but, then, I don’t think like Eric Holder and Barack Obama – despite the FACT I admire both of them – to me, it’s a “no brainer” that individual 1 and his co-CONSPIRATORS deserve to be facing SERIOUS charges of attempting to overturn a free and fair election in the United States of America. If these people are not STOPPED our nation’s FUTURE hangs in the balance. I’ve mentioned here many times a (former) friend of mine who became part of individual 1’s CULT and I clearly remember on several occasions him saying he doesn’t believe in “democracy.” That’s become part of the republican “mantra.”

Sadly, that opinion has become pervasive in the republican party due to the BRAINWASHING which has been ongoing for YEARS – far longer than individual 1’s emergence on the scene. Yep, the ROT in the republican party goes much deeper than just our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. He serves a purpose for those white nationalists who felt he was their way to gain a stronghold in America’s “mainstream” of politics. I’m talking about people like David Duke, Don Black, and other extreme white nationalists who are connected in some kind of way to Tucker Carlson who keeps them on the edge of their seats every night on Fox “news” during his broadcast. Black’s son, Derek (read “Rising out of Hatred”) pointed out his father (former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black along with his god-father David Duke) records Carlson’s show each night so they can play it back over and over. Yikes!

So, worrying about more “division” by Merrick Garland is, in my view, a fool’s errand. Garland will go down on the wrong side of history should he not follow through on what is OBVIOUS; individual 1 is a serial LAWBREAKER. For heaven’s sake, Garland is NOT prosecuting the SEVERAL examples of OBSTRUCTION of Justice “memorialized” by Robert Mueller in his report following the “Russia Investigation.” (And, if you believe there was no COLLUSION, you didn’t read the report – I read it TWICE) He’s not prosecuting individual 1 for the case where he got the moniker “individual 1” in my writing. His former lawyer spent time in prison for paying off two women in violation of Campaign finance LAWS at his DIRECTION – he was listed as a “co-conspirator” – so why isn’t he being held accountable now? At the time it was the “OLC memo” preventing his indictment, but now, apparently, it’s “we don’t indict former presidents.” Fooey!

There wasn’t much concern for “divisiveness” in Holder’s time as AG when it came to whether or not Hillary Clinton should be investigated over using a private email server to do her email while Secretary of State – just as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice – an investigation even those who were involved thought was ill advised (ie it was political theater). It led to all the “lock her up” chants at the rallies for individual 1 as he “egged” his followers on – suggesting Ms. Clinton was some kind of serial criminal. Talk about your “projection!” Or, how about the “height of hypocrisy?” Well, if Secretary Clinton could be investigated while being a candidate for president, why wouldn’t an ex president, who clearly has committed CRIMES, (OK, the judge in California who’s decision re: John Eastman’s EMAILS – suggested individual 1 “likely” committed FELONIES) be worth a similar investigation?

I still remember the investigation into the “Clinton emails” being totally PUBLIC. It appears Mr. Garland will Keep the “lid” on any investigation of individual 1. Remember, the “Russia investigation” started three months before the election of November 2016 and the FBI kept that investigation completely “under wraps.” Am I the only person who finds it interesting that the Clinton investigation was public and NO one knew about the Russia “collusion” until well after individual 1 had taken (and lied about) his “oath” of office? In my view, politics in America plays out this way for two reasons, the most important being democrats allow it to happen. Of course, the other reason is because republicans follow “the end justifies the means” philosophy which allows them to condone this “deplorable” behavior – as long as they can get away with it.

Final Thought: IF the Justice Department is actually going to follow through on Merrick Garland’s promise to “follow the facts wherever they lead” regarding the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 they likely are working their way from the bottom up. But, I want to look at this from the opposite direction to give an idea of what may lie ahead – should Mr. Garland actually decide to hold our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president accountable for attempting to OVERTHROW our elected government – for heaven’s sake, he said it publicly that “Mike Pense could have overthrown the election.”

So, working from individual 1 DOWNWARD you have to first consider ANYONE who communicates about ANY part of the plan is then part of a CONSPIRACY if anyone attempts to put the plan into effect. (My description) We KNOW individual 1 was “orchestrating” the scheme so here are some things I can remember just off the top of my head. First, this scheme was concocted well before the election of November 2020 and the “Stop the Steal” moniker was devised in 2016 by Roger Stone – possibly a starting point. I’ve read that Jim Jordan was communicating the “scheme” with individual 1 as early as November 10, 2020. We KNOW Ginni Thomas was encouraging the “scheme” from November all the way up to January 6th, 2021 and she was there at the INSURRECTION. Steve Bannon seemed to be lobbying for a pardon by supporting the impending INSURRECTION almost right from the start – maybe he’s got bigger worries than the charge against him of “Contempt of Congress.”

We KNOW Scott Perry (R Pa) was involved with the “scheme” as it was presented to the Justice Department when he introduced individual 1 to Jeffrey Clarke (or vice versa) back when individual 1 told the acting AG Rosen “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.” (Even, I suppose, you, if you’re a republican, can figure that one out) To me, that put’s Clarke and Perry right in the middle of all this. Of course, Mark Meadows is there for all of it, as well, and whoever the “R. Congressmen” (Jordan, Perry, and ???) are. Newsflash: Today, a Congressman from Georgia was identified by the 1/6 Committee as being one of the members of Congress giving “tours” on January 5th, 2021. Very interesting!!!

There’s Rudi Giuliani and the band of clownish “lawyers” (If they’re still lawyers) who were pushing the scheme and were involved in putting together the slates of FRAUDULENT “electors” from about six states – a key part of the scheme. (There were close to 100 of these FAKE “electors” who ALL signed FRAUDULENT docurments which were actually submitted to the National Archives) Of course, there was John Eastman who has been given credit for concocting the scheme individual 1 was pressuring Mike Pense to go along with – and, who’s been “accused” by a judge in his fight to prevent the 1/6 Committee from getting a bunch of his emails – along with individual 1 – of “likely committing” at least a couple FELONIES.

There were people like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley along with over an ADDITIONAL 140+ members of Congress willing to OBJECT to elections they KNEW were free, fair, secure, and won by Joe Biden. I mentioned Ginni Thomas above, well, what did Clarence Thomas know, because he was a lone “NO” vote in the Supreme Court’s case regarding the Select Committee’s request for documents from the National Archives which very likely included something from his wife? As time goes by Mr. Thomas continues to expose himself as a partisan right wing hack – someone who clearly should NOT be sitting on the Supreme Court. (Along with two or three other Justices)

Will Mr. Garland actually follow through on his promise? Will he actually PROVE that “no one is above the law” – including a president or former president? I’ve pointed out here on numerous occasions that individual 1’s LAWBREAKING was so rampant that it’s almost as if prosecutors don’t know where to start. Robert Mueller “memorialized” 10 instances of “OBSTRUCTION of Justice” in his report regarding the Russian collusion investigation. The Southern District of New York listed individual 1 as “individual 1″ – a co-conspirator” with Michael Cohen in the Campaign Finance charges sending Mr. Cohen to prison. The DA in Fulton County Georgia is investigating individual 1’s attempt at election FRAUD (among other charges – possibly a RICO charge) in our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president’s attempt to overturn the results of Georgia’s election in 2020. You’ve probably listened to the 1+ hour tape of individual 1 attempting to BULLY Georgia’s Sec. of State to “find the missing 11,780………..”)

And, of course, apparently the NEW DA in Manhattan, based on reports from lead prosecutors he “inherited” from Cy Vance, has gotten “cold feet” in prosecuting individual 1 regarding what the two prosecutors who resigned called “obvious felonies.” And, none of this even mentions the New York Attorney General who very well may hold the “keys” to the future of individual 1’s business “organization” based on alleged FRAUD in multiple “venues” (ie tax fraud, insurance fraud, etc.) As I’ve said many times, I believe individual 1 to be a small time mob boss who managed to get “popular” by landing a TV “gig” with NBC years ago (I never watched it, but I’ve heard it was somewhat popular – Is that how we’re going to choose our presidents now?).

Well, again, where do the prosecutors start? If they do the right thing and make sure the INSURRECTION leads to accountability for those who CONSPIRED to actually overturn a “free and fair election” then you can see the number of people caught up in the CONSPIRACY (much more than I can list off the top of my head) could be in the hundreds. Prosecutors will work to find what individual 1 will call “rats” – people who will testify to the TRUTH in order to reduce their own CRIMINAL liability – but, I believe, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president needs to face indictment for his CRIMINAL behavior as a way to send a signal to other politicians we are truly a “nation of laws and not men.” Stay tuned…….

Will (a “conservative”) “leaking” the Roe v Wade ruling NOW lead to fewer “liberals” voting in November?

Not sure how long it will take me to finish this rant, but with all the “hoopla” around the “leaked” draft of Samuel Alito’s “draft” opinion overturning Roe v Wade, I’ve got a thought I wanted to get into writing before it passes through my brain. First, I’ve found it somewhat interesting that John Roberts is more concerned with the “leak” of the opinion than what is in the opinion – suggesting a “liberal” law clerk MUST have been the “leaker” which, to Roberts is where his focus will apparently lie as opposed to focusing on what is in that draft which has created a STORM of protests all around the country (including the right wing county in which I reside).

Let me argue with the idea it was a “liberal clerk” who leaked this opinion – that makes no sense to me. What makes MORE sense to me is that one of the clerks of the five justices who are agreeing to overturn this “settled law” – which they ALL said they would honor in their confirmation hearings – would be where you’d find the “leaker.” I believe the thinking would be they want to get the “firestorm” over by the time the opinion has become official. That will take place in June and, whether you want to believe this or not, these justices are EXTREMELY political. They (likely) want to get all the blowback over “sooner rather than later” to minimize the effect of this decision on the mid term elections.

Make no mistake, it’s no secret “we the people” have a history of an extremely SHORT “attention plan” and, I believe, they want to get the blowback over with so when the actual opinion becomes “law” most of the protests will have already happened. I mean, for example, our “short attention span” has been a concern even of Volodymyr Zelensky – he worries about whether the American people will “stay the course” as his countrymen are FIGHTING and DYING in the WAR with Russia as they’re fighting to save a fledgling democracy. Sadly, and I believe he’s correct, most Americans are more worried about how much their gas is costing them than whether Vladimir Putin is STOPPED before he takes his BRUTAL war into other surrounding countries (like Muldova, etc.) – and, ultimately, into Poland and other former USSR countries ACTUALLY starting WW III.

This is a sad commentary on “we the people,” but, to me, it’s totally justified. We’re soon to be fully informed as to who was integrally involved in the coup d’etat on the Capitol January 6th, 2021. There are mulitiple opportunities for “we the people” to vote republicans out of office this coming November, but most “pundits” are predicting republicans will win the mid-terms. Additionally, MOST Americans aren’t paying attention to the “down ballot” races for governors, Secretaries of State, Attorney Generals in the various states around the country, including the state legislatures which have been doing some egregious voter suppression “stuff” as they push individual 1’s “Big Lie” in one state after another. I call this the covert slow motion INSURRECTION. And, if “progressives” (ie liberals) continue showing apothy to the process, well, we deserve what we get.

And, by the way, getting back to my original thought, the right wing wack jobs in America are referring to the “leak” of Alito’s draft “the real insurrection.” I’m not kidding. One right wing pundit called this leak “one MILLION times more dangerous” than the people “walking through the Capitol” on January 6th, 2021. Kind of tells you where their interest will be lying (and by “lying” I mean LYING) once the Select Committee presents their public report which will likely conclude individual 1 is a CRIMINAL. To which, I will respond, “dah!” And, tell me something that’s not OBVIOUS. But, equating this “leak” to the ACTUAL INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 just tells you how STUPID these right wing pundits believe their “base” to be. Like, who would believe udder NONSENSE like that? Well, apparently MILLIONS of (stupid) Americans. (I really do hate that word, but…………… if the shoe fits……….)

The American people have the opportunity to REJECT individual 1’s CULT come November, but as you watch the Russian people and realize how BRAINWASHED they are – actually believing Putin’s claim of a “special operation” to “de-Nazify” Ukraine – you can easily see the parallel here, in the United States by simply looking at the audience of Fox “news,” “Newsmax” and other right wing propaganda outlets who follow the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s of the 1930’s in Germany to a “tee.” Why do they do it? Because, obviously, it works! Just try to have a conversation with a Fox “news” viewer. And, in my experience, those who get their “news” from “Newsmax” or “Facebook,” or _________ (fill in the blank with a right wing propaganda outlet) are even worse. When you confront their LIES with factual information they, well, again in my experience, start throwing things!

I hope we find out who the “leaker” was – and, personally, one way (side?) or the other, I could care less. But, I can guarantee you, if it was a clerk from the so-called “liberals” on the Court you won’t hear the end of it – and, likely, the so-called “liberal media,” as usual, will get sucked in on all the noise. If I’m correct and it’s someone associated with the right wing judges on the Court you’ll hear – well, “crickets.” Suddenly, it will be a non-issue. And, of course, in all of this the “conservatives” will be doing everything they can to take attention away from the ruling itself and what it suggests as the future of this court going forward. This right wing court is the “wet dream” of the so-called “conservative Christians” in America. God help us!

Final Thought: As I’ve said many times here, I believe republicans will do whatever necessary to “win” elections and maintain POWER. If I’m correct on my “premise” above, they’re attempting to mitigate the “damage” this decision will cause to the voting in November. Put another way, they hope “leaking” this document will, in the end, cause fewer “liberals” to vote in November. Focusing on the “leak” is creating another “shiny object” which is designed to take the focus off the real issue. Will “we the people” allow them to get away with this? Stay tuned…………..

Will the republican assault on our republic along with SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade motivate progressive voters come November?

Drip, drip, drip! The TRUTH about January 6th, 2021 continues to “drip” out – often times it feels like an open faucet – and, as I continue watching it I’m reminded of the YEARS I’ve been “lobbying” for the American people to vote “the present day republican party” into the history books. I keep thinking, “what is taking “we the people” so long to come to our collective senses. Of course, as I think those thoughts, I’m reminded of one particular person, a supporter of individual 1 (who claims to be a “Christian” and “conservative”), who I spent many mornings at a breakfast table attempting to talk sense to him and I can’t help but believe he’d be one of the 70% of republicans who still believe the ABSURD LIE “the 2020 election was stolen.”

Tonight, I watched excerpts of the gubernatorial debate in Georgia between David Perdue (individual 1’s lackey) and Brian Kemp (no friend of progressives) and, sure enough, as would be his “rite of passage” Mr. Perdue started out the “debate” claiming the “2020 election was rigged and stolen” and he suggested Georgia’s Governor Kemp was responsible because he didn’t facilitate individual 1 when our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSER (ex) president said, “All I want is to find 11,780 votes which is one more than we have” in his now infamous call with Brad Raffensperger – a call, by the way, which could (SHOULD) be ONE of the ways he finds himself defending his actions in court. Sycophants like Mr. Perdue continue to “soil” themselves as they unabashedly LIE to keep their standing with individual 1 and his “republican” base. There seems to be no end of people willing to do the same sorry stuff as Perdue in the quest for POWER.

And, as I’ve been pointing out for YEARS the most basic requirement for being a republican is LYING. In the case of the republicans in Congress – mainly the House – we’re talking about what seems to me like PATHOLOGICAL LYING. This is the fundamental reason I question the “bonafides” of people like my former acquaintance who support this stuff, when they’re intellectually capable of recognizing the TRUTH, and then claiming to be “conservative” and “Christian.” Personally, I find being “honest” one of the main tenets of Christianity, but, I guess, that’s just me. I fully understand I’m not supposed to be judgemental (“Judge not lest you be judged”) but I have to tell it as I see it.

Let’s just be clear: The election was NOT stolen. I find it interesting where all the members of Congress who WON while individual 1 LOST in their state in the same election actually voted against their own states “electors” on January 6th. Apparenetly, the results of THEIR election wasn’t due to “fraud,” or they won’t claim they STOLE their election – I don’t know any other way to say it.

I’ve said this for years: The republican party long ago adopted the “Big Lie Theory” of the Nazi’s back in the 1930’s until they were defeated in WW II and is the basis of Vladimir Putin’s CONTROL of the Russian people as he’s threatening to start WW III. I continue to be puzzled as to why our so-called “liberal media” doesn’t point out this reality that the republican party is ACTUALLY a fascist operation. We’re seeing MORE evidence all across the so-called “red states” of this reality. The party which, when I was younger, claimed to stand for ACTUAL “conservative” values which included “less government” and more “liberty” is now unrecognizable.

As a prime example of what is happening along these lines just take a quick look at the governor of Florida where Ron DeSantis is pushing through one policy after another attempting to undermine the rights of “certain” citizens in “HIS” state. They are pushing book bans, threatening teachers who “make white children uncomfortable,” passing voter suppression aimed at “persons of color,” passing a law which severely restricts abortion, and, on top of all this, they actually passed a bill which directly ATTACKS the Disney Corporation – removing a provision allowing Disney to control the area where it’s located – simply because Disney opposed one of DeSantis bills – the so-called “don’t say gay” bill.

Honestly, I have no interest in figuring out what is actually in that bill, I’ve simply read some of the potential fallout from DeSantis going after a corporation which has donated LARGE amounts to him and his republican co-horts for not being “sufficiently loyal.” This is classic authoritarianism. (ie fascism) What’s interesting is the “long term” result of this power play by DeSantis which is likely to be LARGE increases in taxes Floridians will end up paying to take over the resonsibility of this large area which has been a community completely “run” by Disney for over 50 years. For example, they have their own fire department, police department, etc. They also have about a $1 BILLION bond debt which the Florida government will be required to assume should their takeover pass “muster” in the courts. Should be interesting. Stay tuned………..

The first thought which comes to my mind is “will the Florida people actually vote this thug into another term in November’s election – where he’ll be standing for re-election?” Sadly, the answer which comes to my mind is they very likely will. DeSantis is attempting to be a more radical “individual 1′ and he’s OBVIOUSLY attempting to set himself up as the republican nominee for president in 2024. This is just one example of many I could list here, but the reality is the coup d’etat which was attempted on January 6th, 2021 is continuing – kind of in “slow motion.”

So, what is the answer to dealing with all this? Unfortunately, this is a MAJOR political BATTLE and “we the people” are “stuck” with relying on DEMOCRATS to stop this – and, with the exception of the Select Committee on January 6th – I don’t see a comparable response to what the republicans are doing coming from the democrats. I fully understand both Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema are going to find themselve in a very dark part of American history should the democrats get “slaughtered” in November as many are predicting. They continue siding with republicans to BLOCK President Biden’s signature legislation.

As I watch the Ukrainian people FIGHTING to protect their own “democracy” – a much NEWER “experiment” in self rule than that “we the people” seem to take for granted – I really STRUGGLE to understand why there isn’t a more OUTWARD response coming from PROGRESSIVES to all the right wing, authoritarian legislation passing in one “red” state after another. The reality is we’re going to find out if our democratic republic is worth FIGHTING for in the next FEW elections. If “we the people” continue falling for republican LIES I guess we deserve the consequences.

It’s clear at this point individual 1 continues to push the so-called “Big Lie” (virtually everything he says is a LIE) and those who were part of his CONSPIRACY to overthrow our constitutional form of government continue pushing the attempt to turn our nation into an actual fascist state. I have a hard time believing “we the people” will ALLOW this to happen, but as I just said “we the people” are depending on democrats to motivate voters to vote these republicans into the HISTORY books. Additionally, the Justice Department is either looking the other way from a clear CRIMINAL conspiracy or it’s dragging its feet in investigating what is OBVIOUSLY a CRIMINAL conspiracy to overthrow our government. Individual 1 confirmed this publicly in one of his rants aimed at Mike Pense – actually saying “he should have overthrown the election.” Yikes!!! What are you waiting for, Merrick Garland?

Right now the Justice Department is “sitting” on THREE criminal referrals regarding refusals to answer to subpoenas by Mark Meadows (who also committed election FRAUD in the election by his vote in North Carolina) and two other members of individual 1’s inner circle – one who ADMITTED on national TV to participating in a CONSPIRACY to overturn the results of the 2020 election via the so-called “Green Bay Sweep.” This plan was devised by Peter Navarro along with Steve Bannon and it was at the “root” of the attack on the Capitol. Navarro is one of those who received a CRIMINAL referral for refusing to appear via a subpoena and Bannon has already been indicted. These people are refusing to cooperate because they’re part of the CRIMINAL conspiracy which was fomented via the coup d’etat of January 6th, 2021!

On several occasions I’ve pointed out the STUPIDITY of republicans when they’ve been “saddled” with the responsibility of governing. They have no idea what that requires. Looking back, when Moscow Mitch declared the so-called “HEROES” Act, passed through the House “dead on arrival” with the support of individual 1, our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president’s re-election was doomed – it’s as if they “shot themselves in the foot.” I still remember Nancy Pelosi pointing out the bill was designed to “crush the virus.” I firmly believe, had McConnell and individual 1 embraced that legislation individual 1 would still be (tragically) in office. “Deep sixing” that legislation simply because it was passed by democrats was REALLY stupid!

But, with republicans, STUPID seems to be the “word of the day.” Obviously, individual 1 is the WORST LOSER ever and he chose to head a conspiracy to overthrow our constitutional form of government. At the time, and this is being confirmed every day as more evidence of the private conversations of leading republicans comes out, and I’m talking “post 1/6,” they had had enough of individual 1’s CRIMINAL behavior (which apparently he assumed was protected by a curious OLC memo of years gone by – post Watergate). However, KNOWING they could prevent individual 1 from being a political force in the future, the Senate chose NOT to convict him in his SECOND IMEACHMENT “trial.” Their COWARDLY action has led to much of the DIVISION gripping our nation to this day. More STUPIDITY!

But, as always, there’s MORE: republicans chose to BLOCK the proposed “9/11 style bipartisan commission” to study the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION. That (STUPID) decision resulted in the House’s “Select January 6th, 2021 Committee” which is due to give their public report during a couple weeks in June – about the time of primaries all across the nation for the mid-term elections. The committee has interviewed, as of this point in time, something like 935 witnesses and they have over 100,000 documents to sort through as they prepare to EDUCATE “we the people” regarding the ATTACK on our Capitol, who was involved in causing it, who funded it, and what was the “plan” and who participated in formulating the “plan.” There are, by my count, for example, over 100 people from various states who FRAUDULENTLY signed FORGED documents claiming to be the “real” electors from states Joe Biden clearly won.

When you think of it the number of people potentially caught up in individual 1’s CONSPIRACY to OVERTHROW our government. The Justice Department is already prosecuting around 800 – 900 of the actual INSURRECTIONISTS – but, of course, as I’ve said here often in the last year – where is the INVESTIGATION of individual 1 and those close to him who’ve publicly admitted to attempting to coerce Mike Pense into participating in their CONSPIRACY to overthrow our government. The Select Committee’s results will be very interesting, but you can count on Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” etc. etc. to be LYING about the results if they even cover the public hearings. Of course, several of the nighttime hosts on Fox are going to be exposed as saying one thing in their text messages to the “White House” and something entirely different on air. They’re all a bunch of LIARS!

Final Thought: I wrote most of this rant prior to the leaking of the Samuel Alito’s opinion re: overturning Roe v Wade. This, of course, will delight many republicans – including the acquaintance I’ve referenced who is a “conservative Christian” – according to him. Of course, overturning Roe will NOT stop women from having abortions – except for those who live in “red” states and can’t afford to travel hundreds of miles to find a clinic which performs abortions. I have to say (and I’ve written a post on “abortion”) that I’m NOT “pro abortion.” I just don’t picture myself as the one who will be the decision maker in such a difficult situation.

Here’s the reality of our “Supreme Court.” There are several judges appointed by republican presidents who, unsurprisingly, are a bunch of LIARS themselves. I’ve watched the confirmation hearings as far back as I can remember. I still remember the hearings for Clarence Thomas so I’m not surprised to see him violating what SHOULD be court ethics in regards to sitting on cases involving his wife (who, very likely is part of the CONSPIRACY to overthrow the government after the 2020 election). Samuel Alito implied he believed in honoring precedent in his hearings, as did Brett Kavanaugh, and, well, all of them. But, we know, from our recent history, their confirmation hearings are simply a “means to an end” – as is virtually anything regarding republicans.

Just keep in mind, the Supreme Court “annointed” George W Bush president back in 2000 when a full recount of the Florida votes (GW’s brother was governor of Florida at the time) would likely have given the “victory” to Al Gore. It was the right wing Supreme Court which decided the “Citizen’s United” case allowing BILLIONS of “unmarked” dollars into our election process, including who knows how much coming from foreign governments.

It was the right wing Supreme Court which has GUTTED the Voting Rights Act of 1965 allowing the FLOOD of right wing anti-democratic legislation (ie voter suppression bills) to be passed in a plethora of states. The court has virtually given its “blessing” to partisan gerrymandering and the list of egregious decisions goes on and on. If you’re a right wing “Christian” the overturning of Roe makes it all worth it – and, of course, there’s more on the horizon. With republicans, there’s always more – and, I’m not talking about progressive change – I’m talking about “turning back the clock.”

Will the Court’s decision to overturn Roe v Wade – apparently one step further than deciding the case before it coming from Mississippi – be enough to cause “progressives” to go to the polls and VOTE in November? Will it be enough for voters to understand the reason president Biden is unable to get his agenda through Congress is because he doesn’t have enough democrats in the Senate? There are several seats in the November Senate elections which will likely decide the future of this nation (at least in the short term) – although, gaining control in the Senate and losing it in the House would lead to the same thing – OBSTRUCTION! Time will tell, but, from my vantage point, if the combination of the Court’s actions and what we’re going to learn from the Select Committee on January 6th isn’t enough for the majority of Americans to realize it’s TIME to vote republicans into the history books – en masse – then we deserve what we get.

Republicans understand there are more “progressives” in America than “conservatives” – so, they have to find creative ways to “win” elections when the MAJORITY of voters oppose their “agenda.” This court is “stacked” in the favor of republcans and it will be for the next generation – my guess is at least 30 years. And, they are showing themselves to be willing to “soil themselves” in order to push what amounts to a political agenda. Remember, with republicans, “the end justifies the means.”