How many republicans CONSPIRED with individual 1 to overthrow our 2020 election? Will AG Garland hold them ALL accountable?

So, Eric Holder just confirmed what I’ve speculated about for the past 12+ years and that has to do with his “institutional” pholosophy which FULLY explains to me why those who authorized TORTURE in the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld administration were NEVER prosecuted. These three men – and others – admitted to authorizing TORTURE and both George W Bush and Dick Cheney admitted this on prime time TV and said they’d do it AGAIN! I’ve lamented many times listening to Barack Obama say “we’re looking forward instead of back” as he (and AG Holder) blocked ALL the investigations into the lawbreaking of the Bush/Cheney administration soon after President Obama took the oath of office.

Holder mentioned his “institutional” beliefs as what has caused him to refrain from suggesting, despite OVERWHELMING evidence suggesting GUILT, that individual 1 and his co-CONSPIRATORS should face indictment. What apparently changed his mind is the FACT the evidence of ILLEGAL behavior has become so overwhelming he’s, to my mind, coming to his senses. Mr. Holder said the same thing I’ve felt is holding back Merrick Garland from prosecuting individual 1 and those who participated in the coup d’etat with him and that is Garland’s worry about the “divisiveness” of indicting our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

What’s wrong with these people? The DIVISIVENESS of NOT holding individual 1 and those who CONSPIRED with him to overturn a “free and fair” election will be MUCH greater than “doing the right thing.” If “no one is above the law” then that SHOULD mean that individual 1, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Ted Cruz, John Eastman, Gini Thomas, Rudy Giuliani, Mo Brooks, and ALL those who signed FORGED fake elector documents which were submitted to the Senate and the National Archives, and who knows how many more?

I “get” that the Justice Department is ALREADY prosecuting over 800 of the “thugs” who stormed the Capitol on January 6th, 2021 and that’s a “daunting” task. (There’s several hundred more the FBI is attempting to identify) However, that’s no excuse for allowing the “ringleaders” to go unpunished. Individual 1 has been getting away with violating laws for so long he simply assumes he’s “untouchable.” In fact, this “looking the other way” has gone on since the days following Watergate. Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush BOTH escaped prosecution for their roles in the Iran/Contra CRIME back in the latter days of Reagan’s term in office. I mentioned above how Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld got away with authorizing TORTURE, and, “the beat goes on.”

In fact, the parallel to the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld CRIMES to the CRIMES of individual 1 and his co-CONSPIRATORS is eye opening. Regarding the TORTURE which took place during the days of the Iraq and Afghanistan fiascos the ONLY people held accountable were the Army “grunts” who felt they were simply following orders at Abu Ghraib as they committed TORTURE day after day. Regarding January 6th, 2021 it looks more and more possible the ONLY ones who will be held accountable will be the SUCKERS who read those “tweets” “inviting” them to the Capitol on January 6th, “it will be wild.” Will individual 1 escape accountability once more? Stay tuned…………..

Well, what individual 1 has done over the past 5 years (and, actually, he was allegedly committing several versions of FRAUD in the years preceeding his move into the “White House”) makes the ILLEGAL activity of the republicans (GW Bush, Reagan, et al) who came before him look like “child’s play.” Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president has “experience” at evading our system of laws as a pseudo MOB BOSS while running this business empire out of New York City. (He’ll soon regret having his business located in New York) It appears he’s learned how to intimidate prosecutors throughout his life and it’s worked for him. Yikes! (I’ve been saying, since Reagan was “let off the hook,” the misbehavior will only continue getting worse until SOMEONE is held accountable – as if “no one (really) is above the law.”

I keep hearing the so-called “experts” suggesting individual 1 is the “likely” presidential candidate of the republicans in 2024. Honestly, that puzzles me – but, then, I don’t think like Eric Holder and Barack Obama – despite the FACT I admire both of them – to me, it’s a “no brainer” that individual 1 and his co-CONSPIRATORS deserve to be facing SERIOUS charges of attempting to overturn a free and fair election in the United States of America. If these people are not STOPPED our nation’s FUTURE hangs in the balance. I’ve mentioned here many times a (former) friend of mine who became part of individual 1’s CULT and I clearly remember on several occasions him saying he doesn’t believe in “democracy.” That’s become part of the republican “mantra.”

Sadly, that opinion has become pervasive in the republican party due to the BRAINWASHING which has been ongoing for YEARS – far longer than individual 1’s emergence on the scene. Yep, the ROT in the republican party goes much deeper than just our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. He serves a purpose for those white nationalists who felt he was their way to gain a stronghold in America’s “mainstream” of politics. I’m talking about people like David Duke, Don Black, and other extreme white nationalists who are connected in some kind of way to Tucker Carlson who keeps them on the edge of their seats every night on Fox “news” during his broadcast. Black’s son, Derek (read “Rising out of Hatred”) pointed out his father (former KKK Grand Wizard Don Black along with his god-father David Duke) records Carlson’s show each night so they can play it back over and over. Yikes!

So, worrying about more “division” by Merrick Garland is, in my view, a fool’s errand. Garland will go down on the wrong side of history should he not follow through on what is OBVIOUS; individual 1 is a serial LAWBREAKER. For heaven’s sake, Garland is NOT prosecuting the SEVERAL examples of OBSTRUCTION of Justice “memorialized” by Robert Mueller in his report following the “Russia Investigation.” (And, if you believe there was no COLLUSION, you didn’t read the report – I read it TWICE) He’s not prosecuting individual 1 for the case where he got the moniker “individual 1” in my writing. His former lawyer spent time in prison for paying off two women in violation of Campaign finance LAWS at his DIRECTION – he was listed as a “co-conspirator” – so why isn’t he being held accountable now? At the time it was the “OLC memo” preventing his indictment, but now, apparently, it’s “we don’t indict former presidents.” Fooey!

There wasn’t much concern for “divisiveness” in Holder’s time as AG when it came to whether or not Hillary Clinton should be investigated over using a private email server to do her email while Secretary of State – just as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice – an investigation even those who were involved thought was ill advised (ie it was political theater). It led to all the “lock her up” chants at the rallies for individual 1 as he “egged” his followers on – suggesting Ms. Clinton was some kind of serial criminal. Talk about your “projection!” Or, how about the “height of hypocrisy?” Well, if Secretary Clinton could be investigated while being a candidate for president, why wouldn’t an ex president, who clearly has committed CRIMES, (OK, the judge in California who’s decision re: John Eastman’s EMAILS – suggested individual 1 “likely” committed FELONIES) be worth a similar investigation?

I still remember the investigation into the “Clinton emails” being totally PUBLIC. It appears Mr. Garland will Keep the “lid” on any investigation of individual 1. Remember, the “Russia investigation” started three months before the election of November 2016 and the FBI kept that investigation completely “under wraps.” Am I the only person who finds it interesting that the Clinton investigation was public and NO one knew about the Russia “collusion” until well after individual 1 had taken (and lied about) his “oath” of office? In my view, politics in America plays out this way for two reasons, the most important being democrats allow it to happen. Of course, the other reason is because republicans follow “the end justifies the means” philosophy which allows them to condone this “deplorable” behavior – as long as they can get away with it.

Final Thought: IF the Justice Department is actually going to follow through on Merrick Garland’s promise to “follow the facts wherever they lead” regarding the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021 they likely are working their way from the bottom up. But, I want to look at this from the opposite direction to give an idea of what may lie ahead – should Mr. Garland actually decide to hold our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president accountable for attempting to OVERTHROW our elected government – for heaven’s sake, he said it publicly that “Mike Pense could have overthrown the election.”

So, working from individual 1 DOWNWARD you have to first consider ANYONE who communicates about ANY part of the plan is then part of a CONSPIRACY if anyone attempts to put the plan into effect. (My description) We KNOW individual 1 was “orchestrating” the scheme so here are some things I can remember just off the top of my head. First, this scheme was concocted well before the election of November 2020 and the “Stop the Steal” moniker was devised in 2016 by Roger Stone – possibly a starting point. I’ve read that Jim Jordan was communicating the “scheme” with individual 1 as early as November 10, 2020. We KNOW Ginni Thomas was encouraging the “scheme” from November all the way up to January 6th, 2021 and she was there at the INSURRECTION. Steve Bannon seemed to be lobbying for a pardon by supporting the impending INSURRECTION almost right from the start – maybe he’s got bigger worries than the charge against him of “Contempt of Congress.”

We KNOW Scott Perry (R Pa) was involved with the “scheme” as it was presented to the Justice Department when he introduced individual 1 to Jeffrey Clarke (or vice versa) back when individual 1 told the acting AG Rosen “Just say the election was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the R. Congressmen.” (Even, I suppose, you, if you’re a republican, can figure that one out) To me, that put’s Clarke and Perry right in the middle of all this. Of course, Mark Meadows is there for all of it, as well, and whoever the “R. Congressmen” (Jordan, Perry, and ???) are. Newsflash: Today, a Congressman from Georgia was identified by the 1/6 Committee as being one of the members of Congress giving “tours” on January 5th, 2021. Very interesting!!!

There’s Rudi Giuliani and the band of clownish “lawyers” (If they’re still lawyers) who were pushing the scheme and were involved in putting together the slates of FRAUDULENT “electors” from about six states – a key part of the scheme. (There were close to 100 of these FAKE “electors” who ALL signed FRAUDULENT docurments which were actually submitted to the National Archives) Of course, there was John Eastman who has been given credit for concocting the scheme individual 1 was pressuring Mike Pense to go along with – and, who’s been “accused” by a judge in his fight to prevent the 1/6 Committee from getting a bunch of his emails – along with individual 1 – of “likely committing” at least a couple FELONIES.

There were people like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley along with over an ADDITIONAL 140+ members of Congress willing to OBJECT to elections they KNEW were free, fair, secure, and won by Joe Biden. I mentioned Ginni Thomas above, well, what did Clarence Thomas know, because he was a lone “NO” vote in the Supreme Court’s case regarding the Select Committee’s request for documents from the National Archives which very likely included something from his wife? As time goes by Mr. Thomas continues to expose himself as a partisan right wing hack – someone who clearly should NOT be sitting on the Supreme Court. (Along with two or three other Justices)

Will Mr. Garland actually follow through on his promise? Will he actually PROVE that “no one is above the law” – including a president or former president? I’ve pointed out here on numerous occasions that individual 1’s LAWBREAKING was so rampant that it’s almost as if prosecutors don’t know where to start. Robert Mueller “memorialized” 10 instances of “OBSTRUCTION of Justice” in his report regarding the Russian collusion investigation. The Southern District of New York listed individual 1 as “individual 1″ – a co-conspirator” with Michael Cohen in the Campaign Finance charges sending Mr. Cohen to prison. The DA in Fulton County Georgia is investigating individual 1’s attempt at election FRAUD (among other charges – possibly a RICO charge) in our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president’s attempt to overturn the results of Georgia’s election in 2020. You’ve probably listened to the 1+ hour tape of individual 1 attempting to BULLY Georgia’s Sec. of State to “find the missing 11,780………..”)

And, of course, apparently the NEW DA in Manhattan, based on reports from lead prosecutors he “inherited” from Cy Vance, has gotten “cold feet” in prosecuting individual 1 regarding what the two prosecutors who resigned called “obvious felonies.” And, none of this even mentions the New York Attorney General who very well may hold the “keys” to the future of individual 1’s business “organization” based on alleged FRAUD in multiple “venues” (ie tax fraud, insurance fraud, etc.) As I’ve said many times, I believe individual 1 to be a small time mob boss who managed to get “popular” by landing a TV “gig” with NBC years ago (I never watched it, but I’ve heard it was somewhat popular – Is that how we’re going to choose our presidents now?).

Well, again, where do the prosecutors start? If they do the right thing and make sure the INSURRECTION leads to accountability for those who CONSPIRED to actually overturn a “free and fair election” then you can see the number of people caught up in the CONSPIRACY (much more than I can list off the top of my head) could be in the hundreds. Prosecutors will work to find what individual 1 will call “rats” – people who will testify to the TRUTH in order to reduce their own CRIMINAL liability – but, I believe, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president needs to face indictment for his CRIMINAL behavior as a way to send a signal to other politicians we are truly a “nation of laws and not men.” Stay tuned…….

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