I shudder to think of what would be happening in this world if individual 1 still had the reins of American POWER.

Off the top of my head I can think of numerous issues in America which have the support of MOST Americans that NEVER seem to get addressed. And, in almost EVERY instance the PROBLEM with getting something done in Washington DC is because of, yep, you guessed it, republicans. I’m going to list some of these issues which, with my faulty (old person’s) memory, come off the top of my head. Naturally, one day after 19 (or more) elementary school children perished in West Texas to a miltary style weapon (in the hands of a high school student) is where I feel I MUST start.

I’m 74 years old and as far back as I can remember republicans (and, yes, some democrats) have been in the “pocket” of the so-called “gun lobbly.” What we’re talking about is the NRA and the gun manufacturers who pay the NRA to pay politicians to work to twist the “second amendment” into knotts. Most people I know (reflexively) support the “2nd amendment” as if they’ve even read the second amendment. There can be much debate about what the 2nd amendment “guarantees” to Americans, but I can say things like AR 15’s isn’t one of them. The ability to fire deadly bullets at a dizzying speed isn’t something guaranteed by the 2nd amendment (unless you’re making these things). The second amendment wasn’t written to protect Americans from their own government, but from (at the time) what was considered the possible threat of foreign invaders.

Something like 90% of Americans support, at a minimum, some kind of universal background check system designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who might do something as horrific as what happened in Texas yesterday. That would be a start – but, for some reason there are 50 republicans in the Senate who will BLOCK any attempt at ANY reform to the gun laws in America. There are people taking “legal” weapons and turning them into weapons which are capable of mass shootings and the “stuff” used to do so seems to be readily available. For heaven’s sake, I see NO reason for someone to own a gun capable of MASS murder for the purpose of “defending yourself” of “hunting.” Give me a damn break! Addressing this stuff SHOULD not be so hard.

I listened to a line of republican Senators this morning blaming democrats for “politicizing” the issue of guns – saying, gun legislation won’t stop people like this from committing this type of MASS murder. The past TWO mass shootings which have made it to the national news media (trust me, many don’t) were BOTH committed by 18 year old “children.” This SHOULDN’T be this hard, but when you listen to these republican Senators – EVERY one of them taking HUGE amounts of money from the NRA and gun manufacturers – it seems as if the ONLY hope for ANY progress lies in the American public doing what I’ve been lobbying for over the past 20+ years and that is to VOTE these republicans into the history books. That won’t, of course, solve the problem immediately, because logic tells us it’s going to take YEARS to turn the issue of gun violence around in America. There are over ONE MILLION guns in private hands in this country – and, likely a bunch more “on the way” as every time something like this MASSACRE happens, right wingers go out and buy MORE guns – just in case the Congress comes to its senses.

I’m not someone who would have supported an abortion in my lifetime when it could have been an issue – except in extreme circumstances. For example, when I was producing children the first pregnancy of my life (of course, I wasn’t the one pregnant) ended in a miscarriage – which was resolved (after the fetus had died) via what amounted to an “abortion” – I believe they called it a “D and C.” In some states now days that would expose myself and my wife at the time to potential criminal liability. Then there’s the cases of rape and incest and I can’t imagine a young girl (or any girl/woman) suffering from either of those terrible crimes being forced to take a resultant pregnancy to term. To me, even suggesting that is the crime. I’m a Christian (who actually believes in the “teachings of Jesus”) and possibly the greatest thing I appreciate about it is that I’ve (and all of us) have been blessed with “free will.” My theory about abortion (I’ve written an entire post which is in the archives if you want to argue with me) is if you don’t believe in it don’t have one.

Something in the neighborhood of 65 – 70% of the American public believe somewhat the same thing – they don’t want Roe v Wade to be overturned by the right wing Supreme Court – which is continuing their ASSAULT on the rights of the American people. I pointed this out long ago – a “right” is much easier to lose than to regain. And, when it comes to this court, keep in mind they’re going to be “there” for the next generation. This all started (in my memory) when the Court installed Bush/Cheney into the “White House” back in 2000. (As I look back on that, Al Gore’s “gentlemanly” acceptance of that decision looks like pure weakness to these republicans. Can you imagine individual 1 if he’d lost by a decision of the Court?) The Court has participated in this “slow motion” coup d’etat in our nation since that Bush v Gore decision.

There have been numerous decisions of the right wing Supreme Court which are either very “unpopular” or are “flying under the radar.” This has led to the Court experiencing likely the LOWEST “popularity” in my lifetime – NOT simply based on the Roe reversal which is upcoming. The “Citizen’s United” decision – with those I know who even know what it was – is very unpopular (MOST have no idea what it was – or did) because MOST Americans don’t want corporations (and foreign nationals) having an untoward influence on our elections. This Court, prior to individual 1’s appointees, gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (and, we’re seeing the result of that across much of the nation this year) and they’ve gone so far as to, in essence, “approve” partisan gerrymandering. That is an issue which only seems popular with the political party who gets away with it in their own state. (Usually republicans) Yikes!!!

We’re going to see an “uproar” which will be possibly the most significant number of protests since the “women’s march” right after individual 1’s inauguration once the court’s decision to overrule Roe v Wade becomes final. Of course, Congress made a futile attempt to “codify” Roe once it became apparent what the Court’s decision would be – after the “leaking” of Sam Alito’s (weird) opinion reversing Roe – but, as usual, there were 50 republicans voting to BLOCK the attempt. (Including, the socalled “pro choice” republicans) Again, I wouldn’t choose to support an abortion in my own circumstances (you’re correct, as a male …………… well, you figure out the rest of what I’m thinking) but a WIDE majority of Americans support a WOMAN having the right to make that choice for herself. And, the list of factors going into that choice is a LONG one!

The curious thing to me, as I pay attention to the “mood” of the American people these days, is, by all accounts, it appears the republicans have the “inside track” to retake control of Congress in the next election. It is this logic which has caused me to use the term “stupid” on this site for the past several months. I “get” that gas prices are high, inflation is an issue, but it saddens me to think the American people are unable to look beyond that “today” issue and see things based on the “big picture.” This is exactly what republicans have been (masterfully) planning for years. Whether it’s the culture “wedge” issues or the “issues of the day” we’ve been programmed to look for who to BLAME in virtually EVERY instance. Who’s fault are the high gas prices? (can’t figure it out, blame the president) Who’s fault is inflation? (Must be Biden) Biden isn’t getting his “promises” through Congress – it’s his fault. This is the catch-22 we’ve found ourselves in over the past many years. In some instances, the fault is obvious, but in others, not so much.

For example, Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and I don’t believe there are many Americans who can even picture what WW III would be like. Clearly President Biden doesn’t want anyone to have to experience that for themselves. To me, paying more at the gas pump is a small price to pay for attempting to STOP Putin in Ukraine. (I’ve been saying for YEARS he wants to reconstitute the “former Soviet Union.”) In fact, to me, I’ve become a strong supporter of President Biden even though I wasn’t during the democratic primary season. Seeing the NATO alliance being UNITED, to me, is a big deal. My 32 year old son doesn’t believe Biden had much to do with that – he gets much of his news off “social media” (Reddit) – the ONLY “social media” I experience is occasional videos (usually regarding my attempting to learn more music in my old age) on Youtube. I believe Biden is making decisions based on what he believes is the “right thing to do” regardless of the political consequences – and, it seems to be costing him “popularity.” (To me, a refreshing sight!)

I have to add here, I’m not much of a “fan” of our so-called “liberal media” although I’m very grateful we have a “free press.” To me, outlets like Fox “news” and other right wing sites are nothing more than propaganda arms of the republican party – but, I understand, those who hang out there think the same thing (in reverse) of what I watch (when I watch anything) which is MSNBC. I usually watch a show led by one of Bush’s communication people, Niclole Wallace, on MSNBC. For some reason, I “connect” better with former republicans who, in my view, have come to their senses than with someone who’s maybe a bit farther “left.” That being said, I voted for Bernie Sanders in the democratic primary in my state back in the 2020 primary season. (I’m personally very THANKFUL the voters were much smarter than me and chose President Biden to navigate through these “treacherous” times.)

Today, as I was driving around – listening to MSNBC – I, as usual, got a bit frustrated listening to journalists commenting on the “gun issue” which is first and foremost in MANY people’s minds as I’m typing this. One of the journalists was sharing the results of her unofficial “polling” while she was in Minnesota when these NINETEEN children (and two teachers – I’m a retired teacher and my wife is still teaching) were MURDERED. She said the people were blaming politicians in Congress and suggested “both” republicans and democrats share in the blame – why? Because they can’t seem to get any legislation done regarding this issue. I wanted to slug my radio (I’ve become calmer in my old age, thankfully) – yes, there’s are TWO democrats who are HELPING to BLOCK Joe Biden’s agenda (and the democratic agenda) – Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema – by now virtually EVERYONE paying attention knows their names. But, for HEAVEN’S sake, there are FIFTY republicans in the Senate who ALL vote against VIRTUALLY EVERYTHING – the “BLAME” is not equal. Clearly, the solution is to elect MORE democrats to the Senate and keep democrats in control of the House. There are two AWESOME democrats running for the Senate in Ohio and Pennsylvania – and, with everyone else on the ballot re-elected the democrats would have enough cooperating members to get rid of the FILIBUSTER! That’s a solution to the problem!

As stated above, the list of issues with the support of HUGE majorities of the public which NEVER even get voted on in Congress seems endless to me – and, in almost EVERY instance it’s republicans BLOCKING the votes. I’ll go into one other that I can list off the top of my head – and, one of the most frustrating from my vantage point. When President Obama was working to pass the “Affordable Health Care” bill, there was a provision for a “public option” which had the support of something over 70% of the American public. It would have caused insurance companies to COMPETE with an entity that didn’t have close to 30% of it’s income going to management overhead – items like these companies put in place to prevent customers from being able to access their insurance benefits (I recently experienced this with Blue Cross). This has led to what appears to me to be a very CORRUPT health care system as I’m writing this.

When President Obama was attempting to get his bill through Congress two things happened which ended up preventing even a vote on the “public option.” First, and sadly, Ted Kennedy died and was replaced (in Massachusettes) by a republican who was going to vote against the public option (with ALL other republicans – who voted against ALL of the Affordable Care Act – at the time there were [almost] 60 democrats until Kennedy’s death (Al Franken was still waiting the official end of his WINNING campaign). The other issue was the former VP candidate with Al Gore in 2000, Joe Lieberman – who’s wife was an executive with a large insurance company. OK, you know the rest – no public option – not even a vote. (As I was writing that I couldn’t help but think of Ginni and Clarence Thomas – I don’t know why? What’s the old saying? “The more things change the more they stay the same”)

Final Thought: I could go on (and on and on and ………..) but that’s enough for this particular rant. I cried when I first heard the news of the little children being MURDERED in Texas. I cried when I first heard of the “shoppers” MURDERED in Buffalo NY. I’ve cried several times as I FORCE myself to continue paying attention to the TRAJEDY unfolding in Ukraine – more human SLAUGHTER every day – instigated by a MADMAN. Before I became a teacher I worked for several years in a sawmill. It’s HARD physical work and youi’re working with, what was in my mind, the epitome of “blue collar” workers. People get maimed and KILLED working in sawmills and the logging industry which supports the mills. I always thought, as a sawmill worker, I was incapable of CRYING. Obviously, time has changed that thought. I even CRIED a time or two in my 20+ years in the classroom working with underprivileged children – but, lately, there seems to be a lot to CRY about.

Here’s the good news to me: “We the people” have a decent, honest, compassionate President which we, hopefully, will learn to appreciate. I go to bed many nights thinking of what it would be like if our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president would have allowed Nancy Pelosi to help him combat SARS-Cov-2 (OK, the COVID 19 pandemic) She, and the House democrats TRIED to help with the so-called “HEROES ACT” and Moscow Mitch declared it “dead on arrival” in the Senate with individual 1’s approval. In a long line of STUPID coming from the previous administration that one could “take the cake.” However, that pathological LYING “former guy” is OUT and I shudder to think of what would be happening in this world if he still had the reins of POWER. We DO have the possibility of voting them OUT!

But, as has been happening for the past 40+ years, republicans are busy attempting to LIE themselves back into what’s important to them, and that’s POWER! That’s their agenda, POWER! I used to listen to Thom Hartman (and, still do occasionally) and, today, I read a posting as “Daily Kos” by Mr. Hartman which encapsulates my issue with republicans much better and more succinctly than I can. If you’re interested, click HERE – It’s a great, and in my mind, IMPORTANT read! Stay tuned…………….

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