Monthly Archives: February 2019

How could “we the people” “elect” (with three MILLION fewer votes than his opponent) this seeming mob boss as our so-called president?

Presently I’m reading “TAILSPIN The People and Forces Behind America’s Fifty-Year Fall – and Those Fighting to Reverse it” by Steven Brill and, as I’m going through the book my hope that “progressives” (ie “liberals”) will FIGHT to help PUSH BACK against the right wing forces which have essentially done to America what people like Mitt Romney would do to the businesses they would “buy” (take over) and then pilfer the assets of the business before shutting it down while walking away with millions and leaving the workers in the lurch. This is what the right wing “puppet masters” – those who’ve been surreptitiously calling the “shots” for a Congress that has become incredibly CORRUPT – and, by the way, virtually anyone paying attention knows this – have been doing while democrats have been unsuccessful – at best, and, to a degree in some “quarters” complicit – in fighting back.

Brill lays out a sobering look at what has taken America from “the leader of the free world” (in the post WW II years) to a nation rapidly devolving toward third world status. It’s like we’ve (Americans) all been brainwashed to get the hair on our backs to stand on end when anyone suggests America’s not the greatest country in the world. I was thinking about this book as I drove through the drive through at the post office the other day and, as I was about to leave their premises, there was a homeless lady lying on the ground next to a little dog, a shopping cart with, apparently, her belongings, and a sign which read “hungry.” She wasn’t soliciting money, but I couldn’t help but asking if she needed some (really a dumb question) and she got up and I gave her the change in the cup-holder in my car. As I drove away I almost started to get tears in my eyes and I couldn’t help but think about Brill’s book and how it points out “we the people” haven’t been consciously “fighting” poverty since the 1970’s.

The sad reality is “we the people” haven’t invested in our people or our infrastructure over the period of the previous 50 years and the results of the failure to do so is growing more critical by the day. While I often find myself thinking the “election” (with three MILLION less votes than his opponent) of individual 1 may cause some of these critical issues to FINALLY become addressed, I realize the forces that put individual 1 into the “White House” have UNLIMITED funds and will not allow “we the people” to turn America’s focus to the “common good” without a huge FIGHT and, over the years, they’ve proven themselves to be all about the money and very successful at turning one American against another. Their GREED is insatiable. Of course, if you’ve been paying attention at all you know I’m talking about people like the now infamous “Koch brothers” who will open their checkbooks wide to fight what’s being called the “green new deal.” And, the Koch’s have a plethora of peers who also have unlimited funds in their check books and have been fighting against things like Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, unemployment insurance, etc. (Essentially, the New Deal) since the days following WW II.

Here’s some of America’s present reality: There are people living under bridges almost every where you go – people which it appears are in situations which no one seems able to find solutions for – often times it breaks my heart looking at some of the people who seem so desperately pathetic – for lack of a more creative vocabulary on my part – whatever has led them to this “outcome” it just seems a sad situation that is “un-American” – at least in my idealistic viewpoint. (As in regards to people like the lady I mentioned above) Additionally, close to 50% of Americans are living under the poverty level with around 7 MILLION living on what Brill referred to as “$2 a day.” I was a sixth grade teacher and, every year, I witnessed more and more students who got their food from the “free and reduced” school lunch program. “We the people” are NOT investing in our young people – including the reality that even the most advantageous, to a degree, are struggling to get a higher education.

America spends well more than virtually EVERY other advanced Western nation on health care with outcomes which place “her” near the bottom of even nations which, to me, seem incredible. At one point, I read the childbirth mortality rate in America ranked right below that of Cuba. For my ENTIRE life I’ve witnessed republicans BLOCKING any chance “we the people” have EVER had of creating a national health care policy. They blocked this during FDR’s time in office, during Truman’s time in office, (thankfully) LBJ managed to get Medicare and Medicaid passed (Ronald Reagan predicted Medicare would destroy the nation via “socialism”), clearly they blocked Clinton’s attempt to create a national health insurance policy and they spent BILLIONS trying to block “Obamacare” (The Affordable Care Act) – and, they’re still trying to destroy the Affordable Care Act – presumably OK with another 20 – 30 MILLION Americans without health insurance.

As it is, even with “Obamacare” (what’s left of it) there’s tens of Millions of Americans with no health insurance. We are the ONLY “advanced” country in the world in this predicament. Republicans are already playing the Socialism “card” as the new “liberal wave” of democrats are proposing “Medicare for all.” By my calculations “Medicare for all” would be cheaper than what we presently have, it’s just that Medicare (I know, because it’s now my health insurance) covers only 80% of your medical expenses (which, obviously, is much better for those without health insurance). Just as I have a supplemental policy to help cover the 20% Medicare doesn’t cover, others would have the option to do the same, therefore continuing the need for private health insurers. One reason some might not want “Medicare for all” is because Medicare puts a cap on charges that can be onerous for people without health insurance. If you remember, even some democrats helped block the “public option” when “Obamacare” was in the works – so, it’s easy to see how the health insurance lobby and pharmaceutical lobby will spend BILLIONS to block ANY attempt at universal health care. It’s undeniable that hospitals, doctors, and the pharmaceutical industry, among others, won’t want Medicare for all because it focuses on controlling the massive increases in medical expenses in America.

Then there’s America’s infrastructure. In short, America is crumbling at her “knees.” Every where you look (drive) highways are full of pot holes and are in danger of major disasters. Thousands of bridges are at the point where they could collapse at any moment. We’re not investing in the proper maintenance of these bridges and highways nor are we showing any willingness to invest in the NEW infrastructure necessary to keep America up with the rest of the world which, countries who are making these investments in virtually all the areas where America is faltering. Aside from our roads and bridges, we have schools falling down, we’ve got an electrical grid which is teetering on becoming a national security threat, and much more. Estimates coming from Engineers and others “in the know” estimate the United States needs to invest “north” of $2 TRILLION to bring the infrastructure up to “code.”

Rebuilding America’s infrastructure is not only a critical challenge, but it’s a source of MILLIONS of good paying new jobs. Additionally, it provides the opportunity for America to modernize in areas which republicans seem to have blinders for – and, that’s the core of the “green new deal.” For example, in my household, we’re driving electric cars and we installed solar panels on the rooftop of our property. Our solar panels are producing in excess of 10,000 Kilowatts of electricity per year. And, incentives created by our state (our governor, who actively supports this, Jay Inslee, is soon to announce his candidacy for president) made the solar panels possible. Those panels will be producing electricity for decades beyond the years of the state incentive (And, there was a federal incentive via President Obama). Our state also has incentives to encourage people to buy electric vehicles. All of the things referred to as “the green new deal” are POSSIBLE as long as “we the people” don’t allow the special interests (the Koch brothers, for example) to scare us into thinking it’s not possible.

And, it’s those who continue to SCARE Americans against what amounts to progressive changes which will benefit MILLIONS of Americans which will be, likely, the greatest stumbling block to making the changes our nation so desperately needs. Those who oppose these changes are the very people who’ve become known as the “top 1%” and have become very comfortable with close to 40 years of tax policy which has made them richer and has exacerbated the increasing problem of income inequality. Once we get beyond the political BS coming from the “conservatives” – who are yelling “socialism, socialism” as they always do to stop progress, America will be re-energized. Seeing the modernization of the infrastructure, knowing people can go to the doctor when they’re sick, and watching more and more working class Americans with good paying jobs will spread the “American spirit” through “we the people” once again.

As Brill states in his book (I really recommend this book to anyone who wants to better understand how we got to this place) the hope is that it won’t take more bridges collapsing on the cars driving over them to force this issue to the forefront of America’s agenda. Unlike individual 1’s wall, this issue with infrastructure IS a national emergency. If you remember the bridge which collapsed a few years ago in Minnesota, a bridge which was known to be in desperate need of repair or replacement, it took a relatively short time to replace it once it collapsed. Brill’s hope is that “we the people” won’t allow our “leaders” (my quotes) to wait until bridges collapse before we make the investment to replace or repair them. (The same goes for the roads, the electric grid, the internet infrastructure, schools, etc.)

Sadly, nothing is likely to get accomplished while individual 1 is our so-called president. There seems to be no time for actually “governing.” The new batch of democrats in the House have pledged to produce an infrastructure bill (among other needed legislation) but the general consensus is that anything they pass in the House will NEVER get through the Senate. My son, who is much more astute regarding our electrical infrastructure – especially related to internet capability – keeps pointing out to me the United States is woefully behind the other nations around the world. People like me have been brainwashed to believe America is the “leader” in most areas which are important, but he continues to point out the reality. And, people like Bernie Sanders are always pointing out how far we’re behind when it comes to health care and investment in our own people.

As I stated above, the cost of higher education in the United States has gotten to the point where more and more people of average (or less) means are being “shut out.” (Similarly to how the cost of housing is contributing to the homeless problem in America – another issue which is not getting the attention it deserves) When I went to college (the first time) back in the 1960’s the cost of tuition was around $100 per term. When I went back to school 25 years later (in the early 90’s) one semester was around $3000, just for tuition. Each semester of graduate school was $10,000 – again, just for tuition. This is why so many young people have been “saddled” with huge debt once they graduate from college – in many cases making it impossible to afford housing, depending on where they live, once they find a job.

Many balk at Bernie’s suggestion that college tuition should be FREE, but this would be an investment in our own people. To me, the idea of accepting a situation where young people start their lives with massive debt is obscene. (And, by the way, Brill deals with what he calls the meritocracy which has emerged in America in the past 50 years which is a very interesting concept I had never thought about) I believe it’s Denmark where young people are actually PAID to go to college. Whether it’s traditional college or other forms of advanced training, America is LOSING a huge amount of productivity with MILLIONS of people needing training to fill the HUGE amount of jobs going unfilled because people are not qualified to do them.

Final Thought: Today I was watching the testimony of Michael Cohen and I was further convinced it’s time republicans be voted into the dust bins of history. And, Jim Jordan – a man who ALLEGEDLY looked the other way in regard to accusations of sexual abuse while he was a wrestling coach at Ohio State University – is shameful in his dishonest attempt to prevent the TRUTH about individual 1 to be part of the public record – at least for the “uneducated voters” individual 1 (and presumably Jordan) – rely on for their positions in our government. As expected, from the republicans the Cohen hearing was all about Cohen – they don’t have the slightest bit of curiosity in regard to the allegations against Trump – some of the allegations are not really allegations because we can presume “individual 1” wouldn’t have been identified as “individual 1” by the Southern District of New York if they didn’t have evidence to support that he actually DIRECTED the “hush money” payments to two women right before the “election.”

While it’s clear Cohen has been a “thug” while working for individual 1 it’s also clear that individual 1 closely resembles the organized crime boss I’ve been pointing out since a few months after he became our so-called president. What’s not so clear to me, is why virtually EVERY republican is able to fail to even have a curiosity about whom they’ve chosen to “hitch their wagon.” I can’t quantify the number of times I’ve wondered how republicans would respond to individual 1’s many actions should they have been committed by – say – Barack Obama? It was beyond ironic that, today, during the Cohen testimony republicans focused on Cohen as a LIAR. Apparently, they’ve failed to notice individual 1 has LIED over 9000 times since Vladimir Putin helped him to become our so-called president. And, some of them need to take a close look into a mirror!

Republicans feel comfortable supporting a so-called president who takes the word of Vladimir Putin over our intelligence agency (yesterday, Jordan soiled himself while attacking the FBI in very politically partisan terms). Additionally, he takes the word of Mohamed bin Salmon over our intelligence community and now, unbelievably, the word of arguably the most vicious dictator in the world, Kim Jong un. This all is unbelievable to someone like me – how could “we the people” “elect” (with three MILLION fewer votes than his opponent) this seeming mob boss as our so-called president?

Can you imagine how republicans would have responded had President Obama said, “I love chairman Kim. He’s written great letters to me?” OMG!

I just finished reading a short article about how more and more Americans are becoming angry as they file their taxes and learn individual 1’s “Middle Class tax cut” was NO tax cut for them. The AVERAGE American is getting a refund close to 10% less than expected based on previous years. And, of course, individual 1’s lackeys have a way of explaining this that – well – we could expect ONLY them would find palatable. They’re suggesting people should be happy because they got more in their weekly or monthly paychecks so that they weren’t “banking” money with the federal government. So, in essence, that paltry increase you got each week was, in effect, a prorated “advance” on your annual refund.

In other words, as many besides myself have been trying to explain, individual 1’s tax scam was EXACTLY that – a SCAM! In fact, those of us in the solid Middle Class will likely be paying MORE in taxes (My wife and I – she’s a part time teacher and I’m a retired teacher) because we fall in that dreaded $75,000 area where taxes are likely going UP. But, the reality for MOST in the Middle Class is they’re NOT going down. Yes, for those in the upper echelon, the taxes went WAY down. It was estimated via the sources I could find that individual 1, himself, would save in the tens of MILLIONS from the tax scam. People like Sheldon Adelson saved in the HUNDREDS of Millions and the Koch Brothers (and their peers) likely saved in the BILLIONS. (Adelson was “able” to send $30 MILLION back to the “coffers” of republican candidates as his “thank you” for the tax scam)

And, that’s not to mention the corporations – who were hoarding well north of a TRILLION when the law was passed – who are using the scam to buy back stock by the truck loads – therefore, increasing their corporations’ share value and, thus, the compensation of the top executives. Pure and simple, it’s a wonderfully orchestrated SCAM that “we the people” will understand, hopefully, at some point in time. I mean, this CRAP has been going on since the days of Reagan and republicans will keep doing it until “we the people” force them to stop – which won’t happen until “conservatives” start voting these corrupt thugs out of office by the droves.

I mean, republicans made no secret as to why they were passing this horrific legislation from the “get go.” Their DONORS were demanding it. They were EXPECTING a return on the BILLIONS “invested” in PURCHASING “the best Congress money can buy.” Keep in mind, the tax scam is STILL the only significant piece of legislation enacted since individual 1 took the oath of office. The FACT this scam will increase the national debt in the TRILLIONS is inconsequential to all these republicans who were complaining about “deficits” during President Obama’s administration – which reduced the $1.5 TRILLION annual deficit they inherited from the Bush/Cheney regime to around $400 BILLION as Obama left office – and, the deficit was on a trajectory which was headed to zero.

Of course, while individual 1 has been fully willing to take credit for an economy which he’s done little to affect – save for the tax scam which will take that deficit republicans were so willing to complain about – the Bush/Cheney deficits during Obama’s term – right back up to the levels Obama inherited. And, of course, not a “peep” from republicans – all of a sudden they’re back to the days when Dick Cheney said “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” What’s somewhat depressing, at this point as I think of my children and grandchildren, the DAMAGE being done by virtually EVERYTHING individual 1 does is having an extremely negative effect on America’s standing around the world – at least in the eyes of our traditional allies.

This past weekend individual 1’s top “lapdog,” Mike Pense, gave a speech at a security conference in Europe which included America’s traditional NATO allies and when he mentioned individual 1’s name – and waited for the “applause” – the room became silent. One of the persons who was in the room said, “you could hear a pin drop.” That SILENCE says it all in regard to what individual 1 is doing to America’s standing in the world. And, that’s on top of the DAMAGE he’s doing domestically. Republicans, what the hell is wrong with you? Individual 1 is either deranged or he really is a mob boss.

For the entire two years of individual 1’s time in the “White House” I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE individual 1 was likely to inflict on “we the people” and pondering as to how much would it take before republicans turn on him. The reality is, save for the next election, individual 1 will remain in office until republicans come to their senses. The question before us is will they decide “enough” before their party is totally destroyed. The white nationalists who make up a significant portion of individual 1’s base are nothing more than a group of extremists who, for some reason, republicans welcomed in “with open arms” after the election of Barack Obama. Now, they’re like a tick on a dog’s neck – that’s difficult to get rid of. However, if you don’t get rid of it, the DAMAGE could ultimately be fatal. (And, trust me, these “white nationalists” are NOT “very fine people” and will erupt in violence should individual 1 get what he deserves.)

Now, the reality of how the tax scam is going to affect the pocket books of every day Americans, many among those who so foolishly decided to vote for individual 1, is going to cause more and more people to take a second “look” at all of individual 1’s LIES. We’ve seen, for two years, a group of “media outlets” (more like propaganda outlets) giving credence to all of the LIES as if they’re actually the truth. I’ve pointed out numerous times on this site that this LYING is classic “Big Lie Theory” strategy from the Third Reich back in 1930’s Germany. The parallels between individual 1 and the leader of the Third Reich are startling when you compare the two. That’s one of my major complaints in regard to our “liberal media” – they fail to point out these similarities and educate “we the people” that individual 1 appears to be using Nazi strategies in pushing his agenda (whatever it actually is).

There’s got to be a reason why individual 1 NEVER says a bad word about Vladimir Putin and seems to be pushing Putin’s agenda right from the “White House.” There is an abundance of evidence that individual 1 is a Putin “puppet.” If you remember, a while back individual 1 made remarks from the Oval Office about Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan which were totally FALSE and were a direct parallel to the rewriting of history being done by Putin, himself. It was clear, the only place individual 1 could have gotten the information he was putting forth had to come from some kind of conversation with Putin.

This past weekend Andrew McCabe was interviewed on (I believe) CBS and he explained about another situation where individual 1 took the word of Putin over the intelligence he was being given by our intelligence community in an intelligence briefing. In this instance, the issue of North Korea’s ICBM’s and whether or not they had the capability to reach the United States. Individual 1 actually told the intelligence experts to their faces, “I believe Putin.” Of course, those of us paying attention will never forget individual 1’s comments at the summit in Helsinki where individual 1 also claimed he believed Putin over our intelligence community.

Can you imagine how republicans would have responded had a democratic president done these things? America’s republican party has become cowards above all the other stuff that made them intolerable to anyone but the white nationalists or the very wealthy – or, of course, those people who’ve been republicans forever without thinking what that means. I mean, speaking of North Korea, can you imagine how republicans would have responded had President Obama said, “I love chairman Kim. He’s written great letters to me.” OMG!

For me, ideally, republicans recognizing individual 1 is like a mob boss who has a “mountain” of circumstantial evidence suggesting he’s either a “witting or unwitting” agent of the Russians, who was likely in office because of the Russian interference in the 2016 election would be enough for them to stop acting like sycophants. I understand if individual 1 is impeached and then removed from office Mike Pense would be next and I’m likely not the only American who cringes at that thought. (In addition to the “white nationalists” erupting in violence) Which means this DAMAGE I’m always talking about will continue until January of 2021 and whoever follows is going to have an incredible mess to clean up.

And, that’s based on what we know now. For example, the likelihood our economy takes a “fall” which could be extreme (I don’t believe individual 1 would know how to react to a significant downturn in the economy) by 2020 is semi alarming and, in my mind, is almost certain. Also, in regard to issues relating to foreign policy, the potential for disaster seem to be looming large. The “silence” mentioned above when Pense was giving greetings from “number 45” to our traditional allies in NATO shows a PROBLEM which could take a decade to “fix.” Our traditional allies are likely NOT to trust these “uneducated voters” individual 1 says he “loves.” (Just as he loves Kim Jong un)

I keep wondering what it will take to get those who support individual 1 to realize what a threat he is to our own country and I believe that until it reaches their wallets/pocket books nothing will change. Maybe that will be the benefit of the tax scam despite it will soon push the annual deficit above a TRILLION dollars per year. It appears the wallets/pocket books of individual 1’s “uneducated” supporters are now being affected by the tax scam and not in a way they were expecting. Will this cause them to “wake up?” Who knows – what we do know is the longer individual 1 is in office the more DAMAGE “we the people” will be faced with “cleaning up” once he’s gone.

Our so-called president (AKA “individual 1”) really is an IDIOT! Take Ann Coulter’s word for it!

Yesterday I watched, as much as my stomach could handle, of individual 1 giving an impromptu press briefing outside the “White House” where he announced he was declaring a national emergency in order to redirect funding from other sources to build his “wall.” This, of course, is the same wall individual 1 promised Mexico would “pay for” literally HUNDREDS of times during his 2016 campaign. (The more I think about this, maybe he should have tried to get Russia to pay for it) As with most of what individual 1 does, this “move” is likely to come back to haunt republicans as much, or more, than the usual fallback from individual 1’s actions. For example, the tax scam backlash is building “steam” as more and more people file their taxes and realize they must not be part of the top 1% – because, either their refund is smaller, or like me, they’re paying more. In the case of this “national emergency” over a fictitious “wall” which will NEVER be built, republicans could be facing another “blue wave” – this time in the Senate – in the 2020 election cycle.

Here’s what is likely to happen. Nancy Pelosi, who appears to be playing individual 1 like he’s a cheap fiddle, will initiate a vote in the House declaring opposition to this “emergency” and, by doing so, will FORCE a vote in the Senate on the same resolution. I believe it’s called a “resolution of disapproval” (or something to that effect) and it’s “privileged” meaning McConnell CAN’T block a vote in the Senate. The resolution needs only a majority to pass in the Senate and then, of course, individual 1 can veto it. Here’s “rub #1” for the republicans. In 2020 the tables will be turned on the election in the Senate. Republicans will be defending 20 or more seats in 2020 and several of them are vulnerable WITHOUT this “wall” nonsense. Pelosi is going to FORCE them to make a vote on the RECORD which will potentially cost several of them their jobs – one way or the other.

Here’s what I mean. In the republican party you’re expected to act like you’re part of a herd of sheep. If you vote against the wishes of the “money changers” who are (like “puppet masters”) pulling the strings as if behind the curtain where we found the Wizard of Oz, you’re going to get primaried and the flow of money will stop and you’ll be out. If you continue to support individual 1 the money will continue to flow and individual 1 won’t put out a nasty “tweet” giving you a nickname, but “we the people” could very well throw you out via the ballot box. My point is that individual 1 is putting a number of republicans in an awkward spot and you have to believe, at least privately, they’re mumbling things about individual 1 which resemble many of the comments we’ve heard from his former associates. I believe individual 1’s “popularity” will continue to decline right up to the next election and his “base” will more and more see him just as members of his inner circle who are around him for any length of time see him.

Like Rex Tillerson calling him a “moron” according to most outlets I’ve heard or read. Of course that was eventually “edited” to confirm Tillerson actually called individual 1 a “f@#king moron.” Individual 1 has been referred to as an IDIOT by many people – including MOST of the people I know personally – the most significant of which I would say was James Mattis, our former Secretary of Defense. I mean, when you’re talking about someone with the keys to the nuclear arsenal you don’t really want the person most directly standing between individual 1 and that “briefcase” (or whatever it is that hold’s individual 1’s “button”) to be referring to the “boss” as an IDIOT.

John Kelly, who proved himself to be every bit the deplorable of individual 1, himself, when he worked as the “White House” Chief of Staff – remember his tirade against the African American member of Florida’s Congressional delegation which exposed Kelly as the same type of misogynist and racist as his boss (Kelly included LIES about President Obama in the tirade evidently just for “good measure”) – well, Kelly was right there with individual 1 for over a year and he too allegedly referred to the “boss” as an “IDIOT.”

Well, why it surprised me, at the time of each instance, to hear the way the three men who were supposedly going to keep the administration “afloat” calling individual 1 names ranging from MORON to IDIOT – it didn’t surprise me as much as what I heard yesterday from none other than the main perpetrator of the longest government shutdown in United States history – you know who I’m talking about, one of individual 1’s top advisors – Ann Coulter, in response to individual 1’s incredible show of ignorance as he took reporters’ questions while standing in front of the “White House” and declaring a “national emergency” over the “wall Mexico will pay for,” when she lamented “the only emergency we have is that individual 1 (I believe she referred to him as “our president”) is an IDIOT.” Now, while Tillerson, Kelly, and Mattis calling him an IDIOT, might have bothered him, I’m guessing hearing it from Coulter pissed him off the most.

I mean she had just talked individual 1 into sabotaging his own poll numbers by estimates ranging in the 15% range and causing BILLIONS in damage to the GDP while leaving about a MILLION government contractors scrambling to pay their bills and seeing no relief in sight as individual 1 even went so far as to make sure those contractors would not receive any compensation for the time he screwed them out of work. Of course, this is classic individual 1 if you’ve read anything about his history of STIFFING workers AND banks and who knows who else – likely anyone he could. Stiffing these government contractors would be “par for the course” in individual 1’s “world” – pun intended.

Individual 1 doesn’t want his FINANCES investigated because he knows what the investigators are going to find. While he just stiffed workers that perform tasks like doing laundry for government agencies, when it comes to money, individual 1 does his own LAUNDRY – I hope you get my “drift.” As Mueller takes a close look at individual 1’s history with the Russian mafiya and whatever they call the Saudi money changers, I believe the crimes of Paul Mannafort and Michael Cohen will look like child’s play. Individual 1 is likely causing serious discussions inside the Justice Department regarding to the Office of Legal Counsel memo of some 50 years ago stating a sitting president can’t be indicted. Keep in mind, it’s not a law – just “guidance” which has been followed since the Watergate era. Of course, prosecutors have NEVER had a so-called president willing to arrogantly put himself above the law anywhere close to individual 1.

It’s been NO secret during all these investigations why individual 1 can’t get GOOD legal representation – he’s STIFFED too many lawyers over the years. He uses their services and then forces them to sue him to collect their fees – and, ultimately, in many cases they settle for something less than was originally agreed upon or NOTHING if he files bankruptcy. He can’t get banks to loan him money because he’s likely going to find a way to NOT pay it back – remember individual 1 has gone through 6 or 7 bankruptcies and now he’s threatening to take “we the people” to the next one – and, sadly, virtually every republican in Congress is willing to “go along for the ride.” That’s why I really like what Ms Pelosi is doing – forcing republicans to vote on taking money from areas like disaster relief, or defense spending, or Food Stamps, or who knows – wherever he thinks he can pull it off – thus putting a yea or nay vote ON THE RECORD. It will only take four republican “defectors” to force individual 1 to veto the resolution and, I believe, political advertisements are already being planned from this issue. (And, it’s not republicans doing the planning, if you get my drift)

And, here’s the real “rub” facing all these sheep oriented republicans – no matter how they vote, this “emergency” is likely headed for the “dust bin” of history once it gets into the courts – which should be, well, almost NOW. The lawsuits are likely to be coming from all kinds of different directions forcing a legal battle which will likely still be ongoing during the 2020 campaign. Individual 1 continues to give democrats all the “ammunition” they need to defeat him if he manages to remain in office long enough to run again in 2020. Personally, I’m forcing myself to believe there’s enough republicans in Congress to be unwilling to support a so-called president who conspired with Russians to get elected that maybe individual 1 will be primaried. So far, however, I’ve been shocked over and over at the willingness of republicans to come along side someone who violates almost EVERYTHING they supposedly ONCE stood for. (Of course, I’ve been writing for years about how their so-called “principles” are nothing more than hot air coming from their mouths)

So, either way, republicans will LOSE on this issue individual 1 has presented them with. Close to 70% of Americans oppose building a “wall” on the Southern border (except, maybe, in some places where it makes sense – but, NOT the entire border) and, when individual 1 starts threatening to move money that would have benefited “them,” more people are going to be taking notice. Yes, there’s about a third of Americans who’ve allowed themselves to be BRAINWASHED by outlets like Fox “news,” Breitbart, and other right wing outlets, along with talking heads like Rush Limbaugh, Coulter, and others in the right wing message machine. However, the other two thirds of America seems to be solidifying against this BRAZEN attempt to turn America into an Neo-Nazi autocracy in real time.

This is what has been referred to as the “permanent republican ‘majority'” since the days of Bush/Cheney and operatives like Karl Rove. People like Paul Mannafort and Roger Stone have always lurked in the background – willing to do whatever it takes to create that situation where right wing republicans control ALL the branches of government, thus making impotent the framers idea of “checks and balances.” They had the “makings” of this plan with Bush/Cheney – Cheney being the ideal perpetrator of this plan – but GW Bush frequently had difficulty putting a complete sentence together (sound familiar), the traditional republican assault on our deficit and national debt got the usual results – getting the attention of “we the people,” and, sure enough, due to Bush/Cheney incompetence, the democrats were voted back into control of Congress during the 2006 election.

I believe Ann Coulter (and, many others willing to sell out America for MONEY) thought individual 1 the perfect “stooge” to finally bring their dream of what would amount to a republican coup de tat via the ballot box in America – because all they needed was for individual 1 to sign the bills they would put on his desk, keep his mouth shut, and break his “twitter” finger. Of course, I believe even the republicans who gained control of the government in 2016 didn’t realize how incompetent THEY, themselves, were. They managed only ONE bill of any consequence and that was the tax scam which is already coming back to haunt them. Additionally, individual 1 has shown himself to be unwilling to simply play golf until it’s time to sign a bill and his narcissism is such that he’s obsessed with finding the spotlight – EVERY day! So, now Coulter (and, there’s probably others who haven’t been caught on camera or don’t use “twitter”) is referring to individual 1 as an IDIOT. (They’re correct!)

It was hard for me to watch individual 1’s press briefing yesterday and also find myself doing something I thought was impossible – and, that’s being in total agreement with Coulter. Of course, I didn’t need what happened yesterday to cause me to believe our so-called president’s an IDIOT, but, how can I best put this? It was a start. :o) I have to believe the nasty Coulter “tweets” have already started (I don’t do ANY social media so call this an “educated guess”) and individual 1 will be saying things like “I hardly know her” or “I don’t know who she is.” What people need to understand is when you allow yourself to be sucked into the world of individual 1 you’re living in the absurd. What we all witnessed yesterday at individual 1’s press briefing was embarrassing (he’s the so-called president), frightening (he’s got his “button”), and sickening (he’s got two more years unless republicans decide to try to save their party). Keep in mind, the video of that “incredible” performance by individual 1 went around the world.

Final Thought: I’ve got to add one more “woe” individual 1 gave to the republicans who are soon going to be in a place where they either support our constitution and a rational view of the “rule of law” or they go all in for individual 1 (who’d likely already be a felon save for the aforementioned Justice Department “memo” written 50 years ago) who would turn on them in an instant if it worked in his favor. Shortly after stating his intention to declare a national emergency in order to redirect funds toward his “wall” (that’s NEVER going to be built and everyone KNOWS this) individual 1 made it clear this is no emergency. As he often does (likely why Coulter referred to him as an IDIOT) it only took individual 1 a few minutes to actually SAY he’s doing this for entirely political reasons and it’s NO emergency. As some pundits correctly pointed out, he just gave the lawyers filing the lawsuits the first sentence in their briefs. Our so-called president really is an IDIOT! Take Ann Coulter’s word for it!

Trump will masterfully keep the media’s attention on this “WALL” that will never be built and OFF the mounting evidence he conspired with the Russians during the 2016 campaign to get himself “elected” and to put a Russian “asset” into the “White House.”

Honestly, I get tired of “patting myself on the back” – but, then when I stop and think about what is happening in this era of our so-called president – I’m not the genius I sometimes picture in my own mind. While I’ve been pointing out for over a year that I’ve pictured our so-called president as a “mafia boss” and the FACT that many in our so-called “liberal media” are beginning to make the same characterization in regards to Trump, his associates, and his “methods.” More and more I’m listening to pundits and commentators on various “news” TV outlets referring to Trump as “someone who resembles a ‘mafia boss.'” And, that the Trump organization appears, in many regards, to be an organization linked to organized crime.

If you’ve read any of the books out there which connect Trump to the Russian “mafiya” this would be no surprise. And, I’ve always surmised that the hosts of the nightly “news” broadcasts on the cable TV 24/7 “news” cycle certainly SHOULD have read some of these books – like for example, “The House of Trump/The House of Putin” written by Craig Unger, or “The Apprentice” by Greg Miller, or “Messing With the Enemy” by Clint Watts to name a few – none of this would be surprising. Every time Trump shouts “no collusion” it appears to me it’s because, well, there WAS collusion. Of course, “collusion” in this instance is better defined as TREASON.

There seems to be “a scandal a day” with Trump – which, I suppose, is what happens when you shine a light on an organization in the “underworld.” And, keep in mind, Trump clearly failed to separate himself from his “business” after he (with Putin’s help) “won” the election in 2016 (with, of course, 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) just as he’s failed to release his tax returns – ostensibly because of some kind of never ending audit – for what I believe will be exposed as even a failed mafia organization – although, I’m guessing the tax returns will show that Trump’s been cheating for years. Additionally, I believe Trump is getting backed up closer and closer to the “corner” and you can see it in the way he carries himself on a day to day basis. Incredibly, (although I couldn’t stomach watching it) he apparently thought he could say something in his “State of the Union” speech which would mollify democrats to cancel any plans to investigate him. My only thought to that was “wow, this so-called president is more ignorant than I ever thought.”

The more we find out about who he’s been associated with over the years the more it’s easy to realize we have a deluded, pathological LIAR in the “White House.” Today’s scandal has to do with the corporation titled “AMI” which owns and operates the Enquirer – the magazine you see as you’re approaching the checkout stand at the local super market with salacious material on just about anyone you’ve read about or seen on TV or in the movies. This is the magazine Trump refers to as publishing “the real news, unlike publications like the Washington Post.” This is also the publication which conspired with Trump to “shut up” the women who had “salacious” stories about Trump which were going to go public right before the election and right after the Access Hollywood tapes – the stories partially responsible for the three years Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and “fixer” (is that not a mafia term?), is about to spend in PRISON.

Well, tonight it was reported that Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post (along with and, well, a bunch of other “stuff”) and was recently the subject of some of the Enquirer’s “dirty work” publicly exposed AMI’s alleged attempt to extort or blackmail him in regards to, apparently, some “salacious” pictures the Enquirer had received of Bezos in regards to the extra marital affair they (the Enquirer) exposed last month leading to the end of Bezos’ 25 year marriage. Again, this appears to be the work of some kind of mafia like enterprise (AMI) and, I’m sure, they were very surprised at Bezos’ willingness to expose himself (no pun intended) to humiliation in “exposing” their (AMI’s) attempt at extortion.

What makes this even more interesting to me is that AMI had, last summer, entered into an agreement with the Southern District of New York to avoid being caught up, legally, in Trump’s campaign finance violations – an agreement which required AMI to avoid being “naughty” for at least the next three years. Boy, things get more interesting by the day, don’t they? Remember, you can go back for, evidently, many years to see how the Enquirer and Trump have been in some kind of “partnership.” AMI may have “exposed” their PECKER (David Pecker, the CEO) to a plethora of criminal liability. (I couldn’t resist) This kind of behavior must be how it “goes down” in New York. I keep seeing people from New York and New Jersey “thumbing their noses” at the idea “we the people” have a constitution and their states have what are commonly referred to as LAWS!

I started writing this post a few days ago (and got sick) and, sure enough, the “scandals” keep piling up and Trump continues to ignore them and our “liberal media” continues to allow Trump to play them – kind of like Kim Jong un is playing Trump. Yes, more and more journalists are considering the possibility our so-called president is nothing more than a mafia boss, and, yes, they are continually pointing out the level of the LYING – although, they fail to educate “we the people” about the “theory” behind all the LYING – Google “Joseph Goebbels”) – but, they continue giving Trump the “me time” on TV that he so craves and causing people like me to have indigestion when trying to watch channels like MSNBC. My latest thought was the first time an obvious LIE comes from his mouth, the cameras should go dark and Trump should be left bloviating to the journalists who care to yell questions at him as he sits in the Oval Office – or wherever their “meetings” take place.

Many have said Trump is incapable of “learning” – but, from what I heard this morning when trying to watch a bit of MSNBC he’s learned that taking the “blame” up front for a government shutdown is about as STUPID as it gets. So, this morning, Trump was blaming democrats for the next “shutdown” as he was BLOVIATING on how important having a WALL – apparently, 2000 miles long – is to the security of the United States. Watching Trump make this argument reaffirms in my mind how pathetic pathological LIARS really are – and, how dangerous they can be if they manage to get into positions of real power.

While the idea of this wall was “invented” by Roger Stone as a mnemonic device to keep Trump’s focus on his racist immigration policies, Trump, as pathological LIARS do, has convinced himself that the WALL is actually important. And, of course, NO ONE on the republican side of the isle – those who are willing to support this idea of a 2000 mile long wall – will even mutter the word “Mexico” – as in “Mexico’s going to pay for it, 100 percent.” Over and over again, during the campaign, “we the people” would hear Trump at his rallies chanting “who’s going to pay for it?” and the audience, in unison, would shout “Mexico.” Apparently, they’ve all forgotten that and want ME to pay for (at least part of) the “WALL.” Of course, Trump will masterfully keep the attention on this “WALL” that will never be built and OFF the mounting evidence he conspired with the Russians during the 2016 campaign to get himself “elected” and to put a Russian “asset” into the “White House.” I honestly believe this manipulation of the media is subconscious with Trump – he’s been doing this his entire adult life. (and, of course, THEY allow it to work)

Back to what’s important. For years Trump has been in the Vladimir Putin admiration society (and, of course, based on recent “tweets” you can put Kim Jong un in that category as well) and he’s been doing more “good” for Russia than Putin could have imagined back when the “plan” to get Trump elected was concocted. Whether Trump was actually an overt participant in the “plan” remains to be seen, but he’s certainly doing more to further Russia’s (and Putin’s) interests than, well, to some degree, Putin himself. The other day it was reported that in a court filing the Special Counsel’s office actually “slipped” – that is, gave “we the people” a “snapshot” of where they are headed – when one of their lawyers said, “This points to the heart of our investigation” (or words to that effect) in reference to some connection between Paul Mannafort and a Russian connected to the Kremlin which would suggest some kind of conspiracy. This is where the “media” should be focused until we learn whether or NOT (yes, I accept that’s a possibility) our so-called president is a Russian “asset.”

I, like anyone else who cares and who feels the call to write, could go on and on and still not keep up with what is a brazenly arrogant attack on our fundamental values. “We the people” cannot allow our country to be undermined by a bunch of white nationalists and Neo-Nazi’s. The reality is, however, that if “we the people” are not willing to FIGHT for what was a much GREATER nation prior to Trump’s presidency, then – sadly – we deserve what we get. Last night there were “dueling” rallies in El Paso Texas and I was able to watch about two minutes of Trump LYING to a group of white people who appeared to WILLINGLY accept the LYING – in fact, in a couple instances actually cheer LIES. While, to me, Trump is disgusting – watching so many people WILLINGLY accept LYING – right to their faces (well, some of them were stationed right behind Trump) – was discouraging and sad.

I understand some of the so-called “conservative” issues – many are real and should be part of a national dialogue – just as many of the “liberal” issues – but, at some point, we have to say the LYING stops, right here right now. NO MAS! As the saying goes, “you get your own opinion, you just don’t get your own FACTS.” People can argue about FACTS, but FACTS aren’t conservative or liberal – they’re just FACTS. Finally, it was just SAD watching people – supposedly from El Paso, but I even questioned that – willingly accept the LIES about their own community.

Final thought: While I’m kind of “bashing” the media (for allowing themselves to be “played” by Trump) this morning I visited my daughter’s home where CNN would take the place of MSNBC at my home (at least with me – my wife won’t watch any of it) I saw that CNN is hosting a Town Hall tonight for Howard Schultz, the former CEO (and founder) of Starbucks, who wants to run for president as an independent. History tells us, this is Trump’s greatest chance to get re-elected. Just as republican operatives were supporting (surreptitiously) John Anderson back when Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter – a collection zone for disaffected democrats – I believe you’ll see “conservatives” supporting Schultz to accomplish the same outcome. I was a bit taken aback that CNN – aren’t they suppose to be “liberal” – would be so blatantly giving this platform to someone ostensibly because he’s been a business success. I believe this is EXACTLY what “we the people” voted AGAINST in 2018.

Based on what he’s claimed he believes in, if Schultz really wants to be president, he should run as a democrat – OR challenge Trump as a republican. From what he’s said, it appears to me the only reason he wouldn’t want to run as a democrat is because the “field” will be so crowded. Here’s what I thought: I think I want to run as an independent for president! I believe what separates me from having the opportunity to press my thoughts on the issues to “we the people” is – well, I’m essentially broke when it comes to running for office and, of course, Schultz has BILLIONS. The other issue, for me, comes from what’s been happening in Virginia. While I can’t remember some of the STUPID things I’ve done during my lifetime, I don’t think an opposition research agency would have all that much trouble coming up with something, at a minimum, very embarrassing. So, I’m announcing the end of my campaign (before it starts :o) Maybe Howard Schultz will listen to me and do the same thing. I’d certainly HATE to be the reason “we the people” had to tolerate even one second more than necessary of Trump.

Is Trump’s incompetence and corruption actually speeding up the process of America facing her demons?

I was watching TV today and realized that too many Americans watch way too much TV. When you combine the time we spend watching TV with the time we spend on the internet it becomes apparent how “we the people” are so susceptible to ACTUAL “fake news” – the misinformation which is the focus of the Russian misinformation campaign to destabilize the Western democracies. This (the Russian ATTACK) has been going on for several years now and Trump continues to act as if nothing is happening. The reason I brought up the amount of TV people watch is because that’s the only way I can conceive that Millions of Americans would have been STUPID enough to elect Trump as our so-called president.

Yes, I watch (mostly sports and MSNBC) TV myself AND I spend time on the internet – much of it venting my frustration on this “so-called” Blog – but I also spend time reading book after book which expose what our government is “up to.” I felt the need to re-educate myself as to what MY government is doing after Bush/Cheney LIED America into an ill-advised invasion of Iraq – which took untold lives, displaced MILLIONS, and continues to be the root cause of much of the destabilization in the world as I’m writing this. But, today as I wondered “how on earth could ‘we the people’ have elected Donald Trump as our so-called president?” I had to think TV is the culprit.

I haven’t watched what people I know call a “program” for years – many years – so, I NEVER watched “The Apprentice” which apparently convinced millions of Americans that Trump is the “master of the deal.” Of course, we’ve noticed over the past two years this is part of the nonsense Trump has proven – well – is nonsense. Here’s the present difficulty – Trump’s been backed into a corner and when a “rat” (yes, that’s what he called Michael Cohen so I’ll use the “what goes around comes around” analysis here) is backed into a corner he/she will come out snarling. So, hold on to your “hat” for what’s going to lie ahead when the three weeks is up after the infamous “Trump shutdown” – because Trump’s NOT going to get his STUPID wall – but, Trump is going to be trying to get back on the good side of Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.

How will Trump attempt to do this? Well, as he always does, by LYING. The other day I tried to force myself to watch an interview Trump gave on CBS right before the Super Bowl and, just like when I try to watch Fox “news,” I had to switch off the TV before I gagged. The LIES were coming fast and furious. Trump is the classic pathological LIAR and it’s actually kind of sad to watch how pathetic he is when he tries to LIE himself out of an undesirable situation. In the interview I tried to watch Trump was claiming he may “shut down the government” again on February 15th – which is the next day government appropriations legislation MUST be passed or the government again runs out of money. While Trump was claiming he doesn’t take anything off the table he made comments regarding the “emergency” at our Southern border – an emergency which doesn’t exist – comments that were simply fabricated. Apparently, he can’t help himself. As has been documented in several places, when Trump’s lips are moving, he’s LYING!

Today, the NEWEST Trump administration DISASTER is the reality that HIS border policy has been an unmitigated DISASTER – there are untold numbers of CHILDREN who were separated from their parents who are likely NEVER going to be reunited. This is another BLACK mark on the United States in regards to RACIST policy – make no mistake, this policy is the result of a RACIST in the “White House” who chose to separate these children to send a “message” to others who might be seeking asylum in the United States. Using Trump’s own words, these are not the children of migrants from “Norway.” Thankfully, the ACLU is likely to take Trump, Steven Miller, and the rest of his administration to the highest court in the land – and, then, “we the people” will discover how much DAMAGE Trump has done to the court system – which will last for a generation.

One of the reasons people like Mitch McConnell are remaining silent in the face of ALL the evidence Trump is, at best, incompetent and, at worst, a tool of Vladimir Putin, is that Trump is stacking the court system with right wing judges who will be in place potentially for the next 30 – 40 years – so, “we the people” could be dealing with the “fallout” of the Russians helping to elect an American president well past when he leaves office – one way or the other. While I agree with those who claim there’s already enough corroborated information which would call for Trump to be impeached and REMOVED from office – the reality is that the republicans in the Senate are his “firewall.” So, it’s likely Trump will have to be removed by “we the people” at the ballot box in November of 2020.

Of course, there’s another possibility here – and, it’s just as bad, maybe worse, than republicans simply enabling Trump. It appears the influence of Russia into America’s politics goes way beyond Trump. Senators like McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and Marco Rubio clearly have taken large amounts of money from Russians. Could they be supporting Trump because they, themselves, are compromised by the Russians? For example, at the beginning of Trump’s time in the “White House” I thought Graham was potentially one republican who would stand up to Trump and he (Graham) has proven himself to be woefully pathetic himself as he’s attempted to defend the indefensible. It’s really hard for me to understand why all these republicans are willing to sink on Trump’s “ship of state” with him? I believe the long term consequence of the actions of the present day republicans (not just in the Senate – there are some REALLY pathetic Trump enablers in the House – they were just silenced by “we the people” at the last election)

Trump is about to face a plethora of investigations, investigations which SHOULD have happened in his first two years in office if “we the people” actually had representatives who took their OATH to the constitution seriously. Watching people like Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan, to name a couple of the ringleaders, in the House acting like “lap dogs” for Trump was so discouraging to me. However, the focus of this “blog” (if that’s what it is) since I started – after Bush/Cheney LIED “we the people” into Iraq – possible the WORST executive action in the HISTORY of the United States – has been that I believe the present day republican party needs to be placed into the “dust bin” of American history. I’ve always lamented the democratic party seemed incapable of putting this version of the republicans “to bed” – but, I’m encouraged by this NEW “breed” of democrats in the House and the likelihood that democrats may take back control of the Senate in 2020.

Clearly, I don’t want democrats doing the same thing as the republicans should they take control of the Senate and the White House. Ideally, what’s going to come from the disaster which is the Trump administration will be politicians who take their OATH to the constitution seriously and transparency will be required of our political leaders – such as publishing their tax returns simply to assure “we the people” there are no financial issues which compromise our leaders. There are so many issues which have become routine in American politics since the days of Reagan which have led to the intense corruption of our government – I believe this is a bipartisan issue, although significantly more severe on the GOP side – that one thing Trump may accomplish is a “new breed” of politician may work tirelessly to clean it up.

The “system” is rigged and it has been rigged by and for those who control the vast majority of wealth in America and it will take patience and perseverance by “we the people” to elect members of Congress willing to “clean it up.” For example, somehow the effects of the Citizens United Supreme Court decision MUST be overturned to purge the unfettered effect of money in our political system. The FIGHT will not be easy – as you can see in Virginia, for example, right wing operatives are working tirelessly to find “stuff” to upend the prospects of leaders who are democrats – like Ralph Northem in Virginia. Here’s what I’m worried about – the idea that if there’s anything in your history that is questionable, something maybe you don’t even remember – you’re liable to be facing a barrage of negative publicity. The present atmosphere could prevent many qualified people from even considering committing to public service.

I could go on and on about how I look forward to the day when America looks like she looked when the ideals of the New Deal were in their infancy – keeping in mind the Civil Rights movement was not part of the New Deal. Wouldn’t it be ironic if Trump was actually responsible for waking up America to the point where enough young progressive people decided to participate in the “system” to the point where America’s subservience to corporate interests will be coming to an end. I’m reading another really interesting book by Steven Brill titled “Tailspin” which points out how the America I grew up in during the 50’s through 70’s has been hijacked. I guess this is the question that’s going through my mind: “Is Trump’s incompetence and corruption actually speeding up the process of America facing her demons?” As difficult as it is to tolerate him as our so-called president, hopefully, the end result will be the commitment of our young progressives to say “enough already!” And to participate in what some of the new democrats in the House are calling the “Green New Deal”