Trump will masterfully keep the media’s attention on this “WALL” that will never be built and OFF the mounting evidence he conspired with the Russians during the 2016 campaign to get himself “elected” and to put a Russian “asset” into the “White House.”

Honestly, I get tired of “patting myself on the back” – but, then when I stop and think about what is happening in this era of our so-called president – I’m not the genius I sometimes picture in my own mind. While I’ve been pointing out for over a year that I’ve pictured our so-called president as a “mafia boss” and the FACT that many in our so-called “liberal media” are beginning to make the same characterization in regards to Trump, his associates, and his “methods.” More and more I’m listening to pundits and commentators on various “news” TV outlets referring to Trump as “someone who resembles a ‘mafia boss.'” And, that the Trump organization appears, in many regards, to be an organization linked to organized crime.

If you’ve read any of the books out there which connect Trump to the Russian “mafiya” this would be no surprise. And, I’ve always surmised that the hosts of the nightly “news” broadcasts on the cable TV 24/7 “news” cycle certainly SHOULD have read some of these books – like for example, “The House of Trump/The House of Putin” written by Craig Unger, or “The Apprentice” by Greg Miller, or “Messing With the Enemy” by Clint Watts to name a few – none of this would be surprising. Every time Trump shouts “no collusion” it appears to me it’s because, well, there WAS collusion. Of course, “collusion” in this instance is better defined as TREASON.

There seems to be “a scandal a day” with Trump – which, I suppose, is what happens when you shine a light on an organization in the “underworld.” And, keep in mind, Trump clearly failed to separate himself from his “business” after he (with Putin’s help) “won” the election in 2016 (with, of course, 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) just as he’s failed to release his tax returns – ostensibly because of some kind of never ending audit – for what I believe will be exposed as even a failed mafia organization – although, I’m guessing the tax returns will show that Trump’s been cheating for years. Additionally, I believe Trump is getting backed up closer and closer to the “corner” and you can see it in the way he carries himself on a day to day basis. Incredibly, (although I couldn’t stomach watching it) he apparently thought he could say something in his “State of the Union” speech which would mollify democrats to cancel any plans to investigate him. My only thought to that was “wow, this so-called president is more ignorant than I ever thought.”

The more we find out about who he’s been associated with over the years the more it’s easy to realize we have a deluded, pathological LIAR in the “White House.” Today’s scandal has to do with the corporation titled “AMI” which owns and operates the Enquirer – the magazine you see as you’re approaching the checkout stand at the local super market with salacious material on just about anyone you’ve read about or seen on TV or in the movies. This is the magazine Trump refers to as publishing “the real news, unlike publications like the Washington Post.” This is also the publication which conspired with Trump to “shut up” the women who had “salacious” stories about Trump which were going to go public right before the election and right after the Access Hollywood tapes – the stories partially responsible for the three years Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer and “fixer” (is that not a mafia term?), is about to spend in PRISON.

Well, tonight it was reported that Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post (along with and, well, a bunch of other “stuff”) and was recently the subject of some of the Enquirer’s “dirty work” publicly exposed AMI’s alleged attempt to extort or blackmail him in regards to, apparently, some “salacious” pictures the Enquirer had received of Bezos in regards to the extra marital affair they (the Enquirer) exposed last month leading to the end of Bezos’ 25 year marriage. Again, this appears to be the work of some kind of mafia like enterprise (AMI) and, I’m sure, they were very surprised at Bezos’ willingness to expose himself (no pun intended) to humiliation in “exposing” their (AMI’s) attempt at extortion.

What makes this even more interesting to me is that AMI had, last summer, entered into an agreement with the Southern District of New York to avoid being caught up, legally, in Trump’s campaign finance violations – an agreement which required AMI to avoid being “naughty” for at least the next three years. Boy, things get more interesting by the day, don’t they? Remember, you can go back for, evidently, many years to see how the Enquirer and Trump have been in some kind of “partnership.” AMI may have “exposed” their PECKER (David Pecker, the CEO) to a plethora of criminal liability. (I couldn’t resist) This kind of behavior must be how it “goes down” in New York. I keep seeing people from New York and New Jersey “thumbing their noses” at the idea “we the people” have a constitution and their states have what are commonly referred to as LAWS!

I started writing this post a few days ago (and got sick) and, sure enough, the “scandals” keep piling up and Trump continues to ignore them and our “liberal media” continues to allow Trump to play them – kind of like Kim Jong un is playing Trump. Yes, more and more journalists are considering the possibility our so-called president is nothing more than a mafia boss, and, yes, they are continually pointing out the level of the LYING – although, they fail to educate “we the people” about the “theory” behind all the LYING – Google “Joseph Goebbels”) – but, they continue giving Trump the “me time” on TV that he so craves and causing people like me to have indigestion when trying to watch channels like MSNBC. My latest thought was the first time an obvious LIE comes from his mouth, the cameras should go dark and Trump should be left bloviating to the journalists who care to yell questions at him as he sits in the Oval Office – or wherever their “meetings” take place.

Many have said Trump is incapable of “learning” – but, from what I heard this morning when trying to watch a bit of MSNBC he’s learned that taking the “blame” up front for a government shutdown is about as STUPID as it gets. So, this morning, Trump was blaming democrats for the next “shutdown” as he was BLOVIATING on how important having a WALL – apparently, 2000 miles long – is to the security of the United States. Watching Trump make this argument reaffirms in my mind how pathetic pathological LIARS really are – and, how dangerous they can be if they manage to get into positions of real power.

While the idea of this wall was “invented” by Roger Stone as a mnemonic device to keep Trump’s focus on his racist immigration policies, Trump, as pathological LIARS do, has convinced himself that the WALL is actually important. And, of course, NO ONE on the republican side of the isle – those who are willing to support this idea of a 2000 mile long wall – will even mutter the word “Mexico” – as in “Mexico’s going to pay for it, 100 percent.” Over and over again, during the campaign, “we the people” would hear Trump at his rallies chanting “who’s going to pay for it?” and the audience, in unison, would shout “Mexico.” Apparently, they’ve all forgotten that and want ME to pay for (at least part of) the “WALL.” Of course, Trump will masterfully keep the attention on this “WALL” that will never be built and OFF the mounting evidence he conspired with the Russians during the 2016 campaign to get himself “elected” and to put a Russian “asset” into the “White House.” I honestly believe this manipulation of the media is subconscious with Trump – he’s been doing this his entire adult life. (and, of course, THEY allow it to work)

Back to what’s important. For years Trump has been in the Vladimir Putin admiration society (and, of course, based on recent “tweets” you can put Kim Jong un in that category as well) and he’s been doing more “good” for Russia than Putin could have imagined back when the “plan” to get Trump elected was concocted. Whether Trump was actually an overt participant in the “plan” remains to be seen, but he’s certainly doing more to further Russia’s (and Putin’s) interests than, well, to some degree, Putin himself. The other day it was reported that in a court filing the Special Counsel’s office actually “slipped” – that is, gave “we the people” a “snapshot” of where they are headed – when one of their lawyers said, “This points to the heart of our investigation” (or words to that effect) in reference to some connection between Paul Mannafort and a Russian connected to the Kremlin which would suggest some kind of conspiracy. This is where the “media” should be focused until we learn whether or NOT (yes, I accept that’s a possibility) our so-called president is a Russian “asset.”

I, like anyone else who cares and who feels the call to write, could go on and on and still not keep up with what is a brazenly arrogant attack on our fundamental values. “We the people” cannot allow our country to be undermined by a bunch of white nationalists and Neo-Nazi’s. The reality is, however, that if “we the people” are not willing to FIGHT for what was a much GREATER nation prior to Trump’s presidency, then – sadly – we deserve what we get. Last night there were “dueling” rallies in El Paso Texas and I was able to watch about two minutes of Trump LYING to a group of white people who appeared to WILLINGLY accept the LYING – in fact, in a couple instances actually cheer LIES. While, to me, Trump is disgusting – watching so many people WILLINGLY accept LYING – right to their faces (well, some of them were stationed right behind Trump) – was discouraging and sad.

I understand some of the so-called “conservative” issues – many are real and should be part of a national dialogue – just as many of the “liberal” issues – but, at some point, we have to say the LYING stops, right here right now. NO MAS! As the saying goes, “you get your own opinion, you just don’t get your own FACTS.” People can argue about FACTS, but FACTS aren’t conservative or liberal – they’re just FACTS. Finally, it was just SAD watching people – supposedly from El Paso, but I even questioned that – willingly accept the LIES about their own community.

Final thought: While I’m kind of “bashing” the media (for allowing themselves to be “played” by Trump) this morning I visited my daughter’s home where CNN would take the place of MSNBC at my home (at least with me – my wife won’t watch any of it) I saw that CNN is hosting a Town Hall tonight for Howard Schultz, the former CEO (and founder) of Starbucks, who wants to run for president as an independent. History tells us, this is Trump’s greatest chance to get re-elected. Just as republican operatives were supporting (surreptitiously) John Anderson back when Reagan was running against Jimmy Carter – a collection zone for disaffected democrats – I believe you’ll see “conservatives” supporting Schultz to accomplish the same outcome. I was a bit taken aback that CNN – aren’t they suppose to be “liberal” – would be so blatantly giving this platform to someone ostensibly because he’s been a business success. I believe this is EXACTLY what “we the people” voted AGAINST in 2018.

Based on what he’s claimed he believes in, if Schultz really wants to be president, he should run as a democrat – OR challenge Trump as a republican. From what he’s said, it appears to me the only reason he wouldn’t want to run as a democrat is because the “field” will be so crowded. Here’s what I thought: I think I want to run as an independent for president! I believe what separates me from having the opportunity to press my thoughts on the issues to “we the people” is – well, I’m essentially broke when it comes to running for office and, of course, Schultz has BILLIONS. The other issue, for me, comes from what’s been happening in Virginia. While I can’t remember some of the STUPID things I’ve done during my lifetime, I don’t think an opposition research agency would have all that much trouble coming up with something, at a minimum, very embarrassing. So, I’m announcing the end of my campaign (before it starts :o) Maybe Howard Schultz will listen to me and do the same thing. I’d certainly HATE to be the reason “we the people” had to tolerate even one second more than necessary of Trump.

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