Our so-called president (AKA “individual 1”) really is an IDIOT! Take Ann Coulter’s word for it!

Yesterday I watched, as much as my stomach could handle, of individual 1 giving an impromptu press briefing outside the “White House” where he announced he was declaring a national emergency in order to redirect funding from other sources to build his “wall.” This, of course, is the same wall individual 1 promised Mexico would “pay for” literally HUNDREDS of times during his 2016 campaign. (The more I think about this, maybe he should have tried to get Russia to pay for it) As with most of what individual 1 does, this “move” is likely to come back to haunt republicans as much, or more, than the usual fallback from individual 1’s actions. For example, the tax scam backlash is building “steam” as more and more people file their taxes and realize they must not be part of the top 1% – because, either their refund is smaller, or like me, they’re paying more. In the case of this “national emergency” over a fictitious “wall” which will NEVER be built, republicans could be facing another “blue wave” – this time in the Senate – in the 2020 election cycle.

Here’s what is likely to happen. Nancy Pelosi, who appears to be playing individual 1 like he’s a cheap fiddle, will initiate a vote in the House declaring opposition to this “emergency” and, by doing so, will FORCE a vote in the Senate on the same resolution. I believe it’s called a “resolution of disapproval” (or something to that effect) and it’s “privileged” meaning McConnell CAN’T block a vote in the Senate. The resolution needs only a majority to pass in the Senate and then, of course, individual 1 can veto it. Here’s “rub #1” for the republicans. In 2020 the tables will be turned on the election in the Senate. Republicans will be defending 20 or more seats in 2020 and several of them are vulnerable WITHOUT this “wall” nonsense. Pelosi is going to FORCE them to make a vote on the RECORD which will potentially cost several of them their jobs – one way or the other.

Here’s what I mean. In the republican party you’re expected to act like you’re part of a herd of sheep. If you vote against the wishes of the “money changers” who are (like “puppet masters”) pulling the strings as if behind the curtain where we found the Wizard of Oz, you’re going to get primaried and the flow of money will stop and you’ll be out. If you continue to support individual 1 the money will continue to flow and individual 1 won’t put out a nasty “tweet” giving you a nickname, but “we the people” could very well throw you out via the ballot box. My point is that individual 1 is putting a number of republicans in an awkward spot and you have to believe, at least privately, they’re mumbling things about individual 1 which resemble many of the comments we’ve heard from his former associates. I believe individual 1’s “popularity” will continue to decline right up to the next election and his “base” will more and more see him just as members of his inner circle who are around him for any length of time see him.

Like Rex Tillerson calling him a “moron” according to most outlets I’ve heard or read. Of course that was eventually “edited” to confirm Tillerson actually called individual 1 a “f@#king moron.” Individual 1 has been referred to as an IDIOT by many people – including MOST of the people I know personally – the most significant of which I would say was James Mattis, our former Secretary of Defense. I mean, when you’re talking about someone with the keys to the nuclear arsenal you don’t really want the person most directly standing between individual 1 and that “briefcase” (or whatever it is that hold’s individual 1’s “button”) to be referring to the “boss” as an IDIOT.

John Kelly, who proved himself to be every bit the deplorable of individual 1, himself, when he worked as the “White House” Chief of Staff – remember his tirade against the African American member of Florida’s Congressional delegation which exposed Kelly as the same type of misogynist and racist as his boss (Kelly included LIES about President Obama in the tirade evidently just for “good measure”) – well, Kelly was right there with individual 1 for over a year and he too allegedly referred to the “boss” as an “IDIOT.”

Well, why it surprised me, at the time of each instance, to hear the way the three men who were supposedly going to keep the administration “afloat” calling individual 1 names ranging from MORON to IDIOT – it didn’t surprise me as much as what I heard yesterday from none other than the main perpetrator of the longest government shutdown in United States history – you know who I’m talking about, one of individual 1’s top advisors – Ann Coulter, in response to individual 1’s incredible show of ignorance as he took reporters’ questions while standing in front of the “White House” and declaring a “national emergency” over the “wall Mexico will pay for,” when she lamented “the only emergency we have is that individual 1 (I believe she referred to him as “our president”) is an IDIOT.” Now, while Tillerson, Kelly, and Mattis calling him an IDIOT, might have bothered him, I’m guessing hearing it from Coulter pissed him off the most.

I mean she had just talked individual 1 into sabotaging his own poll numbers by estimates ranging in the 15% range and causing BILLIONS in damage to the GDP while leaving about a MILLION government contractors scrambling to pay their bills and seeing no relief in sight as individual 1 even went so far as to make sure those contractors would not receive any compensation for the time he screwed them out of work. Of course, this is classic individual 1 if you’ve read anything about his history of STIFFING workers AND banks and who knows who else – likely anyone he could. Stiffing these government contractors would be “par for the course” in individual 1’s “world” – pun intended.

Individual 1 doesn’t want his FINANCES investigated because he knows what the investigators are going to find. While he just stiffed workers that perform tasks like doing laundry for government agencies, when it comes to money, individual 1 does his own LAUNDRY – I hope you get my “drift.” As Mueller takes a close look at individual 1’s history with the Russian mafiya and whatever they call the Saudi money changers, I believe the crimes of Paul Mannafort and Michael Cohen will look like child’s play. Individual 1 is likely causing serious discussions inside the Justice Department regarding to the Office of Legal Counsel memo of some 50 years ago stating a sitting president can’t be indicted. Keep in mind, it’s not a law – just “guidance” which has been followed since the Watergate era. Of course, prosecutors have NEVER had a so-called president willing to arrogantly put himself above the law anywhere close to individual 1.

It’s been NO secret during all these investigations why individual 1 can’t get GOOD legal representation – he’s STIFFED too many lawyers over the years. He uses their services and then forces them to sue him to collect their fees – and, ultimately, in many cases they settle for something less than was originally agreed upon or NOTHING if he files bankruptcy. He can’t get banks to loan him money because he’s likely going to find a way to NOT pay it back – remember individual 1 has gone through 6 or 7 bankruptcies and now he’s threatening to take “we the people” to the next one – and, sadly, virtually every republican in Congress is willing to “go along for the ride.” That’s why I really like what Ms Pelosi is doing – forcing republicans to vote on taking money from areas like disaster relief, or defense spending, or Food Stamps, or who knows – wherever he thinks he can pull it off – thus putting a yea or nay vote ON THE RECORD. It will only take four republican “defectors” to force individual 1 to veto the resolution and, I believe, political advertisements are already being planned from this issue. (And, it’s not republicans doing the planning, if you get my drift)

And, here’s the real “rub” facing all these sheep oriented republicans – no matter how they vote, this “emergency” is likely headed for the “dust bin” of history once it gets into the courts – which should be, well, almost NOW. The lawsuits are likely to be coming from all kinds of different directions forcing a legal battle which will likely still be ongoing during the 2020 campaign. Individual 1 continues to give democrats all the “ammunition” they need to defeat him if he manages to remain in office long enough to run again in 2020. Personally, I’m forcing myself to believe there’s enough republicans in Congress to be unwilling to support a so-called president who conspired with Russians to get elected that maybe individual 1 will be primaried. So far, however, I’ve been shocked over and over at the willingness of republicans to come along side someone who violates almost EVERYTHING they supposedly ONCE stood for. (Of course, I’ve been writing for years about how their so-called “principles” are nothing more than hot air coming from their mouths)

So, either way, republicans will LOSE on this issue individual 1 has presented them with. Close to 70% of Americans oppose building a “wall” on the Southern border (except, maybe, in some places where it makes sense – but, NOT the entire border) and, when individual 1 starts threatening to move money that would have benefited “them,” more people are going to be taking notice. Yes, there’s about a third of Americans who’ve allowed themselves to be BRAINWASHED by outlets like Fox “news,” Breitbart, and other right wing outlets, along with talking heads like Rush Limbaugh, Coulter, and others in the right wing message machine. However, the other two thirds of America seems to be solidifying against this BRAZEN attempt to turn America into an Neo-Nazi autocracy in real time.

This is what has been referred to as the “permanent republican ‘majority'” since the days of Bush/Cheney and operatives like Karl Rove. People like Paul Mannafort and Roger Stone have always lurked in the background – willing to do whatever it takes to create that situation where right wing republicans control ALL the branches of government, thus making impotent the framers idea of “checks and balances.” They had the “makings” of this plan with Bush/Cheney – Cheney being the ideal perpetrator of this plan – but GW Bush frequently had difficulty putting a complete sentence together (sound familiar), the traditional republican assault on our deficit and national debt got the usual results – getting the attention of “we the people,” and, sure enough, due to Bush/Cheney incompetence, the democrats were voted back into control of Congress during the 2006 election.

I believe Ann Coulter (and, many others willing to sell out America for MONEY) thought individual 1 the perfect “stooge” to finally bring their dream of what would amount to a republican coup de tat via the ballot box in America – because all they needed was for individual 1 to sign the bills they would put on his desk, keep his mouth shut, and break his “twitter” finger. Of course, I believe even the republicans who gained control of the government in 2016 didn’t realize how incompetent THEY, themselves, were. They managed only ONE bill of any consequence and that was the tax scam which is already coming back to haunt them. Additionally, individual 1 has shown himself to be unwilling to simply play golf until it’s time to sign a bill and his narcissism is such that he’s obsessed with finding the spotlight – EVERY day! So, now Coulter (and, there’s probably others who haven’t been caught on camera or don’t use “twitter”) is referring to individual 1 as an IDIOT. (They’re correct!)

It was hard for me to watch individual 1’s press briefing yesterday and also find myself doing something I thought was impossible – and, that’s being in total agreement with Coulter. Of course, I didn’t need what happened yesterday to cause me to believe our so-called president’s an IDIOT, but, how can I best put this? It was a start. :o) I have to believe the nasty Coulter “tweets” have already started (I don’t do ANY social media so call this an “educated guess”) and individual 1 will be saying things like “I hardly know her” or “I don’t know who she is.” What people need to understand is when you allow yourself to be sucked into the world of individual 1 you’re living in the absurd. What we all witnessed yesterday at individual 1’s press briefing was embarrassing (he’s the so-called president), frightening (he’s got his “button”), and sickening (he’s got two more years unless republicans decide to try to save their party). Keep in mind, the video of that “incredible” performance by individual 1 went around the world.

Final Thought: I’ve got to add one more “woe” individual 1 gave to the republicans who are soon going to be in a place where they either support our constitution and a rational view of the “rule of law” or they go all in for individual 1 (who’d likely already be a felon save for the aforementioned Justice Department “memo” written 50 years ago) who would turn on them in an instant if it worked in his favor. Shortly after stating his intention to declare a national emergency in order to redirect funds toward his “wall” (that’s NEVER going to be built and everyone KNOWS this) individual 1 made it clear this is no emergency. As he often does (likely why Coulter referred to him as an IDIOT) it only took individual 1 a few minutes to actually SAY he’s doing this for entirely political reasons and it’s NO emergency. As some pundits correctly pointed out, he just gave the lawyers filing the lawsuits the first sentence in their briefs. Our so-called president really is an IDIOT! Take Ann Coulter’s word for it!

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