Can you imagine how republicans would have responded had President Obama said, “I love chairman Kim. He’s written great letters to me?” OMG!

I just finished reading a short article about how more and more Americans are becoming angry as they file their taxes and learn individual 1’s “Middle Class tax cut” was NO tax cut for them. The AVERAGE American is getting a refund close to 10% less than expected based on previous years. And, of course, individual 1’s lackeys have a way of explaining this that – well – we could expect ONLY them would find palatable. They’re suggesting people should be happy because they got more in their weekly or monthly paychecks so that they weren’t “banking” money with the federal government. So, in essence, that paltry increase you got each week was, in effect, a prorated “advance” on your annual refund.

In other words, as many besides myself have been trying to explain, individual 1’s tax scam was EXACTLY that – a SCAM! In fact, those of us in the solid Middle Class will likely be paying MORE in taxes (My wife and I – she’s a part time teacher and I’m a retired teacher) because we fall in that dreaded $75,000 area where taxes are likely going UP. But, the reality for MOST in the Middle Class is they’re NOT going down. Yes, for those in the upper echelon, the taxes went WAY down. It was estimated via the sources I could find that individual 1, himself, would save in the tens of MILLIONS from the tax scam. People like Sheldon Adelson saved in the HUNDREDS of Millions and the Koch Brothers (and their peers) likely saved in the BILLIONS. (Adelson was “able” to send $30 MILLION back to the “coffers” of republican candidates as his “thank you” for the tax scam)

And, that’s not to mention the corporations – who were hoarding well north of a TRILLION when the law was passed – who are using the scam to buy back stock by the truck loads – therefore, increasing their corporations’ share value and, thus, the compensation of the top executives. Pure and simple, it’s a wonderfully orchestrated SCAM that “we the people” will understand, hopefully, at some point in time. I mean, this CRAP has been going on since the days of Reagan and republicans will keep doing it until “we the people” force them to stop – which won’t happen until “conservatives” start voting these corrupt thugs out of office by the droves.

I mean, republicans made no secret as to why they were passing this horrific legislation from the “get go.” Their DONORS were demanding it. They were EXPECTING a return on the BILLIONS “invested” in PURCHASING “the best Congress money can buy.” Keep in mind, the tax scam is STILL the only significant piece of legislation enacted since individual 1 took the oath of office. The FACT this scam will increase the national debt in the TRILLIONS is inconsequential to all these republicans who were complaining about “deficits” during President Obama’s administration – which reduced the $1.5 TRILLION annual deficit they inherited from the Bush/Cheney regime to around $400 BILLION as Obama left office – and, the deficit was on a trajectory which was headed to zero.

Of course, while individual 1 has been fully willing to take credit for an economy which he’s done little to affect – save for the tax scam which will take that deficit republicans were so willing to complain about – the Bush/Cheney deficits during Obama’s term – right back up to the levels Obama inherited. And, of course, not a “peep” from republicans – all of a sudden they’re back to the days when Dick Cheney said “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” What’s somewhat depressing, at this point as I think of my children and grandchildren, the DAMAGE being done by virtually EVERYTHING individual 1 does is having an extremely negative effect on America’s standing around the world – at least in the eyes of our traditional allies.

This past weekend individual 1’s top “lapdog,” Mike Pense, gave a speech at a security conference in Europe which included America’s traditional NATO allies and when he mentioned individual 1’s name – and waited for the “applause” – the room became silent. One of the persons who was in the room said, “you could hear a pin drop.” That SILENCE says it all in regard to what individual 1 is doing to America’s standing in the world. And, that’s on top of the DAMAGE he’s doing domestically. Republicans, what the hell is wrong with you? Individual 1 is either deranged or he really is a mob boss.

For the entire two years of individual 1’s time in the “White House” I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE individual 1 was likely to inflict on “we the people” and pondering as to how much would it take before republicans turn on him. The reality is, save for the next election, individual 1 will remain in office until republicans come to their senses. The question before us is will they decide “enough” before their party is totally destroyed. The white nationalists who make up a significant portion of individual 1’s base are nothing more than a group of extremists who, for some reason, republicans welcomed in “with open arms” after the election of Barack Obama. Now, they’re like a tick on a dog’s neck – that’s difficult to get rid of. However, if you don’t get rid of it, the DAMAGE could ultimately be fatal. (And, trust me, these “white nationalists” are NOT “very fine people” and will erupt in violence should individual 1 get what he deserves.)

Now, the reality of how the tax scam is going to affect the pocket books of every day Americans, many among those who so foolishly decided to vote for individual 1, is going to cause more and more people to take a second “look” at all of individual 1’s LIES. We’ve seen, for two years, a group of “media outlets” (more like propaganda outlets) giving credence to all of the LIES as if they’re actually the truth. I’ve pointed out numerous times on this site that this LYING is classic “Big Lie Theory” strategy from the Third Reich back in 1930’s Germany. The parallels between individual 1 and the leader of the Third Reich are startling when you compare the two. That’s one of my major complaints in regard to our “liberal media” – they fail to point out these similarities and educate “we the people” that individual 1 appears to be using Nazi strategies in pushing his agenda (whatever it actually is).

There’s got to be a reason why individual 1 NEVER says a bad word about Vladimir Putin and seems to be pushing Putin’s agenda right from the “White House.” There is an abundance of evidence that individual 1 is a Putin “puppet.” If you remember, a while back individual 1 made remarks from the Oval Office about Russia’s invasion of Afghanistan which were totally FALSE and were a direct parallel to the rewriting of history being done by Putin, himself. It was clear, the only place individual 1 could have gotten the information he was putting forth had to come from some kind of conversation with Putin.

This past weekend Andrew McCabe was interviewed on (I believe) CBS and he explained about another situation where individual 1 took the word of Putin over the intelligence he was being given by our intelligence community in an intelligence briefing. In this instance, the issue of North Korea’s ICBM’s and whether or not they had the capability to reach the United States. Individual 1 actually told the intelligence experts to their faces, “I believe Putin.” Of course, those of us paying attention will never forget individual 1’s comments at the summit in Helsinki where individual 1 also claimed he believed Putin over our intelligence community.

Can you imagine how republicans would have responded had a democratic president done these things? America’s republican party has become cowards above all the other stuff that made them intolerable to anyone but the white nationalists or the very wealthy – or, of course, those people who’ve been republicans forever without thinking what that means. I mean, speaking of North Korea, can you imagine how republicans would have responded had President Obama said, “I love chairman Kim. He’s written great letters to me.” OMG!

For me, ideally, republicans recognizing individual 1 is like a mob boss who has a “mountain” of circumstantial evidence suggesting he’s either a “witting or unwitting” agent of the Russians, who was likely in office because of the Russian interference in the 2016 election would be enough for them to stop acting like sycophants. I understand if individual 1 is impeached and then removed from office Mike Pense would be next and I’m likely not the only American who cringes at that thought. (In addition to the “white nationalists” erupting in violence) Which means this DAMAGE I’m always talking about will continue until January of 2021 and whoever follows is going to have an incredible mess to clean up.

And, that’s based on what we know now. For example, the likelihood our economy takes a “fall” which could be extreme (I don’t believe individual 1 would know how to react to a significant downturn in the economy) by 2020 is semi alarming and, in my mind, is almost certain. Also, in regard to issues relating to foreign policy, the potential for disaster seem to be looming large. The “silence” mentioned above when Pense was giving greetings from “number 45” to our traditional allies in NATO shows a PROBLEM which could take a decade to “fix.” Our traditional allies are likely NOT to trust these “uneducated voters” individual 1 says he “loves.” (Just as he loves Kim Jong un)

I keep wondering what it will take to get those who support individual 1 to realize what a threat he is to our own country and I believe that until it reaches their wallets/pocket books nothing will change. Maybe that will be the benefit of the tax scam despite it will soon push the annual deficit above a TRILLION dollars per year. It appears the wallets/pocket books of individual 1’s “uneducated” supporters are now being affected by the tax scam and not in a way they were expecting. Will this cause them to “wake up?” Who knows – what we do know is the longer individual 1 is in office the more DAMAGE “we the people” will be faced with “cleaning up” once he’s gone.

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