Monthly Archives: June 2018

Democrats, CHOOSE your battles wisely! And, to Chris Matthews: Maybe it’s time to retire! (please)

I get a seemingly endless supply of emails (mostly) from democrats or democratically leaning organizations EVERY day seeking money.  I actually read some of them and, occasionally, I send some money when I have it and I feel it’s for someone or something I can get “behind.”  (Often, the little money I have to donate goes to veterans organizations that I HOPE actually use the money to help veterans – who, it appears to me, have a HUGE need, and, just like post Viet Nam, their needs are often not being met.  (Actually, somehow, some Trump supporters got my email address and I had to learn how to funnel their emails to the “junk” folder – because I’m not giving ANYTHING to ANYONE who’s affiliated with our so-called president)  The past couple days have been one democrat after another writing about their panic over the impending choice of the next Supreme Court justice – which, in reality, I don’t believe they can stop.  However, this is just like the democrats – they work and act almost like clockwork.

Now, it’s true they might be able to delay the nomination fight for a few months – they’re actually calling for the vote to be after the fall elections.  All I can think of is “are you kidding me?”  Do you really want to give the republicans who support Trump a reason to show up at the polls in November?  Take a sober look at the “map” for the upcoming election and the odds of democrats taking control of the Senate lie somewhere between very unlikely to impossible.  Of the seats up for election over 20 are now controlled by democrats – including several in states where Trump is popular (as hard as that is for me to believe – but, the very reason he’s popular is his ability to appoint right wing judges to the Courts – so, democrats, think about your typical knee jerk reaction to Justice Kennedy’s retirement) – and, only around 10 or 11 are republicans up for re-election.  (A couple republicans “retired” so their seats are  “open” but the reason they retired is the reason it’s unlikely a democrat will win those “open” seats – although, it’s not impossible.)

Before I get to my point for this evening’s rant (there seems to be a “rant” almost EVERY day) I would suggest the democrats would be much wiser to work with moderate republicans to force Trump to nominate a somewhat “centrist” judge in the mold of Kennedy.  (Keep in mind, Kennedy was surely a conservative in his voting record)  Democrats want to preserve Roe v Wade as “established precedent” as do at least a couple republicans – so, they have the power to force that issue if that’s what got them all worked up.  The reality is they are not in a position to stop Trump from nominating the next judge and they need to think clearly about their strategy.  In my mind, they are playing right into Trump’s “hands” and, as I said, they are too predictable.

While democrats are getting worked up about one Trump TERRIBLE scandal after another, or one HORRIBLE thing he says after another, he’s almost FLEECING them behind the scenes.  Let me give you an example.  As Trump is busy blasting and complaining about the “liberal media” he’s got sycophants on the “right” busy creating more opportunity for him to BRAINWASH all those unsuspecting “conservatives” who believe he’s actually a conservative.  I’ve been pointing this out for some time – Trump is a FASCIST.  Regrettably, the republicans in Congress, especially in the House, are right there with him.  They’re doing his “bidding” and they’ll willingly take over the job of OBSTRUCTING Mueller – as they’re doing – to protect him from the need to do so.  Evidently, Congress persons can OBSTRUCT justice – although, in my mind, if the president can’t, then the Congress shouldn’t be able to as well.  But, these “tea party” thugs are very adept at pushing the boundaries of the law just as their fuhrer.

So, what am I suggesting Trump is doing while democrats are busy arguing about a Supreme Court Justice they can’t stop?  Well, for starters, lets look at that “liberal media” he’s so enamored with attacking.  I don’t think there’s a “progressive” in America who doesn’t understand the DANGER posed by Fox “news” – a TOTAL propaganda machine for Trump – reaching millions of “ditto heads” every night.  Sean Hannity:  well, he’s truly one of the “deplorables.”  But, there’s another less well known, but, by virtue of being less well known, likely MORE dangerous “arm” of the media than Fox and that’s the “Sinclair Broadcasting network” which controls something over 200 TV stations in America.  Right now, Sinclair is attempting to merge with Tribune Broadcasting which will give them control of the TV stations “fed” into 3 out of every 4 American households.  Sinclair is claiming they are “divesting” stations to meet the requirement set up to prevent monopolies, but their plan is disingenuous, to say the least.  Their idea of divesting is moving stations to family members, associates, or others with the same “bent.”  This is how FASCISM takes hold in countries like America where the people just assume they live in a “democracy” AND many choose NOT to participate.  In the upcoming midterms, it’s likely far less than HALF of America’s eligible voters will head to the polls.  America has become the perfect setting for the republicans’ “permanent ‘majority.'”

Who knows how many surreptitious schemes Trump and his supporters are “up to,” but, I guarantee you they look at the retirement of Justice Kennedy as just another way to keep democrats focused on irrelevant “stuff.”  Now, I know if you’re a democrat you don’t consider the Supreme Court nomination “irrelevant” AND, you’re still PISSED about what Mitch McConnell did back in 2016.  But, here’s where you don’t “get it.”  It was the ability to appoint Supreme Court Justices that motivated MILLIONS of Americans to vote for Trump and AGAINST Hillary Clinton back in the 2016 election.  These are people willing to “hold their noses” in regards to Trump’s personal shortcomings in order to get “conservative” judges.  All they care about is overturning Roe v Wade.  And, Trump understands the more democrats push to prevent “conservative” judges (especially via November’s election) the MORE likely “conservatives” will be to vote in November.  And, trust me, he’ll play this to the “hilt” and democrats – seemingly one and all – are “falling for his shtick.”

Democrats, do you really want this issue to be the “gift that just keeps giving?”  You’ve got so MANY legitimate issues you can run on in 2018 – why would you choose an issue that the very best you could do is temper who’s chosen to the court via a “partnership” with moderate republicans like Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski.  Work out a “deal” with them and you can block your worst nightmare.  In my mind, if you get a judge who will recuse from any Trump Russia/Cohen investigation related issue and assure Collins and Murkowski he/she believes in “established precedent,”  you’ve got a “win.”

Instead of making a big deal about the Court appointment, you should be making a big deal out of the merger between Sinclair and Tribune.  You should continue to make a big deal about 2000 children pulled from their families.  You should be focused on the impending attacks on Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  You could be pointing  out the realities of the tax “scam.”  And, there’s much more, but, Just the Sinclair/Tribune merger alone will allow Trump and his minions to do possibly irreversible DAMAGE to the America we’ve known since I was a kid in the 50’s and 60’s – through more organized BRAINWASHING!  Behind the scenes I have to believe republicans are commenting on how democrats are such “patsies.”  CHOOSE your battles wisely!

I have a tendency, as I’ve explained here, to watch MSNBC when I force myself to watch TV “news” and yesterday Chris Matthews put on a display that was, well, deplorable.  Evidently, in his futile attempt to urge democrats to do just what I’m suggesting is the EXACT wrong thing, Matthews exposed himself to, well, criticism from EVERYWHERE.  This is one of the MSNBC “pundits” who went out of his way to “normalize” Trump during the 2016 campaign and will likely never even understand his role in creating this MONSTER and DANGER to America.  Now, he’s making a scene in an apparent attempt to show his “progressive” bonafides while, almost in the same breath, gushing over what a wonderful judge Kennedy was.  Like when he voted to anoint the Bush/Cheney regime that gave us Iraq and 9/11???  Like when he gave us “Citizens United?” (possibly the WORST decision in the Court’s history – plus shortly thereafter followed up by McCutcheon v FEC at almost the same time and almost as bad)  And, just the other day, he voted to uphold Trump’s travel ban??  The list is long – yes, rarely, he would vote with the so-called “progressives,” but, he’s retiring because he WANTS Trump picking his successor.  To me, Justice Kennedy is no Supreme Court “saint.”

I guess it wouldn’t surprise you if I told you I’m often times YELLING at my radio while trying to stomach listening to Matthews while I’m driving around (listening on XM radio).  And, yesterday may have been the “icing on the cake.”  I always tell myself, Matthews has been around long enough he should know better – but, there he was encouraging democrats to take an approach that would accomplish NOTHING accept likely make them feel like they’re “putting up a battle” while they’re losing the “war” and simultaneously motivating MORE Trump supporters to go to the polls in November.

Any “wave” election needs two things – one party energized and the other party discouraged.  Why give republicans a  reason to go to the polls?  Maybe it’s me that doesn’t get it, but this just seems obvious to me.  I doubt Matthews even knows about the Sinclair/Tribune merger proposal, or if he does, cares little about it.  Maybe he thinks everyone watches cable news.  To me, that potential merger (among other Trump schemes) makes me really uneasy!  I’d feel much better if democrats were focused on battles they could possibly win and, if not, will motivate THEIR base to the polls!  I’ll say it again, choose your battles wisely!

Final Thought:  NOTHING is more important in American politics than stopping Trump!  I have a good friend who I’ve mentioned on this site before who is a Trump supporter and we have breakfast occasionally and hash out our differences.  (We manage to do it without being disagreeable with each other.  We call each other “wack jobs” good naturedly and we talk transparently – just as our Congressional leaders SHOULD – today we noticed he pours pepper on his breakfast and I pour salt on mine – we’re different)  Today, as he was claiming “progressives” are fascists – he watches Sean Hannity on Fox (despite not being willing to admit it) I challenged his “notion.”  He got his phone out and looked up “progressive” – a long definition in “Wikipedia” that I read aloud and couldn’t disagree with.  However, I said, it in no way referred to fascism (I had just finished reading “Fascism a Warning” by Madeleine Albright – who he suggested was a “fascist” until I reminded him she’s a “Holocaust survivor” – AND the “Hitler Virus” which points out a FACT he agreed with – that Hitler’s “virus” is still alive and well in Europe (and, I forgot to add, America – remember Charlottesville and all those “very fine” neo-Nazi’s).  I had pointed out to my friend that Trump, who he supports is a FASCIST.  He said, “define fascism.”  I said, “Well, you’ve got that handy phone, look it up.”  He did, and the definition started off, “A fascist is an authoritarian with nationalist tendencies.”  He didn’t want to talk about Trump and Fascism anymore.  I believe another version of “fascism” would be a “corporate/government partnership” – which some would call the Mussolini “version,” which is the “version” republicans have been pushing since the “Powell memo” back in the early 70’s. Either way, Trump is a FASCIST and the republicans in Congress are, at best, enablers, at worst, right there with him!  To me, people like Matthews would be better off spending their time pointing this out than encouraging democrats to fall for Trump’s tricks!

I believe Trump will be the “mechanism” that destroys the republican party. My hope is he doesn’t completely destroy “America first.”

I’m so disgusted by what the Trump administration is doing to families attempting to escape some of the most violent societies imaginable that I’m having a problem simply turning the TV on because it breaks my heart every time I realize MY government is sending migrant children all over the country while AT THE SAME TIME sending their parents back to the country they were/are fleeing from.  So, if you’ve had your head in the sand, that’s correct – these people attempting to get asylum in America are now back where they started their dangerous and treacherous journey to “the land of the free” AND their children are SOMEWHERE in America.  I don’t think the Trump administration is even capable of re-uniting children with their parents – but, it’s clear they could care less.  (After all, when Trump’s wife made a trip to make it look like she “cares,” she wore a coat that said, in LARGE letters “I really don’t care, do u?”)

This is all very depressing.  But, it can, and it’s likely to, get worse.  I tuned into a re-broadcast of “All In” with Chris Hayes and he started the program by interviewing a republican congressman from somewhere in North Carolina.  (The interview took away an urge I may have EVER had to visit North Carolina, but, I digress)  The conversation was regarding immigration and Hayes spent the entire interview trying to get the congressperson to respond to a question relating to the attempt by Congress to pass “immigration reform” back in 2013 when the Senate passed a bill with 68 votes, but John Boehner (my spell checker is suggesting his last name should be spelled “Boner”) refused to even put it on the floor of the House for a vote – which, clearly would have passed and, today, we would have “comprehensive immigration reform.”  The “Tea party” members of the House (including the person Hayes was interviewing), who “rule the roost” in the House were able to block the vote.  Boehner cowered in the “face” of the “Tea Party” which is now referred to as the “Freedom Caucus” – a true misnomer – for years until they finally forced him out!

So, Hayes could not get a word in “edgewise” while this congressperson (who, of course, is white) was blaming President Obama for lack of “immigration reform” (Again, he wouldn’t respond to Hayes trying to point out what had actually happened in 2013 – this is how Trump and his minions work – with NO regard to actual facts) and was throwing “dog whistles” out of both sides of his mouth with virtually every breath.  Why Hayes had him on the show was a puzzle to me – although, Hayes – to his credit, I guess – allowed this guy to throw out a barrage of racially charged LIES without any followup once he was off the show.  He gave him a platform for some really vile commentary and just shook his head because the guy was so rude.  The man was essentially acting as a bullhorn to Trump’s claims that virtually ALL these people attempting to gain asylum in America are “rapists and murderers.”  Watching it made my stomach curl and just reminded me of what “we the people” are dealing with as the November elections are approaching.

Clearly this congressperson had no compulsion about throwing out one racist “dog whistle” after another AND foisting one LIE after another on Hayes’ audience (sadly, with no rebuttal) – leaving me the impression he is in one of those so-called “safe seats.”  This tells me there’s a significant portion of North Carolina who supports someone as vile as this guy and clarifies, at least in my mind, there really is an ideological divide in America.  I find someone with this guy’s views to be “deplorable” in the words of Hillary Clinton.  (And, despite the fact I voted for Mrs. Clinton, it was a vote AGAINST Trump – I, personally, would have much preferred Bernie – but, at this time, that seems irrelevant)

Then today, as I was checking the Daily Kos “Recommended” email in my “inbox,” I read about a “Christian commentator,” Leigh Valentine, who was quoted as such:  “Valentine said that she spoke with a high-level border patrol agent recently who allegedly told her that the people who are crossing the border illegally are the dregs of society.

“Rape after rape after rape,” Valentine said. “Children below 10 years old engaging in sexual activity. All kinds of sin and disgrace and darkness; the pit of the pits. So we’re not getting the top-of-the-line echelon people coming over this border, we’re getting criminals. I mean, total criminals that are so debased and their minds are just gone. They’re unclean, they’re murderers, they’re treacherous, they’re God-haters.”  This is some of the CRAP that is “out there” and there are too many (I want to say unsuspecting) Americans, who don’t fact check ANYTHING and they end up believing this stuff.  This lady, who apparently has a “Christian” TV show along with her “ilk,” is the reason Trump gets away with pushing for a “wall” as “immigration reform.” ( a so-called wall Mexico definitely is NOT going to pay for – I keep waiting for someone in out “liberal media” to ask Sarah Sanders, it the “daily briefing,” “who’s going to pay for the ‘wall’?”)

Not that it matters, but reports are that MOST of the asylum seekers are devout Catholics or Evangelical Christians.  Reports are border patrol agents, when they arrest people, are confiscating their rosaries and throwing them in the trash.  How do I know this?  Well, a former janitor for ICE (he quit, out of conscience) saw what was being confiscated and thrown away and pulled, among other things, many rosaries out of the trash – took pictures of them – and, published the pictures online.  Yikes!

Speaking of “immigration reform” – supposedly, there’s some kind of bill pending in the House – which the “freedom caucus” is likely to block next week because it’s not draconian enough – Trump “tweeted” yesterday for republicans in Congress to “not waste their time” passing it and to wait for the “red wave” he sees coming in November.  Trump apparently believes by TEARING children from their parents (and, I believe that will continue in a couple weeks, His executive order, in my mind, was just a ploy to “turn down the heat” temporarily) that he will be gaining votes in the mid term election.  Yes, you read that correctly.  Trump, along with Stephen Miller and his other close advisers, believes this policy is what “we the people” want.  That tells me Trump actually believes America is a willing place for his FASCIST autocratic rule.  Using his own words, “we’ll see what happens.”

I’ve been pointing out the parallels to Trump and Nazi Germany for at least two years – this is something our “liberal media” is very hesitant to do – it will likely have to be in “hindsight” before they point out the reality of what is happening with this “deplorable” person.  From the campaign slogan, to the supporters giving him the “heil” salute during the campaign (Only once that I saw, because the “press” from all those right arms in the air while pledging “loyalty” was not good – for those who noticed.  I’d love to see someone in the “liberal media” pull video of that one up again and show “we the people” what’s really going on here), to the attacks on the “free press,” to the attacks on the “independent” Justice Department, to the more and more less “covert” and MORE “overt” racism, to the full implementation of the “Big Lie Theory,” and, now to the putting people Trump refers to as “vile” immigrants who are “infesting” our country into what amount to internment camps.  Migrant children are being “housed” in tents in 100+ degree weather.  Nursing babies have been taken from their mothers and moved to “who knows where.”  This is FASCISM clear and simple!

And, trust me, Trump is the true autocratic thinking bully.  If you, again, have your head in the sand, you don’t know that Trump managed FIVE deferments back in the days of Viet Nam to dodge serving when Americans were dying by the thousands (not to mention all the South and North Vietnamese).  Trust me (again) – this was not because he’s a conscientious objector.  It’s because his “tough” persona is as phony as virtually everything that comes from his mouth.  Trump is where he is because he had a racist father who managed to leave him a small fortune (similar to the Koch Brothers, who are going to spend half a BILLION dollars in an attempt to make Trump’s prediction of a “red wave” a reality.  Trump’s father marched with the KKK in New York “back in the day”) and the idea of “serving” has never crossed his mind.  Trump and his family are “cutting off a fat hog” via his ascendancy to the “White House” and his bullying won’t stop until “we the people” force him out of office.  Obviously, he’s got republicans in Congress afraid to act – or they’ll get the nasty “tweet” and their political careers will be over.  You have to give Trump credit, the republican party is scared to death of him!

Because I still have faith in the majority of Americans, I believe these republicans are making the exact WRONG calculation as they “kneel” to Trump.  Virtually EVERYONE who gets involved with Trump comes out on the other side “soiled.”  Yes, apparently there are places where members of Congress can get on TV and do what the guy from North Carolina did today and fear no reprisal (obviously, I don’t know his name – nor, do I care to look it up) but, I’m not so sure, for example, about the member of the republican caucus in the House from where I live – AND in MANY places around the country.  I’m guessing she/they are bit nervous about the next election.  And, for me to consider voting for her, she would have to do EXACTLY what they’re all afraid of – and, that’s to come out and repudiate Trump.  I can’t recall ONE republican who’s not “retiring” (or in the case of John McCain dealing with Brain Cancer) who has the guts to stand up to Trump.  I believe Trump will be the “mechanism” that destroys the republican party.  My hope is he doesn’t completely destroy “America first.”

One last thing.  As I’ve watched the Mueller investigation playing out, and now the investigation into Trump’s “fixer” Michael Cohen I have to believe Trump may be looking at the possibility of sharing a room with Paul Manafort at some point in the future.  For one thing, there will be no “deal” to make with Mueller or the Southern District of New York – from what I can tell.  And, it appears Trump is going to be facing reality from both directions in the next few months – so, losing his majority in the election may end up being the least of his worries.  I’ve said this many times here, it appears to me Trump was operating a mafia type organized crime family business prior to walking down that escalator and claiming Mexicans are “rapists and murderers.”

There’s likely to be much interest in the way Trump has gone about getting money, transferring money, etc.  If you get my drift, I’m guessing, at a minimum, Trump has put some money, at various times, through the washing machine (laundering the money, get it? :o)  I always had to tell my students when I was telling a joke.)  And, that’s not going to go over very well with Mr. Mueller OR the investigators in New York.  And, that says nothing about the campaign finance violations, the possibility of threats to people like Stormy Daniels (AKA Stephanie Clifford), and who knows how many shaky deals that are going to be uncovered – especially, if Michael Cohen “flips.”  And, that’s not even considering the possibilities as to how deep the “Russia thing” will end up going – how much Mueller will actually “uncover.”  (no pun intended)  Remember, when Don jr., Jared Kushner, and Manafort met with the several Russians offering “incriminating information” from the Kremlin on Hillary Clinton, that was COLLUSION – often referred to as TREASON!  And, I believe when all is said and done, matters will be much worse.  As I’ve said, keep your “eye” on Cambridge Analytica and coordination with Russia.  I have a sneaky feeling Kushner and Steve Bannon were working with the Russians to help them target their FAKE NEWS during the 2016 campaign.  That was the REAL fake news!

It’s up to “we the people” to lead the FIGHT to stop this spread of “white nationalism” as its spreading around the globe.

Well, Trump’s move to separate children from their parents at the Southern border, along with ALL the LIES he accompanies with the “plan” are finally catching up with what “we the people” are really dealing with regarding our “so called” president.  Pundits are acknowledging the white nationalist movements here and in Western Europe (Read “The Hitler Virus” if you’re interested in getting better informed – you  won’t get anything written in that book via our so-called “liberal media”) and, more and more, we’re hearing references to WW II as “pundits” try to wrap their minds around what on earth is going on in America.  One thing that is clear, and pundits – to their credit – are pointing out, is Stephen Miller – one of Trump’s “advisers” – is a driving force behind using children as “bargaining chips” for a draconian immigration policy.  If you remember (or even if you don’t) Miller was allowed on the sets of the Sunday morning talk shows some time back and he couldn’t resist flashing the “white power” hand signals as he was being interviewed.  His “white nationalist” background is undeniable.  And, he fully supports tearing children from their parents – to punish them for seeking asylum in “the land of the free.”

While there are MANY children who may NEVER see their parents again – I’m not kidding, their parents have already been deported back to Guatemala and it’s not clear if ANYONE knows where their children are LOCKED up! – Trump and his sycophants continue to use these children as their, as mentioned above, “bargaining chip” to get MEXICO to pay for Trump’s wall.  (I truly hope you see the sarcasm there)  Now, let us just presume that, say, Congress would submit to this horrific attempt at BLACKMAIL, and give Trump his ridiculous “wall.”  Then, what are they going to do next?  This really reminds me, in a different sense, of Bush/Cheney LYING America into the Iraq fiasco.  The first part was easy – toppling Saddam Hussein’s government – the second part, not so much.  The disruption in Iraq and the Middle East continues to this day.  There was NO forethought given to “what do we do next?”

Well, with now OVER 2300 children in “custody” in various places around America and, apparently, NO PLAN, as to how to reunite them with their parents, it’s becoming crystal clear this TRAGEDY could be going on for years to come.  Evidently, Trump and his minions are good at race baiting, buy lousy at data collection!  I hate to use this language, but it PISSES me off every time I think about it.  And, when I heard the little children wailing for their parents and saw that there were facilities for children as young as 8 months – children STILL nursing being taken from their Moms – it brought tears to my eyes.  This is the country I grew up in, the country I love, the country that has a history of making huge mistakes, and this one could be near the top of the disasters – but, in today’s “age,” we SHOULD know better.  And Trump, I don’t believe he has a soul.  I don’t believe he sees these children as anything more than “bargaining chips.”  And, he’s certainly not been shy about how he feels about their parents – fleeing unimaginable circumstances in an effort to provide these children a hope for a better future.  What’s wrong with that?  To Trump, they are like “animals” and he wants to prevent them from “infesting” America!  I want to say, “Are you kidding me?”  But, we all know, this is the reality of Trump’s America!

Honestly, if this doesn’t wake up the American public as to the immediate danger Trump poses to our traditional way of life, our standing in the so-called “free world,” and our ability to govern ourselves in a way that honors ALL Americans, then I don’t know what will.  Trump is the fuhrer to the “white nationalist” movement in America AND other places around the world.  Make no mistake, there is a REAL anti-immigrant, white nationalist movement in more places than the United States.  Again, read the “Hitler Virus” and you’ll get a good idea of the seriousness of “we the people” putting a stop to this – right here, right now.  Trump actually has an ambassador in Germany ginning up the neo-Nazi foment over there – right in front of Angela Merkel’s face!  Which should surprise no one after Trump’s debacle at the G-7 Summit.

People in Great Britain are coming to the understanding that Steve Bannon (along with Trump) and his Cambridge Analytica were key proponents of the Brexit vote that took Britain out of the European Union – this is the same group that (likely) worked with Vladimir Putin and his Russian cyber criminals to help vault Trump into the “White House.” Britains are coming to their senses, at least to the point where they don’t want Trump setting foot in their country.  And, that’s going to be the case in the countries of our traditional allies.  However, Trump will continue to feel comfortable in the presence of Putin, Kim, Erdogan, Duterte, and any other dictator around the globe.  I believe this reality is finally sinking in to a larger and larger MAJORITY of Americans – and, this tearing babies from their mothers has more and more Americans noticing the parallels to Trump and the Third Reich!

When you look at pictures of Putin and you see that sly grin on his face, you should understand it’s because he’s succeeding in his plan to undermine the free democracies in the “West” through the most devious of means.  He’s figured out how to weaponize the internet – and, it remains to be seen how much culpability the internet based “apps” he’s “weaponizing” (like “Facebook” and “Twitter”) actually “own.”  Trump is acting like Putin’s “puppet” and, hopefully, it won’t be too long before Robert Mueller can help us understand why.  Trump is SO arrogant that he’s actually got a “summit” in the works with Putin as I’m writing this.  He believes there is NOTHING he can do what will cause his “base” to waver.  Apparently, that includes tearing children from their families.  The so-called “party of family values” seems to be a very distant memory.  (Actually, they NEVER had me fooled!  That’s much of what has motivated me to be writing on this site for the past 10+ years!

By watching what is happening in America – the children being held as hostages to their white nationalist “plan” – you can see to what degree these republicans will go to get what they want.  I’ve pointed out for years they believe “the end justifies the means.”  These babies are “little brown people” and, it’s the “browning of America” which has Trump and his most fervent supporters at a froth.  Trump, Kelly, Miller, and the others in the “White House” could care less about the kids – they just want their “wall.”  Obviously, MEXICO is NOT going to pay for it – which apparently causes Trump much consternation – so, they’ll use the children to force “we the people” to pay for it – and, the rest of Trump’s anti-American immigration desires.

This whole Trump disaster was born out of the election of Barack Obama.  The reality for a whole bunch of white Americans – especially white American males – that “white” Americans are soon to be a minority in THEIR nation, was apparently too much for many to handle.  Well, the “Tea Party” sprung up with their loathsome racist signs representing President Obama in many disgusting poses – along with speeches from leading republicans in Congress encouraging this blatant racism – and, along came Trump with the “birther” movement.  This was a match made in – well……… HELL!  Now, we have Trump as president, the so-called “freedom caucus” controlling the House (they of the “Tea party”), babies being torn from their Moms and Dads, and republicans en masse standing idly by – or, for the ones who are “retiring” they may be speaking out – cautiously – apparently because the worst fear of today’s republicans is being on the receiving end of a critical “tweet” from Trump.  As the saying goes, “you can’t make this stuff up!”

Yesterday, Trump signed an “executive order” designed to calm all us soft hearted “liberals” all the while (in the fine print) emphasizing the continuation of the so-called “zero tolerance” policy.  Apparently, families will be put in prison together – again, families in over 99% of cases fleeing unimaginable violence and seeking asylum.  Because these asylum seekers don’t meet Trumps criterion for immigrants – ie they’re NOT from Norway (if you get my/Trump’s drift) – I believe he refers to them  as “vermin.”  These are, for the most part, very hard working people wanting to raise their children in peace.  Here’s the first thought that comes to mind: “What’s so wrong with that?”

We all know what Trump is about – and, fortunately, more and more “news” outlets are figuring out what is going on.  Today, I FINALLY saw several references to Nazi Germany as people are trying to fully understand what is going on in our country and what kind of “animal” somehow got “elected” (with THREE MILLION fewer votes than his opponent) to be our so-called president.  More and more people are understanding the importance that “we the people” vote the republicans out of control of Congress because they are impotent in dealing with their OBLIGATION to act as a “check” on the executive.

In the House, you’ve got the “freedom caucus” who define “freedom” almost exactly as Trump defines it.  Then you have Paul Ryan as the Speaker who is in over his head in attempting to deal with all of this.  I get the impression Ryan is perfectly willing to put up with Trump if that allows him to get his “wishes.”  (like the tax “scam” which is funneling TRILLIONS from “we the people” to Ryan’s  and the republican’s “donors” while slowly pushing our economy back toward the ledge Bush/Cheney had pushed us over back in 2008)  Now, Ryan has to be feeling a bit of depression thinking about the legacy he’s leaving as he prepares to “high tail” it out of Washington DC.

And, Mitch McConnell.  He’s already “cemented” a place in the dregs of the American history books based on his  overt RACIST behavior in dealing with President Obama.  McConnell made it NO secret his (and the republican’s) MAJOR goal was to ensure Obama’s “failure.”  Of course, McConnell FAILED to cause President Obama to “fail,” but he did set records in OBSTRUCTION.  Which, by the way, causes me to shake my head EVERY time I hear Trump complain about the “Democrats obstructing,” and lamenting the filibuster rules in the Senate – apparently oblivious to McConnell’s 700 filibusters during Obama’s two terms in office.  Filibusters that had a negative impact on all Americans as it was the root cause of the stagnation in Congress.  Trump has called McConnell virtually EVERY nasty name in the book, yet he continues “kissing up” to Trump – apparently giving no fore thought to his own legacy – which is just not going to be a good one.

Because of the so-called electoral “map” I don’t see democrats retaking control of the Senate in 2018, but, based on the possibility Trump could last our his term, I see the democrats retaking the “White House” AND the Senate, along with the House, in 2020.  Here’s the challenge for the democrats going forward.  Stop running from your own fundamental beliefs – based on how you’re reading the polls.  Take a history class on what Democrats and “liberals” have done to benefit this nation.  Then put your focus on health care for all, a true balanced budget (with a YUGE, In the words of Bernie Sanders, cut in military spending).  I believe democrats need to be welcoming to more people – especially, people in the so-called “pro life” movement.  I believe there is more in common among both sides than is generally acknowledged.  I could write about this ad nauseum, but, in short, I don’t believe hardly anyone WANTS an abortion – and, the abortion issue is MUCH more complicated than is generally discussed publicly.

I realize there are “extremes” to any position – but, essentially – for example – to me, this issue with children being pulled from their families at the border is a “pro-life” issue.  To me, early childhood education, and health care for Mom’s, children, and families in general is a “pro-life issue.  I won’t get carried away here, but what I’m saying is there’s lots of room for those people “on both sides” to find a place somewhere in the “middle” to create a significant majority to put Trump and his ilk into the history books.  And, in my mind, it’s up to “we the people” to lead the FIGHT to stop this spread of “white nationalism” as its spreading around the globe.  If we don’t stop it here, it very likely won’t be stopped “there.”  (meaning countries in Western and Eastern Europe)  I’ve said it before – when November comes around and it’s time to vote – it’s “all hands on deck.”  Do whatever it takes to get yourself registered so Trump and company’s voter suppression tactics won’t work!

Final Thought:  I apologize for any “foopahs” – This has been as emotional a “rant” as I can remember.  I’ll try to edit it later.

Honestly, if you EVER believed Mexico was going to pay for Trump’s “wall,” you’re a FOOL! Now, he’s using children, pulled from their families, as bargaining chips to make “we the people” pay for his “wall.” Yikes!!!

As I’ve said many times here, it’s hard to keep up with the “stuff” flowing at the “wall” (pun intended) – being “thrown” by Trump and his absurd surrogate Rudy Giuliani – both of whom are LIARS extraordinaire – while hoping some of it “sticks” as they apparently are attempting to cut off Robert Mueller’s findings “at the pass.”  Unfortunately, about 35% to 40% of Americans are, according to what I’ve heard, STUPID enough to actually believe these LIARS.  But, that’s not the worst part in all this for me.  As a Christian (I guess you’d have to call me a “liberal” Christian – kind of like Jesus) the part that grieves me the MOST is that Trump’s “base” appears to be the right wing Christians (mostly in the South and the so-called “rust belt”) who, many of them, have a history of racism – and, now a willingness to support a RACIST and FASCIST in the “White House.”

I’ve been writing for years about how hard it is for me that the republican party has been supported by Christians as they continue to assuage policies that run as polar OPPOSITE to what the Bible teaches.   Well, yesterday was the “icing on the cake.”  Both Sarah Sanders (who regularly – and, apparently, willingly LIES from the press secretary’s podium – total heresy to anyone who’s ever held that position before her – not including, of course, Sean Spicer) AND Jeff Sessions used TWISTED views of Biblical scripture to justify the INHUMAN policy of taking little children from their Mom’s as they enter the United States seeking Asylum from vicious violence in countries to our South.  In the past couple of months OVER 2000 CHILDREN have been separated from their parents – while their parents are sent to federal prisons – supposedly awaiting decisions regarding their pleas for asylum.

I’ve been pointing out for years now that republicans are turning young Americans away from Christianity by the droves.  Well, Trump and his press secretary and his Attorney General are putting this anti-Christian political behavior on STEROIDS!  It’s almost as if the closer Robert Mueller gets to Trump the MORE damage he’s going to create for all us “weak” Americans – like, for example, those of us who agree with our allies who believe in democratic values, the environment, and protecting “the least of these” in the words of Jesus Christ.

Trump continues to lament he is hamstrung by a society that believes in a “free press,” a country which believes in the rule of law and that “no one is above the law,” AND a country that, to a certain extent, has the ability to actually vote a president out of office – or “check” him/her via voting the opposing party into control of Congress in mid term elections – as he lavishes PRAISE on the world’s WORST dictator Kim Jong-un – over and over.  Trump actually made the comment that he wishes “his people were as ‘loyal’ to him as the North Koreans are to Kim.”  Trump later tried to walk that STUPID comment back as a “joke” – but, what president would make such a joke about someone who’s MURDERED an untold number of his citizens AND put many in what are called “gulags.”  (Apparently, Kim MURDERED three of his top “generals” before going to Singapore in an effort to ensure he would still be “Supreme Commander” upon his return.  (Trump even joked about that)

So, here’s the reality for any right wing Christian who might end up on this site.  If you believe Trump to be a “Christian,” you’re a FOOL.  (I wish I could come up with a more tepid term)  If you believe Trump cares about Christians any more than knowing he can keep you in line by appointing right wing judges – you’re a FOOL!  If you believe Trump EVER tells the truth, you’re a FOOL!  If you believe the assertions by Ms. Sanders and Mr. Sessions that the Bible supports their policy of separating children from their parents at the border, you’re a FOOL!  If you believe Trump’s claims the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt,” you’re a FOOL!  If you believe virtually ANYTHING Trump or Giuliani say, you’re a FOOL!  If you believe Fox “news” (Trump TV) you’re a FOOL!  I could go on and on, but I hope you get my drift – and, I’d love to have a dialogue with you, but as soon as I debunk the stuff you’ve allowed yourself to believe about Trump you’re likely to start yelling or throwing things.

I’m going to rest now and I’ll finish this later – but, the reality that Sarah Sanders is willing to stand before the American people and use scripture to justify tearing families apart, – who are already likely facing a lifetime of PTSD based on what they’re fleeing – putting little kids who don’t even speak English in detention centers, some of them under 5 years old (one, who reportedly was still nursing) – and, supposedly, many soon to be in “tent cities” in 100 degree weather – well, that’s completely over the edge to me.  It’s Saturday evening and tomorrow I’m going to church knowing that many in the congregation are part of the FOOLS I’m talking about.  And, while I hate to refer to anyone with that type of language, I’m clearly losing my patience with people who REFUSE to FACT check information.  And, the worst part is I KNOW I can’t talk to any of them about this because they’ve been BRAINWASHED!  They remind me of the Germans who helped bring Hitler to power back in the 1930’s!  Think that’s hyperbole?  Well, do a little fact checking and research on who was Hitler’s base back when his campaign slogan was “Make Germany Great Again.”

And, one more thing before I go to bed – and, I’ve written quite a bit about this, including my previous post – check out the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels – the propaganda chief of the Third Reich.  That will explain to you – if you’re one of the FOOLS I’m referring to above – how Trump and the republicans have gone about BRAINWASHING you!  Trump is a FASCIST and his surrogates are willing to LIE to protect him, Giuliani is willing to LIE to protect him, and the republicans in Congress are willing to LIE to protect him.  (In my mind, Rudy Giuliani should be held accountable for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE just as Trump, as he goes about attempting to UNDERMINE the Mueller investigation.  The law is clear – if you’re attempting to block, stop, or in any way undermine an investigation, that’s OBSTRUCTION – full stop!

I know I’m supposed to go to bed right now – but, Giuliani’s LIES keep swirling around in my head (of course, Giuliani doesn’t tell a LIE Trump hasn’t already told or is not sending him out to tell).  Yesterday, I listened to Giuliani LYING about the IG (Inspector General) report concerning the Justice Department’s query into the Clinton email investigation. OMG!  If you just listened to both Giuliani and Trump you’d think that report was about the FBI’s investigation into Trump.  NOOOOO!  It was about the Justice Department’s handling of the Clinton email probe and it essentially exonerated the FBI from any wrongdoing – aside from pointing out James Comey made “errors in judgement” regarding the Clinton email investigation and his press conferences – the second of which is likely why Trump is president should have been, at a minimum, overseen by his boss, the Attorney General.  The second one should NEVER have happened.  However, the report also points out Comey’s intentions were honorable.

And, the part of the report pointing out the two FBI agents who were having an illicit affair and were exchanging unflattering emails and texts about Trump (and Clinton) were inappropriate and, likely both face losing their jobs – I believe one has already “moved on” and the other was “re-assigned” once Mueller found out about their texts – NONE of this was new.  Both Giuliani and Trump have attempted, as “we the people” knew they would, to make this report sound as if Trump “didn’t collude or obstruct” – which the report did NEITHER!  The report said the FBI showed NO bias in their actions!  For all you Christians supporting Trump, when is the LYING going to catch your attention – and, do you even care?

OK, I just got home from church and it’s Father’s day so I’m headed to visit my children and grandchildren – but, I’ve got to add another thought to this “rant.”  And, for sure, I’m ranting!  The actions of my government are deplorable!  So, all I could think about this morning is that Trump is USING the children who are being TORN from their parents and put in tents in 100+ degree weather as “pawns” in his attempt to get “we the people” to pay for his ridiculous “wall.”  Trump wants $25 BILLION to be appropriated for his wall before he’ll sign any legislation that would reunite these children with their parents and, hopefully, would solve the “Dreamer” issue – which, by the way – just like the “children from parents issue” – was the work of our so-called president.

Despite all you FOOLS chanting “Mexico” every time Trump would ask “and who’s going to pay for it?” at his rallies while he was promising this STUPID wall – he KNEW all along that Mexico paying for the wall was STUPID.  In fact, at that time, Trump didn’t believe he was going to “win” the election (despite having Russia on his side) so his campaign “promise” would never be an issue.  However, once in the “White House” Trump, who apparently NEVER says “sorry,” has been trying to figure out how to FORCE Congress to have “we the people” pay for the wall.  And, now he’s stooped to about the LOWEST level he possibly could be pulling these children from their parents, putting them in detention like facilities in gut wrenching heat, and then BLAMING the democrats for his actions.  Honestly, if you EVER believed Mexico was going to pay for Trump’s “wall,” you’re a FOOL!  I’m going to leave it at that – and, if you’re offended by anything I’ve said, point out why I’m wrong!  Give me evidence that what I’m saying is not factual!  I’m definitely up for the conversation.  These tents full of kids who SHOULD be with their parents because their situation was already BLEAK, make me sick to my stomach.

If you’re eligible to vote and you choose not to participate in November, in my mind, you’re part of the problem.  I’ve always said, “we need two viable political parties” for our system of government to work.  It’s up to “we the people” to vote OUT this version of the republican party – in the past, there have been republicans who would shudder at what’s going on today – but, today’s republican party gave us a pathological LIAR (and racist, fascist, etc.) and, it’s up to the rest of us to put a stop to this NIGHTMARE.  And, if you believe it’s right to tear these families apart – using their children as bargaining chips for that STUPID wall which “Mexico is going to pay for” – I’m praying you’ll come to your senses – but, sadly, I believe you’re a FOOL!

To: NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the WaPost, the NY Times, or whoever has a platform; please educate “we the people” on “The Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich!

I’m writing down a couple things from today’s news that I want to elaborate on later, but want to make sure I don’t forget.  (As I’ve said, I’m old, and I forget easily) I just read the byline of a Washington Post article referring to the IG report (from the Justice Department regarding the “Clinton email investigation”) published today – the report Trump has been frothing at the mouth for weeks hoping it would, apparently, exonerate him from the “Russia thing.” (Giving him “cover” for firing James Comey because he treated Hillary Clinton so “unfairly” – if you believe that, well……..)  The other byline was a reference by Gary Cohn, Trump’s former economic “adviser” (can anyone advise Trump?) where he stated Trump’s “trade war” has the potential to “wipe out gains of GOP tax ‘scam’ (my characterization – he actually referred to it as the “tax law”) by increasing inflation and prompting consumers to take on more consumer debt” thereby “possibly pushing the economy into another downturn.”

In the first article what really caught my eye, other than the misleading byline was the statement, “The 500-page report also found that other senior bureau officials showed a “willingness to take official action” to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.”  Well, first, I haven’t read the report – it’s 500 pages and would take me a couple weeks of pre bedtime reading – but, secondly, I’ve listened to several people who have and that sentence seems completely disingenuous to me from what I’ve heard.  Virtually EVERYONE I heard today, characterizing the report, claimed the MOST undeniable FACT from this report was James Comey’s “insubordinate” actions helped Donald Trump become president.  To suggest there were “Senior bureau officials” taking action to prevent Trump from becoming president is ludicrous.  There were a couple FBI agents who were, inappropriately, having an affair and “tweeting” stupid stuff about Trump (and, by the way, about Hillary) and one of them made an inappropriate comment about “stopping” Trump.

This was in August of 2016 and, to say the least, there was NEVER any FBI action designed to “stop Trump.”  On the contrary, ALL the FBI action that was the main focus of the report was aimed at Comey and how he handled the Clinton “Email scandal.”  His press conference where he blasted Clinton’s “reckless” use of a personal email server, while, at the same time exonerating her of any illegal action was “panned” as being outside the normal protocol of the FBI.  First, he should have had his message approved by his BOSS, the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch – which, if you’ve read his book, you know why he chose not to.  (If you haven’t read his book – I found it a good read – he was concerned about the meeting Ms. Lynch had on the Phoenix “tarmac” with Bill Clinton and possible conflict of interest – essentially, in his own mind, attempting to protect Ms. Lynch.)

Furthermore, Comey was roundly criticized for his decision to write the letter to Congress stating the Email investigation was being re-opened 11 days prior to the election.  That was in clear violation of FBI “protocol” – although, again, after reading Comey’s book, he claims there was no “written” requirement giving him guidance.  Just as before, he didn’t feel he could run this by Ms. Lynch because of the possible political ramifications.  The bottom line here is this shows the intimidation the GOP members of Congress have inflicted on everyone associated with our government.  The reality is, Comey’s decision to write that letter to Congress right before the election IS the REASON Trump is our so-called president. (There continues to be “debate” about whether or not Comey’s STUPID decision led to Trump – but, even Trump’s closest associates saw the change in the polls after that blunder.  Read: “The Devil’s bargain”) Combining that with the Russian interference, the GOP voter suppression antics, the BILLIONS from the Koch’s and others, AND all the LYING and, well, now America is under siege by a fascist and his white nationalist followers!  (Russians are actually claiming they “own” Trump on their national TV – Yikes!)

I’ve subscribed to the Washington Post and the New York Times because I feel an obligation to do my small part to support the investigative journalism required to educate those Americans who choose to get their “news” in places NOT associated with Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, et al.  (I also support “The Nation” AND “The Lowdown” if you’re interested in participating in keeping investigative journalism alive in America – The “free press” is “enemy number one” in the words of Trump)  That being said, the lead in to the article titled “Watchdog blasts Comey, documents major missteps in Clinton probe” was very misleading, in my view.  I know too many people who don’t read the entire article (in fact, almost EVERY person I know – again, I’m in my 70’s – so, I’m talking about the peer group that includes many Trump supporters – doesn’t read AT ALL, sadly) so, it bothers me when a paper like the Post provides a lead in which could confirm some people’s worst thoughts – and, be totally wrong or, at the very least, misleading.

Again, the interpretation of what the report said by those who wrote this article differed from virtually every other interpretation I saw today in key areas.  First, the reference to “numerous reports of unprofessionalism, bias, and misjudgement” simply rehashed what “we the people” already knew – and, that was the two “love birds” in the FBI “tweeting” back and forth in very unflattering “tweets” regarding Trump.  (Of course, there was no mention they weren’t too flattering of Mrs. Clinton either)  The part we didn’t know already was the one “tweet” where Peter Strzok claimed “we’ll stop him.”  Almost in the same sentence, the report pointed out there was no significant bias overall in the FBI’s handling of the Clinton investigation AND, as we all know, the ONLY investigation which was made public WAS the Clinton investigation.  So, ALL of Trump’s “tweets” are nonsense regarding this matter, but the ONE thing we know for SURE, there will be more “tweets” on the horizon AND, they will be almost universally LIES.

As any FASCIST would, Trump will keep twisting this issue – using this report to help him in his attempt to either stop the Mueller probe or turn enough Americans into believing his “witch hunt” claim to make any finding totally “political.”  Here’s an interesting “tidbit” – for those of you who haven’t read “Russian Roulette” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff – Trump came up with the “witch hunt” scam around the time he was inaugurated.  (I loaned out my book, so I can’t remember exactly when – it was as soon as he realized the “Russia thing” was real)  This is in the true nature of a proponent of the “Big Lie Theory.”   I keep going back and forth, as I try to figure out Trump’s true nature, from mob boss to fascist.  I’m beginning to think the “answer is, all of the above.”  The parallels to 1930’s Germany are “eye popping.”  (When I see examples of the purposeful LIES I have to question my “analysis” that Trump is pathological in his LYING)

Speaking of “The Big Lie Theory” which was the brainchild of Joseph Goebbels back in the days of the Third Reich, as I watch commentators on TV lamenting the number of LIES and “falsehoods” coming from Trump and his associates and then mentioning how the LIES keep getting repeated, I just WISH someone would clue them in to what is happening.  Maybe if more of Trump’s supporters (and the TV commentators themselves) were aware of, and constantly reminded, that we have a “so-called” president using the strategies that “made Germany “great again” back in the 1930’s more people would realize what’s at stake in the November elections AND the Mueller findings.  Trump’s transgressions, from what I can tell, are going to go way beyond the conspiracy with Russia that helped get Trump “elected.”  (Remember, Vladimir Putin felt he was undermining Hillary Clinton’s presidency in much of their ATTACK during the 2016 campaign)  Trump has problems on the “horizon” with what Michael Cohen might reveal in an attempt to stay out of jail for the rest of his natural life (and, in regards to Cohen, keep in mind, many of the charges he faces are/will be STATE charges and Trump CAN’T pardon him for state charges.  (Which Trump, himself, may be facing – charges from New York state – related to his “foundation” which was apparently used as a “piggy bank”)

I’ve been saying for quite some time Trump appears to me to be nothing more than a mafia boss who has managed to bloviate himself into the “White House” thanks to the denigration of the republican party over the past 35+ years AND all the money their donors possess thanks to all the “trickle down” tax cuts.  Let’s face it, “we the people” will have to overcome BILLIONS the Trump “donors” will spend to save the 2018 mid terms for him so that the House republicans can prevent him from being impeached.  I find it interesting that even Trump’s blowhard TV “lawyer” – Rudy, who’s proven himself capable of LYING comparably to his “boss” – has been sharing the strategy they’re already implementing to fight impeachment.  They’re attempting to turn a LEGAL battle into a POLITICAL battle which they believe can be “won” using the aforementioned Third Reich strategy of “The Big Lie Theory.”

If you’re not familiar with the “theory” – here’s how it goes:  If you repeat a LIE over and over again, and enough people repeat the same LIE over and over again, your “target” audience will believe your LIE is actually true.  Here’s the reality of what happens to those who implement this “strategy.”  They become PATHOLOGICAL LIARS.  Take Fox “news” for example.  (I, and many others, now refer to it as “Trump TV”)  A pathological LIAR actually starts to believe his/her LIES are actually the truth because they’re so used to LYING.  Trump is a pathological LIAR.  Now, in his case, I don’t, for a minute, think he’s purposely using the “Big LIE Theory.”  I think he’s just a LIAR.  It’s the people at Fox, the people at Breitbart, the Limbaugh’s and all the right wing “talkers” on the radio airwaves who tell LIES that are “orchestrated.”

For example, it was reported recently how the Sinclair broadcasting network uses this theory.  They send out “orders” to their MANY TV stations (they own and CONTROL around 200 TV stations in virtually every corner of the country) on the LIES that are to be repeated OVER and OVER again – thereby convincing their unsuspecting audience the LIES are actually true.  I keep wondering why more TV commentators who have the “podium” to “educate” the American public this is going on – yet they don’t?  Why is this?  (In many instance, it’s likely because they work for Sinclair)  I don’t know and, if I wasn’t an old retired teacher in a rural setting I might try to question them on this.  I can’t remember the name of the commentator who was pointing out how someone was LYING over and over – yet didn’t seem to “get” it’s a planned strategy – I just remember her last name was Alcindor.  (I remember that name because when I played basketball back in the 1960’s, my team shared a locker room with UCLA and their star was “Lew Alcindor” – who, changed his name to Kareem Abdul Jabbar)  I wanted to yell at the TV set!

By now, more and more people are coming to grips with the reality that Americans “elected” a FASCIST as our so-called president.  (Despite the FACT 3 MILLION more people voted for his opponent, he was helped by voter suppression tactics, and he’s now “owned” by Russia – in the words of commentators on Russian TV)  Trump slammed Justin Trudeau as weak as he praised Kim Jong-un as “strong” – similarly to how he did the same with President Obama as he praised his “idol” Vladimir Putin.  Trump is attempting to turn America into an authoritarian fascist regime while the dictators around the world cheer and America’s traditional allies are jaw dropped in dis-belief.  If you’re reading this I hope you’ll commit to VOTE in 2018’s mid term election and, if you know how to connect with people who have a “place on the stage” of America’s public airwaves – either send this to them, or encourage them to research the “Big Lie Theory” so they can educate America’s public – who are unaware of what’s happening to them! (It’s BRAINWASHING)

Here’s my wish.  To: NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the WaPost, the NY Times, or whoever has a platform; please educate “we the people” on “The Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich!  Connect the “dots” to the use of this theory by the Trump administration AND the minions who are supporting a fascist takeover of America.  Expose Fox “news” as the enemy of “we the people” they are.  Call out people like Limbaugh and the second rate right wing “talkers” like Lars Larsen (in my area) who are willing to LIE for money.  It’s gotten well beyond my opinion versus your opinion.  It’s time for Americans to get back to talking to one another in a way that respects each other WITHOUT all the LIES.  And, if you’re arguing with me and you’re regurgitating what you saw/heard on Fox, or what you heard from Limbaugh, Larsen, or any of the others – please do a little vetting before you start throwing things because I challenge your false information.

Well, I got carried away (not the first time) and didn’t get to my second point – about Cohn’s comment regarding the impending trade war and how it may “wipe out gains from the tax law.”  (Yes, I called it, as I always try to do, the “tax scam”)  I’ve written about it a lot and a couple of my predictions were mentioned by Cohn – only, I don’t think the tariffs will necessarily be the cause – and, that is INFLATION and the possibility of another recession – sooner rather than later.  What Cohn didn’t mention (as no republican seems to want to do) is the HUGE boost to the deficit based on Trump’s (and Cohn’s) economic policies – most pointedly the tax “scam.”  I’ll try to get to this later!

While Trump is cozying up to the worst DICTATOR in the world he’s giving “a special place in hell” to our closest ally! Wow!

I have to admit I’m watching a lot less “news” lately because, for me, the reality that Trump is our “so-called” president is just getting more and  more depressing.  Yet, the other day I was watching his impromptu “news conference” as he was leaving for the G-7 summit where he ASTONISHINGLY made a public push for RUSSIA to be let back into the “group.”  While most of the public response was to point out how brazen it was (and, incredibly STUPID) for someone under investigation as conspiring with Russians to get “elected” in the first place to continue his public “bromance” with Vladimir Putin (instantly MORE questions were injected about what on earth does Putin have on Trump – every time I hear that question I think “Golden Shower” video) I noticed a comment Trump made that, so far, has gone “under the radar” in what TV I’ve watched (or listened to on my satellite radio in my car) since Trump’s incredibly ARROGANT remarks.

Trump keeps it coming so fast it’s hard to keep up. (which, likely, is his strategic plan) But, after making the pleading for Russia’s inclusion in the “G-7” Trump said, “We’ve got a world to run and Russia’s a big part of it.”  “We’ve got a world to run?”  What did Trump mean by that?  Isn’t he the so-called president of the United States?  (With the help of the Russians)  But, “a world to run?”  Well, I’ve been pointing out Trump is a FASCIST since, basically, he was a candidate for the office.  (At times I’ve tried to be polite and use various “authoritarian” euphemisms)  Does he really have a vision of “running the world?”  If you haven’t noticed Trump has an “affinity” for virtually every TYRANT around the globe with apparent disdain for America’s traditional “democratic” allies.  What’s up?

As I’m starting this post Trump is in Singapore getting ready to meet with “little rocket man” himself, Kim Jong-un.  Kim is maybe the most cruel dictator on the planet, but that won’t be an issue with Trump.  And, Trump is acutely aware of this, because I heard him lay it out with my own ears some time back when Kim was still “little rocket man.”  Kim, as have other world leaders – especially dictators who want something from the U.S. (for example Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Turkey, etc.) have figured out how to “play” Trump.  Just tell him what a wonderful guy he is.  He’s in Singapore dead set on “earning” the Nobel Peace Prize.  From what I’ve seen he’s already given it to himself.  If you haven’t been paying attention Trump has claimed to be the greatest U.S. president ever.  Yikes!

I don’t think there’s anyone who wants to see violence break out on the Korean Peninsula, and it would be great if North and South Korea could FINALLY reach a peace accord.  While, superficially, it appears Trump (and, I’m sure this is what Trump believes) has “scared” North Korea to the negotiating “table,” it appears to me the country he has scared is South Korea.  They are the ones who would experience disaster if the U.S. attacked the North – which, quite possibly, would be the start of WW III.  (Reports I’ve read suggest MILLIONS in Seoul South Koreans are in Kim’s “sights” every day.)  As I’ve said, if there’s a peace prize to come of these “negotiations” it should go to the leaders of South Korea.  I still remember them “breaking the ice” at the Winter Olympics while Mike Pense sat close to members of the North Korean delegation as stoic as one can get.  Moon Jae-in is the one who’s managed to get these two unpredictable tyrants to the “table.” (And, one more thing, I can’t imagine South Koreans wanting to be part of North Korea – with the gulags, etc.)

As Trump headed to Singapore to meet – and, in the process, give Kim his long awaited “prize” – to be sitting on the “world stage” with the president of the United States – one of Trump’s top advisers gave “a special place in hell” for Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  That’s right, while Trump will be giving his “handshake” to Kim, he will have just lampooned one of America’s MOST upright allies.  This is all unbelievable to me – and, what I’m certain of is there will be little to NO backlash from republicans in Congress and elsewhere and Trump’s base will suck it up (with a little help from Sean Hannity and the Fox “Big Lie” machine).  I keep thinking I’m watching a Woodie Allen movie and I’ll wake up to reality any day now – but, I’m pretty sure I’m wide awake and this is actually ALL happening!  Yikes!!!

I love the country I’ve grown old in, but I’ve always realized we are not all that we claim to be.  I’ve spent a lot of time reading about American History and there are many “black marks” that “we the people” are either, unaware of, or ignoring. When I say, “unaware of,” I’m talking about all the Americans who grew up in my era – the 1950’s and 1960’s – who were able to drop out of school in their teens and find decent work.  Many of these people make up the “white nationalists” of the Trump supporters.  I know people my age who say they haven’t read a book since they were in school back in the 60’s.  Most of them, who support Trump, get their “news” from Fox “news” (AKA Trump TV) and do absolutely no “vetting” of information.  I’ve seen several polls which claim Fox viewers to be the least informed of all Americans – including those who don’t watch TV at all!  It’s almost as if they’re volunteering to be BRAINWASHED!

Here’s a bit of the “truth:”  (Yes, it’s my understanding based on a lot of books) America was founded as a SLAVE nation.  In our constitution women had NO right to vote and African Americans were considered 3/5 of a person.  Ouchee! That’s for starters!  James Polk, very unscrupulously, managed to “acquire” virtually the entire Southwestern part of America – From Texas to California in a less than scrupulous “deal” from Mexico.  Did I forget the Louisiana purchase – a great real estate deal!  And, Alaska???  Our founders and early leaders were expert real estate “brokers,” just ask the remnants of the American Indian tribes which inhabited most of this nation prior to the invasion of the Europeans!

The Civil War was the place where Abraham Lincoln became what many have described as the greatest president in American History (including over Donald Trump, if you can believe that – Trump certainly doesn’t ).  Lincoln’s place in history can be argued, but what is true is he didn’t believe African Americans were “equal” despite the emancipation proclamation.  He was trying to end the Civil War via that “proclamation” and, from what I’ve read, Lincoln believed the solution to the problem of slavery was to send the African Americans back to Africa.  That being said, the end of the civil war brought about the “Jim Crow” era – which to a certain extent continues to be a “stain” on America to this day.  Clearly, Trump is a racist remnant of “Jim Crow,” and the bulk of his supporters – to varying degrees are racists.  Don’t believe me – take a look back at the march on Charlottesville this past year – where all those “very fine” neo-Nazi’s carrying tiki torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” made a public spectacle that forced Trump to give us certainty in our claims he’s a racist.  (Of course, his history is filled with evidence)

During WW II America declined the opportunity to get Jews out of Germany prior to the Holocaust AND after.  The reality is we accepted more Nazi’s to America after WW II than Jews who were still in the concentration camps.  If you’re interested in a sobering view of what happened post WW II read “The Hitler Virus” by Peter Wyden to help you understand there’s many neo-Nazi’s in America to this day and Trump is “their guy.”  The best way I can describe this book is “eye opening.”  However, my point here is to make clear that “we the people” need to understand our own history as we participate in “self government.”  Self Government should not be the destruction of government it SHOULD be focused on creating a government “by the people FOR the people.”  Trump (and others) are scheming how to create a government that is “for themselves.”  While Trump is busy keeping us all on the edge of our seats wondering when he’s going to be impeached, he and his brethren are “cutting off” one “fat hog” after another.

He’s making MILLIONS as president, his children are making untold MILLIONS, his cabinet members are raking it in and even his “enemies” are getting richer.  Bob Corker, who likes to come across as a “never Trump” guy (while voting with Trump close to or at 100%) stands to make MILLIONS off the tax “scam” he swore he’d vote against if it “raised the deficit by one penny.”  Well, evidently, raising it by OVER one TRILLION dollars PER YEAR wasn’t enough to get him  to vote against it – even though he’s leaving Congress.  In his case, the HUGE increase in the deficit was OK as long as he got his share of the tax “scam” which has been estimated to be in the MILLIONS!

So, what I’m getting at here is that apparently Trump is simply going to be the “latest” stain on America’s “Lilly white” self image.  I could have mentioned above, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the internment of Japanese Americans during WW II, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, JFK, RFK, and the list could go on.  But, what keeps going through my mind is trying to understand how could we possibly have ended up with Trump – and, then I think about something my son (who doesn’t participate in the “process” – he doesn’t vote – a typical young adult who is taking so many privileges for granted – the sure way to lose them) said to me right after Trump was elected.  He said, “maybe Trump is what is needed to accelerate America’s push to the bottom.”  (or words to that effect)

Well, as I picture in my mind Trump coddling the worst dictator in the world and giving “a special place in hell” to our closest ally – I have to hope this is the “bottom.”  I have to hope there are enough Americans – liberals, conservatives, independents and whoever who see the problem with that picture to begin the process of “Making America Great Again.”  (That process won’t begin until Trump is impeached, jailed, or whatever lies ahead for him AFTER he’s out of office)  And, when I’m reading about the “Hitler Virus” and then I hear Trump’s  ambassador in Germany is ginning up the right wingers there and I remember Steve Bannon has been active in turning Europe toward Fascism I simply shudder.  I keep writing because it makes me sick to my stomach thinking this is the country I’m partially responsible for leaving to my children and grandchildren.

The Trump/Russia “connection” poses the greatest danger to the world since WW II. I’ll say it again, it’s up to “we the people” to stop it this November!

Trump continues to demonstrate through his STUPIDITY in regards to how “justice” works in America what a dangerous threat he is to the United States and the so-called “Western world.”  Trump’s affinity toward DICTATORS around the world is no longer a secret.  He admires, MOST, Vladimir Putin of Russia for reasons “we the people” will, hopefully, at some point understand. Of course, Trump’s MAIN purpose as he holds the “highest office in the land” is to “railroad” Robert Mueller’s investigation – which suggests Trump doesn’t like the impending results while NONE of it has been “leaked.”  What Trump is good at is MANIPULATING and LYING and obfuscating!  And, it’s clear he’ll go to ANY length to protect himself from what must be serious “transgressions” because he appears willing to “torpedo” America’s Justice Department in the process.  (Apparently, Trump’s former “main purpose” – repealing anything with President Obama’s “signature” on it – is now on the “back burner”)

Trump is very “cagey” as he goes about his attack on Mueller’s investigation.  He’s attacking it on multiple fronts.  Clearly, Trump has experience in figuring how to get around America’s legal system.  He’s been doing it all of his business life.  (Which is why I’ve said he appears to me to be the head of a mafia crime family)  On the one hand he’s got his “court jester” Rudy Giuliani out there saying the absurd, ridiculous stuff Trump, himself, can’t say publicly – but he KNOWS Trump TV will use in their BRAINWASHING of those American’s STUPID enough to think they’re being informed by their watching of Fox “news” – AKA “Trump TV.”  Thereby preparing the BASE to disagree with anything Mueller comes up with.  One of the other “fronts” I’m finding more interesting by the day is Trump’s new “toy” – the pardon power.  Today, he suggested he was going to pardon Mohammad Ali!  Yikes!  Yes, pardons are done posthumously, but Ali’s conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court years ago – this is apparently another stunt Trump is pulling to convince African Americans he’s “with them.”  (And, the “pardon power” was not intended for reckless, impulsive use)

Then, he suggested he’d pardon whoever the NFL players, who are kneeling during the Anthem AND who he called “sons of bitches,”  want if they’ll just bring him examples of people who are unfairly imprisoned.  Well, while I hope they can bring him some examples to pardon, AS USUAL, Trump doesn’t appear to “get it.”  The NFL players were taking a knee during the national anthem to call attention to the police brutality and the profiling of African Americans across America.  For example, they can’t bring Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, or the countless other African American (mostly – but, not entirely) men who’ve been victimized by police brutality stemming from routine traffic stops or other illegal police behavior for pardons.  The only people “pardoned” in most of these instances are the police officers.  Recently, a young black person was shot in the back and killed in his GRANDMOTHER’S back yard – where he routinely entered her house.  He can’t be pardoned – but, I admire people like Colin Kaepernick, who, by the way, apparently gave up his job as an NFL quarterback because of standing up for his beliefs, was the first to “take a knee.”  To me, it’s Trump who’s the …………… (what he called them).  (This travesty of justice is why I’ve decided to quit “fantasy football” – “fans” on “both sides” can protest and speak their minds in more ways than one.)

I had an acquaintance (who’s a Trump supporter) explain to me, in this instance, the young man killed in Sacramento had been allegedly vandalizing cars in the neighborhood before the police SHOT him in the BACK.  I asked my friend if he thought the kid deserved to be shot for breaking a few car windows (or whatever he was alleged to have been doing) and my friend, who watches Fox “news,” answered, “yes.”  We work on dialogue with each other and respecting each other’s views, but this is a hard one for me.  Regardless, Trump’s comments just confirm he’s clueless about why the football players are taking a knee.  BUT, he believes he can diffuse the situation with his new “toy.”  He’ll pardon his way out of the problem.

Well, here’s what I think he’s really doing.  He might be STUPID enough to NOT understand the “taking a knee” problem, but what he does understand is how to “muddy the water” in Mueller’s investigation, and “gin” up his “base” – the only “jury” that matters to him – and, that’s the people who are daily BRAINWASHED by Fox.  I believe he’s going to publicly PARDON so many people in so many different “unfair” situations, that his “base” won’t think twice when he begins PARDONING all those under investigation that matter to him. (Including himself!) I believe Don Jr. is in legal jeopardy.  We KNOW he’s LIED to Congress – and, likely to the FBI if Mueller has interviewed him.  Like his father, he’s incapable of NOT LYING! (OK, I could have written that as “telling the truth”)  Jared Kushner seems to be in all kinds of “hot water” and, he could be a candidate for state charges as well as federal charges (which would be a problem for Trump’s pardoning power – but, Rudy did say he was “disposable”).  The evidence I’ve seen would suggest, like his father-in-law he may have an issue with money laundering.

While Rudy suggested Jared is “disposable,” what if Mueller holds Ivanka accountable, or what about Sarah Sanders, or – well, the list could go on and on?  Trump, today on national TV, AGAIN claimed he has the ABSOLUTE POWER to PARDON anyone, including himself!  Why do you think he keeps preparing us for this?  Do you think it’s inevitable? Is he numbing us to all his pardons so it will seem routine when he starts pardoning those around him?  My understanding of the constitution is that the president (even if it’s a republican) can’t pardon himself out of impeachment – but, could Trump head off charges that would follow impeachment for egregious charges from Mueller EVEN the republican Congress can’t ignore?  This republican Congress is almost MORE of an EMBARRASSMENT to me than Trump.  I could see making the case that Trump didn’t know what he was getting in to – but, the republicans in Congress?  Evidently, their oath to the constitution means no more to them than it does to Trump – to which, it obviously, means NOTHING!  Speaking of Congress;  Are the republicans willing to let Trump pardon himself out of criminal activity?

When reporters get Trump around a bank of microphones in one breath he’ll say, regarding pardoning people in the Mueller probe, “I haven’t even thought about it.”  Almost in the next breath – well, I’m guessing you know what’s coming – Trump claims his “ABSOLUTE” right to pardon himself.  I actually kind of hope we end up finding out if he’s correct on that one.  I can’t imagine our “founding fathers” intended the pardon power to give the president the power to pardon himself, therefore allowing him/her to do virtually ANYTHING in office – making him/her “ABOVE THE LAW.”  Just picture these republicans if Hillary Clinton was president pardoning herself from illegal activity that was proven by a special counsel.  Politics in America has finally reached the Bizarro world stage!  Are we finally a “banana republic?”

And, Trump – with the help of Sean Hannity and Fox – has his “base” BRAINWASHED to the point where he feels comfortable making public overtures to Vladimir Putin – despite the Russian attack on our most basic institution (the voting booth) with OVERWHELMING evidence the ATTACK was ordered by Putin himself.  And, the OVERWHELMING evidence is that Putin has been “at it” in Western Europe as he is in the middle of attempting to recreate the “former Soviet Union.”  Is Trump complicit in this?  Is Trump willing to turn America into a Soviet Style dictatorship?  You might think that is foolish talk – but, just look at the evidence.  I’ve pointed this out MANY times on this site – Trump has all the makings of a FASCIST dictator.  He’s going after the free press, he’s attempting to get his political opponents JAILED, and he’s constantly attacking the Justice Department and the Intelligence community.  His administration is tearing down the traditional American institutions which have provided safety to the American people in so many different ways. (By the way, if you haven’t heard, Trump’s appointment to be ambassador to Germany is doing Trump’s “bidding” in an attempt to undermine Angela Merkel’s government – “ginning” up the right wing neo-Nazi’s)

As I’m writing this, Trump is in Singapore for his meeting with Kim Jong-un – who is maybe the most brutal dictator of them all.  This will NOT be part of Trump’s “agenda.”  I’m convinced Trump believes he can come away from this meeting with a Nobel Peace Prize – putting him on an even “footing” with the man he may hate the most, Barack Obama.  However, I believe if anything good happens from this meeting it will be the work of the leader of South Korea – who’s responsible for getting the two wackiest leaders in the world together.  I don’t believe Trump is capable of negotiating a complex agreement and I also believe the other leaders in the world know exactly how to “play” him.  That is what I expect will happen.  Neither the North Koreans nor Trump have any history of thinking you can trust their “word” so this should be interesting at the very least.  Of course, talking is better than bombing, but I never believed even Trump was STUPID enough to bomb North Korea and start WW III!

My point is, Trump hasn’t seemed to view a dictator he doesn’t either like or envy.  Clearly, he’s attempting to turn America into as close to a dictatorship as his republican brethren in Congress will allow – until “we the people” have the opportunity to STOP him in November.  As Trump began his journey that now has him in Singapore, he was first FORCED to attend the “G-7” Summit in Canada – which our closest allies are now calling the G-6.  Trump, at the outset, made an impassioned plea that RUSSIA – I’m not kidding – should be let back into the group – making it the G-8.  At the same time, his “policies,” which his base seems to love, has the other members saying it’s now apparently the G-6 +1.  Trump is turning toward RUSSIA and against Great Britain, Germany, France, and Canada – to name a few of our closest allies.  (at least, our FORMERLY closest allies)  If “we the people” don’t stop this, it’s not going to end well.

I’ve shared, as I’ve read them, the many books I’ve been reading since I started venting on this site – which was after Bush/Cheney LIED us into the Iraq fiasco.  The book I’m reading right now is called “The Hitler Virus.”  This should be required reading for any American who doesn’t believe that first, Trump is a FASCIST, and second, that the spread of FASCISM is not a serious threat to the world order.  There are other books you can read – like Madeleine Albright’s “Fascism a warning,” and Brian Klaas’ “The Despots Apprentice.”  To me, it is irrelevant what happens with Trump and Kim in Singapore – Trump MUST be stopped.  And, the way to do that is to vote the republicans out of control of at least ONE House of Congress – preferably BOTH – but, it will take a minor miracle to vote republicans out of control of the Senate, simply because most of the seats up for election this year are already held by Democrats.

Democrats SHOULD be campaigning in every state, every district, for every office they can win – in order to send the message to the world that “we the people” do not  support this person who’s coddling our adversaries and pissing off our allies.  The DANGER of Trump should have been obvious when Steve Bannon was in the “White House” and said their main objective was “the deconstruction of the administrative state.”  That’s code for destroying our government as it presently exists.  Bannon – via Cambridge Analytica – was involved in influencing the Brexit vote in Britain, and was involved – along with Putin – in pushing right wing neo-Nazi’s in other areas in Europe – such as Marine Le Pen in France.  The Trump/Russia “connection” poses the greatest danger to the world since WW II.  I’ll say it again, it’s up to “we the people” to stop it this November!

Final Thought:  As I said in a recent post, it will take “all hands on deck” to succeed in stopping this unprecedented POWER grab!  Trump is the perfect “stooge” for those “pulling the strings” surreptitiously in the so-called permanent republican “majority.”  With their voter suppression tactics, their dishonest advertising (with unlimited funds flowing in from the “tax scam” benefactors), the help of foreign money and advertising (thanks to the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision along with a vulnerable internet “firewall”), and a court system that is becoming MORE and MORE stacked to favor a corporatocracy – an unprecedented turnout for a mid-term election will be required to stop Trump in his “tracks.”  If you’re reading this and you haven’t been “sucked in” by Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, Jones, and on and on – the right wing “water carriers” – then hopefully you consider yourself part of the resistance.  Speak to people, encouraging them to vote – it’s time to show the world we are rejecting Fascism.  We will “fix” the problem created by our 2016 election – BUT, we’ll stay true to our constitution and, assuming Trump is NOT impeached, we’ll vote him out in 2020 and we’ll create a “check” in 2018!  (Once he’s “gone,” he can no longer pardon himself and he’ll have to face up to his transgressions – and, hopefully we won’t elect another President Obama who chose to “look forward instead of back” when blocking the NEEDED investigations into the Bush/Cheney “crime family.”  You can’t heal a wound without exposing it.  And, Trump is the result of ignoring the transgressions of Bush/Cheney!  Not Again!

The FACT Fox “news” viewers believe both Giuliani and Trump “tell the truth” is just further confirmation why they are the least informed of ALL Americans! (Including those who don’t even watch/read news!)

I want to write this BEFORE Trump’s “summit” with Kim Jong-un that is scheduled to happen next week in Singapore.  Trump has already given Kim something he has wanted for a long time and that’s a place on the international “stage.”  What got him there?  Obviously, it’s his nukes.  What does he want?  At this point I’m not sure.  One thing he wants, for sure, is to still be “in charge” when he returns to North Korea.  What does Trump want?  Probably at the top of the list would be the Nobel Peace prize – which, if this works out, should go to the leader of South Korea who is responsible for all of this.  One thing I feel confident about is this meeting is more important to Trump than to Kim.

Is Kim going to give up his nuclear arsenal?  My instincts tell me if he agrees to do that he won’t be the “Supreme Leader” when he returns home.  Don’t get me wrong, I would love them to give up their nukes!  I’d love it if everyone gave up their nukes.  (That, of course, would include the U.S.A.)  However, probably not going to happen.  The leaders of North Korea have to believe the reason this meeting is happening is because of the nukes and I can’t imagine them believing – especially after the recent Iran agreement being “torn up” by Trump – they can trust America after what’s happened over “all these years.”

It appears to me this entire situation is a VERY complicated one.  Trump seems to be implying that he’s just going to negotiate a wonderful agreement with Kim on the spot.  OK, it’s true, I’d love to see something positive come from all this – but, it seems to me there should be some kind of negotiating going on with the lower levels of the State Department to set up clear parameters to this meeting – with some kind of tentative agreement reached beforehand.  Oh yes, I had momentarily forgotten, our State Department has been obliterated under Trump and we don’t even have an ambassador in South Korea.  This is Trump at his authoritarian best – it’s him and him alone who can solve this problem.  That alone almost makes me wish for him to FAIL.  However, it looks as if this is all set up to fail without any wishes from me.

Most of what has happened under Trump’s “watch” – which he believes makes him the greatest president in the history of the country – is ALL short term thinking.  (With the exception of the judges he is nominating to lifetime positions – nominations that makes his right wing base very happy)  For example, Trump is counting on the pittance in many people’s weekly paychecks due to the tax cut to make them vote for republicans in November.  Most people are not falling for this scam – but, it is what it is.  Why is it short term thinking?  Well, first of all, this summer “we the people” will start seeing the ADDITIONAL rate hikes to health insurance as a result of the “tax scam.”  So, most workers will lose out and, in many cases, not even notice – or, understand why.  Trump will find a way to blame Obama.  The tax “savings” will be offset by much higher expenses in health insurance costs.  Another “consequence” of the tax scam will be an uptick (of yet unknown amount) in INFLATION.  The “downstream” effect of INFLATION could be significant to America’s economy.  Possibly recession!  (Trump is “banking” on this effect not happening until AFTER November’s Mid Terms.  In reality, INFLATION will make Trump even more wealthy because of his real estate holdings – unless, of course, there’s a severe recession – in inflation, real estate values go up)  And, I haven’t even mentioned the deficits which will exceed ONE TRILLION dollars per year for the foreseeable future.  That’s correct, the “tax scam” will be ENTIRELY funded with BORROWED money! (And, then some)

So, with all this (and more) coming “down the pike” at Trump and the republicans regarding long term consequences for short term decisions Trump is DESPERATE for this meeting with Kim to “go well.”  He’s kind of boxed himself in by “tearing up” the Iran deal, which was considered by most to be a good and fair agreement – so, he’s got to get something better.  This all should be interesting, to say the least.  I’ve always said I’m not the type to hope “my” president fails, but, to be honest, I’m not claiming Trump as “my president.”  To me, he’s the “so-called” president that “won” a “rigged” election that had an as yet unknown amount of Russian influence to an unknown effect.  He’s an admitted sexual predator, he’s a pathological LIAR, a misogynist, and a racist – off the top of  my head – there’s nothing I look forward to more (excluding the health of my family and friends and the continuation of America as a “nation of laws and not men”) than the day Trump is OUT of office.  Whether he gets impeached or gets VOTED OUT in 2020, I hope I live to see the day.  (If you haven’t been around here, I’m “getting up there”)  To me, Trump is an embarrassment to the office he is “holding.”

Trump’s supporters are “devout” and it’s still questionable to me whether or not the republicans in Congress will act if Trump is accused of impeachable offenses by the Mueller probe.  In fact, it’s apparent even Trump is expecting to be charged with something “untoward” based on his actions and those of Rudy Giuliani – his “TV lawyer.”  Giuliani, himself, is willing to “soil” his own reputation, what was left  of it, by willingly LYING on TV for Trump – in an effort to BRAINWASH his base into believing the Mueller probe is “out to get Trump.”  Just imagine what they’d be saying if this probe was aimed at Hillary Clinton.  (Which they’d obviously prefer)  They’re willing to DESTROY the foundational institutions in America to protect Trump from accountability to what might be significant illegal activity.  (And, by the way, Trump’s “bromance” with Vladimir Putin and Russia goes on – incredibly!  He wants a “summit” with Putin and wants Russia back in the G-7 – which is apparently going to be the G-6 because of Trump’s reckless use of tariffs.  This is ARROGANCE at its highest!)

Speaking of Giuliani, earlier tonight I finished another post I’d been working on (it’s really hard to keep up with all of Trump’s scandals!) where I nominated (actually chose) Giuliani as “The Worst Person in the World” (pulling the idea from the archives of Keith Olberman) for a series of OUTRAGEOUS comments he made while further SOILING himself as Trump’s TV “lawyer” while in Israel.  Clearly, the right wing Israelis have issues similar to right wing Americans as they appeared to “soak” it all up.  Giuliani was BAD!  How bad was he, you ask?

OMG!  He started off by claiming Kim Jong-un got on his “hands and knees, right where we want him” as he “BEGGED” Trump to attend the “summit.”  Does Kim watch MSNBC? (I’m guessing Fox “news” – AKA “Trump TV” – didn’t show Giuliani’s comments)  Giuliani followed his “begged” comment with a reference to “porn” that brought laughter to more sophisticated observers than myself – I”m guessing there was an inference to “porn” in Giuliani’s comments (I really am “old fashioned”) that Kim may actually understand and that weren’t very complimentary.  But, speaking of “porn,” Giuliani then went off on a tirade about “Stormy Daniels” and how Trump wouldn’t have an affair with her because, “Have you seen what she looks like?”  (I wrote in my other post, evidently Giuliani hasn’t looked in a mirror lately – PLUS, he apparently hasn’t seen the pictures of Trump with his arm around Ms. Daniels – actually Stephanie Clifford – at the golf tournament where the assignation apparently took place.)

Giuliani suggested Melania Trump doesn’t believe her husband had this affair (while she was pregnant with their son) while it’s OBVIOUS to just about EVERYONE she has to have known about it.  She may NOT have known about the $130,000 in hush money Michael Cohen paid to keep her quiet right BEFORE the 2016 election – but, of course, it’s no secret now.  In fact, she also NOW knows about the “hush money” paid to the Playboy model also right before the election – both deals which could get her husband in even MORE “hot water.”  Then there’s the money Michael Cohen paid a maid at Trump Tower, allegedly for Elliot Brodie, for an affair resulting in an abortion.  Rumors are suggesting Brodie was a “stand-in” for Trump on that one, but who knows, as I said above, it’s hard to keep up.  Cohen, again, was the “fixer.”  Giuliani’s comments about his lack of respect for women like Stormy Daniels who make their living “selling sex,” and pointing out how Trump’s THREE wives (the last two the result of AFFAIRS while he was married to the previous one) are so much more classy and “respectable.”  They would never sell their bodies for “money.”  (That caused a furor today as pictures of Melania Trump’s nude photos – which she posed for in return for MONEY – apparently are the “rage” on “Twitter.”  (I don’t do “Twitter” so this is “second hand,” but I have to admit that a couple of years ago I saw one of Melania’s nude photos on the internet.)

Giuliani was attempting to “put lipstick on a pig” as he implied Trump and his wives – and, by extension Rudy and his wives – are incredibly (my adjective) respectable.  As I said, Trump ended two marriages via AFFAIRS with his soon to be “next wife.”  And, according to, I think it was “Buzzfeed,”  Trump’s first wife claimed he “raped” her at some point during their marriage.  This is the episode where Michael Cohen went all “mafia fixer” on the reporter who wrote the article and he claimed a married woman cannot be “raped” by her husband.  This is where many people began questioning where Cohen received his law degree.  But, I digress………  Giuliani’s comments, in Israel no less, were so disgusting it’s hard to believe someone could be in a position of “authority” in ANY country and be that STUPID.  But, then again, he’s working for Trump. And, by all accounts, Trump approves of Rudy’s incredibly STUPID comments.  (And,  by the way, apparently Rudy is in the middle of his third divorce – from a woman he was having an affair with while she was working for him AND while he was still married to his second wife.  In today’s America this is one of our “spokes people.” Respectable??? Yikes!)

Sadly, there really is a swath of America that believes Trump is telling the “truth” when his lips are moving, people who believe Giuliani is reputable, and believes Trump’s “policies” are good for America.  People around the globe wonder what they’re “smoking?”  Here’s an upcoming issue: the G-7 Summit is this coming weekend in Canada and, I’m guessing, the other “six” members are just as loathe for Trump to show up as he is NOT excited to go.  Trump really doesn’t like anything that is not butt-kissing, and he’s not going to get it from our closest allies – all of whom he’s pissed off with his dishonest excuses for threatening a trade war.  The reality, which all of Trump’s supporters seem to believe is inconsequential, is that Trump is creating fissures across the globe that could be catastrophic in the “long run.”  (quite possibly the “short run” as well)  Just one example that quickly comes to mind:  What if the world community turns from the dollar as the world’s leading exchange currency?  (Trump is already “making China great again” on so many “fronts”) I don’t know what that would mean, but, in my mind, it doesn’t sound good!  (I’ve mentioned many times on this site, “I’m no economist”)  The FACT Fox “news” viewers believe both Giuliani and Trump “tell the truth” is just further confirmation why they are the least informed of ALL Americans!  (Including those who don’t watch/read news!)  I want Mueller to finish every bit as much as Trump – I just want to make sure he is FINISHED!  It’s time to get this recent “blot” on America’s history over with!

Final Thought:  My original thought in starting this post was to make my thoughts clear before Trump meets with Kim (if it happens, now that Kim is “on his knees begging.”).  I continue to believe it is Trump who is most wanting this meeting to succeed.  I’m guessing Kim will have achieved what he wants if the meeting takes place and he’s still the “Supreme Leader” when he returns to North Korea.  Kim is quite possibly the MOST brutal dictator in the world and, it seems clear, Trump could care less about his (and his family’s) BRUTAL treatment of the North Korean people.  Trump really wants that Nobel Peace price and he’s willing to go to any lengths to get it.  I believe Trump believes that is his “ticket” to keeping republicans in control of Congress and, by extension, him in the “White House.”  Personally, I don’t think there’s any way Trump prevents the “blue wave” coming in November.  I do believe there’s no way democrats gain control of the Senate – or even if a miracle happens and they gain control of the Senate – there’s no way republicans vote to convict in the Senate even if democrats would vote to impeach in the House.  Remember, there’s history here on this subject – and, Nancy Pelosi was right in the middle of it.

In 2006 democrats took control of Congress (both houses) in response to the Bush/Cheney illegal wars, the TORTURE, and the tearing down of government institutions (sound familiar?) with the expectation BOTH Bush and Cheney would be impeached as WAR CRIMINALS.  The democrats refused to act because it was not “politically expedient” – I got that “straight from the horses mouth” as I quizzed my (democratic) representative at a local Town Hall.  (He was later voted out of office and we’ve had a republican ever since – who’s now on “shaky ground” largely due to Trump)  My guess is it will be deja vu all over again.  They’ll say “Why impeach him when it’s not going anywhere in the Senate?”  Of course, you didn’t hear that from republicans in the days of Bill Clinton and, if you’ve noticed, republicans have been more energized ever since.  I hope democrats take a look at recent history.  Remember, “those who ignore history are bound to repeat it!”  (I’ve been saying this for years and hoping democrats figure it out – this is a “war” for the heart and soul of America)

In November “it’s all hands on deck” – regarding the need for voters to show up and STOP Trump’s takeover of our country!

I’ve commented many times that Trump reminds me of the sixth grade bullies I used to encounter in my career as a sixth grade teacher.  They keep pushing until you draw CLEAR lines they CAN’T cross or the consequences are severe.  In the case of a sixth grade student the consequence, should the student keep PUSHING after several warnings and interventions, is expulsion from the school.  Where I live that leads to the student going through a program called “back on track” in an attempt to get them to learn they don’t get to ruin school for everyone else.  In Trump’s case, “we the people” (unfortunately) are relying on republicans to provide the “interventions” necessary to prevent the “severe consequences” – which, of course, would be IMPEACHMENT.

Apparently, in today’s “climate” in Washington D.C. – due to Trump’s (and Trump TV along with the other right wing perpetrators of the “Big Lie Theory”) constant LYING and his “base” falling for the LIES – the republican party doesn’t have the “stones” to attempt the “interventions” necessary to clarify the BOUNDARIES which Trump won’t be allowed to cross.  He’s “crossing” them at will and, while he does it, “thumbing his nose” at his republican enablers as if to say, “go ahead and try to stop me.”  In the process, Trump is expertly preparing his “base” to NOT believe ANYTHING that comes from the Mueller investigation of Russia’s ATTACK on our nation during the previous election – AND ongoing – with the mid terms in mind.  Trust me, the Russian ATTACK will continue as long as we allow it.  Kind of the same thing as Trump’s ARROGANCE toward American “norms” – the Russians are doing the same thing.  Why wouldn’t they – if no one is going to stop them.

The goal of the Russians is to exacerbate the political divide in America – in essence, using our open society AGAINST us – as they work to undermine as many countries in the “West” as they can.  Vladimir Putin is set on trying to recreate the “former Soviet Union” and he’s willing to do “whatever it takes” to accomplish his goal.  To what extent Trump is collaborating with Putin is unknown at this point, and may never be totally known.  But, what is CLEAR, is Trump is doing NOTHING to stop Putin and his Russian cyber warriors from causing as much division in America as they can.  Who they’re working with hopefully will become clear when Mueller finally gives his report, that HOPEFULLY will be made public – my guess is Cambridge Analytica will fit in somehow somewhere with the CONSPIRACY to COLLUDE with the Russians AGAINST the laws of the United States.

Rudy Giuliani claimed Mueller has said he’s  planning to finish the “Obstruction” phase of his investigation by September.  I can only hope that’s true.  It’s apparent Trump will be accused of OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE in Mueller’s report – it’s hard to imagine he won’t come to that conclusion – although, one thing which is clear is that Mueller won’t be swayed by any of us armchair attorneys out in cyber space – he’ll make a fair report.  It appears to me, based on all the reports about Mueller’s negotiating for an interview with Trump that he wants to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.  I know right wingers believe it’s a “perjury trap” – but, that’s only because EVERYONE in America and around the world understands Trump is a pathological LIAR.  I believe Mueller genuinely wants to understand Trump’s “intent” in the firing of James Comey and some of the other things that could easily be considered OBSTRUCTION.  To me, there’s NO DOUBT that Trump is trying to “short circuit” the investigation because he KNOWS what he’s done that’s problematic.

Recently, the flurries of pardons – another Trump example of his willingness to push the BOUNDARIES – because he “can” – appear to be further attempts to OBSTRUCT the investigation by sending not so subtle messages to potential witnesses who are in legal jeopardy themselves – like, for example, Michael Cohen, who could cause Trump even more nightmares than he’s already having if he “flipped.”  However, I would caution Trump, the government already has MILLIONS of documents from Cohen that will, if there’s anything nefarious, make Cohen’s “flipping” unnecessary.  Cohen’s “flipping” would be designed, in his interests NOT Trump’s, to keep him closer to his family than he might if he doesn’t cooperate.  One reason I believe that is because I’m convinced one of the reasons Cohen’s problems are coming from the SDNY’s (Southern District of New York) prosecutors office is because the Attorney General of New York is “sitting in the shadows” to file state charges against Cohen if Trump attempts a “pre-trial pardon.”  It’s almost as if Trump and Mueller are playing a game of chess.  Except, of course, this is NO game!  (It appears Trump’s ultimate defense is he believes he can pardon himself! Yikes!!)

If you’ve read any of my recent posts this will be redundant, but I’ve been calling Trump a Fascist since before he was elected.  I recognized the similarities with a German from the 1930’s early on.  Of course, I don’t know how intentional it is, but it’s certainly suspicious.  Just the “Make America Great Again” – which is ALMOST identical to Hitler’s campaign slogan “Make Germany Great Again.”  Both men running on a “platform” based on racism and nationalism.  Both men believing they are/were above the law.  Recently, Trump’s legal team “floated” their belief Trump actually IS above the law – claiming he could even shoot someone and not be liable for criminal charges – the ONLY check on him, according to the lawyers, is IMPEACHMENT.  They are claiming that the special counsel law is unconstitutional (evidently, they’re feeling it’s not going to work out well for them) and that it is IMPOSSIBLE for Trump to OBSTRUCT justice.  That tells me they believe he’s obstructed justice.

Virtually every week Trump further supports my claim he’s a fascist.  He continues to act as if he is not subject to the laws, that he SHOULD be able to decide who’s prosecuted in America, and that he should be able to control what is said via the public media.  Today, there was a situation in the press briefing where reporters challenged Sarah Sanders about one of her (many) LIES – this one where she claimed Trump had nothing to do with the FALSE memo released after the June 9, 2016 meeting with Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner with representatives from the Kremlin who supposedly had “incriminating evidence” on Hillary Clinton.  Today, it was reported a letter from Trump’s attorneys to Mueller corroborated what we all knew already, that Trump dictated the memo which was based on LYING (why would that surprise anyone?) AND that Ms. Sanders (along with others in Trump’s “orbit”) LIED to the public about it.  Sanders was very defensive – but, the reality is she has already STAINED her reputation going forward due to her willingness to LIE  to the American people from that podium.  Prior press secretaries cringe every time they witness this – because, it’s an HONORABLE position where telling the TRUTH has been foundational for those privileged with that job.  I suppose, as long as Trump TV continues to exist (Fox “news”) there will be a place for Ms. Sanders once the Trump NIGHTMARE is over, but she is leaving a STAIN on that position (and, her own reputation) that may be hard to overcome in the days to come!

Our “liberal media” continues to “shudder” at the reality they’re facing and they continue to parse their words in a way to avoid any more conflict than is necessary.  When you study the history of this version of the republican party you realize what “we the people” are dealing with is EXACTLY what they wanted to create back in the days with what I called “The Contract ON America” (They, of course, called it the “Contract for America”).  This was in the early 1990’s and Newt Gingrich felt the ONLY way for republicans to gain control of the Congress was through OBSTRUCTION (and, then masterfully figuring out how to LIE about it and cause our “liberal media” to buy into “it’s both parties to blame”).

Obstruction has become a “way of life” for republicans since the aforementioned “contract” – except on those few occasions when they’ve had control of Congress and the “White House.”  When that happens, they soon confirm, while they’re good at winning elections and rigging the process, they’re virtually INEPT at governing.  It’s just a matter of time under these circumstances – Trump has another six months until his majority in the House MAY go “bye bye” – until the economy goes “south” and our standing in the world is further destroyed.  (I can guarantee republicans will find a way to BLAME democrats for the economic demise once it happens)  It’s actually happening as I write this but it might not be obvious until after the November elections.  Usually, when republicans screw things up, the democrats can finally win enough elections to retake Congress.  This year, the possibility of taking back the House, is strong.  (Very unlikely the Senate – short of a disaster happening sooner rather than later)

Trump is attempting to “short circuit” the impending “disaster” by claiming powers for the American Executive that are delusional, except for one sad reality – and, that is we have a republican party with members who are sadly lacking in COURAGE.  Trump, as I’ve tried to explain in pointing out his BULLYING tendencies, will PUSH the “boundaries” until he’s stopped – and, as I’ve said OVER and OVER – the SAD reality is “we the people” are depending on the very republicans who are showing virtually NO courage in the face of Trump’s POWER grab for – you guessed it – COURAGE!  Fascists CAN’T take over a country that is a republic or democracy without ENABLERS.  For me, even worse than BLAMING “republicans,” the MOST discouraging part of all this is Trump’s base is MOSTLY “conservative Christians!”  This is ANOTHER parallel to what allowed the Third Reich to succeed in Germany back in the 1930’s.

Those who’ve focused on creating division in America – starting with the republican’s “Contract ON America” in the 90’s, gaining steam with the incredible OBSTRUCTION and LYING that took place during President Obama’s administration – republicans ginning up the racist undertones that emerged after America chose an African American president – led by Mitch McConnell, and further exacerbated to an as yet unknown degree, by Vladimir Putin’s ATTACK on America – with the intent of dividing our people – turning one American against another are succeeding.  And, these guys are very sophisticated in how they go about their business.  They care not about the future of America – it’s all about gaining and MAINTAINING power!

If This wasn’t so serious, it would be laughable to me as I’ve listened to pundits suggest democrats and President Obama are “elitists.”  This coming from BILLIONAIRES who are expert at manipulating the minds of anyone who will subject themselves to their messaging – usually coming across Fox “news,” listening to people like Limbaugh, and subjecting themselves to apps like “Twitter” and “Facebook.”  As I’ve said, when all is said and done about this era in American History, Fox “news,” Trump, the right wing enablers in Congress, and the right wing bloviators on the radio airwaves, will find themselves in the ash heap of history next to Benedict Arnold.  They are propagandists in the same “light” as Joseph Goebbels of the Third Reich.  Check it out! (It’s not hard to find this information)

While “we the people” are CONTINUALLY focused on Trump’s scandals – justifiably so – as it’s up to us to prevent a FASCIST succeeding in getting a stranglehold on our nation’s government – there’s a lot of other “stuff” flying “under the radar.”  There’s little discussion of the tax scam which will “HIT” many middle class Americans next year (they won’t even understand enough to BLAME their increased health care costs on the tax scam), we’re not hearing much regarding the “DREAMERS” (evidently, those types of topics only gain attention when it’s critical timing), we’re not hearing about all the institutions under assault by Trump’s surrogates, and, today, I read about Senator Merkley from Oregon being denied entrance to an immigration facility that is apparently holding children who’ve been separated from their parents.  There’s a LOT of s@#t happening behind the scenes that, by the time “we the people” find out about it, people could be suffering needlessly.  I’m guessing Trump’s FASCIST tendencies are leading to many directives that ABUSE American laws or, at the minimum, American norms regarding political asylum.  “We the people” NEED to know what’s going on with the families fleeing violent countries and applying for asylum – for example.  Trump is an immigrant, he’s married to an immigrant (I think TWO of his wives have been RECENT immigrants) AND we’re “A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS.”

What’s happening to those people is just a small example of the DAMAGE I’ve talked about since Trump took the “oath” of office – and, much of it is going to take a long time to rectify.  And, the “beat goes on” simply because the republicans in Congress LACK the COURAGE to put it to an end.  Trump, as I’ve said, will continue pushing until he’s FORCED to stop.  It’s all about him and NOT about our country.  He’s the master manipulator – manipulating the media, manipulating the voters who support him, and, SADLY we’ve all watched him manipulate the republican party – turning it into the party of Trump.  It’s masterful what he’s doing to his party and, again, it mirrors what happened in Germany during the 1930’s.  As I heard someone say in a TV interview the other day, in November “it’s all hands on deck” – regarding the need for voters to show up!

Final thought:  In the memory of Keith Olberman’s time on MSNBC I’ve, since the “election,” come to believe Trump to be “the worst person in the world.” (WPITW) Well, now I’ve learned he has competition!  I’ve pointed out how it seems ANYONE who allows him/herself to be associated with Trump comes out on the “other side” DIRTY, there now has emerged a person where we can safely say, “this takes the cake.”  Yesterday, Rudy Giuliani was in Israel and had a “sit down” where someone foolishly gave him a “mike” and people were allowed to question him.  OMG!  Rudy accomplished a lot – but, to me, he put himself right in the running with Trump for WPITW!  He made comments about Stormy Daniels’ looks that would have you believe Rudy has NEVER looked in a mirror.  He made comments about Kim jong-un which, if they don’t scuttle the so-called “summit,” they should.  (It’s on Kim if he really is “begging on his hands and knees” to meet with Trump)  And, worst of all – at least if I was in Trump’s “shoes” it would be – he made comments about Trump’s wife that has caused the NUDE pictures of her sitting out in cyber space to be the most “googled” item of the day.  Rudy suggesting women who use their bodies for “profit” and all – seemed to forget about Melania’s “pre-Trump” days.  And, of course, Rudy’s big mouth apparently wasn’t informed of Trump, himself, appearing in porn movies “back in the day.”  It was, however, his self righteous comments about Stormy Daniels which would make Rudy today’s WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!

The issue of Fascism goes way deeper than just Trump. These republican “enablers” apparently have the same disease.

In my last post I gave even more EVIDENCE as to why I’ve been calling Trump a FASCIST since before he was “elected.”  (You can visit the archive if you want)  Since I started the post several things have happened to make me even MORE sure that my “diagnosis” is correct.  The saddest part, to me, of what I’ve seen, occurred when I watched several Trump supporters interviewed after he finished LYING to them in a campaign style speech somewhere in Tennessee.  The people in the audience – everyone who was interviewed – believe Trump is telling the truth and that the “mainstream media” is LYING about the “Russia thing,” obstruction, and anything else Trump might end up being charged with.  One guy said, “the only way I trust our government is with Trump at the head of it.” Yikes!

And, the “anything else,” in my view, is going to include ILLEGAL financial “stuff” in Trump’s former “orbit” as the head of the “Trump organization.”  As I’ve stated, I believe Trump will be exposed as the head of what amounts to a “crime syndicate.”  There’s going to be issues of money laundering (some of that is obvious, if you’ve been watching this whole investigation unfold), likely bribery, extortion, and intimidation – to name a few ideas I, a non lawyer, have had come to mind.  It grieves me when I listen to hard working Americans who’ve “drank the cool-aid” of the right wing message machine that’s ultimately responsible for Trump.  At the same time, I don’t let them off the “hook” for NOT fact checking stuff they hear and allowing themselves to be BRAINWASHED.  If you disagree with these people, you can’t even have a conversation with them.

Today, Trump went a bit further in his ARROGANT attempt to claim his RULE over our constitution and the laws that have emanated from it.  He’s using his “pardon power” to send messages to all those people who might be tempted to “tell the truth” to Robert Mueller that he’ll simply pardon them should they choose to protect their fuhrer by LYING.  There’s a long list of people who’ve worked in the “White House” who are grappling with that dilemma – as Hope Hicks once admitted, she was “expected to tell ‘little white lies’ while working for Trump.”  Well, LYING to the FBI constitutes a crime with a penalty of jail, I believe, up to five years.  While I was watching this flurry of pardons explained today, many of the pundits were referring to Michael Flynn as maybe one of Trump’s targets.  However, in my mind, they’re forgetting some important “stuff.”

Of course, even Trump understands it’s a bit late to pardon Flynn because he’s been “cooperating” for over half a year now.  There’s probably not much else for him to tell Mueller.  I believe Mueller is delaying Flynn’s sentencing until he’s more clear on any charges that might be aimed at Trump himself.  What people need to remember about someone being pardoned.  First of all, when you accept a pardon you are admitting guilt, usually for a felony.  Secondly, once you’ve been pardoned, you can still be questioned regarding any investigation you might be involved in or have information which may be pertinent AND you CAN’T plead the “fifth.”

In Flynn’s case, I believe people need to remember that Flynn got a very “sweet deal” from Mueller in return for his cooperation.  Flynn was likely facing MULTIPLE felony charges relating to his ILLEGAL activity resulting in his representation of interests from Turkey and Russia.  He was clearly an unregistered foreign agent which is a felony AND, more importantly, his SON was right in the middle of all his controversial activities.  By agreeing to cooperate, Flynn, famous for leading the “lock her up” chant at the republican convention while saying, “If I’d done one tenth of what Mrs. Clinton did I’d be locked up for years,” got his SON off “Scott free.”  If Flynn is pardoned, he no longer would have firth amendment rights, which is another reason he won’t be pardoned, at least, until Trump is totally vindicated – if that ever happens. AND, if Flynn chooses to renege on his “arrangement” with Mueller, his SON could be facing multiple charges.  I have to wonder how many outrageous pardons would the republicans in Congress allow Trump before they “intervene?”

Michael Cohen may have been the MAJOR target of the message Trump was sending with his flurry of pardons today.  One of the people pardoned had pleaded guilty to virtually the same charges many “pundits” are predicting Cohen soon will be facing.  Here’s the “kicker” for Cohen’s situation – and, why I believe Robert Mueller will be considered brilliant when all is said and done – especially if Trump is uncovered as the menace to this nation I believe he is – Cohen can be charged, from what I understand, with state crimes (and, very well, that may be the “plan”), and state crimes can’t be pardoned by the president – only federal crimes!  (Here’s an article that explains Trump’s possible dilemma.)

The same situation that applies to Cohen in the Southern District of New York could be applied to Paul Manafort who is facing some of his charges in Virginia – and, that means if Trump is planning to pardon Manafort the Attorney General of Virginia could prosecute him there – even after he’s been pardoned by Trump.  Trump is attempting to use his pardon power, it appears, in a way to circumvent the laws and to undercut Mr. Mueller’s investigation – which is even supported by MOST republicans.  Investigations like Mueller’s, traditionally, have taken years to complete and the FACT that NOTHING is leaking from Mueller’s “team,” is causing anxiety on “both sides of the isle.”  I believe the American people want to know the TRUTH about whether or not members of Trump’s campaign were in cahoots with Russians, or other foreigners, in order to help them “win” the election.  I believe it’s the other “stuff” Mueller is finding as he “follows the money” that has Trump on “pins and needles.”

Trump clearly did not think he was going to “win,” so I’m sure he felt none of this would ever come out.  And, the reason he refused to show his tax returns was, I’m convinced, to keep the other stuff Mueller is finding – regarding his financial misdeeds – from ever seeing the light of day.  Why would anyone think his “it’s all about me” attitude as our so-called president would have been any different in his business dealings.  It’s public knowledge that Trump’s dishonest business practices, his failure to pay debts – including debts to lawyers, workers, and banks, and, essentially, his lack of connection to the truth, put him in a position where NO American banks wanted anything to do with him and his organization.  (And, he can’t even get a respectable attorney to represent him in all his problems)  His son’s have publicly admitted they used money from Russia to keep their business a float -that’s GOING to become a problem.  “Following the money” is going to get ugly for Trump – so, he’s attempting to find ways to protect what he knows is coming from Mueller via his LYING and, today, his reckless use of the power to pardon.

All of this furthers my contention Trump is a Fascist.  (And, who knows to what extent?  Read “The Hitler Virus” and “Fascism, a waning” if you want to get a sobering look at reality regarding the Neo-Nazi movements around the globe.)  Just that he views his pardon power as his “play thing” is alarming.  This just adds to the, what many are referring to as “scary,” DAMAGE I’ve talked over and over about which Trump is doing to America.  My optimistic side is telling me Trump is FORCING “we the people” to FINALLY deal with our demons.  I mean, this nation was founded on slavery and it’s the “white nationalists” who make up the bulk of Trump’s base.  Getting back to that rally in Tennessee – every one of the people interviewed espoused racial bigotry in their views – and, I’m guessing most of them would genuinely claim to NOT be racists if you asked them direct.  I don’t blame them – MOST of them have likely been watching Fox “news” (Trump TV) and listening to the likes of Limbaugh and the other right win bloviators on the radio airwaves for years – except that, like I said above, they SHOULD know enough to FACT check the information they’re putting in their heads.  They’ve been BRAINWASHED!

Which tells me, this FASCIST “thing” likely runs much deeper than just Trump.  The republican party will ultimately self-destroy over what’s been happening since Bush/Cheney left Washington DC “with their tails between their legs.”  Republicans, in my lifetime, have been great at LYING in their messaging without compulsion.  There’s a scandal, and, soon, both them and our “liberal media” have forgotten.  If you’ve forgotten, Bush/Cheney left Washington with an economy SHEDDING about a MILLION jobs per month, the stock market was in free fall – had dropped OVER 50% of its value in about a year, there were two ILLEGAL wars ongoing, they had stained America by publicly authorizing TORTURE, America’s institutions had been under assault, and MILLIONS of Americans were losing their houses on a regular basis.  The annual deficit was at $1.5 TRILLION (with a “T”) and our image around the world was in “tatters.”

“We the people” chose a person of African descent to pull us out of the greatest “mess” since the Great Depression and, thus, was born the “Tea party” in a clear backlash to the audacity of having an African American president.  Republicans were quickly on the ATTACK (especially after President Obama BLUNDERED by BLOCKING investigations into Bush/Cheney wrongdoing – seriously, compare that to Trump) and, with the Tea Party, the Trump presidency was “born.”  He led the RACIST “birther movement” and, if you were aware – AT ALL – of the underpinnings of the Tea Party movement, you KNOW it was built on RACISM – clear and simple.  The signs at their rallies were disgusting – and, present, were many leading republicans saying NOTHING about all the RACIST banter at the Tea Party’s inception, instead, encouraging it.  People like the Koch Brothers were funding it, and the republican party embraced it – to the point where, today, the so-called “freedom caucus” rules the day in republican politics.  Their leaders are the main Trump enablers in Congress.

Trump, and all his Tea Party enablers, appear to find the Russian interference “just fine” because it was aimed to help them. (I’ve said many times, today’s republican party believes “the end justifies the means”) You have to wonder how they’d be reacting if it was aimed at and succeeded in getting Hillary Clinton elected president.  Of course, that would have been impossible because, say what you want about Mrs. Clinton, she was no sycophant for Vladimir Putin.  All of this, including the abuse of the pardon power, is just further proof that Trump wants NO boundaries in his ability to RULE America – just like Putin in Russia, Erdogan in Turkey, Duterte in the Philippines, and countless other fascist despots emerging around the globe.  It really is up to “we the people” to put a STOP to all this – and, we CAN do it this November at the ballot box.  However, as I’ve said before, it “aint gonna be easy!”  Trump and his minions are doing everything in their power to keep their GRIP on POWER.

The republicans, since the days of Karl Rove, have been lamenting the time when they will achieve their “permanent republican majority.”  The “joke” in that plan is they know they’ll NEVER actually have a “majority.”  The way they accomplish this is to disenfranchise as many progressive voters as they can.  They’ve already “stacked the deck” via their classic gerrymandering – which they accomplished in 2010, and the “tax scam” has infused OVER a TRILLION dollars into the hands of republican “donors” who’ll be funneling HUGE amounts of their windfall back into republican “coffers.”  This was EXACTLY the purpose of the tax scam. (You won’t hear a “peep” from republicans this year about a deficit now back over a TRILLION dollars per year) They’ve been scheming as to how to circumvent the “checks and balances” in our constitution for decades – and, Trump’s ARROGANCE toward the laws makes him the perfect “standard bearer” for the stealth puppeteers who are directing the republican party from the shadows.  So, what I’m saying is the issue of Fascism goes way deeper than just Trump.  These republican “enablers” apparently have the same disease.  I’ll say it again, it’s up to “we the people” to put a STOP to all this.

Final Thought:  It appears that something in the neighborhood of 30+ percent of Americans have been BRAINWASHED to believe Trump is telling the truth while he’s LYING.  The sad reality, to me, is that racism is a much more serious issue in “the home of the brave, the land of the free” than I had imagined.  My amazement that “we the people” would elect a person of color to be president has turned to anxiety that we would elect an out and out racist to the “White House” who willingly BRAINWASHES his supporters via the Nazi’s “Big Lie Theory.”  There’s more than one historical precedent for all this – but, one in particular – and, I must remind you, Trump is of German descent.  And, probably Trump’s most brilliant skill is LYING to and manipulating the media.  I can only hope he’s “met his match” in Robert Mueller!  Wouldn’t it be ironic if it was James Comey who was responsible for his “election” and Robert Mueller responsible for his downfall?  And, personally, I believe the “downfall” could be a serious “fall.”  White Collar criminal like!

Every day I listen to pundits who want to “tip toe” around the issue here.  Either they are unaware of what is “Fascism,” or they are just too tepid to say it.  The ones I’ve heard refer to it, suggest those of us calling it what it is are just too “liberal.”  To me, that’s nonsense.  The EVIDENCE continues to mount, as does the DAMAGE.  The DAMAGE to America SHOULD be something even republicans care about – but, it’s becoming clearer and clearer their grip on POWER is more important to them than their oath to our constitution.  To me, President Obama was a pragmatist – but, even the so-called “liberal commentators” allow his detractors to suggest he was a “flaming liberal.”  This all while Trump is and has been taking credit for the booming economy Trump inherited from Obama.  Trump is doing everything he can to undermine that economy and, I believe, he will succeed – and, soon we’ll be back where we were with Bush/Cheney.  And, Fox will continue blaming it all on “liberals.”