Honestly, if you EVER believed Mexico was going to pay for Trump’s “wall,” you’re a FOOL! Now, he’s using children, pulled from their families, as bargaining chips to make “we the people” pay for his “wall.” Yikes!!!

As I’ve said many times here, it’s hard to keep up with the “stuff” flowing at the “wall” (pun intended) – being “thrown” by Trump and his absurd surrogate Rudy Giuliani – both of whom are LIARS extraordinaire – while hoping some of it “sticks” as they apparently are attempting to cut off Robert Mueller’s findings “at the pass.”  Unfortunately, about 35% to 40% of Americans are, according to what I’ve heard, STUPID enough to actually believe these LIARS.  But, that’s not the worst part in all this for me.  As a Christian (I guess you’d have to call me a “liberal” Christian – kind of like Jesus) the part that grieves me the MOST is that Trump’s “base” appears to be the right wing Christians (mostly in the South and the so-called “rust belt”) who, many of them, have a history of racism – and, now a willingness to support a RACIST and FASCIST in the “White House.”

I’ve been writing for years about how hard it is for me that the republican party has been supported by Christians as they continue to assuage policies that run as polar OPPOSITE to what the Bible teaches.   Well, yesterday was the “icing on the cake.”  Both Sarah Sanders (who regularly – and, apparently, willingly LIES from the press secretary’s podium – total heresy to anyone who’s ever held that position before her – not including, of course, Sean Spicer) AND Jeff Sessions used TWISTED views of Biblical scripture to justify the INHUMAN policy of taking little children from their Mom’s as they enter the United States seeking Asylum from vicious violence in countries to our South.  In the past couple of months OVER 2000 CHILDREN have been separated from their parents – while their parents are sent to federal prisons – supposedly awaiting decisions regarding their pleas for asylum.

I’ve been pointing out for years now that republicans are turning young Americans away from Christianity by the droves.  Well, Trump and his press secretary and his Attorney General are putting this anti-Christian political behavior on STEROIDS!  It’s almost as if the closer Robert Mueller gets to Trump the MORE damage he’s going to create for all us “weak” Americans – like, for example, those of us who agree with our allies who believe in democratic values, the environment, and protecting “the least of these” in the words of Jesus Christ.

Trump continues to lament he is hamstrung by a society that believes in a “free press,” a country which believes in the rule of law and that “no one is above the law,” AND a country that, to a certain extent, has the ability to actually vote a president out of office – or “check” him/her via voting the opposing party into control of Congress in mid term elections – as he lavishes PRAISE on the world’s WORST dictator Kim Jong-un – over and over.  Trump actually made the comment that he wishes “his people were as ‘loyal’ to him as the North Koreans are to Kim.”  Trump later tried to walk that STUPID comment back as a “joke” – but, what president would make such a joke about someone who’s MURDERED an untold number of his citizens AND put many in what are called “gulags.”  (Apparently, Kim MURDERED three of his top “generals” before going to Singapore in an effort to ensure he would still be “Supreme Commander” upon his return.  (Trump even joked about that)

So, here’s the reality for any right wing Christian who might end up on this site.  If you believe Trump to be a “Christian,” you’re a FOOL.  (I wish I could come up with a more tepid term)  If you believe Trump cares about Christians any more than knowing he can keep you in line by appointing right wing judges – you’re a FOOL!  If you believe Trump EVER tells the truth, you’re a FOOL!  If you believe the assertions by Ms. Sanders and Mr. Sessions that the Bible supports their policy of separating children from their parents at the border, you’re a FOOL!  If you believe Trump’s claims the Mueller probe is a “witch hunt,” you’re a FOOL!  If you believe virtually ANYTHING Trump or Giuliani say, you’re a FOOL!  If you believe Fox “news” (Trump TV) you’re a FOOL!  I could go on and on, but I hope you get my drift – and, I’d love to have a dialogue with you, but as soon as I debunk the stuff you’ve allowed yourself to believe about Trump you’re likely to start yelling or throwing things.

I’m going to rest now and I’ll finish this later – but, the reality that Sarah Sanders is willing to stand before the American people and use scripture to justify tearing families apart, – who are already likely facing a lifetime of PTSD based on what they’re fleeing – putting little kids who don’t even speak English in detention centers, some of them under 5 years old (one, who reportedly was still nursing) – and, supposedly, many soon to be in “tent cities” in 100 degree weather – well, that’s completely over the edge to me.  It’s Saturday evening and tomorrow I’m going to church knowing that many in the congregation are part of the FOOLS I’m talking about.  And, while I hate to refer to anyone with that type of language, I’m clearly losing my patience with people who REFUSE to FACT check information.  And, the worst part is I KNOW I can’t talk to any of them about this because they’ve been BRAINWASHED!  They remind me of the Germans who helped bring Hitler to power back in the 1930’s!  Think that’s hyperbole?  Well, do a little fact checking and research on who was Hitler’s base back when his campaign slogan was “Make Germany Great Again.”

And, one more thing before I go to bed – and, I’ve written quite a bit about this, including my previous post – check out the “Big Lie Theory” of Joseph Goebbels – the propaganda chief of the Third Reich.  That will explain to you – if you’re one of the FOOLS I’m referring to above – how Trump and the republicans have gone about BRAINWASHING you!  Trump is a FASCIST and his surrogates are willing to LIE to protect him, Giuliani is willing to LIE to protect him, and the republicans in Congress are willing to LIE to protect him.  (In my mind, Rudy Giuliani should be held accountable for OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE just as Trump, as he goes about attempting to UNDERMINE the Mueller investigation.  The law is clear – if you’re attempting to block, stop, or in any way undermine an investigation, that’s OBSTRUCTION – full stop!

I know I’m supposed to go to bed right now – but, Giuliani’s LIES keep swirling around in my head (of course, Giuliani doesn’t tell a LIE Trump hasn’t already told or is not sending him out to tell).  Yesterday, I listened to Giuliani LYING about the IG (Inspector General) report concerning the Justice Department’s query into the Clinton email investigation. OMG!  If you just listened to both Giuliani and Trump you’d think that report was about the FBI’s investigation into Trump.  NOOOOO!  It was about the Justice Department’s handling of the Clinton email probe and it essentially exonerated the FBI from any wrongdoing – aside from pointing out James Comey made “errors in judgement” regarding the Clinton email investigation and his press conferences – the second of which is likely why Trump is president should have been, at a minimum, overseen by his boss, the Attorney General.  The second one should NEVER have happened.  However, the report also points out Comey’s intentions were honorable.

And, the part of the report pointing out the two FBI agents who were having an illicit affair and were exchanging unflattering emails and texts about Trump (and Clinton) were inappropriate and, likely both face losing their jobs – I believe one has already “moved on” and the other was “re-assigned” once Mueller found out about their texts – NONE of this was new.  Both Giuliani and Trump have attempted, as “we the people” knew they would, to make this report sound as if Trump “didn’t collude or obstruct” – which the report did NEITHER!  The report said the FBI showed NO bias in their actions!  For all you Christians supporting Trump, when is the LYING going to catch your attention – and, do you even care?

OK, I just got home from church and it’s Father’s day so I’m headed to visit my children and grandchildren – but, I’ve got to add another thought to this “rant.”  And, for sure, I’m ranting!  The actions of my government are deplorable!  So, all I could think about this morning is that Trump is USING the children who are being TORN from their parents and put in tents in 100+ degree weather as “pawns” in his attempt to get “we the people” to pay for his ridiculous “wall.”  Trump wants $25 BILLION to be appropriated for his wall before he’ll sign any legislation that would reunite these children with their parents and, hopefully, would solve the “Dreamer” issue – which, by the way – just like the “children from parents issue” – was the work of our so-called president.

Despite all you FOOLS chanting “Mexico” every time Trump would ask “and who’s going to pay for it?” at his rallies while he was promising this STUPID wall – he KNEW all along that Mexico paying for the wall was STUPID.  In fact, at that time, Trump didn’t believe he was going to “win” the election (despite having Russia on his side) so his campaign “promise” would never be an issue.  However, once in the “White House” Trump, who apparently NEVER says “sorry,” has been trying to figure out how to FORCE Congress to have “we the people” pay for the wall.  And, now he’s stooped to about the LOWEST level he possibly could be pulling these children from their parents, putting them in detention like facilities in gut wrenching heat, and then BLAMING the democrats for his actions.  Honestly, if you EVER believed Mexico was going to pay for Trump’s “wall,” you’re a FOOL!  I’m going to leave it at that – and, if you’re offended by anything I’ve said, point out why I’m wrong!  Give me evidence that what I’m saying is not factual!  I’m definitely up for the conversation.  These tents full of kids who SHOULD be with their parents because their situation was already BLEAK, make me sick to my stomach.

If you’re eligible to vote and you choose not to participate in November, in my mind, you’re part of the problem.  I’ve always said, “we need two viable political parties” for our system of government to work.  It’s up to “we the people” to vote OUT this version of the republican party – in the past, there have been republicans who would shudder at what’s going on today – but, today’s republican party gave us a pathological LIAR (and racist, fascist, etc.) and, it’s up to the rest of us to put a stop to this NIGHTMARE.  And, if you believe it’s right to tear these families apart – using their children as bargaining chips for that STUPID wall which “Mexico is going to pay for” – I’m praying you’ll come to your senses – but, sadly, I believe you’re a FOOL!

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