To: NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the WaPost, the NY Times, or whoever has a platform; please educate “we the people” on “The Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich!

I’m writing down a couple things from today’s news that I want to elaborate on later, but want to make sure I don’t forget.  (As I’ve said, I’m old, and I forget easily) I just read the byline of a Washington Post article referring to the IG report (from the Justice Department regarding the “Clinton email investigation”) published today – the report Trump has been frothing at the mouth for weeks hoping it would, apparently, exonerate him from the “Russia thing.” (Giving him “cover” for firing James Comey because he treated Hillary Clinton so “unfairly” – if you believe that, well……..)  The other byline was a reference by Gary Cohn, Trump’s former economic “adviser” (can anyone advise Trump?) where he stated Trump’s “trade war” has the potential to “wipe out gains of GOP tax ‘scam’ (my characterization – he actually referred to it as the “tax law”) by increasing inflation and prompting consumers to take on more consumer debt” thereby “possibly pushing the economy into another downturn.”

In the first article what really caught my eye, other than the misleading byline was the statement, “The 500-page report also found that other senior bureau officials showed a “willingness to take official action” to prevent Donald Trump from becoming president.”  Well, first, I haven’t read the report – it’s 500 pages and would take me a couple weeks of pre bedtime reading – but, secondly, I’ve listened to several people who have and that sentence seems completely disingenuous to me from what I’ve heard.  Virtually EVERYONE I heard today, characterizing the report, claimed the MOST undeniable FACT from this report was James Comey’s “insubordinate” actions helped Donald Trump become president.  To suggest there were “Senior bureau officials” taking action to prevent Trump from becoming president is ludicrous.  There were a couple FBI agents who were, inappropriately, having an affair and “tweeting” stupid stuff about Trump (and, by the way, about Hillary) and one of them made an inappropriate comment about “stopping” Trump.

This was in August of 2016 and, to say the least, there was NEVER any FBI action designed to “stop Trump.”  On the contrary, ALL the FBI action that was the main focus of the report was aimed at Comey and how he handled the Clinton “Email scandal.”  His press conference where he blasted Clinton’s “reckless” use of a personal email server, while, at the same time exonerating her of any illegal action was “panned” as being outside the normal protocol of the FBI.  First, he should have had his message approved by his BOSS, the Attorney General, Loretta Lynch – which, if you’ve read his book, you know why he chose not to.  (If you haven’t read his book – I found it a good read – he was concerned about the meeting Ms. Lynch had on the Phoenix “tarmac” with Bill Clinton and possible conflict of interest – essentially, in his own mind, attempting to protect Ms. Lynch.)

Furthermore, Comey was roundly criticized for his decision to write the letter to Congress stating the Email investigation was being re-opened 11 days prior to the election.  That was in clear violation of FBI “protocol” – although, again, after reading Comey’s book, he claims there was no “written” requirement giving him guidance.  Just as before, he didn’t feel he could run this by Ms. Lynch because of the possible political ramifications.  The bottom line here is this shows the intimidation the GOP members of Congress have inflicted on everyone associated with our government.  The reality is, Comey’s decision to write that letter to Congress right before the election IS the REASON Trump is our so-called president. (There continues to be “debate” about whether or not Comey’s STUPID decision led to Trump – but, even Trump’s closest associates saw the change in the polls after that blunder.  Read: “The Devil’s bargain”) Combining that with the Russian interference, the GOP voter suppression antics, the BILLIONS from the Koch’s and others, AND all the LYING and, well, now America is under siege by a fascist and his white nationalist followers!  (Russians are actually claiming they “own” Trump on their national TV – Yikes!)

I’ve subscribed to the Washington Post and the New York Times because I feel an obligation to do my small part to support the investigative journalism required to educate those Americans who choose to get their “news” in places NOT associated with Fox, Breitbart, Limbaugh, et al.  (I also support “The Nation” AND “The Lowdown” if you’re interested in participating in keeping investigative journalism alive in America – The “free press” is “enemy number one” in the words of Trump)  That being said, the lead in to the article titled “Watchdog blasts Comey, documents major missteps in Clinton probe” was very misleading, in my view.  I know too many people who don’t read the entire article (in fact, almost EVERY person I know – again, I’m in my 70’s – so, I’m talking about the peer group that includes many Trump supporters – doesn’t read AT ALL, sadly) so, it bothers me when a paper like the Post provides a lead in which could confirm some people’s worst thoughts – and, be totally wrong or, at the very least, misleading.

Again, the interpretation of what the report said by those who wrote this article differed from virtually every other interpretation I saw today in key areas.  First, the reference to “numerous reports of unprofessionalism, bias, and misjudgement” simply rehashed what “we the people” already knew – and, that was the two “love birds” in the FBI “tweeting” back and forth in very unflattering “tweets” regarding Trump.  (Of course, there was no mention they weren’t too flattering of Mrs. Clinton either)  The part we didn’t know already was the one “tweet” where Peter Strzok claimed “we’ll stop him.”  Almost in the same sentence, the report pointed out there was no significant bias overall in the FBI’s handling of the Clinton investigation AND, as we all know, the ONLY investigation which was made public WAS the Clinton investigation.  So, ALL of Trump’s “tweets” are nonsense regarding this matter, but the ONE thing we know for SURE, there will be more “tweets” on the horizon AND, they will be almost universally LIES.

As any FASCIST would, Trump will keep twisting this issue – using this report to help him in his attempt to either stop the Mueller probe or turn enough Americans into believing his “witch hunt” claim to make any finding totally “political.”  Here’s an interesting “tidbit” – for those of you who haven’t read “Russian Roulette” by David Corn and Michael Isikoff – Trump came up with the “witch hunt” scam around the time he was inaugurated.  (I loaned out my book, so I can’t remember exactly when – it was as soon as he realized the “Russia thing” was real)  This is in the true nature of a proponent of the “Big Lie Theory.”   I keep going back and forth, as I try to figure out Trump’s true nature, from mob boss to fascist.  I’m beginning to think the “answer is, all of the above.”  The parallels to 1930’s Germany are “eye popping.”  (When I see examples of the purposeful LIES I have to question my “analysis” that Trump is pathological in his LYING)

Speaking of “The Big Lie Theory” which was the brainchild of Joseph Goebbels back in the days of the Third Reich, as I watch commentators on TV lamenting the number of LIES and “falsehoods” coming from Trump and his associates and then mentioning how the LIES keep getting repeated, I just WISH someone would clue them in to what is happening.  Maybe if more of Trump’s supporters (and the TV commentators themselves) were aware of, and constantly reminded, that we have a “so-called” president using the strategies that “made Germany “great again” back in the 1930’s more people would realize what’s at stake in the November elections AND the Mueller findings.  Trump’s transgressions, from what I can tell, are going to go way beyond the conspiracy with Russia that helped get Trump “elected.”  (Remember, Vladimir Putin felt he was undermining Hillary Clinton’s presidency in much of their ATTACK during the 2016 campaign)  Trump has problems on the “horizon” with what Michael Cohen might reveal in an attempt to stay out of jail for the rest of his natural life (and, in regards to Cohen, keep in mind, many of the charges he faces are/will be STATE charges and Trump CAN’T pardon him for state charges.  (Which Trump, himself, may be facing – charges from New York state – related to his “foundation” which was apparently used as a “piggy bank”)

I’ve been saying for quite some time Trump appears to me to be nothing more than a mafia boss who has managed to bloviate himself into the “White House” thanks to the denigration of the republican party over the past 35+ years AND all the money their donors possess thanks to all the “trickle down” tax cuts.  Let’s face it, “we the people” will have to overcome BILLIONS the Trump “donors” will spend to save the 2018 mid terms for him so that the House republicans can prevent him from being impeached.  I find it interesting that even Trump’s blowhard TV “lawyer” – Rudy, who’s proven himself capable of LYING comparably to his “boss” – has been sharing the strategy they’re already implementing to fight impeachment.  They’re attempting to turn a LEGAL battle into a POLITICAL battle which they believe can be “won” using the aforementioned Third Reich strategy of “The Big Lie Theory.”

If you’re not familiar with the “theory” – here’s how it goes:  If you repeat a LIE over and over again, and enough people repeat the same LIE over and over again, your “target” audience will believe your LIE is actually true.  Here’s the reality of what happens to those who implement this “strategy.”  They become PATHOLOGICAL LIARS.  Take Fox “news” for example.  (I, and many others, now refer to it as “Trump TV”)  A pathological LIAR actually starts to believe his/her LIES are actually the truth because they’re so used to LYING.  Trump is a pathological LIAR.  Now, in his case, I don’t, for a minute, think he’s purposely using the “Big LIE Theory.”  I think he’s just a LIAR.  It’s the people at Fox, the people at Breitbart, the Limbaugh’s and all the right wing “talkers” on the radio airwaves who tell LIES that are “orchestrated.”

For example, it was reported recently how the Sinclair broadcasting network uses this theory.  They send out “orders” to their MANY TV stations (they own and CONTROL around 200 TV stations in virtually every corner of the country) on the LIES that are to be repeated OVER and OVER again – thereby convincing their unsuspecting audience the LIES are actually true.  I keep wondering why more TV commentators who have the “podium” to “educate” the American public this is going on – yet they don’t?  Why is this?  (In many instance, it’s likely because they work for Sinclair)  I don’t know and, if I wasn’t an old retired teacher in a rural setting I might try to question them on this.  I can’t remember the name of the commentator who was pointing out how someone was LYING over and over – yet didn’t seem to “get” it’s a planned strategy – I just remember her last name was Alcindor.  (I remember that name because when I played basketball back in the 1960’s, my team shared a locker room with UCLA and their star was “Lew Alcindor” – who, changed his name to Kareem Abdul Jabbar)  I wanted to yell at the TV set!

By now, more and more people are coming to grips with the reality that Americans “elected” a FASCIST as our so-called president.  (Despite the FACT 3 MILLION more people voted for his opponent, he was helped by voter suppression tactics, and he’s now “owned” by Russia – in the words of commentators on Russian TV)  Trump slammed Justin Trudeau as weak as he praised Kim Jong-un as “strong” – similarly to how he did the same with President Obama as he praised his “idol” Vladimir Putin.  Trump is attempting to turn America into an authoritarian fascist regime while the dictators around the world cheer and America’s traditional allies are jaw dropped in dis-belief.  If you’re reading this I hope you’ll commit to VOTE in 2018’s mid term election and, if you know how to connect with people who have a “place on the stage” of America’s public airwaves – either send this to them, or encourage them to research the “Big Lie Theory” so they can educate America’s public – who are unaware of what’s happening to them! (It’s BRAINWASHING)

Here’s my wish.  To: NBC, CNN, MSNBC, the WaPost, the NY Times, or whoever has a platform; please educate “we the people” on “The Big Lie Theory” of the Third Reich!  Connect the “dots” to the use of this theory by the Trump administration AND the minions who are supporting a fascist takeover of America.  Expose Fox “news” as the enemy of “we the people” they are.  Call out people like Limbaugh and the second rate right wing “talkers” like Lars Larsen (in my area) who are willing to LIE for money.  It’s gotten well beyond my opinion versus your opinion.  It’s time for Americans to get back to talking to one another in a way that respects each other WITHOUT all the LIES.  And, if you’re arguing with me and you’re regurgitating what you saw/heard on Fox, or what you heard from Limbaugh, Larsen, or any of the others – please do a little vetting before you start throwing things because I challenge your false information.

Well, I got carried away (not the first time) and didn’t get to my second point – about Cohn’s comment regarding the impending trade war and how it may “wipe out gains from the tax law.”  (Yes, I called it, as I always try to do, the “tax scam”)  I’ve written about it a lot and a couple of my predictions were mentioned by Cohn – only, I don’t think the tariffs will necessarily be the cause – and, that is INFLATION and the possibility of another recession – sooner rather than later.  What Cohn didn’t mention (as no republican seems to want to do) is the HUGE boost to the deficit based on Trump’s (and Cohn’s) economic policies – most pointedly the tax “scam.”  I’ll try to get to this later!

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