While Trump is cozying up to the worst DICTATOR in the world he’s giving “a special place in hell” to our closest ally! Wow!

I have to admit I’m watching a lot less “news” lately because, for me, the reality that Trump is our “so-called” president is just getting more and  more depressing.  Yet, the other day I was watching his impromptu “news conference” as he was leaving for the G-7 summit where he ASTONISHINGLY made a public push for RUSSIA to be let back into the “group.”  While most of the public response was to point out how brazen it was (and, incredibly STUPID) for someone under investigation as conspiring with Russians to get “elected” in the first place to continue his public “bromance” with Vladimir Putin (instantly MORE questions were injected about what on earth does Putin have on Trump – every time I hear that question I think “Golden Shower” video) I noticed a comment Trump made that, so far, has gone “under the radar” in what TV I’ve watched (or listened to on my satellite radio in my car) since Trump’s incredibly ARROGANT remarks.

Trump keeps it coming so fast it’s hard to keep up. (which, likely, is his strategic plan) But, after making the pleading for Russia’s inclusion in the “G-7” Trump said, “We’ve got a world to run and Russia’s a big part of it.”  “We’ve got a world to run?”  What did Trump mean by that?  Isn’t he the so-called president of the United States?  (With the help of the Russians)  But, “a world to run?”  Well, I’ve been pointing out Trump is a FASCIST since, basically, he was a candidate for the office.  (At times I’ve tried to be polite and use various “authoritarian” euphemisms)  Does he really have a vision of “running the world?”  If you haven’t noticed Trump has an “affinity” for virtually every TYRANT around the globe with apparent disdain for America’s traditional “democratic” allies.  What’s up?

As I’m starting this post Trump is in Singapore getting ready to meet with “little rocket man” himself, Kim Jong-un.  Kim is maybe the most cruel dictator on the planet, but that won’t be an issue with Trump.  And, Trump is acutely aware of this, because I heard him lay it out with my own ears some time back when Kim was still “little rocket man.”  Kim, as have other world leaders – especially dictators who want something from the U.S. (for example Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, Turkey, etc.) have figured out how to “play” Trump.  Just tell him what a wonderful guy he is.  He’s in Singapore dead set on “earning” the Nobel Peace Prize.  From what I’ve seen he’s already given it to himself.  If you haven’t been paying attention Trump has claimed to be the greatest U.S. president ever.  Yikes!

I don’t think there’s anyone who wants to see violence break out on the Korean Peninsula, and it would be great if North and South Korea could FINALLY reach a peace accord.  While, superficially, it appears Trump (and, I’m sure this is what Trump believes) has “scared” North Korea to the negotiating “table,” it appears to me the country he has scared is South Korea.  They are the ones who would experience disaster if the U.S. attacked the North – which, quite possibly, would be the start of WW III.  (Reports I’ve read suggest MILLIONS in Seoul South Koreans are in Kim’s “sights” every day.)  As I’ve said, if there’s a peace prize to come of these “negotiations” it should go to the leaders of South Korea.  I still remember them “breaking the ice” at the Winter Olympics while Mike Pense sat close to members of the North Korean delegation as stoic as one can get.  Moon Jae-in is the one who’s managed to get these two unpredictable tyrants to the “table.” (And, one more thing, I can’t imagine South Koreans wanting to be part of North Korea – with the gulags, etc.)

As Trump headed to Singapore to meet – and, in the process, give Kim his long awaited “prize” – to be sitting on the “world stage” with the president of the United States – one of Trump’s top advisers gave “a special place in hell” for Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.  That’s right, while Trump will be giving his “handshake” to Kim, he will have just lampooned one of America’s MOST upright allies.  This is all unbelievable to me – and, what I’m certain of is there will be little to NO backlash from republicans in Congress and elsewhere and Trump’s base will suck it up (with a little help from Sean Hannity and the Fox “Big Lie” machine).  I keep thinking I’m watching a Woodie Allen movie and I’ll wake up to reality any day now – but, I’m pretty sure I’m wide awake and this is actually ALL happening!  Yikes!!!

I love the country I’ve grown old in, but I’ve always realized we are not all that we claim to be.  I’ve spent a lot of time reading about American History and there are many “black marks” that “we the people” are either, unaware of, or ignoring. When I say, “unaware of,” I’m talking about all the Americans who grew up in my era – the 1950’s and 1960’s – who were able to drop out of school in their teens and find decent work.  Many of these people make up the “white nationalists” of the Trump supporters.  I know people my age who say they haven’t read a book since they were in school back in the 60’s.  Most of them, who support Trump, get their “news” from Fox “news” (AKA Trump TV) and do absolutely no “vetting” of information.  I’ve seen several polls which claim Fox viewers to be the least informed of all Americans – including those who don’t watch TV at all!  It’s almost as if they’re volunteering to be BRAINWASHED!

Here’s a bit of the “truth:”  (Yes, it’s my understanding based on a lot of books) America was founded as a SLAVE nation.  In our constitution women had NO right to vote and African Americans were considered 3/5 of a person.  Ouchee! That’s for starters!  James Polk, very unscrupulously, managed to “acquire” virtually the entire Southwestern part of America – From Texas to California in a less than scrupulous “deal” from Mexico.  Did I forget the Louisiana purchase – a great real estate deal!  And, Alaska???  Our founders and early leaders were expert real estate “brokers,” just ask the remnants of the American Indian tribes which inhabited most of this nation prior to the invasion of the Europeans!

The Civil War was the place where Abraham Lincoln became what many have described as the greatest president in American History (including over Donald Trump, if you can believe that – Trump certainly doesn’t ).  Lincoln’s place in history can be argued, but what is true is he didn’t believe African Americans were “equal” despite the emancipation proclamation.  He was trying to end the Civil War via that “proclamation” and, from what I’ve read, Lincoln believed the solution to the problem of slavery was to send the African Americans back to Africa.  That being said, the end of the civil war brought about the “Jim Crow” era – which to a certain extent continues to be a “stain” on America to this day.  Clearly, Trump is a racist remnant of “Jim Crow,” and the bulk of his supporters – to varying degrees are racists.  Don’t believe me – take a look back at the march on Charlottesville this past year – where all those “very fine” neo-Nazi’s carrying tiki torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” made a public spectacle that forced Trump to give us certainty in our claims he’s a racist.  (Of course, his history is filled with evidence)

During WW II America declined the opportunity to get Jews out of Germany prior to the Holocaust AND after.  The reality is we accepted more Nazi’s to America after WW II than Jews who were still in the concentration camps.  If you’re interested in a sobering view of what happened post WW II read “The Hitler Virus” by Peter Wyden to help you understand there’s many neo-Nazi’s in America to this day and Trump is “their guy.”  The best way I can describe this book is “eye opening.”  However, my point here is to make clear that “we the people” need to understand our own history as we participate in “self government.”  Self Government should not be the destruction of government it SHOULD be focused on creating a government “by the people FOR the people.”  Trump (and others) are scheming how to create a government that is “for themselves.”  While Trump is busy keeping us all on the edge of our seats wondering when he’s going to be impeached, he and his brethren are “cutting off” one “fat hog” after another.

He’s making MILLIONS as president, his children are making untold MILLIONS, his cabinet members are raking it in and even his “enemies” are getting richer.  Bob Corker, who likes to come across as a “never Trump” guy (while voting with Trump close to or at 100%) stands to make MILLIONS off the tax “scam” he swore he’d vote against if it “raised the deficit by one penny.”  Well, evidently, raising it by OVER one TRILLION dollars PER YEAR wasn’t enough to get him  to vote against it – even though he’s leaving Congress.  In his case, the HUGE increase in the deficit was OK as long as he got his share of the tax “scam” which has been estimated to be in the MILLIONS!

So, what I’m getting at here is that apparently Trump is simply going to be the “latest” stain on America’s “Lilly white” self image.  I could have mentioned above, Viet Nam, Iraq, Afghanistan, the internment of Japanese Americans during WW II, the assassinations of Martin Luther King, JFK, RFK, and the list could go on.  But, what keeps going through my mind is trying to understand how could we possibly have ended up with Trump – and, then I think about something my son (who doesn’t participate in the “process” – he doesn’t vote – a typical young adult who is taking so many privileges for granted – the sure way to lose them) said to me right after Trump was elected.  He said, “maybe Trump is what is needed to accelerate America’s push to the bottom.”  (or words to that effect)

Well, as I picture in my mind Trump coddling the worst dictator in the world and giving “a special place in hell” to our closest ally – I have to hope this is the “bottom.”  I have to hope there are enough Americans – liberals, conservatives, independents and whoever who see the problem with that picture to begin the process of “Making America Great Again.”  (That process won’t begin until Trump is impeached, jailed, or whatever lies ahead for him AFTER he’s out of office)  And, when I’m reading about the “Hitler Virus” and then I hear Trump’s  ambassador in Germany is ginning up the right wingers there and I remember Steve Bannon has been active in turning Europe toward Fascism I simply shudder.  I keep writing because it makes me sick to my stomach thinking this is the country I’m partially responsible for leaving to my children and grandchildren.

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