Monthly Archives: April 2020

I’m guessing there is a significant number of old people who don’t wish to be sacrificed at the “altar” of Wall Street and the oil industry.

As individual 1 is now proposing to bail out the oil industry, I can’t imagine a worst idea RIGHT now – but, well, he is individual 1 – republicans are suggesting states declare bankruptcy, and America and the world is sitting on the brink of a depression what else would you expect? I’ve written how imperative it is that “we the people” don’t go back to “business as usual” following this pandemic – which is happening as the climate crisis – which will be far more serious than this Covid-19 crisis – is looming in the way too immediate future. Let me put it this way – the Covid-19 pandemic SHOULD have convinced Americans how we can NOT afford to continue with individual 1 as president one day longer than necessary. The “White House” has become a “national disaster area.”

Not only is individual 1 denying scientists during this pandemic but EVERYONE knows he’s been a “climate denier” since the day he took the oath of office. This is a potentially fatal “double whammy” in regard to the future of this nation. As I’ve said here repeatedly of late, America needs to be rebuilding her infrastructure in a way that would suggest our leaders understand we are now in the 21st century. If the impending Climate Crisis (along with a plethora of other issues) aren’t enough for America’s young people to realize the importance of the upcoming election, well, God help us! And, if for some reason, they choose to believe ANYTHING individual 1 says – OMG!

You would have to have had your head under a rock (or, up your…..) in order to believe individual 1 actually tells the TRUTH. Of course, the FACT he’s been documented to have told around 20,000 “whoppers” since taking the oath of office should make it no surprise he’s been trying to LIE himself into a favorable spot with “we the people,” regarding his failures, as America has been hit harder than any other country by the novel coronavirus. (It’s been reported he’s LIED over 600 times about his response to this virus) One of my vivid memories from when I was a 6th grade teacher was the sign over the door to the principal’s office which read: “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember.” I remember telling students who had a propensity to LIE that, eventually, the TRUTH always shows its “head.” Well, obviously, individual 1 still has not learned this lesson!

The “lost 70 days” are not going to go away, and, in fact, the DAMAGE caused not only by the inaction, but worse by his actions are going to haunt individual 1 right up to the election – which he clearly put as more important than the lives of Americans being threatened by this virus. And, he can’t even claim “ignorance” – although, I’m sure many would agree that’s an issue – because it’s been reported our IMPEACHED so-called president received NUMEROUS “Presidential Daily Briefings” which clearly gave him the warning this was coming and identified the level of its SERIOUSNESS. Of course, individual 1 chose to ignore the briefings and then LIE to the American people – maybe his 6th grade teacher failed to teach him the truth always finds a way to show it’s “head.”

I was long ago suggesting individual 1 was making campaign commercials for the democratic nominee at his press briefings (this was before we knew it was Joe Biden) because I was picturing in my mind virtually everything individual 1 was/is saying is in someone’s video archive. Well, not only are there commercials now which are based on individual 1’s own words but we’re seeing news outlets using these archived videos to challenge the veracity of the LIES which just won’t stop coming at us all. Covid-19 is too serious for “we the people” to continue ignoring the reality of the mountain of LIES not only coming from the “White House,” but also from the republicans who’ve been willing to defend our IMPEACHED so-called president for over three years now. Obviously, they had the opportunity to get rid of the problem in the IMPEACHMENT trial and only one of them had the guts to vote to remove this unfit so-called president from office.

Today, in what was not supposed to be a coronavirus task force briefing there were, of course, questions regarding individual 1’s failures in dealing with this crisis. I list a couple which stood out to me (mainly, because I didn’t watch the entire episode). A reporter pointed out that today the United States went over one MILLION (confirmed) cases of Covid-19 (likely, there are a significant number of unconfirmed cases) and that early on individual 1, when the number was 15 said “it will soon go down to zero.” Well, you could see our IMPEACHED so-called president was anticipating that question because he said, “Well, it will eventually go down to zero.” He said it as if he knew it would surpass (likely) a couple MILLION cases (or more) before it then goes down to, eventually, zero. (Apparently, he forgot to mention that back in February) This is what us sixth grade teachers would have called a creative LIE! Then, when questioned about whether he was warned in the “Presidential Daily Brief” as reported, he answered, “Well, I’ll have to go back and check. I”ll check the dates.” That’s NOT reassuring!

I stopped thumping the side of my head long ago when I hear this absurd stuff coming out of the mouth of our IMPEACHED so-called president – although, I have to say, the idea of somehow getting a UV light into my lungs OR ingesting disinfectant to “clean the lungs” did cause a few thumps. It was like, OMG those words just came from the mouth of the IMPEACHED so-called president of our country – who was given a “get out of jail free” card from republicans back in early February who could have, as I’ve pointed out here many times, put an end to all of this. That being said, now it’s up to “we the people” to take care of that. I understood, to a degree, the argument “There’s an election in November” by those who voted to acquit – but many of us pointed out he’s going to CHEAT in order to “win” in November – that’s a given – and, now he’s LYING in rapid fire succession every day in an attempt to keep his base in tact. Can you imagine him in charge with TWO crises going on at the same time? Covid and Climate???

As I often say, that was then and this is now – in other words, it’s another day. So, this morning I turned on the TV and there was Jared Kushner saying, “I think we’ve achieved all the milestones that are needed, so the federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story, and, i think that’s really what needs to be told.” Before I could get beyond my thought that Jared is the perfect son-in-law for individual 1 – LYING apparently comes naturally, (or is he simply delusional) I then saw another instance suggesting individual 1 is backtracking on his previous comments congratulating China regarding their handling of the coronavirus pandemic back in January and February to now, as he often does, shifting the BLAME for his own BLUNDERS to the Chinese. This could get really interesting – and, if you think the Chinese are going to just say “sorry” I think you haven’t been paying attention. And, if individual 1 thinks his BLUNDERS are not on tape, well, he’s in for some MORE reminders of them as we get closer to the November election.

As I was listening to Kushner this morning I was reminded of President Obama’s response to the Ebola outbreak, which could have evolved into a worldwide pandemic, and my mind reminds me of the Obama administration, once the Ebola outbreak was controlled, setting up the pandemic task force as part of the National Security Agency – which individual 1 eliminated back in 2018 because he didn’t want to “spend the money.” Is that one of the successes Kushner was talking about this morning? Or was it the death toll surpassing Viet Nam today? Or surpassing a MILLION confirmed cases?

Of course, Kushner was on “Fox and Friends” so you can assume there was no push-back from the moderators – but, thankfully, many different outlets are “watching Fox so I don’t have to.” That’s actually the motto of Media Matters “We watch Fox so you don’t have to.” So, members of individual 1’s administration feel comfortable on Fox LYING because they think they get away with it. But, of course, DVR machines are routine now! So, no, this isn’t a “great success story” and NO you won’t be able to blame your BLUNDERS on China! And, by the way, the day the death toll surpasses 60,000, to me, is a really STUPID day to claim the administrations actions are a great “success story.” People around the world are watching with their jaws dropped!

Actually, China showed everyone around the world how to deal with this virus – they still are. Unless there’s some kind of serious surprise out there I think we can all agree this virus started in Wuhan province in China. That was apparent at least by early January – which, from recent reports, is when individual 1 was informed of what was coming. I don’t think it was the fault of the Chinese that our IMPEACHED so-called president chose to IGNORE the early warnings and then, once it was apparent the virus was here, chose NOT to take action on a national basis. I’m not the only person who’s written about ALL the decisions individual 1 has made which demonstrate his ineptitude. We’re all left to speculate on his motives, although the November election being the primary motive seems almost undeniable. I’ve yet to hear him show any remorse for the reality that, as of today, over 60,000 Americans have died.

For example, he has refused to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to make sure our doctors and nurses have the “Personal Protective Equipment” (PPE) they need as they’re fighting this disease. He’s refused to use that power to make sure our testing capacity is up to the task necessary for the economy to re-open. Yet, just yesterday he enacted the DPA to ORDER the various meat packing plants around the country to re-open despite the FACT thousands of the workers in the 20, or so, plants which have shut down have Covid-19 and, to this date, 20 of the workers have died. Apparently, these workers don’t have a lot of value in the minds of our IMPEACHED so-called president. I realize the importance of trying to keep the “food chain” moving – but, it didn’t appear to me the health of the workers was the most important factor in the re-opening of these plants. The workers will be FORCED to choose between the health and their ability to pay their bills!

To me, this doesn’t seem like a “great success story” as in the words of Jared Kushner. I, personally, really want Major League Baseball to re-open, but I think it’s unlikely – even with no one in the stands. I listened to a leading MLB agent (Scott Boros) today suggesting a plan which would get the games started by early July – although, to me, it seemed a bit like a “pipe dream” – because it was planning on games in Florida and Arizona. Well, if the heat helps to stop this virus that may be possible, but otherwise, I’m not feeling that great about either state’s response to this pandemic. Florida, for example, appears to be the next really bad “hotspot.” Their governor didn’t “close” the state long enough for even one period of “isolation” for those with the disease – and, many of their beaches are already crowded once again. Yikes!

All the “re-open” talk seems to be the result of the fact there are still people who listen to individual 1 and I did hear him, today, claim “the worst is behind us” as if it’s time to start up the economy again. Well, I double checked the website I’ve been following which keeps track of every confirmed case and every confirmed death related to Covid-19 in the WORLD, and, yes, New York seems to be calming down a bit – but, today’s numbers are: New cases – 28,429. Today’s deaths – 2390. It doesn’t look all that “calm” to me. Of course, you do have to keep in mind there is still a significant portion of individual 1’s cult who believe this is the “flu” and they’re thinking in terms of “herd immunity.”

Meaning, let it run its course with no mitigation efforts and let the cards fall where they may. Of course, most of the people I’ve seen suggesting that are among the least likely to DIE from that strategy. And, apparently, they have no clue as to what that would do to our health care system. Just sayin…….. When you consider the importance of old white people to individual 1’s re-election bid, that strategy, to me, doesn’t seem that well thought out. I do know the Lt. Governor of Texas has shared that, to him, “there’s worse things than living,” but I’m guessing there are a significant number of old people who don’t wish to be sacrificed at the “altar” of Wall Street and the oil industry. If older white people bail on individual 1 he’s in even MORE trouble, come November!

Final Thought: I’ve pointed this out before, but there are right wing governors around the country who I believe are manipulating the statistics coming out of their states to make themselves look better considering their choices to leave their states “open.” The main one, from what I’ve seen, has to be South Dakota. As of today there are over 2300 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and, I can tell you, I’ve been watching this fairly closely and MOST of them (likely over 2000) have appeared in the past two to three weeks. According to the statistics at “” South Dakota is reporting over 1500 cases with an “outcome.” Well, they’re also reporting ONLY 13 deaths (2 today) so, according to their reporting 1500 people have recovered from the disease.

Well, when you listen to the various doctors talking about how long it takes to actually get to the point where you no longer test positive, the last one I heard, a doctor from the University of Washington who’s been at the front of this pandemic said it takes at least 21 days to determine if you’re “in the clear.” So, that makes me think there’s something untoward going on in South Dakota. For example, in every other state with a comparable number of cases as them, there have been in the neighborhood of 40 to 60 deaths reported, with one state over 100. And 1500 cases “recovered” seems impossible in such a short time frame. What I’m saying is put the governor of South Dakota in the class of republicans who I wouldn’t trust as “far as I could throw her.”

The last thing we needed at the beginning of Covid-19 was BILLIONAIRES getting more BAILOUT money!

If you’ve been around here at all lately you know I’ve been watching “Wall Street” due to the incredible ability of our “free market” republican led government to “find” about $7 TRILLION to keep it “afloat” during the Covid-19 pandemic. To me, this is just further evidence of why America has been heading toward “third world” status over the past 40+ years – led by corporate interests and executives who just can’t seem to get enough “cash.” I won’t go into all the “inequality” stats, because if you’re reading this you are either aware of them or you willfully hiding yourself from the TRUTH. But, here’s an interesting bit of info I heard this morning: During the pandemic America’s Billionaires have seen their wealth increase by another $282 BILLION – while Americans in the most vulnerable areas of the country are dying at a very disproportionate rate.

If you’ve seen the statistics from who’s doing the most dying in this pandemic you KNOW that the “Black and Brown” communities are bearing the greatest “brunt” from this virus. For example, in cities like Detroit, or Chicago, or New York, or New Orleans – to name a few off the top of my head – members of the “Black and Brown” communities are dying at a rate of around twice the proportion of what would represent their actual numbers in those cities. And, you might ask, is this some kind of heretical issue? Did they inherit the asthma which is leading to many of the deaths? Or the other issues which affect their respiratory systems? And, of course, the answer to those questions is, NO!

“We the people,” for as long as I can remember have been trying to ignore the sad reality of the racial inequality in our nation and refusing to accept this as a national issue. Republicans say, “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.” And, democrats, well, I don’t remember them saying much other than racism is wrong and encouraging African Americans to be the backbone of their party. But,. the lack of clean water in Michigan, for “people of color” isn’t a new issue – it’s been more serious since their former (republican) governor turned the water in Flint into a lead pipe nightmare – which hasn’t been fixed to this day.

And, like many of the other cities in America, these cities I mentioned above have what seem to me to be (at least nearly) segregated communities many of which are located near the major polluters of their areas which leads to the issues with their lungs which is what is making them more vulnerable to this virus. The coronavirus is exposing so much about this nation which needs to CHANGE – and sooner rather than later – I hope we’re all paying attention. And, just voting for Joe Biden this November isn’t going to be the solution unless “we the people” make CERTAIN “business as usual” is not an option going forward – not even close to “business as usual” as we can get post Covid-19.

I’m happy Biden has committed to choosing a woman as a running mate and, personally, I’m in agreement with those who believe it should be a woman “of color.” My personal choice is Stacy Abrams who SHOULD be the governor of Georgia, but that being put aside, is an extremely intelligent, articulate, and strong woman. From everything I’ve read, heard, or seen from her she’s not afraid to “tell it like it is” and she’s not someone who is willing to LIE to get what she wants. It also appears to me she’s very energetic, very passionate, and did I already say STRONG?

Of course, I’m going to vote for Biden assuming he doesn’t go out campaigning and get this virus – he’s like me, in that class of old people who are, apparently, the most susceptible to the worst form of the disease. I’ve listened to Biden recently and it’s clear he’s moving closer to positions championed by Bernie Sanders which should be clear to everyone would have made this nation more prepared to deal with this virus. I can’t help but keep thinking about all the republicans (and, sadly democrats – including Biden) who’ve been claiming “Medicare for All” is too expensive. “How are you going to pay for it?”

Well, Bernie didn’t do a good enough job of explaining how “Medicare for all” would be much cheaper than our present insurance for profit plan and, actually, much better. For example, there are now MILLIONS of Americans who are out of work due to this virus and their “employer based insurance” has either run out or will run out shortly – which will mean there are even more Americans who won’t get tested or go to the hospital until they’re desperately sick because they fear the bill in the tens of thousands of dollars. With Medicare for all everyone “wins.” People get the health care they need and, in times like this, the hospitals get paid – they can get rid of their bill collectors.

Also, think of all the doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to fight this virus in hospitals all over the country who are still facing HUGE debt from their years in college. Both Bernie and Elizabeth Warren made college loan forgiveness a centerpiece of their campaigns AND this could have been done for ONE of the SEVEN TRILLION republicans managed to funnel to Wall Street as a result of the market crash at the beginning of this pandemic. Really, the last thing we needed at the beginning of Covid-19 was BILLIONAIRES getting more BAILOUT money! The list is LONG as to where that money might have been more needed and where it might have, in the long run, been a MUCH better “investment.” When you watch the stock market as I am and you wonder how it could be going up when the economy is in near depression, well, join the club!

I’ve heard estimates that bringing America’s infrastructure up to 21st Century standards with an eye toward the future would cost around the amount of “Care’s 3” – $2.2 TRILLION – (and, remember, the $7 TRILLION was “on top” of that amount – so, our government has managed to come up with around $10 TRILLION so far – and, I can guarantee you there are some investigative reporters out there who are going to fill “we the people” in on what Steve Mnuchin (Treasury Secretary) and Jerome Powell (The head of the Fed) are doing with all that money. Individual 1, conveniently, fired several of the “inspector generals” who would have been in charge of overseeing the dispersal of some or all of that money. Sooner or later we’ll find out where it all went.

And, America’s corporate interests showed us exactly where their “hearts” are at when the “PPP,” (Paycheck Protection Program) was initiated – this was the plan to get money to small businesses in order to keep them “afloat” during this crisis and to keep their employees on the payroll until it’s time to bring them back and start up operations again – so they CAN start up again. Well, the first “tranche” of the money was “gobbled up” largely by publicly held corporations who found ways around the requirement that they have fewer than 500 employees – the money was gone in less than one week. Clearly, this was a scheme put forth via the larger banks who were simply conduits for the money so had no “skin in the game,” and, apparently, just passed the money along to existing customers. In the process not many actual “small businesses” got any of the funding – businesses who are desperately in need of it.

The numbers are becoming more shocking every day – as of today the total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 has gone over a MILLION and, of course, the number would be much higher if there was sufficient testing capability. And, the number of deaths has exceeded 55 THOUSAND Americans and that number is climbing at the rate of somewhere between 1000 and 2000 per day. Hopefully, it will go down, but it’s a bit worrying that many people, including some governors, are losing patience and either, in the case of the governors, opening up their states, or many people are becoming defiant of the “stay at home” orders coming from their governors – which may lead to a spike in the number of infections.

Look, I understand we can’t stay in our homes indefinitely, but we certainly need to be thinking of the people on the “front lines” – the doctors, nurses, and others who are fighting to save lives in hospitals around the country and they need, at a minimum, a break from this initial surge. I believe it’s inevitable that MOST Americans will be exposed to this virus, but, to me, the sensible plan would be to, at this point in time, re-open in a way that somehow might cause our hospitals to avoid being overrun by Covid-19 patients. There’s only so much room in these hospitals and, as of today, people who need “elective” surgeries are waiting for a time when the hospitals can handle their procedure safely.

I’m certainly not smart enough to figure out what the “plan” should be – what I do know is under our IMPEACHED so-called president there is NO plan – other than whatever he can do which makes him feel like he’s putting himself in a bright light. He’s been forcing his way in front of the cameras on a daily basis for the “Covid-19 task force” briefings which is, from the standpoint of Joe Biden, the “gift which keeps on giving.” It will be interesting to see if individual 1, for example, can EVER recover from suggesting people ingest disinfectants as a way to clear up their lungs. And, of course, the list of BLUNDERS coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president seems almost never ending.

There’s the “missing in action” 70 days at the beginning of this crisis which is responsible for who knows how many deaths to this point in time – and, if you think those days weren’t important, just log on to and compare what is happening in America to what’s happening in the rest of the world. And, it’s true, the virus isn’t his fault – it just exposed how individual 1 is simply incapable of handling the responsibility of being the president of the United States. That’s not a job for a pathological LIAR who is such a narcissist he is unable to admit ANY kind of mistake – even suggesting people “ingest disinfectants into their lungs” – nor is it a job for someone who is an overt racist, misogynist, or xenophobe in a country which has been built by immigrants. In fact, individual 1 is a second or third generation immigrant and TWO of his wives are immigrants – meaning first generation.

I believe the WORST mistake of all, when the “smoke” clears from all of this, will be if what I read today is actually true – that America’s BILLIONAIRES have used the stimulus (relief) funds appropriated by Congress – along with that mysterious $7 TRILLION appropriated (?) to the Fed – to increase their wealth by almost $300 BILLION – while doctors and nurses are using garbage bags in an attempt to protect themselves as they are on the “front lines” of this fight – that will be the ultimate scandal – in an administration which has seemingly had a “scandal a day” since individual 1 took the oath in January of 2017. Moscow Mitch is suggesting states file for bankruptcy – meaning fire police, firefighters, and other front line workers – while the republican donors are gaining more “fat.” I think that would be too much even for those in the cult who survive the drinking of Lysol! (Doesn’t that remind anyone of Jim Jones?)

Final thought(s): I’m guessing the $7 TRILLION I’ve referred to which apparently is money provided for the Fed (?) and/or Treasury (?) to use to prop up the financial markets – CONSIDERABLY more than we saw in the TARP bailout of the banks back in 2008 – is going to be money which is “off the books” – to make our deficit look better. As I often say, I’m no economist, but it appears from what I’ve been able to find out that the Fed is buying up bonds which would be considered “bad debt” – meaning as a way to prevent default on the bonds. (I’m honestly not sure who that’s protecting?) I don’t know how all that works, but my point is, I don’t think we’ll see these numbers when the annual deficit is reported. This reminds me of the Iraq and Afghanistan “wars” back in the days of GW Bush/Cheney where they didn’t report the expense of the “wars” “on the books.” As if it was on a mysterious credit card. If I wasn’t so old I’d spend more time studying economics.

And, if you don’t believe my “assertion” that our IMPEACHED so-called president is a narcissist (of the highest order) well, today, in the mail, I received the absolute proof. I got a letter from the IRS today which, on the envelope, said it was “Official Business” “Penalty for Private Use, $300.” (Whatever that means?) My first thought was – looks like we’re being audited! But, Nooooo! It was a letter signed by individual 1 making sure we think he was the one responsible for putting $2400 into our bank account! Actually, wasn’t this Mitt Romney’s idea? But, I digress! Just like individual 1 is forcing his name onto all the checks Americans are receiving, I guess this is his way to use the POST OFFICE to send MILLIONS of letters to us minions in the hope we’ll all vote for him. Stay tuned……………

Now is the time for Joe Biden to hit the airwaves with proposals on how “we the people” move forward as we come out of this pandemic.

Democrats continue to point out that they’ve been able to improve the “rescue” bills as we’re heading toward version 3.5 over the next day or so. I continue to be a skeptic as to whether they’re sufficiently using their “leverage” to gain success in areas they’ll NEVER get republicans to agree unless they’re forced to – and, by that, I believe republicans are FORCED to do these “rescue bills” – which now include our “free market” mavens pumping over $8 TRILLION into a combination of the obvious – which would include a TRILLION and a half toward “Main Street” along with close to $7 TRILLION toward “Wall Street.” Yes, Wall Street is getting the “lion’s share” of the funding and, according to no other expert but ME, it’s time for democrats to take the next “step” – before it’s too late.

There are a couple things which I consider to be non-negotiable: First, of course, is democrats MUST demand the funding necessary to make it possible for “vote by mail” to be in place everywhere that’s possible between now and November – hopefully, sooner – so, the impending primary elections can proceed without another “Wisconsin.” The recent primary in Wisconsin will long be remembered as the ultimate republican attempt to disenfranchise voters. And, of course, their failure to succeed in blocking enough people from voting to where the judge republicans were attempting to protect – LOST – is beside the point that, already, there have been at least 21 (and counting) Covid-19 infections resulting from that election! Sad!

The other DEMAND I believe democrats MUST put into the next “rescue” bill MUST be the funding and restructuring of the United States Postal Service. Postal workers are among the front line workers in the face of the pandemic we’re all enduring and it’s time for democrats to make it clear any attempt from individual 1 and/or the republican party to “privatize” the Postal Service is a non-starter. Now is the time to make that clear. Republicans have been attacking the Postal Service for years – despite it being maybe the longest standing American “tradition” in the entire nation – There’s no question the service has issues – which, like other businesses, have been exacerbated by the coronavirus – but now is the time to make sure republicans understand their attack on the USPS needs to end, and NOW!

For heaven’s sake, in the first “Care’s” bill there was a provision for a $10 BILLION loan to go to the Postal Service intended to keep it afloat until at least March of 2021. Remarkably, I’ve read where the Treasury department (ie Steve Mnuchin) is threatening to withhold that money. Mnuchin has EAGERLY accepted over $6 TRILLION intended for Wall Street bailouts with not the slightest of hesitation – in fact, I’m wondering if all this money is being handed out in the form of loans or ????? – but, the Post Office? nada, nothing, etc. That’s not only unacceptable, but, to me, the idea of allowing the Postal Service to “die” just CAN’T be allowed to happen. That would be un-American! Period!!

In fact, Mnuchin needs to be closely investigated on how he’s allocating all this money he’s been put in charge of. For example, it was specifically put into the first “Care’s Act” that NO funds would be going to individual 1, his organization, his family, or any other member of Congress or the Executive branch. Well, “sure as shootin” today I heard individual 1’s #2 Son Eric is attempting to get his hands on some of this relief funding for our IMPEACHED so-called president’s Hotel located in the U.S. Postal Office building in downtown Washington DC (isn’t that an irony) I would expect that this request would be denied so that individual 1’s organization can draw on some of the BILLIONS they claim they have in order to pay the rent on that building or sell it or lose it – like us ordinary people face with our own property. I distrust Mnuchin every bit as much as I distrust individual 1. And, of course, individual 1 has many more properties where he’s likely looking for some “relief” – it just can’t come from the federal government.

We’ve already seen America’s corporate “elite” finding ways to get their greedy “paws” into the pool of money intended for America’s “small businesses.” Not surprisingly, businesses with “connections” to America’s “too big to fail banks” were quick to pilfer the original $350 BILLION making it look as if it was a weekly allowance for a Middle School student. Now, we’re about to see another $300+ BILLION going into this “small business” rescue fund – with democrats saying the money is intended for those who need it the most – but, the reality is it’s going to be Mnuchin dishing this money out. Can you see why I’m a bit skeptical?

I already know next week is not going to be that good, because no matter how things transpire regarding Covid-19 most of us will still be “sheltering in place.” I’m already preparing myself to find out that individual 1 will find a way to get his hands on the rescue funds and, in addition, I’m concerned that actual “small businesses” will be shut out from the next stage of the bill. The problem is the difference in how republicans (ie Mnuchin) view what is a “small business” and how democrats view what is a “small business.” I picture my brother-in-law’s business in Pittsburgh where he has usually one or two employees – sometimes three. He’s had one employee who’s been working in his business for well over 10 years. Unless he can get some of this rescue money it’s unlikely he’ll be able to re-open his business after the virus passes. (Full disclosure, I’m happy to say, my brother-in-law got his PPP loan/grant! So, I can attest that, at least in this instance the “Care’s Act” is “acting” like it was intended!)

That all being said, I’m still in wonder at how quickly our “free market” republicans turned into almost pure socialists. Of course, that’s an absurd statement because, while they’ve got TRILLIONS to spend for their Wall Street donors the democrats need to “fight like hell” just to get what likely amounts to a small amount of money for ACTUAL “small businesses” and money intended to help struggling hospitals along with a basic amount of money for “testing” – which hopefully will be enough for governors to gain what they need to ramp up their capabilities so they can test enough people to allow the economy to “re-open.” If republicans were “pure socialists” democrats wouldn’t have to fight for money intended to benefit the hospitals and the ramping up of testing. Clearly, they’re more than willing to “socialize” the losses of our Wall Street community during one disaster after another but, I’m predicting, we’ll soon be hearing about their “limits.” The trade-off to get money for “Main Street” has been about 7 to 1 in favor of “Wall Street.”

OK I have to add this: The so-called “Care’s Act 3.5” is about to be passed, (It was signed today, as usual, it’s taking me a few days to finish this post) as I mentioned above, and democrats continue to be pushed around by Moscow Mitch and the republicans. Yes, they believe they’ve made the legislation better and they have, but I’m telling you – no matter how it looks – democrats are running out of opportunities to FORCE the republicans to “do the right thing” in regard to the idea of “bailouts.” I’ve already shared some of what is missing from this bill – and, it’s extremely important – but, there’s virtually NOTHING in this bill for states, there’s clearly not ENOUGH for hospitals and/or testing (which, by the way, ALL experts believe it’s the testing which will allow the “relaxing” of “shelter in place” restrictions), and there’s likely a plethora of other areas where “support” is necessary.

But, for example, think about all the states which are required to “balance their budgets” and have been spending “whatever it takes” to combat this virus while seeing their tax revenues “cratering.” Democrats MUST understand there will become a point in time – especially if it appears individual 1 is going to LOSE in November – when republicans will start viewing these BAILOUTS in the realm of the deficit. The $7 TRILLION, so far, which has gone toward “Wall Street” hasn’t caused McConnell or the republicans to flinch, but, I guarantee you, there will become a point where they’ll be attempting to blame the “deficits” on Joe Biden – and, it will be time for austerity – once again. And, think of all the people funded by our states and local governments who will rely on states receiving a significant BAILOUT. Earth to democrats, don’t fall into the “trap” by waiting. Force the republicans to support our states while you can – while they still need more funding for Wall Street.

I wrote that last paragraph a couple days ago, and sure as the sun comes up in the morning Moscow Mitch made me look like a palm reader. He was quoted as suggesting “blue states” should consider going through bankruptcy as opposed to asking the federal government for “relief.” Well, that one really got under Andrew Cuomo’s “skin” and, rightly, Cuomo pointed out the disparity between what New York provides for the national economy as opposed to Kentucky, Moscow Mitch’s home state. Of course, that disparity his HUGE. And, the state I live in is considered a “blue state” – my governor, Jay Inslee has been called a “snake” by individual 1 for demanding that individual 1 do his job – well, we also put in WAY more than we get back. Washington is the home of Microsoft, Amazon, Boeing (the headquarters have moved), Adobe, and more significant companies I can’t think of and, trust me, the U.S. economy gets much more from them than the Russian Aluminum plant and whatever else (likely non-union) businesses are located in Kentucky.

Even neighboring Oregon, another “blue state” and a “small market” state, is the home of Nike and Intel. Then there’s California and New Jersey and Michigan – these are ALL states that put much more “in” than they “take out” and, if I remember correctly, don’t complain when there’s a natural disaster which affects Kentucky – Moscow Mitch has gone way too far on this one and the proper solution to that problem, just as to his “boss” individual 1, lies in the hands of the voters come this November. I really would hope the GOOD people of Kentucky maybe would have ALSO had enough of Moscow Mitch. “We the people” SHOULD be voting these republicans out of office everywhere we possibly can. The one thing most clear to me as this virus has opened a few “wounds” which were being ignored is that when we go back to “business as usual” it CAN’T be “business as usual.”

Now is the time for Joe Biden to hit the airwaves with proposals on how “we the people” move forward as we come out of this pandemic. Under these circumstances “Silence is NOT golden.” Today, I listened to Mark Cuban on Yahoo finance’s website and, while I’m not necessarily a “fan” of his, I do have to say he’s got the energy necessary to attack the problems we face and, from what I heard, he’s got a lot of good ideas. Plus, he’s MUCH younger than Biden. Maybe, Biden should be enlisting some “consultants” or “advisers” – call them what you will, like Mr. Cuban to begin putting a PLAN in place as to how we move forward – without going backward. There are SO many things which SHOULD have been getting done – but, weren’t because of all the gridlock – and, now’s the time to move forward. Personally, I believe we need the ideas of a younger set of Americans (I’m in the older set) to turn this negative into a positive.

Remember, the Climate Crisis is UPON us and it will be far worse than this Covid-19 pandemic if we continue on individual 1’s path of denial. That ONE issue makes it paramount that individual 1 be given the opportunity to defend himself against the waiting felony charges he’s been avoiding simply because he “won” the previous “election.” Yes, the Russians are still here and Facebook (full disclosure, I don’t do Facebook, so this is second hand) is still allowing gross misinformation of the political nature to be rampant – and, TOO many people use Facebook every day (in my view) – and, “Twitter” obviously cares not about integrity because, well, individual 1 is a regular user.

I don’t know if our IMPEACHED so-called president recommended injecting Lysol to fight Covid-19 on “Twitter” – maybe just during a press briefing – but, the LYING continues to be more astonishing? brazen? ridiculous? absurd? – I really don’t know what word to use, but as I once heard a pro football player responding to an absurdity: “Come on Man!” Of course, individual 1’s response to this latest absurdity (that must be the word) was to suggest he was “just kidding.” When you watch it in real time, you realize his claim he was “just kidding” was, well, just kidding.” He was as serious as he was when he threw our intelligence community “under the bus” while standing next to Vladimir Putin in Helsinki – which he tried to take back the next day with some kind of absurd (there’s that word again) reflection on the difference between “would” and “wouldn’t.”

And, Oh, by the way, last week the Senate Intelligence Committee confirmed our Intelligence Community got it COMPLETELY correct back in 2016 – Of course, we’ve all forgotten about that SHAMEFUL episode of individual 1’s time in office. That’s because the SHAMEFUL acts he’s perpetrated on “we the people” have come fast and furious since the day he took his “oath.” An “oath” which, clearly, means absolutely NOTHING to this deplorable person. The saddest part in all this is that over 40% of Americans continue to believe this thug is telling them the truth. Individual 1 and Moscow Mitch keep giving them right wing judges and that seems to make it all OK. I honestly hope a bunch of his followers don’t go out and get cleaning fluids to inject (presumably in their veins?) or take hydroxychloroquine thinking it will prevent Covid-19, because both of those “prescriptions” coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president demonstrate why doctors need malpractice insurance. Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I was listening to individual 1 the other day and he was saying “I see the light at the end of the tunnel, in fact, it’s a very bright light.” Well, my first thought was that light is a freight train coming the other way! Our IMPEACHED so-called president has supporters (evidently Robert Mercer is one of them) who are instigating and funding the bevy of protests we’ve seen in the past week or so. Of course, these people are protesting AGAINST the very guidelines which were put out by individual 1 only days before the protests began and individual 1, himself, “tweeted” less than 24 hours after putting out the “re-opening” guidelines to “LIBERATE” Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia adding in his “tweet” aimed at Virginia for the protesters to “protect your 2nd amendment rights.” Honestly, none of that makes a lick of sense, but……….. what else is new?

I wrote about this the other day and individual 1 isn’t even good when he’s attempting to deflect the blame from himself in regard to what lies ahead when he spurs states around the nation to “re-open” too soon. First, he comes out with what, to a degree, seemed almost rational when he put out his “re-opening of the economy strategy.” It was suggested the “re-opening” would be done in three phases – the first of which requires 14 days of consecutive reductions in the numbers of infections followed by two more (somewhat sensible) phases where economic activity is opened gradually based on the DATA. Of course, as I predicted at the time, he wouldn’t be able to stick to his OWN plan for even one day – and, he couldn’t!

The “LIBERATE” Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia (plus protect your 2nd amendment rights????) “tweets” were out, as I said, within 24 hours of when he publicly announced his “re-opening” strategy. Of course, his re-opening strategy placed the responsibility on governors (with his permission, of course) so that they can be the ones BLAMED when the virus kicks back up. This version of DEFLECTION 101 may have worked had he been able to keep his mouth (and his “Twitter” finger) shut – but, we all know that’s impossible. He’s got to be the one in front of the cameras if anyone is in front of the cameras.

And, like anyone else who’s actually at least trying to deal in FACTS, it continues to astonish me the brazenous of the LYING coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president. Yes, he’s a pathological LIAR, but I keep trying to convince myself he’s not STUPID. However, the evidence is becoming overwhelming otherwise. For example, yesterday, as he was being questioned about how Mike Pense, back in the first week of March claimed we would have 4 MILLION tests available at the end of the next week and then 4 MILLION per week thereafter, yet, just this past week (April 20) was when we FINALLY went over 4 MILLION totally up to this date – individual 1 said, as he was explaining we have the “best testing” in the world and then said, “We’ve done more tests than everyone else (in the world) combined.”

Well, I’ve pointed out I used to teach 6th grade Math so I pulled up “” which keeps track of EVERY case of Covid-19, every death by Covid-19 and EVERY test in the WORLD and started adding up the tests of the countries around the world – just adding up Italy, Spain, Germany, and France totals MORE than the amount of tests given in the U.S. There were well OVER another 100 countries I didn’t count so this is one of the MOST brazen of his LIES. He just assumes his followers – as he himself has said, “America’s uneducated voters” – aren’t going to “fact check” him – but, in this case, it’s just so easy. So many Americans just don’t care about all the LYING. They’ve become as defensive as our IMPEACHED so-called president as it becomes clearer and clearer those who pointed out he was UNFIT for the job back in 2016 were CORRECT! (And, I wrote all this BEFORE he claimed you might be able to get a UV light internally to stop the virus OR inject cleaning fluids inside your body to fight off the infection! I’m NOT kidding!)

While I’m thinking of it: I’ve been watching what is happening in South Dakota and, I have to say, I’m putting South Dakota’s governor, Kristi Noem, in the same category I’ve placed individual 1 and Steve Mnuchin. I’m just speculating and using common sense logic and, what I’m about to say could be listed in the “you heard it first here” category. So, today, South Dakota has, on the “” website, a total of 1984 confirmed coronavirus cases which has led to NINE deaths. It also suggests on the website – and, the info comes from the state’s health department – there are 883 “active cases.”

Now, if you’ve been following the national news about outbreaks in meat packaging plants you know there’s a pork processing plant in South Dakota which had to be shut down LAST week, due to an outbreak of Covid-19 running through the plant which, the last I had heard had infected around 800 workers (plus who knows how many of the supervisors?) over the space of the previous week. When you look at the data for EVERY other state in the union, it appears to be IMPOSSIBLE that there would be ONLY 833 “active” cases – when there were 800+ cases reported just last week. And, as it turns out, I’ve been following this outbreak since, well, the “outbreak” and a couple weeks ago South Dakota had just over 200 confirmed cases. So, somehow a whole bunch of people there got this virus and it lasted just about a week. Does that seem fishy to you? And, nine deaths?

Here’s why I’m questioning this. Governor Noem has been one of the most stubborn governors in the union in regard to resisting enacting “stay at home” orders. Of course, South Dakotan’s are able to determine when to stay home and when to just, well, do “business as usual.” Of course, since South Dakota has seen the number of cases “explode” now North Dakota and Nebraska, two neighboring states are following suit. That’s kinda how this virus seems to work. However, my point here is I believe there’s something “fishy” going on with the data coming out of South Dakota – possibly at the order of the governor to make sure she doesn’t keep getting all this negative national attention due to her unwillingness to fight this virus. The total number of cases v the active cases v the deaths – when you compare it to everywhere else – well, leaves me wondering if someone’s not rigging the stats?? Stay tuned!!!

I remember individual 1, after the Iowa Caucuses in 2016 saying “I love my uneducated voters.” Of course he does!

When I think of individual 1 the phrase “how low can you go?” often comes to mind. So, our IMPEACHED so-called president is heading toward an even lower low as his desperation in regard to the upcoming election becomes more significant and more dangerous. Just a little less than a week ago he was claiming “absolute authority” in regard to the issue of “shelter in place” in the Covid-19 pandemic and the very next day he said “It’s up to the governors to decide when to “open the economy” in their states. (Of course, he added they need to operate with his permission??) Within another day, and this one is even more incredible, he was encouraging his supporters to protest the “stay at home” orders at the governors mansions around the country.

What did we see at these “individual 1 rallies” – which he can’t hold in person – so, he’s encouraging his cult to violate the “social distancing” guidelines to show us all how “courageous” they all are. (?) Of course, the “mitigation” procedures put in place by various governors at the advice of Anthony Fauci are working, but if they are “relaxed” too soon, well, the “experts” say we’ll be going back to where we started. Of course, many of the individual 1 supporters feel we should just treat this like the “flu” and let it run its course letting the “cards fall where they may.” So, “going back to where we started,” to them, is where we should have been all along. The “shelter in place” orders are violating their right to give ME the virus!

I’ve admitted to being a “cynic” as I watch individual 1 in his “briefings” – I should say “watched” because I just can’t stomach watching them anymore – it’s like being at one of his campaign rallies – but, I have to wonder if the “data” is actually what is causing these people to “hit the streets.” From what I’m seeing, the “segments” of the population more likely to die from this pandemic appear to be old people – especially those in long care facilities – and people of color. Those groups represent a much higher percentage of deaths compared to their percentage of the population. Am I reading more into this than I should? One of the similarities I’ve seen at the protest rallies has been the confederate flags flying right next to the “individual 1” flags. (You know the name on the flags, I just can’t write it) Today, I even saw a man who was interviewed with a swastika on his hat. OMG! (And, almost all the protesters are white)

It’s appearing as if people who don’t have access to health care are the more likely to get this virus in its ugliest form – so, we’re seeing more members of the “black and brown” community ending up in body bags after they have contracted this virus. Keep in mind, many people in the “black and brown” community live in circumstances which makes “social distancing” pretty much impossible. Individual 1 has divided this nation like never before in my lifetime and if you don’t think his “base” is significantly made up with the “white nationalist” movement – well, I believe you’re not being realistic. (I wanted to say something less “kind”)

The cult isn’t likely to figure out what individual 1 is NOT doing – or, more cynically, what he’s doing is the reason they support him – so, for me, it’s just getting uglier and uglier. Everything he does is designed to protect himself from BLAME should the next thing he says become another in the long line of ridiculous decisions he’s made – all while he’s busy deflecting BLAME from the worst of his previous BLUNDERS. Think about this, he’s encouraging people to protest at the governors mansions around the country to open up their “economies” and he’s set the very same governors up to be the “fall guys” when the virus “kicks back up.” This is “deflection 101!”

Yesterday he suggested governors want it both ways when they’re asking for the federal government to provide testing so they can open their states back up – as if his feelings have been hurt by the criticism he’s clearly earned earlier in the crisis – so there’s no way he’s going to allow the federal government to provide testing in large numbers – he said, “it’s up to the governors.” That’s the epitome of “wanting it both ways.” And, then to encourage all of these protesters – with their confederate flags no less – is another “setup” due to his wanting it “both ways.” Pressure governors to open up and then blame them for the calamity which is likely to follow. Yikes!!!

Dealing with individual 1 is like dealing with a petulant sixth grader. It’s like you would like him to succeed, but you have to be careful with every word you use with him because the next “tantrum” is “right around the corner.” And, his tantrums can be a problem for the entire class – or in the case of individual 1 it’s the entire country. For example, it appears he’s refusing to enact the Defense Production Act to ensure there’s a massive testing program so that we CAN start moving toward “business as usual” because his feelings were hurt by some of the criticism he’s received for being so incompetent. (That, of course, is because he IS so INCOMPETENT)

If he had any sense of character he wouldn’t be sulking about all the criticism he’s EARNED, but he’d acknowledge “I screwed up” and he’d be doing everything he could to make up for his blunders. It appears he actually believes he’ll be able to LIE himself out of accountability for his blunders, but the reality his, the more he tries to do this the worst it gets for him. He continues to make campaign commercials for Joe Biden and other groups (PAC’s) who want him out of office sooner rather than later. IMPEACHMENT #2 will have to come at the polls this November!

Today, the price of oil on the spot market fell to -$37 per barrel. You read that right, that dash stands for MINUS – meaning oil producers were PAYING people to take their oil off their hands. There’s so much oil, there’s no place to store it. Conversely, I’m putting in a garden and needed oil for my rototiller so I went to the local shop and purchased two QUARTS of oil – and, it cost me $10. I couldn’t help but thinking, $10 would have purchased about 500 gallons of crude oil in West Texas today. Yikes!! And, for all those day-traders on Wall Street who are keeping the Stock Market propped up due to their confidence our “free market” republicans can find TRILLIONS for any emergency I continue to believe this market is like the house built on sand. It’s just a matter of time until it heads south again.

That’s not a criticism of anyone – that’s just my sense of what is going to happen with the market based on my logically working brain. I just don’t see how the economy can be in such a weak position – unemployment between 20% and 30% by most estimates and, no matter how bad individual 1 or the governors (right now the republican governors – not all of them) want to re-open the “economy” – consider me a skeptic. Are people going to rush to the restaurants once they re-open? If baseball was “on again” would the stands be full of fans? Individual 1 is predicting 100,000 fans at football games this fall – do you really think there’s that many people who love football that much? Especially, if the numbers of people getting infected is still high?

How about if they remove restrictions right now – do you really think the amount of infections won’t spike upward again? Do you believe individual 1 when he says it’s just going to “magically go away?” Or, are you one of those people who believe it’s a “hoax” and just another “flu?” Let it run its course, open up the economy – more people will die from having the economy “closed” (although, of course, only about a third of the economy is “closed” – if that, but I digress) than if we just let this virus run its course. According to Dr. Oz (I had to check to make sure he’s a real person) on Fox “news” we’d “only” lose “2% – 3%” of our population if we just opened things up. (I’ve written before, as a former 6th grade math teacher I was easily able to figure out that would be between 6 and 10 MILLION) That was more than I could stomach, but, well, maybe……..)

As I mentioned above, a much higher percentage of the deaths in relation to their percentage of the population suggests people in nursing homes and Black and Brown people would bear the largest “brunt” of that “plan.” Maybe, to some people, that would be appealing – I hope not, but I’ve been witnessing some pretty ugly stuff in the past few days as individual 1’s “LIBERATE” protests have been springing up all across America – financed by our IMPEACHED so-called president’s more wealthy backers. As I mentioned earlier, today one of the protesters was wearing a hat with a swastika on it and there were several confederate flags mixed in with the individual 1 flags – I don’t remember which state had the privilege of those people protesting.

And, of course, many of the protesters are being interviewed and, well, unless you watch Fox “news” and listen to people like Limbaugh I’m guessing you’re a bit embarrassed to listen to some of the people. I certainly don’t consider myself an “elite” but I do believe when people actually believe they’re speaking in “facts” and what they are saying is preposterous you just have to wonder how bad is it getting on places like Fox in order to stir some of these people up enough to get them to show up and protest – speaking utter garbage. I wish I could put it another way – but it’s embarrassing to me to think we have so many Americans who are so, well…. stupid. Everytime I listen to one of them I think back to individual 1, after the Iowa Caucuses in 2016 saying “I love my uneducated voters.” Of course he does!

And, Oh by the way: A couple weeks ago I was listening to Dr. Birx explaining the “models” they were using to predict “If we do things perfectly” there would be “between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths resulting from Covid-19.” I predicted, at the time, this was a “set up” in order to give individual 1 something to brag about if there are fewer fatalities than those predictions, despite the FACT whatever the number of deaths we ultimately face from this pandemic will be far too many, largely because of individual 1’s “missing 70 days” which, no matter what he does going forward, he can’t LIE away. Of course, he’s STILL incapable of making rational decisions so he’ll just continue making campaign commercials for Joe Biden as he can’t resist the cameras every day with his so-called “take force press briefing.” And, if too many states listen to individual 1 and open too soon, maybe those estimates of fatalities will end up conservative.

And, the level of individual 1’s defensive reactions to questions he receives at these press briefings are, well at least to me, embarrassing – because, these briefings are viewed around the world. Today, he was asked if he feels at all bad about people who listened to him in the early part of this crisis, then, in one instance went to a large wedding across country only to end up dying after getting the virus – and, another big one – the Mardi Gras going forward because of his recommendation “It’s all under control” – and, now people are dead – his response mentioned nothing about the people who’ve died, as if their deaths mean nothing to him, and, instead, he said, “Well, a lot of people like me – I think I’m going to be re-elected in November, in fact, I think I’ll win in a landslide.” I saw that and thought, “The question was about a guy who went to a wedding thanks to your advice and is now dead?” Where did that response come from? I can’t say it came from the heart, because you’d have to have one!

OMG: Tonight I’m listening to the mayor of Miami Dade County in Southern Florida suggesting they very well may have hit their peak – as the governor is moving to “open up the state” – he only “closed” it a bit over a week ago – does that remind you of anyone? (Of course, there’s more) So, I checked the Kinsa thermometer “weather map” which shows the places in America where the number of elevated temperatures are “atypical” predicting disease outbreaks a couple weeks ahead of the CDC. Well, sure enough, Florida – and, more predictably, South Florida – although, several other parts of Florida – are “lit up” in red (elevated temperatures in “atypical” levels) – which suggests, well, that maybe Florida should reconsider “re-opening.” Stay tuned.

The “more” I was referring to when I suggested “there’s more” above would be Georgia – another place where the governor, Brian Kemp, struggled to enact a “stay at home” order and, supposedly, after he “discovered” asymptomatic people can transmit the disease he did so. Of course, less than two weeks after he “closed” Georgia it will be open again. Today, Georgia had over 1200 new cases but, maybe individual 1 sent some protesters to the governor’s mansion? I mean, why would the governor open up Georgia while it’s numbers are spiking upward? I’m going to avoid being too overly cynical – maybe you can explain the thinking to me. And, the places he opened – I’ll try to remember some of them. Gyms, barber shops, beauty salons, places to get your nails “done” (I can’t remember what they’re called), bowling alleys, massage parlors (?), etc. You get the idea – all these will open this coming Friday. And, next Monday restaurants, bars, etc. will open. This will be a good source of data for the rest of us.

Final Thought: “We the people” seem to be proving how divided we are as this virus makes its way across the nation. It’s becoming clearer there’s no way we’re going to have a national response to the pandemic – which, based on what I’ve heard from the medical professionals is the worst way to “attack” this virus. The reality is Covid-19 is going to be “around” until there is a vaccine – and, who knows how that would be distributed. I’ve been under the impression the goal SHOULD be to “flatten the curve” so that our hospitals are better able to handle the number of cases – because it’s unrealistic to keep the economy “closed” indefinitely. I’ve been watching the “numbers” as closely as I can and I’ve been feeling sometime around mid May would be the time to start figuring out the best way to “re-open” the economy. We’ve seen how fast this virus spreads, so getting the numbers down to where the “curve” has been “flattened” would be the time to begin “moving forward.”

The economic realities, once we get to that point, are going to be dire. One industry after another is going to be in a really bad spot. By now, most people know the situation with the oil industry (they can’t give the oil away, Yikes!), the auto industry is really hurting, airlines? (are you planning a trip anytime soon?), homes? (Where do you think home prices are headed?) Restaurants, movies, sports, and I could go on, they’re all in trouble. This will all become clearer as the days slowly go by – most of us are stuck in our homes – but, painfully clear once things are “opened up.” Think logically, this “jolt” to our way of life will take a long time to recover from. I just don’t see “we the people” choosing individual 1 to be the one to lead us out of this mess – a far worse mess than what Bush/Cheney left for President Obama and Vice President Biden. With a competent person at the “top” it’s going to be a MAJOR challenge – with individual 1?????? And, do you really want Moscow Mitch running the Senate as we try to work our way out of this mess? I hope someone in Kentucky reads this – please work to get him out of office!

Once in office Joe Biden must prove that in America “no one is above the law” by allowing individual 1 to face accountability for his lawbreaking!

OMG, it just keeps getting worse. And, of course, if you’ve spent any time on this site you know I’m talking about individual 1. I just can’t keep up with all the graft coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president. Often times, I don’t know where to start so that i end up chasing my “tail” just like so many other Americans who are in disbelief that such a “deplorable” person could become our (so-called) president. Today, I heard about how he insisted on having his own name placed on the “relief” checks MILLIONS of Americans – some of them desperately – are waiting for – and, the wait will be increased at least a few days and for what? Does he really believe Americans are so stupid to believe these checks are a “gift” from him? (Sadly, I have to say “don’t answer that”)

I wrote about that one yesterday, but today it’s been reported that individual 1 is claiming powers which reminds me of why he’s so admiring of Vladimir Putin. I turned on MSNBC while driving around and, sure enough, there was individual 1’s voice and my hand immediately went toward the button switching the radio to the MLB station (Major League Baseball) but as I was switching channels I thought I heard individual 1 making the claim he’s got the power……. That’s what I heard so I quickly switched back to MSNBC and, sure enough, individual 1 was suggesting he’s got the power to ORDER the governors of the states to follow his directives. The thought which went immediately through my head was “has William Barr convinced him he’s got dictatorial powers?” He said the governors can’t do anything without “my permission.” And, he added, “The president can do whatever…….” there was a pause, and then, “whatever the president will do.” Not sure what that means, but i keep thinking “delusional.”

Another day has passed: Today, I listened to a brief summary of the “plan” the “White House” proposed which seemed to represent something a bit more reasonable. It was as if maybe even some republicans noticed he was threatening something representing a monarchy in total violation of his constitutional powers and, who knows, maybe even they didn’t like it – especially, with the election looming and democrats lining up behind Joe Biden in a way which is almost unrecognizable for the democratic party. I listened to a short summary of individual 1’s plan to “re-open the economy” and, actually, I thought it sounded a bit reasonable (although, the summary I heard came from Chuck Todd and, naturally, failed to refer to the lack of testing in the proposal). That being said, a friend called me and during our conversation I said, “Even if it’s a practical proposal, individual 1 won’t be able to abide by it. He’ll be undermining it within days due to his re-election anxiety.”

OK, well, it’s tomorrow – I’m not typing as fast as normal – it’s time to put in the garden along with other chores around the “place” and my “mature” hands are sore – Sure enough, the first things I saw when I awoke (after my shower – I’m old and it takes me a while to get going in the morning) was individual 1 attacking Governor Cuomo – who’s stealing our IMPEACHED so-called president’s “thunder” by – well – acting “presidential” – because, of course – why else – Governor Cuomo wasn’t appreciative enough of dear leader. OMG – what Cuomo was pointing out was that without massive testing we’re not going to get to a place where we can “re-open the economy” without putting ourselves right back in “quarantine.” Cuomo asked, “what do I have to do, send him flowers?” Of course, there’s a mounting call from right wing “republicans” to just “re-open” and take our chances.

I get emails daily from a newsletter published by “Newsmax” which apparently is a right wing outlet and, for some reason, I haven’t blocked them from my inbox. Some “dude” (using my son’s lingo) named “Dr. Oz” shows up often on the main links to this newsletter. I had no idea who “Dr. Oz” is, or if he’s some imaginary character until I actually saw a clip of him, naturally, on Fox “news.” And, he was suggesting schools re-open so parents could go back to work even though this would lead to “only” a 2% – 3% fatality rate from coronavirus. Well, even though I was only a sixth grade teacher I was a math major in college so my brain instantly went to work – let’s see 330 MILLION times – and, let’s take the lower prediction of 2% (x .02) and I came up with OMG 6.6 MILLION Americans would die using Dr. Oz’s “plan” – which didn’t generate any OMG’s from Sean Hannity, he seemed OK with that “trade-off.” Of course, the other end of the prediction would be around 10 MILLION Americans would die to “save the economy.”

Well, first of all, I’m not sure how that would save the economy – I doubt the mortuaries are set up to handle that much business – but…………….? So, there was that – where was I? – Oh yes, individual 1’s ability to stand by his “plan.” Well, evidently, there was NO plan as far as testing was concerned, so that appeared right off the top to be a problem – causing angry retorts from our IMPEACHED so-called president that he’s not getting enough praise – but, of course, there’s always MORE. So, while individual 1 was laying out his “plan” (essentially, giving the governors of the 50 states permission to follow his orders – should he ever give any) there were protests going on in at least three states which have democratic (and democratically elected) governors. Key swing states for the upcoming election.

And, true to form, these demonstrations were ugly. What I saw appeared to mirror the same crowd which marched on Charlottesville along with wives and children with a smattering of confederate flags interspersed with many individual 1 flags, and even American flags – in one protest there was a flatbed truck with some kind of “Individual 1 forever” sign painted on the side rails (Of course, they used the name I can’t bring myself to type) and, this one was in Michigan – one of the hardest hit states in the union – and they were demanding the “shelter in place” restriction by “lifted.” Of course, it didn’t seem to matter to them because they were violating that order and even individual 1’s social distancing “guidelines.” In at least one rally several of the protesters were brandishing AK 47’s and other weapons – for, well, who knows why – other than it likely makes them feel powerful. (I’ve often wondered what these people are going to do when individual 1 is swept out of office by the voters – I wonder if they actually believe their protests are gaining votes for him – although, maybe they believe voting will be outlawed by November – it’s really hard to fathom.

So, how did individual 1 respond to these protests? (They were obviously a segment of the white nationalist crowd we saw in Charlottesville) Our IMPEACHED so-called president said, “well, it appears they like me.” “It seems they like what I’m saying” or words to that effect. And, then this morning out come the “tweets” – like I said to my friend, “he just won’t be able to help himself – he’ll never stick to his plan.” Again, I don’t do “Twitter” so I just see the “tweets” when they’re published elsewhere – today he was tweeting to these protesters to “LIBERATE” their states! What on earth does that mean? Does that mean follow the “plan” just put in place yesterday which has three phases? And, the first phase doesn’t “kick in” until infections and deaths are significantly reduced. I forget the details – but, obviously, they’re already meaningless in the eyes of the “plan’s” author – assuming individual 1 was in agreement with the plan he, himself, laid out. Yikes!!! Things is going to get ugly! (OK, “uglier” and, for you English teachers I used the word “is” on purpose)

Individual 1 screwed the American response to this virus up, right from the start and he continues making America’s response worse. For whatever reason, he won’t listen to the doctors who are expert in this field, and he can’t resist the opportunity to get in front of the cameras every day and make a fool of himself – over and over. The “fact checkers” are working overtime every time he speaks and he truly believes there are enough “uneducated voters” in America for him to get re-elected based on these press briefings – which, by the way – if it was obvious long ago – should be handled by an actual press secretary. Neither standing in front of these cameras each day, nor (almost as incredible) putting his name on the checks going out to those without direct deposit info with the IRS is going to win voters for his re-election bid.

He actually had the opportunity to look like an actual president back in January when this virus began its attack on our shores – he should have been prepared much sooner (I knew about the virus in China at least in December) – but, certainly had he initiated a full throttled response emanating from the federal government in January which indicated his focus was on the well being of the American people instead of his re-election he very well could be a “shoe-in” at this moment in time and thousands of Americans would be alive today who have died and many of those still to die would maybe never have even contracted the virus in the first place. Individual 1’s mental illness prevents him from doing what is necessary to mitigate the DAMAGE caused by this Covid-19.

Well, I’d like to keep going, but it’s time for me to take my tired old bones out to the garden and get to work – and, trust me, what used to be pleasurable is now work – but when you’ve been blessed with the space to grow food this year – you should do it, You never know about things we’re still, to a large degree, taking for granted. BTW, I was happy to see the governor of California providing relief for the field workers in California – many who are undocumented – who are responsible for harvesting some of the beautiful crops coming from that amazing state. During one of my “lives” I operated a farm and I have a very soft place in my heart for America’s farmers and the people who work on their farms. It doesn’t take much to threaten the livelihood of farmers and this pandemic very well could cause many to go out of business. From my point of view, they should be right at the top of those who are receiving financial assistance. I’ve already seen videos of dairy farmers pouring out thousands of gallons of milk and other farmers plowing crops under which were growing beautifully because of market changes. That, to me, is really sad!

I’m back, I’m really tired, AND my garden is ready to plant – hopefully the rain will wait one more day! I mentioned I was a farmer (very small) at one point in my life and I was wiped out in a recession in the early 1980’s which caused the value of my crop (actually livestock) to drop in half in the period of one week. Farmers all across America’s heartland are looking at a similar disaster. There was no federal funding for “small farmers” back when I was farming but, hopefully, that is not the reality for farmers today – hopefully some of the rescue money will be aimed at farmers to keep them in business. I can attest from experience, most farmers can’t survive with one year’s crop “in the tank.” (Or, out of the tank and on to the ground, in the case of dairymen) We all need these farmers to survive and I can tell you it’s likely going to take at least a couple of years for them to do so – AFTER there’s a vaccine for Covid-19.

My Final Thought was written a couple days ago: Today there were protests by pro individual 1 supporters in Michigan and one other Midwest state in support of “urging” the (democratic) governors to withdraw the “shelter in place” order so they could go back to “business as usual.” While, today in Michigan, there were over 1000 new cases of Covid-19 and over 150 deaths attributed to the virus. All in all, Michigan has over 28,000 people with the virus and, of course, their hospitals are already overrun by patients with needing ventilators – apparently of no concern to these protesters. I saw pictures of them and many were wearing the “stars and stripes” outfits which, apparently, they believe makes them patriots. And, I saw one sign which said “babies are important” – not sure what that meant?

I get a plethora of thoughts as I watch people who believe we should just go back to “business as usual” sooner rather than later. I mentioned in my last post I believe MOST of those who are urging we just “take our chances” with this pandemic would consider themselves “pro life” even though estimates of “opening the economy” at this point would lead to MILLIONS of Americans losing their lives. (Like using Dr. Oz’s plan – between 6 and 10 MILLION) Apparently these people don’t understand that before our economy can be safely “opened” back up we need a MASSIVE testing plan. However, thanks to their IMPEACHED so-called president, widespread testing is impossible in America right now. A month ago Vice President Pense promised “by the end of the week we’ll be producing 4 MILLION tests per week” which is just another LIE. Testing continues to be a problem. As I’ve said, these people make up the “pro-life” movement.

As I said above, I’m putting in a larger garden this year so I’ve been making some trips to Lowes – the local competition to Home Depot – a place to buy seeds and other supplies I need. The other day one of the workers at Lowes told me 40 of their workers were out with the “flu.” I said, “have they been tested for Covid-19?” And, the answer was, “no, they aren’t able to get tests – they’re not sick enough.” Everytime individual 1 is questioned about the lack of testing he claims “our testing is great, we’ve tested more than anyone” and then he says “it’s up to the governors to do the testing.” Well, obviously, Pense has been unable to get the MILLIONS of tests created which he promised. They are unable to even test the people who are already sick, let alone doing the MASSIVE testing necessary to figure out a plan to actually re-open the economy with some kind of chance where it doesn’t cause an immediate “spike” upward.

To me, just the FACT people who are sick are unable to get tests this far into the pandemic is just one more example of the incompetence of our IMPEACHED so-called president and his administration. I was shocked to hear Lowe’s had 40 people who were out sick and, because they couldn’t get a test, they needed to stay out for at least two weeks. Lowe’s is an “essential business” (and, I’m thankful they’re open) but I’m concerned some of the people they have who are out will be coming back while still being able to transmit the virus. It’s just unthinkable to me that we are still unable to get everyone tested.

Today individual 1 suggested “some states will be opening up real soon, likely before May 1st. Well, there are about 6 or 7 states which still haven’t been ordered to “shelter in place” by their republican governors, so I’m guessing those will be the states individual 1 “re-opens.” And, he’ll do this in one of his campaign “press briefings” which outlets like MSNBC and CNN will show live, his “base” will believe he’s opening the nation, and, in effect, the networks will have given him another few MILLION dollars worth of FREE campaign ads. I’m sure one of the states will be South Dakota where they are on the upswing of this virus and yet the governor is steadfast in saying there’s no reason for a “shelter in place” order.

This virus is exposing the weakness which exists in America right now with our IMPEACHED so-called president who is the result, at least partially, of the work of Vladimir Putin. We’ve seen bits of evidence showing his fealty to Putin during his three plus years in office and we’re likely to see more. Putin’s goal was to divide America by using our openness against us and he’s continuing to do so – why wouldn’t he, it’s working for Russia. But, I don’t see America “healing” until significant time has passed after individual 1 has been voted out of office. And, I’m saying it right here, it’s important for Biden to allow individual 1 to face up to all the legal challenges which will be waiting for him once he’s out of office. That will be the proof that, in America no one is above the law!

The bottom line here is the DAMAGE done to this nation by individual 1 is going to continue mounting! Recovery will take years!

I’ve been writing about the DAMAGE being caused to America and “we the people” by individual 1 and, it appears, he’s going to continue intensifying that DAMAGE as if he’s a petulant child with oppositional defiance disorder. He is UNABLE to accept ANY blame for making mistakes and, in the case of the coronavirus, the MISTAKES are so impactful there’s NO chance he’ll admit to any of his POOR judgments as he’s lashing out in his classic DEFLECTION mode. We saw the “hint” he was looking toward the World Health Organization (WHO) as a convenient “bogeyman” about a week ago in the press briefing where he said, one minute, he was going to freeze the funding of the WHO and then, about 15 minutes later claimed he “never said that.”

Well, today it was reported he has actually suspended the funding of the WHO and is lashing out at them in a brazen attempt to BLAME them for all the BLUNDERS he made as this virus was running rampant across America while he was claiming “It’s under control,” “It will be down to zero in a matter of days,” “It will just go away,” “It’s like the flu you can go to work,” and on and on. Here’s the problem with modern technology – especially when you’re so narcissistic that you NEED to be the center of EVERY aspect of anything – your (his) words are ALWAYS in a plethora of video archives. So he can try to LIE away all the blunders, but the EVIDENCE just won’t go away. When I observe individual 1 in this crisis – as he continues to BLUNDER virtually everytime he opens his mouth – I can’t help but get the picture in my mind of the saying about someone “Throwing s*@t against the wall and hoping some of it sticks.

The problem for our IMPEACHED so-called president is that too much of what he’s “throwing at the wall” is ending up in the “fan.” And, I’m sure, you know what that means. My memories of what the WHO was doing include them warning people everywhere about how serious this potential crisis is/was – and, in early March labeling it a pandemic due to the tepid response by people like individual 1 and, therefore, this country. Of course, the WHO was also trying to get the attention of countries in Western Europe which are now facing the consequences of not taking it serious enough as well. The WHO, I’m sure, didn’t have a perfect response, but for about the first 2 months of this virus spreading across America, I don’t think individual 1 could have done much WORSE than what he actually did.

For example, in Louisiana the Mardi Gras went on as planned based on their interpretation of individual 1’s assurances this would all just magically “go away.” We all know how that played out. For heaven’s sake, up until about a week ago neither Florida nor Georgia had put anything resembling a “mitigation strategy” in place and, incredibly, Georgia’s (apparently not so bright) governor claimed the only reason he was doing so – keep in mind, after Georgia had THOUSANDS infected – was because he had learned “the previous day” that asymptomatic persons could be carrying the virus and spreading it. This guy had to CHEAT to get elected just like individual 1 and we’re all seeing the results.

Of course, the incompetence of individual 1 affects people in EVERY state in the union. And, as he’s getting more and more anxious to “go back to business as usual” – saying over and over (That’s how the Big Lie Theory works, by the way – but, I digress) “The cure can’t be worse than the problem” – it won’t be too surprising to me if individual 1 prolongs this thing for – well, it’s hard to predict at this point because a vaccine is at least a year away. Clearly, “fixing” this problem in his eyes is based on the stock market. And, I have to say, it’s pretty impressive our “free market” is managing to “recover” as unemployment figures are going to be approaching 20% within the next week or two and “earnings” are likely to be “in the tank” for a significant segment of the business community for, well, who knows how long?

That shows you what $7 TRILLION or so will do to a lagging market. But, does anyone really think that’s a solid foundation? I mean how much money are “we the people” willing to “pump” into Wall Street in order to make things look “good” – when EVERYONE knows things aren’t good. To me, what I’ll call the “moneyed” interests of this nation are just proving what a corrupt hold they have on our government. It’s as if this money came out of nowhere and, hopefully, there are some kind of “strings” attached to it. I keep seeing this neon sign flashing across my mind “Free Market” everytime I think about how republicans react to national “disasters.”

In 2008, of course, there was the TARP bailout of the banks who had “tanked” the economy with their risky “bets” on mortgage backed securities which were doomed from the start – despite the AAA ratings they got from Standard and Poor’s or Moody’s (just MORE of the corrupt Wall Street “world”) – but that was ONLY $700 BILLION. Now our free market republicans are throwing around “TRILLIONS” as if money “grows on trees.” It’s working to a degree, but just like everything else I observe with individual 1 it’s what I would call “short termism.” Simply put, there has to be a day of reckoning where the reality of depression levels of unemployment don’t cause the market to go up.

Of course, please don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to see the market “tanking” – it just seems to me it should be representative of reality. And, if we’re going to prop it up with TRILLIONS – well, stop talking to me about the “free market.” I’ve heard too many times people suggesting our “free market” “capitalizes the profits and socializes the losses.” Well, it doesn’t take an economist (OK, that’s what I qualify for – NOT being an economist) to realize this isn’t a “free market” at all. Well, actually, I’ve been pointing this out for years, but republicans just continue LYING to “we the people” that we have a “free market economy.” If we really did, well, you know where this market would be right now. No one wants it there, so let’s just stop LYING about the reality.

I FORCED myself to listen to Sean Hannity the other day – I managed almost 30 seconds until I was so turned off I thought I would puke if I continued – and, as he was describing some democrat, I can’t remember which one, he had to throw in the word “socialist” as if he was attaching it to – apparently – anyone who’s a “democrat.” I think the way he described who ever he was LYING about as a member of the “democrat socialist” party. (That’s pure brainwashing to those who choose to allow that propaganda into their heads) So, where is the republican party right now? I mean, democrats can’t even get a couple TRILLION past Moscow Mitch in order to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure – a FAILURE which is putting “we the people” farther and farther behind nations all around the world – most especially China. It’s like when China passes us up in virtually every category republicans will wonder what just happened and then they’ll blame all the “democrat socialists.”

We can’t afford to invest in our children who want to go to college but can’t afford the tuition without owing what amounts to a home mortgage when they graduate – if they can manage to graduate – unless, of course, they’re lucky enough to have been born into a family with lots of money. Hell, ONE of those TRILLIONS we just gave Wall Street would be enough to cancel ALL of the student debt America’s young people are saddled with right now. We can find it in an instant to prop up Wall Street but, apparently our children……………? Of course, as I said, the children with most of the debt are those who weren’t born with the proverbial “silver spoon.”

And, things really were much different back when us “baby boomers” were growing up – that’s a big part of the shame in all this to me – we (baby boomers) TOTALLY benefited from what was passed on to us by “The greatest generation” and, yet, too many of us (baby boomers) seem all to comfortable in saddling today’s youth with either unbearable debt or a life without a full education and lower productivity – which, by the way, hurts everyone. Plus, we don’t seem to want to fix all the roads and bridges which are pretty much worn out from all the use WE’VE given them. Why are we saddling our children and grandchildren with debt designed to prop up Wall Street and does virtually NOTHING to make their lives better going forward?

And, speaking of the TARP bailout, if you remember the Obama/Biden administration inherited an incredibly BAD circumstance – an economy shedding jobs at the rate of 800,000 per month which seemed incredible at the time. Of course, that’s just a “drop in the bucket” compared to the past three weeks as Covid-19’s reality has “hit.” And, despite individual 1, today, suggesting he’s going to “open the economy” maybe “very quickly” – like before the May 1 deadline of the most recent “social distancing” guidelines can you imagine people rushing out to restaurants while this virus is still raging? Do you really think the NBA will restart? Or MLB? Will Disneyland reopen? Do you really think Hawaii is going to be recruiting tourists? Maybe individual 1 is just unknowingly hell bent on making sure this pandemic is still raging come November due to his own stupidity, but I just don’t see very many of our governors taking orders from him.

The reason I brought up what Obama/Biden “inherited” from the previous republican administration is because I believe the Biden/??? administration is likely to “inherit” something far far worse. Not only is the virus likely to still be a significant issue by next January but we very well could be looking at another “great depression” economically. As I often say here, “I’m no economist,” but one thing I’ve learned is the federal government only has so many “bullets” when it comes to fighting economic downturns and, it appears to me, the individual 1 “short termism” may be creating a situation which is almost untenable. And, of course, he has a lifetime of experience of doing just that.

Anyone who’s done any reading on individual 1’s history knows he’s declared bankruptcy around a half dozen times – stiffing workers, banks, etc. – and, almost always coming out on the other side “still standing.” His father bailed him out financially several times to the tune of, from what I’ve read, about $500 MILLION. He’s also been bailed out, according to several books I’ve read, by the Russian Mafiya a couple times and, I believe, he’s beholden to the Saudi’s as well as far as foreigners bailing him out of his financial disasters goes. We’ve seen how far he’s disconnected from the TRUTH repeatedly since he took the “oath” in 2017 (somewhere, at this point, around 20,000 “LIES or misleading statements”) and that’s not a good “business model” during a national crisis.

So, the likely scenario is that he will take the excellent economy he “INHERITED” from the Obama/Biden administration and give back to Biden and whoever he chooses as his running mate something FAR worse than what they “inherited” from Bush/Cheney. Plus, by the time next January rolls around, it’s likely the “bullets” necessary to defend the economy against a prolonging of this severe downturn will have long been used. I believe it’s close to that point right now. Interest rates can’t be lowered (at the Fed) below where they’re at – zero, a tax cut makes no sense at all, and TRILLIONS have already been pumped into the economy in a futile attempt to make the stock market look good right now. For heaven’s sake, from individual 1’s point of view wouldn’t it be better if the market looked good in November?

Maybe they’ll pull off a miracle, but the deficit this year could be approaching $10 TRILLION! Just for this year! We’re bailing out all those corporations who got a tax cut they didn’t need who used the money to buy their own stock pushing up the stock prices and the salaries of their executives and, in many cases, that stock is now worth a fraction of what they paid for it. And, of course, we’re spending TRILLIONS more to try to keep those stock prices as high as possible in light of an economy which is about 30% inactive. None of this makes too much sense – although, I think I can see why individual 1 is so intent on “re-opening” the economy. It’s because his re-election is more important to him than the heath of the people in our nation.

I still remember in the IMPEACHMENT trial – when republicans had the opportunity to do the right thing and remove individual 1 from office – listening to Allen Dershowitz claiming that if a (so-called) president feels his/her election is in the national interest virtually nothing he/she would do could be considered an IMPEACHABLE offense. Therefore, extorting a president of another country for political “dirt” is OK – so, it wouldn’t surprise me if the same people defending individual 1 back then believe anything he does right now is OK if his motivation is re-election – which, in his mind, is for the good of the country. Yikes! Just writing that makes me shudder at the absolute absurdity.

The bottom line here is the DAMAGE done to this nation by individual 1 is going to continue mounting – republicans will continue their cowering silence as they watch our IMPEACHED so-called president make several of them vulnerable themselves this November – and, democrats MUST continue watching them like hawks as these TRILLIONS which are aimed at workers and small businesses are dispersed. The DAMAGE is already approaching the unimaginable stage, but with an IMPEACHED so-called president who is unable to admit to mistakes, who has virtually no empathy, whose narcissism is “off the charts,” who is a pathological LIAR and, as I’ve said, believes his own lies as the words leave his lips (I’ve seen this before, but only in kids), who is unapologetically racist – it’s hard to imagine things getting much better before next January.

For heaven’s sake – he’s even insisting on putting his name on all the $1200 checks which are going out to the people who filed their taxes and didn’t have their refund put directly into their bank account. First, does he care that making the changes at the Treasury (No president has ever done this before) costs these people, who likely really need the money, to wait a few more days? Does he really think these people are going to somehow interpret his name on the check as if the money is coming from him? He has openly stated “I love uneducated voters” but you’d have to be really “uneducated” to believe that. Do you think his name on these checks will actually cause Americans to vote for him? The thought he would even think that’s possible makes my stomach curl – that someone who occupies the “White House” would have such a low view of the intelligence of the American people. God, I hope he’s wrong!

Personally, (and selfishly) I’m hoping to see baseball SOON – but, I can’t imagine actually going to a game right now and I’m not sure how games with no fans would go over. I’m even worried about this coming football season even though I’ve given up my fetish with Fantasy Football. Again, without fans in the stands? And, what better way to spread this virus than by blocking and tackling each other? Oh yes, do you want to get on a plane and fly across the country? I suppose the planes could have one person in each row and alternate which side of the isle they’re sitting on – but, would that be anywhere near profitable? And, would people even do that? My point is, can individual 1 simply decide we’re “opening the economy” and expect it to happen? I don’t think so!

Final Thought: It finally has dawned on me that there’s a complete parallel to individual 1’s “daily press briefings” and what I’m seeing with the flood of money going to Wall Street. Whereas America’s business community is “free market” while they’re reaping huge profits and, then, turning to America’s socialists (ie the government) when things aren’t going right I see individual 1 setting up a similar scenario as he’s planning to “open” the country back up to “business as usual.” He’s claiming he’s going to direct the governors on how this is going to happen and, presumably, they will be the ones who get blamed when HIS plan proves to be just another in the long list of his BLUNDERS.

Personally, I don’t think governors like the governor of my state, Jay Inslee, or the governors like Gavin Newsome in California, Kate Brown in Oregon, Andrew Cuomo in New York and governors all across the nation are going to fall for this scam. First of all, I don’t believe any of the governors – with the exception of the sycophants – are going to follow ANY directive coming from individual 1 who has FAILED to accept any responsibility for ANYTHING as this pandemic has pushed across this nation along with his FAILURES to actually help on the scale needed (ie the Defense Production Act). As many have said, individual 1 didn’t close things down and he can’t open things back up.

I don’t think there are many Americans who don’t want to see things “open back up” but, I also believe most Americans realize the danger of doing it too soon. Do we want to start all over again on the mitigation strategies? Or do we just let the virus “run its course?” I actually believe there is a significant portion of the republican “base” (yep, the so-called “pro lifers”) who want to open things up and “take our chances.” Of course, even if “we the people” were willing to sacrifice 2 – 4 MILLION people to the “health” of our stock market – unless we’re just going to allow people to die in their homes – our hospital system would be even more overrun – likely in “ashes” by the time the virus would have run its course. Hard to imagine, in my mind, we are even having these discussions.

And, Oh by the way: The death toll in New York was just increased by over 3000 “presumed” Covid-19 fatalities for the very reason I just pointed out would be the issue if we simply let the virus run it’s course. Even considering ALL the mitigation efforts in New York I’ve been reading that over 200 bodies per day have been discovered by EMT’s over the past couple (few?) weeks in New York – likely the people who were not able to get tested and who there weren’t, at the time, beds for them in the local hospitals. From all accounts, when this virus gets into the lungs and goes into pneumonia it happens almost instantly. For example, patients who have been admitted to the hospital with the more severe flu-like symptoms can go to needing a respirator in the manner of minutes. So, after seeing the lines of people trying to get tests which were unavailable and who were turned away by the already overrun hospitals – it’s not surprising that many may have simply died at their homes. Picture this happening on an exponential scale if we did what the Lt. Governor suggested and put the health of the stock market ahead of the health of “we the people.” Again, I can’t even believe this is a topic for discussion in this nation! It will take YEARS to recover from the DAMAGE caused by individual 1 and his cult.

Individual 1 KNEW what was coming while at the same time denying it was coming and then he denied he KNEW it was coming! Sad!!

Years ago I owned a small Real Estate business with a couple friends and I sold everything from residences in town to farms and land for about 7 years. I learned during that time when you sell a piece of property “anything which is nailed down, glued down, or screwed down” is part of that sale. Meaning, once the papers have been signed, you can’t change anything. You can’t decide the antique clock attached to the side of your garage is something you’ve decided to keep if it wasn’t specified in the original agreement. Just like when, in business, you make a loan and give collateral for the loan, the banker can’t come by your business after the fact and simply add more collateral – thereby unilaterally changing the agreement. It’s not only against the “rules” to do this, it’s against the law.

So, I’m finding it very interesting that republicans are feeling it’s OK to change the terms of the so-called “Cares Act” after it’s been negotiated with a “bipartisan agreement” and then signed into law by individual 1. Whether the republicans made the changes “unilaterally” after they came to an “agreement” with democrats or whether the changes have/are taken/taking place after our IMPEACHED so-called president signed the bill, the result is the same. They are breaking the law. Although, we’re discovering in this republican led “world” there’s a belief that an agreement is not really an agreement. This is the kind of garbage that has the potential to undermine the basic tenets of our democratic republic. (OK, you’re correct, it already has)

I wrote recently, democrats should agree to NOTHING in this “next go around” of a coronavirus bill without some STRICT provisions – AND, they should DEMAND accountability for the last bill (the $2.2 TRILLION one) before there is any more money going out of Washington DC – no matter the consequences to “we the people.” The WORST thing which can happen at this point in time would be for republicans to use this crisis to underhandedly CHEAT taxpayers out of funds – which, you would think, is already stretching this nation to the max. I mean, they’ve magically found about $8 TRILLION so far – most going to Wall Street in money which can be used at the discretion of the ???? – and, they’re talking about another $2.3 TRILLION. Personally, it’s going “out” a bit fast for me – but, as the saying goes, “What do I know?”

Well, the obvious answer to that last question is “not much” – but, I will tell you I do know something! And, taking agreements and then changing them after the fact is NOT kosher! As another saying goes, “Fool me once………….. you know the rest. I’m saying NO more money until the FIRST 2+ TRILLION bill is being dispersed as it was intended. And, if there are “tricks” which got “snuck” into the bill aimed at Real Estate Investors, for example – ie individual 1, his family, and his daughter’s family – those need to be “fixed” before there’s any more money appropriated. Democrats are, obviously, going to need a backbone here. This is why there just doesn’t seem to be an appetite for “bipartisanship” – and, please don’t “both sides” me – I’m not buying it.

Democrats need to be careful they don’t come out of this looking like powerless fools. I wrote the other day about how, apparently, Treasury Secretary Mnuchin has figured out a way to screw the airline workers’ unions – turning the bailout of the airline industry into a “stock buying opportunity” for Treasury. That wasn’t the “plan.” Mnuchin is also, from what I’ve read, CHANGING the terms of the unemployment insurance payments – again, unilaterally? I hope I’m wrong, but the truth is I don’t trust these republicans as far as …….. yep, you know the rest!

Of course individual 1 is continuing his campaign to undermine the Social Security and Medicare systems as he pushes for the “temporary” abolishment of the payroll tax. If democrats fall for that I won’t be the only progressive minded American who will be disgusted with them. I’ve been saying for years, the only hope those of us who want an end to this version of the republican party – which resembles the 1% of America the Koch brothers managed to connect to with their libertarian platform back in the days of Reagan (shows what money can do in America) – we have no choice but to depend on democrats. It is EXTREMELY important they not get played during this crisis.

Of course, democrats want money in the hands of the working class members of our society who are suffering without work and they want those who don’t have health insurance (which, by the way has grown by the MILLIONS in the last month with all the layoffs) to be able to get tested for the virus and go to the hospital for free, But they can’t allow themselves to get sucked into a short term war of words with republicans over the details of this next bill – until FIRST they make sure the CHEATING gets stopped from the last bill. Period, full stop!

And, furthermore, this next bill MUST include the funding for all 50 states and territories where voting takes place to be able to set up a VOTE BY MAIL system. What just happened in Wisconsin is unacceptable and it will be up to the democrats to insure it doesn’t happen in the upcoming primaries and, more importantly, in the general election in November. Individual 1 has already speculated that if there was vote by mail “republicans would never win another election.” Well, of course, that’s not true – but, if it was true that would simply mean republicans need to change what they stand for to be consistent with their constituents. The ONLY fraudulent example I’ve ever heard of, regarding voting via mail in votes, was in the last election in North Carolina where a REPUBLICAN attempted to STEAL the election via illegal activity.

Well, he got caught – even his own son testified against him because, well, Americans don’t believe in CHEATING in elections – with a few exceptions. And, of course, the most notable exception of someone willing to CHEAT to win an election would be none other than individual 1 himself. He invited the Russians to help him back in 2016 and within days of believing he’d avoided that “bullet” he was back at it again, this time requesting that the Ukrainians would help him CHEAT to win the next election. Now, he’s christened himself as his own press secretary and he’s using the coronavirus to make up for his missing cult rallies – although, it appears I’m not the only American turned off by his LYING about this crisis. These “press briefings” are just a more subtle form of CHEATING!

It’s bad enough to have an IMPEACHED so-called president who is corrupt to the bone, but, on top of that the incompetence makes this all almost unbearable. And, while he claimed he “loves uneducated voters” back in 2016 I’m guessing even some of his faithful are beginning to see the problem with a pseudo mafia boss running the country in the middle of a pandemic. First of all, he’s incapable of stopping all the LYING. For example – and, of course, this goes to the incompetence as well – I read today that he’s now saying he doesn’t remember being informed about “what was coming” – regarding Covid-19 – back in mid January. He said this on the same day Anthony Fauci “spilled the beans” in an interview that he told “the administration what was coming back in mid January.” And, of course, this administration is – well – individual 1. Check mate! (And, I’m guessing, Fauci will soon get one of the infamous “tweets” thanking him for his service and announcing his replacement – who will be a lackey)

It’s starting to sink in to individual 1 how bad it looks as more and more people realize he was warned this was coming in the mid-January “window” which contradicts the MOUNTAIN of LIES since then. So, he’s busy in “deflection” mode – denying he was informed (that’s bad ANY way you look at it), blaming the World Health Organization (WHO) which I still remember labeling it a “worldwide pandemic” based on the lack of response from countries like the U.S. and Western Europe “back” in early March. Of course, the head of the WHO didn’t specifically call out the countries by name, but anyone without their head in the “sand” understood what was being said. (People everywhere seem to fear individual 1’s revenge tweets)

And, of course, there’s already a bevy of political advertisements using individual 1’s own words – connecting them to the date on which they were spoken – that make our IMPEACHED so-called president look – well – REALLY bad! And, quite honestly, and I hate to say this, but it makes his supporters look really bad. It’s like, as many more than me have been saying for several years now, they believe anything coming from his mouth. Of course, he’s got Fox “news” desperately trying to hold onto their audience by continuing the BRAINWASHING which is helping to perpetuate this abomination on America’s society. I “get it” America is FAR from perfect, but individual 1 has brought out what is the worst in America and it’s time to “fix” the problem. (Well, obviously, the “time” to fix the problem will be the first Tuesday in November)

In the long run I have faith all this will end up turning America back toward the country which came through the depression, the country which “invented” the Social Security system, reformed laws regulating the workplace, the country which began to address the issue of Civil Rights – and, of course, Covid-19 has brought to the forefront “the work left to do” in that regard, the Country which created the Medicare system (although, we’ve still failed to overcome republican obstruction to universal health insurance), the country which created the GI Bill and the country where people my age could go to college without taking out a mortgage, and I could go on and on. Of course, there are many NEW challenges – the Climate Crisis at the top of the list – and “we the people” will be busy addressing ALL of this once we clear these obstructionist republicans from the government. (I’m amazed at how much money is available during a crisis when a republican is in the “White House”)

I’m not so naive to believe we just vote in democrats and all will be well. It’s just that democrats are the ONLY reasonable option to “republican” right now. Once democrats are in power “we the people” need to make sure they are responsive to our wishes – I listened to Nancy Pelosi the other day and she referred to her constituents as her “bosses.” It’s true every member of Congress has a different set of “bosses,” but what we need is a Congress where MONEY is NOT the boss. Where lobbyists are not buying members of Congress. Obviously, this will require serious reform, but I believe there are some young members of Congress who are with me on this – they want our government to be representative of the majority of Americans.

President Obama did get a majority of the votes in both of his victorious elections but he was hampered by Moscow Mitch and ALL his filibusters, plus I don’t believe “we the people” were active enough in DEMANDING what we want from our government during Obama’s 8 years at the “helm.” I think too many people were simply happy because the economy was moving in a steady upward (and, by the way, on the same trajectory continued with individual 1 – in other words, individual 1 inherited “the greatest economy in the history of the country” from Obama. OK, it hasn’t been “the greatest economy in the history of the country” – I couldn’t resist) direction and President Obama was labeled “no drama Obama.” Obviously, he wasn’t perfect – I personally, had my share of disagreements with his administration. Of course, he’s even more popular now after 3+ years of individual 1.

This next election is going to be the “nastiest” election in American history – I can virtually guarantee it. And, of course, Joe Biden comes across to people like me as a grandfatherly figure – but, the republican attack “dogs” will be out in full force – likely, they’re already out there as I’m typing this – and, I have to wonder if Biden is up for what he’s going to be facing. He’s in an awkward spot because he pretty much has to allow individual 1 to “hog the stage” during this pandemic and, of course, that is like “red meat” to our IMPEACHED so-called president. However, when you watch the “briefings” (Which I’ve admitted I’m almost unable to do at all at this point) his narcissism comes shining through – and, I have to believe even some of his “uneducated voters” are going to tire of him telling them what a great job he’s doing while they KNOW that’s not true.

You could almost say, for example, Andrew Cuomo is providing a “political science 101” class for individual 1 every day as he tells the TRUTH to New Yorkers, but individual 1 is just unable to “get it.” Apparently, any strategy which involves the word “truth” just doesn’t register with our IMPEACHED so-called president. I’ve even seen “snipits” where Cuomo has been referred to as “president.” I just don’t think individual 1 has it in him to tell the truth and, of course, he’ll NEVER own up to the “missing 70 days” where he KNEW what was coming while at the same time denying it was coming and then he denied he KNEW it was coming. Sad!

I’m sure individual 1 AND Steve Mnuchin will deny they’ve done anything “untoward” in regard to the funding in the “Cares Act,” but, as I said, I don’t trust them AT ALL! I listened this morning to U.S. Representative Denny Heck of WA – who I’ve known for over 60 years, albeit from a distance (his brother was my good friend in High School – his brother was an Agent Orange victim of the Viet Nam War as were others of my High School classmates) and he was sharing in an interview on MSNBC the importance of getting additional aid to Small Businesses ASAP. I agree, but, as I said above, not on republican terms – and, if democrats don’t MAKE SURE the money in these bills is dispersed appropriately we will have a situation where neither party has a “leg to stand on.” That won’t be the formula to defeat individual 1 in November. I hope democrats consider my advice! There’s ANOTHER saying: “Haste makes waste.” Take heed!

Final Thought: I’ve been getting a series of emails I considered routine fund raisers which dominate my inbox daily about the “attack on the Postal Service.” I haven’t taken it serious enough until today, when I read individual 1 is threatening to veto any “relief” bill which “bails out the Postal Service.” Well, here’s what I think of that. Democrats SHOULD put what the Postal Service needs to survive past this pandemic into the next relief bill and let individual 1 veto the damn bill. Democrats MUST stop allowing themselves to be bullied – while giving in to TRILLIONS of dollars in mysterious Wall Street grants to republican donors. This has got to STOP!

And, if you needed MORE to cause you to realize the importance of voting republicans into the history books this November, look no further than what just happened in Wisconsin – where the Wisconsin republican legislature insisted if democrats wanted to vote in their primary they had to risk their lives to do so (and, amazingly, many of them did just that) in the face of this Covid-19 pandemic. Not only was the republican legislature of Wisconsin at fault, but so was the right wing Wisconsin Supreme Court, and more tellingly, the right wing U.S. Supreme Court – and, there lies the rub.

If “we the people” don’t overrun the polls in November making certain individual 1 has the opportunity to defend himself against all the lawsuits which are accumulating while he has the protection of the so-called “OLC memo” – protecting him from crimes which would lead to an indictment other than those which SHOULD cause another IMPEACHMENT – we will likely see either a 6-3 or 7-2 right wing majority on the US Supreme Court. Individual 1’s one “achievement” with the help of Moscow Mitch has been turning the courts hard to the right – the right wing “base” of the republican party fully understands kissing up to individual 1 gets them judges, judges, and more judges – and, not much else – but, they don’t care about much else. What we saw in Wisconsin this past week exposes the seriousness of this issue to anyone who’s paying attention! That’s the scenario individual 1 wants for November!

One more thing: I wrote the other day about the latest book I’m reading and, well, I MUST recommend this book to anyone interested in a look into one of the most significant issues facing America – and, as I’m reading it, I’m thinking this book is discussing issues hardly anyone has a clue about (certainly, I WAS in that category) and which are extremely dangerous to the long term health of this nation. The book’s title is: “WINNERS TAKE ALL The ELITE CHARADE of CHANGING the WORLD” by Anand Giridharadas. I will be, no doubt, writing more about this book, but to anyone who has a lot of time to read (that was a joke :o) it’s extremely well written and touches a topic I’ve never been exposed to before – although, I’ve thought about how I think people like Mark Zuckerberg are becoming more dangerous every day. The section of the book I’m in right now is focused on “Silicon Valley” and it really reminds me of when I read the book “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet. I’ll just say at this point, if “we the people” don’t stand up for ourselves at the polls come November, we deserve what we get. The one thing I’ll say after what I’ve read so far in “Winners Take All” is that the idea that rich people should rule the world seems to be a bipartisan concept. Personally, it appeals to me no more coming from the “left” than coming from the “right.” The reality is there are many wealthy “elites” in America (and, around the world) who believe they know what is best for the rest of us “minions.” Stay tuned…………

Both of these books are well worth the time it takes to read them!!!

Democrats should agree to NOTHING unless there’s a provision funding “vote by mail” across the nation so we don’t see another “Wisconsin.”

As the coronavirus crisis continues to unfold I continue to be amazed at all of our “conservatives” in America not even blinking as we start to look like an almost totally socialist nation. As I usually do, today I logged into the Yahoo finance website and one of the main headlines was the “Fed” pumping ANOTHER $2.3 TRILLION into the stock market in their seemingly unlimited ability to BAIL OUT America’s business community to the point where investors are suggesting “it’s time to buy” again. If you’ve been around this site you know I’m a fan of “Main Street” and, not so much Wall Street. However, it’s never been more apparent how important Wall Street is to the moneyed interests in this nation.

I’m not sure if this $2.3 TRILLION is something which has to be approved by Congress – just a week or so ago they approved the so-called “Cares Act” which called for $2.2 TRILLION of which most was supposed to go to workers, but individual 1 has already FIRED the inspector general who was tasked with overseeing the proper dispersal of these funds. Now, another $2.3 TRILLION? I can say this, if this is money which needs congressional approval I certainly hope the democrats put even more stringent oversight on the dispersal of the money. I actually predicted individual 1 would be trying to get his “greedy paws” on part of the so-called $500 BILLION “slush fund” which specifically stated that would be a “no no.”

In other words, if individual 1 manages to dip into that “slush fund” he’ll be violating yet another law. Clearly, Congress doesn’t have the appetite to IMPEACH him once again, but if it was up to me I’d say if he violates the “rules” put on this funding it would be time for IMPEACHMENT #2. Of course, they’re not going to listen to me, but democrats had better show some backbone as Moscow Mitch and individual 1 are NOT going to let up on their assault on America. Just in one week, individual 1 FIRED three key inspector generals, not to mention the captain of one of America’s great Air Craft Carriers. We’re seeing no letup in autocracy 101 coming from individual 1. And, he’s got more misery for “we the people” up his sleeve.

If you saw the lines of people lined up to vote in Wisconsin this past week with masks on their faces while they endured rain and hail showers during their 2+ hours waiting to vote you understand to what degree republicans will go in order to “win” again. (In Milwaukee there were only 5 polling places instead of the usual 180) The reports in 2016 were that Wisconsin succeeded in disenfranchising 300,000 (likely democratic) voters while individual 1 “won” the state by about 50,000 votes. Clearly, that “plan” worked for them back then so do you actually think they’ll try to make sure anyone who wants to vote can in 2020? There’s a battle brewing over “vote by mail” and we’ll see how determined democrats are to make sure there won’t be any more “Wisconsin’s” this November by providing the resources for vote by mail in EVERY state. Of course, individual 1 believes it’s OK for him to “vote by mail” but the rest of us would “cheat.” When I heard that, all I could think was “Are you kidding me?” Coming from the mouth of the ultimate CHEATER!

Our IMPEACHED so-called president continues to lobby for the repealing of the payroll tax which is the life blood of the Social Security system that he pledged NOT to attack when he originally was running for office. Of course, like everything else which comes out of his mouth, you can’t believe ANY of it. And, you have to wonder what’s going through his head – does he even understand what a LIAR he is. I’ve pointed out here pathological LIARS actually believe their LIES as the words trickle off their tongues. Just the other day I chose to watch individual 1 in one of his press briefings (at the request of my friend who somehow continues to support him) and in the space of 16 minutes he said he was going to freeze America’s investment in the World Health Organization – which, by the way, is his latest bogeyman as he’s deflecting responsibility for his own shortcomings in this pandemic – and then, shortly thereafter, say he “never said that.” That’s correct, in 16 minutes time he CONTRADICTED himself.

Just the FACT he was attempting to deflect blame to the WHO was almost too much for me – I watched so I could tell my friend my “info” was coming direct from the source, and it was all I could do to stay tuned, because it was pure LYING. I vividly remember the head of the WHO increasing their alarm to this crisis specifically because countries like the U.S. and countries in Western Europe – like the U.K., Spain, and Italy, weren’t taking this seriously enough. This was about the time individual 1 was claiming there was nothing to worry about and we had no cases in America and “we’ve got it under control.” Well, again, after he contradicted himself about blocking funding to the WHO in just a matter of minutes, that was too much for me and, as I usually do when he begins his pandemic campaign rallies I turned off the TV.

Look, the people who support him are going to continue to support him – they’ve been brainwashed to believe if it’s not coming from Fox or people like Limbaugh it’s not “news.” They believe this virus is just another “liberal” attack on their IMPEACHED so-called president. They call themselves “conservatives” but I’ve yet to hear one of them complaining about the reality “we the people” will be coughing up about (up until right now) $8 TRILLION more in debt and, in essence, this is what liberals have said for years that “conservatives” only believe in Socialism when it’s required to bail out their “capitalist” businesses’ losses.

Of course I’m personally in favor of the money headed to all those who’ve lost their jobs during this pandemic and I believe supporting the small businesses which are closed deserve the support which would amount to grants if they keep their employees on the payroll and start up again once this is over – which very well could be next year. But, as I said the other day, I’m getting the impression those on Wall Street simply want a “V” curve to the apparent recession in order to get business back to “normal” ASAP. Personally, I believe if this crisis doesn’t get the attention of “we the people” to understand what Bernie Sanders has been talking about for years, well, it’s “on us.” I hope we NEVER go back to “business as usual.” Many of the people who are dying from this pandemic in America are people who weren’t healthy to begin with likely because they can’t afford health care – because almost 100 MILLION Americans are either uninsured or under-insured. Not surprisingly, African Americans make up a disproportionate number of the deaths due to Covid-19.

And, as I’ve said here numerously of late, if we can come up with almost $7 TRILLION to bail out Wall Street in the space of a few weeks we SHOULD be able to afford the things which would transform this nation for the better. We’re falling so far behind other countries – like, especially China – that recovery becomes more daunting by the day. We SHOULD have been rebuilding our infrastructure – to 21st century standards – years ago – but, republicans said it was too expensive (as they were complaining about the national debt during President Obama’s administration and working to block virtually every Obama initiative) but can they continue with that argument? College debt on our young people? Tuition free college as an investment in our young people? a $15 minimum wage? Providing food for the “least among us?” I could go on, but I have no doubt those who support individual 1 would see all this as something nefarious.

Even the HUGE reduction in the demand for oil due to all the cars which aren’t driving on our highways has made many of the largest cities around the world show significantly reduced levels of pollution in the air which is clearly noticeable even from satellites orbiting the earth. The lack of cars on the roads has caused a reduction in the movement of the “plates” under the surface of the earth (I’m sure I’m not explaining this correctly, I didn’t do well in geology class) so there will be a lot of data on things we COULD do as we build a NEW economy in the immediate future – what some in the democratic party (and Bernie) call the “Green New Deal.” Let’s just hope we don’t go back to “business as usual” – which is what those on Wall Street are eager for.

The latest book I’m reading addresses this issue: “WINNERS TAKE ALL The ELITE CHARADE of CHANGING the WORLD” by Anand Giridharadas. I’ve just started the book, but it appears the thesis of the book is that the “elite” members of our society, even when they’re pushing for “change,” it would amount to, basically, no change at all. That any “change” would be simply as part of the system we have in a way which simply perpetuates what has created their elitist place in society, to me, is NO change at all. I just finished Robert Reich’s book “The Common Good” and he writes about, to a degree, the same thing – that the corporate interests in America are focused on shareholders and executives – not on workers and the communities which have made their existence possible in the first place. If we’re going to actually change, now is the time to do it!

I’ve been in a running discussion with my son (who’s a “millennial”) about how this nation was when I was young versus what he’s dealing with today. He’s so cynical I don’t know if it’s possible to “fix” his thinking, even if somehow people in Washington DC would listen to Bernie (I wanted to say me :o). Bernie makes total sense to my son, but he believes what Bernie is proposing isn’t possible in America because the corporatocracy won’t let it happen. I tell him, during the 1950’s through 1970’s this was a much different country and, despite her obvious shortcomings, was much “healthier.” And, for some reason the wealthy elite who continue to spend BILLIONS in order to prevent America from becoming healthy again – from the bottom up – don’t understand things would be better even for them if it was better for “the least of these.” America has lost her moral compass and, as I watch this more closely I understand why many would suggest that “compass” has been MIA from the beginning.

While for my entire life America has been called a “nation of immigrants” it’s become apparent there’s a significant segment of our country which, despite being “immigrants,” seems to despise immigration. It’s as if it was OK for “us” to immigrate to America but it’s not OK for “them.” Our IMPEACHED so-called president is a second generation immigrant and he’s married to an immigrant whose parents came here via a program individual 1 wants to eliminate – hypocrisy? – and he can find creative ways to deflect blame for his shortcomings onto immigrants. So, I find it interesting that the Covid-19 crisis is exposing the issues in this nation with the African American community, the Latino community, and the Native American communities. This gets back to my wish that we DON’T go back to business as usual once this pandemic is in the history books (which is likely next year).

I certainly don’t want to suggest African Americans are “immigrants” because their “community” has been here longer than all but a few of the “European” immigrant families – which came here and then chose to “own” slaves. America has been a challenging place (to say the least) for those of African descent, for women, for anyone who falls into the “other” category – yet, as all these “categories” evolve America becomes better for it – because of “them.” Yet, Covid-19 is exposing how we’ve allowed our Middle Class to erode, how defacto segregation is reality, how the “poor” are vulnerable to virtually any “blip” on the “radar” let alone a pandemic of this magnitude. Yet, republicans CONTINUE their push to funnel the “bailout” money in these incredible “tranches” of funding they’re miraculously coming up with to their favored business interests. Moscow Mitch attempted to pull off an “I know best” charade last week where he would simply pile $250 BILLION onto a program which already has major issues. Yikes!!!

So, we all know Congress put restrictions on the money allocated to fight the coronavirus and individual 1 is doing everything he can to circumvent those restrictions. He’s fired the inspector general overseeing the funds, he wrote a “signing statement” suggesting he won’t follow the guidelines and, already, there are reports that Secretary Mnuchin is violating the “rules” in regards to the provisions for unemployment insurance in the legislation. I wrote previously about how several republicans objected right up until the bill was passed about how the unemployment provisions were “too friendly” for the workers – keep in mind, these are people who are near the bottom of America’s work force in regard to compensation – and Mnuchin is preventing money going to people for whom it was intended to provide temporary financial relief. We’ll find out if there really is an oversight committee???

Additionally, Mnuchin is “cheating” in regard to money going to the airline industry. It was specifically negotiated into the “Cares Act” that the airline industry would get “loans” designed to keep them “afloat” until they’re back operating and the “loans” would provide the money necessary for them to pay their employees and cover their basic expenses. What they couldn’t do if they took the money was buy back stock, provide bonuses to executives, etc. for a period of time. Once they were operating again, if they retained their workforce, the loans become grants. Well, apparently Mnuchin – and, of course, by extension individual 1 – and, maybe, the airlines themselves, decided to do things differently and the money going to the airlines will be in the form of the government buying an equity position in the carriers – and, the workers then get screwed out of the original agreement which was part of the bill. To me, just another individual 1 outrage. And, I know his cult members could care less – unless, of course, some of them work for the airline industry. Personally, I say let the airline industry go through bankruptcy if they don’t want to take care of their workforce as provided in the bill.

If democrats want a chance to win this November the FIGHT starts right now. There should be no more funding for this crisis until they get individual 1, Mnuchin, and anyone else with authority over the disbursement of the funds already allocated to be following the “letter of the law.” If our IMPEACHED so-called president is NOT going to follow the laws which are enacted “we the people” should not continue enacting them. If the “rescue” bills aren’t going to eliminate the long lines at the food banks then why pass the laws in the first place? I really have to wonder what is going on with all that money? Democrats MUST not allow the payroll tax to be repealed, even “for the rest of this year” – money “borrowed” from Social Security NEVER gets paid back – everyone knows that – and, additionally, democrats should agree to NOTHING unless there’s a provision funding “vote by mail” across the nation so we don’t see another “Wisconsin.” (Apparently, not only were voters forced to stand in long lines in the rain, but many absentee ballots were not being counted. Wisconsin republicans are, well, deplorable. Remember, Wisconsin was the home of the John Birch Society)

Final Thought: There was a saying which came out of what happened in Germany during the “Great Depression” back in the early 1930’s by Martin Niemoller, who spent 7 years in a concentration camp, which went as follows: “First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” As I observe individual 1 acting as if he can “do whatever I want” – with, of course, the backing of Moscow Mitch and republicans in Congress – I’m often reminded of that saying. Americans don’t believe it can happen here, but individual 1’s cult really reminds me of the cult which was created back then. And, we’re seeing in real time how competence is not a requirement of a demagogue. (I heard him say, again, how important “this holiday” – I still haven’t heard him call it Easter – but, of course, I’m tuning out his campaign press briefings – is to him. I’m still waiting to see how many times he’s been to church on Easter Sunday. I’m guessing it’s close to ZERO, unless, he’s in the “Christmas and Easter” sect of “Christianity”)

I “Googled” – although I’ve switched search engines to “DuckDuckGo” (it doesn’t bombard me with advertisements) “How many times has Trump gone to church?” (I had to use his surname) and, after reading the top 15 posts there was one example of someone seeing him in church over 30 years ago. There were three examples of people saying they’ve heard him say he hasn’t “asked for forgiveness” because he hasn’t done anything wrong. I’ve never heard him say that but I did hear him claim “2 Corinthians 3:17 as one of his favorite verses” when he was at Liberty University trying to convince a bunch of Christian students he’s “religious.” Most of the posts answered my question with the same answer: NEVER! (I actually think that’s not correct, but I’m guessing it’s CLOSE to correct)

Yesterday was “Good Friday” and in our home we did church “remotely.” It was, as Good Friday services usually are, a very moving service. Personally, in my Christian “walk” my focus is always on Jesus. He always gives me good advice – of course, I often have trouble following it because, well, I’m saddled with those troublesome human tendencies. I even question why I seem so focused on keeping up the “fight” against individual 1. I’m often reminded (by Him ie Jesus) “Judge not lest you be judged” and, I guess, I’m saying I’m willing to be judged. Clearly, I don’t understand how anyone who calls themselves a Christian could support individual 1. That’s what motivated me to write the previous paragraph about Niemoller – the similarities to what is going on with individual 1’s cult and 1930’s Germany are eerily similar. To me, “we the people” are simply adding another dark mark on America’s history – and, I hope and pray we “fix” this sooner rather than later. Suggested Reading: “BONHOEFFER Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy” by Eric Metaxas! It’s an eye opener!

When the Covid-19 press briefings come on MSNBC I turn off MSNBC. Enough already with PUBLICLY enabling the LYING!

Wouldn’t it be great if “we the people” actually had competent leadership in charge as the coronavirus is ravaging our nation? Like, if there was actually someone who’s been put in charge as so many have suggested is necessary. So, why is this not happening? Well, I can guarantee you I have the answer. There’s no way individual 1 is going to give up his place in the center of the “stage” as he pushes out his pandemic response “team” day after day – to the absolute absurdity of the so-called “liberal media” he continually attacks; showing it – usually from start to painstaking finish. I’ve learned to turn off the TV as soon as the “two minute warning” is given – but, MSNBC curiously continues to show what are individual 1’s new campaign rallies EVERY day. It’s really hard to explain.

If you remember, MSNBC gave individual 1 MILLIONS in FREE advertising back in the 2016 campaign. I still remember them showing virtually entire speeches by our now IMPEACHED so-called president while hardly showing a sentence coming from Secretary Clinton. I complained back then and it didn’t do any good, so I’m guessing my complaints today won’t do any good either. My children watch CNN and I suppose I should check it out – although, for all I know, they’re falling for the same scam. While it’s good to see the blundering incompetence of our so-called “leader” it SHOULDN’T be at the expense of forcing onto “we the people” all this propaganda.

BTW – tonight I checked with the Kinsa thermometer map once again and, once again, it’s suggesting Florida is in for a continued spike in something which has to do with elevated temperatures – I’ll let you figure out what that means. Also, places like South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas – some of the ones I can remember have growing numbers of their residents showing elevated temperatures. Many of these states where their (republican) governors have refused to enact the “stay at home” orders are looking at the next “wave.” Apparently, they’ve been listening to individual 1 who’s going to have a heavy load on his shoulders when this is all said and done. (Of course, he’ll be oblivious to it!)

Another “BTW” – a few days ago I pointed out individual 1 FIRED the inspector general of the Intelligence Community – part of his “revenge tour” – he did it late on Friday expecting an action which SHOULD have been received with a wave of criticism to be buried in the Covid-19 focus of the media – which is bad enough for our IMPEACHED so-called president due to his incredibly incompetent leadership during this pandemic – but, sure enough, not a whimper in the news about him FIRING this inspector general for doing his job. Of course, he was an individual 1 appointee, but the FACT he did his job (which was to report the whistleblower complaint to the Intelligence Committee in the House) was too much for individual 1. Our IMPEACHED so-called president just can’t stomach people who actually tell the TRUTH – which, to him, is a constant threat.

It was reported today he’s also FIRING the people who are the inspector generals over the disbursement of the “Cares Act” – ie the 2+ TRILLION rescue package which specifically has prohibited individual 1 from getting his grubby fingers on any of the money. Of course, it also prevents ANYONE else in his family or in the executive branch or Congress from getting any of the money either – but, the one person “we the people” need to be watching like a “hawk” is our IMPEACHED so-called president – because, I personally, predicted several days ago he’s going to be lurking over all that money with the idea of getting his “fair share” – whatever he considers that to be. And, he’ll do what he needs to do to get that money. I’ve said this before but I don’t think there’s a limit on the number of times a (so-called) president can be IMPEACHED!

And, speaking of people being fired by our “dear leader” – how about the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the spectacular Air Craft Carrier now anchored in Guam because the Covid-19 somehow had invaded the ship. The captain of that ship apparently was having trouble getting the attention of the ACTING Secretary of the Navy so he sent a letter almost pleading for permission to get the affected sailors off the ship. These sailors are living in extremely close quarters which makes it a “petri dish” for this virus and their captain was FIGHTING for his sailors – what would you expect from an actual leader? Somehow, individual 1 considered him “weak” for sending this letter (naturally, someone leaked it) and the captain was FIRED. As he left the ship you could see what his crew thought of the order coming from the “commander in chief.” (Picture in your mind 4000 sailors cheering and chanting the captain’s name as he departed the ship! Individual 1 wouldn’t recognize a real leader if he bumped into him in the……………. you can fill in the blank)

To top it all off, the ACTING Secretary of the Navy flew all the way to Guam to get on the public address system of the ship and tell all these sailors, who are loyal to their recently FIRED captain, that the FIRED captain was “stupid.” I heard his comments and in the background you could hear one of the sailors yell out “What the F*@k?” Here’s what was “stupid:” The ACTING Secretary of the Navy flying thousands of miles to Guam (8000?) in order to tell these sailors, whose captain, who had sacrificed his career for them and was FIRED, that their beloved captain was “stupid.” Honestly, coming out of individual 1’s administration I see “stupid” all the time – this action was “right up there” among some of the MOST stupid things I’ve seen lately. I’m sure this ACTING Secretary of the Navy was acting on the directions of the Commander in Chief and he’ll be the “scapegoat” of this stupid action. Here’s where we can determine who’s “weak” in all of this. Anyone who would LIE about bone-spurs in order to avoid service, to me, would be “weak.”

Today, the number of deaths as a result of the coronavirus in the United States will approach 2000 (for just today) and it’s going to get worse. People around individual 1 are frustrated by the FACT people are not FORGETTING the 70 (or so) days from when individual 1 was informed this virus presented an emerging CRISIS which could take the lives of hundreds of THOUSANDS of Americans to the point when he started to take this pandemic serious. But, worse than his FAILURES in dealing with this pandemic to begin with he continues with his CORRUPT behavior “across the board.” And, why would we expect anything different? I keep saying I’m tired of writing so much, but it’s my outlet, and I just have to keep going. Individual 1’s assault on this nation is relentless and, therefore, I’ve got to keep going relentlessly – just for my own sanity!

My GOOD friend I often write about who (somehow) continues to support individual 1 seems to think I should be watching these Coronavirus briefings from start to finish. The reality is, as I’ve shared multiple times here, when those briefings come on MSNBC I turn off MSNBC. These briefings are nothing more than individual 1’s substitute for his campaign rallies and you can tell even the experts, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, have to be careful in what they say because it’s often counter to what individual 1 just said and he’s a bit “touchy.” I’ve watched a few of the briefings and, as happened years ago when I actually watched Fox “news” for a while, my head tells me “why are you exposing yourself to this propaganda?” I’m actually concerned the two doctors are being manipulated in order to continue in their positions.

Succinctly put, individual 1 has NOT earned a “10,” he SHOULD accept responsibility for his decisions, and he’s NOT doing a great job! He can tell me otherwise over and over and, if I’m not in the cult, it’s just “poppycock.” It really is time for the networks (except, of course, Fox “news” ie individual 1 TV) to take the “oxygen out of the room” and stop covering these briefings live. On the rare occasion where something important is said, good or bad, report on that – but take the camera’s away from this IMPEACHED so-called president who, while showing his incompetence regarding government in this pandemic, clearly is an expert at manipulating the media outlets which he’s constantly disparaging. I guarantee you his temperature (figuratively) would go way up if they’d follow my advice!

I often wondered what would happen if/when individual 1 was faced with a crisis and, of course, we are watching it in real time. It almost looks to me as if his fake tan is melting off his face as this goes on. Of course, anyone who’s been paying attention knows he is chomping at the bit to get out on the campaign trail LYING to his cult in those gatherings which cement their cult-like support but does nothing to help him with the 55% of the American voting public who are committed to removing him from office this November. I actually believe the now infamous 70 days where he tried to convince America this virus was nothing to worry about was his opportunity to get himself re-elected. Of course, he would have needed to take this seriously, appoint an actual expert to be in charge, and be transparent all through the process – in other words act like a competent leader. You’re correct, that would be IMPOSSIBLE!

Naturally, he can’t go back and “fix” those disastrous 70 days – and, by the way, if you’re thinking it didn’t have much effect on the outcome of the virus, I’ll just remind you of a few things – First, the Mardi Gras. Those in charge in Louisiana decided to go ahead with that festival based on individual 1’s words suggesting this would be no problem at all – “down to zero in a few days.” Well, if you’ve seen what has happened to Louisiana since then you know it IS a problem. And, there were nearly a million people there from all over the world who have spread out since that time to other places likely taking the virus with them. And individual 1 isn’t the only member of his administration “with egg on their face” during the 70 days – Kelley Anne Conway and Larry Kudlow made public statements which, well, also fall in the absurd category and likely helped influence those in Louisiana!

And, let’s not forget Florida! Based on what I can figure out Florida is STILL on the “upswing” of the so-called curve and maybe two to three weeks from the “apex.” Florida is such a concern because about 20% of Floridians are in the category of being the most susceptible and that’s people like me – old people. Of course, now we’re finding out African Americans are maybe more susceptible to the worst part of this virus than anyone else, but older people are as well – and that’s when it attacks your lungs and ultimately causes death. Florida could soon be the “New New York.” As I’m saying way too often here, I hope I’m wrong. The sad reality is the Florida governor is a devotee of individual 1 and he has really had a hard time enacting a truly “shelter in place” order. I’m honestly still confused about whether or not he’s done so. If churches are still open doesn’t that pretty much negate the benefits of a shelter in place order?

Then there’s Brian Kemp in Georgia. He’s the guy who was the Secretary of State running the election where he was also the candidate for governor (nice work if you can get it) and he CHEATED in order to “win.” (Does that sound familiar to you? He’s a republican) Well, I suppose, it shouldn’t be a surprise that he, like the governor of Florida just couldn’t bring himself to enact a “shelter in place” order, despite the FACT the Covid-19 virus was spreading rapidly in his state, until just a few days ago when he decided to act. He said he waited so long because he had just found out asymptomatic people could be spreading the virus. Apparently, I knew that about a month before Mr. Kemp. But, of course, he decided Georgia’s beaches and churches are part of the “essential businesses.” So, picture this weekend as there will be (I don’t know how many thousands of) Georgians in church spreading the virus among one another. There’s lots of “stupid” going around lately wouldn’t you think?

These are all people who have been influenced in their decisionmaking by individual 1. You’d think by now people all around the country would be realizing it’s time for them to think for themselves – that when he was described as “unfit” for this office people knew what they were talking about. However, it’s not just the decision makers in Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. There are several other states where their (republican) governor has yet to take action. Apparently, the fact lots of people aren’t yet dying of this disease in their state means it’s not a problem for them. It seems like they’ll just wait until it gets bad and then take action. Of course, that means the rest of us will be home bound longer and the economy will be puttering along much longer. Or, it will speed up the second “wave.” Take your choice!

I’m actually expecting individual 1 to attempt to “open” the economy back up too soon – so, combined with these governors this virus could be here through the summer, if not longer. Remember, as I’m writing this there’s no cure for it, no vaccine, and “we the people” don’t have a natural immunity to it. Of course, some do better than others, but just look at the statistics as to what is happening. All the experts are saying the way to get beyond this and to “open” up the economy again is via MASSIVE testing. I really don’t know why that’s not sinking in to individual 1, but, again, the “buck stops at the…..” resolute desk in the Oval Office.

This virus is going to be here for the foreseeable future, it’s worse than it should have been, and compounding all that with more poor decisionmaking is just harming more people. The captain of the Aircraft carrier who put the well being of his crew ahead of his own was someone showing true leadership. Individual 1 called him weak and FIRED him. That’s what you’d expect from someone who resembles a mob boss. I’m constantly reminded lately of the saying “The skunk smells his own hole first.” (And, by the way, the captain of the USS Roosevelt is now down with Covid-19 – talk about taking one for the team)

I’ll finish by saying individual 1 and his economic advisers are desperately hoping for what they call the “V” curve economic recovery to all this – I’m sure with our IMPEACHED so-called president hoping the stock market will be right back up to record territory by November. Well, while I don’t think even that would save him (it would be a miracle) it doesn’t appear to me that’s what lies ahead. This economy is going to take a huge “hit” from this pandemic. Not every small business (or maybe even large one) will come out of this whole, if they come out of it at all. I’m not sure how much money we can print to try saving things but there’s already been $6 TRILLION allocated to the Fed to keep Wall Street “afloat” and it’s, basically, treading water. I’m no expert, but I don’t see how it doesn’t have another period where it takes a dive.

It looks to me as if the speculators are “ruling the day” right now and the market will be, as I’ve said, going up and down like a yo yo – but, in the end, it seems likely it has to go down. If we’re truly headed to depression territory I don’t see how they can keep the market propped up. I heard an economist tonight explaining each week our economy is shut down like this costs the economy up to $400 BILLION of “GDP.” Again, I’m no economist, but that sounds really bad, Just as the captain of the USS Roosevelt lamented the most important cargo on that ship is the sailors. I believe, ultimately, government leaders, including (maybe) some republicans, will realize the most important asset of this nation is her people and that’s where the “rescue” money should be aimed. Maybe the result of this pandemic will be the long overdue “remodeling” of our nation – not only in our infrastructure, but in the way we view our people. Democrats forced republicans to include in the rescue bill funding for workers in various ways, but you can see individual 1 is looking for ways around that by scuttling the inspector generals already. I really hope Congress is paying close attention.

The price tag for the “rescue” part of that bill WAS a bit over $1.5 TRILLION (remember, it included the so-called $500 BILLION “slush fund” – money intended for businesses and which individual 1 is likely targeting by removing the oversight) and it was always considered too expensive by republicans. (As opposed to the $6 TRILLION for Wall Street?) About a half dozen republicans balked at the provisions in the bill aimed at unemployed workers right up to the point where the vote took place. Their words were, well, DISGUSTING. (They were led by Lindsey Graham – someone who’s become one of the most DISGUSTING members of the U.S. Senate – come on South Carolina, you can VOTE him out come November) So, we see there seems to be an endless supply of money once Wall Street is teetering, how about……?

How about a Medicare for All bill – which actually would save money, but based on all the money we’ve managed to come up with to bail out Wall Street in a matter of two weeks, it’s hard for me to envision the argument providing health insurance for All Americans as being “too expensive.” How about tuition free college? How about an actual infrastructure bill aimed at roads, BRIDGES, and high speed rail along with unthrottled internet access? The list could go on and on, but I’m sitting here thinking the main thing which I hope comes out of this crisis is we DON’T go back to “business as usual.” In many ways, the worst thing which could happen would be that “V” curve recovery. Would that mean, then, “we the people” are willing to wait for Miami and Los Angeles to be under water before we worry about the Climate Crisis? That seems it would be the “republican way!” Stay tuned…………………

Final Thought: Today, there are people in Wisconsin standing in long lines to VOTE because the republican party doesn’t seem to understand “social distancing” – despite the hollow words in these “press briefings.” Republicans showed their “true colors” by refusing to allow this primary election to be postponed until it’s safer for the people to vote and, additionally, refusing to allow additional days for Wisconsinites to get mail in ballots which they could turn in a week or so later. Wisconsin’s (democratic) governor attempted to put the primary off for a couple months until the worse of this virus is (hopefully – see above) behind us, but both the State Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court blocked the attempts to prevent today’s long lines. No matter how they’re voting I say “we the people” need to “give it up” (That means applaud, if you live under a rock) for the VOTERS of Wisconsin who are standing in those long lines in order to cast their ballots today. Risking their lives to vote – the last time I saw that it was in Iraq!

Not only are Wisconsinites being forced to vote today in the face of this pandemic, but the number of polling places was reduced from 180 to 5 based on what I’ve heard – obviously, making the lines even longer, causing people to congregate for even longer periods of time, and exposing MORE people (evidently, they’re mostly democrats, so…….. I’ll let you speculate) potentially to the virus, and further sending a message to the American people what is important to republicans. (Which is they’ll do whatever they can to PREVENT people from voting) I expect another BLUE wave come November whether it’s vote by mail or voters being forced to stand in long lines. Enough already with this autocratic, corrupt, greedy version of a government. God Bless all these Wisconsinites who braved those lines today demonstrating they appreciate the privilege we have in this country to VOTE – no matter who they voted for! I”m sure many were republicans.

Oh Yes, why am I not surprised. Today, individual 1 accused Wisconsin’s governor of wanting to change the date of today’s primary election “Only because I endorsed the (right wing) candidate for the State Supreme Court.” OMG – does he ever stop? As I’ve said, narcissism is a mental disorder! Earth to individual 1; there’s a world wide pandemic going on. Did it ever cross your mind Wisconsin’s governor maybe is concerned for the citizens of Wisconsin? You know, like in their health? I’m proud of those Wisconsinites who braved the long lines to vote, I’m just wondering if there’s something nefarious going on here? I don’t know what the affiliation of the voters who braved this injustice were, I just hope they’re able to vote again in November. Do you think they’re all democrats so it’s OK if they get the virus? I just hope they remember who made them do this and, also, those disrespectful words aimed at their governor. And, I hope all of us who witnessed this from afar realize it could happen to us and we should be planning accordingly RIGHT NOW! BTW – I believe it was a judge in Wisconsin who individual 1 referred to as a “so-called” judge back in 2016 when his fraudulent “university” was found guilty and fined $25 MILLION! (If anyone’s wondering where all my “so-called’s” came from)

I have to add: And, I hope I’m right on this one. I believe the 100,000 to 240,000 number given as the expected death toll by Dr. Birx last week “If everything goes perfect” very well may have been a “set-up” in order to make individual 1 look better when this is all over. Maybe if this drags on for 18 months as some suggest that will be the number, but I really do hope that’s not how many Americans will perish in the crisis. I’m watching the numbers closely and if that’s correct then we really do have a rough couple of weeks (maybe months) ahead of us. The number which will be the most significant will be the number as we approach November – there are a lot of gullible voters in America who are susceptible to individual 1’s LIES. I question whether our health care workers can be humanly expected to have the endurance to withstand that much of an assault on our system. They have responded unbelievably to this point! We’re at between 12 and 13 thousand deaths as I’m writing this and New York is supposedly nearing its “apex.” 240,000? I hope we haven’t, once again, allowed ourselves to be “played” by the master manipulator of the media, individual 1. OK, call me a skeptic…………………………..

However many die from this pandemic, it SHOULD have been far fewer!

If this coronavirus attack on our nation (and the world, of course) isn’t enough to tell “we the people” it’s time to change course the next crisis could be much worse.

It’s hard for me to think in any terms other than attempting to expose, at least in my own mind because I have no idea who manages to find this site, the reality we in America have an IMPEACHED so-called president who has no idea what he’s doing, and more dangerously, fanatically is attempting to convince “we the people” otherwise. And, of course, because he’s the demagogue to a “rabid” base who believe anything he says, all of his LYING is dangerous. I can only hope a few people might find this site and decide it’s important for them to VOTE against individual 1 and the republicans who support him in November.

Often, I don’t do a good enough job of actually systematically laying out the FAILURES of individual 1 which have turned the Covid-19 crisis into well more than it should have been. We COULD have done so much better, but the reality, despite his claims to the contrary, the federal government SHOULD be in charge of the effort to defeat this pandemic – NOT, 50 states bidding against each other for the equipment needed in the hospitals and NOT the states being required to develop their own testing. It’s been a monumental FAILURE on individual 1’s part as someone who’s SUPPOSED to be our leader, but sure as I’m writing this he’ll continue his attempt to LIE his way out of responsibility. So, the other day I was reading a post in the “Daily Kos” and the author said what I’m trying to say much better than I’m able. Here’s a “snipit:”

“The number of warnings that President Donald Trump our IMPEACHED so-called president missed in order to make the United States home to a quarter of all COVID-19 cases on the planet seems almost as endless as the supply of virus. There was the simulation that was set up for Trump’s individual 1’s team by the Obama administration during the transition, which included specific warnings about shortages of ventilators and protective gear. There was a 2016 Pandemic Playbook that emphasized the need for a unified central response and the perils of having states fight for scarce resources. There was Operation Crimson Contagion just last fall, in which Trump’s individual 1’s team flunked every possible stage of preparation and response. And there was the annual DHS simulation that should have taken place … except that Trump individual 1 canceled that annual review. Just like he destroyed the pandemic response team within the National Security Council, ignored the warnings of the rear admiral in charge of preventing pandemics and biological attacks, and, most amazingly, canceled a program designed to find potential viral threats that was working specifically with labs in Wuhan, China on issues with novel coronavirus.

If Donald Trump’s individual 1’s actual intention was to knock down every barrier to infection, paint a giant welcome sign above the country, and declare America host to Virus-con 2020, he could not have done a better—meaning worse—job. But as it turns out, that’s not all. Because Trump individual 1 was still ignoring the information on the coming pandemic, even when that pandemic was already underway.”

Forgive me, I needed to make a few substitutions – it’s a personal problem. But, hopefully, you get the idea. So, the issue with individual 1 is a serious problem which “we the people” have the opportunity to resolve this November – those of us who are left. But, the issue which is driving America toward third world status goes well beyond individual 1. I’ve tried to say here, many times, he’s a symptom of the larger problem – and, we’re seeing that problem playing out right before our unsuspecting eyes. As I usually do, this morning I checked the stock market via Yahoo’s finance page and, sure enough, as yesterday’s futures market suggested the market is up. Which, if it was “real” would be a good sign for all of us. But, as I’ve suggested, this stock market is like a house built on sand. Personally, I think it’s got a significant downward pressure in its not too distant future.

Of course, as I always say here, (another day has passed) I’m not an economist (although I’m taking an online class from Paul Krugman – my favorite economist who’s actually an economist) but when I read some of the articles on Yahoo’s page today my mind tells me many are still in the category of “wishful thinkers.” I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t see this pandemic subsiding for several more months. For example, I REALLY hope there’s a baseball season, but I’m skeptical. Is the NBA season going to conclude? In my mind, not likely. Is the school year going to restart? Again, in my mind, not likely. Why would we fight this virus for two or three months and then loosen things back up while it’s still raging.

And, as many “experts” have said, we have to defeat this virus EVERYWHERE in order to defeat it anywhere. So, once it’s under control in New York, for example, it’s likely to be raging elsewhere. And, amazingly, there are still entire states who haven’t enacted “shelter in place” orders, so we could be waiting on them for a couple of months. Clearly, this is not just another “flu” as so many would like us to believe – including individual 1 in the beginning. Then, there’s another issue which seems to be in the “wishful thinking” category to me – and, again, I hope I’m wrong.

Today there was an article suggesting once we get beyond this virus – whenever that is – the economy will just “shoot up” again, just like the opposite of how it “shot down.” Suggesting a “V” curve in the recession people are assuming is “here.” That would be great, but it appears to me the possibility of a severe recession or maybe even depression (I really don’t know how to define that, I’m just regurgitating something I’ve read somewhere – I’ve got so much time to read right now I can’t remember where it’s all coming from) is very possible if not likely. What we’re seeing here is the reflexive continuation of what I’ve considered to be the force (I don’t know if that’s the right word) which has been undermining this nation for the past 40+ years. It’s reflexive and “we the people” don’t seem to know any better. Which is why, I suppose, Bernie Sanders is considered such a radical – which, to me, is an absurd characterization of what he stands for.

If ever we’re going to “see the light” it should be now. Just the issue with so many people without health insurance SHOULD be a wake-up call to ALL Americans – but, even our so-called “liberal media” seems complicit in keeping the status quo. Of course, you also have individual 1 making things even worse than they should be with his gross incompetence in dealing with this crisis – but, to those who would have something closer to NO government than what was there when individual 1 took office I’m sure they think he’s doing just fine. He’s been leading the “deconstruction” of pretty much every institution “we the people” have relied on for the past 75 years and doing it while we’re all “chasing our tails” trying to keep up with all his scandalous behavior. The latest, of course, was firing the inspector general of the Intelligence community this past Friday late in the news cycle so hardly anyone would notice – and, the scheme worked. There’s likely to be no push-back from the latest part of his “revenge tour” dating to the IMPEACHMENT.

The reality is America was headed toward individual 1 or someone else just as bad since the 1970’s when Lewis Powell wrote his (not so) famous “memo” to the Chamber of Commerce urging corporate America to take the offensive politically with the plan to neutralize workers and advance the power of corporations and their officers. Of course, this plan was put on steroids by Ronald Reagan with the initial “trickle down” scam – which keeps getting repeated because “we the people” allow it to be repeated – and has created this massive issue of wealth inequality in America. From watching the stock market and the government reaction to its drop I, sadly, don’t see an end to the corporatocracy issue which continues to thin out America’s once strong Middle Class.

Individual 1’s demagoguery was aimed right at the workers (mostly white) who are disenchanted by a system they believe has “left them behind.” And, of course, they’re correct – the system HAS left them behind. But the solution doesn’t lie in what individual 1 is doing – he’s making things MUCH worse – the solution lies somewhere in the neighborhood of what Bernie Sanders believes in – along with intellectual minds like Elizabeth Warren, AOC, and many of the young democrats who are, hopefully, going to transform Congress. Personally, my hope is the emergence of a large group of younger (30 – 50 ish) progressive leaders who understand the values which emerged during the 1930’s with Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt and those progressives who put together the “New Deal.”

If we emerge from this Covid-19 crisis with the attitude let’s go back to what got us here – business as usual – well, we deserve the consequences. Based on the unlikely chance maybe one individual 1 supporter might read this posting – let me remind you, he filled EVERY top department position in his government with a lobbyist or a crony. Drain the swamp? Nonsense! The first thought that comes to mind (with someone who’s still there) is Wilbur Ross as the head of the Commerce department. He was the joint owner of a bank in Cyprus with a Russian Oligarch – a bank which was alleged to have been key to Russians laundering their “ill gotten” gains out of Russia turning them into dollars – in many instances once out of Cypress by purchasing Real Estate from individual 1 in America.

There was Rick Perry who had campaigned on disbanding the Energy Department when he was running against individual 1 in the primaries being selected to be the head of, you guessed it, the Energy Department. And, Betsy DeVos, who has a history of opposing public education being put in charge of, yep, public education. Individual 1’s original Secretary of State, according to reports I’ve read, was actually chosen by Vladimir Putin – Rex Tillerson who had made a multi-BILLION dollar deal with Putin to teach the Russians how to drill in the Arctic. I’m sure Putin was expecting the sanctions President Obama put on Russia which are, to this day, preventing Exxon Mobile from showing the Russians how to do that drilling, to have been lifted long ago with individual 1 in office. Even individual 1 realizes what would happen if he started relieving Sanctions on the Russians while they’re still invading Ukraine and holding Crimea. Tillerson was fired shortly after criticizing Putin’s poisoning of the Skripal’s in Britain.

One institution after another has been decimated since individual 1 took office. Untold numbers of committed, patriotic, qualified diplomats have left office in the past three years because they can’t handle what’s going on (or have been fired because of their competence). This has been a right wing wish for years – the Ayn Rand cult. But, the reality is, for the vast majority of Americans, this is a bad “look.” And, we’re seeing it playing out right before our eyes – and, yet, I have to wonder how many Americans won’t see what’s happening. We have an administration full of people who say they believe in “free markets” (well, yes, individual 1 believes in tariffs for some strange reason) and, just as in 2008 we’ve been watching all these “free market” devotees with their hands out in the front of the line looking for taxpayer bailouts. Thankfully, in this instance, republicans were forced to actually agree to legislation – in the first REAL rescue package, the $2 TRILLION one – which included a “bailout” of workers. Of course, there was a group of Senate republicans, led by Lindsey Graham (attention South Carolina) objecting right up to the vote because the bill was too generous to workers!

What many people didn’t notice was the ADDITIONAL $4 TRILLION appropriated for the Fed to use where they deem necessary in order to continue propping up the Stock Market. Are you beginning to see why I compare it to a “house built on sand.” This stock market is FULL of people who tout the “free market” (even though, under any terms, that’s a joke – but, I’ll get to that) and not only profess their unbending belief in capitalism but also their disdain for “socialism.” Well, how would you define the $6.2 TRILLION our Congress just appropriated in the “battle” against this pandemic? Would you call that capitalism? Would you call that the result of the “free market?” (And, Oh, by the way, the Fed had ALREADY coughed up a couple TRILLION before this legislation was passed – and, universal health care is too expensive???)

Here’s a dirty little secret most of us don’t understand and, likely, won’t understand long after this present crisis is in the rear view mirror. Our markets are not now, not then, not never have they been “free markets.” People on Wall Street complain about regulations they don’t like as they push for the ones they do like. The reality there is, there has been, and there will always be regulations on the Market and on the rest of society. That’s how societies are built – laws and regulations – this should be nothing new. It’s just that the people on Wall Street very cleverly led America to believe we have a “free market” system – which, to them, simply means the regulations are put in place which act to their benefit. They like to make their own rules as they gamble with everyone else’s money. A nice gig if you can get it.

And, of course, they’re eager to get back to “business as usual.” They’re making multiples in the MILLIONS! Why would they not?! If this crisis doesn’t demonstrate to “we the people” that it’s time to “change the rules” as I’ve said, we deserve what we end up with. Not only is individual 1 completely incompetent in dealing with this pandemic he’s shown he’d be a danger in ANY emergency. He’s also clearly demonstrated his main focus is on, well, himself – a sad state of affairs at a time like this. And, who did he lean on to help him out of this “fix?” None other than Jared Kushner – who ALSO has no idea what he’s doing in regard to fighting a nationwide pandemic. Between the two of them, every time they open their mouths something stupid comes out.

Now, I do have to say, as my new friend “Otto” who stops by here occasionally has pointed out, there were over 60 MILLION (unsuspecting, OK that’s me, Otto wouldn’t say that) voters who chose him over the as despised Hillary Clinton in the 2016 “election” (Of course, with the Russians and James Comey helping individual 1 and he still got 3 MILLION less votes than Mrs. Clinton) and most of them still support our IMPEACHED so-called president. I actually listened to one of them last night, who called from California to talk to my wife (a fellow teacher). She was pointing out what a great job California’s governor, Gavin Newsome, is doing during this crisis – and, what caught my attention was when she said, “He understands to be nice to individual 1.” (Of course, she used his surname)

People are dying faster than the morgues can handle all the bodies and if you want federal help the most important thing to remember is to be nice to the “commander in chief.” Apparently, his skin isn’t very thick. Our governor, Jay Inslee is also doing an excellent job but, according to individual 1 he’s a “snake,” along with others of his Middle School name calling tendencies – which, if he was in my 6th grade class would lead to a “call home.” So, if you don’t kiss individual 1’s ass (I just can’t imagine that) he’s going to allow people to die in your state and he’ll find a way to blame it on President Obama! These are just the times we live in! But, as usual, I digress…………….

I’m presently reading (another) book by Robert Reich – who, in my estimation is a great writer and author – titled “The Common Good.” He lays it out very well in this book how we got to this place of incredible inequality and I hope more people will read it. People are desperate to just pay their bills while they wait for the bailout which, them being in that place, is a focus of Reich’s book. I’m going to quote a part of the book where he summarizes what he believes “got us to this place:”

“Three exploitations of trust set off chain reactions that have undermined the common good: Whatever it takes to win politics disregarded what had been the unwritten rules of good government, based on equal political rights – enabling the most powerful players to extract all political gains. Whatever it takes to maximize profits rejected what had been the unwritten rules of corporate responsibility, based on obligations to all stakeholders – allowing CEO’s, Wall Street, and investors to extract all financial gains. Whatever it takes to rig the economy dismissed what had been the unwritten rule that the “free market” should work for everyone – permitting the most powerful economic actors to extract almost all economic gains. As a result, the key political and economic institutions of our society – political parties, corporations, and the free market – have abandoned their commitment to the common good.”

That paragraph is simply a summation of a significant part of the book, up to that point, where Reich points out BOTH political parties have been part of the problem (although, clearly the republicans are like “men against boys” in comparison to their affect on what has got us here) and he’s the third author I’ve read who mentioned Powell’s memo – which has played a significant role in the demise of the America I knew as a kid. I even read a book titled “Who Stole the American Dream” (by Hedrick Smith – you can get it used for about $4 – I recommend it) which is where I first read about Powell’s memo and the damage it’s done to America’s Middle Class. (Of course, Powell ultimately became a Supreme Court Justice – that should help explain a lot)

My point is if this coronavirus attack on our nation (and the world, of course) isn’t enough to tell “we the people” it’s time to change course the next crisis could be much worse. Of course, the Climate Crisis is right on the horizon (if it’s not already here and close to too late) and we have a group of “climate deniers” in charge of our country. That SHOULD be enough to get young people to the polls in November in large numbers to “clean house” of individual 1, his republican sycophants and any democrats who are putting corporate interests ahead of the interests of “we the people” so that we can change this nation back to a nation whose government works from the bottom up. I’ve always said there are democrats “feeding from the same trough” as the republicans, they’re just getting the “seed pods.”

A nation where we refuse to accept MILLIONS of our brothers and sisters living in their cars or worse should be unacceptable. A nation where MILLIONS of people without basic health insurance shouldn’t cut it. A nation where you have to be wealthy or willing to be saddled with massive debt to gain a higher education also SHOULDN’T cut it. A nation where we the people continue to look the other way to the plight of our fellow citizens in the inner cities should no longer be acceptable. A nation where we no longer allow the “free markets” to be rigged for Wall Street at the expense of Main Street SHOULD be our goal coming out of this crisis as we approach the November election. There’s so much that needs to change and, if not now, when? It reminds me of the IMPEACHMENT of individual 1 who brazenly, right after (and, we’re talking a couple days) William Barr succeeded in deflecting the reality of the Mueller investigation and his collusion with Russia in the LAST election away from public attention attempted to “collude” with Ukraine for the NEXT election. That brazen disregard for our system of laws was like, in regard to IMPEACHMENT – “if not now, when?”

Up until this Covid-19 pandemic, the focus on individual 1’s incompetence and his scandalous behavior was just causing people like me to speculate what would happen should an actual crisis happen. Well, now we know. Of course, I was thinking more in line with some kind of military crisis – some kind of attack on our nation’s interests or one of our allies – and, lamenting what would happen. Of course, that’s because I’m clearly in the “camp” who believes individual 1 is in “way over his head” and, no matter the crisis, will FUMBLE it because of this severe narcissism. It’s always gong to be about individual 1 in his mind. And, of course, we’re seeing that incompetence played out every day there’s a “daily briefing.”

In the face of all this, we have the stock market desperately wanting this so-called “V” curve to happen sooner rather than later. So, today, there’s been another big jump forward as if we’re through the worst of all this – while the experts are warning “we the people” it’s about to get a lot worse – so, from my perspective, the “roller coaster” will continue. Obviously, it would be much better for those who have retirement accounts connected to the stock market if it would stabilize – my intuition just tells me it’s a bit too soon. And, while “conservatives” likely will not ever accept this, the REASON that “V” curve recovery doesn’t happen, if it doesn’t , will be because of individual 1′ s refusal to lead when he was advised in early January this crisis was on its way. As I’ve said, it will be impossible to quantify the number of lives which would have been saved had our IMPEACHED so-called president listened to the intelligence community in January. Whatever the number who end up dead, it’s WAY too many!

Final Thought: MANY years ago, in the early 1960’s when I was playing basketball in high school I had a wonderful coach and one of the most significant things I remember from him was when he would say, “One mistake leads to another.” Well, we’re seeing that play out in “spades” from our IMPEACHED so-called president as this coronavirus pandemic plays out. Individual 1, in his attempt to deflect the blame he deserves as our “commander in chief” (Instead of saying “the buck stops here”) continues to pile one mistake on top of another. When this is over there will be plenty of time to analyze what happened, I just think individual 1 is facing a mountain of criticism – above what he’s getting now – when there’s time to actually analyze what has happened.

Great Britain’s leader Boris Johnson took a similarly cavalier attitude to this crisis as did individual 1 and now Johnson is in intensive care with this virus. Despite the claim of many “conservatives” this is not “just another flu!”

Again, my apologies, I’m posting this without re-reading it.