I’m guessing there is a significant number of old people who don’t wish to be sacrificed at the “altar” of Wall Street and the oil industry.

As individual 1 is now proposing to bail out the oil industry, I can’t imagine a worst idea RIGHT now – but, well, he is individual 1 – republicans are suggesting states declare bankruptcy, and America and the world is sitting on the brink of a depression what else would you expect? I’ve written how imperative it is that “we the people” don’t go back to “business as usual” following this pandemic – which is happening as the climate crisis – which will be far more serious than this Covid-19 crisis – is looming in the way too immediate future. Let me put it this way – the Covid-19 pandemic SHOULD have convinced Americans how we can NOT afford to continue with individual 1 as president one day longer than necessary. The “White House” has become a “national disaster area.”

Not only is individual 1 denying scientists during this pandemic but EVERYONE knows he’s been a “climate denier” since the day he took the oath of office. This is a potentially fatal “double whammy” in regard to the future of this nation. As I’ve said here repeatedly of late, America needs to be rebuilding her infrastructure in a way that would suggest our leaders understand we are now in the 21st century. If the impending Climate Crisis (along with a plethora of other issues) aren’t enough for America’s young people to realize the importance of the upcoming election, well, God help us! And, if for some reason, they choose to believe ANYTHING individual 1 says – OMG!

You would have to have had your head under a rock (or, up your…..) in order to believe individual 1 actually tells the TRUTH. Of course, the FACT he’s been documented to have told around 20,000 “whoppers” since taking the oath of office should make it no surprise he’s been trying to LIE himself into a favorable spot with “we the people,” regarding his failures, as America has been hit harder than any other country by the novel coronavirus. (It’s been reported he’s LIED over 600 times about his response to this virus) One of my vivid memories from when I was a 6th grade teacher was the sign over the door to the principal’s office which read: “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember.” I remember telling students who had a propensity to LIE that, eventually, the TRUTH always shows its “head.” Well, obviously, individual 1 still has not learned this lesson!

The “lost 70 days” are not going to go away, and, in fact, the DAMAGE caused not only by the inaction, but worse by his actions are going to haunt individual 1 right up to the election – which he clearly put as more important than the lives of Americans being threatened by this virus. And, he can’t even claim “ignorance” – although, I’m sure many would agree that’s an issue – because it’s been reported our IMPEACHED so-called president received NUMEROUS “Presidential Daily Briefings” which clearly gave him the warning this was coming and identified the level of its SERIOUSNESS. Of course, individual 1 chose to ignore the briefings and then LIE to the American people – maybe his 6th grade teacher failed to teach him the truth always finds a way to show it’s “head.”

I was long ago suggesting individual 1 was making campaign commercials for the democratic nominee at his press briefings (this was before we knew it was Joe Biden) because I was picturing in my mind virtually everything individual 1 was/is saying is in someone’s video archive. Well, not only are there commercials now which are based on individual 1’s own words but we’re seeing news outlets using these archived videos to challenge the veracity of the LIES which just won’t stop coming at us all. Covid-19 is too serious for “we the people” to continue ignoring the reality of the mountain of LIES not only coming from the “White House,” but also from the republicans who’ve been willing to defend our IMPEACHED so-called president for over three years now. Obviously, they had the opportunity to get rid of the problem in the IMPEACHMENT trial and only one of them had the guts to vote to remove this unfit so-called president from office.

Today, in what was not supposed to be a coronavirus task force briefing there were, of course, questions regarding individual 1’s failures in dealing with this crisis. I list a couple which stood out to me (mainly, because I didn’t watch the entire episode). A reporter pointed out that today the United States went over one MILLION (confirmed) cases of Covid-19 (likely, there are a significant number of unconfirmed cases) and that early on individual 1, when the number was 15 said “it will soon go down to zero.” Well, you could see our IMPEACHED so-called president was anticipating that question because he said, “Well, it will eventually go down to zero.” He said it as if he knew it would surpass (likely) a couple MILLION cases (or more) before it then goes down to, eventually, zero. (Apparently, he forgot to mention that back in February) This is what us sixth grade teachers would have called a creative LIE! Then, when questioned about whether he was warned in the “Presidential Daily Brief” as reported, he answered, “Well, I’ll have to go back and check. I”ll check the dates.” That’s NOT reassuring!

I stopped thumping the side of my head long ago when I hear this absurd stuff coming out of the mouth of our IMPEACHED so-called president – although, I have to say, the idea of somehow getting a UV light into my lungs OR ingesting disinfectant to “clean the lungs” did cause a few thumps. It was like, OMG those words just came from the mouth of the IMPEACHED so-called president of our country – who was given a “get out of jail free” card from republicans back in early February who could have, as I’ve pointed out here many times, put an end to all of this. That being said, now it’s up to “we the people” to take care of that. I understood, to a degree, the argument “There’s an election in November” by those who voted to acquit – but many of us pointed out he’s going to CHEAT in order to “win” in November – that’s a given – and, now he’s LYING in rapid fire succession every day in an attempt to keep his base in tact. Can you imagine him in charge with TWO crises going on at the same time? Covid and Climate???

As I often say, that was then and this is now – in other words, it’s another day. So, this morning I turned on the TV and there was Jared Kushner saying, “I think we’ve achieved all the milestones that are needed, so the federal government rose to the challenge and this is a great success story, and, i think that’s really what needs to be told.” Before I could get beyond my thought that Jared is the perfect son-in-law for individual 1 – LYING apparently comes naturally, (or is he simply delusional) I then saw another instance suggesting individual 1 is backtracking on his previous comments congratulating China regarding their handling of the coronavirus pandemic back in January and February to now, as he often does, shifting the BLAME for his own BLUNDERS to the Chinese. This could get really interesting – and, if you think the Chinese are going to just say “sorry” I think you haven’t been paying attention. And, if individual 1 thinks his BLUNDERS are not on tape, well, he’s in for some MORE reminders of them as we get closer to the November election.

As I was listening to Kushner this morning I was reminded of President Obama’s response to the Ebola outbreak, which could have evolved into a worldwide pandemic, and my mind reminds me of the Obama administration, once the Ebola outbreak was controlled, setting up the pandemic task force as part of the National Security Agency – which individual 1 eliminated back in 2018 because he didn’t want to “spend the money.” Is that one of the successes Kushner was talking about this morning? Or was it the death toll surpassing Viet Nam today? Or surpassing a MILLION confirmed cases?

Of course, Kushner was on “Fox and Friends” so you can assume there was no push-back from the moderators – but, thankfully, many different outlets are “watching Fox so I don’t have to.” That’s actually the motto of Media Matters “We watch Fox so you don’t have to.” So, members of individual 1’s administration feel comfortable on Fox LYING because they think they get away with it. But, of course, DVR machines are routine now! So, no, this isn’t a “great success story” and NO you won’t be able to blame your BLUNDERS on China! And, by the way, the day the death toll surpasses 60,000, to me, is a really STUPID day to claim the administrations actions are a great “success story.” People around the world are watching with their jaws dropped!

Actually, China showed everyone around the world how to deal with this virus – they still are. Unless there’s some kind of serious surprise out there I think we can all agree this virus started in Wuhan province in China. That was apparent at least by early January – which, from recent reports, is when individual 1 was informed of what was coming. I don’t think it was the fault of the Chinese that our IMPEACHED so-called president chose to IGNORE the early warnings and then, once it was apparent the virus was here, chose NOT to take action on a national basis. I’m not the only person who’s written about ALL the decisions individual 1 has made which demonstrate his ineptitude. We’re all left to speculate on his motives, although the November election being the primary motive seems almost undeniable. I’ve yet to hear him show any remorse for the reality that, as of today, over 60,000 Americans have died.

For example, he has refused to use the Defense Production Act (DPA) to make sure our doctors and nurses have the “Personal Protective Equipment” (PPE) they need as they’re fighting this disease. He’s refused to use that power to make sure our testing capacity is up to the task necessary for the economy to re-open. Yet, just yesterday he enacted the DPA to ORDER the various meat packing plants around the country to re-open despite the FACT thousands of the workers in the 20, or so, plants which have shut down have Covid-19 and, to this date, 20 of the workers have died. Apparently, these workers don’t have a lot of value in the minds of our IMPEACHED so-called president. I realize the importance of trying to keep the “food chain” moving – but, it didn’t appear to me the health of the workers was the most important factor in the re-opening of these plants. The workers will be FORCED to choose between the health and their ability to pay their bills!

To me, this doesn’t seem like a “great success story” as in the words of Jared Kushner. I, personally, really want Major League Baseball to re-open, but I think it’s unlikely – even with no one in the stands. I listened to a leading MLB agent (Scott Boros) today suggesting a plan which would get the games started by early July – although, to me, it seemed a bit like a “pipe dream” – because it was planning on games in Florida and Arizona. Well, if the heat helps to stop this virus that may be possible, but otherwise, I’m not feeling that great about either state’s response to this pandemic. Florida, for example, appears to be the next really bad “hotspot.” Their governor didn’t “close” the state long enough for even one period of “isolation” for those with the disease – and, many of their beaches are already crowded once again. Yikes!

All the “re-open” talk seems to be the result of the fact there are still people who listen to individual 1 and I did hear him, today, claim “the worst is behind us” as if it’s time to start up the economy again. Well, I double checked the website I’ve been following which keeps track of every confirmed case and every confirmed death related to Covid-19 in the WORLD, and, yes, New York seems to be calming down a bit – but, today’s numbers are: New cases – 28,429. Today’s deaths – 2390. It doesn’t look all that “calm” to me. Of course, you do have to keep in mind there is still a significant portion of individual 1’s cult who believe this is the “flu” and they’re thinking in terms of “herd immunity.”

Meaning, let it run its course with no mitigation efforts and let the cards fall where they may. Of course, most of the people I’ve seen suggesting that are among the least likely to DIE from that strategy. And, apparently, they have no clue as to what that would do to our health care system. Just sayin…….. When you consider the importance of old white people to individual 1’s re-election bid, that strategy, to me, doesn’t seem that well thought out. I do know the Lt. Governor of Texas has shared that, to him, “there’s worse things than living,” but I’m guessing there are a significant number of old people who don’t wish to be sacrificed at the “altar” of Wall Street and the oil industry. If older white people bail on individual 1 he’s in even MORE trouble, come November!

Final Thought: I’ve pointed this out before, but there are right wing governors around the country who I believe are manipulating the statistics coming out of their states to make themselves look better considering their choices to leave their states “open.” The main one, from what I’ve seen, has to be South Dakota. As of today there are over 2300 confirmed cases of Covid-19 and, I can tell you, I’ve been watching this fairly closely and MOST of them (likely over 2000) have appeared in the past two to three weeks. According to the statistics at “worldometer.info” South Dakota is reporting over 1500 cases with an “outcome.” Well, they’re also reporting ONLY 13 deaths (2 today) so, according to their reporting 1500 people have recovered from the disease.

Well, when you listen to the various doctors talking about how long it takes to actually get to the point where you no longer test positive, the last one I heard, a doctor from the University of Washington who’s been at the front of this pandemic said it takes at least 21 days to determine if you’re “in the clear.” So, that makes me think there’s something untoward going on in South Dakota. For example, in every other state with a comparable number of cases as them, there have been in the neighborhood of 40 to 60 deaths reported, with one state over 100. And 1500 cases “recovered” seems impossible in such a short time frame. What I’m saying is put the governor of South Dakota in the class of republicans who I wouldn’t trust as “far as I could throw her.”

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