Monthly Archives: June 2019

A few more members of Congress like Justin Amash (republican) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (democrat) would make me much more encouraged about the future of America!

A short while back my brother-in-law sent me a link to an article in Bloomberg (you can check it out HERE) about an economist’s predictions (A French economist named Gabriel Zucman) who has extensively studied how the tax system has been a key enabler of the income inequality which many (less individual 1, apparently), probably MOST, see as one of the great challenges of our time. Zucman (and a peer) have been studying how the wealthy in America accumulated their money, where they keep (hide) it, and how the tax policies allow them to grow it. (That’s my summary – you can read the article itself, it’s quite interesting)

What was maybe the MOST interesting to me was, with me being NO economist, how much what they’ve found has been clear to those like myself who’ve been paying attention to this – what I’ve called – “highway robbery” from “we the people” which started during the Reagan years and continues to this day. For example, the ONE piece of significant legislation passed in individual 1’s first two years in office was another OBSCENE tax scam which will funnel ANOTHER couple TRILLION dollars from the pockets of America’s middle class taxpayers into the coffers of the top “1%” and a bunch of corporations who weren’t paying taxes in the first place (and, had TRILLIONS “stashed” in places like the Cayman Islands.)

Reagan famously said, “I’m going to cut your taxes and balance the budget.” Well, unless you’re one of the idiots (sorry) who watch Fox “news” you know how absurd that was then and progressively more absurd as of this past tax scam. What’s the saying? “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” Well, I haven’t heard the version which points out we’ve been “fooled” FOUR times as of this writing – and, if the House hadn’t been turned “blue” I GUARANTEE you, the republicans would be at it again.

Their promise is that the rich people are going to “trickle down” the HUGE amounts of cash they’re pilfering from the tax rolls (many of them don’t think they should be paying ANY taxes – and, in fact, some of them don’t – especially after this last go round) and we’ve seen OVER and OVER again, what a charade that “promise” is. In this last scam the trickling down went right from their benefactors into the campaign “war chests” of the republicans who passed the bill after being badgered by their donors – who expect a return on their investment. How much did they get? you might ask. Well, for example, Sheldon Adelson – feeling no sense of shame or embarrassment – shelled out $30 MILLION to the republican Senatorial campaign committee as a way to say “thanks” for what was exponentially MORE than that going his way – in just the FIRST year of the scam.

Even individual 1, who stood before adoring crowds – most who will tell you he’s “honest” – while he was LYING straight to their lovely faces as he claimed he would not benefit from the scam and saying “my rich friends are not happy with me” – only, right after signing the bill, retreating to his Florida mansion and telling the patrons (who pay $200,000 for membership) “I just made you all a lot of money” – made MILLIONS on the scam. So much for “honesty,” right? (Of course, anyone without their head in the sand – or their eyes and ears aimed at Fox KNOWS individual 1 is a pathological LIAR.)

This kind of garbage has been going on for over 40 years – it just keeps getting more extreme the longer “we the people” allow it to continue. While rich people have been trying to find creative ways to get RICHER for far longer than the years from Reagan’s “trickle down” nonsense to today, it just keeps getting worse in each new version. Reagan’s “plan” was the original stimulus, in my lifetime, for the out of control deficit spending which has pushed the National Debt past $20 TRILLION. As I said earlier, Reagan promised to balance the budget – which had a deficit – as I remember – somewhere less than $50 BILLION when he took office (I’m thinking it was around $35 BILLION which, true to form, Carter had cut in half after the Nixon/Ford era.)

By the time Reagan left office the ANNUAL deficit was somewhere NORTH of $200 BILLION (which seemed astronomical at the time, at least to me, but today’s republicans make that look like a balanced budget). Of course, Reagan was followed by HW Bush who actually reneged on his promise: “Read my lips, no new taxes” when the deficit ballooned almost to $300 BILLION. That allowed Bill Clinton to become president – to my thinking a conservative democrat – and, surprise, surprise – when he left office there was a SURPLUS of around $250 BILLION per YEAR! Yes, this was around the time of the so-called “dot com crash” and a mild recession (at least compared to the ensuing Bush/Cheney recession President Obama inherited) and I won’t soon forget listening to Dick Cheney say “Ronald Reagan proved deficits don’t matter” as he was putting the first of two tax scams in place. Well, after these TWO tax scams the ANNUAL deficit was around $1.5 TRILLION and the economy was in tatters as Bush/Cheney left town “with their tails between their legs.”

However, true to republican form (and, this thought reminds me of a republican I listened to tonight on the small segment of the “All In” show on MSNBC which I could barely stomach – I’ll try to elaborate later) by the time Barack Obama took the oath of office republicans were BLAMING him, not only for the Bush/Cheney DEFICITS – remember, they were $1.5 TRILLION, jobs were being lost at the rate of 800 THOUSAND per month, and the fear of another DEPRESSION was real – but republicans also were BLAMING Obama for the TARP bailout. And, sadly, our “liberal media allowed them to get away with it.

If you don’t remember, the TARP “bailout,” it was the work of GW Bush and Hank Paulsen, Bush’s Treasury Secretary – and, of course, the former CEO of Goldman Sachs – as they put together a plan to use $700 BILLION middle class tax dollars to allow the Wall Street banks, which created the “Great Recession” via their obscene and dishonest gambling with – and, then LOSING, huge amounts of middle class Americans money. Of course, with the BAILOUT it was the middle class Americans who LOST AGAIN while the Wall Street bankers ARROGANTLY paid out bonuses to the very people who created the problem in the first place – AND, they used TARP money for the bailouts. It was understandable for Americans to be upset, but NOT with Obama. The BAILOUT was totally the work of Paulsen and Bush (and, of course the members of Congress who felt they had no choice but to approve the plan – although, they really did have a choice. But, that’s a story for another day – Actually, President Obama did use TARP money to SAVE General Motors and Chrysler – and the MILLIONS of jobs that support them!)

In fact, it was the BAILOUT which the so-called “Tea Party” used to justify their inception, when in reality, if you were watching their rallies, it was their RACIST reaction to a president who descended from a father from Kenya. (Of course, this led to the “birther movement” which led to individual 1 and here we are today – but, I digress) My point here is the system has been rigged for the rich for as long as I can remember and it was intensified under Reagan and “put on Steroids under Bush/Cheney and then even worse under individual 1. And, of course, now that a republican is in the “White House” deficits, again, “no longer matter.” (except to me and, I believe, my brother-in-law – he lives in Pittsburgh so I’m guessing – I’m in Washington state – yes, it’s on the “left coast”)

The point of all this is to say, this funneling of tax revenue from the middle class to the top “1%” is NOT healthy for the economy in the long run, and individual 1 may be a symptom which proves that point – at least in the eyes of Zucman (and, of course, me – although, again, I’m no economist – although I’m thinking of taking an online class from Paul Krugman) One of Zucman’s fears is this continued (and progressively worse) income inequality will lead to right wing demigods. Well, as my kids would say when in the car “Are we there yet?” Enter individual 1. This group at the top is well funded, it’s much more sophisticated than us “progressives,” it has NO scruples, and it’s fully committed to the philosophy “The end justifies the means.” Those of us paying attention have known this about republicans for years, but it’s gotten to the point where “it’s getting serious.” (I have to wonder when democrats will figure this out???)

There are many wealthy people in America who have studied history and, in particular, Karl Marx. And, while Bernie Sanders is in no way pushing the idea of Marx’ form of Socialism (Sanders believes in “Democratic Socialism – something we’ve had to some degree in America since FDR – it’s just that most democrats are afraid to say so) there are rich people in America who understand what COULD happen if the disparity of wealth in America continues unabated. Marx points out how as the people at the top of his “triangle” (yes, the top “1%”) becomes smaller and those at the bottom (proletariat) becomes larger, well, some kind of revolt becomes inevitable. Right now in America, according to Zucman’s research, less than ONE TENTH of “1%” – meaning 170,000 out of 330,000,000 (330 MILLION) Americans control OVER 20% of the nation’s wealth. The top “1%” controls something like 40% and the BOTTOM 90% controls just over 25% – with a large segment (maybe 30%) at the bottom with virtually NOTHING! As the saying goes, “This is a sad state of affairs.” (But, apparently, NOT to republicans)

To make matters even worse, this group at the top is HIDING something in the neighborhood of $8 TRILLION in off shore accounts which make it even harder for people like Zucman to produce totally accurate data. That’s correct, people like Adelson who can “shovel” several MILLION to their republican stooges to keep this scam afloat just can’t get enough – they have to HIDE BILLIONS in places like the Cayman Islands so they can avoid paying ANY taxes on the money. The tax rate keeps getting chopped down for these people, but it’s NEVER enough. (Doesn’t that make you wonder why the politicians in the republican party keep doing this? I guess the answer is obvious. The question, to me, is why do their voters keep voting for them? Is that STUPID? or what?)

There are democrats who are trying to address this issue, but I have to believe a couple things are likely to happen. (Remember, even the so-called “liberal” media outlets are CONTROLLED by conservative corporations) First, the democrats have a way to “pull defeat from the jaws of victory” so I’m anticipating this scramble of virtually EVERY democrat in the country with any name ID, thinking this is their opportunity to become president, will lead to fighting amongst themselves to be individual 1’s “Twitter target” in 2020 that could become self-defeating. Secondly, I believe it’s likely, as I suggested above, the democrats will get blown away in the messaging “wars” upcoming. (From what I’ve heard, this is already happening on the “digital” front – democrats STILL haven’t figured out “fake news” is real – they need to understand “projection” and soon)

The other day I was listening to MSNBC as I was driving around and the usual “fair and balanced” theme was on full display as I was yelling at my radio because the person who was representing progressives seemed oblivious to the FACTS as stated in the Mueller report and, along with the moderator, was letting the “conservative” – whoever it was – get away with one LIE after another. This happens all the time on MSNBC so I can only imagine what goes on elsewhere. Plus there’s at least a couple of the moderators on MSNBC who I believe may be nearly as narcissistic as our dear leader. Additionally, reports I’ve heard suggest democrats are being outspent on Facebook and other Social Media by 10 to 1. As I stated above, that’s the real haven (along with Fox) for “fake news.” (Or, in the words of Kellyanne Conway, Individual 1’s “alternative facts”)

The first narcissistic moderator who comes to my mind, for me, is Chris Matthews (with Chuck Todd a close second – as you can see, when I tune in the TV – or satellite radio – it’s on MSNBC. And, he apparently sits in the place of royalty at MSNBC – but, to me, he went a long way in legitimizing individual 1 back in the 2016 election cycle – along with MSNBC which gave (and continues to give) individual 1 BILLIONS in free advertising. These TV moderators are part of the top “1%” and I believe it is totally naive to believe they are going to give, for example, some of the more progressive ideas coming from the younger democrats much of a platform – especially when it comes to “taxing the rich.” To me, Matthews is constantly trying to come across as the political expert while he’s exposing himself to moments of pure progressive heresy. No details here, but I’ve written about this in the past if you’re interested – it’s in the archives.

The bottom line here is that Zucman is the brains behind some of the more progressive proposals coming from people like Elizabeth Warren and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dealing with income inequality and fighting it through the tax code. I’m not sure Ocasio-Cortez’ proposal to increase the marginal tax rate back to 70% on income over $10 MILLION ( per year) was the result of Zucman’s research, but he certainly backed her proposal. When I was in my early working life the top tax rate was 90% and that was put in place during the Republican administration of Dwight Eisenhower. And, by the way, the growth rate in America was stronger before Reagan began the assault on middle class taxpayers – and, Oh by the way, if you’re an individual 1 supporter, middle class income has been stagnant since Reagan took office! Just sayin………………… (And, that won’t change as long as our so-called president – or others of his ilk are in the top office in the land)

I keep waiting for democrats to “step to the plate” and FIGHT BACK! But, as you could tell by going through the archives here, it’s NOT going to happen unless “we the people” MAKE it happen. We MUST show up at the polls in 2020 and make it clear the present level of CORRUPTION is unacceptable. We need to hold BOTH republicans and democrats accountable for a willingness to accept this behavior. As I’ve said, it appears to me the politicians on “both sides of the isle” in Washington DC are operating out of FEAR. The republicans fear being on the end of a mean “tweet” coming from individual 1 – I don’t know why, is there NO honor any more? (hashtag, I like Justin Amash, a republican with guts!) And, the democrats are afraid to do what their obligation to their own oath of office calls for. (IMPEACHMENT hearings)

Their oath (republicans AND democrats) is to defend the constitution. Their oath SHOULD cause them to be in an IMPEACHMENT inquiry NOW. They SHOULD be holding EVERY one of those in individual 1’s realm accountable for their willingness to OBSTRUCT justice by refusing to answer to legally binding subpoenas. People SHOULD be going to jail if they continue to refuse to testify, turn over documents, or whatever the subpoena requires. Our so-called “law and order” so-called president is tearing down our justice system piece by piece. This is how tyrants work and if “we the people” really do want to see this issue of “income inequality” overcome – which is an incredible challenge – to me, like David v Goliath – it will require a democratic party which is not going to live in FEAR of the next election. I’ve been pointing this out for years, the democrats need a “spine” and, based on their lack of will in dealing with the ARROGANCE of individual 1, “we the people” are still waiting.

The bottom line here is if there is ANY chance for “we the people” to see the type of changes one would logically want based on the data Zucman clearly put forth we MUST rely on the members of the democratic party individual 1 will attempt to label as a SOCIALISTS in the next election. And, we will have to rely on people like Matthews NOT giving our so-called president one “inch” of help as he tries to put this label on whatever democrat is facing him in 2020. Is this a “pipe dream?” Probably so, but, as the saying goes, there’s more of us than there are of them – in relation to the middle class v the top “1%.” And, I have to say this again, there are plenty of members of the top “1%” who understand the issue and support fixing this problem – which will require some modification of the tax system to offset years of republicans pilfering middle class tax payers – it’s inevitable. Sooner would be better than later.

To make this happen, individual 1 needs to go – he needs to get his “just rewards” – which means a chance to clear his name in a court of law. I wish him luck. Also, Mitch McConnell and MOST of the republicans in Congress need to go (If there are others, like Amash, that would be awesome) and democrats MUST restart what was once called their 50 state plan. They MUST retake the Senate if ANYTHING progressive is going to get done. And, when I say “progressive” I’m talking about a government which works from the bottom up. A government which honors the reality of what we call the “commons” is/was/will be the work of the blue collar workers of this nation. I’m talking about those who build/built (and should be rebuilding) the infrastructure of the nation which benefits us all.

What republicans have done over the past 40+ years reminds me of what has been done by business people called corporate raiders (like Mitt Romney). People who buy a corporation, come in and put the business in huge debt while selling off its assets, and then leaving the workers as the victims as they declare bankruptcy and move on to their next target. In America, that type of business model has, in many circles, been considered “strategic” and “wise.” The corporate raiders make a lot of money for themselves and their shareholders. The workers are left to “hold the bag.” To me, that’s an appropriate analogy to what has been happening in the “trickle down” world of America since the day Reagan took the oath of office.

Clearly, the “workers” are rebelling and MILLIONS actually believe individual 1 is going to solve this problem. Due to the “alternative facts” they’re being fed on a daily basis by right wing media outlets (and, yes, to some extent by the so-called “liberal media”) many actually still believe individual 1 is working on their behalf. It’s up to the democrats to change that narrative and educate “we the people” as to how to solve this critical problem. To me, the future of America is on the line in the 2020 election. Not only MUST individual 1 be defeated, BUT democrats MUST follow through on the progressive changes, economically, the people like Zucman are demonstrating, with data, are necessary. What’s the saying? “We can’t go on like this.” Well, it’s true, and it’s time for the democratic party to show some guts. (I have to add, I’m not a registered democrat) A few more members of Congress like Justin Amash (republican) and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (democrat) would make me much more encouraged about the future of America!

Final Thought: Trust me, I know I have a tendency to ramble. I don’t plan these posts out ahead of time (I know I should – but, essentially, I’m just venting for my own sake – I appreciate that people find and read this) and, the fact you’re still reading, well, thank you. I said, above, I would elaborate on what I heard on the MSNBC “All In” – with Chris Hayes show. (Who, by the way, I consider quite intelligent) As he does, occasionally, Hayes was interviewing a republican (I can’t remember the name, only that he was from Wisconsin) and, as usual, the republican – who was a member of the House – was LYING (over and over again) – I’m sure he would say he was giving us “alternative facts” – as he was rationalizing away the (based on the word of OVER 1000 former prosecutors – both republican and democrat) ILLEGAL behavior of individual 1 in the Mueller Report. It wasn’t clear to me he had actually read the report but the part which really bugged me was that, as usual, the guy was BEYOND rude.

To me, when you agree to come onto someone’s show you are agreeing to answer the questions the moderator puts forth. In this instance this (relatively young) guy simply upped the level of his tone and started spewing the republican talking points – which, by the way, as I just stated, were – if you’ve read Mueller’s report – “alternative facts.” He did NOT allow Mr. Hayes to even ask a question – let alone answer a question. Mr. Hayes was doing everything he could to give the guy an opportunity to actually answer (politely) a question, but he couldn’t because the guy just shouted him down for the entire segment he was on the air. If I knew the guy, I would say it was embarrassing. Not knowing him, it was EXTREMELY rude and disgusting. But, I just have to add here, that’s today’s republican party. LYING (“alternative facts” – if you’re stupid, that means LIES), bullying behavior, and disrespect (rudeness).

If you’re wondering where the “chasm” in American politics came from – well, this was a great example. I believe this type of behavior was initially “instilled” into the republican “game plan” back when Newt Gingrich came up with the idea that the only way for republicans to gain power in the House was through obstruction. They’ve been doing this since the “Contract for (I’ve always said “on”) America back in the early 90’s, Mitch McConnell adopted it in the Senate and used it to OBSTRUCT virtually everything President Obama proposed (700 filibusters then and, now he’s doing it with everything the House proposes as the majority leader of the Senate – come on Kentucky, let’s get rid of this guy), and, with the “election” (with 3 MILLION less votes than his opponent) of individual 1, the OBSTRUCTIVE behavior has evolved to rude BULLYING behavior which has NO connection to facts and has become OBSTRUCTION of Congress and of Justice – IN PLAIN SIGHT! I hope I live long enough to see the day when Americans clearly have rejected this type of behavior and the republican party has either been voted into the history books or reformed into something that would resemble the classic definition of the word conservative as defined by Burke.

America’s two political parties are progressively looking more PATHETIC! Democrats have a small window to change this and failing to act (Impeachment hearings) could lead to four more years of individual 1! Yikes!

It seems as if EVERY time I listen to one of the republicans in Congress speak about what has transpired with the RUSSIAN attack on our nation – well beyond anything “everyone does” (Although, it’s true the CIA has had its “fingers” in several OBSCENE overthrows of elected officials our “leaders” didn’t like over the years – most of these egregious actions supported by the very republicans – or their predecessors – who have lived in fear of “communism.” In the case of Iran in the 50’s, it was all about the OIL) I feel a sense of HORROR at their LYING and rationalizing. In this instance I’m talking about remarks I heard today coming from the mouths of Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham in regard to individual 1’s most recent gaffe.

Of course, this is about individual 1 “doubling down” on his belief that taking “information on your opponent” from a foreign source (which, clearly, is ILLEGAL) would be OK. In reference to Chris Wray’s confirmation this would be ILLEGAL individual 1 said, “The FBI director is wrong.” In essence, individual 1 is giving more reason for “we the people” to actually read the Mueller report. (I’ve read it – I’ve actually started reading it a second time – it’s very dense and full of information) Mueller clearly laid out in his “Volume 1,” which was aimed at investigating the “Russian interference in the 2016 election and any coordination with the individual 1 campaign” – that no conspiracy was able to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt – meaning believing the evidence would LIKELY lead to a conviction in a court trial. What Mueller said, essentially, was they weren’t looking for “collusion” but, that there was “collusion” and proving a conspiracy lacked evidence – largely due to destruction or hiding (using electronics that was encrypted) of evidence (along with LYING).

So, getting back to Meadows and Graham, they made it clear the republicans have gathered and come up with another scheme to rationalize their lack of concern with individual 1’s comments that simply put an exclamation point on the “COLLUSION” which took place in 2016 and very well could be ongoing as I’m typing this. Of course, both Meadows and Graham had their DEFLECTION strategy planned prior to facing the microphones. And, as usual, it was “Hillary, Hillary” – or words aimed at “Hillary.”

Here’s their rationale: “The real problem was with the democrats and their $6 MILLION spent by hiring a foreigner to gather information on individual 1.” (Or words to that affect) Of course, they were referring to the so-called “dossier” that was submitted to the FBI by Christopher Steele back in 2016 and referenced what Steele found as alarming evidence individual 1’s campaign WAS COLLUDING with the Russians. Republicans continue to (falsely) claim the “dossier” was the “trigger” of the FBI counterintelligence investigation into individual 1 and his campaign. (Apparently, the republicans have no interest in actually reading Mueller’s report)

Apparently, republicans believe the existence of this dossier makes individual 1’s COLLUSION with the Russians – and, after yesterday’s remarks who knows who else individual 1 would be willing to align himself in an election – as if they are the same. (Of course, even if they were telling the truth and CORRECT – which, as usual, they’re NOT – they are suggesting “two wrongs make a right.” But, let’s look at this from the lens of FACTS.

First, what ultimately became the “Steele dossier” was initiated as “oppo research” by a conservative group, I believe called “The Free Beacon,” and, once individual 1 had secured the nomination they backed out. The Clinton campaign then took over the funding (I believe they may have become involved with “Fusian GPS” (which is the company which hired Christopher Steele) sooner, but the bottom line in all of this was that it was Fusion who hired Steele and somehow people (like Steele) were aware there was some kind of “collusion” going on with the Russians and the campaign of individual 1. Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency counter to the CIA and an expert on Russia, according to the American journalists who interviewed him led by David Corn (of “Mother Jones”) was SHOCKED by what he was finding.

Set aside the “salacious” part of the “dossier,” which may remain a ???? for ever (unless a video actually appears at some point in time – some people question whether the existence of the video is the reason individual 1 is so FRIENDLY to the Russians and, in particular, Vladimir Putin), Steele himself said his report was based on secondary information he received from former informants (at least one who “prematurely” has died) that SHOCKED him to the point where he decided he needed to give his information to the FBI. (If you missed it yesterday, that’s exactly what individual 1 said you don’t need to do – if you find foreigners intruding on an election)

Of course, CONTRARY to what virtually EVERY republican says when they’re talking in public, the “dossier” is NOT what initiated the so-called “Russia investigation.” The reality is (if you don’t want to believe me, read Mueller’s report) an Australian diplomat who met George Papadopoulos in a British Pub while, over beers, Papadopoulos was sharing that the Russians had stolen DCCC and DNC emails which they offered to help individual 1’s campaign. This “But what about” strategy of deflecting attention off of what is clearly the MOST corrupt group of people ever to occupy the highest offices in this land – by the republicans who would have been going apoplectic had President Obama done anything close to individual 1 – is going to, eventually, be the MOST egregious part in all of this.

Think about this. It’s the Congress which is the “check” against the other parts of our government – just as the Justice Department is a CHECK AND the “fourth estate” (the media individual 1 calls the “enemy of the people”) is a CHECK. People like Meadows, Graham, along with Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, and a few other bloviators willing to defend the indefensible continue to SOIL themselves and their ultimate reputations. In fact, they’ve gone “full throat” in their attacks on Justin Amash, designed to keep the rest of republicans “in line” with the we’ll “primary” you response if you don’t follow the herd, Amash being a republican who actually read Mueller’s report and has come out calling for our so-called president’s IMPEACHMENT. Amash, no matter whether the republicans succeed in defeating him in 2020 will end up being one of, if not the most, significant HERO’s in all of this. Republicans have “abandoned ship.”

Well, here we go again, I’ve got to point out once again for those of us who aren’t willing to accept this type of corruption all “we the people” have to stop this in its tracks are the democrats. I’ve pointed out numerous times here Nancy Pelosi showed in 2007 – 2008 that she’s unwilling to initiate IMPEACHMENT proceedings unless there’s a sure outcome in the Senate – which really grates on me (despite the reality I like Ms. Pelosi and respect her political acumen). In 2008 her inaction said TORTURE was not something we should consider a “high crime or misdemeanor.” So, now we’ve evolved to the point where people like me are shaking our heads as to would there EVER be a situation where democrats would follow their OBLIGATION to defend the constitution as a solemn oath. Our present so-called president has so brazenly shown a disregard for our LAWS and our CONSTITUTION that we have to wonder, when it comes to IMPEACHMENT, “if not now, when?”

It’s true MOST of the American people will NOT read Mueller’s report and they have become numb to all the scandalous behavior which is becoming beyond “normal” because the democrats are unwilling to put a stop to it. It appears Ms. Pelosi fears that doing the “right thing” could cause a political backlash from individual 1’s supporters while she’s apparently feeling no FEAR from a backlash from “we the people” should she fail to act. I believe this entire episode is creating an atmosphere where we could end up with more than two parties. If neither of them are willing to honor their OATH then we MUST find an alternative solution. My personal hope is that, in this instance, the democrats come together in an act of courage and commitment to the CONSTITUTION.

However, the sad reality we’re presently facing is that if democrats fail to act the DAMAGE – which I’ve been talking about for over two years, much of which “we the people” have no idea what DAMAGE is being done to our fundamental institutions while we’re focused on the “scandal of the day” – this DAMAGE could become exponentially worse. While republicans are acting like sycophants who fear causing dear leader to write a nasty tweet aimed in their direction and democrats keep hoping these cowering republicans will somehow read Mueller’s report individual 1 is threatening WAR in the Middle East by seemingly trying to push Iran into a situation where they lash out at the American ships and troops individual 1 (and his WAR monger national security adviser John Bolton) has sent into the region. Republicans believe the one certain way to get re-elected is to start a WAR.

This increased DAMAGE I’m talking about could happen in the next year and a half and, from my vantage point, if the democrats are still “sitting on their hands” they will share the BLAME with the republican sycophants. It’s as if the leaders of our nation in Congress are driven by FEAR – just a different FEAR – on “both sides of the isle. In the meantime, “we the people” are sitting here bracing for what could be a MAJOR disaster.

The ultimate CHECK for an out of control executive in the “White House” is “we the people” – but, I’m even getting impatient with a significant segment of our population – including many of the people who will reliably vote against individual 1. The Mueller report is readily available and I still don’t know one person who has taken the time to read it. Add to that, there’s a bunch of other stuff the people I know are not paying attention to – like, the polar ice caps are melting at an increasing amount, the republicans are in court attempting to eviscerate what’s left of the Affordable Care Act – with NO replacement (and, trust me, any replacement republicans would offer would be unacceptable), Wall Street continues to make money using money (and risking other people’s money), our so-called president is incredibly CORRUPT, and, one thing which republicans are no longer complaining about, individual 1 has pushed the deficit above $1 TRILLION per year and climbing. Yet, there’s still 40% of Americans who support this thug of a so-called president, and a significant number of those who don’t (thankfully) support individual 1 but, don’t know why (well, other than he’s “deplorable”).

My point is every day the democrats continue to say “we’re investigating” I’m getting more angry. They are the main hope for those of us who want the DAMAGE mitigated. IMPEACHMENT hearings are the ONLY way to educate this nation on what is in Mueller’s report – which, from my vantage-point is impeachable in either volume. I clearly remember Watergate (which, to me, was far less egregious) and it was the hearings which “educated” the public on the gravity of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” (which, by the way, are eerily similar to individual 1’s foopahs) of Nixon, leading to his resignation. (I don’t believe individual 1 will EVER resign – unless he gets a promise of a PARDON from Pense)

It’s through IMPEACHMENT hearings where those who watch propaganda outlets like Fox will be “educated” about their so-called president and all his LYING! (The latest LIE which really got my attention was him telling the interviewer in his latest STUPID interview – George Stephanopoulos – that he had read the Mueller report, which he claimed said “no collusion.” Sadly, the Fox audience likely believes him) Even Fox will be unable to “filter” the IMPEACHMENT hearings in a way to continue their strategy of dumbing down America. (There are studies which show those who watch Fox are less informed than those who watch – or read – NOTHING! Just think about that!) America’s two political parties are progressively looking more PATHETIC! Democrats have a small window to change this and failing to act could lead to four more years of individual 1! Yikes!

Final Thought: People need to be watching the Iran situation carefully. If you don’t think individual 1 would instigate a WAR with Iran in order to save his situation, well, I’ve got a bridge……….. Individual 1 is looking at his “day in court” once he’s out of office – Mueller made it clear in Volume II the evidence he laid out will be relevant once he leads office – not to mention the issue in the Southern District of New York where he gained the moniker “individual 1” based on his involvement in TWO felonies. Add to that a plethora of other investigations which will progressively be coming to a “head” as we approach 2020. There are a LOT of people who recognize the DANGER he poses to America and they will be intervening as they are able. To me, this leads me to believe the Iran issue is more significant than our “liberal media” is giving it. They will fail to properly discuss the Iran issue until it’s at the disastrous stage. I hope I’m wrong, but I would NOT put it past individual 1 to instigate a WAR thinking it would keep him out of jail.

Once again, my apologies for publishing this without re-reading and editing!

There WAS both “COLLUSION” and “OBSTRUCTION” and the obstruction is ongoing.

Today Robert Mueller finally broke his silence (Well, by the time I published this it was a few days ago) and, essentially, restated what is clearly written in his report. I’m almost done reading the report and it’s clear to me, and I MUST preface my comment with “I’m not a lawyer,” Mueller has carefully laid out the evidence of UNMISTAKABLE obstruction of Justice by individual 1. Likely the most important part of Mueller’s comments today was his CLEAR attempt to cause people to understand our present Attorney General is a LIAR. Well, of course, Mueller isn’t quite so “clear” but he does make it clear William Barr LIED to the American people on at least THREE occasions.

When Barr suggested Mueller came to no conclusion so that he had to draw one – in regard to OBSTRUCTION – was a BLATANT LIE! Mueller, as has been retold many times already – including by me – had the intention of leaving any accountability to Congress. (Are you listening Nancy Pelosi?) When Barr said “no collusion” – based on the report – multiple times, he was LYING every time he said it. And, virtually everything Barr said in his press briefing – which, I believe, will be put in the “infamous” category at some point if it’s not there already – was LIES! He suggested, for one example, that Mueller was not guided by the OLC guidelines that “a sitting president can’t be indicted” which couldn’t be further from the TRUTH. (If you’re an individual 1 supporter that means it was a LIE – I’ve now read the entire report! I started this post a week or two ago – I can’t seem to “keep up”)

Something which is not clear, as I listen to people discussing the reality we’re all living with – and, by that I’m talking about a CRIMINAL in the “White House” – is the evidence in Mueller’s “volume I” – which was all about whether there was a criminal conspiracy between the Russians and the Americans. Mueller concluded there was “insufficient evidence” to prove a conspiracy, but what he also implied was there WAS “collusion.” (And, by the way, there WAS evidence – just not “sufficient” – of a conspiracy) Additionally, it appears to me Mueller was suggesting the OBSTRUCTION may have prevented the investigators from being able to make a clear conclusion on a conspiracy charge. As I read the report I came away thinking individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner were not charged because either they were able to hide evidence (Kushner and his use of things like “What’s App” which apparently is well encrypted) or too dumb to know any better – which would apply to individual 1 Jr.

Sadly, at the end of his remarks, Mueller stated he doesn’t want to testify about the report before Congress – saying “My testimony would be the report.” I really hope democrats DON’T give him that choice. He MUST appear in front of the Congress in IMPEACHMENT hearings to make sure ALL Americans understand what is in the report and what it actually means. Keep in mind, almost ALL of what is in the report is stuff which didn’t surprise me. Individual 1 was doing his OBSTRUCTING right out in the public. It’s just that “we the people” don’t understand the nuances of the legal system – which Mueller explains in painstaking detail. I certainly don’t understand the “USC” (I assume that means United States Code) but, as Mueller is explaining it there can be NO DOUBT individual 1 committed obstruction MULTIPLE times.

In fact, as I was reading the section where Mueller is explaining the laws and how they “connect” to the actions of individual 1 I realized individual 1 is CONTINUING to obstruct, again right out in broad daylight, as he OBSTRUCTS the Congressional proceedings. By refusing to provide requested documents and by encouraging witnesses to NOT appear, from my reading of the laws Mueller is explaining in the report, well, we’re looking at MORE obstruction! I’ve been saying this for well over a year, Individual 1 comes across to me as a mob boss. As all this plays out, that becomes clearer and clearer.

I’ve said this multiple times on this site that I have good friends who’ve “bought the cool-aid” and are supporters of our so-called president. This morning I had breakfast with one of them and my head was spinning by the time I headed home. Let me preface what I’m going to say by saying my friend has told me in the past he doesn’t believe individual 1 LIES. And, much to my chagrin, he continues to demonstrate a connection to right wing conspiracy theorists and/or Fox “news.” I love my friend, but I often come away from our conversations wondering “how can he believe this crap?” Today, I took the Mueller report to breakfast and, despite the fact I’m not quite finished with it, I offered to give it to him to read on a trip he was soon to partake. He declined. He won’t read anything I offer him because he believes it’s all “biased.”

That’s such a tired-some argument to me. If you read something and you have questions about it, keep looking for perspective from someone else – and, keep reading. To him, Robert Mueller is no republican – of course, Mueller’s been a registered republican his entire adult life – and when I pointed out Mueller IS a republican my friend said you probably think McCain was a republican. I looked at him as close to cross-eyed as I could and he said, “No one believes McCain was a republican, he was a “Rhino” – and, then as if I was confused he said, “Republican in Name Only.” He thinks I should be reading the “books” which ostensibly have been “written” by the Fox “news” talking heads. I did that ONCE (for another friend who’s a “republican” and who agreed to read a book I gave him – which, of course, he never read) and it was all I could stomach (but, I read it). Every time I try to WATCH Fox “news” I can’t make it more than a minute or two because the LYING is always coming “fast and furious.”

I have a hard time connecting my friend with the “White Nationalist” movements which back individual 1 and is spreading across Europe, but that’s the sense I’m getting. During his working years he and his wife adopted and raised (at least) three African American children so when he gives that “sense” (White Nationalism) I get very uncomfortable. The reality, as I’ve pointed out numerous times here (and, to him) is that the so-called “Tea Party,” which my friend and many others I know identify with, was based on (and driven by) racists as a backlash to our first African American president. That being said, it grieves my heart that so many Americans are supporting a racist, misogynist, narcissistic, and CRIMINAL so-called president. And, they are prepping a major ATTACK aimed at Robert Mueller which will be the typical individual 1 way of dealing with someone who he feels has said ANYTHING which is not massaging his narcissism. Yikes!! Today, my friend said, “Just wait, you’re going to find out what a bad man he is” while pointing at Mueller’s name on the front of the book. “It’s going to come out soon!”

As I continue to process all that is going on I’m getting close to re-aiming my “ire” at the democrats instead of the republicans. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that had President Obama used the Russians (or any other foreign entity) to get elected, OR had he committed OBSTRUCTION multiple times (one time, for that matter), or had he ILLEGALLY covered up an affair with a porn star, (Just picture that one) he would long ago have faced an impeachment inquiry – the political consequences be damned. They impeached President Clinton because of LYING about sex. (For that matter republicans threatened to impeach Rod Rosenstein if he hadn’t turned over highly classified information last year) Democrats (with Ms Pelosi as Speaker) looked the other way from WAR CRIMES in 2007 and 2008 “because the Senate won’t convict” So, I’ve been predicting they will fail to act again. However, the ABUSES of power by individual 1 becomes MORE EGREGIOUS every day – to the point where “we the people” are becoming numb to the “scandal a day” strategy. If these abuses don’t cause the Congress to act, well, then we have to ask, what will it take??? The “beat just continues to go on.”

Today, I listened to individual 1, while on the “White House” lawn doing his “it was a hoax, a witch hunt, there was no collusion, no obstruction” routine spewing out LIES faster than I can talk. He was referring to Robert Mueller and his (now it’s) 18 “conflicted” associates as “Never Trumpers” (Which, I suppose, by now, most of them are) in ways that couldn’t have been MORE dishonest. The Mueller report didn’t even slow individual 1 down (I don’t know why I would think it would?). He continues OBSTRUCTING Justice – only now, he’s OBSTRUCTING the Congressional investigations – with a continuation of showering “we the people” with LIES!

For example, individual 1 claimed Mueller had, one day before he was appointed Special Counsel, come into the “White House” in an attempt to get Comey’s job as FBI director and that individual 1 said “no.” (Of course, we ALL know by now – well, except for my friend I had breakfast with today, that when individual 1’s mouth is moving he’s LYING) The TRUTH is that Mueller was INVITED to the “White House” to provide “advice” in regard to who and what they should be looking to find a new director. I might add, if Christopher Wray was chosen based on Mueller’s advice, he did a good job. The POINT, however, is that individual 1 has been LYING about this since the day Mueller got appointed as Special Counsel – in his normal way of attempting to intimidate – in this case – who knows who. Because, clearly, Mueller is immune to individual 1’s intimidation.

In fact, what’s clear in reading Mueller’s report is that he was “memorializing” virtually EVERY “tweet” which came from individual 1’s unprotected cell phone and, despite individual 1’s attorneys’ futile attempts to get him to stop “tweeting.” Over and over again as I was reading the report I noticed Mueller referring to “tweets” coming from our so-called president which “we the people” were shaking out heads at as they occurred in “real time.” It was as if individual 1 was focused on repeatedly “shooting himself in the foot.” Stupid!

By my calculation there were at least 4 or 5 examples of individual 1’s behavior which CLEARLY falls into the parameters of the LAWS which were designed to prevent OBSTRUCTION of justice – clearly an offense Congress was concerned with stopping. Each violation is subject to a consequence of 20 YEARS in prison. Some people are claiming there are at least 10 examples. For me, the OBVIOUS ones numbered at around, as I said, 4 or 5. Mueller went to great length to lay out the actual laws, he pointed out the arguments made by individual 1’s counsel, and he explained why or why not those arguments made any sense. To me, there’s NO QUESTION our so-called president committed even MORE crimes than those he committed before taking the oath of office. (And, I’m not talking about the Russian “collusion”)

Mueller doesn’t want to testify before Congress, but he’s suggesting people read the report. Well, as I said above, MOST people, and certainly those who’ve been BRAINWASHED by Fox “news” WON’T read it and the ONLY way they’re going to get an idea of what is in the report is if Mueller testifies before Congress and democrats draw it out from him. I’ve said this before: “While most people have described Mueller as an American “hero” because he was a Marine during the Viet Nam era and he’s served for most of his adult life in the Justice Department (and, clearly, as I read the report I felt he’s brilliant in the detail in which he’s laid all this out), in this instance he’s no hero to me unless he decides to willingly testify and make his conclusions clear to “we the people.” There’s just too much riding on this – “we the people” PAID him to do this investigation and we deserve to find out EVERYTHING he found – one way or the other!

While my friend I refer to above denies this, I believe the ONLY logical reason for him (a Christian) to be supporting someone like individual 1 is because he’s been opposing abortion since the day Roe v Wade was decided at the Supreme Court. I’ve said at some point I’m going to write a post about abortion (that day is getting closer) but, today, there’s a court hearing in Missouri which could lead to the closing of the ONLY clinic in Missouri where a woman can access abortion care. I would say I’m conflicted (actually, I am) but I will – would – NEVER have to deal with this issue – except when my first wife had a miscarriage and, essentially had the same procedure which brings up an entire different set of “what ifs” – but my friend is FOCUSED on this issue and I believe all the different moves aimed at overturning ABORTION across the nation, in his mind, are because of individual 1’s election. And, I don’t think he’s wrong.

This is largely why I believe democrats are hemming and hawing about whether or not to go forward with an impeachment inquiry. They understand there’s a set group of voters who are going to support our so-called president come hell or high water. But here’s the reality. There WAS both “COLLUSION” and “OBSTRUCTION” and the obstruction is ongoing. it’s time for democrats to “grow a pair” and start the IMPEACHMENT inquiry – educate the American public.

I started this post a while back. I’m going to publish it, mainly because I write to vent my own frustration and somehow it makes me feel better when I publish it. If you’re one of the 200 – 400 who show up every day and you’ve read this far, Thanks! More to come!

My prediction: democrats will continue their attempt at finding a “moral” and “appropriate” solution to individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION while looking straight at individual 1’s “middle finger.”

The first time I saw William Barr giving public testimony I said to myself, “This is not going to end well.” (From my perspective, the country’s perspective, and – ultimately – from the perspective of the people who are continuing to support individual 1). Barr is systematically working to be individual 1’s “Roy Cohn” and he, and his boss, are clearly counting on the reality that very few Americans will actually read Robert Mueller’s report. When I first got the report from Barnes and Noble my first thought was most people I know would be intimidated by the sheer volume of the 400+ pages crammed into a small paperback version. In the report that I got I believe, considering both volumes, there are at least 800 pages. For example, I’m not finished with Volume II and I’m on about page 350 (and Volume 1 was nearly as large) with many pages to go.

Most people AREN’T going to read this and with Barr out sending a message to as many people as possible that “There’s no collusion and no obstruction” he fits into the place I first put him – as maybe the MOST dangerous person to our republic who’s still breathing. Barr is systematically attempting to undermine Mueller. And, from what I heard him say in an interview which closely followed Mueller’s report – clearly designed to do just that – Barr is completely disregarding the Russian ATTACK – similar to his boss. (Along with those two, the only other members of our government who believe there was NO Russian ATTACK on the 2016 election would be the republicans in Congress. It also helped them after all)

By now, most people who are following this know that there is one republican who actually read Mueller’s report and came to the same conclusion I have – that our so-called president is a CRIMINAL – and his name is Justin Amash. I’ve always pointed out I’m an “independent” and I’ve said the reason I vote FOR democrats is because I’m usually voting AGAINST republicans. Well, I have to say, I’ve now listened a bit to Amash and I’m impressed. That’s not to say I would agree with him on every issue – but, I admire his GUTS! I’d love to have the opportunity to have breakfast with him and have a dialogue about his view of what would be best for this nation going forward. We’d likely disagree on much, but the dialogue, I believe, would be interesting.

The reason I bring this up is because Amash went one step farther than coming out in favor of individual 1’s impeachment, he actually decided to face his voters face to face in a Town Hall. (As an aside – my representative, who is a republican, refuses to give Town Halls. She does her version on “conference calls.” In that case I would say “no guts.”) The result of Amash’s Town Hall was many republicans cheering him (of course, there were those who admonished him – likely people unwilling to read Mueller’s report) and, in one instance, a very telling moment. One of the reporters at the Town Hall who was interviewing the audience participants got an interview with an individual 1 supporter which was particularly telling. A lady who was interviewed was explaining that she was under the impression individual 1 “had done nothing wrong and was completely exonerated” she was surprised to hear what Amash shared from Mueller’s report. She blamed the fact she “listens to conservative media” for her ignorance – which, I would say, was an accurate comment.

It’s been clear for some time individual 1 is a BULLY and we’re seeing the same tendencies from his supporters. Yesterday, on Fox “news” Joe DiGenova claimed if the democrats impeach individual 1 there will be “Civil War.” I’ve heard this same sentiment from my friend I mentioned in my previous post who is also an individual 1 supporter and also watches/listens to “conservative” media. Individual 1 AND his supporters have become used to BULLYING the democrats in Congress and they’re having a hard time understanding the WILL of the people who voted the democrats into control of the House of Representatives. It’s true the White Supremacists in “cells” all around the country are armed to the hilt, but if our institutions are not capable of dealing with them flooding into the streets, then individual 1 is succeeding in “deconstructing the administrative state.” (Of course, Bill Barr is the head of the Justice Department, which we’d be depending on stopping any insurrection)

If “we the people” actually care about this republic, then their BULLYING MUST fall on “deaf ears.” If we truly are a “nation of laws and not men” then individual 1 needs to be ushered into his place in the lower regions of the American History books. Mueller was clear the reason he couldn’t file a charge of conspiracy with the Russian “invasion” of 2016 was largely because of the LYING of witnesses and the destruction of evidence. For whatever reason, Mueller chose to look the other way from some of that – i.e. the June 9, 2016, meeting in individual 1 Tower from which individual 1 dictated the main LIES – LIES to the media and “we the people.” As I’ve stated previously, individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner well could (SHOULD) have been indicted. I believe Mueller didn’t feel the public battle would be worth it – he claimed he didn’t indict because a conviction wasn’t a certainty due to the LYING and destruction of evidence.

America has evolved to the point where some “growing pains” are inevitable. The racism which has, at times, ruled the day in America, and over the previous few decades (pre individual 1) had simmered “under the rocks” has been, once again, energized by our so-called president and his White Nationalist base – make no mistake, these are the people threatening “Civil War.” And, where are many of these people located? Surprise, Surprise – in the South and other states which made up those in the original confederacy. The “White Nationalists” have been looking for a “savior” for years and individual 1, a man with NO moral compass, is their perfect leader. And, their leader, did NOT come from the “top of the heap.”

Here’s another part of the reality “we the people” are faced with as someone with the credentials of individual 1 is our so-called president. In fact, our government is more and more under the control of both individual 1 and his son-in-law who both very likely SHOULD have been indicted by Mueller’s investigation. Both individual 1 AND Jared Kushner are “sons who were born on third base” and BOTH have struggled to get “home” on their own. They BOTH inherited massive amounts of money and real estate and BOTH were proficient at requiring their Father’s to bail them out of poor decisions. Individual 1 has been bankrupt at least 4 and maybe 7 times, (I’ve read different “totals”) and, it appears, Kushner was able to use his place in our government to pressure the Qatari sovereign investment fund to bail him and his Father out of a terrible investment at 666 (You can’t make that number up – talk about appropriate) 5th Avenue in New York.

It appears to me the LAWBREAKING coming from individual 1 and various members of his family is routine. They (the family) appear to believe the laws in America were “made for you and me.” (And, obviously not them) Of course, Kushner’s father has spent “time” in prison for some of his “hubris” and his son appears to believe it can’t happen to him. Additionally, individual 1, himself, is an un-indicted co-conspirator to TWO felonies and faces somethng like another dozen (or more) criminal investigations; these FACTS are good reasons many more people than myself are referring to him as a mob boss. It’s because that’s how he acts! I mean, added to everything else at least 4 or 5 OBSTRUCTION of justice offenses and, by some accounts up to a dozen, shows a fundamental disregard for our system of laws that SHOULD be unacceptable even to republicans. (Consider if Barack Obama had clearly obstructed justice a half dozen or more times WWRD? (What would republicans do?)

With William Barr’s help individual 1 is attempting to put the final “nail” in the “America as we’ve known it coffin” as republicans push to turn America into a fascist state – what would likely be termed Mussolini type fascism. (You can look it up – I’ve explained it here before) Essentially, we’re looking at a corporatacracy combined with an autocracy. (Read “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet) Some are even suggesting individual 1 will be difficult to get out of the “White House” once he’s either voted out or impeached. The OBSTRUCTION has morphed into a BRAZEN obstruction of the democratic led House of Representatives as if to “flip the bird” to Nancy Pelosi and the other leaders of their party. (This SHOULD be another Article of IMPEACHMENT) My prediction: democrats will continue their attempt at finding a “moral” and “appropriate” solution to individual 1’s OBSTRUCTION while looking straight at individual 1’s “middle finger.” It actually grieves my heart I feel the need to write that.

Final Thought: (As a way to solve the democrats problem) Yesterday I saw a video on YouTube made by three former republican Attorney Generals (I believe they were actually “deputy” Attorney Generals) from the Reagan era, the HW Bush era, and the GW Bush era pointing out individual 1 committed (in their words) up to 10 violations of CRIMINAL Obstruction of Justice. As I was watching this video I thought to myself the democrats SHOULD call people like them – former republican prosecutors – to TESTIFY before the House Judiciary Committee and allow THEM to explain what is in the Mueller report. The issue at hand is finding a way to EDUCATE “we the people” on what is in that report. As I stated above, I’ve read it, but MOST people are not going to do so. If “we the people” KNOW what actually happened (Obstruction – and, near conspiracy regarding Putin and the Russians) If I can find that video again I will include a link. If you watch it you’ll know what I’m talking about! OK, I found it, if you’d like to view it click HERE

Finally, I listened to as much of an interview Jared Kushner gave the other day which I was able to stomach and, it appeared to me, Kushner is taking his “imperial” position way too seriously. The few times I’ve heard words coming from his mouth I find myself just shaking my head. I keep telling myself “Only in America” – where we are more and more controlled by the 24/7 hour cable news cycle and, sadly, Fox “news” is a significant “player.” Individual 1 and his family members are such pathological LIARS they actually believe the LIES as they roll off their tongues. Kushner fits right in and I believe he sees himself as individual 1’s successor! I’m not kidding! Yikes!!!