There WAS both “COLLUSION” and “OBSTRUCTION” and the obstruction is ongoing.

Today Robert Mueller finally broke his silence (Well, by the time I published this it was a few days ago) and, essentially, restated what is clearly written in his report. I’m almost done reading the report and it’s clear to me, and I MUST preface my comment with “I’m not a lawyer,” Mueller has carefully laid out the evidence of UNMISTAKABLE obstruction of Justice by individual 1. Likely the most important part of Mueller’s comments today was his CLEAR attempt to cause people to understand our present Attorney General is a LIAR. Well, of course, Mueller isn’t quite so “clear” but he does make it clear William Barr LIED to the American people on at least THREE occasions.

When Barr suggested Mueller came to no conclusion so that he had to draw one – in regard to OBSTRUCTION – was a BLATANT LIE! Mueller, as has been retold many times already – including by me – had the intention of leaving any accountability to Congress. (Are you listening Nancy Pelosi?) When Barr said “no collusion” – based on the report – multiple times, he was LYING every time he said it. And, virtually everything Barr said in his press briefing – which, I believe, will be put in the “infamous” category at some point if it’s not there already – was LIES! He suggested, for one example, that Mueller was not guided by the OLC guidelines that “a sitting president can’t be indicted” which couldn’t be further from the TRUTH. (If you’re an individual 1 supporter that means it was a LIE – I’ve now read the entire report! I started this post a week or two ago – I can’t seem to “keep up”)

Something which is not clear, as I listen to people discussing the reality we’re all living with – and, by that I’m talking about a CRIMINAL in the “White House” – is the evidence in Mueller’s “volume I” – which was all about whether there was a criminal conspiracy between the Russians and the Americans. Mueller concluded there was “insufficient evidence” to prove a conspiracy, but what he also implied was there WAS “collusion.” (And, by the way, there WAS evidence – just not “sufficient” – of a conspiracy) Additionally, it appears to me Mueller was suggesting the OBSTRUCTION may have prevented the investigators from being able to make a clear conclusion on a conspiracy charge. As I read the report I came away thinking individual 1 Jr. and Jared Kushner were not charged because either they were able to hide evidence (Kushner and his use of things like “What’s App” which apparently is well encrypted) or too dumb to know any better – which would apply to individual 1 Jr.

Sadly, at the end of his remarks, Mueller stated he doesn’t want to testify about the report before Congress – saying “My testimony would be the report.” I really hope democrats DON’T give him that choice. He MUST appear in front of the Congress in IMPEACHMENT hearings to make sure ALL Americans understand what is in the report and what it actually means. Keep in mind, almost ALL of what is in the report is stuff which didn’t surprise me. Individual 1 was doing his OBSTRUCTING right out in the public. It’s just that “we the people” don’t understand the nuances of the legal system – which Mueller explains in painstaking detail. I certainly don’t understand the “USC” (I assume that means United States Code) but, as Mueller is explaining it there can be NO DOUBT individual 1 committed obstruction MULTIPLE times.

In fact, as I was reading the section where Mueller is explaining the laws and how they “connect” to the actions of individual 1 I realized individual 1 is CONTINUING to obstruct, again right out in broad daylight, as he OBSTRUCTS the Congressional proceedings. By refusing to provide requested documents and by encouraging witnesses to NOT appear, from my reading of the laws Mueller is explaining in the report, well, we’re looking at MORE obstruction! I’ve been saying this for well over a year, Individual 1 comes across to me as a mob boss. As all this plays out, that becomes clearer and clearer.

I’ve said this multiple times on this site that I have good friends who’ve “bought the cool-aid” and are supporters of our so-called president. This morning I had breakfast with one of them and my head was spinning by the time I headed home. Let me preface what I’m going to say by saying my friend has told me in the past he doesn’t believe individual 1 LIES. And, much to my chagrin, he continues to demonstrate a connection to right wing conspiracy theorists and/or Fox “news.” I love my friend, but I often come away from our conversations wondering “how can he believe this crap?” Today, I took the Mueller report to breakfast and, despite the fact I’m not quite finished with it, I offered to give it to him to read on a trip he was soon to partake. He declined. He won’t read anything I offer him because he believes it’s all “biased.”

That’s such a tired-some argument to me. If you read something and you have questions about it, keep looking for perspective from someone else – and, keep reading. To him, Robert Mueller is no republican – of course, Mueller’s been a registered republican his entire adult life – and when I pointed out Mueller IS a republican my friend said you probably think McCain was a republican. I looked at him as close to cross-eyed as I could and he said, “No one believes McCain was a republican, he was a “Rhino” – and, then as if I was confused he said, “Republican in Name Only.” He thinks I should be reading the “books” which ostensibly have been “written” by the Fox “news” talking heads. I did that ONCE (for another friend who’s a “republican” and who agreed to read a book I gave him – which, of course, he never read) and it was all I could stomach (but, I read it). Every time I try to WATCH Fox “news” I can’t make it more than a minute or two because the LYING is always coming “fast and furious.”

I have a hard time connecting my friend with the “White Nationalist” movements which back individual 1 and is spreading across Europe, but that’s the sense I’m getting. During his working years he and his wife adopted and raised (at least) three African American children so when he gives that “sense” (White Nationalism) I get very uncomfortable. The reality, as I’ve pointed out numerous times here (and, to him) is that the so-called “Tea Party,” which my friend and many others I know identify with, was based on (and driven by) racists as a backlash to our first African American president. That being said, it grieves my heart that so many Americans are supporting a racist, misogynist, narcissistic, and CRIMINAL so-called president. And, they are prepping a major ATTACK aimed at Robert Mueller which will be the typical individual 1 way of dealing with someone who he feels has said ANYTHING which is not massaging his narcissism. Yikes!! Today, my friend said, “Just wait, you’re going to find out what a bad man he is” while pointing at Mueller’s name on the front of the book. “It’s going to come out soon!”

As I continue to process all that is going on I’m getting close to re-aiming my “ire” at the democrats instead of the republicans. Anyone who’s been paying attention knows that had President Obama used the Russians (or any other foreign entity) to get elected, OR had he committed OBSTRUCTION multiple times (one time, for that matter), or had he ILLEGALLY covered up an affair with a porn star, (Just picture that one) he would long ago have faced an impeachment inquiry – the political consequences be damned. They impeached President Clinton because of LYING about sex. (For that matter republicans threatened to impeach Rod Rosenstein if he hadn’t turned over highly classified information last year) Democrats (with Ms Pelosi as Speaker) looked the other way from WAR CRIMES in 2007 and 2008 “because the Senate won’t convict” So, I’ve been predicting they will fail to act again. However, the ABUSES of power by individual 1 becomes MORE EGREGIOUS every day – to the point where “we the people” are becoming numb to the “scandal a day” strategy. If these abuses don’t cause the Congress to act, well, then we have to ask, what will it take??? The “beat just continues to go on.”

Today, I listened to individual 1, while on the “White House” lawn doing his “it was a hoax, a witch hunt, there was no collusion, no obstruction” routine spewing out LIES faster than I can talk. He was referring to Robert Mueller and his (now it’s) 18 “conflicted” associates as “Never Trumpers” (Which, I suppose, by now, most of them are) in ways that couldn’t have been MORE dishonest. The Mueller report didn’t even slow individual 1 down (I don’t know why I would think it would?). He continues OBSTRUCTING Justice – only now, he’s OBSTRUCTING the Congressional investigations – with a continuation of showering “we the people” with LIES!

For example, individual 1 claimed Mueller had, one day before he was appointed Special Counsel, come into the “White House” in an attempt to get Comey’s job as FBI director and that individual 1 said “no.” (Of course, we ALL know by now – well, except for my friend I had breakfast with today, that when individual 1’s mouth is moving he’s LYING) The TRUTH is that Mueller was INVITED to the “White House” to provide “advice” in regard to who and what they should be looking to find a new director. I might add, if Christopher Wray was chosen based on Mueller’s advice, he did a good job. The POINT, however, is that individual 1 has been LYING about this since the day Mueller got appointed as Special Counsel – in his normal way of attempting to intimidate – in this case – who knows who. Because, clearly, Mueller is immune to individual 1’s intimidation.

In fact, what’s clear in reading Mueller’s report is that he was “memorializing” virtually EVERY “tweet” which came from individual 1’s unprotected cell phone and, despite individual 1’s attorneys’ futile attempts to get him to stop “tweeting.” Over and over again as I was reading the report I noticed Mueller referring to “tweets” coming from our so-called president which “we the people” were shaking out heads at as they occurred in “real time.” It was as if individual 1 was focused on repeatedly “shooting himself in the foot.” Stupid!

By my calculation there were at least 4 or 5 examples of individual 1’s behavior which CLEARLY falls into the parameters of the LAWS which were designed to prevent OBSTRUCTION of justice – clearly an offense Congress was concerned with stopping. Each violation is subject to a consequence of 20 YEARS in prison. Some people are claiming there are at least 10 examples. For me, the OBVIOUS ones numbered at around, as I said, 4 or 5. Mueller went to great length to lay out the actual laws, he pointed out the arguments made by individual 1’s counsel, and he explained why or why not those arguments made any sense. To me, there’s NO QUESTION our so-called president committed even MORE crimes than those he committed before taking the oath of office. (And, I’m not talking about the Russian “collusion”)

Mueller doesn’t want to testify before Congress, but he’s suggesting people read the report. Well, as I said above, MOST people, and certainly those who’ve been BRAINWASHED by Fox “news” WON’T read it and the ONLY way they’re going to get an idea of what is in the report is if Mueller testifies before Congress and democrats draw it out from him. I’ve said this before: “While most people have described Mueller as an American “hero” because he was a Marine during the Viet Nam era and he’s served for most of his adult life in the Justice Department (and, clearly, as I read the report I felt he’s brilliant in the detail in which he’s laid all this out), in this instance he’s no hero to me unless he decides to willingly testify and make his conclusions clear to “we the people.” There’s just too much riding on this – “we the people” PAID him to do this investigation and we deserve to find out EVERYTHING he found – one way or the other!

While my friend I refer to above denies this, I believe the ONLY logical reason for him (a Christian) to be supporting someone like individual 1 is because he’s been opposing abortion since the day Roe v Wade was decided at the Supreme Court. I’ve said at some point I’m going to write a post about abortion (that day is getting closer) but, today, there’s a court hearing in Missouri which could lead to the closing of the ONLY clinic in Missouri where a woman can access abortion care. I would say I’m conflicted (actually, I am) but I will – would – NEVER have to deal with this issue – except when my first wife had a miscarriage and, essentially had the same procedure which brings up an entire different set of “what ifs” – but my friend is FOCUSED on this issue and I believe all the different moves aimed at overturning ABORTION across the nation, in his mind, are because of individual 1’s election. And, I don’t think he’s wrong.

This is largely why I believe democrats are hemming and hawing about whether or not to go forward with an impeachment inquiry. They understand there’s a set group of voters who are going to support our so-called president come hell or high water. But here’s the reality. There WAS both “COLLUSION” and “OBSTRUCTION” and the obstruction is ongoing. it’s time for democrats to “grow a pair” and start the IMPEACHMENT inquiry – educate the American public.

I started this post a while back. I’m going to publish it, mainly because I write to vent my own frustration and somehow it makes me feel better when I publish it. If you’re one of the 200 – 400 who show up every day and you’ve read this far, Thanks! More to come!

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