America’s two political parties are progressively looking more PATHETIC! Democrats have a small window to change this and failing to act (Impeachment hearings) could lead to four more years of individual 1! Yikes!

It seems as if EVERY time I listen to one of the republicans in Congress speak about what has transpired with the RUSSIAN attack on our nation – well beyond anything “everyone does” (Although, it’s true the CIA has had its “fingers” in several OBSCENE overthrows of elected officials our “leaders” didn’t like over the years – most of these egregious actions supported by the very republicans – or their predecessors – who have lived in fear of “communism.” In the case of Iran in the 50’s, it was all about the OIL) I feel a sense of HORROR at their LYING and rationalizing. In this instance I’m talking about remarks I heard today coming from the mouths of Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham in regard to individual 1’s most recent gaffe.

Of course, this is about individual 1 “doubling down” on his belief that taking “information on your opponent” from a foreign source (which, clearly, is ILLEGAL) would be OK. In reference to Chris Wray’s confirmation this would be ILLEGAL individual 1 said, “The FBI director is wrong.” In essence, individual 1 is giving more reason for “we the people” to actually read the Mueller report. (I’ve read it – I’ve actually started reading it a second time – it’s very dense and full of information) Mueller clearly laid out in his “Volume 1,” which was aimed at investigating the “Russian interference in the 2016 election and any coordination with the individual 1 campaign” – that no conspiracy was able to be proved beyond a reasonable doubt – meaning believing the evidence would LIKELY lead to a conviction in a court trial. What Mueller said, essentially, was they weren’t looking for “collusion” but, that there was “collusion” and proving a conspiracy lacked evidence – largely due to destruction or hiding (using electronics that was encrypted) of evidence (along with LYING).

So, getting back to Meadows and Graham, they made it clear the republicans have gathered and come up with another scheme to rationalize their lack of concern with individual 1’s comments that simply put an exclamation point on the “COLLUSION” which took place in 2016 and very well could be ongoing as I’m typing this. Of course, both Meadows and Graham had their DEFLECTION strategy planned prior to facing the microphones. And, as usual, it was “Hillary, Hillary” – or words aimed at “Hillary.”

Here’s their rationale: “The real problem was with the democrats and their $6 MILLION spent by hiring a foreigner to gather information on individual 1.” (Or words to that affect) Of course, they were referring to the so-called “dossier” that was submitted to the FBI by Christopher Steele back in 2016 and referenced what Steele found as alarming evidence individual 1’s campaign WAS COLLUDING with the Russians. Republicans continue to (falsely) claim the “dossier” was the “trigger” of the FBI counterintelligence investigation into individual 1 and his campaign. (Apparently, the republicans have no interest in actually reading Mueller’s report)

Apparently, republicans believe the existence of this dossier makes individual 1’s COLLUSION with the Russians – and, after yesterday’s remarks who knows who else individual 1 would be willing to align himself in an election – as if they are the same. (Of course, even if they were telling the truth and CORRECT – which, as usual, they’re NOT – they are suggesting “two wrongs make a right.” But, let’s look at this from the lens of FACTS.

First, what ultimately became the “Steele dossier” was initiated as “oppo research” by a conservative group, I believe called “The Free Beacon,” and, once individual 1 had secured the nomination they backed out. The Clinton campaign then took over the funding (I believe they may have become involved with “Fusian GPS” (which is the company which hired Christopher Steele) sooner, but the bottom line in all of this was that it was Fusion who hired Steele and somehow people (like Steele) were aware there was some kind of “collusion” going on with the Russians and the campaign of individual 1. Steele, a former member of the British intelligence agency counter to the CIA and an expert on Russia, according to the American journalists who interviewed him led by David Corn (of “Mother Jones”) was SHOCKED by what he was finding.

Set aside the “salacious” part of the “dossier,” which may remain a ???? for ever (unless a video actually appears at some point in time – some people question whether the existence of the video is the reason individual 1 is so FRIENDLY to the Russians and, in particular, Vladimir Putin), Steele himself said his report was based on secondary information he received from former informants (at least one who “prematurely” has died) that SHOCKED him to the point where he decided he needed to give his information to the FBI. (If you missed it yesterday, that’s exactly what individual 1 said you don’t need to do – if you find foreigners intruding on an election)

Of course, CONTRARY to what virtually EVERY republican says when they’re talking in public, the “dossier” is NOT what initiated the so-called “Russia investigation.” The reality is (if you don’t want to believe me, read Mueller’s report) an Australian diplomat who met George Papadopoulos in a British Pub while, over beers, Papadopoulos was sharing that the Russians had stolen DCCC and DNC emails which they offered to help individual 1’s campaign. This “But what about” strategy of deflecting attention off of what is clearly the MOST corrupt group of people ever to occupy the highest offices in this land – by the republicans who would have been going apoplectic had President Obama done anything close to individual 1 – is going to, eventually, be the MOST egregious part in all of this.

Think about this. It’s the Congress which is the “check” against the other parts of our government – just as the Justice Department is a CHECK AND the “fourth estate” (the media individual 1 calls the “enemy of the people”) is a CHECK. People like Meadows, Graham, along with Devin Nunez, Jim Jordan, and a few other bloviators willing to defend the indefensible continue to SOIL themselves and their ultimate reputations. In fact, they’ve gone “full throat” in their attacks on Justin Amash, designed to keep the rest of republicans “in line” with the we’ll “primary” you response if you don’t follow the herd, Amash being a republican who actually read Mueller’s report and has come out calling for our so-called president’s IMPEACHMENT. Amash, no matter whether the republicans succeed in defeating him in 2020 will end up being one of, if not the most, significant HERO’s in all of this. Republicans have “abandoned ship.”

Well, here we go again, I’ve got to point out once again for those of us who aren’t willing to accept this type of corruption all “we the people” have to stop this in its tracks are the democrats. I’ve pointed out numerous times here Nancy Pelosi showed in 2007 – 2008 that she’s unwilling to initiate IMPEACHMENT proceedings unless there’s a sure outcome in the Senate – which really grates on me (despite the reality I like Ms. Pelosi and respect her political acumen). In 2008 her inaction said TORTURE was not something we should consider a “high crime or misdemeanor.” So, now we’ve evolved to the point where people like me are shaking our heads as to would there EVER be a situation where democrats would follow their OBLIGATION to defend the constitution as a solemn oath. Our present so-called president has so brazenly shown a disregard for our LAWS and our CONSTITUTION that we have to wonder, when it comes to IMPEACHMENT, “if not now, when?”

It’s true MOST of the American people will NOT read Mueller’s report and they have become numb to all the scandalous behavior which is becoming beyond “normal” because the democrats are unwilling to put a stop to it. It appears Ms. Pelosi fears that doing the “right thing” could cause a political backlash from individual 1’s supporters while she’s apparently feeling no FEAR from a backlash from “we the people” should she fail to act. I believe this entire episode is creating an atmosphere where we could end up with more than two parties. If neither of them are willing to honor their OATH then we MUST find an alternative solution. My personal hope is that, in this instance, the democrats come together in an act of courage and commitment to the CONSTITUTION.

However, the sad reality we’re presently facing is that if democrats fail to act the DAMAGE – which I’ve been talking about for over two years, much of which “we the people” have no idea what DAMAGE is being done to our fundamental institutions while we’re focused on the “scandal of the day” – this DAMAGE could become exponentially worse. While republicans are acting like sycophants who fear causing dear leader to write a nasty tweet aimed in their direction and democrats keep hoping these cowering republicans will somehow read Mueller’s report individual 1 is threatening WAR in the Middle East by seemingly trying to push Iran into a situation where they lash out at the American ships and troops individual 1 (and his WAR monger national security adviser John Bolton) has sent into the region. Republicans believe the one certain way to get re-elected is to start a WAR.

This increased DAMAGE I’m talking about could happen in the next year and a half and, from my vantage point, if the democrats are still “sitting on their hands” they will share the BLAME with the republican sycophants. It’s as if the leaders of our nation in Congress are driven by FEAR – just a different FEAR – on “both sides of the isle. In the meantime, “we the people” are sitting here bracing for what could be a MAJOR disaster.

The ultimate CHECK for an out of control executive in the “White House” is “we the people” – but, I’m even getting impatient with a significant segment of our population – including many of the people who will reliably vote against individual 1. The Mueller report is readily available and I still don’t know one person who has taken the time to read it. Add to that, there’s a bunch of other stuff the people I know are not paying attention to – like, the polar ice caps are melting at an increasing amount, the republicans are in court attempting to eviscerate what’s left of the Affordable Care Act – with NO replacement (and, trust me, any replacement republicans would offer would be unacceptable), Wall Street continues to make money using money (and risking other people’s money), our so-called president is incredibly CORRUPT, and, one thing which republicans are no longer complaining about, individual 1 has pushed the deficit above $1 TRILLION per year and climbing. Yet, there’s still 40% of Americans who support this thug of a so-called president, and a significant number of those who don’t (thankfully) support individual 1 but, don’t know why (well, other than he’s “deplorable”).

My point is every day the democrats continue to say “we’re investigating” I’m getting more angry. They are the main hope for those of us who want the DAMAGE mitigated. IMPEACHMENT hearings are the ONLY way to educate this nation on what is in Mueller’s report – which, from my vantage-point is impeachable in either volume. I clearly remember Watergate (which, to me, was far less egregious) and it was the hearings which “educated” the public on the gravity of the “high crimes and misdemeanors” (which, by the way, are eerily similar to individual 1’s foopahs) of Nixon, leading to his resignation. (I don’t believe individual 1 will EVER resign – unless he gets a promise of a PARDON from Pense)

It’s through IMPEACHMENT hearings where those who watch propaganda outlets like Fox will be “educated” about their so-called president and all his LYING! (The latest LIE which really got my attention was him telling the interviewer in his latest STUPID interview – George Stephanopoulos – that he had read the Mueller report, which he claimed said “no collusion.” Sadly, the Fox audience likely believes him) Even Fox will be unable to “filter” the IMPEACHMENT hearings in a way to continue their strategy of dumbing down America. (There are studies which show those who watch Fox are less informed than those who watch – or read – NOTHING! Just think about that!) America’s two political parties are progressively looking more PATHETIC! Democrats have a small window to change this and failing to act could lead to four more years of individual 1! Yikes!

Final Thought: People need to be watching the Iran situation carefully. If you don’t think individual 1 would instigate a WAR with Iran in order to save his situation, well, I’ve got a bridge……….. Individual 1 is looking at his “day in court” once he’s out of office – Mueller made it clear in Volume II the evidence he laid out will be relevant once he leads office – not to mention the issue in the Southern District of New York where he gained the moniker “individual 1” based on his involvement in TWO felonies. Add to that a plethora of other investigations which will progressively be coming to a “head” as we approach 2020. There are a LOT of people who recognize the DANGER he poses to America and they will be intervening as they are able. To me, this leads me to believe the Iran issue is more significant than our “liberal media” is giving it. They will fail to properly discuss the Iran issue until it’s at the disastrous stage. I hope I’m wrong, but I would NOT put it past individual 1 to instigate a WAR thinking it would keep him out of jail.

Once again, my apologies for publishing this without re-reading and editing!

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