Monthly Archives: September 2010

Until we stop cowering to the Wall Street bankers, America will continue to slip toward being a second rate nation!

I’ve just finished reading Joseph Stiglitz’ “FreeFall” which is an excellent read about the “bursting” of the mortgage “bubble,” the response by both the Bush and Obama administrations, and America’s economy in general.  Let me preface anything I might say in this post with the disclaimer that I’m no economist and much of what I’ve been reading simply goes over my head.  I never finished “Bad Money” by Kevin Phillips – it was just too “heavy” for me – although what I remember about it is how inciteful Phillips was in his writing (actually, I’ve started re-reading it).  Essentially, pointing out how America’s reckless economic policies were headed for a fall – what Stiglitz refers to as the bursting of the bubble.  I did manage to get through Michael Lewis’ “The Big Short” which gave a great “snapshot” of the subprime abuses, the securitization of bad mortgages that were sold by the “too big to fail banks” by the TRILLIONS, the rating agencies who were virtually incompetent, the bankers motivated by GREED, and the small number of investors who got rich off of the backs of all the unsuspecting retirement accounts because they were smart enough to load up on “credit default swaps” – which I still don’t understand.

In my mind, economics should be simple.  It’s about the money supply in the nation.  The flow of money from one person’s hand to another’s in a manner which contributes to the well being of all.  The American economy is NOT healthy at this point in time.  I don’t care which president is trying to convince me otherwise, the evidence is overwhelmingly suggesting we have BIG – no HUGE – problems in America.  The “crash” which hit high gear in about September of 2008 – shortly after John McCain had proclaimed “the fundamentals of our economy remain strong” – OK, is anyone surprised at ANOTHER example of McCain being almost a comparable baffon to GW Bush? (God help him for unleashing Sarah Palin on the rest of us)is far from over.  The response of, first, the Bush administration and, then, the Obama administration suggest that we still have not elected leaders who truly believe in “the change we can believe in.”  Essentially, George W Bush abandoned EVERY economic principle his administration “touted” (we all know; not much of what they said meant what they said) by instituting the “TROUBLED ASSET RELIEF PROGRAM.”  This was an unimagineable “boon” to the banks who created the mess in the first place.  Essentially, telling these banks they were more important than EVERYONE else in America.  It still bothers me just to write this.  Then, along came President Obama and we got more of the same – debt relief for the Wall Street banks that not only got them off the hook for their cavalier behavior – but, allowed them to basically go right back to the same behavior – we taxpayers GAVE THEM BONUSES in the Billions for ruining our retirement accounts!  Unbelievable.

Compare this to Obama’s treatment of General Motors.  Not only was General Motors forced into a controlled bankruptcy where the stockholders lost EVERYTHING, but the CEO was CANNED!  The government essentially took over the largest car manufacturer in the WORLD!  Have you ever asked yourself why they didn’t take the same approach with Wall Street?  Have you wondered why all the shareholders of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and Citigroup came out with value in their shares?  These companies were BANKRUPT!  Traditionally, when banks become insolvent, the common  shareholders are wiped out (as in General Motors) and the preferred shareholders and bondholders fight over what’s left.  Why didn’t this happen with the Wall Street banks?  And, why were these executives who allowed this to happen not only still working but receiving bonuses in the MILLIONS?  Think about this – what kind of message did “we the people” through our gutless (or maybe shareholder?) leaders send to Wall Street.  I’m sure as I’m writing this they think they’re more important now than ever.  And, they may be right – because I believe the amount of America’s economy they control has increased significantly since this fiasco.

I’m going to attempt to process some of my many thoughts after finishing Stiglitz’ book – it is very intellectually stimulating – even for a non economics person as myself.   And, I’m going to try to focus on what was done after the “meltdown” because, for all intents and purposes, it no longer matters what happened prior to that.  Bush/Cheney are gone (certainly not forgotten, at least by me) and now President Obama and his “team” are “steering the ship.”  And, I “get” that you have to “steer the ship” gradually – you can’t “turn on a dime” – but, as I’ve been pointing out since prior to Obama’s inauguration (there I go, patting myself on the back again), his economic team left a lot to be desired.  In fact, you could make a significant argument that most of his economic advisors were “right in the middle” of the mess I would just love to leave at the feet of George W Bush.

Make no mistake, George W Bush and Dick Cheney were INSTRUMENTAL in creating the climate which led to the meltdown.  And, the TARP program conceived by Hank Paulsen was unforgivable in my mind.  That being said, when President Obama and his “team” entered the scene they pretty much took the same approach they took with Iraq – essentially a “Bush-lite” approach – that is, a continuance of the Bush policies with no noticeable changes.  The banks continued to receive government support – most people have no idea how much support they’ve been promised.  The Stiglitz book confirms what I had heard – and claimed on this site – that America’s taxpayers are potentially on the “hook” for TENS OF TRILLIONS in bad investments by these Wall Street behemoths.  Siglitz called the response to the crisis by both the Bush and Obama administrations as “muddling.”  Meaning, neither were willing to take dramatic steps to address a HUGE problem and then instituting policies which were INTENDED to return things to “the way the were” before the crash. (the sad truth: we’ve returned to the way we were before the crash)

Here’s the main problem with that approach.  Things were REALLY BAD prior to the “crash.”  When you look closer at the economic statistics for the previous 30 years the results are sobering.  When you combine that with the realities facing America’s society today, taking a “business as usual” approach to a problem like this is unacceptable.  (I want to say COWARDLY because so many of our politicians have been bought and sold by the large corporations who are attempting to hijack this nation – but, I’ll save that argument for another day)  Not only were the shareholders of many of America’s largest banks “bailed out” but there wasn’t ONE investigation of the whole mess that I’ve heard of – save for the one lawsuit brought against Goldman Sachs for essentially selling bundled securities with one hand while “betting” on their failure with the other!  I find that incredible in itself – and worthy of more than a casual investigation by the SEC – SOMEONE SHOULD BE IN JAIL for that one!

We’re listening to the Obama administration (with support from people like Paulsen, and Bernanke) claim that their actions in continuing the bank bailouts and the so-called stimulus package saved us from going into a “GREAT DEPRESSION.”  That may well be true, but for how long?  After reading “FreeFall” I can see a clear argument that we’re just putting off the inevitable.  (In fact, I’ve even heard people claim that we’re NOW in a depression) Yes, the banks are (and have been since early in Obama’s Presidency) back to their misbehavior – gambling with cheap money provided by “we the people.”  They have developed some VERY BAD habits – and it’s going to be HARD to get them to change without getting rid of many of the people controlling the institutions (they have millions to spend on politicians so they might remain secure in their jobs).  The time to do that (getting rid of the execs) was when the banks were insolvent!  These people are now working behind the scenes to bring republicans back to power so they can have further free reign on this economy.  They are skimming profits in the TRILLIONS and many Americans – including the tea partiers – are blindly getting ready to open the floodgates to the treasury AGAIN by voting republicans back into control of Congress!  What’s that saying about the meaning of the word INSANITY?

According to Stiglitz (and this is just a small “snapshot” of his book) the shareholders of Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns, etc. – the banks that were insolvent – should have been eliminated through an organized bankruptcy and the executives should have been fired.  Stiglitz also agreed with me (and many others) that the Obama “stimulus” package was too small, included tax cuts that were not “stimulative” enough, and – in effect – targeted too much money in the wrong direction.  This was an opportunity for America to address some of the glaring challenges that MUST be dealt with in the next few years.  For some reason, we Americans keep wanting to increase our already overblown living standards when we’re CLEARLY creating a NON-SUSTAINABLE economy and society.  How desperate are we going to have to get before the majority of Americans are going to be willing to face our REAL problems in a REAL way?

What I hadn’t thought about as I was clammoring for more money for infrastructure in Obama’s stimulus package was that if we simply rebuild what we have we are in essence planning to continue doing things the same way for the foreseable future.  For example, should we be funneling stimulus funds into rebuilding existing roads or into creating more MASS TRANSIT in our cities?  Rebuilding our existing roads simply encourages us to continue using fossil fuels at a rate that is unsustainable.  Maybe, after the “meltdown” that should have been a time for change.  Since the meltdown (this might be my inference and not part of the book) President Obama has opened up more “offshore drilling” leases when an emphasis on more wind power, solar power, and other forms of renewable energy would be money better spent with our children and grandchildren in mind.  Are we simply going to pass these problems on to them?

Stiglitz book was way to “much” for me to discuss in one post, but another point it clearly made was the contrast between the “market” economists and the Keynesian economists.  Essentially – no-regulation vs regulation.  He makes a compelling argument about the absurdity of the devotees of Milton Friedman – called the Chicago economists – their philosophy referred to by Natalie Klein as the “shock doctrine” – where they look for these catastrophic situations to cramm their greedy, self centered ideas on the “masses” with the resulting rush of money to the people at the “top.”  History and statistics both do not support what the “right wing” continue to claim is the answer to our “woes” – a “market” economy.  Since the days of Reagan – real wages in America for the middle class has gone DOWN!  We have experienced one bubble bursting after another in the past 30+ years and everytime this happens the “rich get richer” and the “poor get poorer.”  I’m just wondering when America is going to wake up to all this?

Republicans (with the help of some democrats) have been chipping away at the New Deal regulations which – while being enforced created a stable American economy – since Reagan moved into the White House.  Until the mid nineties these “too big to fail” banks like Goldman and Citigroup would have been impossible.  Robert Rubin (Clinton’s Treasury Secretary) and Larry Summers (Obama’s economic advisor) were instrumental, along with republicans like Phil Gramm, in repealing regulations such as Glass Seagull from the books allowing companies like Citibank to acquire insurance companies, securities firms and investment firms.  Rubin left Clinton’s administration to become CEO of Citigroup (the conglomerate he helped make possible), Hank Paulsen was the CEO of Goldman Sachs prior to creating the TARP bailout program, and Summers was a true Wall Street – Goldman type insider as well.  This has been an assault on the American taxpayers by people who believe they are more valuable and brighter than anyone else in the country – as Stiglitz calls them, “risk managers who are unable to manage risk.”  The people who support this type of policy (mainly republicans) are proposing more of the same.  And yet, we’re hearing in the news that America’s voters are going to put them back into office.

These people complain about the deficit (well, actually they weren’t complaining when Bush was in office) and then push for a continuance of Bush’s “tax cuts for the wealthy” – which is tax cuts for the top 1 – 2 percent – suddenly and apparently no longer worried about the deficit.  Personally, I hope the democrats allow all the tax cuts to expire – including the ones aimed at me – which would cut about 3.7 TRILLION from the projected deficit in the next 10 years.  At some point the American public is going to have to come to grips with the FACT that if you want something you should pay for it.  Arguing about what is wanted – that is, what republicans would want vs what I would want – if that was the choice – will be left for another day.  The point I’ve tried to make this evening is that of late – whoever’s steering the ship of America’s economy isn’t turning the rudder very far democrat or republican.  Until we stop cowering to the Wall Street bankers, America will continue to slip toward being a second rate nation!  While we’re all busy telling ourselves that “we’re the best” at everything – the rest of the world is passing us by – and wondering what’s gone wrong with the American people?  If we allow the “tea party” to influence our political process we could very well be headed toward isolationism – involuntarily!

I have to add at this point – the democrats in the senate are not even willing to have a “fight” with republicans over “tax cuts for the rich” – so the chances of “the change we can believe in” actually happening grow dimmer with each passing day.  This when their argument could simply be that during the Clinton years – before the taxcuts – the economy produced over 20 MILLION jobs while after the tax cuts it produced about 3 million – what the hell are the democrats afraid of???  If you haven’t read any of my previous posts, check the archive for what I’ve written about the failure of President Obama to allow investigations of the Bush/Cheney administration.  In my mind – one of the GREAT blunders of any American president.  Ultimately, if Obama’s term as president ends with failure, that will be the decision which paved the way for all the other shortcomings.  Feeling a need to depend on democrats to overcome this republican assault on America is DEPRESSING!

The fundamental values that made this nation great are the very ones that Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Fox “news,” and the other right wing whackos want to destroy!

I believe John McCain managed, in 2008, to reduce his legacy to two words, “Sarah Palin.”  He unleashed this woman on America, a small percentage of Americans are “on board,” the democrats are almost acting as if they wish she would run for president, and my feelings are that as much as the woman turns me off – be careful of what you wish for.  While I do think her candidacy, if it managed to evolve into the republican nomination, would “wake up” the left – I’ve seen so many “dirty tricks” over the years by republicans that I think the democrats laugh off her prospects at their peril.  Remember Ronald Reagan – he was a fringe candidate until someone in the background figured out how to get him elected.  George W Bush – just Google some of his misstatements if you haven’t figured out what a bafoon he was – the republicans figured out how to get him into the White House despite the fact he LOST the election of 2000 and arguably the election of 2004 as well.  So, the more I hear democratic “pundits” scoffing at Palin and some of the outrageous things she’s doing and saying the more it makes me nervous that she could have a material effect on the upcoming elections.  (and, keep in mind – as stated here many times – the effects of “Citizens United” are still undetermined, but in my mind I feel confident in guaranteeing you the people who are in favor of that decision will also be in favor of Palin, SCARRY!)

I was reading the Washington Post today and there was an article about a Palin speech in IOWA (hint, hint – do you think she’s got her eye on 2012?) where she “hits Obama and GOP establishment.”  Regarding the “GOP establishment” she’s pushing for the republican “leaders” to get behind all these right wing “tea party” candidates, such as Sharron Angle in Nevada, Rand Paul in Kentucky, Christine O’Donnell in Delaware, Joe Miller in Alaska – who wants to end social security, medicare, and unemployment insurance, and others who HATE government.  They HATE government so much that they want to run it – presumably so they can eliminate as much of it as they can.  Of course, that’s what George W Bush and Dick Cheney were doing – or at least attempting to do.  They were eliminating regulations, but they couldn’t manage to avoid the temptation of using government to funnel as much of America’s tax dollars as possible to their “friends” – like Halliburton, Blackwater, KBR, Wall Street (Goldman Sachs, AIG, Morgan Stantley, et al), BP, and I could go on and on.  In fact, Alaska got a heaping share of America’s tax dollars while Palin was governor – remember the “bridge to nowhere” that she supported until it was necessary to come out against “earmarks” as the republican candidate for VP (as if republicans didn’t do earmarks)?  The regulations they eliminated are the ones put in place during the “New Deal” designed to protect “we the people” from things like the “Great Recession” which is happening as I write this.

Just as these right wing candidates should be easy targets in the upcoming election, Palin should be a “sitting duck” of a candidate should she choose to run.  Maybe she’s just cashing in on her “fame” and raking in as much money as she can – that is the republican way – if there’s money out there to grab – GRAB IT!  To hell with the FACT that ONE IN SEVEN Americans are stuck in poverty, we’ve lost ELEVEN MILLION jobs since the day George W Bush took office, and over 50 MILLION Americans (and counting) are without health insurance.  Government is not for them, it’s for the rich who will someday decide to trickle some of their cash down to the needy.  That’s what Palin calls government from the bottom up – as with most republicans, if they (republicans) say something, look in the opposite direction for the truth.

However, some of what she says should be looked at closely and someone, somewhere, should cause her to give a thorough explanation of her remarks.  For example, in her speech in Iowa Palin said, “It’s the voters who will stop these leftist policies, the voters will stop this fundamental transformation of America that’s not good for America. It’s the patriots who will restore America.”  Of course, she’s referring to the policies President Obama has been attempting to initiate – but, more often than not – prevented from doing so by a minority of 41 Senators and a spineless democratic group of senators.  (and, by the way, wasn’t it these same voters who put President Obama in office in the first place?  Or, do the people who voted for him not count as “patriots?”)  She goes on to say, “It is time for renewal and a restoration of constitutional principles, and it may take some renegades going rogue to get us there.”  What the hell does she mean by that?  When is someone going to call this woman on this inciteful rhetoric?  In the 2008 election she was inciting her crowds to the point where they were shouting “kill him” referring to then Senator Barack Obama.  Someone needs to get this woman under control!

Keep in mind that Chuck Norris – of “Walker Texas Ranger” fame – another of the whacko right wingers in this country, was quoted as saying there are thousands of “cells” of people ready to “act” when the time is right (again, presumably against Obama’s administration – what this “act” would be Norris left to our imagination).  Sharron Angle, the whacko candidate for the Senate in Nevada made referrence to “2nd amendment remedies” when talking about “progressive” policies of the democrats and Obama should people like her not be elected.  I’ll let you make the connection between what all these nut jobs are saying. 

Personally, I don’t think President Obama has gone nearly far enough to the “left.”  For me, and I believe many other people who would be considered his “base,” he’s way to moderate.  I don’t see any reason to even talk to these people on the “right” fringes – they are NUTS!  But, they’ve got a LOT OF MONEY, they’ve got their own private army (Blackwater – now called Xe services to minimize publicity from their murderous activities in Iraq and Afganistan), and they’ve been ginning up people who think that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Fox “news” tell the truth.  Plus, Fox “news” and Rupert Murdoch are part of their “team.”  I’m honestly starting to look at these people as the “enemy” instead of people I disagree with.  Unfortunately, the democrats don’t appear to have much of a mechanism (besides “we the people”) to counter this right wing onslaught.

Remember also, both the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections were arguably won with the use of HACKED, or rigged, voting machines.  How far have we come since then.  Well, I can’t answer that any more than to say that the issue of rigged voting machines has certainly made its way to the back pages of the country’s dialogue.  Does that mean the problem’s been solved? Or, does that mean that we’re just going to get “hammered” again when we’re not looking and end up with another illegitimate president?  (re: George W Bush)  This is a WAR for America’s heart and soul – I know, if you’ve been reading many of my posts, I keep pointing this out – but, it’s the progressive leaders of our country who have to realize this.  Lately, I’ve been a bit encouraged by some of the “progressive” talkers on the radio who are framing the issue more along these lines.  Ed Schultz (and others) has a “march on Wahsington” scheduled for October 2nd and I’m hoping this type of rhetoric is used at that rally.  Somehow, despite the disappointment with some of President Obama’s decisions, the progressives (OK, I’m going to say it – LIBERALS!) in this nation need to wake up.  The way to get Obama’s attention isn’t to allow people like Angle, Paul, O’Donnell, Miller, and the others to invade our Senate for the next – what could conceivably be a miserable – 6 years.  Remember how bad it was enduring GW Bush and Dick Cheney?  Well, this could rival that.  We would then have a democratic president negotiating with these fanatical people with the hope of getting something done.  What’s the saying? “Don’t hold your breath.”

Do you find it interesting that many on the “left” are saying virtually the same thing as Palin in regards to her activities and the “religious right’s” attempt to take over our government?  For example, couldn’t “the voters will stop this fundamental transformation of America that’s not good for America. It’s the patriots who will restore America.” be coming from a liberal who wants to stop people like Palin?  Doesn’t their assault on the 1st, 4th, and 14th amendments of our constitution make you want to say “It is time for renewal and a restoration of constitutional principles?”  And, when she talks about the “will of the voters” is she forgetting that 70 MILLION voters voted President Obama into office instead of her and the shamed McCain?  When are the American people going to wake up to the fact that people like Sarah Palin and her ilk can’t stand having a person of color in the “White” house ?  None of her arguments make any sense, yet she continues to rake in the millions and is given credibility on the Aussie and Saudi run Fox “news” channel.  Give the woman credit for doing a great job of being greedy, but – as a leader – let’s hope not.  The fundamental values that made this nation great are the very ones that Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Fox “news,” and the other right wing whackos want to destroy!  Again, this is a WAR!

Is our government going to be focused on “the least of these” in Jesus’ words, or are we going to continue to provide WELFARE for the corporate elite?

As I stated previously, there seems no end in sight to things to write about – especially considering that what motivated all this in the first place was my frustration with the direction of this nation during the Bush/Cheney administration.  I was clear at the inception of President Obama’s administration that I was not going to be a “rubber stamp” for his policies, a claim that I believe I’ve clearly lived up to.  I started pointing out the “deficiencies” as I saw them from day one of his first term in office.  Now, we’re approaching the dreaded midterms of any president’s first term and the republicans are beating the drums as if they will retake control of congress.  I have to say that I still have enough confidence in America’s voters to believe that is mostly “Fox” hype – but, just in case, I feel compelled to express myself about that possibility AGAIN!  That is, I’ve repeatedly pointed out how degenerate the republicans are – and the “tea partiers” are worse – and that we are in a battle for the soul of this nation.  This battle is the WAR of significance that America is engaged in and, unfortunately, I’m worried that the republicans have succeeded in getting the democrats to focus their attention toward the “wars” in Iraq and Afganistan.  Seriously, candidates such as Sharon Angle and Rand Paul shouldn’t be that difficult to defeat – unless you are the present day SPINELESS democratic party which doesn’t seem to understand the fight they’re engaged in.

Do you remember how Scott Brown “snuck up” on the democrats and took Ted Kennedy’s seat in Massachusetts which had been in democratic “hands” for over half a century?  In essence, the democrats took the voters in Massachusetts “for granted.”  They simply assumed they would win and they basically defeated themselves – doing untold damage to their party in the process.  Well, I’ve been pointing out the problems with the Obama administration and the democratic caucus in the senate taking the “progressives” for granted since before President Obama took his oath.  They have been turning good people off to the entire process.  If the democrats lose, it will be almost by default.  There is no way that people like Angle and Paul will garner majorities of the voters in their states – even Paul being in such a “red” state as Kentucky – if the democrats had not been so SPINELESS over the past two years there would be no way for these “whack jobs” as they are being called (sometimes even by republicans) to win public office.  If you’ve ever listened to this Angle lady she is the Nevada version of Sarah Palin.  Don’t get her anywhere near a live microphone because she’ll say something REALLY stupid!  It will be like having a neighborhood “soccer mom” who knows NOTHING about the real workings of our government – helping to run our government.

Many of the “tea partiers” are preaching for an end to social security, medicare, and other government programs which serve as “insurance” for MILLIONS of Americans who have been paying into the programs for years.  Angle was quoted (I actually heard her say this) as saying there should be no unemployment benefits for people out of work because it causes them to not look for work.  Obviously, she’s never been in that situation – I actually know nothing of her own circumstances – but, I’m guessing she’s in a pretty stable family situation financially.  Based on what I heard her say, she has no idea that unemployment benefits are INSURANCE benefits which are part of what the employers pay for their employees.  Is this woman advocating that employers shouldn’t have to pay any benefits for their employees?  That’s what it sounds like to me.  Eliminate social security, medicare, and unemployment benefits.  I also believe she would be opposed to public education (one of the main drivers that has made this nation what it is – in fact, I’m guessing it’s even possible she has received some of these benefits herself), health reform, and the reform of Wall Street.  I believe she was one of the people who referred to the money that President Obama got BP to put up for the benefit of all the people adversely affected by the deepwater horizon oil spill as a shakedown.  Both her and Rand Paul agreed, in regards to BP’s destroying of much of the Gulf’s fisheries, etc., that “accidents happen” as if our president was exceeding his authority by expecting BP to pay for their reckless behavior.

What is frustrating to many “progressives” is the UGLY possibility that the very people who created the HORRIBLE mess we find ourselves in will actually get back in “power” by taking control of congress (I suppose we’d find out real soon whether President Obama had the courage to stand up to them in that instance).  Yet, they are having a hard time getting behind the democrats who seem to be too much like business as usual – with a democratic “twist.”  That is, still all the backroom deals, still all the influence of lobbyists, still all the stomach wrenching “cave-ins” to the money people,  and still the taking for granted of the base.  As with Scott Brown in Massachusetts, I’ve believed for some time that the “base” is not willing to be taken for granted.  They are expecting the democrats to roll up their sleeves and take up the battle.  Does anyone else besides me feel as if the democrats wouldn’t notice they were about to be run over by a truck until the truck was right on top of them?  Makes me crazy – going back and forth between my realization that the PROBLEM is definitely the mean spirited, greedy republicans to seeing the PROBLEM as the SPINELESS democrats who are simply willing to do anything to make it look as if they’re getting stuff done – but, NEVER really making a principled stand!

How could it be so difficult to defeat a party which created MASSIVE debt in this country over the previous 30+ years? – this is documentable! Why is it so hard to defeat a party which is STILL trying to provide tax cuts for the WEALTHY who don’t need them AND is willing to hold tax cuts for the other 98% of Americans as hostage to their wishes?  Why is it so hard to defeat a party which still believes that TORTURE is acceptable and provides “actionable intelligence” when ALL reputable FACTS point in the opposite direction?  Why is it so hard to defeat a party which claims to be “resting” on the constitution yet so willingly defies it (again, PROVABLE)?  Why can’t democrats make a focused argument against a party which undermined the very fabric that holds this nation together which is our justice department?  How can democrats not defeat a party which condoned a CIA agent being “outed” for political retribution or encouraged members to defy subpoenas from congress (without consequence, I might add – see, Karl Rove and Harriet Myers)?  I could go on – but, all of these issues are UN-AMERICAN and they’re being PUSHED by people who aren’t American – Rupert Murdoch (Australian right winger) and his Saudi Sheik who’s funneled $3 BILLION into Murdoch’s “News Corp” – the parent company of Fox “news?” (If you’ve been under a rock for the past 10 years it was Saudi’s who attacked us on 9/11 – you would never know it because we are so addicted to their oil)

President Obama and the democrats need to take stock of what they’re doing – AND FAST!  There should be no way these republicans could get anywhere near a majority in Congress.   If the democrats don’t start exhibiting the willingness to take on the fight – this country, as we’ve known it for the last 50 years, is “at risk.”  I have no idea how much “Citizens United” will impact us in future years, but the time to overcome it is NOW and democrats appear to be running scared from it from my vantage point.  I’ll give you a quick senopsis on how you’ll know if they’re up for the battle.  If the dems give in on the tax cuts and President Obama goes along – we can “throw in the towel” for at least the next few years.  I still don’t think many Americans realize how dangerous that decision is to our future and our country as we know it (I’m talking about the Citizens United Supreme Court decision).  Unfortunately, by the time they realize it, it could be too late.

On my way home from work tonight I listened to “progressive talker” Randi Rhodes extolling the virtues of what President Obama has done along with the democrats – and, it’s definitely a darned sight better than what any republican might “offer.”  Yet, the progressives – er liberals (why can’t we say that word?) are LONGING for the day when our government is run differently – benefitting the people at the bottom more than the people at the top.  We voted Obama into office along with ALMOST a filibuster proof majority in Congress to END “TRICKLE DOWN” economics FOR GOOD!   They are better, but we still have 50,000 troops in Iraq (which Rhodes tonight admitted are going to be there indefinitely – like Korea) – that isn’t progressive leadership, that’s caving into the military industrial complex.  Rhodes NEVER talks about how Obama BLOCKED all investigations of Bush/Cheney – including investigations of WAR CRIMES as if we’re supposed to just be happy that he’s better than republicans.  That decision alone could come back to haunt us all over and over again in the future – I mean, republicans are still arguing the virtues of Bush and how all the “complaints” against his policies were unfounded – President Obama made those claims credible to millions of Americans.  President Obama chose Tim Geithner and Larry Summers as his top economic advisors and, as Joseph Stiglitz put it (and me and many others), we’ve been “muddling” through this recession ever since.

President Obama’s first “cave-in” to republicans was on the original “stimulus” package which (I argued this on the site before it was passed) was WAY TOO SMALL and had too many “middle class” tax cuts that could have been spent more wisely.  It’s almost as if Obama wanted amunition to beat the republicans at their own game (still claiming he cut taxes for 95% of Americans – which is true) instead of taking them on and PROVING to the American public that we have turned the corner from their “voodoo economics” for good.  As was predicted by many at the time, the jobs part of the stimulus needed to be much greater and we’re paying the price for that mistake today.  Rhodes (and Obama) point out (accurately) all the jobs which were saved – but, they don’t readily talk about how even Geithner predicted that this was going to be a “jobless” recovery in its first stages – which, to me, is an unacceptable approach to spurring our economy back to health.  As Stiglitz points out in his book “FreeFall” the Obama administration is attempting to restore us to the economy we had before the crash instead of making the changes necessary to move us forward in the future.  And, it does appear to me that the large Wall Street banks such as Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are back to similar behavior as before the meltdown – only, now they’re working with virtually “free money” from the Fed – getting money @ 0% interest from taxpayers and then GAMBLING it in the different markets.  Chances are good, in my view, that they’re simply creating the next “bubble.”  Everyone should know by now that these “bubbles” eventually burst, and the result is devastating to many unsuspecting members of the middle class.  Wall Street walked away from the last disaster with BILLIONS in undeserved bonuses while MILLIONS of Americans saw their retirement accounts demolished – and, yet we’re back to business as usual.

My message to the president and to people like Rhodes who seem to be cheerleaders for anything he does is that “we the people” – at least the base that helped Obama win his present job – are not so stupid.  We’re not “f___ing retards” as we were so aptly annointed by none other than Rahm Emanuel – another of the problems dragging down President Obama – we had high expectations and being different than republicans really wasn’t it.  Rhodes tonight was again talking down to “progressives” who were trying to express their frustration with democrats – I think she feels that any negative talk simply helps the “right wing” in their attempt to regain control – but, she and the president need to understand that there are many more besides myself who are up for this fight – that is the fight to stop these republicans for good – but, we aren’t looking for republican-lite.  It was the New Deal which catapulted America to its position as leader of the free world and this 30 year republican assault on all that was good about it MUST BE reversed.  I still remember the audio of Franklin Roosevelt claiming that he “welcomed the hatred” of the right wing who were attacking him – I would love to hear something similar coming from Obama’s lips.

Of course, the solution to all these problems I have with our president and the democratic congress IS NOT to elect republicans – especially “tea partiers.”  I’m encouraging everyone I know to vote and vote against republicans.  The ideal solution would be to give the democrats a filibuster proof majority in the Senate and then there would be no more excuses.  But, since that is unlikely to happen, somehow we have to convince our president that we are expecting him to stop negotiating with these people and confront them – it’s just basic moral principle at stake.  Is our government going to be focused on “the least of these” in Jesus’ words, or are we going to continue to provide WELFARE for the corporate elite in so many different ways?  We know they are going to cry SOCIALIST at any attempt to cut off their flow of free money, but we have to cinch up our belts and band together for the fight.  The reality: there are many more workers – er middle class Americans – than elite corporate heads.  It might take a couple years to get this point across to the American people, but with Fox “news” on the air, it obviously won’t happen without a concerted focused effort by democrats being led by Barack Obama.  Social Security, Medicare, universal healthcare (still a dream), unemployment benefits, working wages, a green economy – all these things and more hang in the balance.

President Obama won’t be able to lead the democrats to victory by defending illegal Bush/Cheney policies in court!

I keep looking at the number of posts I’ve made to this site thinking, “that’s enough.”  Then, I read the news, read another book, or in general just keep paying attention to “what’s going on” in this country that I love and another “thought” pops into my head.  Tonight I have so many thoughts that I’m not sure where I’m going with them.  I’m soon to complete “FreeFall” by Joseph Stiglitz which is a very intellectually stimulating book – all about our economy and the sorry state it’s in and the lack of direction it’s getting from “both sides of the isle.”  For sure I’ll be writing about that – if not tonight.  Then there’s the so-called “Mosque” two blocks from “ground zero” which is actually at least 4 blocks from ground zero, which isn’t a Mosque – but a “community center,” and which has been used by the republican party as their latest divisive tool for hate mongering and fear mongering.  The whack job in Florida who’s planning to burn the Korans – well, I wouldn’t even consider writing about him – the guy has a congregation of 50 people – but, the job the media has done to turn this guy into “major news” represents a lot of what is wrong with America right now – in my view – so, I could write about either him, or just write about that entire scenario.  I’ve written somewhat extensively already about “Citizens United,” the outrageous Supreme Court decision handed down by the Roberts Court which threatens to ruin this nation – and, I believe the reality of that decision is becoming clearer as each day passes and as republicans buy up TV time – in advance of the upcoming election – in an OVERT attempt to manipulate our electoral process.  That could be the most “needy” of the possible topics (I’m still finding almost all people – educated professional people – who I ask that DON’T even KNOW what Citizens United is!)  And, the list goes on (and on and on and on and……. I think you get my point)

Oh yes, it was reported today in the New York Times that a Federal Appeals Court ruled that detainees who had been tortured in CIA overseas prisons – such as Abu Ghraib, GITMO, Bagram, and some of the “extraordinary rendition” sites in places like Egypt and Morocco had no right for a “day in court.”  A three judge panel had found that detainees had the right to sue with “particular pieces of evidence” which were subject to the “states secrets” provision of legal precedence withheld (I don’t believe this, “state’s secrets,” is a law – it’s just an established “privilege” which American administrations have “pushed” to expand over the years with Bush/Cheney pushing the hardest – that is until Barack Obama apparently decided to “carry the torch” for them – ughhhh!) – that is, keeping information “secret” which could have an adverse effect on national security.  However, the Obama administration successfully argued that the entire case should be wiped out – essentially, these victims of TORTURE, have no legal redress against the VILLAINS who were TORTURING them!  I voted for Obama, I sent him money, the thought of republicans regaining power makes me sick to my stomach – BUT, his continuation of this CRAP – that is, following Bush policies in these despicable ways – just removes any enthusiasm I might have for his presidency.  I understood this deplorable, un-American stuff coming from an administration with Dick Cheney at the helm (for all practical purposes) – But, not from someone I so enthusiastically voted for.  I really do want my money back from Obama!  Barack Obama is doing everything he can to MAKE SURE there is NO ACCOUNTABILITY for the illegal activities of George W Bush and Dick Cheney.  The man who promised TRANSPARENCY is fighting for an expansion of the “states secret” privilege beyond anything we’ve seen in the past – UNBELIEVABLE!

Do you think that’s it?  Well, there’s more for all of you out there who got confused by President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize.  His administration has authorized the C.I.A. to try to kill a United States citizen suspected of terrorism ties, blocked efforts by detainees in Afghanistan to bring habeas corpus lawsuits challenging the basis for their imprisonment without trial, and continued the C.I.A.’s so-called extraordinary rendition programof prisoner transfers.  This is all carryover from the Bush/Cheney agenda – not what I personally would call “The change I can believe in.”  Think about Iraq – President Obama went on national TV to tell us all that the “combat mission” in Iraq is over – all the while 50,000 troops remain.  He also said those troops will be home by the end of next year -and, if you believe that I have a bridge I would like to sell you.  Some how, I get the feeling that President Obama was convinced that he should take the “If you can’t beat them, join them” approach to dealing with our national security.  For some reason he’s more concerned with appeasing the republican backlash he’d get if he truly deserved that Nobel Peace Prize – if he had the GUTS to actually have brought the troops home in the 16 months he promised and left the restoring of Iraq to the Iraqi’s where it belongs.  There is no shortage of information out there which depicts the pressure any US President faces from the “military industrial complex” which Dwight D Eisenhower warned would be the “enemy within” if left unchecked.  It appears President Obama has decided to leave the battle to “real in” our corporatocracy which is basically a “WAR MACHINE” for a future president.  We all know that won’t be a republican – so, what kind of “choices” are we left with for the foreseeable future.

Essentially, that dearth of choices is what is getting somewhat depressing to me.  Radio personalities Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Thom Hartman – all on the progressive side – make a good point that expressing disappointment with the “failings” of Obama should be done in another way than voting in the same people who created this HORRIBLE MESS that we Americans find ourselves in – both economically and politically.  It HAS taken about 30+ years of this supply side economics (so well described by George HW Bush as “Voodoo Economics” back in 1980), and this “creeping” military takeover of our economy has been gaining steam for the last 10 years for sure – and, probably for another 30 before that – so, it stands to reason that cleansing ourselves of this UNACCEPTABLE government behavior will take more than a couple of years.  Idealy, we should be planning how to give President Obama a more “progressive friendly” congress – that is, getting rid of the Ben Nelson’s, Blanche Lincoln’s, Mary Landrieu’s, and the others who sided with republicans on health care and other critical issues Americans want addressed by our leaders.

I listened to President Obama’s recent press conference – and, he is a brilliant man who was very impressive to say the least.  I so want to jump back on the bandwagon.  Then stories like him and his Attorney General Eric Holder blocking the rights of people who’ve been brutally beaten and tortured by the Bush/Cheney people and I just shake my head in wonderment – thinking, WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY COUNTRY?  Give these people their day in court!  One of the plaintiffs was held for 7 long years in at least 3 different “black hole” prisons – run by the United States or our designates – and, brutally tortured before being released because he wasn’t even involved with terrorism at all (not to suggest that if he was it would be OK to slice open his penis and pour hot water on the wound in an attempt to get hime to “tell them what they want to hear”).  What are we afraid of?  I seriously doubt that any of the so-called secrets are any worse than what people all over the world are imagining happened based on all the information out there.  I mean, I read one book about Abu Ghraib where the “enhanced interrogators” came into the prison, took an Iraqi citizen into their “interrogation room,” and left him hanging DEAD on a hook on the wall – leaving his body for the poor saps who eventually took the rap for the whole fiasco – Lindy England and the others – to clean up.  And, NO INVESTIGATION!

Then there was the three Arabs found hanging DEAD in their cells at Guantanimo prison.  Somehow they had been dead for several hours before being discovered by guards who were walking the corridors of the prison every 15 minutes.  They had managed to tie their own feet together, then get up on a box, put the noose around their own necks, tie their own hands behind their backs, and, oh yes, also cram a wadded up cloth down their throat to the point where it had to be cut out after the bodies were found.  All three of them did this themselves, and all at the same time.  Oh yes, I forgot to mention, earlier all three had been taken to a separate “enhanced interrogation” facility off the GITMO (Guantanimo) grounds prior to their surprise discovery.  And, despite all this information – the Obama administration quashed any thought of an investigation – you know – that pesky “state’s secret privilege” where our government continually covers up it’s illegal behavior by claiming “national security” would be harmed by investigating.

You see, that’s not the “change” I voted for!  Many of the things that are bothering me and motivating me to write are differences of opinion.  Issues that I believe well meaning people should be able to debate in an attempt to find better solutions to major problems.  But, this turning our back on legal and moral issues which will have a LONG TERM negative effect on our entire country is really bothering me.  I’m honestly thinking that if Barack Obama doesn’t have the courage to stand up against this barrage of corporate power attempting to take control of this entire nation then I can’t bring myself to support him any longer.  I REALLY don’t understand the fear of investigating what our government has done wrong – when they’ve gone “over the line.”  Our CIA has a history of abuse and I realize that Obama’s trying to protect them – but, at what expense?  We are supposed to be a NATION OF LAWS and not men, but what kind of a legacy is Obama leaving if he continues with his present behavior.  His attempts to spur the economy on are “short term” policies – these decisions where he’s allowing this misbehavior to go unchallenged threaten to damage the credibility of this nation for generations.

In reading Stiglitz book, I believe Obama is showing the same tepid behavior with the economy he’s showing with the military.  Yes, he’s doing some things different and he’s changed the direction of the “ship” somewhat.  But, many of his decisions seem aimed at keeping us in the “business as usual” category.  The world is changing around us – other countries are looking to the US for leadership.  Many of the other nations in the world were as anxious for the end of Bush/Cheney as most Americans were.  But, they weren’t expecting a new administration which – in the areas of long term concern – would continue the policies of Bush/Cheney.  In many ways, I believe the Bushlite description is appropriate.  I will write more about that soon, as I’m close to finishing “Freefall” – which I highly recommend to anyone wishing to have a better understanding of where our economy’s been, where it’s headed, and where Joseph Stiglitz thinks it should be headed.  I’ll end tonight by saying that republicans are now in the process of turning the word “progressive” into a negative term via our media – if democrats want to defeat the “right wing” in America, they’ll need to “fight fire with fire.”  And, the battle HAS to start at the top.  President Obama won’t be able to lead the democrats to victory by defending illegal Bush/Cheney policies in court!

I believe that when all is said and done it will be Rahm Emanuel who’s considered the “retard.”

As an English teacher I guess I have to be impressed at how our politicians manage to creatively use the language.  And, this is one issue that I see as definitely “bipartisan.”  I could go on and on about what took place during the Bush/Cheney era or how if a republican says one thing – look in almost the opposite direction for the truth, but let’s just focus on today’s politicians and the pundits who so reverently follow them.  The one thing that’s BUGGING me the most tonight is the FACT that what I started predicting months ago (OK, there goes my ego again) is rearing its ugly head.  Believe me, I want to be wrong on this one – but just as the I can’t remember who said it said, I DON’T THINK SO! :o) 

The groundwork is being set as I’m writing this for the United State’s CONTINUED presence in Iraq for the INDEFINITE future.  Some who read this might believe that is a good thing.  I’ll try to explain why I believe it’s not – but, first lets get to the evidence that is beginning to show up already.  First, President Obama (remember, I’m doing everything I can to be on his side – and I DO hope he succeeds) has declared the war is over and our “Combat troops” have been ALL removed.  I call that disengenuous, you could call it Obama keeping his promise (even though he’s a few months late) to withdraw our troops within 16 months of taking office.  It really does sicken me as I watch them call the remaining 50,000 American troops (and who knows how many “contractors”) “Non-combat troops.”  I would really like a definition of a “non-combat troop.”  Is that a troop that hasn’t had combat training?  Are they not carrying weapons?  What are they supposed to do if they are attacked?  To me, these are all questions I hope Obama addresses as he explains why they are still there and how he can say he’s withdrawn the troops when they ARE still there.  Realistically, if you look at the history of this fiasco, Obama and his administration have done nothing more than manage the agreement negotiated by the Bush administration.  Seriously, and again I’m an Obama supporter, if he claims any credit for this it is a false claim in my mind.  What was the courageous leadership in just continuing with the Bush “doctrine?”

President Obama, I’m sure, will claim that the “non-combat” troops will be home by the end of next year.  Again, this is according to the “plan” negotiated by the Bush administration.  But, do you really believe that?  We have an embassy the size of the Vatican in Bagdad.  Do you really believe we’re bringing all the troops home?  Instead of “non-combat” troops are we going to be stuck with the “contractor” route to keep this fiasco going?  Check out what these contractors are making compared to our troops.  Read “The Gamble” by Thomas Ricks and you’ll see why I don’t believe for an instance that our troops are coming home.  How are we paying for this continued presence in Iraq?  Evidently with the money that should be going to the “99ers” here in America – those who haven’t been able to find work for the past 2+ years.  Or how about this TRUTH – the money we’ve ALREADY spent in Iraq is enough to fund a single payer health care system in the United States for EVERYONE for 10 years!  Where are our priorities?

Writing anything about President Obama that is “negative” makes me feel a bit uneasy – because the alternative is so starkly BAD!  I honestly can’t even imagine how the American public could consider putting the republicans, who are desperately trying to dismantle our government, back into power.  How can a single American worker who’s lost his/her job, is in danger of losing a job, or is struggling with the reduced wages from the job they need to be thankful for as they look around at all the unemployed workers even consider voting republican?  I’m to the point that I’m calling that STUPID!  But, as I listen to one after another of the “tea partiers,” or the good American workers who have gotten sucked in by the Beck’s, Limbaugh’s, Savage’s, Larson’s, Hannity’s and the other’s lies I realize there is a powerful propaganda machine working in this nation that should be getting EVERYONE’S attention.  Additionally, I often think the “tea partiers” – or at least many of them – are upset about the same things I am – they’ve just allowed themselves to be convinced that it’s all Obama’s fault – therefore enabling the obstructionist behavior of the republicans which is just making matters worse.

We might not be officially in a depression but I can attest that it is depressing having one party full of pathological liars and another party of “whimps” who are disengenuous at best about their intentions.  Many of us on the “progressive” side of the “ledger” thought we were voting in someone who REALLY believed in the “change we can believe in.”  He convinced us that “Yes we can” take on the corporations and the special interests who have MUCKED up the political process in America to the point where the “little guy” is becoming a huge group of unemployed, and talented, workers scrounging for the next day’s bills!  But what did we get?  (and, to people like Randi Rhodes who continue to be cheerleaders for President Obama – yes, he’s a darned sight better than anything the republicans have to offer – but as the saying goes, “that aint saying much.”)  We evidently elected a president who is very sensitive to offending the people on the right wing in America who HATE him simply because of the color of his skin.  That speech President Obama gave telling us that the “combat mission in Iraq is over” about made me gag!  And, unfortunately, as I’ve said on this site many times, there’s a lot more to be concerned about if you’re a “progressive” regarding our president and the democrats.

Before I go on, let me just add a couple thoughts about that speech on Iraq.  To listen to President Obama you would think that George W Bush was some kind of genuine, caring, person who simply had a “disagreement” over policy with our new president.  One of the main reasons I voted for President Obama was his clear opposition to the Iraq invasion, his PROMISE to get us OUT in 16 months or less, and his clear criticism of the Bush/Cheney regime.  Since taking office Obama has approached this subject with “kid gloves.”  He even went so far as to STOP all investigations of the Bush/Cheney fiasco.  Other than the public’s desperate “need to know” regarding what ACTUALLY transpired during those 6 years that Bush screwed up this occupation and invasion, Obama’s refusal to allow investigations almost certainly DOOMS the rest of us to another misadventure in the future.  As I’ve said, I never thought our leaders would make this type of MISTAKE again after Viet Nam, but Ohhhhhhh was I wrong on that one!  Some of the “things” we’re “doomed” to repeat (and, maybe already are repeating) are contractor abuses, torture or prisoner abuses, and abuses in the way we medically attend to our troops once they are out of the theatre of war.

There’s an old saying that goes something like: “if you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing NO one!”  That is the sense I get from our president.  His Oval Office speech seemed to be aimed right at the middle, certainly attempting to placate the “right.”  I mean, as stated many times on this site, Obama is simply following the path set forth by President Bush in Iraq.  And, you would think, after listening to his speech that the “surge” was some kind of successful policy.  In fact, I’m sick of hearing people claim the surge was successful.  I think John Boehner went so far as to make sure Obama wasn’t able to take any credit for the surge.  Who in their right mind would want it?  These people are still deluding themselves that there is some kind of “wonderful” solution on the horizon in Iraq.  The reality?  Not ONE of the political objectives – the MAIN OBJECTIVES of the surge when Bush laid it out – has been met.  NOT ONE!  On top of that, you NEVER hear people like Boehner talk about the additional 1500 AMERICAN TROOPS who have died while our political leaders are desperately trying to save face – remember Viet Nam, anyone?  And, in the mean time America has TOSSED AWAY about 400 – 500 BILLION dollars which is desparately needed at home.  It almost feels to me that our political leaders feel a stronger obligation to the people of Iraq than to the people of America – ie  the “99ers.”

This disengenuousness of the Obama administration goes way beyond Iraq.  I’ll just list a few examples – feel free to disagree or add other examples – let’s start with transparency.  Lately, it seems as if Obama has recognized the great hypocracy between his campaign pledge and the reality of his presidency when it came to transparency.  However, the “backroom” deals have been flowing as if Rahm Emanuel found Nirvana!  You remember Emanuel, he’s Obama’s chief of staff who referred to liberals as “f__king retards.”  I pointed out that he was a HUGE mistake from the day Obama appointed him.  The “chorus” of people agreeing with me is growing larger every day, and it will be interesting to see how “loud” President Obama allows this “chorus” to get before he takes a different coarse – and FIRES Emanuel.  To me, Rahm Emanuel is the epitome of the backroom politician – and, as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for.” So much for transparency!

Then there’s the economy.  I’m presently reading “FreeFall” by Joseph Stiglitz, I’ve read “Conscience of a Liberal” by Paul Krugman, and “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis – all of them referencing the meltdown of the economy which started in 2007.  Stiglitz is the least complimentary of President Obama due to Obama’s similar actions regarding the economy to those he followed in Iraq – that is, following what was laid out by Bush/Cheney.  Basically, Obama showed no courageous leadership here, either.  Now, I’m talking about the bailout of the Wall Street banks and not the stimulus package.  Although Stiglitz agrees with Krugman (and me – you can check out my “predictions” in the archive regarding the “puny” size of the “stimulus package”) that the stimulus package was WAY too small and not targeted enough toward actual “stimulus.”  Stiglitz also agrees with my contention that was being made prior to Obama taking the oath of office, that hiring Tim Geithner as Treasury Secretary and Larry Summers as his “chief economic advisor” was a HORRIBLE decision.  (I don’t remember my exact words, but I do remember that I referred to it as a “business as usual” decision)  True to form, Obama was “advised” to continue the bailouts started by Hank Paulson which, according to Stiglitz, are leading to problems much more severe than than the alternatives had we “faced the music” right up front.  The shareholders of those “too big to fail” banks should not have been bailed out – and therefore the bankers themselves wouldn’t have been able to dish out the lavish bonuses – TO THEMSELVES – the memory of which is still threatening to create HUGE damage to this country.  On top of all that, we will never know the details of this meltdown, because Obama stepped in to block ALL investigations of the Bush administration.  I wonder, is there anyone out there besides me who would like to know how many shares of Goldman Sachs Hank Paulson was controlling when he stepped in to “save” them?  According to Stiglitz, Paulson even funneled BILLIONS through AIG in order that they could pay off “bets” made by Goldman – money that went straight through AIG to Goldman.

I could go on and on – Bush/Cheney BOTH admitted to authorizing WAR CRIMES on national TV – Obama stopped the investigations.  Karl Rove and Harriet Meyers (and others) refused to answer subpoenas to Congress – Obama blocked investigations.  Dick Cheney “outed” a CIA agent – Obama blocked investigations.  Alberto Gonzales lied REPEATEDLY before Congress – you guessed it, Obama blocked investigations (anyone besides me find it ironic that a baseball player has been charged with perjury for allegedly lying about steroids while Gonzales was lying about the very functioning of our justice department?) and then there’s the lying us into war, all the war profiteering, the out and out stealing of funds authorized for Iraq, the illegal wiretapping, and the tearing down of EVERY department of government the republicans could destroy – including the MMS (Minerals Management Service) which abdicated it’s oversight regarding the deepwater horizon disaster in the Gulf and the mine shaft disaster in West Virginia.  I will never understand what was gained by blocking the investigations of all these wrongs!

I think what President Obama and some of his supporters don’t understand is that people like me are disgusted with the PROCESS of government.  I actually want to see republicans and democrats speaking to each other civily and negotiating the best legislation they can in good faith with the average American family in mind as they do so.  This AINT gonna happen as long as “K street” runs rampant in Washington DC, corporations have unlimited access to our electoral process (Citizens United), and the cost of gaining political office is out of the reach of the average citizen.  There is a “war within” going on in America and those of us at the “bottom” are counting on the demcrats to carry the torch for us – we expect them to be the leaders.  Instead, it appears they are in collusion with some of the evil that is making everyone crazy.  The one who has to stand tall in all this is President Obama – and, the fight won’t be won until the present day leaders of the republican party have been “put out to pasture,” it’s that simple in my mind!

We now have people who have benefitted from the pro-corporate atmosphere attempting to buy their way into office.  For heaven’s sake, in California alone it is reported that Meg Whitman is spending more than $100 MILLION of her own “fortune” to gain the governors mansion and Carly Fiorina (the CEO of Hewlett Packard – where the employees played “Ding Dong The Witch is dead” from “The Wizard of Oz” in celebration in their factories on the day she was fired – after she sent 30,000 GREAT American jobs overseas to China and India and ruined the workplace atmosphere of that company) is reported spending over $50 MILLION of her personal “fortune” in an attempt to win Barbara Boxer’s senate seat in California.  All of this should be getting people’s attention, but the sad truth is – I believe, and I’ve been predicting this almost from day one of Obama’s administration – Obama’s placating of the “right” has turned off so many voters that it is now possible for a return to power of republicans in congress – this because so many democrats have returned to the state of apathy Obama temporarily woke them from in 2008 and republicans have the corporate backing due to the Citizens United decision.  In reminding you (and me) of all the times I’ve predicted what is going to happen, I’m really not trying to be arrogant – my point is that if I, as a sixth grade school teacher, could figure all this out – then why is Obama keeping “advisors” who’re calling people like me retards?  I believe that when all is said and done it will be Rahm Emanuel who’s considered the “retard.”  (any guesses to when he’s fired?)  The sooner President Obama realizes this, the better for us all.