Monthly Archives: April 2010

The republican support for the Wall Street bankers has convinced me that my democrat only voting needs to continue.

 I’ve had my disagreements with the direction of the Obama administration but, as each day unfolds, I continue to wonder how any rational thinking American could vote for republicans these days.  In fact, I guess the thought is finally crystallizing in my mind, that is where the “tea party” is coming from.  People who can’t handle democrats (especially Black ones – based on the signs I’ve seen at their “rallies”) but who are also “fed up” with republicans as well are probably at the core of the “tea party,” although I confess ignorance of their “movement.”  Today I  got just a “snipit” of Glenn Beck’s rant and he was actually calling George W Bush a “progressive.”  Now, Beck has proven to me that he’s a successful entertainer who’s, I’m sure, raking in MILLIONS playing on people’s fears, but calling Bush a progressive should get his ratings to drop even more than they have of late.  These right wing talkers, from the “top tier” of Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, and O’Reilly to the “second string” of the local “thugs” such as Lars Larson, Michael Savage, and others who I don’t even know their names because I can only handle so much of that stuff, are nothing more than water carriers for the corporate interests who will surely continue bludgeoning the middle class of this great nation for as long as they can get away with it.  I realize these people (the right wing talkers) are “laughing all the way to the bank,” because some of the reported salaries they receive are as obscene as those from the Wall Street plunderers, but the damage to our nation is real, and it’s just a matter of time until these people are exposed for what they really are.  At some point the general public in America is going to totally rebel against the republican “talking points” which are traditional propoganda, nazi style.

Even Beck’s “progressive” GW Bush was quoted during his presidency as saying “See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda,” which is what republicans have been doing since the days of Ronald Reagan.  With Rush Limbaugh, the republicans found a man who would say anything he was told to say for money (OK, I “get” that Limbaugh can “BS” with the best of them).  The stream of “talkers” has grown to an alarming amount, and it wasn’t until just a few years ago that the “progressives” (and, no, I don’t mean GW Bush and his ilk) even were given a “voice” on the airwaves that stands in opposition to the right wingers who are all spouting the same message.  The problem for “progressives” is that they control less than 10% of the political “talk” airtime and they are on the weakest signals, therefore reaching a much smaller segment of the population.  There are even cities in this great naion who still have only ONE SIDE of the political argument being made, which is an effective way for those who are behind the Limbaugh’s, Beck’s, etc to control the “message” even more.  For example, today I heard exactly the SAME argument from multiple sources.  Barack Obama sent out an email to all of his supporters from the previous election soliciting their support for the next election – myself, a “baby boomer” and a “white guy” included.  The rant I heard today was that Obama is a “racist” because he’s drumming up support among “Blacks, Latino’s, and women.”

I honestly don’t understand how people like Limbaugh can get away with this kind of CRAP other than to refer you to one of my previous posts where I explained “psychological projection.”  In short, psychological projection is where “Persons incapable of ascribing their own feelings to themselves have great difficulties in understanding them.”  It is “the unconscious act of denial of a person’s own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world.”  Therefore, you have people like Limbaugh and Beck accusing Barack Obama of being a racist.  I’ll let you connect the dots.  The bottom line here is that the “tea party” is essentially the republican party, and the republican party is essentially answering to Rush Limbaugh and is otherwise leaderless, and their actions of late speak volumes as to where they want to take this nation.

Where is that? you might ask.  Well, let’s start with Arizona and the recently passed and signed into law legislation which, for all intents and purposes, GUARANTEES that I won’t be going to Arizona ANY TIME SOON.  Now, I am a “white guy,” but I really don’t like the idea of a police officer having to make a “judgement call” on whether or not I’m a citizen or not – should I choose to travel there.  Let’s be clear about this, the Arizona law (if you live under a rock and haven’t heard, the law FORCES authorities in Arizona to stop and ask for PROOF of citizenship from anyone who is suspected of being “illegal”) is intended for Latino’s (and, Obama – there’s a provision in the law that states that if John McCain wants to run for president again [or anyone else] they have to provide their actual birth certificate in order to get their name placed on the ballot) – that is, to purge the illegal immigrants from their state.  There is little doubt, based on all the information I’ve read, that there IS a problem at the border of the United States with Mexico.  However, similarly to the republican’s reaction to the attacks of 9/11 they seem OVERLY WILLING to subjegate our LIBERTIES for the sake of political expediency.  There is no doubt in my mind that the bill passed in Arizona is unconstitutional – and, maybe they understand that as well and were just trying to “make a point” – but, the way these republicans go about doing these things is curious at best.  The BLOWBACK on Arizona could potentially be economic DISASTER for their state.  I don’t know if they’re trying to force the federal government to address this issue, but do you find it interesting that they get behind a bill that essentially PROFILES Latino’s and potentially strips many GOOD, HARD WORKING Americans of their most basic rights – while at the same time calling our Black president a RACIST.  How stupid do these republicans think “we the people” are?  I certainly hope they are wrong on this one!

Here’s another piece of relevant contemporary republicanism which tests the “waters” as to how stupid republicans think the general American public is – because, make no mistake about what they’re doing; it’s ALL CALCULATED to regain power for them without any kind of accountability for what they did to us during the eight MISERABLE years of the Bush administration.  The latest move from the “party of no” is the rejection of WALL STREET REFORM – I’ve been ranting about this for several weeks now.  My HOPE was that the republicans would FILIBUSTER the Wall Street reform legislation being proposed in the senate – I believe even the “low information voters” as I referred to them a while back can see past this one.  Well, TRUE TO FORM republicans in the senate came through like the champions they really are.  Of course, they’re framing their “objection” to the bill by claiming that it doesn’t do what it specifically says it does – which is to prevent future taxpayer BAILOUTS of Wall Street banks such as the BAILOUT which was done under the last REPUBLICAN president.  I’m sure you remember George W Bush’s now infamous quote, “Under our proposal, the federal government would put up to $700 billion taxpayer dollars on the line to purchase troubled assets that are clogging the financial system” – giving the money to banks like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and a few other behemoths who make huge profits gambling with someone else’s money.  This is the financial system that was “CLOGGED” due to policies of Bush and the “OUR” he’s referring to is – presumably – him and Hank Paulson, his Treasury Secretary and the former CEO of – who else – Goldman Sachs.

The financial “meltdown” of 2008, a recurrence of which is what this legislation is attempting to prevent, led to the estimated loss of 8 MILLION jobs in America, TRILLIONS in losses to the 401 K’s and varied retirement plans of MILLIONS of hardworking Americans, and arguably the worst recession in our history – which was potentially a 2nd “Great Depression.”  Many economists are referring to the present economic crisis as the “Great Recession,” and, UNBELIEVABLY the republicans are somehow managing to manipulate the media in a way that is causing many in America to forget who created this MESS in the first place.  As stated above, I’ve had my disagreements with President Obama, and I pledged to myself that I would not be a “rubber stamp” for him as the republicans were to President Bush during his time in office – most of the time with a solid republican majority in both houses of Congress, but I’m solidly behind Obama on this one.  The republican Congress didn’t object to Bush’s abusive policies and he didn’t vetoe anything they put before him for his signature.  I’m not saying that would necessarily be bad, but what I am saying is that republicans MUST accept accountability for the results of their actions (just as democrast will need to accept accountability for the long term affects of the actions they’re taking now) – which is what republicans are trying to avoid with this media assault on our new president and our unsuspecting public. 

As I responded to Lars Larson recently when he happened upon this site, many of the people who listen to him and the other “talkers” on the radio or on TV believe they are telling the truth – kind of like when you go to the doctor you assume doctors know what they’re talking about just by the position they hold.  Obviously, that’s not the case with radio and television personalities, but people like me grew up in an era where these people were assumed to be non-biased reporters of facts.  Non-biased reporters appear to be a thing of the past.  (In fact, one of the “progressive” talkers, Randi Rhodes, challenges her listeners to “fact check” everything she says because it’s all opinion and the listener needs to verify it – no matter who it’s coming from)  And, I’m not deluding myself into thinking that I have all the answers, I started this site simply as a way to “vent” my frustration with Bush/Cheney and the lies which got the country I love BOGGED DOWN in another Viet Nam like situation in Iraq (actually, Bush did Lyndon Johnson one better and left TWO bogged down military fiasco’s for Obama to deal with upon moving into the White House).  I would actually relish the thought of an actual intellectual dialogue with someone who feels as if a vote for republicans makes sense.  What I always have to deal with are people like Larson who call people like me names (according to Lars I’m an “elitist democrat”) without making one good complete sentence that argue’s their point of view.  I suspect that Limbaugh, Beck, Larson, and the others have no point of view – except for the “talking points” they are instructed to say “over and over and over again, to catapult the propoganda” – in the words of their former “progressive” president.

So, what people who want to support the republican party are faced with is supporting a party which is behind the stripping of our basic liberties in Arizona, a party which stripped the New Deal regulations of Wall Street over a period of years (starting with Ronald Reagan and continuing through the administration of GW Bush) – regulations designed to PREVENT a financial crisis such as the one which happened “on their watch,” a party which has obstructed EVERY attempt at turning around the multiple PREDICAMENTS they left our new adminstration with, and now a party which is standing in the way of regulatory reform of Wall Street designed to prevent a recurrence of the “meltdown” of 2008.  (Do you remember that republicans were spouting the same crap in 1929?)  Keep in mind that the bankers these republicans are supporting (and, make no mistake, the republican leaders are even soliciting “donations” from these bankers in return for their votes against reform – about as IN YOUR FACE disregard for the American public as it gets) – these are the same bankers who were before Congress today explaining why they were selling “derivatives” to the managers of retirement accounts of good hard working Americans as “AAA” securities while, at the same time, GAMBLING that these same “securities” would fail – therefore MAKING A BUNDLE on both ends of the transaction and knowingly “SCREWING” millions of good American workers.  The stuff they were doing was SO OBSCENE that I can’t even imagine republicans supporting, but there they are – FILIBUSTERING the reform bill BEFORE it even reaches the senate floor for debate.  These republicans are unbelievable to me.  As I’ve stated above (and many times on this site) I have my disagreements with the Obama administration, but the republican support for the Wall Street bankers has convinced me that my democrat only voting needs to continue – at least for the time being.  Anyone who associates with the present leaders of that party is not worthy of a vote from someone in America’s middle class as far as I’m concerned.  (and, by the way Lars, if you show up again, I’ve been an “elitist” independent for over 40 years)

Republicans are fighting Wall Street reform, they hate unions, and they want to destroy public education.

Who’s not disgusted with our government?  Well, it’s been hard for me to find anyone of late who is really happy with what’s going on in Washington DC.  The “tea partiers” are making the most noise, but the discontent is not totally coming from the “right.”  And, as I’ve been saying for quite some time, this is a potential problem for President Obama and the democrats come November – despite the FACT the present MESS in America is the direct result of republican “rule.”  I’m just finishing a book titled “Great Derangement,” by Matt Taibbi, a reporter for Rolling Stone magazine.  As an American who is nearing full retirement age it is refreshing to get the “take” of someone probably close to half my age who is not tainted by the full 30+ years of propoganda us “baby boomers” have endured since the inception of the republican “talking points” during the Reagan era (and, yes for the sake of any “right winger” who would happen onto this site, the democrats have come up with a “talking points” scheme as well – they’re just not nearly as good at it as republicans).  Even though I’ve managed to remove “F bombs” and other “four letter words” from my diatribe, it was OK to me reading his as Taibbi used what was street slang, in my day, to emphasize his points.  Taibbi’s use of the f-bombs, etc. added to the humor of the book as he attempted to make light of a very serious problem in America.

In fact, the “gist” of Taibi’s book falls somewhat close to the “gist” of what I’ve been writing about since this “blog” started, and that is our “leaders” in Washington DC and elsewhere are, by and large, LIARS.  It seems that, as a culture, we’ve embraced the FACT that the politicians we elect to office have no problem lying to our faces (along with our church leaders) and, we just assume they would always tell the truth.  Sure, some of them are able to “spin” what they’re saying in a way that makes it almost appear as if they’re telling the truth – and, in some instances, they actually do tell the truth, but – when it counts – you can’t COUNT on them to tell the truth.  As I tell my sixth grade students, “If I have to guess when you’re telling the truth, I will always suspect you’re lying.”  It’s the same for our politicians (and  SOME church leaders) and, as I was reading Taibbi’s book, it dawned on me that we, as a nation, have accepted this as routine coming from the people who are making our laws in Washington DC and preaching from the pulpit.  It appears to people like Taibbi that lying has totally permeated our culture – and, I certainly would not be the person to refute that claim.

What was really interesting to me as a member of what I call the “Christian Left,” was Taibbi’s reporting on a “trip” he took into a “mega church” in the heart of Texas.  He spent months attending the Cornerstone Church of John Hagee, a pastor who is one of the examples of people who are being OVERLY “blessed” in their ministries.  Hagee has created a mega money making enterprise which provides him with a 7 digit income that is tax free and based on people following HIM.  And, it’s difficult for me to sit here writing and accuse Hagee of lying – I’ve never been in his church – so, let’s just say based on Taibbi’s reporting there’s a lot of “spinning” going on in Texas (I’ll let you read the book to make up your own mind on the honesty of Hagee’s preaching).  This is an example of a church which unabashedly “points” its patrons toward the republican party, which supported the invasion of Iraq among other curious “preachings,” and where the tax exempt status should have gone away the first time someone got up on the pulpit and made a political statement.  I guess the best way I could put this is, it seems to me, that you can be dishonest without making provable lies (you know, taking the “truth” of scripture and twisting it into something useful for your own purposes).  And, I don’t believe for a minute Hagee’s church is the only church that (was) is – Taibbi’s book was written in 2006 – 2008 – making statements supporting the policies of George W Bush from the pulpit (I’ve actually been in two churches in my area where I heard the same thing with my own ears).  When churches are lying as they preach about the “truth” you know we have a major problem.  (and, I’ve yet to hear one member of the church I belonged to at the time apologize for blindly supporting the Iraq invasion and a president who was condoning torture)

So, how does all this relate back to President Obama?  Well, as I stated many months ago (and, over and over again since then), the president’s constant “reaching out” to the “right” could be such a turn off to his “base” that they stay home in the upcoming elections.  For some reason our new president feels compelled to bridge the partisan “gap” to the extent of risking his presidency.  Now, as I spend more time thinking about his position in this regard I want to admire him for this – I mean, I’m as sick of the partisan bickering as anyone.  However, when I’m having those moments, I start thinking about the proposals for more nuclear plants, more offshore drilling permits for the oil companies who are not using most of the ones they have, “clean” coal (whatever that is), a “surge” in Afganistan, pardons for members of the Bush administration (I call them pardons because everyone knows crimes – even war crimes – were committed and FORGIVEN – therefore, essentially pardons), and the  leaving of upwards of 75,000 troops in Iraq indefinitely all which give me the sense that President Obama is either farther to the “right” than I could have imagined, or he’s playing the “politics as usual” game that most Americans are sick of.

Just the other day my son in law was explaining to me how “backroom deals” were at the heart of the recent health care “reform” bill passed by congress.  My understanding was that much of the “bargaining for votes” which included $100 MILLION for Nebraska via Senator Ben Nelson, for example, to get Nelson to support the bill was removed in the “reconciliation” bill passed through the house.  I hope I understand that correctly, but many Americans just don’t have the time or the inclination to follow these things close enough to understand the nuances of the bills when they finally become law.  In fact, watching the process so closely – because health care was on the “front page” for so long – put the above mentioned backroom deals out in the open to exacerbate the public perception of how corrupt our government is and, for some REALLY STRANGE reason to me, allowed the very people who were promoting the backroom deals behind the scenes to be LYING publicly about what was in this bill.  Here’s a FACT I will never understand (or at least don’t think I will) – the democrats reportedly allowed 200 republican amendments to be put into the bill without getting a single republican vote in return.  Is it any wonder the public is losing confidence in democrats?

Let’s get to the bottom line of the problem here, at least as how I see it.  The health care “reform” bill could have been done without all the fanfare – simply by opening up medicare for all Americans – the OPTION to buy into it – that is, with a few “tweaks” to make sure that doctors and hospitals would accept the “plan,” and pass it through the reconciliation process in the senate (which they ultimately had to rely on anyway).  This would have given Americans the “choice” all the politicians supposedly want us to have and would have “held the big insurance companies accountable,” as the politicians were fond of proclaiming by giving people like me an alternative to the private FOR PROFIT health insurance that is eating away at my (and probably your) net income at a rapidly increasing (and alarming) rate.  President Obama needn’t keep “kissing up” to the “right,” because his “base” actually wants him to move the national debate back toward the “center.”  By “reaching out” to these despicable republicans who are showing behaviors that I thought we had purged from the American scene long ago (if you’re not sure what I’m talking about, read some of the signs at the so-called “tea party” gatherings) President Obama is giving validity to a group that needs or deserves none.  Obama should have shown our nation that these people are no longer influencing our public debate and if they want to be a part of the discussion they need to renounce the racism and greed that has driven their message for far too long.  As President Obama said himself, “elections have consequences,” and those of us who supported him are expecting him to lead the way as the people who created the mess we are in receive the consequences of the last and, if he would just support his own base, future elections.  My own fear is that, combined with “Citizen’s United,” Obama’s placating of republicans will only lead to a resurgence of them in the upcoming elections and will have the exact opposite effect from what he’s publicly saying.

For some reason President Obama gave away the “tool” he had when he took office to settle this “battle” for what appears to me to be the very soul of our nation by pardoning Bush/Cheney and the others in their administration who decided that the laws of this great nation were written for people besides themselves.  People such as my son in law have enough time to read the headlines and that’s about it.  They have their jobs and families to take care of and they continue to assume that the public information is somewhat accurate.  In the case of what he tried to start a conversation to me about, the “Ben Nelson deal,” he has a legitimate point that president Obama and the democrats needn’t have given to anyone.  By putting George W Bush’s and Dick Cheney’s actions on the “front page,” the health care proposal could have been passed with much less fanfare (I often wonder if the fanfare is what was wanted) and a lot less “deals,” plus their actions would be public knowledge to the people who didn’t have the time or energy to “discover” what was done on their own.   Now we’re on to Wall Street regulation and the debate rages on again.  As stated in my last two posts I’m kind of looking forward to this one.  I’m actually anxious to see the republicans filibustering a bill that prevents further “bailouts” of the “too big to fail” institutions that are even bigger thanks to the TARP program of Bush/Paulsen (of course, they will claim to be “against” the banks while doing the banks’ bidding).  In fact, is there anyone besides me who is curious as to why Hank Paulsen’s connection to Goldman Sachs and his rivalry with Lehman Brothers – the end result being Lehman being allowed to fail and Goldman being “bailed out” – hasn’t been investigated?  Has anyone besides me wondered how much Paulsen had at stake when Goldman was teetering on the brink of receivership?  As the Peyton Manning commercials went, “I’m just saying.”

I could go on and on, but back to the “bottom line.”  The real problem President Obama faces is his “base” staying home from upcoming elections.  I’m finally sensing that he and his supporters are “getting” that – because I’m beginning to get a huge influx of emails reminding me of the importance of staying “involved.”  Well, I am staying involved, but, I’m not sure how secure my vote for Obama and the democrats is.  For me, it actually bothers me more to have someone who I had counted on doing stuff that is “untoward” than it did when I actually expected it.  I thought I heard President Obama say something like the battle had just begun shortly after he was elected.  I took that to mean that politics as usual was going to change in Washington DC (I always put the DC on that because I live in Washington state :o) and we were going to finally try to overcome the corrupt nature of the way business is done there.  Well, it didn’t take long for him to be in the “backroom” that so many Americans hate – Americans on “both sides of the isle.”

People like me are tired of picking the “less of two evils,” and the youth of Taibbi’s age and younger were energized by Obama but they are even more cynical than people my age, or at least that was my perception as I read his book.  I’ve been following politics since John Kennedy was president and I’ve learned that – as an independent – I’ve grown farther and farther from republicans as the years have gone by.  At the same time, I have to agree with republicans that democrats are “weak,” and it’s very unsettling to feel like I have to depend on them to “push” my point of view.  However, I still vote – and probably will continue to do so.  Obama needs an enthusiastic “base” to get his agenda through congress and if he looses “touch” with the younger people who voted him in, we will all be back to putting up with republicans in the White House.  Just writing these words makes my stomach feel uneasy – I would be OK with all of this if republicans were people like Everett Dirksen, Mark Hatfield, Barry Goldwater, Bob Dole, etc. – not people I totally agreed with, but people who you could reason with.  The republican party is presently run by Rush Limbaugh and the talking heads on the right (there seems to be no legitimate leader elsewhere) and they are showing ZERO remorse for the policies which led to the “Great Recession,” the fiasco’s of Afganistan and Iraq, and the bludgeoning of our constitution.  I’m still hearing republicans supporting torture and calling for – UNBELIEVABLY – even more tax cuts for the rich.  Republicans are fighting Wall Street reform, they hate unions, and they want to destroy public education.  Why would any blue collar American support them?  The only answer I can come up with is republicans continue to play the “fear card,” and scare people about democrats – and this is going to get worse once the aforementioned “Citizen’s United” starts affecting the public debate.  Well, the democrats had better figure this out quick, because people like Matt Taibbi and many of America’s youth feel no allegiance to either party, and without a FOCUSED PROGRESSIVE agenda I predict the democrats will be looking at a large number of Obama “supporters” staying home on election day come November!

As republicans filibuster reform of Wall Street, Americans will be reminded of who created the MESS we’re all dealing with in the first place!

I watch these “tea partiers” in a bit of amazement, trying to get my mind around their “message,” but it makes so little sense that I keep coming back to the same place.  I’ve seen their signs – OVER AND OVER – and, the way they depict our sitting president can leave no other conclusion except they can’t stand a Black president.  When they say “we want our country back” – what the H are they talking about?  Back from who?  Didn’t president Obama win the last election with 53% of the vote?  I’m not all that “on board” with Obama’s first year in office myself, but my discontent has to do with disagreeing over some of his decsions.  Are these “tea partiers” so stupid that they don’t understand what impression they’re leaving when they carry signs depicting our president as a monkey?  Or as someone with a bone through his nose?  Come on, most of these people are reputed to be educated, older Americans.  I’ve even had a bit of a commentary going with one of the lessor known of the right wing “water carriers” for the corporatocracy the republican party is trying to cram down our collective throats, Lars Larson, and he made a comment that my “playing the race card” indicated my argument was weak.  This is EXACTLY how they operate – they put a racist sign in your face and when you call them on it, they claim you’re “playing the race card.”  This is classic psychological projection.

According to the theories of Sigmund Freud, psychological projection is a psychological defense mechanism whereby one “projects” one’s own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, feelings, and so on onto someone else.  That’s the only explanation I can come up with for these “tea partiers” – who have been incited by Fox “news,” Dick Armey and “Freedom Works,” and political windbags like Michelle Bauchman and Sarah Palin (OK, a little psychological projection on my part :o).  How else can you explain people who supported George W Bush and Dick Cheney calling Barack Obama a “fascist,” a “communist,” or a “socialist.”  (personally, one of my disappointments in Obama is that he’s not more of a socialist).  And, most of the other objections coming from these people are a bit curious – to say the least – as well.

Let’s talk about the budget deficit – which was heavy on the minds of many of the “tea partiers” based on reports I heard.  Now, there’s an area where I could easily agree with them.  However, where were these people from 2001 until 2009 when George W Bush turned a $250 BILLION dollar surplus (with prospects for paying off the debt in 10 years) into a $1.2 TRILLION dollar deficit – PER YEAR?  Of course, to make matters worse, Bush also drove the economy into the “ground,” leaving it teetering on the brink of another “Great Depression” when President Obama took the oath of office.  Obama had NO CHOICE but to stimulate the economy in an effort to re-energize the jobs market which was shedding jobs at the rate of close to a MILLION jobs per month when he took office.  In the eight years Bush was in office he had the worst job creation record in American history – well, since records started being kept in 1939 (this is according to that left wing “rag” the Wall Street Journal).  If Obama can cut the deficit in half in his first term it will be a miracle – but that will still put it at something over half a TRILLION dollars per year.   And, these “tea partiers” who either have NO MEMORY or are DISENGENUOUS will still be blaming the deficit on Obama.  I’ll say it again, where were these people when Bush/Cheney handed the surplus given to them by Bill Clinton over to the top fraction of one percent of earners in this country.  This was “Deja vu all over again” – like the Reagan tax cuts on steroids.

And, of course, one of the ways we reduce the deficit is to pay taxes.  Coming from a position years ago where I had no income I’m always grateful when I pay my taxes that I now have income.  This is a great country to live in and one of the reasons we have such a high standard of living is the taxes we pay for the services we receive.  It almost seems as if some of these “tea partiers” want to receive the services without paying for them.  The truth is that President Obama included a middle class tax cut in his “stimulus package” that reduced the taxes of something like 95% of wage earners in America.  I know that my taxes were less this year than they were the previous year under George W Bush.  It’s HIGHLY LIKELY that almost every one of the “tea partiers” (with the exception of the instigators – like Palin, Armey, Beck, Limbaugh) paid less tax last year than they did under Bush.  But, where were they when Bush was cutting taxes for the hedge fund BILLIONAIRES, the heirs to the Walmart fortune, the Wall Street bankers the “tea partiers” (OK, the taxpayers) bailed out (under Bush/Cheney/Paulsen) while leaving their taxes the same, and running up this huge debt?  None of this makes any sense – until you start looking at their signs.

There’s more.  These “tea partiers” and their “incitors” like to wave the constitution around as if they’re worried they’re losing their rights.  OK, I’ve got to ask the same question again – where were they during the Bush/Cheney administration?  I mean, I would have been right there with them while Bush/Cheney were suspending Habeous Corpus, wiretapping American citizens without warrants, torturing “enemy combatants” so that they would have to be held in detention without charge indefinitely because any evidence was corrupted and non-admissable in any civilized court of law, politicizing the justice department, outing a covert CIA agent (as punishment for someone telling the TRUTH about their lies), sending American troops into “harms way” based on lies, lying before Congress (and then refusing to even testify before Congress), and gutting the regulatory system leading to the Hurricane Katrina disaster, the Wall Street meltdown, and just recently the West Virginia mining disaster.  Where were the “tea partiers” when all of this was going on?

Can you just imagine the blowback during the Bush/Cheney administration had someone carried signs of George W Bush with a bone through his nose or some of these other signs (Yes, I understand those signs wouldn’t mean the same thing with a white president – so picture the signs suggesting an image of Hitler superimposed over the presidents face)?  I mean, I remember a woman being arrested in Denver Colorado at a venue where Bush was giving a speech because of something written on her shirt.  Yes, it was “anti-Bush” – but, it was simply words and SHE WAS ARRESTED!  The overt, blatant, RACISM coming from these “tea partiers” is getting over the top.  And, people like Larson who continue to encourage them – and then claim that people like me are using the “race card” is nothing more than the above mentioned psychological projection.  Now, I have no idea what kind of things Lars Larson, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh (that’s a compliment for you Lars – mentioning you with the “big boys”) say in private – but their support and encouragement of these people carrying these signs on the public airwaves and throwing around their “code words” is race baiting – pure and simple.  And, Lars – while you’re telling me my argument is “weak” explain to me who they’re planning to “take THEIR country back” from.  Honestly, that is about the stupidest claim I’ve heard in my adult life.  Isn’t it MY country too???

You certainly didn’t hear me saying that about George W Bush – despite the FACT I went from disagreeing with him to loathing him by the time he left office (actually, the loathing was probably more aimed at Dick Cheney – but that’s a post for another day).  (come to think of it, when Bush was supposedly going after bin Laden – I was totally supportive)  It was very difficult watching someone who was proving himself incompetent on one situation after another.  But, the truth is that I never wished for him to fail.  I wanted Bush to succeed because we’re ALL AMERICANS.  His failures have had a huge impact on almost all of us (well, except for those people at the “top” who were the financial beneficiaries of his policies) – “tea partiers” included.  I honestly don’t blame them for being angry at our government.  However, allowing themselves to be sucked in to believing the problem is Barack Obama is BEYOND ABSURD!  When I listen to leaders like McConnell, Boehner, Palin, McCain (sadly, at one time I believe John McCain would have been the person – who we desparately need at this time – to speak some sense into this republican “nightmare”), Romney, and others incite these people with the racist signs – evidently thinking there’s enough of them to “take back the government” – I believe the republican party is in for a rude awakening come November.  Yes, people are angry – and, for good reason – our government is filled with corruption, but – despite my disagreements with Obama – our sitting president seems to be the only one in Washington acting like an adult these days.  His even-keeled demeanor, his steady push toward centrist solutions to our problems, and his brilliant political mind – I believe – is going to leave these “tea partiers” and, therefore the republicans who are inciting them, wanting as 2010 rolls on toward November.

I won’t relive my disagreements with Obama at this point, but I have to say that I’ve seen a much more confident – and combative – president since the health care “reform” was passed.  The republicans have managed to draw a lot of attention to themselves during all this debate – and it’s been lost on NO ONE that there have been less than a dozen republican votes for anything Obama’s proposed since he took office.  Therefore, as things start to turn for the better, even the “tea partiers” will be able to figure out why.  I believe President Obama has the republicans backed into a corner at this point.  They are going to vote against ANYTHING and EVERYTHING Obama proposes.  Next up will be the re-regulation of Wall Street.  As stated in my last post, Mitch McConnell is already setting up the battle lines in the senate.  If his republican “sheep” stay in line, we will soon have the republicans defending the Wall Street banks they bailed out during the last months of Bush/Cheney with another in their endless threats of filibuster.  I HOPE that the democrats come to their senses on this one and FINALLY allow them to REALLY filibuster – that is – roll out the cots (and the TV cameras) and have the “endless debate” which is what a filibuster is supposed to be.  As republicans filibuster reform of Wall Street, Americans will be reminded of who created the MESS we’re all dealing with in the first place!

Isn’t that just like these republicans – people like Lars Larson calling people like me “elitist” while “kissing up” to those poor “blue collar” Wall Street billionaires!

I keep thinking I’ve written enough, I’ve gotten the frustration out of my system.  And, just think, even one of the people I included in a post (Lars Larson) actually stopped by to point out what an “elitist” I am.  That should be enough.  But, the truth is these republicans just won’t stop.  It should be clear they are going to continue twisting the English language in an attempt to fulfill their dream of a “permanent (endless) republican majority” as Karl Rove so adroitly put it.  Now, after losing the debate on the need to “reform” health care in America, they are attempting to protect the Wall Street banks – by pretending they’re not protecting the Wall Street banks.  Isn’t that just like them.  ALWAYS look the other way when a republican leader starts talking!

This morning, as I’m doing my daily diligence of reading the NY Times and Washington Post I read this quote by Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Senate (and one of those republicans who can’t totally keep it to himself how much he HATES the idea of a Black president succeeding) in an attempt to portray the democrat’s bank reform bill as a “pro Wall Street” bill – these guys have no scruples whatsoever:  “We cannot allow endless taxpayer-funded bailouts,” Mr. McConnell said in a floor speech. “That’s why we must not pass the financial reform bill that’s about to hit the floor. The fact is this bill wouldn’t solve the problems that led to the financial crisis. It would make them worse.”  He then went on to say that we should just let the banks “that are too big to fail” fail.  This is typical republican doublespeak that is essentially the reason I started writing in the first place.  THESE PEOPLE HAVE GOT TO GO!

What McConnell was really saying was the republicans want NO REFORM.  After all (of course they don’t want the “tea partiers” to know this) they are the ones who gutted the post Depression reforms that had stabilized our banks since the 1930’s.  The problem with those reforms, from the republican point of view, is that they limited the amount of “stockholder value” for corporations such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, and the other “behemoths” which have emerged since Ronald Reagan led the purge of the New Deal regulations.  These banks are already back to cutting off “the fat hog” since being bailed out by – WHO ELSE – but, Hank Paulsen (former CEO of Goldman prior to taking the reins as Treasury Secretary under GW Bush), George Bush, and the very republicans who are now proclaiming that regulation would lead to “endless government bailouts of Wall Street.”

Of course, as with virtually every other republican “claim” as of late, the opposite is true.  I’ve only read excerpts of the bill which have been published in the NY Times or Washington Post or other places online, but it’s very clear the bill sets up a plan to not only allow these banks to fail – should they continue their reckless gambling with American taxpayer’s money – but, to actually sieze them in an orderly way designed to punish the directors, the officers of the companies, and the shareholders should the castastrophe of 2007 and 2008 be recreated, but protect depositors.  The “republican way” which is what 80% of Americans are angry about is to provide the banks with unlimited funds to bridge the disaster created when their gambling “debts” are called – as they were in the fall of 2008 as the foreclosure crisis hit high gear.  The result of “the republican way” has been a quick return to HUGE profits for these banks, a continuation of the very abuses they were performing prior to the “crash,” unbelievable “windfalls” for some of the hedge fund gurus who purchased large blocks of banking stocks when they were at the “bottom,” and a potential gold mine for republicans in campaign donations from Wall Street as they fight any regulation which might slow down the GREED on Wall Street – which has been out of control for years.

So, in the eyes of people like Larson (and, presumably Limbaugh, Beck, and the other paid propogandists of their republican masters) people like me, who are calling them for their doublespeak, are “elitists” because we point out the TRUTH that they are playing on average American’s fears in a way that provides HUGE dividends for their bank accounts.  And, the reality is that they’ve had a well planned “gig” since the 80’s to turn the minds of the American public away from their GREEDY politics by twisting the “wedge” issues and taking advantage of what they call the “weak” democrats.  Now, there is a point we (Lars and me) can agree on.  The democrats need to “grow a pair.”  Now that the republicans have succeeded in pushing “Citizen’s United” onto the rest of us, this situation is going to get worse – unless the democrats stand up and tell these republicans where to get off!

To be honest, I’m really uncomfortable depending on the democrats to do anything.  As much as I admire President Obama as a person, I’m still concerned with his constant “reaching out” to republicans.  In a “perfect world” I totally realize that would be the way to go.  But, I don’t know if these republicans are worth being “bipartisan” with.  They’ve pushed the American political dialogue so far to the “right” that I think the democrats should be pushing it back – they have until November to accomplish this.  Now, I also fully understand that President Obama is a very intelligent person and I’m guessing he has a “plan” that he’s going to see through to the end.  My gut feeling is that he’s giving the republicans every opportunity to “shoot themselves in the feet.”  And, this Wall Street reform just might be the legislation which leads to that conclusion from the voters.  I’m actually kind of excited to see the public reaction to a republican filibuster of legislation designed to  “real in” Wall Street.  Of course, that’s what McConnell is trying to “set up” in his remarks on the Senate floor.  They are going to do what they always do and attempt to make their support for Wall Street look as if they want to just “let them fail” (McConnell, the same day of his remarks, was reportedly soliciting donations from the top 25 Wall Street bankers).  Isn’t that just like these republicans – people like Lars Larson calling people like me “elitist” while “kissing up” to those poor “blue collar” Wall Street billionaires!

Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are appealing to low information voters for their support, and evidently there are millions of them in America!

Today as I was driving around getting stuff for the upcoming school week (teachers really do work long hours during the school year) I was listening to a rerun of “The Ed Schultz Show” on the radio.  Ed Schultz calls himself a “proud lefty” and, to me, he seems like a classic democrat from my youth who is unabashedly focused on pro working(person) issues.  Obviously, Shultz has an agenda.  Who doesn’t these days?  What is refreshing to me is how “up front” he is about it.  His theme is “where America  comes to talk” and, in contrast to the right wing “talkers” I’ve listened to (especially Rush Limbaugh – it’s all I can do to give Limbaugh a few minutes any more) Schultz welcomes “conservatives” to call his show and he actually lets them make their case – again, something I haven’t heard on shows like Limbaugh’s, or Glenn Becks, or the others – although I have to admit I just don’t listen to the “right” much anymore. 

Another thing that has drawn me to listen to Schultz when I can is that I’ve actually heard him criticize President Obama, although he clearly is an Obama supporter.  And, it’s true, from a “progressive” perspective I don’t believe there can be any doubt that President Obama is far superior to our previous president.  However, president Obama is NO LIBERAL from my perspective – and the people who are trying to paint him as such – in fact, as a socialist or communist or worse – are either disengenuous, ill-informed, or just plain lying.  Even the stimulus package – the one that ALL REPUBLICANS voted against, and then went back to their districts and started taking credit for the projects which were created, was tilted to the “right” with almost 50% of the bill providing tax cuts.  I guess the republicans didn’t like that because the tax cuts were aimed at the working class of America – people like this guy who was on Schultz’ show (a few days ago – the show I was listening to was a rerun from last week) claiming to be a conservative who drives a “route” and makes $40,000 per year.

This proved to be a very interesting conversation.  The caller (who, during the conversation, claimed he got a lot of his information from listening to Glenn Beck) had a list of seven reasons why Barack Obama is a socialist (I think that’s how he put it).  Essentially, the $40,000 per year driver was complaining that Obama’s liberal policies were ruining our country.  I’m trying to remember as much of the ensuing conversation as I can, because, to me, it showed the danger of these republican “talking heads” who are spewing deceit and inciting people I’ve heard  referred to as “low information voters.”  The guy on the phone with Schultz was very genuine, his fears were genuine, the problem was that he had no idea what he was talking about.  He had been listening to the likes of Beck, Limbaugh, and Fox “news” and taking what they say as the truth, without any attempt to verify what any of it.  It reminded me of a person I was very close to who I can no longer even bring myself to talk to – a person who, when I showed him evidence of something he heard on Limbaugh’s show as being false, he threw it on the ground in a rage making absurd claims about liberals.

The guy on the radio on Schultz’ show was doing essentially the same thing (of course, he couldn’t throw anything on the ground) and Schultz, showing great patience with him, debunked his “claims” one by one on an extended segment.  It was very interesting.  I don’t think I’ll remember all the names of the people he was talking about, but he was claiming that President Obama was surrounding himself with people who are Maoists, who are in cahoots with Hugo Chavez of Venezuela, and virtually every claim he made had an “ist” on the end of it.  It was after all of this that he admitted he was a devoted listener of Beck.  OK, like with my friend, I believe people can listen to whatever they want to listen to – but, this kind of crap being thrown around as “news” or reasoned opinion based on facts, HAS TO BE DEBUNKED.  Things are getting out of hand in this nation, because people like this truck driver should be the backbone of the democratic party.  It is people like him that President Obama is fighting for and yet they’re getting sucked into the right wing fear machine.

The first person this guy called a socialist in Obama’s “inner circle” was the person in charge of putting together the loan package which bailed out General Motors.  Somehow, the caller claimed he (I told you I wouldn’t remember the names) was not a capitalist.  Schultz pointed out (accurately) that the “bailout” was a loan which will be repaid and that the government intervention to save both Chrysler and GM saved countless thousands of American jobs and, correctly, pointed out that corporations borrowing money and then paying it back was part of our capitalist way of doing business in America.  What the caller couldn’t get his head around was why GM and Chrysler needed to be bailed out in the first place.  When Schultz pointed out how the Bush administration policies had led to a near collapse of our entire financial system and that the reason these companies had to borrow from the government was because there was no place else for them to borrow money at the time due to the reckless policies of the republicans who preceeded Obama the caller – as EVERY so-called “conservative” I ever talk to continued to BLAME the economic collapse on Obama’s liberal policies.

That’s where I had to give Schults a lot more credit than what I could have had in the same situation.  The caller simply identified the FACT that he was ILL INFORMED by blaming Obama for circumstances which were IN PLACE when Obama took office.  I listen to this CRAP all the time – and, from people who I somehow think should know better, some of them teachers – where they are simply listening to Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, O’Reilly, Savage, Rove, and many others (in Portland there’s a guy called “Lars Larson” who’s of the same ilk).  And, despite the FACT that this caller (and my former acquaintance) should know better as educated adults, I don’t blame them.  To me these “say for pay” talkers are willing to do anything for the money they’re making (and, the estimates are huge with people like Limbaugh and Beck).   I don’t want to call them traitors, but they’re spewing lies for money, but as with all liars – after a point in time they start to believe their own lies are true.  They get so used to lying it just becomes a way of life.  They then fall into the category of pathological liars.  Somehow in American society we are allowing this phenomenon to exist – the right wing has garnered a stranglehold on the “liberal media” and, even the democrats seem to want to take them on with “kid gloves.”  What’s really alarming about this is that these “talkers” are minions of large corporations and now that the supreme court has enabled the corporations to dominate our political process through “Citizen’s United” we’re going to hear a lot more $40,000 truck drivers who listen to the radio while they drive around 50-60 hours per week and 90+% of what they hear is “right wing talkers” regurgitating the lies of Beck, Limbaugh, etc. – and, all the while believing in their hearts that they are being good informed citizens.

I give Schultz credit for having the discussion with guys like this, but not that many are going to call and too many will never hear anything except the deceivers and incitors on the “right.”  Just mentioning “Citizen’s United” reminds me of how dishonest EVERYTHING that comes from the “right” is.  You would think “Citizen’s United” would be about a bunch of “citizens” uniting to fight something.  So, how does it come out of the court giving corporations unlimited access to our political process?  And, keep in mind, most of these corporations are either foreign owned or are multi-national.  This from the political party which is clamoring about illegal immigrants.  Which is worse, a few illegal aliens picking fruit in America or Corporations based in China, the middle east, Russia, or elsewhere outside the boundaries of America controlling our elections through massive spending?  When the republicans put a name on something, you can almost bet their true agenda is almost completely opposite.

Here’s another one – which was involved in a local ballot measure recently in Oregon.  The ballot measure was intended to raise the corporate minimum tax in Oregon (the 49th lowest in the nation) from $10 per year (yeah, you heard that right $10) to the 46th lowest in the nation at $150.  Additionally, Oregon’s legislature wanted to raise income taxes on people earning $250,000 or more (I believe it was something like 1 0r 2%).  Well, republicans hate anything that includes raising taxes – even though this increase saved basic services to thousands of needy Oregonians – so in comes “Freedom Watch.”  This is a lobbying firm which is led by none other than Dick Armey the former majority leader of the House during the “Contract for (should read “on”) America in the 1990’s – led by Newt Gingrich.  This was the bunch, including Armey, who impeached President Clinton for having an affair, then had to resign from Congress when their affairs became public.  Anyway, “Freedom Watch” seems to show up in places where the rich people of this nation need protection against any kind of sensible taxation policy which would stem the incredible GREED cycle we’ve been in since the eighties.  Who’s “freedom” are they watching?  Well, you don’t have to check them out very far to find out they’re watching the “freedom” of large corporations in America.  I guess the question becomes, how much more freedom do the corporations in this nation need?  There seems to be no limits to the amount of PROFIT these companies seem to think they’re entitled to – all the while doing everything they can to keep guys like the one who called Schultz show thinking that the democrats are “communists” or “socialists” so that they can increase executive salaries, reduce workers wages and benefits, and show more profit for their stockholders.

In America today, according to what people like the guy calling Schultz’ show say, working people have been tricked into thinking shareholders are more important than workers.  The end result is that we are getting close to the point where we don’t make anything (except of course weapons) and even our elections are going to be at the mercy of foreigners.  Somehow “we the people” have to get the message through to these Americans who are buying this Beck, Limbaugh, and the rest’s “coolaid” that the future of this nation really is at stake.  It’s just that they have been duped into thinking the idea that most of America’s wealth being funneled to the top is good for them.  It’s hard for me to understand how any educated American could fall for that – how the republicans managed to get so many people thinking that we are a “each man/woman for him/herself” society.  I really don’t understand how so many Americans can just accept that President Obama caused all the problems we’re now facing when it’s just over a year since George W Bush was telling us that the taxpayers had to put up $700 BILLION for Wall Street because the economy was collapsing.  I keep asking myself;  how can people like the guy who called today blame the deficit on Obama when it was thrust on him by the Bush administration who didn’t even count the war spending as part of the budget?  How can they blame the lack of jobs on Obama when we were losing jobs at a rate of almost a MILLION per month when he took office?  Then I get back to that explanation I keep hearing, and that is Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck are appealing to low information voters for their support, and evidently there are millions of them in America!

If investigating Bush/Cheney would make our nation more secure, isn’t it time for it to happen?

I’m pretty sure that those who are sick of me harping on what a HUGE blunder President Obama made by PROHIBITING investigations of the Bush/Cheney administration consider it an act of retribution, reprisal, or even vengence.  I’m not going to go back and read my many posts on this subject, but I don’t believe I ever suggested prison or jail for the perpetrators (well, that might not include Cheney – I think I once suggested he be put in GITMO and waterboarded).  My concern has ALWAYS been, even if it hasn’t been apparent, the prevention of “reliving” history by ignoring it – and, probably MORE IMPORTANT, figuring out the places in our government that are in IMMEDIATE need of being fixed.  Take for example the “underpants bomber” (still makes me laugh thinking about it – although the potential was for something far from funny) who presumably burned up his “private parts” (using the vernacular of my granddaughter) in a failed attempt at blowing up an American plane approaching Detroit last Christmas.  What became apparent as the “evidence” filtered into our “liberal” media was that the intelligence community in America is still not communicating properly from agency to agency to the detriment of our nation. 

This SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIXED after 9/11 – because the terrorists who committed that CRIME were known to be in the U.S. for the entire year preceeding the attack.  The reason the perpetrators were roaming our land without being apprehended was due to the conflict, or whatever causes these agencies to be independent from each other (I’m speaking of the FBI, NSA, CIA, and other agencies affiliated with our counterterrorism program in America designed to prevent further attacks).  So, investigations of the previous administration could clarify what was done during the seven years prior to President Obama assuming office in early 2009.  How will we understand what decisions were made under Bush without thorough investigations of his administration.  When you look at the incompetence of our government’s prosecution of both the Iraq and Afganistan fiascos it’s easy to be concerned with the level of decisionmaking in other areas of our government.  In addition, the Bush/Cheney administration was very busy OUTSOURCING as much of what government does as possible on the ASSUMPTION that privat industry is more efficient.  You know, the theory that protecting large corporations such as Halliburton, KBR, or companies in the private health care industry – companies with CEO’s earning in excess of 10 – 20 MILLION dollars per year  – saves money because they are more efficient than our government.  Personally, I’d like to see more than republican speculation to let me know if that’s really true.

Take for example counterterrorism.  It has been rumored in articles and publications that I’ve personally read that virtual communities have been “spawned” in Washington for all the NEW companies bidding for the counterterrorism business.  This may or may not be effective.  But, shouldn’t there be an investigation to make sure we don’t have a huge “JUGGERNAUT” running wild and spending money as if that alone will prevent further attacks?  It didn’t seem to work in Iraq and Afganistan and it sure didn’t seem to be working last Christmas with Mr. Underpants.  Also, I know from several books I’ve read that Blackwater (now called Xe services) is still knee deep in our government intelligence business with a mini army capable of doing a lot of damage to someone or something if they wake up on the “wrong side of the bed.”  (Yes, that’s a strong “hint” regarding all this inflamatory rhetoric of a violent nature from the “right” which is what Blackwater is affiliated with)  Shouldn’t we be investigating how this group got so strong and if it’s really that great an idea to have them interconnected with our government – receiving BILLIONS in no-bid contracts?  That’s a main part of why I’m still calling for the investigations – because, I’m just not a fan of all this outsourcing of our government responsibility to corporations who answer to stockholders instead of the American public.

Not only the intelligence “business,” but what about departments in the government itself.  If you recall, for example, the U.S. Justice Department – to me, the department that holds everything in America together by keeping alive the hope (fantasy?) that we are truly a nation of laws – and that there is not a preference for the POWERFUL.  Most of us probably have our doubts about this – I’m guessing those doubts are “bipartisan” – so, wouldn’t a thorough and independent investigation of the Justice Department after all the politicization done during Bush/Cheney/Rove/Addington/Yoo/Gonzales et al make sense?  We don’t have to be putting people in jail here – although, it’s been a real curiosity to me how Alberto Gonzales was able to appear before committees of Congress LYING THROUGH HIS TEETH with virtually no consequence.  It almost seemed that our leaders decided that the ridicule he was subjected to as he left Washington was conseqence enough.  But, what damage does that do to the credibility of our Justice Department?  Also, the recent verdict against Bush/Cheney regarding illegal wiretapping.  Doesn’t that warrant further investigations?  I’m just not clear on the thinking that our leaders can violate the law without reprisal.

And, speaking of the wiretapping.  Really, shouldn’t that be further investigated just so we can continue to say that having our leaders uphold their oath to defend and protect the constitution is expected and is a sacred obligation?  In this case – in my view – it was a sacred obligation for Bush/Cheney to abide by the FISA law AND it’s just as sacred an obligation for the Obama administration to investigate what we now KNOW were violations of that law.  I’m guessing here that the violations haven’t stopped, thereby making it unlikely that the Obama administration will investigate – because, they’re probably still WIRETAPPING.  That being said, the FISA laws calls for penalties of 5 years in prison and humongous fines (well, humongous to me – like $10,000 per violation) for EACH VIOLATION!  Bush/Cheney allegedly violated this law THOUSANDS of times – once, now, proven.  Also, wiretapping American citizens without a warrant seems to me to violate the 4th amendment of the very constitution both Bush and Obama took an oath to defend.

Finally, the torture.  I’m sure you knew – if you’ve been around here at all – that I couldn’t leave that one alone.  I mean, it’s not even questionable whether or not laws were broken.  Both George W Bush and Dick Cheney (and others) have admitted on national TV to authorizing Waterboarding which directly violates our own laws, international laws, and the Geneva Conventions.  I’ve been confused from DAY ONE of the Obama administration as how they managed to justify letting this one go.  Aside from the FACT that both Bush and Cheney would possibly be found guilty of WAR CRIMES, there is so much to learn about what has been done by our government.  As it stands, our credibility with the rest of the world has taken a HUGE “hit,” and we all know that if a republican somehow finds his/her way into the White House anytime soon the torturing will continue (if it’s really stopped).  Regardless, I don’t understand what is wrong with the American public being given the TRUTH about what was done during an admittedly “dark” period in our history.  Remember, this saying is VERY TRUE:  “Those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.”  We’re seeing this in Iraq and Afganistan – Viet Nam, deja vu all over again – and, we’ll see it with torture thanks to Obama/Holter turning their backs on what really happened under Bush/Cheney.

That was going to be it.  However, as I was writing this post a coal mine in the state where I was conceived – West Virginia – had a HUGE explosion with the reported deaths of at leat 25 miners and probably closer to 30.  Now, I’m going to avoid making any assumptions here regarding the working conditions in this mine, but this just confirms the point I’ve been trying to make as I’ve been writing tonight.  Everyone knows that the Bush administration “gutted” one department of government after another.  I really have no idea to what extent that would cover the oversight of the mines in this nation.  However, over the years mining company after mining company have shown a tendency to put the profits of their mines ahead of the safety of their miners.  I’m not even suggesting (well, maybe I’m bringing up the possibility) that the mining company involved in this accident did this – working in coal mines is DANGEROUS – what I’m suggesting is that thorough investigations of what was done under Bush/Cheney are warranted in area after area.  They were not shy in stating that one of their goals was to gut government.  Hence their shifting obligations (like national intelligence) to private FOR PROFIT companies (companies which can make unlimited campaign donations now that “Citizen’s United” has been passed).  Isn’t it time the Bush administration’s policies were investigated, simply to make sure “we the people” know what damage they did to our government?  I wish I could get this thought out of my mind, but situation after situation continues to arise suggesting doing the investigations would be better for all Americans – all the speculation could stop and the FACTS would be KNOWN!

Final Note:  tonight I tuned into the last segment of the Keith Olberman show on MSNBC.  Olberman was discussing the comments of Tom Coburn, republican senator from Oklahoma at a recent town hall meeting with his constituents.  FOR ONCE a republican was quoted as saying something nice about democrats (in this case calling Nancy Pelosi a nice person – despite Coburn’s obvious political differences with her) and calling out Fox “news” for their campaign of MISINFORMATION.  While I don’t believe I have a lot of commonality with Senator Coburn politically, I GIVE HIM MAJOR KUDOS!  Maybe he’ll be a catalyst for other republicans who want to stem the tide of the radical discourse in this nation and actually try to put “heads together” to find manageable, workable solutions to the problems which are plaguing this nation at this time (instead of trying to destroy our president).  As I’ve said many times on this site – we need two viable, rational political parties – and, I’ve been wondering where the republican party that I grew up with (Goldwater, Rockefellor, Tom McCall, Bob Packwood, Eisenhower, Ford, ect.) has gone.

The republican party is trying to destroy America from within.

As I look back on my sixty plus years as an American citizen it becomes more apparent all the time how much propoganda I, and every other American, has been subjected to.  It seems to me that this propoganda accelerated to almost BRAINWASHING starting in the eighties as the republicans figured out how to gain a “stranglehold” on the White House and the media.  Republican operatives started their “dirty tricks” campaigns during the Nixon years, spawned by people like Donald Segretti and Lee Atwater, which led to the likes of Roger Ailes, and most recently Karl Rove.  The one thing we can be sure of is there are many more “dirty tricksters” who have managed to stay “under the radar” – and, more to come, thanks to “Citizen’s United” and our right wing Supreme Court – assuring us the republican philosophy of “the end justifies the means” will continue to be a part of America’s political process for the foreseeable future.  Corporate interests have managed to “trick” Americans into voting, or camaigning, against their own self interest over and over again during the previous 30+ years as the media has grown in power and been consolidated into a small conservative block of corporatations.     

Here’s an example of what I’m talking about.  Let me preface these next comments by saying that I’m not a fan of the recent “health care reform,”  But that’s a good place to start for me to make my point.  During the debate over the health care legislation I’ve been hearing endless claims about how we have the “greatest health care system in the world” from one republican after another.  Of course, they’ve also been making claims that the bill would “bring the government between you and your doctor,” that there would be “death panels,” that health care reform will “cause an increase in premiums,” and other frivolous and/or ridiculous claims en masse.  All of these claims are easily refuted, but for the sake of brevity let’s concentrate on our own system of health care.  In reality, our system that the republicans are claiming is the “best in the world” ranks around 37th by most non-partisan standards.  In fact, our infant mortality rate ranks 42nd internationally, worse than nations like Slovenia, Cuba, and Hong Kong.  As far as life expectancy, the United States ranks 47th worldwide with a life expectancy of 78.14 years and DECLINING!  We are the only  wealthy, industrialized nation IN THE WORLD that does not have a universal health care system.  One statistic after another defies the claims of the republicans and supports the claims of those who believe our system is essentially broken.  I’m choosing to give the benefit of the doubt to President Obama and the democrats that the “reform” bill recently passed will be a step in the right direction.  However, the truth is that we still have NO UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM – even after the so-called reform.

Another of the GREAT REPUBLICAN LIES is that we have a “free market system.”  I guess, at this point in time, you could say that it’s a free market system because our biggest banks are getting BILLIONS (maybe trillions) of FREE MONEY from the fed.  Corporate heads and their supporters are on a continual campaign for “lower taxes,” as if all the benefits they take for granted are paid for by someone else.  Just this morning I heard a republican congressman inciting a group of what are becoming known as “low information voters” by shouting out at a rally opposing health care reform, “Who’s going to pay for it?”  Well, if you follow the actual actions of republicans when they’re in office, they think nobody should pay for anything – we should just borrow EVERYTHING.  Well, relating to health care, WE’RE (that is, “we the people” – including those in the audience of the congressman doing the inciting mentioned above – I believe it was John Boehner of Ohio) ALREADY PAYING FOR IT – if what he’s referring to is the cost of health care.  This is such a specious argument on the part of the republican party – it’s predicated on the audience being poorly informed – because, people are going to the hospital NOW whether they have health insurance or not.  I’ll give the example of a person I know who had to have gall bladder surgery without health insurance.  The reality is that the 30 plus THOUSAND DOLLAR bill that the hospital graciously credited to “charity” is part of the health insurance bill for those of us who are lucky enough to still be able to pay our premiums.  The reason my acquaintance was without insurance is because the premiums are so expensive he couldn’t afford it on a truck driver’s wages.  The end result was someone going without treatment for a condition which could have been avoided with preventive care before it got “out of hand” and his life was in jeopardy.  So, not only are we already PAYING FOR IT – those of us with insurance that is – but, the bills are much higher than they should be due to ALL the people avoiding doctors due to their lack of ability to pay for the services.

The truth is that everything ultimately gets paid for – one way or the other.  So, in our “free market system” – which, I might add, at present is virtually the result of 30+ years of “trickle down” economic theory “spun” by republicans – we’ve eliminated welfare for the poor (well, most of it) while increasing welfare for the corporations exponentially.  For example, our oil companies in the past few years are making profits that are approaching the 50 – 100 BILLION per year neighborhood, all the while doing this as they receive corporate WELFARE from the federal government also in the BILLIONS.  And, everyone seems to be up in arms about the TRILLIONS promised to the Wall Street banks preventing companies like Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley Chase, Bank of America, etc. from collapsing by the weight of their own reckless “gambling” losses – but, the republicans are seemingly standing arm in arm to prevent the government from passing regulations aimed at preventing a recurrence (and, by the way, these companies are already back to the same GAMBLING that created the collapse in first place).  Our “free market” is set up to allow the large corporations to find cheaper places overseas to produce their products and then give them “free reign” on our markets without tariff one to sell the resultant products – because tariffs wouldn’t be “free market” policy.  The loss of jobs that has resulted from that “free market” thinking seems to be of no concern to the corporations, the republicans, and evidently to a lot of democrats as well.

There’s more.  (a lot more, but I’m limited in space and time :o)  How about the pharmaceutical industry.  The federal government provides grants to “big pharma” which allows for the research and development of what most of us “old” people understand to be much needed drugs.  Here’s the rub.  The government also protects these pharmaceutical behemoths to ensure them a huge profit “at the end of the day.”  While I’m not going to write anything about preventing anyone from making a profit – I’m at least smart enough to know that to stay in business you must make a profit – I don’t call what “big pharma” did when the medicare part “D” plan was negotiated during the now infamous Bush administration – you know, the defenders of the “free market” – “free market!”  The reality of that legislation was that the prescription drugs needed by our senior citizens are sold at prices through the medicare program that allow the recipients of these “benefits” to go into Canada, buy the same drugs on their open market, and return to the United States with, as the old McDonald’s adds used to say, “Change from their dollar.”  Doesn’t that seem ridiculous?  Does anyone besides me think that preventing medicare from NEGOTIATING a bulk price for the needed drugs is NOT “free market?”

Then there was the adventurous duo of George W Bush and Dick Cheney (with a lot of help from Don Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and others – all supposedly “free market” proponents) getting us MIRED into two foreign occupations which could go on endlessly (or so it seems – Viet Nam, deja vu all over again?)  EVERY PENNY spent on both Afganistan and Iraq have been BORROWED – but that’s not the total RUB for me here.  How about all the NO BID contracts?  Contracts to the very firms that (at least) Cheney and Rumsfeld were the CEO’s of prior to their “service” for our nation – with both “earning” in excess of $100 MILLION dollars in their “estates” which were sequestered in some “innocent” trust account somewhere.  What’s “free market” about no-bid contracts?  Especially to your “own?”  I really don’t understand why no democrats have found this curious enough to investigate.  In fact, during the Iraq fiasco it was reported that $10 BILLION came up missing, and no one seemed too concerned about that.  Maybe that’s what they mean by “free market.”  I’m sure whoever ended up with the $10 BILLION is thinking along those lines.

While there are lots of examples of how the rhetoric doesn’t match the actions – hense, my interpretation that “we the people” are being BRAINWASHED – the final one I’ll bring up is the budget deficit.  This is a republican favorite.  Don’t you just love how they set the democrats up – and keep walking away with all the CASH?  (there’s that republican “free market” at work again)  During my lifetime (I started paying attention to politics in the mid sixties) it has been one republican president after another PILING up huge deficits – and then blaming the democrat who tries to “fix” the problem for the problem itself.  Nixon was the first.  I still remember him saying that it was silly for the government to own so much property and not have a debt.  He likened it to the mortgage that American homeowners have on their houses.  When he left office, as I remember it (well, actually Ford is the one who left office after finishing Nixon’s second term for him) the deficit was something like 75 BILLION per year – and that was SHOCKING to a lot of people like me.  Jimmy Carter came along and halved it – but, in the process turned off the left wing of the democratic party leading to Ronald Reagan.  Reagan, of course, was the president who instigated the “trickle down” theory of “free market” economics (the Milton Friedman diciples).  I can still remember Reagan promising to “cut taxes and balance the budget.”  Well, his eventual running mate George HW Bush gave that approach the appropriate name, “Voodoo Economics.”  However, the public fell for it (I suppose, looking back, it sounded really good) and by the time Reagan was done, and Bush the first who followed, our national debt had gone from something close to 700 BILLION (following Carter) to 5 TRILLION!  For those of you who don’t do math in your head, Reagan and Bush I increased the debt EIGHT times. 

For all that I didn’t like about Bill Clinton, one of the first things he did was attempt to reverse the deficit spending which was out of control when he took office.  The last year deficit of the Bush I was something approaching 400 BILLION DOLLARS.  Everyone knows (well, if you don’t you should) that by the time Clinton left office – despite the Lewinsky affair and other problems, including RELENTLESS attacks from republicans (this vitriol didn’t start with President Obama) – the budget was in surplus by about $250 BILLION with projections that we could wipe out our national debt in 10 years.  Well, the result of Clinton’s fooling around was another Bush (put into office by the Supreme Court) and a dose of “trickle down” economics on steroids.  George W Bush wasn’t satisfied with one huge tax cut to benefit the “upper crust” of our taxpayers, he managed to get TWO TAXCUTS through the republican congress – leading to an immediate reversal of the budget surplus into the greatest era of DEFICIT SPENDING in our nation’s history.  Combining Bush’s taxcuts with his warmongering on credit cards and deregulation of big business and he snuck out of Washington “with his tail between his legs” after virtually undermining the very fabric of our economy.  Bush’s damage was done with nary a whimper from the republican congress which controlled capital hill for most of his two terms in office.  He left our new president, Barack Obama, with a deficit of OVER A TRILLION dollars, a GREAT RECESSION, a Wall Street in turmoil, an auto industry crumbling toward bankruptcy, and the remnants of his republican congress who were blaming it all on Obama before he took the oath of office and pledging to vote NO on any reforms.

Actually, after all the damage the republicans caused under Bush you would have thought there would have been a bit of remorse for all the 401K’s which were decimated and a bit of a sense of obligation to help restore our economy to something that resembled what was once the greatest middle class the world had ever seen.  But NOOOOOOOO, that was not the case.  The propoganda didn’t just continue – it escalated – and is continuing to escalate every step of the way as President Obama attempts to “right the ship.”  In fact, as the health care legislation was in the final stages in the House of Representatives, the republicans showed their TRUE COLORS when they started throwing racial insults at Black members of the democratic party, homophobic insults at Barney Frank – an openly Gay member of the House, even spitting on one Black member of congress as he approached the House to cast his vote for the bill.  These are people who will no doubt benefit from the bill, but who have been BRAINWASHED by the likes of Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sarah Palin and others to believe that anything that comes out of this White House is going to RUIN our country.  It is these talking heads who are at the forefront of the propoganda machine.  I believe this was a political calculation back in the eighties (Rush Limbaugh and others with the so-called “talking points”) which has gotten WAY OUT OF CONTROL.  They have now stirred up a FRINGE element which is getting to the dangerous point.  I believe it’s just a matter of time until something tragic happens – something MAJOR – of course, that’s not to say the killings from the fringe “right” since Obama took office aren’t tragic – it’s just that I believe they are thinking BIGGER than what has happened so far.  These people remind me of the true meaning of the word TERRORIST – and, at some point in time our government is going to have to deal with them HARSHLY.  These republicans have GLEANED trillions from our taxpaying middle class in the past 30+ years, and they have an insatiable appetite for MORE!  Despite the fact our troops are STUCK in Iraq and Afganistan, the real WAR is right here at home – it’s a WAR WITHIN!  That is what John F Kennedy warned us about in the sixties.  If this great nation ever is destroyed, it will come from within.  And, it appears to me that the republican party is trying to destroy America from within.  Those of us who see this happening are depending on the democrats to win this WAR.  The outcome, it appears to me, is still undecided.  The “tea party” people are shouting “We want our country back” while people like me are wanting to shout the same thing.  They can’t handle a person of color in the White House, and people like me can’t handle a timid government that allows it’s leaders to function in a corrupt system that favors the wealthy.  I hope this somehow gets resolved without violence – but, it appears to me that the propogandists on the “right” will stop at nothing in an attempt to undermine Obama and regain their dream of a permanent republican majority!  (for those who think that’s not likely, read the Supreme Court’s “Citizen’s United” decision)

One final afterthought – a depressing one at that (sorry) – If you haven’t heard of Blackwater (now calling themselves Xe services) look them up.  They are FULLY ALIGNED with the right wing fringe which is getting out of control as I’m writing this piece.

Regarding President Obama’s centrist approach, the only reasonable explanation for the republican reaction of “Hell No you can’t” is OVERT racism!

It’s spring break.  I spent a couple days away from everything – the news that is – and, when I came home I openend up my online edition of the NY Times to see an article about President Obama titled: “Obama to open Offshore areas to Oil Drilling for the first time.”  Now, this was no big surprise to me.  If you’ve been reading my thoughts of the past couple of years you know that I’m not one of the people claiming our president is a socialist, or anything of that ilk.  In fact, I’ve been lamenting that President Obama is much farther to the “right” than I had anticipated when choosing to support his bid for the presidency in 2008.  To me “The change we can believe in” was far different from what Obama was actually delivering.  Despite my age (which would qualify me for early social security benefits) I still have something of a memory left.  So, I can vividly remember some of the “promises” made during the 2008 campaign.  Of course, I’ve been around long enough to know what promises made in political campaigns mean – usually just words – but, that kind of leads me to my point.  Part of the “Change I could believe in” was a hope that the promises made were actually true.  I don’t want to “lambast” Obama here, that is not my point for this post, I just need to frame my thoughts for the evening, however they might emerge here, (I never quite know what I’m going to write) by saying that I believe a lot of what we’re getting is “politics as usual” in America.  It would be stupid to suggest that Obama’s direction is not a “change” from GW Bush’s.  To me, that just went without discussion – any democrat would have been a significant change from Bush/Cheney.  Heck, even the republicans weren’t mentioning the names of Bush/Cheney during the previous election.  Personally, I was hoping for a fundamental change in the way we do politics in America.

That all being said, the intense rhetoric being thrown around after the passage of “health reform” pretty much supports a lot of what I’ve been claiming to be the problem with the republican side of the “isle” since before Obama took the oath of office.  If you listen too much to these people you would think that America is doomed as a nation.  They are throwing – with little apparent knowledge of the terms they’re using – words like “socialist,” “communist,” “fascist,” and even “racist” at President Obama in what appears to me to be a desperate attempt at preventing the American public from discovering the truth about the real damage caused by what I call the Great American Heist (I’d write a book with that title, but I’m not a writer of books and I’m sure someone would beat me to it anyway).  What is the “Great American Heist?”  Well, if you’ve not been paying attention (or listening to republican talking heads), it’s what has happened to the 12 trillion dollars the American taxpayers have lost above and beyond the services received for their tax payments over the previous 30+ years since Ronald Reagan was “thrust” on the scene.  It’s the blatant “filtering” UP of America’s great wealth to less than 1% of America’s population.  It’s the “bludgeoning” of America’s Great middle class which resulted from FDR’s “New Deal.”  It’s been no secret that Republicans hated the New Deal, they hate unions, they say they despise government – all the while as they’re using government to provide themselves with “corporate welfare” – while, ostensibly decrying “real” welfare (welfare intended for the poor, that is), they claimed social security was a communist plot, medicare was – according to Reagan – socialized medicine that would “curtail America’s freedom, and – of course – the civil rights movement has been a “raw spot” for republicans since the 60’s.  Astonishingly, republicans now HATE “health reform” that will bring health insurance benefits to over 30 million Americans in a way that is WAY TOO REPUBLICAN for me.  None of this makes too much sense to me.  If you listen to the “mainstream” media, however,  you would almost think the republican perspective has merit.

Let me try to clarify a point I’ve been making since Obama’s campaign for the presidency.  It became clear to me prior to Obama winning the democratic nomination that racism is MORE alive and well in America than, certainly, I had thought.  I teach 6th graders and one of the things that is encouraging to me about them is they seem to be pretty much “color blind.”  Now, there’s a lot of issues I don’t like that I’m seeing with the 11 – 12 year old children I teach – but, the fact they seem to predominantly judge each other based on something other than the color of their skin is a positive for me.  That’s still not the case, evidently, with MANY adults in this nation.  During Obama’s campaign against Hillary Clinton I was definitely surprised to see race to be as much of an issue as it seemed to be.  Foolishly, I guess, I had allowed myself to believe that ALL the racists were in the republican party.  Obviously, that was pretty naive (I was going to write stupid, but naive made me feel a bit better) on my part.  However, once the national campaign unfolded and it was Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin the contrast between the two parties became very apparent – I mean, if our media would do the research they’re paid to do, they would have connected Palin to the Alaska Successionist Party which is affiliated with the John Birch society so that some of her references to “taking back America,” or “real Americans” would have allowed them to make an accurate description of her position on race (maybe there would have been a reaction other than silence from Palin  as she stood quietly while her supporters shouted “kill him” in reference to Obama).  And, the issue of race has not gone away since Obama’s inauguration – as I’ve been saying for some time now, I don’t believe it will until there is a fundamental EXPOSURE of the leaders of the republican party.  The imperical evidence is EVERYWHERE, but, somehow, the “journalists” in this nation don’t seem to want to “go there.”  This so-called “health reform” is a great example to show the true motivation behind the “party of NO!”  In the sixth grade we teach our students the importance of “inferring” – so, bear with me because I’m going to assume if you’re reading this you understand that concept.

The reason you need to “infer” what’s really happening is due to the republican’s great willingness to LIE.  So, let’s look at this so-called “government takeover of health care,” or “socialized medicine” that they’re so “up in arms” about.  Aside from those two claims we’ve endured endless claims about “death panels,” about the government coming “between you and your doctor,” about government “funding abortions,” and on and on.  So, what is the reality that caused EVERY republican in both houses of congress to vote against giving 30+ million more Americans access to health care.  The bill doesn’t include the “public option” that progressives demanded, it gives tax breaks to small businesses to help them provide health care for their employees (that’s good isn’t it?), it closes the “doughnut hole” for seniors which was costing our senior citizens billions of dollars for medications, the bill preserves the private insurance companies (as stated – providing them MILLIONS of new customers), the bill prevents companies from excluding customers based on “pre-existing” conditions,  OVER 200 amendments in the bill were proposed by republicans (in fact, it’s being reported that the bill resembles the Massachusettes plan initiated by then republican governor Mitt Romney), the bill extends the life of Medicare for something like 10 years – giving more time to solve the medicare solvency problem, the bill requires insurance companies to pay out 85% of premiums in benefits (I suppose that’s not one of the republican amendments because it could cause a reduction in CEO pay – although I’m sure they’ll find a way around the requirement), and it has many provisions designed to reduce the need for expensive medical procedures.  The bill is a very CONSERVATIVE approach to the health care crisis in my opionion.  It provides needed benefits to untold MILLIONS of Americans – so why not a single republiccan vote for the bill?

This is where the inferencing comes in.  In fact, the republican response to the passage of this bill further lends “inferential” evidence to what I’ve been saying for well over a year now.  The republicans now are going to be betting everything on REPEAL of the legislation.  Bouyed by the Supreme Court’s decision in “Citizen’s United” – opening the “floodgates” of corporate money into the impending elections – it appears the republicans are going to make a strong “push” to gain enough seats in congress to REPEAL the bill.  (that seems foolish to me on two fronts – first, that’s a lot of seats and second, it further makes my point more obvious)  Instead of giving the bill a chance to work, they want to repeal it – and, I believe the reason for that is they think the bill will work!  It’s a very republican-like bill.  Now, if it was up to me, congress would simply have passed a “medicare for all” buyin with the necessary tweaks to insure the key proponents of this bill.  The American public would have then had the opportunity to “choose” between the existing insurance market and a buyin to medicare.  The simple argument could have been made to republicans that if government programs are so bad, the insurance companies would have nothing to worry about (in fact, at one time, I believe I heard President Obama himself make that EXACT argument)

Why then, if it’s a republican like bill, would the republicans be so united against it?  Well, the real truth is that the thought of a Black president succeeding is simply unacceptable to republicans.  I believe they are well aware that “whites” (I’m one of them) will soon be a minority in America – that is, compared to the combined total of all other members of our “melting pot.”  Evidently, they think the only people who should be “qualified” to be president are “white” people.  You know, like GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton (well, Clinton’s a whole different story), and – GOD FORBID – Sarah Palin!  (hence the redundant claim from republicans; “We want our country back” – as if it’s gone somewhere)  The republicans are smart enough to understand the consequences of Barack Obama pulling this nation out of the crisis created by Bush/Cheney.  They weren’t smart enough – or courageous enough (keep in mind there wasn’t ONE republican COURAGEOUS enough to vote against their leadership on this republican – like bill) – to stand up to Bush/Cheney as the two of them were virtually destroying our economy and our standing in the world.  But, now they’re standing strong against President Obama in a united effort to prevent a person of color from “fixing” their BLUNDERS!

I mean there’s a plethora of evidence to support my contention based on Obama’s cautious approach to governing in a crisis that the only legitimate reason for their constant barrage of NO’S is the color of Obama’s skin.  I’m not the only “progressive” minded person out there who’s dissapointed in the decisions of our new president.  That’s why it’s so surprising that not one republican has “crossed the line” so far to support Obama’s PUSH for bipartisanship.  Let me give you a list of things I’m not too happy about, but the republicans should be:  First (and foremost in my mind), Obama essentially pardoned Bush/Cheney and a bunch of others once taking office (similarly to Nancy Pelosi taking “impeachment off the table” when it clearly should have been on the table).  I’ve been “harping” on this since day one of the Obama administration.  Not only did Obama let Bush off the hook, he’s been defending his illegal activity in court.  To make matters worse for Obama on this one, Judge Vaughn Walker ruled today that the Bush administration violated the FISA act (they did this many times – probably thousands) when they illegally wiretapped the Al-Haramain foundation after the 9/11 attacks.  Obama’s justice department was trying to carry on the claim that the “state’s secrets priviledge” essentially allows the government to hide it’s illegal activity by claiming we’re at war (you can see why Bush/Cheney wanted the never ending “war on terror”).  In my mind, President Obama has opened himself up to “own” a large part of the Bush fiasco, not only by continuing Bush policies, but by defending those policies – clearly illegal policies – in court (there are many more instances besides the illegal wiretapping).  So, how do you explain the republicans being upset with Obama for this? (of course, to me, a better question is why would Obama even do this?)  Could it be the color of Obama’s skin?  But, hold on, there’s a lot more evidence to support my contention.

Take Iraq and Afganistan for example.  If we were getting the “change I could believe in” we would be out of there by now.  Obama has been in office for almost 15 months now – so, actually – based on what I heard him PROMISE during the campaign – it would be another month until our troops would be out of Iraq – TOTALLY.  He did claim that he wanted to “finish the job” of getting Osama bin Laden in Afganistan – but, I didn’t interpret that as on OK for another Bush-like “surge” – only this time in Afganistan, with a seemingly endless occupation of two Arab countries.  Honestly, I believe the republicans, the generals, the military industrial complex in America should all be VERY HAPPY with Obama.  People like me – not so happy.  Obama has essentially CONTINUED the Bush policy in Iraq – with little or no modification.  The so-called withdrawal plan was negotiated by the Bush administration and, I believe, is not even a withdrawal plan.  I REALLY hope I’m wrong on this one, but I have the worst feeling that our “non combat” troops (now there’s a republican misnomer for you) are going to be in Iraq indefinitely.  And, we are apparently going to spend the next several years “nation building” in Afganistan while the Afgan government and people – who don’t want us there – glean what they can from our occupation of their country.  Hamad Karzai may have had some potential when he was first put in office in Afganistan, but that day has long since “expired.”  The seven years of the “real” Bush policies soured the Afgans on America, and we should just quit sending “good money after bad.”  Yes, we need to somehow deal with al Qaeda, but this is not the solution.  We have brilliant minds in our government who need to go back to the drawing board on finding and eradicating al Qaeda – but, not through these endless occupations of Arab nations which is just making the United States more vulnerable on several fronts.  We need leadership here instead of Obama trying to impress the “right” that he’s a “tough” commander in chief.  That all being said, based on Obama’s continuance of their policies, why are republicans so venemous toward him?

Then, today it’s the oil drilling off our coast.  Really, from the “progressive” perspective, it’s just one republican-like move after another.  What’s that old saying?  “If you try to please everyone, you please no one.”  Somehow, I’m forcing myself to believe that Obama’s smarter than that – but, it certainly seems like a relevent saying, doesn’t it?  I still remember Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, calling people like me fu__ing retards, evidently for our “idealistic” yearnings.  Of course, Obama hasn’t received a republican vote yet, although I saw an interview on TV last night where he said quite clearly that he will continue to reach out to republicans.  I guess maybe his strategy is to back them into a corner by giving them legislation that makes it even clearer where they’re coming from when they vote against it – or, maybe give them legislation that forces them to vote with him (and, all the while him assuming us progressives will just “be there” when he needs us).  The bottom line is that one decision after another coming from Obama’s White House is either centrist, or maybe even “right” leaning.  If there was a “moderate” republican left in Congress with any guts whatsoever, he/she would be right along side the president.  Given Obama’s intellect, I have to concede that he must have a plan that goes beyond my ability to imagine for defeating these thugs.  In the end, the result could be the same as would have happened had he followed my lead (now, there’s some arrogance for you) and that is the republican party – in its present form – in dissaray.  At this point I’m guessing they would vote no if Obama proposed extending the Bush tax cuts! The bottom line – I’ll quit mincing words – is there’s no logical explanation for all the NO votes, all the vitriol coming from the “right,” besides republicans feeling it’s more important for our government to fail than for a Black president to succeed!  OK, I’ll say it – the republican party is “infested” with of a bunch of racists.  Not all of them, mind you, but the ones who aren’t racists are not showing the courage necessary to stand tall – and SPEAK OUT against the Limbaugh’s, the Beck’s, the O’Reilly’s, the Boehner’s, the McConnell’s, the McCain’s, the Palin’s, the Grassley’s, and all the others who are lined up SOLIDLY against a president of the United States like nothing that’s ever happened in this nation before.  If Obama was doing what I wanted him to do, this vitriol would be more understandable – although, I believe the end results would be better legislation and a clear message to America and the world that the United States is a nation based on the rule of law – but, based on his pragmatic, conservative, and cautious approach to serious problems left behind by Bush/Cheney et al – the only reasonable explanation for the republican reaction of “Hell No you can’t” is OVERT racism!