Isn’t that just like these republicans – people like Lars Larson calling people like me “elitist” while “kissing up” to those poor “blue collar” Wall Street billionaires!

I keep thinking I’ve written enough, I’ve gotten the frustration out of my system.  And, just think, even one of the people I included in a post (Lars Larson) actually stopped by to point out what an “elitist” I am.  That should be enough.  But, the truth is these republicans just won’t stop.  It should be clear they are going to continue twisting the English language in an attempt to fulfill their dream of a “permanent (endless) republican majority” as Karl Rove so adroitly put it.  Now, after losing the debate on the need to “reform” health care in America, they are attempting to protect the Wall Street banks – by pretending they’re not protecting the Wall Street banks.  Isn’t that just like them.  ALWAYS look the other way when a republican leader starts talking!

This morning, as I’m doing my daily diligence of reading the NY Times and Washington Post I read this quote by Mitch McConnell, the leader of the Senate (and one of those republicans who can’t totally keep it to himself how much he HATES the idea of a Black president succeeding) in an attempt to portray the democrat’s bank reform bill as a “pro Wall Street” bill – these guys have no scruples whatsoever:  “We cannot allow endless taxpayer-funded bailouts,” Mr. McConnell said in a floor speech. “That’s why we must not pass the financial reform bill that’s about to hit the floor. The fact is this bill wouldn’t solve the problems that led to the financial crisis. It would make them worse.”  He then went on to say that we should just let the banks “that are too big to fail” fail.  This is typical republican doublespeak that is essentially the reason I started writing in the first place.  THESE PEOPLE HAVE GOT TO GO!

What McConnell was really saying was the republicans want NO REFORM.  After all (of course they don’t want the “tea partiers” to know this) they are the ones who gutted the post Depression reforms that had stabilized our banks since the 1930’s.  The problem with those reforms, from the republican point of view, is that they limited the amount of “stockholder value” for corporations such as Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank, and the other “behemoths” which have emerged since Ronald Reagan led the purge of the New Deal regulations.  These banks are already back to cutting off “the fat hog” since being bailed out by – WHO ELSE – but, Hank Paulsen (former CEO of Goldman prior to taking the reins as Treasury Secretary under GW Bush), George Bush, and the very republicans who are now proclaiming that regulation would lead to “endless government bailouts of Wall Street.”

Of course, as with virtually every other republican “claim” as of late, the opposite is true.  I’ve only read excerpts of the bill which have been published in the NY Times or Washington Post or other places online, but it’s very clear the bill sets up a plan to not only allow these banks to fail – should they continue their reckless gambling with American taxpayer’s money – but, to actually sieze them in an orderly way designed to punish the directors, the officers of the companies, and the shareholders should the castastrophe of 2007 and 2008 be recreated, but protect depositors.  The “republican way” which is what 80% of Americans are angry about is to provide the banks with unlimited funds to bridge the disaster created when their gambling “debts” are called – as they were in the fall of 2008 as the foreclosure crisis hit high gear.  The result of “the republican way” has been a quick return to HUGE profits for these banks, a continuation of the very abuses they were performing prior to the “crash,” unbelievable “windfalls” for some of the hedge fund gurus who purchased large blocks of banking stocks when they were at the “bottom,” and a potential gold mine for republicans in campaign donations from Wall Street as they fight any regulation which might slow down the GREED on Wall Street – which has been out of control for years.

So, in the eyes of people like Larson (and, presumably Limbaugh, Beck, and the other paid propogandists of their republican masters) people like me, who are calling them for their doublespeak, are “elitists” because we point out the TRUTH that they are playing on average American’s fears in a way that provides HUGE dividends for their bank accounts.  And, the reality is that they’ve had a well planned “gig” since the 80’s to turn the minds of the American public away from their GREEDY politics by twisting the “wedge” issues and taking advantage of what they call the “weak” democrats.  Now, there is a point we (Lars and me) can agree on.  The democrats need to “grow a pair.”  Now that the republicans have succeeded in pushing “Citizen’s United” onto the rest of us, this situation is going to get worse – unless the democrats stand up and tell these republicans where to get off!

To be honest, I’m really uncomfortable depending on the democrats to do anything.  As much as I admire President Obama as a person, I’m still concerned with his constant “reaching out” to republicans.  In a “perfect world” I totally realize that would be the way to go.  But, I don’t know if these republicans are worth being “bipartisan” with.  They’ve pushed the American political dialogue so far to the “right” that I think the democrats should be pushing it back – they have until November to accomplish this.  Now, I also fully understand that President Obama is a very intelligent person and I’m guessing he has a “plan” that he’s going to see through to the end.  My gut feeling is that he’s giving the republicans every opportunity to “shoot themselves in the feet.”  And, this Wall Street reform just might be the legislation which leads to that conclusion from the voters.  I’m actually kind of excited to see the public reaction to a republican filibuster of legislation designed to  “real in” Wall Street.  Of course, that’s what McConnell is trying to “set up” in his remarks on the Senate floor.  They are going to do what they always do and attempt to make their support for Wall Street look as if they want to just “let them fail” (McConnell, the same day of his remarks, was reportedly soliciting donations from the top 25 Wall Street bankers).  Isn’t that just like these republicans – people like Lars Larson calling people like me “elitist” while “kissing up” to those poor “blue collar” Wall Street billionaires!

3 thoughts on “Isn’t that just like these republicans – people like Lars Larson calling people like me “elitist” while “kissing up” to those poor “blue collar” Wall Street billionaires!

  1. admin Post author

    Lars, How did you find my little rant out in the middle of cyberspace? I’m guessing you must “google” your name so that in case anyone is trying to point out the truth about you – you can do a little bit more blithering. Of course, if my argument was “weak,” as you put it, you’d actually address my argument with some kind of rational thought. Maybe you have to check in with the “masters” to find out what’s appropriate to say, huh? Of course, a nice little “race card” comment propbably makes you feel good. I’m sure you’ve never heard any of the “code words” McConnell and the others (probably you too, although I’ve never listened to you enough to know this for sure) use to assure all those tea partiers carrying the dispicable racist signs at their “rallies” referring to our sitting president in terms I wont repeat here – that they are loved! Love having you here Lars, but why don’t you explain to me why it’s a good idea to allow the Wall Street bankers to continue “swapping derivatives” and leveraging debt to the limit so that we can experience another global financial meltdown – AND – they can continue to receive HUGE incomes from their gambling – with no PENALTY when things go south? Explain to me why no regulation is good regulation Lars. Sometimes, I wonder whether you republicans have enough memory capacity to still remember the Bush administration from so long ago. What’s the saying? Those who choose to ignore history are destined to repeat it. As good as another meltdown sounds to you Lars, I’m not buying it. (If the democrats had any guts they’d reinstitute Glass Steagall and that would go a long way in solving the “too big to fail” problem)

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