Monthly Archives: March 2017

Do you think there will become a time when Hillary Clinton is leading a chant, “lock them up?”

As I’m watching the Trump issues regarding the Russian “invasion” of our political process, (OK, I know some of this was routine) I can’t help but keep thinking of Trump’s “National Security Adviser” Michael Flynn standing in front of the Republican national convention claiming, “If I did one tenth what Hillary Clinton has done I’d be locked up” or something to that light.  Then he started leading the “lock her up” chant that became so “normal” at Trump campaign rallies.  Of course, at the time, Flynn was standing there illegally as an unidentified foreign agent – reportedly having pocketed over 500,000 dollars in a two month period “lobbying” for the Turkish government.  While Flynn was leading the “lock her up” cheer, Paul Manafort was still the campaign manager for Trump and, unbeknownst to most of us, he also had been a foreign agent for Russian interests in a way designed to improve the image around the globe of Vladimir Putin.  According to reports, Manafort was paid in the tens of MILLIONS of dollars for his “advising” in both Russia and Ukraine.

Of course, much of this was known to the Trump campaign and Washington insiders when Trump hired these two guys, who are now like YUGE (in the words of Bernie Sanders) “paper weights” on the Trump presidency due to the FACT they were hired as the two leading voices (originally) in Trump’s campaign.  There are others with sketchy, at best, connections to the Russians in Trump’s “circle,” but from my vantage point it’s time for Flynn and Manafort to get counsel and start trying to figure out how to either LIE there way out of the mess they’re in, OR “cut a deal.”  That last part has to be what might be making Mr. Trump a bit uneasy.  Of course, none of us know how deep Trump himself is into all of this, but the TRUTH is that he’s participated (knowingly) in trying to cover it up (he knew, for example, about Flynn’s involvement discussing “sanctions” with the Russian “Ambassador” for weeks prior to “firing” him.)  The list of LIES involved with the “firing” of Flynn is interesting to say the least, but the reality is that he was “fired” because the news media “outed” him.  Trump, Pense, and the rest were fine with what Flynn did until it became public knowledge.

I keep asking myself, is Hillary Clinton secretly chanting “lock him up” as she’s witnessing what was going on behind the scenes while she was being accused of being a “criminal” for doing what the two Secretary of States before her did – using a private email server.  The reality is that Flynn very well might be looking at being the one “locked up.”  Not only did he fail to register as a foreign agent – even after he was officially hired as Trump’s National Security Advisor – but reports are now surfacing that Flynn conspired to kidnap a Turkish dissident and “whisk him out of the country” so he could be prosecuted in Turkey!  This is very NAUGHTY (or should I say, ILLEGAL) stuff!  This is the guy President Obama had to fire for (essentially)  insubordination and then, probably illegally, hired himself out to Russia itself.  From my understanding, former military personnel are not supposed to take money from foreign countries (especially adversaries) after leaving the service without permission – in this case from the Army.  The guy was a general – he should have known better.

Of course, just like his future boss Donald Trump, Flynn apparently had more regard for Vladimir Putin than our own president – who was his commander in chief.  The hypocrisy from this guy is “off the charts.”  Of course Trump blamed the media for Flynn’s firing (as odd as that might seem) up until the media uncovered his failure to disclose he was representing a foreign nation all the while “advising” our future president on “national security.”  This all just keeps getting more and more bizarre.  For those of us old enough to remember Watergate, this – I’ll call it “Trumpgate” – is looking much more serious.  I’m really concerned that the Trump administration is totally vulnerable to the Russians and when everything actually comes out we’ll find out they’ve had an influence on more than “just” the election. (I put that in quotes because I personally am feeling as if there may be some traitors in the present administration.  Cheating in elections is FAR WORSE than cheating at golf! You know, the “gentleman’s game” – where you’re supposed to act with honor)

Putin is pushing a world wide “White nationalist” right wing agenda that would allow him to reconstitute the “former Soviet Union.”  He wants to “Make Russia Great again.”  Sound familiar?  I believe that eventually we’ll all know actually what took place before and after the election – but, it’s not going to be easy.  There are too many republicans willing to sell themselves out for Trump and my hope is that the voters remember this at the next election.  No one should be arguing, least of all Trump himself if there’s no “there there” as they like to say, against a BIPARTISAN investigation into this situation.  The more Trump fights the investigations, the more it appears he’s going to be caught up in all this as well.

It was reported the other day that Manafort, Flynn, Carter Paige, and Roger Stone have all “volunteered” to testify before the House Intelligence committee.  The first thing I’d say is that ONLY if it’s under oath.  The second thing I’d say is that as long as Devin Nunes is the chair of that committee the chances of a “bipartisan” investigation are slim and none.  The guy is unbelievable – which is apparently why he was hired as part of Trump’s transition team.  He’s already shown his lack of competence in how he’s been dealing with “intelligence” and his committee members AND his inability to pull himself away from his loyalty to Trump.  It doesn’t take a “brain surgeon” (my apologies to Ben Carson) to understand you don’t take evidence to the “target” of an investigation DURING the investigation – if you want to be perceived as unbiased.  That’s now impossible for Nunes. (Evidently, the evidence Nunes reportedly “took” to the White House, he actually was given at the White House.  Yes, you’re correct, Nunes got the “evidence” that Trump claimed proved President Obama “wiretapped” him – from someone in the White House while he was IN the White House.  Maybe we are all STUPID – if they get away with all of this)

Why might Flynn and the others want to “volunteer” testifying?  Well, I suspect they’re trying to find creative ways to head off the FBI’s investigation in which director Comey used the term “criminal.”  The only people, besides Comey, who knows what these people have actually done – that is the level of their involvement with the Russians – is themselves and their counsel.  I’m guessing their counsels will be attempting to get them to give congressional testimony that will prevent the FBI from being able to criminally charge them with actual crimes.  Nunes could be part of that plan – I wouldn’t trust that guy “as far as I could throw him.”  And, personally, I believe this all goes way beyond these four guys.  There’s an old saying that it’s not a crime unless you get caught.  Well, there’s now people all throughout the Trump “team” who seem to be looking at the possibility of “stuff” being exposed that no one would have given a second thought to had they not joined Trump’s campaign.

Take Manafort for example.  He’s now being connected to a bank in Cypress that is KNOWN as a center for Russian money laundering – evidently, he may have collected MILLIONS of “dirty” money along the way according to reports I’ve seen and his connections to the Russian “Oligarchy” (mob) is beginning to see the light of day.  My first thought was, “I wonder if Manafort claimed all that money that came from Russia and Ukraine on this tax forms?”  Of course, I doubt if anyone in Trump’s circle would cheat on their taxes, but “I’m just sayin …….”  And the head of that bank in Cypress is now Trump’s Commerce Secretary – his name is Wilbur Ross I believe – and, it should be interesting to find out more about this guy’s dealings.  He apparently was a partner in that bank with a Russian Oligarch with close ties to Putin – I guess just one more dot to connect between Trump and Putin.  Do you, as I do, wonder what kind of financial dealings Trump has that are connected in some way to Russia?  I’m guessing, at some point, Mr. Trump will be forced to release his tax returns – although, at this point, nothing Trump does causes me to believe he’s being honest and I’m not sure I’d trust anything he released. (Maybe the FBI could force the IRS to release them once the never ending “audit” is completed :o)

Trump himself encouraged all the “lock her up” chants that constantly rang out at his campaign rallies.  Do you see the irony in all of this?  It appears to be getting deeper and deeper as we progress into Trump’s “first 100 days.”  Many people I’ve talked to suggest the Russian government is run like a mafia organization and you have to wonder how much it will bother Trump’s die hard supporters when it all comes out.  He was down to 37% approval 58% disapproval in the last poll I saw – which are startlingly (bad) numbers for a president in his first two months in office.  Could it get worse?  I believe it could.  As I’ve said before on this site, I believe the republicans in congress will “pull the plug” before things get to the point where Trump is jeopardizing their reelection chances (in the “safe” districts) and we’ll have Mike Pense as the 46th president.  Each week that day seems to be getting closer.  I’m worried that Pense is damaging his own “brand” as he attempts to sugarcoat the “Trump reality” to the point where he won’t be much more effective once he’s in the White House.

If democrats are smart (something I’ve never accused them of) they’ll be working to find candidates in EVERY district they possibly can for the 2018 election.  I would love it if they chose to fight it out in so-called “red states” and “red districts.”  Somehow, I get the feeling that they don’t even attempt to win elections in places that have really weird representatives (aka Louie Gohmert)  MOST of the American people have become involved since Trump’s election – including many who voted for him only  to realize the first thing he was going to do was take away their health insurance.  The opportunity to take back the House in 2018 is looking democrats right in the eye – we’ll see if they can mobilize and actually put up a FIGHT that has its foundation in traditional democratic principles.  Bernie Sanders proved last year that there is a LIBERAL “base” to the democratic party that’s been “silent” for years because the leaders have allowed themselves to believe the right wing attacks on the word liberal itself.  Every great advance in this nation’s history could be considered “liberal” at the time it took place.  In virtually every instance the “advance” required courage, persistence, and a willingness to stand on principle.

Democrats have the opportunity to get the young people of this nation mobilized and I firmly believe if they do this, we will be looking at a return to the ideals of the New Deal.  I don’t know of anyone, for example, that doesn’t believe our infrastructure is in bad shape and needs to be “brought up to code.”  That, in itself, would be a great investment that would create probably MILLIONS of good paying jobs.  Yes, the wealthy would have to pay more in taxes, but that’s the way it was when our highways were originally built along with all the other infrastructure that is now so in need of repair or replacement.  We have the opportunity to turn America’s energy system progressively greener and wouldn’t it be nice if our leaders finally internalized that we’re not the “world’s policeman?”  Instead of spending more on the military (our leaders have made Dwight Eisenhower a prophet regarding his warnings about the “military industrial complex”) wouldn’t it be nice if we worked to rebuild our cities, improve our education system, help all our veterans (especially all the homeless ones), and basically use our wealth for humanitarian purposes instead of WAR.  OK, I know I’m an idealist –  but, the reality is there’s an opportunity staring us in the face thanks to Trump’s incompetency – I guess that’s what it is going to take to get people’s attention.  However, this will take a commitment that will last years – I’m not sure “we the people” have the attention span to do it – AND, you can be sure the “right wing” will be kicking and screaming all the way.  (They’ve been plundering taxpayer dollars to the tune of TRILLIONS since the 80’s.)

Democrats and Republicans SHOULD be able to talk to each other and work out issues with each other in a way that is fair to both sides.  But, the reality is that republicans have been nothing but obstructionists and LIARS for the past 20+ years and those who instituted that “strategy” (Gingrich, McConnell, et al) will probably need to be purged before “bipartisanship” will have a chance to return.  You can see it from those who’ve been in the streets since Trump took the oath of office – the “base” doesn’t want democrats cooperating with Trump, Ryan, McConnell in any way.  Personally, I look forward to the day when we can talk to each other respectfully and work out differences in a way that leads to the most good for the most people.  However, as I stated above, when I think about Trump and his surrogates, the picture in my mind is Michael Flynn leading the “lock her up” chant.  Before any of my “wishes” have any kind of a chance to become reality, people like Flynn, Manafort, Stone, Paige, Ross, and even Trump need to be fully investigated and any “hint” of Russian involvement in our democratic republic needs to be vanquished. I’ll end by asking once again, do you think there will become a time when Hillary Clinton is leading a chant, “lock them up?”

Final note:  Do you find it as curious as I do that republican “oversight” committees were so eager to investigate Benghazi and seemingly have such little interest (they’re being forced by media reporting) in investigating a Russian cyber ATTACK on our nation – with the distinct possiblility (likelihood) of collusion with the Russians and Trump’s campaign not to mention Russian influence post election?  It appears to me that for PARTISAN reasons they’d be happy to just “look the other way” and let the Russians get away with this.  And, remember, the Russian “plan” goes way beyond destabilizing the United States.  As I stated above, Vladimir Putin’s plan is to “Make Russia Great again,” and he can’t do it if “we the people” are still in control of our government.  “Just sayin……”

The question with Trump becomes, how much can the republicans stomach before they intervene?

The level of damage Donald Trump is doing to America is mounting FAST and, unfortunately, I believe we’re at a point ALREADY where “we the people” are relying on the republicans to save us from as much of this “damage” as possible – and, sooner rather than later.  People around the world have to be shaking their collective heads in a disbelief that could exceed many of us in the “homeland.”  The reality is that the United States plays such a significant role in the WORLD that every day Trump pushes his “America first” agenda – which is clarifying the role of (unelected White nationalist) Steve Bannon in our politics  – a larger chasm is growing with the traditional allies of our great country.  If republicans don’t reject Trump and do “the right thing” (impeachment) we’re looking at a world that will be drifting closer and closer to chaos.

The other day, for example, the chancellor from Germany visited the White House and it was clear from everything I read and heard (and saw) that she, Angela Merkel, was the “adult in the room.”  Trump is out of his league around a sophisticated leader like Merkel and it must remind him of his campaign against Hillary Clinton (who beat him by almost 3 MILLION votes) where his incompetence showed through in each of the debates as it did in his meetings with Merkel.  He seems to almost show childish behavior around women who are intellectually superior to him.  He needed the Russians and the FBI director’s intervention in the election to pull off a surprise Electoral College victory (along with two decades of right wing Clinton bashing on talk radio and outlets like Fox “news” in the GOP’s effort to stop Mrs. Clinton – remember, in many of the “rust belt” areas, the predominance of “information” comes from the likes of Rush Limbaugh and Fox)  The problem is that now Trump is actually in a place where he needs to be the president and he’s in WAY OVER HIS HEAD.  As I’ve said in previous posts, if it weren’t so important this would all be comical.  (actually, the comedians, not just in America, but around the world, are having a field day.  Click here for an example from the Netherlands – watch the video – it’s really funny)

I’ve written before that those of us who call ourselves liberals (if we’re timid we use the euphemism “progressive”) have no choice but to hope that the democrats, as the saying goes, grow a pair – and put up a FIGHT against the Trump/Bannon agenda.  After all, Trump/Bannon/Conway/Miller are all closely tied to the Breitbart side of America which includes what Mrs. Clinton (foolishly – from a campaign standpoint – despite the “truth”) referred to as a “basket of deplorables.”  Of course, she was referring to the segment of Trump’s “base” that includes groups like the KKK, the “Skinheads,” Neo-Nazi groups, and essentially the so-called “alt right.” I have to believe that a significant portion of the “rust belt” working class voters – who believed Trump would bring back their jobs which have gone to China, Mexico, and elsewhere around the globe where there’s “cheap labor” – are not part of the “alt right.”  They’re just disenchanted because they’ve seen their economic situation remain stagnant at best since the days of Ronald Reagan.  To me, these are good hard working Americans who are confused as to how things “got like this.”

Unfortunately, many of these people are vulnerable to what Noam Chomsky and Herman Edward refer to as the “Propaganda model” of media which has been pretty much the norm in America since I was old enough to start paying attention to what our government has been “up to.”  There are so many instances over the years where our media has given “we the people” information that fits the wishes of those in power.  For example in the Viet Nam “war” (and the Iraq “war”) the American public was rarely given the truth about our government’s actions or motivations.  This was true in Central America during Reagan’s time in office, it’s been true in places around the world over and over again since WW II, and it was terribly true in the 2016 election as media outlets (like MSNBC – which is the one I watch when I can stand it) refused to call out the constant LYING of Trump and his surrogates.  I believe people like Chris Matthews (I point him out because I’ve written about some of the stuff he did that “got to me” during the election – at the time I said: “he should know better” regarding the enabling) never thought Trump could win and helped to legitimize him with the purpose gaining better ratings and  more money for MSNBC. (The amount of advertising revenue media outlets generate during the election is staggering)

Matthews (and several of the others) are now “singing a different tune.”  For example, I believe Matthews now fully understands the DANGER of Trump continuing as president although I doubt he’ll ever admit his role in making this possible.  The other day I heard him say, “I hate the word LIE” as he was fighting to find another way to characterize one of Trump’s, well – LIES.  Trump masterfully manipulated the media to get elected and now he’s lashing out at the media in a classic effort to ensure that his “base” doesn’t get “thinned out” as the TRUTH about his ties to Russia (and who knows who or what else) becomes known.  “We the people” can only hope that people like Matthews – we can’t change what’s happened in the past – will continue pushing to “connect the dots” that are leading to exposing Trump for what he really is – which very well might be a corrupt businessman with ties to the Russian Oligarchy.  Personally, it wouldn’t surprise me if everything in the so-called “dossier” published a month or two back by “Buzzfeed” is true.  (Decide for yourself by clicking here)

Trump campaigned on the slogan “Make America Great Again” (as I’ve said numerous times here, similar to Hitler’s “Make Germany Great Again” back in the 30’s – sorry, but I can’t seem to help myself reminding anyone of that similarity.  I think the only  other politician to use that phrase was Stalin – or maybe Putin) and yesterday, when “Trumpcare” went down in “flames” in the House of Representatives because – first, the bill was TERRIBLE, and second the republicans in Congress, obviously, are already figuring out how incompetent Trump is and they’re “circling the wagons” in an attempt to keep their majority in the next election – ALREADY – after just 9 weeks of Trump’s administration.  UNBELIEVABLE! – I couldn’t help but think of how ironic it would be if Trump’s presidency actually made America “greater.”  (In my mind, it’s already a great country – “we the people” have simply fallen for the scam pushed by Republicans for the past 35+ years. (“Trickle down” – which in reality means “trickle up”)  Trump began his “blaming” after the “health care” bill (really a tax cut for the top 2%) went down in flames by naming Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer (democratic minority leaders in the House and Senate respectively) because NO DEMOCRATS voted for the terrible bill that was advertised as “repeal and replacement of Obamacare.”  (I could write an entire post – and probably will – on that topic) Of course, republicans didn’t even try to get democratic support (and wouldn’t have had they tried) but the real heroes in stopping this terrible bill were “we the people.”

I’d like to think my representative was going to vote against the bill because of my call urging her (a republican) to do so, but the reality is that the phones were VERY busy in her office and those of virtually EVERY other House republican OVERWHELMINGLY urging members to vote this terrible bill down.  Apparently those republicans who voted for Trump aren’t that eager to lose either their own health insurance or they don’t want to see those they know and love lose their health insurance.  For all its problems, “Obamacare” evidently isn’t so bad.  Most people know it needs “fixin” – but, the republicans don’t have a clue about how to go about it.  I saw Sean Spicer, when he introduced the bill at a news briefing some weeks back, claim it was far superior to the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) because the pile of pages was significantly smaller.

The American people didn’t like the FACT that their premiums (especially, the older Americans who aren’t quite to Medicare age yet) were going to go WAY UP, the coverage was going to go WAY DOWN, and anyone who’s been sick before was likely to be out of luck completely.  The LIES coming from Trump, Pense, Ryan, McConnell, and others were almost unbelievable to me – as if “we the people” are actually as stupid as they think.  (Maybe they  think we’re stupid because how else would Trump get elected in the first place?) However, the exciting part of all this is that the American people responded in a RESOUNDING manner to demand Congress defeat this bill.  That, in itself, is exciting for me.  One of my biggest frustrations is watching election results in our nation with one third to sometimes two thirds of the voters failing to participate – especially younger voters.  (or people who should be voting)  Republicans have been pushing voter suppression legislation almost continuously since the Supreme Court GUTTED section five of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 which was designed to prevent states from creating obstacles to voting aimed at minority groups such as African Americans, Latinos, or any others.  In my mind, if the people rise up and participate in the process this country will be “greater” – and, maybe the reality of Trump in the “White House” will cause them to do so.  I guess what I’m suggesting is that Trump may be the antidote to voter suppression!

Here’s the scary part of what happened this past week.  (Not only did the “health care” bill fail, but Trump’s claims about President Obama “wiretapping” him were TOTALLY debunked by the head of the FBI and the Director of Intelligence – two people who would KNOW the truth – although, any sane person knew how ridiculous that “tweet” from Trump actually was from the “git-go” – AND they also announced that Trump’s campaign has been under counter intelligence investigation into possible colluding with the Russians since last July)  All in all, it’s been a very bad week in a series of very BAD weeks for Trump.  The defeat of the “health care” bill will bring (and, has already brought) a lot of derision toward Trump and scrutiny as to how incompetent he is and how damaged any plans he has for future legislation has become.  Putting two plus two together – the mounting failures in policy with the investigations – and,  I’m very concerned that Trump is likely to do something BIZARRE.  He’s likely to fight back in the ways he’s always managed to “succeed” (despite all the bankruptcies, etc. from his business career) in “Trump land.”  As with most bullies, Trumps “mantra” is to lash out at critics and to throw blame when things go “south.”  That is on the horizon – and none of the possibilities in my mind will be helpful to our nation.

On the mild side, for example – there are probably ways he can make executive orders that create havoc in the Affordable Care Act – so that he could possibly try to help it become the “disaster” he claims it is.  It’s certainly unlikely that he would understand how to or be willing to attempt to “fix” Obama’s signature piece of legislation to make it better.  He’s committed to “repeal” it and he’s promised to replace it (which, obviously he’s got no idea how to do that – and, if he did, the republicans wouldn’t go along with him – the ONLY way to “fix” this bill is to work with the democrats) and considering this week’s failure I can see him trying to help it FAIL – just so he could say, “I told you so.”  In other words, Trump could react to this defeat in the House by causing problems for Millions of Americans by trying to mess up the Affordable Care Act in subtle executive order ways. The question then becomes are the republicans with him?

Clearly, he’s already committed impeachable offenses. We all knew that his refusal to divest himself of all of his business interests would put him in violation of the emoluments clause of the constitution almost from the moment he took the oath of office.  The question with Trump becomes, how much can the republicans stomach before they intervene?  (He’s got family members in the White House and I’ve already heard reports they’re making MILLIONS since Trump took office – yikes!)  The likelihood of democrats working with Trump to fix this bill seems to me to be near zero, so maybe, as a sign by republicans that they want to save their party, we could have them, along with Mike Pense, attempting to actually create something that works for as many “working class” people as possible.  Pipe dream?  Probably, but, hey, we all like to dream once in awhile, don’t we?

On the serious (more dangerous) side Trump could do something BIZARRE on the foreign policy front in an attempt to draw attention away from the investigations into “Trumpgate.”  Things are looking worse and worse for several of Trump’s surrogates re: Russian collusion (among other interesting things apparently being found) and it all might lead right back to Trump.  Do you seriously think he’ll just sit there and watch this happen.  I hate to even speculate on what he might do in an attempt to draw people’s attention away from the investigations into how serious the Russian intrusion on our government actually is.  We have to hope that republicans in Congress are getting to the point where they’re going to put the reins on this man.  I’ve predicted he won’t last 6 months but I’m getting to the point where I’m hoping republicans end this nightmare sooner rather than later.  (Think: North Korea, China, ISIL, etc.)

I’m absolutely certain that republicans see an opportunity to pass legislation that they’ve been wanting to pass for years – that they thought they could get Trump to sign while they tried to “stomach” all the “stuff” in the meantime.  Well, if they can’t get “stuff” (tax cuts for their millionaire and billionaire friends) passed with Trump in the “White House” what good is he to them?  Do you really think they like someone who made the Access Hollywood admission?  Do you really think they want to go into the 2018 election defending this man?  Personally, I believe those who’ve been falling all over themselves to get close to him are already in “second thoughts” mode.  Trump is down to 37% approval after just two months – that’s the “HONEYMOON” period – it gets harder and WORSE after this.  Do you think there’s a lot of republicans eager to stay on the bandwagon?  Personally, I think most of them wish they had never had the choice – that their greatest fears of what Trump could do to their party are becoming clearer and clearer.  I myself felt Trump would be the catalyst to finally force the republican party back to sanity.  The problem, again, is how much damage can he do to “we the people”  before republicans put a stop to all of this?  (Even though it was James Comey who helped Trump get elected, I’m pretty sure republicans don’t want to wait long enough for it to be Comey who takes him down.)

2018 will be here before you know it.  And, the members of the House of Representatives are painfully aware of how many people are paying attention to what’s going on in Washington D.C.  One thing we know about these politicians is that they want to keep their jobs and they’ll do pretty much whatever it takes to do so.  I believe it’s just a matter of time until the republicans in the House impeach Donald Trump – and, we can all just hope they do it before there’s too much more damage.  Personally, I’m not at all impressed with Mike Pense.  He’s been a willing LIAR since taking the oath of the office of the Vice President in attempting to defend Trump.  And, Paul Ryan comes across to me as a person with no principles – plus, he’s proven himself to be more than willing to LIE to the American people, himself, with no contrition.  The options aren’t good – but, as my granddaughter (12 years old) said to me: “At least Pense isn’t crazy”)  If Trump wasn’t do dangerous I’d say, “leave him in there and stew in your own juices” to republicans – but, for the sake of the nation, it’s time for Pense to be our 46th president.  (sooner rather than later)

Trump’s LYING and the LYING of those close to him creates a TRUST issue that is likely to be dangerous in a time of crisis.

Evidently the major requirement to be “in” with the republican party these days is the ability to LIE!  I mean, even (most of) those who support Donald Trump have to be coming to the realization if his lips are moving, he’s LYING.  With Trump it appears to be pathological.  Then there’s Kellyanne Conway.  I’ve said a few times here that the only person I’ve seen better at LYING than her is her boss.  Yes, there are those who call it “spin,” but the reality is they are LYING – about almost EVERYTHING.  Michael Flynn is no longer the National Security Advisor (each day it becomes more problematic as to how he got that job in the first place) ostensibly because of LYING.  Personally, I believe there’s much more to why Flynn was fired, but that’s a story for another day.

Jeff Sessions is no longer leading the “investigation” into Russia’s involvement in the Trump campaign and the 2016 election because of, what else, LYING.  He LIED to a Senate committee that was going through his confirmation process.  The interesting part of this is that Sessions volunteered the LIE despite the fact he was answering an unasked question.  (Not really that smart)  Also, Sessions LIED in a written response to an inquiry given to him by that same Senate committee – and, if there was nothing to all the Russia stuff, you’d think he would have just told the truth.  In Washington DC, apparently, Lying is so “normal” that Sessions is still the Attorney General – supposedly, the lead person in enforcing our laws – despite perjuring himself to Congress.  I still remember Alberto Gonzales doing this multiple times during the GW Bush years and “getting away with it,” so either it’s OK for the Attorney General to LIE to Congress or people are too busy arguing about other stuff to even care about this.

Then there’s Vice President Mike Pense – the person who’s apparently so sensitive to being LIED to that General Flynn had to go after LYING to Pense about his conversation with the Russian ambassador – namely, that he did “talk about sanctions” in the conversation.  Of course, anyone with any common sense could (and probably had) figure this out on their own.  Here’s the scenario – President Obama levied sanctions on the Russians for intruding in our election which included kicking something like 30 or more Russian “diplomats” (spies?) from the country and closing one of their “play areas” around Washington DC.  Naturally, the normal Russian response would be to kick a like number of American “diplomats” out of Moscow as part of a “tit for tat.”  However, THE SAME DAY Obama levied the sanctions Flynn had his conversation with the Russian “ambassador” (spy) and surprise, surprise – no retribution from Vladimir Putin.  He claimed to be “above” this childish behavior.  (Seriously, that one wasn’t hard to figure out, even for a 6th grade teacher)  Do you wonder what promises Flynn made to the Russians? (who, by the way, had employed him – probably illegally from Flynn’s perspective – after President Obama fired him for what some might call insubordination)

The lesson Trump and his “camp” wanted to portray from the “decisive” action of firing Flynn, evidently, was that you can’t get away with LYING to our Vice President.  Of course, Trump – and presumably Pense – knew what Flynn had done well before he was fired.  In fact, I believe Trump (and Pense) knew about Flynn’s meeting with the Russian “ambassador” and knew what was discussed at the time of the meeting.  I don’t believe Flynn took it upon himself to go bring this up out of thin air.  However, even Trump made a big deal in his famous 77 minute “news” conference to why Flynn was fired – despite, even at that time we all knew that the former acting Attorney General (the one Trump fired because she told Trump his “Muslim ban” was not defensible in court) Sally Yates had warned Trump and his associates almost three weeks earlier about Flynn’s vulnerability regarding his actions with the Russians.  Yates, at the time, interpreted whatever information she got as meaning that Flynn was a potential blackmail target of the Russians.  So, what this means is that Trump was LYING when he explained why Flynn was fired.

And, speaking of Pense – the person in Trump’s “inner circle” who I believe is the most “acceptable” to the actual “conservatives” in the republican caucus in Congress – well, evidently he doesn’t like being “LIED” to, but he’s got his own issues.  For starters, as stated above, I don’t believe Pense was unaware of Flynn’s meeting with the Russian ambassador (spy) so, when Pense, on the Sunday news shows  told the country unequivocally that Flynn had not talked about sanctions with the ambassador it was actually Pense doing the LYING.  Why do I think that you might ask?  Well, as we later learned, Flynn was acting as a “foreign agent” during the campaign which Pense also LIED about at least twice – suggesting he had no idea about that FACT until he heard it in a TV interview – responding by saying “this confirms Trump’s decision to fire Flynn.”  However, Flynn’s attorney had already published documents SHOWING that Flynn had told the transition committee – headed by guess who? Mike Pense – that he may need to register as a foreign agent because he was lobbying for Turkey (the country) during the campaign.  Pense knew about this months before DENYING it on, again, national TV.

I’ve got to throw in Sean Spicer here.  In a way, I feel sorry for him.  I don’t get the impression he’s a LIAR like those he’s surrounded by – it’s just that he’s a loyal employee who’s being forced to LIE if he wants to keep his job.  I can’t imagine being in that situation and lasting very long.  Somehow, I feel – if I’m correct about him – that he’ll have a short “shelf life.” (Depending on how long republicans put up with Trump.)  It’s apparent that Spicer is struggling with the LYING and he’s pretty awkward as he does it.  A good example of what he has to do came up a day or two ago when, right before a press briefing, the two Senators leading the Senate Intelligence Committee – with access to classified information – announced that Trump was LYING when he accused President Obama of “wiretapping” him. (the only reason I put it in quotes was because of how Spicer is “spinning” Trump’s own words – I hope you “get it”)  The briefing was held up for over an hour – obviously so Spicer could be coached on how to LIE about what the Senators just said – and, of course, he had to LIE about why the briefing was held up (someone was on the phone).  I really want to read Spicer’s book that will come out shortly after he resigns!

I could go on and on, but my hands are getting tired – but, I’ll add one more;  Paul Ryan.  He’s trying to cram a phony “health care bill” through the House without people knowing what “hit them.”  He was pushing hard to get the bill through the House prior to the OMB “scoring” the bill to clarify the details – like how many  people would gain/lose health insurance benefits, the cost/savings, etc.  I heard Ryan in an interview being questioned about Trump’s promise that “every American would have access to ‘affordable health insurance'” and guess what he was doing?  You’re absolutely correct, he was LYING.  On the day when the OMB (Office of Management and Budget) said 14 MILLION would lose coverage in the first year and up to 24 MILLION after around another 5 – 7 years Ryan said, “Every American will have access to health care” from their bill.  He exclaimed that the OMB results were better than he anticipated.  Now, I call that LYING – It seems almost of the pathological nature.  I’m sure Ryan has his own explanation for it, but I’ll let you figure that out.  I’m guessing he would say that everyone will have “access” (while silently, in his mind, adding – “If they have the money to pay the exorbitant premiums” that have caused the health care crisis in the first place – which is why MILLIONS never had health insurance until “Obamacare”)

I took a break, so my hands feel better – so, lets talk about Mitch McConnell.  This man is absolutely the cleverest LIAR I believe I’ve ever seen.  He’s the best!  He’s got that southern drawl that almost puts you asleep as you listen to him and what comes out of his mouth seems so believable, UNTIL you cross check his comments with either facts or his own words previously spoken.  For example, he seems so genuine as he deplores democrats to get on board with all his republican initiatives and laments how terrible it would be to obstruct.  Yes, McConnell actually does this – the very same man who filibustered President Obama something approaching 700 times.   I’m sure in private he would justify his actions because, well, maybe he believed the birthers – or who knows what – but, he publicly made it his mission and that of his party that President Obama would fail.  That’s all “water under the bridge” now – and, he’s deploring democrats to join him in “bipartisanship.”  (Unfortunately, I believe many democrats are spineless enough to fall for his antics)  McConnell could teach a class at a high level university on how to use words to make it sound like you’re saying one thing by really saying something completely different.  I suppose most would call him the “spin” master – to me, it’s just another form of LYING – which, as I stated at the beginning of this post – must be a requirement to be one of today’s republicans.

If it wasn’t so serious it would be comical listening to one republican member of the House after another coming on cable TV and defending their “health care” proposal that is being billed as the “repeal and replacement of Obamacare” all the while revealing their latest required LYING points.  They can’t defend that “plan” in a way that doesn’t guarantee their defeat in 2018 (for most of them) without LYING. (they’ve been “coached” to ALL use the same keywords in their LYING – a key proponent of the “Big Lie Theory”) It seems to be routine and the commentators leave it to “we the people” to figure this out.  One commentator the other day (Chris Matthews) actually said, “I hate to use the word Lie.”  They all know what’s happening, yet on and on it goes.  Now, I know my friend who’s a Trump supporter will be saying, “But the democrats………” as a way to justify all this.  Let me just add that I in no way would be OK with Trump’s LIES, his surrogates’ LIES, or those others mentioned here if the rationale was, “but the democrats.”

Personally, I believe we all lie to some degree in the course of our lives – but, the magnitude here is far beyond anything I’ve seen – including Nixon and Watergate.  Yes, politicians “spin” things to suit their purposes and/or position, but pathological LYING is another matter.  As many “experts” have already pointed out, Trump’s LYING and the LYING of those close to him creates a TRUST issue that is likely to be dangerous in a time of crisis.  Already there are many like me who don’t believe a word that comes from his mouth (or those of his closest advisers).  That’s not such a major problem, but when it spreads to leaders around the world, it becomes more than a major problem.  And, guess who will be the ultimate benefactor of all this if republicans allow it to continue?  Yes, you’re correct again – it will be Vladimir Putin.  I’ve said this before, the Russian hacking of our election has produced “fruit” that I’m sure is beyond Putin’s wildest dreams.  (And republicans in Congress will continue to ignore that reality as long as they believe they can push their “conservative agenda” past the democrats)  This is NOT good!

Final note:  I’ve explained what the “Big Lie Theory” is here many times.  If you’re not sure, look it up – it was the work of Joseph Goebbels back in the 1930’s and, I believe, a conscious part of outlets like Fox “news” for years.  That “theory” is based on coached and orchestrated LYING – that if you repeat a lie often enough people will believe it’s true.  There’s a difference when someone LIES about virtually everything.  When they’re so used to LYING that they believe their own LIES as they are making them – it’s routine.  That’s pathological LYING and, what I believe we are dealing with as I/we observe the words and actions of our 45th president and those around him.

How much damage will the Trump administration create before their Russian entanglement and/or their incompetence is fully exposed?

The incompetence in the Trump administration is beyond believable for an American president who’s been in office for only two months.  Trump and his surrogates have proven those of us who believed they had no idea what they were getting into RIGHT virtually every day.  As I wrote the other day it would be comical if it wasn’t so serious and getting to the point of scary.  I, like many, have lamented on the damage that Trump will be able to do to this great nation in whatever time he has in the “Oval Office,” and the difficulty we’ll have in “fixing” it once he’s gone.  But, the more I observe what’s really happening, the more I realize the damage could be well beyond my wildest imagination.

For example, what if Rachel Maddow is correct in her inference (with much circumstantial evidence to back it up) that the Russians not only colluded with Trump to get him elected, but they have enough on Trump to be able to actually influence US policy.  Certainly to the people I know who support Trump this is all “conspiracy theory,” but, when you look closely what is “out there” not so much.  I mean, there’s NO dispute that the Russians were attempting to swing the election to Trump.  Now it’s come out that there was likely a “quid pro quo” during the Republican National Convention when Trump’s surrogates got a republican “plank” designed to provide aid to Ukraine in its fight against Vladimir Putin’s attempt to “re-acquire” it removed.  Trump was actually asked about this and, like he does with most situations, he LIED about it, saying he had no knowledge of what happened.  Of course, the person responsible for getting the “plank” removed (or as it was reported “softened”) did so on orders from Trump himself.  (Of course, Trump’s LYING has become routine – and, apparently. it’s just accepted by the “liberal media” as OK – I’ll write more about that later in this post)

All the reported evidence regarding Trump and the Russians during the campaign is suggesting there was collusion.  Should that get ultimately “proved” by Congress or another investigative body I believe that will be enough to make Mike Pense the 46th President of the United States.  I don’t think even these republican congress people want to defend allowing collusion with Vladimir Putin to be OK as a way to win office in America.  (That despite the FACT republicans have proven they believe “the end justifies the means” in the past)  But, if Ms. Maddow is correct, it goes way beyond the collusion in the election and EVERY American should be concerned with the implication – and, this needs to be figured out SOONER rather than LATER!  Last night she brought up the State Department.  Of course, I was one of the people who wondered why on earth would Rex Tillerson be nominated as Secretary of State.  (Evidently, the republicans who confirmed him had no worries)

Well, since Tillerson took over, virtually ALL of the top (and important) career diplomats at State have been FIRED.  People who’ve committed as many as 40 years of their lives to the security of this nation.  They’ve worked for presidents since Gerald Ford all the way to Trump – but, soon after Tillerson was sworn in, the axe fell on many of them.  As I’m writing this Tillerson does not have an assistant Secretary of State, I haven’t heard a SINGLE word from his mouth since he’s been on the job, State no longer is doing daily press briefings so it’s hard to keep up on “what’s happening,” and as I ponder all this all I can do is remember the photos I saw of Vladimir Putin pinning a Russian meddle of honor on Tillerson’s lapel sometime in the past couple of years.  I read the book “Private Empire” about Exxon Mobil by Steve Coll which, in itself, gave me pause to think Tillerson would be representing me as Secretary of State.  The one person thrilled with this choice by Trump, I’m sure, was Vladimir Putin.  (I have to wonder if Putin was one of Tillerson’s “references” on his resume?)

Just like Trump has no idea what he’s doing as far as the nuances of running our government, I believe Tillerson is in the same place at the State Department.  Evidently, they look at the State Department as they do the EPA, the Department of Education, and other agencies that fall in the purview of Steve Bannon’s deconstructing our government.  The report I heard is that the budget of the State Department will be slashed by a third.  Of course, they do all of this – including things like the “Muslim ban,” while they’re claiming the goal is to “keep America safe.”  That’s one of the great cliche’s of those in government who are trying to slip something untoward past “we the people.”

While these people are incompetent at running the government they, obviously, are not STUPID. (Even though many suggest that)  There’s an ulterior motive here,  and I’m thankful for people like Maddow who seem determined to find what it is.  “Conservatives” have been pillaging taxpayers for years.  Many on the “conservative” side – in the electorate – and, here I’m talking about “Conservative Christians” vote for republicans because back in the day of Reagan they were convinced republicans were “pro-life.”  And, it doesn’t go past that issue.  Most of the republicans I know have NO IDEA what their party is really up to.  And, now I believe that goes for republicans in Congress as well.  I’ve written ad nauseum about my frustration with today’s republican party and it’s surge to the “right,” but I in no way feel that people like Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, and the others are in cahoots with the Russians.  I’m guessing that as I’m writing this they are very nervous in their backroom discussions – although, I also believe they like having a president who will sign their draconian legislation if they can get it past filibusters in the Senate.  I can assure you they will push as much as they can as fast as they can in anticipation that Trump will eventually be exposed.

For example, I don’t believe for a minute that the reason Ryan is trying to “cram” the “repeal/replacement” of the Affordable Care Act through in three weeks is because it’s that necessary.  No, I believe it’s because he knows the “you know what” is going to hit the fan and the republican agenda will be in peril if all the dots get “connected” regarding Trump and Russia.  The agenda won’t be health care.  It will be impeachment and then figuring out how deep the Russian intrusion into our “system” has managed to succeed.  I believe there’s going to be some people who are exposed for some really bad stuff. (I read this morning one of Trump’s “top advisers” is a “lifetime member” of a pro-Nazi organization in Europe)  When Trump uses the term “bad dudes” he may need a mirror for himself and some of his surrogates.  Trump is yet to say a bad word about Vladimir Putin (everything I’ve heard him say makes Putin sound like Trump’s hero) and there could be a very good reason why.  If you haven’t read the so-called “dossier” that was published by “Buzzfeed” some time back, you should do so.

When the “dossier” first came out our “liberal media” attacked the publisher of putting out uncorroborated material – which had been known for some time but most “news” people were keeping “under wraps.”  Well, bit by bit pieces of that “dossier” are proving to be corroborated.  And, some of it is really salacious – and, if true will mean more than impeachment for Trump.  If you remember, Trump virtually admitted to sexual predator behavior on the Access Hollywood Tapes (which, by the way, were followed within hours by the first of the democratic emails Wikileaks published – thanks to Russian hackers) so the allegations in the “dossier” seem more believable (The “Golden shower”?).  The British agent who compiled the “dossier” disappeared after Buzzfeed published it and, reportedly, some Russians who gave him the material met with the wrath of Putin.  Reportedly, there’s video evidence of some of the allegations, which would make Trump vulnerable to blackmail.  It all seems like a British spy movie – but, well, who knows?

The British (former) spy has resurfaced and I certainly am one of the many who would love for the investigators to interrogate him and try to find out how much of that dossier is able to be corroborated.  Like who’s got the video.  I don’t actually want to see it, but I’d like someone who’s in a position to investigate all this to see it if it exists.  There’s enough of that dossier that’s already proving to be accurate that this guy needs to talk to the investigators about all of it.  There’s too much here suggesting that the collusion is going way past the previous election and if that’s the case this will be the greatest national crisis in my lifetime.  Again, Tillerson as Secretary of State???  It’s hard to imagine how that came about without wondering what influence does Vladimir Putin have on Trump.  (And, Michael Flynn and the Russians in another piece of the “puzzle” that is more than intriguing)

Earlier in this post I said I would get to the LYING of our president and the implications of having a pathological LIAR in the White House.  Of course, he’s busy brainwashing his “base” into believing our media is “fake news” (Ironically, “fake news” is a prime tactic of Russian interference in countries around the world) and anyone who disagrees with him is “dishonest.”  There are many who support Trump who won’t believe ANYTHING that comes out regarding the Russians, but there are enough people in America who already understand Trump to be a LIAR that he won’t be able to overcome the truth when it finally comes out if the dots actually get connected.  (I’m suggesting that until they’re connected it’s all speculation which is why Trump, if he’s “innocent” of collusion, should be pushing for an independent investigation more than anyone)  But, here’s the thing – a little over a week ago Trump gave a speech to a joint session of Congress that was somewhat well received because his “tone” was better (he actually proved he could read from a teleprompter).  That just shows how low the “bar” for this man is.  It was reported (I believe in Politico) that he LIED 51 times during the speech, but the focus was positive because he was nicer as he was LYING.  Makes me shiver as I write that – what has become of us?

Trump is so engrossed in his own self that, since the day he took office, he continues to PROVE that he has no idea how this all works – and, fortunately for him, neither do most of the people who support him.  Yes, the stock market has surged up since he won – in anticipation of all the tax cuts and reduced regulation Wall Street is anticipating which is really ironic to me because most of his supporters voted for him because he portrayed himself as anti-Wall Street.  But, Trump is claiming credit for one President Obama accomplishment after another.  He’s claiming credit for jobs created in January and February that are the result of actions taken as much as two to three years earlier – the man is clueless.  This fiscal year the government is functioning under the guidance it received from Obama – just as Obama was “stuck” with the Bush/Cheney fiasco for most of his first year in office.  The job numbers that Trump will be able to claim credit for will come next year and beyond (if he’s still president).

I reluctantly have to agree with my libertarian friend who “likes everything Trump is doing” that if Trump’s policies bring jobs “back to America,” if the economy flourishes and wages go up Trump will likely become much more popular.  However, when I try to look with a sober mind at what is transpiring I don’t see that as the result of Trump initiatives for anything more than a short period of naive anticipation – from those on Wall Street and in executive office buildings who loathe being restricted by things like environmental and/or financial regulations.  Many of Trump’s supporters don’t understand who will benefit from the “deconstructing” of our government.  When the health care crisis gets worse, when deficits balloon, when the financial industry gets out of control, when the haze returns to our cities, when seniors get their fixed incomes reduced even more, when our food supply gets less safe, when our national defense is focused on our military even more and our diplomats even less, when the jobs (lost to technology) don’t “come back,” when people realize the repeal of “Obamacare” is really a HUGE tax cut for the top 2% of Americans, and when we realize we’re being duped by a dictator in another nation many of Trump’s supporters will not be so happy.  To me, the “essential question” is:  How much damage will the Trump administration create before their Russian entanglement and their incompetence is fully exposed?

Final note:  There’s a part of me who wants to hope that my friend is correct and I’m wrong.  I’m not one to want my president to FAIL – as republicans tirelessly attempted to do to President Obama (and, continue as they attempt to rewrite history with no Obama accomplishments allowed) – if the president fails, America fails.  Yet, the LYING, the narcissistic behavior, AND (most of all for me) the Access Hollywood tapes – makes it difficult for me to even look at Trump – I turn the channel when he comes on TV.  My hope is that there will be a resolution to the “Russian connection,” the abuses of the emoluments clause of the constitution, or whatever it takes for an impeachment.  Maybe once that takes place government can function in a way that involves something resembling bipartisanship.  I sense that’s the only way, long term, republicans can save their party.  If they continue the “all in” with Trump, they will sink or swim with him – and, I’d hate to be in deep water in that boat!

It should be no surprise to anyone that “Trumpcare” will just be one more Donald Trump lie.

Probably the most frustrating part of watching the “Trump train” heading for the cliff is anticipating the damage – which, as so often happens, goes to “the least of these” (in the words of Jesus Christ) – and not wanting them to be the “fall guys” for our beleaguered and dysfunctional political system (and, especially this president) as is so often the case.  And, then trying to understand how the “system” became so dysfunctional in the first place and what is going to have to happen to “fix” it just leads to more frustration.  Unfortunately, I keep coming to the same understanding as I ponder all of this: Greed.  I still remember (clearly) the days of the Reagan administration when I believe the “focus” of this great nation changed in an almost 180 degree direction and, to this day, the actual reality of what transpired back then has not been fully “vetted” publicly by our so-called “liberal media.”

Today, I was watching on TV as there was a “Women’s March” (A day without women in the workplace – I believe is what it was billed) going on in the streets of the nation’s capital (and, presumably, around the country) while our national legislators were debating whether our present president is legitimate, whether our past president committed a felony (you know, like what GW Bush and Dick Cheney did THOUSANDS of times – wiretapping Americans – in this case Donald Trump), and – most importantly to “the least of these” – the “repeal/replacement” of the “Affordable Care Act.”  Democrats are now (lovingly) referring to the health care proposal being propped up by Paul Ryan as “Trumpcare.”  I have not read (and probably won’t) the bill in its entirety but it’s interesting listening to the republicans who are pushing it.

Ryan and the others are claiming their bill will lower costs, improve health care, lower premiums, and – all in all – will be a huge improvement to what they refer to as “Obamacare.”  They claim “Obamacare” is “collapsing of its own weight.”  Of course, what they don’t say is that for 7 long years they’ve done NOTHING but vote 50+ times to repeal “Obamacare” with NEVER attempting to “fix” it.  Evidently, their new bill is the “fix.”  And, from all indications they’re going to have a difficult time getting this bill through their republican controlled congress and, if they do, people will remember all the claims they and Trump have made regarding the process of “repeal and replace.”  On many occasions, for example, Trump has said that the “replacement” will provide health insurance for EVERY American – and, it will cost less and work better.  Hey, I have to say, I’m all for that.

For many years I’ve been advocating, just like Bernie Sanders, that health care should be a RIGHT in our society (apparently the wealthiest society in the world) and not a privilege.  Getting back to my earlier point of when Reagan entered the White House, things back then were MUCH different.  For starters, hospitals and health insurance carriers were mostly “not for profit” entities.  As with virtually everything else – from the “conservative” point of view – privatization was the answer to the health care “crisis” which began emerging in the 70’s and continues to this day.  Reagan convinced Americans that the government is the problem – in virtually every area.  Instead of creating a single payer, “Medicare for all,” solution back then, the answer was “HMO’s” (along the lines of Kaiser Permanente) and incentives for doctors and health providers to withhold treatment to save money. (More profit)

The good news – back then – was that it was pretty much assumed that health insurance was a NORMAL benefit that went with being employed.  I remember working for the minimum wage (back then it was $1.25) and having full medical coverage – which, at the time, I didn’t need.  Businesses, at least everyone I was associated with or observed, back in the 60’s and 70’s simply accepted the responsibility of providing group policies for their employees.  The employees were the most important part of their businesses.  That all – publicly – changed when Reagan began the right wing assault on America’s great middle class. (I say publicly, because, by all accounts I can figure out, it really changed with the so-called “Powell Memo” that soon to  be Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell sent to the Chamber of Commerce in 1972 outlining the plan for a corporate takeover of America’s government – the anti-worker plan that Reagan so expertly put into place)

It was under Reagan’s leadership that America went from being a “we society” (ie – the “New Deal” and “Great Society” of FDR and LBJ) to Reagan’s version – a “me” society.  That’s when shareholders became more important than workers.  That’s when the traditional republican assault on unions gained “full steam ahead” status – as Reagan himself, violated his own promise to the air traffic controllers, and “busted” their union on national TV.  Certainly, there could be an argument against the demands of PATCO (the union) but it’s undeniable that Since that day, the power of workers has diminished in America and executives have become almost unbelievably rich!  The percentage of workers represented by a union has dropped from around one third at the time of the PATCO strike to less than one tenth today.

If you remember, it was Reagan who promised: “I’m going to cut taxes and balance the budget.”  Well, I wasn’t paying that much attention to politics at the time, but I clearly understood how STUPID that claim/promise was.  Of course, Reagan did, initially, cut taxes (mainly for the wealthy) and his “trickle down” policy not only “trickled up” but that’s the direction of the deficit.  Like ballooning by about 300%.  So, and I really am trying to get back to my point, since the days of Reagan workers have been disrespected. The rhetoric would say otherwise – coming from republicans – but, the reality says……. Yikes!  The promises keep coming, the results, not so much. It’s not good.  And, yet, it’s the very workers who’ve been “left behind” by the “trickle up” policies of republicans that were the force that allowed Trump to move into the White House.  And, from what I can tell, it’s the blue collar working class – especially those still struggling from the 2008 financial meltdown that would have become another depression without President Obama’s (less than ideal – thanks again to republicans) stimulus package passed, ironically, in his first two months in office, that will be the “losers” from “Trumpcare.”  (Of course, Trump’s in his 7th week and so far the proposed repeal/replace of “Obamacare” is the first thing “on the plate”)

Instead of fixing “Obamacare” (like putting in a public option) most “conservative” republicans want to completely repeal it and “start over.”  I don’t think there’s many – if any – of us “common folk” out here in America who totally understand the nuances of the Affordable Care Act.  Yes, it’s really complicated and, no doubt, needs a lot of “fixing.”  However, based on the information I’ve gleaned by listening to the republicans pushing their new “plan” there’s no way it’s going to live up to their promises.  It really does remind me of Reagan promising to “cut taxes and balance the budget.”  “We the people” have been suffering the consequences of Reagan’s policies since the 80’s and republicans continue to push us toward the “cliff.”  It seems to me that with Trump at the helm, the “cliff” is getting near, and it could be a big drop when we get there.  Is that what it’s going to take to wake up Americans who just don’t want to pay attention to what their government is doing?  I know people who are relying on their health care (which comes through the exchanges) to survive.  It looks to me like rates are going to go UP, not down, coverage is going to go DOWN not up, and, for people who are older – like those in the 50 – 65 age group who are still reeling from the “great recession” their out of pocket expenses will balloon.

Those who have “pre-existing” conditions will still be able to buy health insurance – it’s just that for most, it will be prohibitively expensive.  The proposal includes a defunding (for one year, I believe – which republicans probably believe will be enough to destroy it) of Planned Parenthood, where many low income women get their health care and, from what I can tell, the plan will have Medicaid in the “cross-hairs.” Probably the most important part of the “repeal/replace” proposal to republicans and their benefactors is the apparent $380 BILLION tax cut that goes covertly to the top 1% of Americans.  Obviously, that’s just more money in the “coffers” of republican politicians..

I’m sure the list of “unintended consequences” will be long – but, as I stated at the beginning of this post – I believe it will be “the least of these” who bear the brunt of the repeal of “Obamacare.”  Obviously, I don’t believe Trump (actually, I’ve learned that you can’t believe a word that comes from his mouth) and the republicans that “everyone” will have coverage and that it will be less expensive and better.  As I’ve said many times on this site, “I hope I’m wrong.”  However, in most instances – whether talking about republicans or democrats – that hasn’t been the case.  Most of us out in the “heartland” seem to be better able to see what is actually happening in our nation’s capital.  Maybe that’s because we don’t have the spectrum of special interest money clouding our vision.

That last sentence is exactly why, at the beginning of this post I mentioned the the word that I believe was encouraged by Reagan and those who’ve followed him as republicans and those who financially support them: Greed.  The statistics don’t lie.  The working class has been stagnant at best since Reagan and the corporate executives have had their compensation soar since then.  The health of our corporations and our nation’s economy is (publicly) gauged by the stock market, and corporate executives have found creative ways to boost their own salaries by creatively boosting stock prices at the expense of long term health of corporations.  Since Reagan corporations have become increasingly “healthy” while MILLIONS of Americans are deciding whether to buy food or go to the doctor.  That will not change as long as “we the people” continue to be brainwashed to think the more money that goes to the top (the “job creators”) the better off we’ll all be.

When I was young it was not unusual for people to work for one company their entire career.  Today, is seems unusual for a “worker” to be in the same place 10 years.  And, lately, the republicans have put their faith in the very people who’ve been behind this trend.  In 2012 it was Mitt Romney – an expert “corporate raider” who would purchase a company, bleed it of all its assets, take a huge profit, and then abandon it – often times to insolvency.  The workers left wondering what happened are just “collateral damage.”

Now we have Donald Trump.  And, somehow (with the help of the Russians and James Comey) he became the 45th president.  Trump represents GREED personified.  The list of workers he’s “stiffed” seems endless from the reports I’ve read, and he’s strategically filed for bankruptcy 6 times – again, leaving workers in the pile of “rubble” that remains after he takes “his” and “goes home.”  I’m not sure why so many Americans fell for his schpeel, but now, at least until the republican congress comes to their senses, we’re stuck with him as president.  It should be no surprise to anyone that “Trumpcare” will just be one more Donald Trump lie.  As I’ve stated so many times of late, the real problem is the damage he creates (including the “repeal/replace” of “Obamacare”) could last a generation or more.

A final note:  Regarding my wondering how the system became so dysfunctional, and for anyone who believes my “bashing” of republicans means I’m a democrat, I’ll leave a final thought.  As much as the republicans frustrate me for their GREED and disregard for “the least of these,” the democrats aren’t far behind for their lack of courage.  Yes, there’s a few who seem to be “fighters” (Elizabeth Warren, Sanders – yes, he’s really an independent, and Jeff Merkley to name a few) but many don’t seem to have the courage of their own convictions.  Their lack of “fight,” in my view, is why seemingly EVERY mid term election is dominated by republicans.  The base who would support democratic ideals aren’t given a reason to get excited and vote.  That, to me, is the reality and if democrats want to be the solution to the problem they had better “lean to the left.”  It’s almost as if they’re afraid of backlash of the “liberal media.”  I say, if your position is honorable, FIGHT for it!

What Putin has accomplished in regard to helping create Trump’s administration, I’m sure, goes beyond his wildest dreams.

If the world was not in such a sad state, watching the Trump presidency would be comical.  However, the reality is that Trump appears to be as unhinged, “unqualified,” and incompetent as those who opposed him pre-election predicted.  Of course, at that time, not many people (including Trump from what I’ve read) expected him to be president.  Now, people in the media who were willing to prop him up for the sake of higher ratings and more advertising money during the election are “singing a different tune.”

I had breakfast the other day with a good friend of mine (a diehard republican who voted for Trump) who’s like most Trump supporters and is willing to accept all the baggage that goes with Trump because he believes much of the agenda he supports will get passed with Trump in the White House.  He is also in the “isolationist” mold and has no problem with the United States focusing on America and leaving the rest of the world to “whatever.”  (That’s my characterization of a much longer conversation)  It doesn’t matter to him if the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians.  I’m only pointing this out because I believe there’s many Americans who think exactly like that.  My friend says he doesn’t read Breitbart, but when Trump “tweets” some absurd “fake news” that he picked up at Breitbart my friend points it out to me as if it’s true.  Trump has convinced his “followers” that the “liberal media” is “dishonest” and that is where the so-called “fake news” is coming from (actually, of course, “fake news” is one of the main “weapons” of Russia as they are attempting to totally destabilize the “West”) so that his die hard followers are not going to believe the “truth” – whatever it might be – when it finally comes out unless it totally exonerates Trump and his surrogates.

Trump’s tactics, which I personally believe are being orchestrated by Steve Bannon (and, maybe to a lessor extent Stephen Miller), are classic examples of authoritarian takeovers of societies.  Attack the press, the intelligence community, and anyone who disagrees with you – make it more difficult, if not impossible, for opponents to fight against you (In America, the attack on voting rights is likely to become more intense under Attorney General Sessions) using accepted “norms” – ie, voting, protesting, etc,  And, of course, when things look bad, Trump and his surrogates can be counted on to “lash out.”  The latest “lash” is Trump “tweeting” that “sick” President Obama ordered Trump to be wiretapped in the previous election.  I’m guessing he “tweeted” that because he can’t figure out how all the information him and his associates are trying to keep secret keeps coming out in the press.  Again, if this world was not in such a dangerous place, this would all be comical.  Trump, this morning – if I heard it correct – proposed EXPANDING the investigation into his campaigns involvement with the Russians during the election to include whether President Obama ordered Trump Tower to be wiretapped!

Personally, I say, YES!  Do this!  People on both sides of the “isle” have been arguing for weeks over how this should be investigated.  I say, get it out into the open and investigate ALL of it!  Absolutely check to see if President Obama ordered surveillance of Trump and EVERYTHING else in question.  Let’s have an independent counsel so there’s no questioning the results.  What were Trump’s surrogates saying and doing in their MANY meetings with Russian officials during the campaign and after the election?  If President Obama felt Trump should be wiretapped, what was the reason?  Wiretaps require a warrant through the FISA court (unless you’re Dick Cheney and George W Bush, of course) so, if Trump was wiretapped, what was the reasoning behind it that allowed the FISA court to authorize it.  (Of course, Obama’s head of intelligence said no such thing happened – but, hey, let’s include this in the investigation)

Here’s what’s the most unnerving about all of this to me.  My friend doesn’t care about what Putin is doing in Russia and believes that if the Eastern European countries (who are now part of NATO – which, by the way, Trump conveniently wants to undermine) can’t defend themselves from Russia, that’s their problem.  He even said that he didn’t believe the Nazi’s would ever have attacked America had we chosen not to enter World War II.  (I’m only pointing this out because I don’t think he’s alone in this thinking) So, I asked him what he thought about the 54 BILLION dollar increase in (what I already believe is a totally BLOATED) defense budget and he said he’s OK with that.  Honestly, it’s really hard for me to make sense of that type of thinking that seems to be contradictory on its face.  I want to be an isolationist AND I want to spend almost 700 BILLION dollars on “defense.”  Yikes!  (Doesn’t it make sense that if we’re going to focus on our own borders $600 BILLION a year on defense is enough???  Maybe a bit too much???)

This all leads me to believe that there are many Trump supporters who are fine with the Russian meddling in our election and that apparently Trump’s “team” colluded with them.  In my heart I have to believe that those who feel as he does are a small minority of our population and that if, after the investigation that Trump himself now is calling for, shows that Trump’s surrogates were involved with the Russian attack on our process (I mean, when they were predicting accurately when the “stuff” that was hacked from Podesta would be made public, most of us can add two plus two, right?) then the Trump administration will be in its final days.  I don’t believe there’s enough Republicans to save Trump if it turns out his campaign workers were colluding with Putin and his underlings.  Yes, republicans have shown an incredible ability to “go with the flow” – that is, they’ve allowed Trump to re-define their party and now they have to live with it but, I can’t imagine people like John McCain and Lindsey Graham, for starters, going along with appeasing Vladimir Putin.  Although, I’ve maintained on this site that those who will truly make a “name” for themselves out of all this will be those in the republican party who stand up and say, NO! and point out the obvious – that nothing that Trump represents is “mainstream” in America, it remains to be seen if there’s anyone in the republican party with the “stones” to do so.  (and, I have to add that if an investigation confirms what people like me believe – at that point the republicans won’t seem so courageous when they “jump ship.”)

Yes, there are many good hardworking Americans who voted for Trump because they believe he’s going to bring  “high paying jobs” back to America.  Of course, most of Trump’s job creation claims are pure bloviating (to this point; remember, the first year of his administration he’s working under the previous administration’s policies) or outright “untruths.”  For example, Trump is claiming to have saved jobs in instances where the decisions he’s talking about were made long before he took office.  We’ll see in a couple of years how all this shakes out, if Trump is still in the White House (I still believe MOST republicans would prefer Mike Pense as president) However, there’s soon to be a “crisis” over the debt ceiling.  Wall Street has gone wild expecting huge tax cuts and deregulation – yet, so far, NOTHING has been even initiated.  Trump’s budget is likely to EXPLODE the deficit even farther (Obama had cut GW Bush’s deficit more than in half) and we’ll see if all those “conservatives” in the House still agree with Dick Cheney who famously said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.”

Republicans are constantly working on revising HISTORY in a futile attempt to make themselves look better.  The reality is that even retired 6th grade teachers like myself have learned how to “Google” information and get something much closer to the truth than you get on Fox, Breitbart, and wherever else people like Trump get their “talking points.”  I believe when the reality of Trump’s inability to do ANYTHING hits Wall Street we’re all in for another crash – this time with someone at the “helm” who’ll have NO IDEA what to do.  (Have you read the history of 1929 and Herbert Hoover?)  My friend mentioned above told me that no body cares about anything but the economy and he believes the economy will flourish under Trump.  I told him that if in two years Trump is still president and the economy is flourishing I would agree with him that Trump will make it through his term.  I don’t see either of those scenarios coming true.

The reality is that Russia and what they’re doing around the world is DANGEROUS.  GW Bush/Dick Cheney committed the most STUPID action (possibly) in the history of this great nation by invading Iraq.  President Obama spent 8 years trying to clean up the mess and was making progress as he left office (Iraqi’s were in the process of pushing ISIL out of Mosul) and I truly hope Trump’s incompetence doesn’t screw up the progress – but, I have no confidence that will be the case.  Trump clearly is an impulsive person who is liable to do something really STUPID when it comes to decisions relating to foreign policy. (Unfortunately, I believe it’s just a matter of time until Trump “outdoes” The Bush/Cheney fiasco)

Russia is in the process of pushing the white nationalist movement around the Western world and if we continue to take a blind eye to what they’re doing, the damage could be among the worst of the damage we’re going to have to endure because of Trump’s presidency.  While,  as stated above, I’m saying this all would be comical if it weren’t so serious, I’m guessing Vladimir Putin is totally enjoying what’s happening in/to America.  During the campaign I believe he was truly hoping that he could destabilize to some degree Hillary Clinton’s administration.  He clearly feared a Clinton in the White House.  What Putin has accomplished in regard to helping create Trump’s administration, I’m sure, goes beyond his wildest dreams.  Trump’s presidency has put Vladimir Putin into a stronger position world wide anyone could have imagined prior to the election.

As an aside:  Someday our “liberal media” will figure all of this out!

I would encourage the so-called “liberal media” to stop being obsessed with being “fair and balanced” and begin calling out Trump and his surrogates when they lie

I keep trying to watch the “news” – and, of course, if you’ve been on this site much you know that I have a strong interest in politics (that’s all I write about), AND about the only “news” I can stomach is MSNBC.  And, if you’ve watched much of MSNBC in the past year it’s pretty much Trump and little else (including in the campaign last year).  So, I get the views of “experts” on “both sides of the isle” pretty much every time I tune in relating to Trump and, not much else.  Lately, of course, the subject has been “did he or didn’t he” – meaning did Trump and his surrogates “collude” with the Russians who were attempting to make sure either Trump would become president, or more likely, that they could contribute to the undermining of Hillary Clinton had she won as everyone (including Trump) expected.  To me, it’s continuing to be INTERESTING to say the least.

I’ve pointed out (repeatedly) a few points that I believe need to be reiterated virtually every time this subject is “broached.”  First, when Trump’s lips are moving it is likely he is lying.  I believe him to be a pathological liar – meaning, he believes his own lies are the truth as they come out of his lips.  Secondly, his top surrogates – meaning Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and Kellyanne Conway have direct ties to the White Nationalist movement that is growing worldwide.  Conway was seen “tweeting” to a person who’s “handle” said, right up front, “White Nationalist,” Miller was giving the White Nationalist hand signal (presumably to reassure the “base”) as he was being interviewed on one of the Sunday “news” programs on TV – I believe it was “Face the Nation.”  And Bannon, well – he has been at the forefront of the White Nationalist movement as the editor of Breitbart “news” – which was one of the originators of so-called “fake news” – which Trump, in all his projectionist glory is attributing to the “mainstream media” who are investigating his administration.  (And, Lord knows there’s much to be investigated ALREADY)

That all being said, what has struck me as completely interesting – and, somewhat depressing at the same time – are the number of republican “hacks” (pundits), many of whom were part of the “never Trump” movement, who are lining up to propagate the lying of Trump and his close surrogates.  This morning the new lie is that Trump “inherited a mess,” and he’s going to create MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of jobs to “get the economy moving again.  The first thought that came to my mind when I heard that was – well, yes I’m sure the economy could grow a bit faster – BUT, it was President Obama who inherited the MESS.  Evidently Trump was too busy pushing the “birther” crap to remember that when President Obama took office the economy was shedding jobs at almost one MILLION per month.  By comparing Obama’s first month and a half in office with Trumps – well, by now President Obama had a “stimulus bill” signed into law that helped to prevent our economy from going into another “Great Depression.”  Essentially, at this point all Trump has done is sign a bunch of “executive orders” that have reaffirmed the fears of those who didn’t vote for him that he’s a tyrant.  The damage (or help) to the economy by Trump and his regulation cutting cohorts remains to be seen.  Remember, his first year in office will have an economy operating on the Obama agenda.  This time next year, we’ll be able to have a better discussion as to what effect Trump’s “plan” (if there is one) will have on the economy.  My point here is that the surrogates – even those who didn’t support him in the election are willing to spew the lies.

Of course, as of right now, for most Americans the economy is secondary to a couple other issues.  People on “both sides of the isle” – or, better put,  most people – want to know how much influence the Russians really did have on the election AND how much collusion was there between Trump and his “representatives” and the Russian intelligence community.  We KNOW there was at least some “collusion” OR Michael Flynn would still be Trump’s national security advisor.  People want to know how much collusion there was – was it just promising to remove sanctions when Flynn talked to the Russian ambassador in December (the same day President Obama imposed sanctions for their intrusion into our election process) or was there MORE?  Americans also want to see Trump’s tax returns to see how much he’s “invested” in places that are connected to Russia and Vladimir Putin – who Trump seems to view as the world’s greatest leader (aside from himself, of course)  In my mind, if there was “nothing there” – in the words of Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary – the Trump camp would be encouraging a bi-partisan open investigation to get this issue behind them as soon as possible.  Considering the level of “untruths” coming from all directions out of the White House since Trump moved in, nothing less will calm the “waters.”  If Spicer, Trump, and the other surrogates think this is just going to “go away” – I believe they’re fooling themselves.  (I was around during Watergate – and, this seem much more serious, potentially, to me)

The other issue that has the hair standing up on the backs of many Americans is the so-called “repeal and replacement of the ACA” – usually referred to as “Obamacare.”  Republicans spent 6+ years attempting to repeal it (something like 50 times) and NEVER attempting to FIX it.  I don’t know anyone who believes “Obamacare” is the total solution to America’s out of control health crisis – but, a majority feel it was a step in the right direction.  Now, the republicans have the opportunity to do what they should have done years ago and FIX the ACA so that it reaches more people and, whatever the problems with it (I’m obviously not an expert on health care) they try to improve.  The ultimate goal SHOULD be some form of a national health care – single payer type – solution so that, in the words of Bernie Sanders health care becomes a “RIGHT” and not, as it is now, a privilege.  Republicans are going to “own” whatever they do to the ACA and, from what I’ve heard, they can’t even agree amongst themselves on what to replace it with.  I can pretty much assure you that the replacement will make the problem worse instead of better based on what I’ve been able to “glean” from listening to early reports from Paul Ryan and others.  The 2018 election should be very interesting.

While most of us are tuned in eagerly to find out about the Russian issue and the “Obamacare” circus, I’ve been watching Ryan and Mich McConnell to see how they’re dealing with all this.  If you’ve read any of my previous posts I predicted that there will become a point in time where the republican leadership tires of Trump’s folly and they find a way to create Mike Pense as the 46th president.  I firmly believe he’s much more palatable to them than Trump.  However, they’ve made what could be considered a “deal with the devil” and they are now reliant on the Trump “base” which includes the hard right “White Nationalist” group.  So, they will have to tread lightly and find a good reason before they move against Trump.  However, I watched Ryan and McConnell in an impromptu news conference the other day (I believe both of them are trying as hard as they can to stay out of the “spotlight”) and they looked like two kids in a candy store.  They had just left a meeting with Trump and you could tell, by – as I used to teach my 6th graders – reading between the lines, that they were excited to have someone in the White House who will sign the legislation they’ve been pushing for years but couldn’t get past President Obama’s veto pen.

For example, TAX CUTS.  Let me try to find a polite way to say what the main agenda is for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.  It’s TAX CUTS.  And, guess  which way the tax cuts will be aimed – toward the top, or the bottom????  Yes, you’re correct, that was a stupid question.  For starters, the repeal of “Obamacare” will give the top one or two percent of Americans something like 380 BILLION dollars over the next ten years.  (you’re right, that’s a lot of money) But, that’s not all – it’s just the beginning.  They’ve got plans for another GW Bush/Cheney tax cut that will put BILLIONS more in the pockets of those who so generously finance their campaigns.  As Trump himself said, when he gives money to politicians he expects a return on his investment.  Think of the Koch brothers – who’ve “invested” maybe more than a BILLION dollars just since the day Citizens United was decided by the Supreme Court making it MUCH easier for America’s wealthy elite to buy congresspersons.  For example, I’m confident that if you check the donors list (those who’ve been identified) for just Ryan and McConnell you’ll find massive amounts of oil and coal money.  (Right now, I’m guessing Ryan is getting a lot of health insurance and pharmaceutical money “invested” in his campaigns as he tries for find an alternative for the ACA – remember, OVER a BILLION dollars was “invested” in the original bill – mainly from health insurers and “big pharma”)

Of course, Ryan and McConnell also are leading the charge to deregulate, and where possible, disassemble entire government agencies that prevent their benefactors from making even larger profits.  The EPA is in danger, the education department, the Food and Drug administration, the Consumer Protection agency (over Elizabeth Warren’s “dead body” as the saying goes), and who knows what else is in the cross hairs.  We know republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood where women get low (to no) cost health care, and the list goes on and on.  They now have a president who will obligingly sign whatever they can get through the last roadblock for us “liberals” and that is the democratic Senate.  However, there are several democratic senators (like Joe Mansion who first comes to mind) who live in states won by Trump and are apparently willing to vote like a republican.  So, the 60 vote barrier could be reached on some consequential legislation that will turn back the clock many years.  Time will tell, and, again, the 2018 election should be interesting.  (Taking Mansion and West Virginia for example, one “success” of the early Trump administration was allowing coal companies to again dump their waste into rivers and streams.  I, personally, was conceived in West Virginia and I have to wonder are there no “liberals” there?  The coal industry is virtually devastating huge segments of the beautiful mountains in West Virginia and surely there will become a time of remorse for allowing this to happen – I just have to wonder if anyone there cares enough to speak out?  We should no longer be relying on coal for our energy in the first place – there’s too many better options, but dumping the waste in rivers????)

My point here is that “we the people” need to be busy watching our “fronts” and our “backs” as the Trump administration moves ahead.  While many people like me will get caught up wondering how much collusion there was in the election (I mean, the fundamental premise of our nation is at stake on that one – if Trump and his surrogates colluded with the Russians, in my view, they’ve “got to go”) there’s a lot going on behind the scenes and much damage could be done if we’re not paying attention there as well.  Furthermore, people need to be encouraged to get their butts to the polls whenever there’s a chance to start the process of voting these people out of office – and, I’m talking about anyone who’s in office and is cooperating with the “white nationalists” in the White House.  I would encourage the so-called “liberal media” to stop being obsessed with being “fair and balanced” and begin calling out the surrogates when they lie – as happened (again) today on MSNBC. I read the other day that in Trump’s “successful” address to Congress – considered a success because he proved he can read a teleprompter – he LIED 51 times.  So, the headline wasn’t the lies (evidently, that’s just a given now) but the tone.  This is leading us to a bad place!

In essence, via obstruction, republicans managed to gain control of all three branches of government (once Trump’s SCOTUS nominee is confirmed) and have convinced Americans that government is “broken.”  So, now it’s up to them to FIX it.  The early returns, as I watch the Trump administration in action are a bit scary.  And, the damage the republicans (ie Ryan and McConnell) can do “behind the scenes” could take a generation to recover from.  It’s up to “we the people” to stop this takeover of our government.  There’s no doubt going to be significant “damage” done by 2018, but Americans – many of whom are presently in the streets protesting – will have the opportunity in 2018 to stop this “right here, right now.”  I don’t have much confidence in the democrats, but they are the only hope for those of us who don’t want America to be Russia’s buddy and an authoritarian state.  Should be interesting and, remember, while we’re all focused on the folly of Trump and his associates, keep a watch on what the republicans in Congress are up to – the damage they can do will likely be much more difficult to “fix.”