It should be no surprise to anyone that “Trumpcare” will just be one more Donald Trump lie.

Probably the most frustrating part of watching the “Trump train” heading for the cliff is anticipating the damage – which, as so often happens, goes to “the least of these” (in the words of Jesus Christ) – and not wanting them to be the “fall guys” for our beleaguered and dysfunctional political system (and, especially this president) as is so often the case.  And, then trying to understand how the “system” became so dysfunctional in the first place and what is going to have to happen to “fix” it just leads to more frustration.  Unfortunately, I keep coming to the same understanding as I ponder all of this: Greed.  I still remember (clearly) the days of the Reagan administration when I believe the “focus” of this great nation changed in an almost 180 degree direction and, to this day, the actual reality of what transpired back then has not been fully “vetted” publicly by our so-called “liberal media.”

Today, I was watching on TV as there was a “Women’s March” (A day without women in the workplace – I believe is what it was billed) going on in the streets of the nation’s capital (and, presumably, around the country) while our national legislators were debating whether our present president is legitimate, whether our past president committed a felony (you know, like what GW Bush and Dick Cheney did THOUSANDS of times – wiretapping Americans – in this case Donald Trump), and – most importantly to “the least of these” – the “repeal/replacement” of the “Affordable Care Act.”  Democrats are now (lovingly) referring to the health care proposal being propped up by Paul Ryan as “Trumpcare.”  I have not read (and probably won’t) the bill in its entirety but it’s interesting listening to the republicans who are pushing it.

Ryan and the others are claiming their bill will lower costs, improve health care, lower premiums, and – all in all – will be a huge improvement to what they refer to as “Obamacare.”  They claim “Obamacare” is “collapsing of its own weight.”  Of course, what they don’t say is that for 7 long years they’ve done NOTHING but vote 50+ times to repeal “Obamacare” with NEVER attempting to “fix” it.  Evidently, their new bill is the “fix.”  And, from all indications they’re going to have a difficult time getting this bill through their republican controlled congress and, if they do, people will remember all the claims they and Trump have made regarding the process of “repeal and replace.”  On many occasions, for example, Trump has said that the “replacement” will provide health insurance for EVERY American – and, it will cost less and work better.  Hey, I have to say, I’m all for that.

For many years I’ve been advocating, just like Bernie Sanders, that health care should be a RIGHT in our society (apparently the wealthiest society in the world) and not a privilege.  Getting back to my earlier point of when Reagan entered the White House, things back then were MUCH different.  For starters, hospitals and health insurance carriers were mostly “not for profit” entities.  As with virtually everything else – from the “conservative” point of view – privatization was the answer to the health care “crisis” which began emerging in the 70’s and continues to this day.  Reagan convinced Americans that the government is the problem – in virtually every area.  Instead of creating a single payer, “Medicare for all,” solution back then, the answer was “HMO’s” (along the lines of Kaiser Permanente) and incentives for doctors and health providers to withhold treatment to save money. (More profit)

The good news – back then – was that it was pretty much assumed that health insurance was a NORMAL benefit that went with being employed.  I remember working for the minimum wage (back then it was $1.25) and having full medical coverage – which, at the time, I didn’t need.  Businesses, at least everyone I was associated with or observed, back in the 60’s and 70’s simply accepted the responsibility of providing group policies for their employees.  The employees were the most important part of their businesses.  That all – publicly – changed when Reagan began the right wing assault on America’s great middle class. (I say publicly, because, by all accounts I can figure out, it really changed with the so-called “Powell Memo” that soon to  be Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell sent to the Chamber of Commerce in 1972 outlining the plan for a corporate takeover of America’s government – the anti-worker plan that Reagan so expertly put into place)

It was under Reagan’s leadership that America went from being a “we society” (ie – the “New Deal” and “Great Society” of FDR and LBJ) to Reagan’s version – a “me” society.  That’s when shareholders became more important than workers.  That’s when the traditional republican assault on unions gained “full steam ahead” status – as Reagan himself, violated his own promise to the air traffic controllers, and “busted” their union on national TV.  Certainly, there could be an argument against the demands of PATCO (the union) but it’s undeniable that Since that day, the power of workers has diminished in America and executives have become almost unbelievably rich!  The percentage of workers represented by a union has dropped from around one third at the time of the PATCO strike to less than one tenth today.

If you remember, it was Reagan who promised: “I’m going to cut taxes and balance the budget.”  Well, I wasn’t paying that much attention to politics at the time, but I clearly understood how STUPID that claim/promise was.  Of course, Reagan did, initially, cut taxes (mainly for the wealthy) and his “trickle down” policy not only “trickled up” but that’s the direction of the deficit.  Like ballooning by about 300%.  So, and I really am trying to get back to my point, since the days of Reagan workers have been disrespected. The rhetoric would say otherwise – coming from republicans – but, the reality says……. Yikes!  The promises keep coming, the results, not so much. It’s not good.  And, yet, it’s the very workers who’ve been “left behind” by the “trickle up” policies of republicans that were the force that allowed Trump to move into the White House.  And, from what I can tell, it’s the blue collar working class – especially those still struggling from the 2008 financial meltdown that would have become another depression without President Obama’s (less than ideal – thanks again to republicans) stimulus package passed, ironically, in his first two months in office, that will be the “losers” from “Trumpcare.”  (Of course, Trump’s in his 7th week and so far the proposed repeal/replace of “Obamacare” is the first thing “on the plate”)

Instead of fixing “Obamacare” (like putting in a public option) most “conservative” republicans want to completely repeal it and “start over.”  I don’t think there’s many – if any – of us “common folk” out here in America who totally understand the nuances of the Affordable Care Act.  Yes, it’s really complicated and, no doubt, needs a lot of “fixing.”  However, based on the information I’ve gleaned by listening to the republicans pushing their new “plan” there’s no way it’s going to live up to their promises.  It really does remind me of Reagan promising to “cut taxes and balance the budget.”  “We the people” have been suffering the consequences of Reagan’s policies since the 80’s and republicans continue to push us toward the “cliff.”  It seems to me that with Trump at the helm, the “cliff” is getting near, and it could be a big drop when we get there.  Is that what it’s going to take to wake up Americans who just don’t want to pay attention to what their government is doing?  I know people who are relying on their health care (which comes through the exchanges) to survive.  It looks to me like rates are going to go UP, not down, coverage is going to go DOWN not up, and, for people who are older – like those in the 50 – 65 age group who are still reeling from the “great recession” their out of pocket expenses will balloon.

Those who have “pre-existing” conditions will still be able to buy health insurance – it’s just that for most, it will be prohibitively expensive.  The proposal includes a defunding (for one year, I believe – which republicans probably believe will be enough to destroy it) of Planned Parenthood, where many low income women get their health care and, from what I can tell, the plan will have Medicaid in the “cross-hairs.” Probably the most important part of the “repeal/replace” proposal to republicans and their benefactors is the apparent $380 BILLION tax cut that goes covertly to the top 1% of Americans.  Obviously, that’s just more money in the “coffers” of republican politicians..

I’m sure the list of “unintended consequences” will be long – but, as I stated at the beginning of this post – I believe it will be “the least of these” who bear the brunt of the repeal of “Obamacare.”  Obviously, I don’t believe Trump (actually, I’ve learned that you can’t believe a word that comes from his mouth) and the republicans that “everyone” will have coverage and that it will be less expensive and better.  As I’ve said many times on this site, “I hope I’m wrong.”  However, in most instances – whether talking about republicans or democrats – that hasn’t been the case.  Most of us out in the “heartland” seem to be better able to see what is actually happening in our nation’s capital.  Maybe that’s because we don’t have the spectrum of special interest money clouding our vision.

That last sentence is exactly why, at the beginning of this post I mentioned the the word that I believe was encouraged by Reagan and those who’ve followed him as republicans and those who financially support them: Greed.  The statistics don’t lie.  The working class has been stagnant at best since Reagan and the corporate executives have had their compensation soar since then.  The health of our corporations and our nation’s economy is (publicly) gauged by the stock market, and corporate executives have found creative ways to boost their own salaries by creatively boosting stock prices at the expense of long term health of corporations.  Since Reagan corporations have become increasingly “healthy” while MILLIONS of Americans are deciding whether to buy food or go to the doctor.  That will not change as long as “we the people” continue to be brainwashed to think the more money that goes to the top (the “job creators”) the better off we’ll all be.

When I was young it was not unusual for people to work for one company their entire career.  Today, is seems unusual for a “worker” to be in the same place 10 years.  And, lately, the republicans have put their faith in the very people who’ve been behind this trend.  In 2012 it was Mitt Romney – an expert “corporate raider” who would purchase a company, bleed it of all its assets, take a huge profit, and then abandon it – often times to insolvency.  The workers left wondering what happened are just “collateral damage.”

Now we have Donald Trump.  And, somehow (with the help of the Russians and James Comey) he became the 45th president.  Trump represents GREED personified.  The list of workers he’s “stiffed” seems endless from the reports I’ve read, and he’s strategically filed for bankruptcy 6 times – again, leaving workers in the pile of “rubble” that remains after he takes “his” and “goes home.”  I’m not sure why so many Americans fell for his schpeel, but now, at least until the republican congress comes to their senses, we’re stuck with him as president.  It should be no surprise to anyone that “Trumpcare” will just be one more Donald Trump lie.  As I’ve stated so many times of late, the real problem is the damage he creates (including the “repeal/replace” of “Obamacare”) could last a generation or more.

A final note:  Regarding my wondering how the system became so dysfunctional, and for anyone who believes my “bashing” of republicans means I’m a democrat, I’ll leave a final thought.  As much as the republicans frustrate me for their GREED and disregard for “the least of these,” the democrats aren’t far behind for their lack of courage.  Yes, there’s a few who seem to be “fighters” (Elizabeth Warren, Sanders – yes, he’s really an independent, and Jeff Merkley to name a few) but many don’t seem to have the courage of their own convictions.  Their lack of “fight,” in my view, is why seemingly EVERY mid term election is dominated by republicans.  The base who would support democratic ideals aren’t given a reason to get excited and vote.  That, to me, is the reality and if democrats want to be the solution to the problem they had better “lean to the left.”  It’s almost as if they’re afraid of backlash of the “liberal media.”  I say, if your position is honorable, FIGHT for it!

2 thoughts on “It should be no surprise to anyone that “Trumpcare” will just be one more Donald Trump lie.

  1. Cpacific

    “if democrats want to be the solution to the problem they had better “lean to the left.”

    I hope your followers do as you suggested. In case you haven’t noticed the “right wing platform” is winning the majority of elections for the past decade. The house, senate, state governors and current president are all under republican control. That means your party, what ever that may be, is in the distinct minority. In other words, people don’t agree with what you think.

    Please lean as far left as you can. It makes winning in the arena of ideas just that much easier 🙂

    1. admin Post author

      Well, first of all I don’t have a “party.” However, it should not surprise anyone who reads these posts that, under present circumstances, I would not vote for a republican – out of principal. Just to clarify your assertion. Actually, I believe it’s pretty clear MOST people would tend to agree with most of what I think. Your “party” hasn’t received a “majority” of the votes for the past few (at least) elections. You probably didn’t notice that your man Trump came up almost 3 MILLION short in the last election – unless you believe his claims that 3 – 5 Million “illegal aliens” ALL voted for Clinton (100% of them). I’m sure you know what gerrymandering is – so, while the House of Representatives is controlled (for now) by republicans – democrats have received MILLIONS more votes in the past few years in TOTAL. It’s simply true that the gerrymandering makes it nearly impossible for them to “carry” many districts (this has been the case since the 2010 census). I’m also guessing you believe Trump’s claims that “thousands of Muslims” were celebrating 9/11 on some hotel rooftop in New Jersey AND that his inauguration had the largest crowd in history PERIOD! (In the words of Sean Spicer) From my vantage point, the only positive I can take from Trump’s presidency is that by the 2018 election republicans will be “on the way out.”

      If the democratic party chose to “lean to the left” – as in Bernie Sanders, or Elizabeth Warren, or Jeff Merkley, of Sherrod Brown – then I might be able to “join” and feel I could actually support them.

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