Monthly Archives: August 2021

Want to place BLAME on the “messy withdrawal” from Afghanistan? Blame Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the “neo-cons” who wanted Iraq’s oil!

I did not risk my life in Viet Nam ONLY because my left knee, which got, essentially, ruined during a High School football game made me undesirable for the Marine Corps – of which I enlisted (in the Marine PLC) in 1967 – when the doctor who checked me out as I was headed for boot camp in Quantico, Virginia said, “Son, if the Red Chinese were marching down Broadway (in Portland, Oregon) we wouldn’t take you and I walked out of that meeting with an “honorable discharge from the U.S. Marine Corp.” At this point in time I have no idea what happened to that piece of paper, but what I will NEVER forget is how I came to understand Viet Nam was a prime example of America’s leaders LYING “we the people” into “unwinnable” “wars” and refusing, right up to the disgraceful exit to admit the war was a mistake. I believe there are still those who believe we should have stayed. Yikes!

So, if you’re new to my little diary in cyberspace, I started writing after the Bush/Cheney regime invaded Iraq and turned Afghanistan into the false reason for doing so (Actually, vice versa). I started this “blog” (if that’s what it is) toward the end of the Bush/Cheney “era” after beginning my effort to READ as many books as I could giving the actual TRUTH about what was happening in the TWO invasions which, to me, were like “deja vu all over again” – as if our “leaders” learned NOTHING after Viet Nam. And, neither George W Bush nor Dick Cheney had an excuse because they lived through the Viet Nam FIASCO just as I did (Although, neither served – well, GW managed to avoid service through his “Daddy’s” political connections putting him into a Reserve Unit which he failed to attend – but, that’s a story for another day). I was a High School Senior at the time of the Gulf of Tonkin “resolution” which was LBJ’s mechanism for LYING “we the people” into what turned out to be such a DISASTER – both for our nation, our troops, and the Vietnamese (and Cambodian) people.

The invasion of Afghanistan, arguably to catch Osama bin Laden and render Al Qaeda “out of business” after “9/11,” turned out to be part of the justification used by Bush/Cheney for their ILL-ADVISED invasion of Iraq. What MOST Americans – at least the ones I know who I’ve talked to about this – don’t understand is Osama bin Laden (and his “troops”) were cornered at a place called “Tora Bora” within a short while after the U.S. entered Afghanistan back in 2001. Astonishingly, the U.S. troops/ partners (Afghani’s mostly, I believe, from the “Northern Alliance”) were ordered to evacuate bin Laden and his “troops” to Pakistan via an airlift the U.S. agreed to with Pakistan to get their (Pakistan’s) “fighters” out of Afghanistan. They (Bush/Cheney) wanted the “war” in Afghanistan to continue so they could LIE about Al Qaeda being embedded in Iraq. Capturing bin Laden would have removed the Bush/Cheney rationale for invading Iraq. (Along with claiming Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction.”)

I can’t remember the name of the first book I read on Afghanistan, but, in summary, it focused on the INCOMPETENCE of the American “adventure” there and that book was written within a couple years of the beginning of this American FAILURE. The numbers of Afghani’s and Iraqi’s who were either KILLED or dislodged from their homes during the past 20+ years is UNTHINKABLE – but, here in America, we NEVER seem to hear about what this “colonial adventurism” has done to those countries – what we hear about is the terrible DAMAGE to our own troops (understandable, but for how many years was this going to go on?)

Coincidentally, I have to say as I was driving home today and listening to my XM radio – the “news” was full of people attempting to BLAME Joe Biden for a situation which has, predictably, become very chaotic. Biden is resolute in bringing our troops home and HOPEFULLY, he’ll manage to get as many Afghans who are in danger for helping American troops out as well. But, what I was listening to today on the radio, some of it from Vets who I’ve been financially supporting for the past several years (when I’m able), had me YELLING at my radio.

I’m fine with former troops who want to get interpreters and other Afghans who SHOULD be relocated to America – at least out of Afghanistan – but, what seems to be the American “way” of BLAMING Joe Biden f0r what is happening ,to me, is disgusting. Personally, I APPLAUD Biden for having the GUTS to do this knowing he was going to be getting “HEAT” from all sides – including from places like former members of individual 1’s administration – who still haven’t learned “don’t throw rocks out of a glass house.” While I agreed with individual 1’s desire to get America out of Afghanistan, the bottom line is, as usual, not with the process. They “set the table” for what has happened in the previous few weeks.

Most people don’t remember individual 1 actually wanted to bring the leaders of the Taliban to Camp David – which somehow he was talked out of – and that his administration and members of his administration met personally in Afghanistan and made an agreement which, in essence, FORCED Biden’s hand. Today I listened to Richard Engel in a very emotional diatribe about all the people in Afghanistan who are in danger because of the Taliban takeover – which, was, basically, set in motion last year via the agreement made with individual 1’s administration. The drawdown of American troops from around 10 to 12,000 down to 2500 at the time President Biden took over gave Biden two options: Get out or create another “surge.” Anyone who’s been listening at all to Biden knows he’s been in favor of getting our troops out for years and, another “surge” just wasn’t going to happen.

And, plllllease, the recriminations coming from former members of individual 1’s administration, including Mike Pompeo, who was key in negotiating with the same people he’s now calling “butchers,” as usual, makes me want to gag. I can only hope, in my lifetime, to see the day when the American people who frequent media outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and the others will tire of the relentless barrage of LIES coming their way – at some point in time. And, I have to say, I’m not that much impressed with MSNBC, which, when I can stomach “news,” is where I go. All I’ve been able to think this past week when I tune in to ANYWHERE is “do you believe we should stay in Afghanistan, well, FOREVER? Getting out was bound to be MESSY. By the time Biden took over, the U.S. was, in essence, “occupying” Kabul. The Taliban were already moving on the rest of the country. We COULDN’T remain there with 2500 troops, period, full stop.

I believe President Biden was EXACTLY correct when he said we shouldn’t be fighting in a country where their troops aren’t willing to fight for themselves. The bottom line to me is how can “we the people” support keeping thousands of troops in Afghanistan indefinitely – which, when you listen to people like Engel and others in our “liberal media” complaining about “the way we’re withdrawing” with nary a word about how it really came about with the Taliban taking over the country without firing a shot. The Afghan troops simply threw down their weapons. In fact, as I already pointed out, there are reports the Taliban were negotiating with various “war lords” ever since the agreement made by the “other guy” early in 2020. This was all predictable – just not that Kabul would fall in a matter of a couple days – with virtually no fighting. but that it would “fall.” Obviously, “we the people” don’t understand the Afghan culture. (And, in that I include myself)

Yes, there’s the issue with the women and girls. I would think that would be enough for the “men” to use the arms and training they had from the Americans for the previous 20+ years to put up a fight. What will be interesting will be how the Taliban respond to about 6,000 American troops at the Kabul airport as they attempt to get the Afghans who wish to leave, along with all the diplomats, and other Americans flown out of the country. My guess is the Taliban will simply watch this happen, BUT if they choose to instigate a conflict I believe they’ll find something far different from the Afghan troops who simply laid down their (formerly ours now the Taliban’s) guns. I believe the Americans will respond aggressively to any challenge coming from Taliban fighters.

Remember, it only took American troops a matter of weeks to rout them out of the country back in the early 21st century. I guess my point in all of this is the American media seems to be always on the prowl for sensationalism – and, in this we have “bipartisanship.” Look, the date of our withdrawal has been no secret since the early days of Biden’s administration – in fact, he originally said by “9/11.” While I “get” there are bureaucratic issues for the Afghani’s who want out – all these members of the military who are now flooding the airwaves with their “angst” about those Afghani’s who helped Americans and might be left behind, why did they wait until now to make this an issue? They’ve had a YEAR and a HALF!

I remember Viet Nam and I just don’t believe there’s a way to exit a “war” you should NEVER have been in, one that has ALWAYS been “unwinnable,” without it being “messy.” Yes, individual 1, Mike Pompeo, and others made it more difficult but I don’t blame them either. It was going to be MESSY – chaotic – however you want to characterize it. And, trust me, just as, I presume, those who didn’t agree with individual 1 would have been “clamoring” about the withdrawal had he been smart enough to actually “win” an election, it’s no surprise to me listening to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, along with Pompeo and others, attempting to put ALL the blame on Biden and NONE of it on themselves. That’s America’s politics anymore. If you remember, up until just a few years ago, the “norm” in America was that “politics” stopped at the “water’s edge.” (Meaning our borders, if you’re too young :o)

The use of media which has no accountability for reporting via FACTS along with Social Media (disclaimer, I don’t use “Social Media” – unless this would be “Social Media”) which has been weaponized via the strategies of our worst adversaries – and, yes, I’m talking about the Russians and their “active measures” campaign intended to drive “wedges” (i.e. “wedge issues”) between Americans – and politicians who’ve adopted their assault on our nation and are spewing their actual “talking points” – is, to me, the “root” cause of the destabilization of America which is happening in “real time.”

And, the so-called “liberal media” – if there is such a thing – in my view, got sucked in to the “Blame Game” regarding the withdrawal from Afghanistan with little attempt at rational thought. Even someone like Richard Engel, who I’ve always respected, seems to me to be way over the edge emotionally when reporting on this “chaotic withdrawal.” I mean, what on earth did he expect?

Do I feel badly for the women of Afghanistan who are devastated by the return of the Taliban to power? Absolutely! However, again, how long would it take to create an “army” from the Afghan people willing to FIGHT the Taliban to protect their women? My guess is, if 20 years wasn’t enough, then 30 years wouldn’t be either. And, does Engel or any others in our “liberal media” really believe there was an “unmessy” way to get out? Especially, considering the agreement made between the Taliban and individual 1 in February of 2020. Really, when you get right down to it, if anyone’s to BLAME for how messy this is turning out, in my view, it’s George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and the so-called “neo-cons” who were “hell bent” on invading Iraq when they took office in 2001 and used the “intrusion” into Afghanistan, ostensibly to get bin Laden, as their “mechanism” to achieve their ultimate goal. (Iraq’s oil)

Final Thought: Just recently I was in a rural area close to the Southern Oregon Coast visiting a couple who build guitars (classical and flamenco). They are wonderful, HONEST people – I had taken an instrument they built for me back in 1973 to be repaired a few months ago and was now picking it up. Before leaving I went into their home to say goodbye and, sure enough, on a big screen TV there was Fox “news” and, of course, without thinking I said something along the lines of “you shouldn’t be watching that.”

Well, I’ve got enough experience in life to fully understand that was a “non starter.” Suddenly, the conversation became very defensive and, then (at least to me) offensive. Unsurprisingly, as I now think about it, the Joe Biden attacks started – two aneurisms, screwing up Afghanistan, and not actually being the president. I was a bit shocked, but I shouldn’t have been. I know many other “Fox viewers” and the end result is always the same – don’t talk about politics with them – which, by the way, was not my intention – I just thought it was good advice :o). The saddest part in all of what was a very short dialogue was the reason “Biden is screwing up Afghanistan” – it wasn’t because he can’t get the Afghani interpreters and other helpers of Americans out, but that he might! I wasn’t going to get into any kind of “discussion” so I just said my goodbyes and headed home with my 48 year old instrument. It just grieved me to witness (once again) what Fox has done to so many fine unsuspecting Americans. (I’m sure if you suggested their opinion on the Afghans was “racist” they’d say, “who me?”)

I knew these people 50 years ago and would have completely lost touch except for my desire to have them repair the instrument they originally built for me in the early seventies. Nowadays, any kind of dialogue beyond the guitar seems impossible. And, sadly, some of what has become (what appears to me) their “core beliefs” would be what you hear on Tucker Carlson’s program on a nightly basis. I was very sad on my way home! (And, oh, by the way, if you don’t “get it” – America has ALWAYS been a “nation of immigrants” – no matter what Tucker says! Very likely, somewhere in your family tree you are an immigrant)

Oh yes! Because I didn’t want to “go there” I said NOTHING about the aneurisms – The husband who is 79 years old and was the one who brought up the aneurisms as if that FACT renders Biden incapable of thought and, therefore, being president – I didn’t, but should have, pointed out the “brain surgery” relating to the “aneurisms” took place in 1988. That FACT would likely have made little, if any, difference to his thinking. But, whatever!

Ron DeSantis seems to be “running to the bottom” in order to get to the “top” of republican politics.

Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, has found a way to get the “DEPLORABLE” statistics of how the latest “wave” of the Covid-19 crisis is impacting his state. Simply block the publication of statistics coming from state health agencies. I usually follow the statistics at “” where, essentially, EVERY reported case of new infections, “serious/critical” illness from Covid, and deaths are tabulated. I’m finding it interesting that several republican led states are NOT reporting their results. Periodically, we see the results from Florida and you can see why DeSantis might be a bit “edgy” considering his brazen (and ignorant) decisions allowing the virus to run RAMPANT in his state – affecting many of the states around his.

Today, it was Florida, Iowa, South Dakota, Kansas, and Nebraska failing to report – all with republican governors and ALL having rapidly INCREASING numbers of people infected with the virus. Heck, Kristi Noem in South Dakota, who very well could be the WORST governor in the nation regarding attempting to protect her state from the ravages of this virus, seems to be very good at hiding the statistics of late. However, as an estimated 700,000 “biker dudes – and, of course, dudettes” converge on Sturgis South Dakota for their annual “rally” – we’re likely to see an even greater “spike” in South Dakota and the neighboring states in the next few weeks. (Actually, I started this rant a few days ago and, since, Montana and North Dakota’s NEW infections are rising almost exponentially – and, yep, still no reporting from South Dakota)

Will those statistics get published so that “we the people” have complete information as we attempt to fight off this pandemic – probably NOT. There are other states which are clearly being ravaged by the disease caused by Covid-19 which are NOT reporting the number of people who are DYING from the disease. Why? Who knows! Republicans have managed to turn this pandemic into a political issue – and, of course, they’re still calling it a “democrat hoax.” As if none of this is happening. (In South Dakota no reporting and places like Florida – occasional reporting, although, for example, today ANOTHER 25,000 NEW cases with hardly ANY deaths. Missouri, lately, around 4,000 NEW cases per day and NO reports of the numbers of people DYING. In these state and numerous other “red” states, you CAN’T get into a hospital – they’re FULL of Covid patients – and, of course, there are unvaccinated people in EVERY state, so this Delta variant is now just about EVERYWHERE.)

And, this you can count on! The front runners for the republican nomination for president in the next couple of years will be the governors who’ve done the WORST job of fighting the pandemic! Yep, you can count on that! For example, in “straw polls,” once you pull individual 1 out of the picture – which is likely to happen because he’ll be busy fighting his LEGAL battles in the various courthouses – it seems to be DeSantis as the “presumed front runner.” OMG – could all the voter suppression bills we’re seeing make something that dreadful possible? It’s as if DeSantis is “running to the bottom” in order to take himself to the “top” of the republican party.

Are republicans going to tabulate the number of school age children who DIE from the Delta variant in Florida because DeSantis has – if you haven’t been paying attention, grab your “seatbelt” – issued an order PROHIBITING schools from issuing “mask mandates.” Keep in mind, this past weekend there were OVER 28,000 new Covid infections in Florida EACH day! And, the Delta variant is “taking” more and more young people and children into Florida’s ICU’s – which, for all intents and purposes, are “full to the brim” with Covid patients – nearly 100% people who, for whatever reason, chose NOT to get vaccinated – or, worse, the CHILDREN of people who chose NOT to get vaccinated. Honestly, this brings up that word I hate, but it applies here: STUPID!

In my mind, not only is DeSantis STUPID, but those who choose to believe the garbage coming out of his mouth are STUPID. People are DYING by the hundreds – per DAY! – in Florida because, largely, their state government is “Missing in Action” in an attempt to mitigate the virus. (And, as I’ve said here many times, I believe DeSantis is REFUSING to allow the correct statistics regarding DEATHS from Covid in his state, and it continues) I saw this happening weeks ago, predicting what was happening in Florida would soon enough spread to those states around Florida and who knows how many more. Well, the verdict is in; It’s virtually EVERY state in the union. I live in Washington state, which has succeeded in vaccinating over 70% of her population. However, that leaves close to 30% unvaccinated (along with their children – we’re talking “adults” here) which is in excess of a million people (Washington has a population of near 8 MILLION) – therefore, even in this “blue state” there are close to 2,000 new cases of Covid-19 each day.

I’ve talked about my niece who works in a Covid ICU unit at one of the University of Washington hospitals in Seattle and my heart goes out to her and those on the same “team” for their dedication and hard work attempting to save as many LIVES as they can in the past year. Almost every member of the “team” contracted Covid prior to having access to the vaccines, but they all went right back to work once testing negative for the disease (er virus). I have to believe they’re all a bit frustrated with a WAVE of people who choose NOT to wear masks and have chosen NOT to get vaccinated. These medical personnel MUST be at or near burnout from the constant strain of dealing with this virus day in and day out – especially when MOST of those now in the hospital could have avoided this fate simply be getting the vaccine – which is readily available and it’s FREE. Yikes!

There are other right wing members of the republican party who are attempting to be as craven as DeSantis. For example, there’s Marjorie Taylor Greene who’s going around the country making FALSE claims about the attempt by the Biden administration to get as many Americans as possible vaccinated. She’s even compared the push for people to get vaccinated to the Holocaust. Yes, it’s disgusting, but that’s who she is. And, now “Twitter” has banned her for a week for spreading FALSE information about vaccines – although, she’ll be back doing so next week – count on it. I don’t do “Social media” but, from the outside, it appears to be culpable for much of the mis/disinformation spread throughout America in the past five or so years. It’s the favorite “vehicle,” for example, of the Russians – who are saying pretty much the same as people like Greene and DeSantis.

Of course, not to be outdone by Greene and DeSantis is Rand Paul. This is the guy who is so obnoxious he got attacked by one of his neighbors – who apparently didn’t like the way he was mowing his lawn? (Are we talking about two assholes here?) Well, this past weekend Mr. Paul made a video, about two minutes long, with a rant about how “we don’t have to do what” “they” – apparently, they is the government, of which Mr. Paul is a member – they are “mandating.” Of course, he (also) was referring to “masks” and “vaccines.” He pointed to the camera as he was talking to Nancy Pelosi (why? who knows) suggesting she would not cause “us” to “give in.” (my interpretation based on my weak memory – again, I’m an OLD white guy) Now, Mr. Paul is banned from his YouTube channel. (OK, for just one week, and like MTG, he’ll be right back at it once his “week” is up.)

Along with the Russians, individual 1 has been busy for over five years attempting to pry appart the natural “fault lines” which exist in America. They’ve used issues like race, trade deals, and abortion – among others – to cause Americans to believe “we are the enemy.” Not only have they wildly succeeded in hitting these “wedge issues” with a giant political “maul” (If you don’t know what a maul is, look it up – my sawmill days are resurfacing, it appears) Worst still, individual 1 has caused his CULT to believe our elections – of course ONLY for president – apparently ALL the other elections of various legislatures along with local initiatives were OK – just the FACT our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president got SLAUGHTERED in the election is the problem for republicans.

Well, tomorrow (likely today, yesterday, or ???? “whatever” – when you’re reading this) is August 13th, 2021 – the day the whacked out right wing conspiracy theorists have said is the day individual 1 will be re-instated as our president. Do you really believe this? Well, by the time you read this you’ll know these “whack jobs” are, well, WHACK JOBS! So, what is their NEXT ridiculous prediction. Maybe the next “theory” members of the CULT will follow will have something to do with the “pillow dude” – who’s facing a MULTI BILLION dollar defamation lawsuit from Dominion – the maker of SOME of the voting machines used in the elections. Maybe all the CULT members will buy pillows so the “pillow guy” can keep his face in the news.

America is being suffocated from within – and, HISTORY will BLAME individual 1 for being the catalyst – and, his “connection” to Russia will ultimately become public. Actually, as I’m writing this the Scots (Scotland) have an investigation into where individual 1 got the funds to purchase two golf courses in Scotland, including Turnberry. Rumors suggest individual 1 was using “laundered” Russian funds to purchase Turnberry and the other course in Scotland he purchased back in around 2006. The Scots suspect individual 1 used funds gained via organized crime and they’re demanding our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president show them were the money came from and where the money has been coming from since the purchases because neither property is “profitable.”

This look into the two golf courses may very well show the connection between individual 1 and the Russians. The “Royal and Ancient” Golf “home” has decided to take Turnberry out of the rotation for the “Open” championship. Individual 1 was FORCING various groups of Americans associated with out government (including members of the Air Force) to stay at Turnberry in order to cause “we the people” to help the property mitigate its losses. “We the people” need to see his taxes for the past 15 years at least. He’s a master “grifter” and, from all reports, he’s been cheating on his taxes for YEARS! Stay tuned…………….

Oh yes! Back to Mr. DeSantis (and some of the other republican governors attempting to make Joe Biden look bad by causing HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of their own citizens to be exposed to or infected with the Delta variant of the coronavirus. They’re all trying to be the “new” version of individual 1 and it’s frustrating to watch – in fact, it’s causing MANY Americans to get angry with them – while their followers are yelling at anyone who wants them to stop spreading this virus to the “rest of us.’ Just as individual 1 was “Missing in Action” regarding the fight against Covid-19, so are DeSantis, Noem, Abbot, and other republican governors right now. And, with the help of right wing media outlets supporting them, they are simply ALLOWING the virus to spread “willy nilly.” Apparently, in the republican party the worst you are at governing is the “litmus test” for support from the “base.” Yikes!!!

Final Thought: I mentioned above I’m an “old white guy” and, as I was typing those words I couldn’t help thinking about how long it took me to understand the concept of “white privilege.” That is despite the FACT I spent 10 years working in tandem (team teaching) with an African American who, despite the FACT he’s “gone home,” will always be one of my heroes. I’ve had the fortune to have close relationships with several African Americans during my life, yet it still took me years to internalize the privilege I took for granted while listening to the many stories my friends shared with me about their life experiences – FAR different to my own.

My teaching partner graduated from High School in Youngstown, Ohio back in the early sixties being unable to read – he was simply pushed through, as happens still to this day. He joined the Air Force where he spent close to a decade in Thailand during the Viet Nam “war.” During that time he learned to read by reading his Bible and during the years after he left the Air Force (20 years of service – including a bullet next to his heart which may have ultimately been the cause of his death nearly 40 years later – it was too close to be removed) he started a small church, graduated with an undergraduate degree from a university, got a Master’s degree in Teaching, and ultimately a “doctor of divinity” all while dealing with the handicap of being a Black man in America.

My friend NEVER complained – in fact, when I would visit his church, one of his favorite worship songs was titled “I will not complain.” As I would hang out with him and with those in his church it was then I FINALLY internalized what “white privilege” actually means. I really question if I would have been strong enough to make it to where I am today without it. And, I wasn’t born into a “wealthy” family – in fact, for most of my youth I was raised by a “single Mom” who was working for minimum wages along with the small alimony she got from my Dad. I worked nearly full time during High School at a restaurant ($1.25 per hour back then) in order to have money to drive a car and have spending money. I seriously doubt, had I been Black, if I would have gotten that job. Had my family not been white, I don’t believe we would have been welcome in our little community. Oh yes, my Father was a racist who regularly used the so-called “N” word.

I began to realize the effect of my upbringing when I started playing basketball after I graduated from High School at the local Community College. About half my teammates were African Americans and my first reaction was “fear” because I’d never been around a Black person before and I was raised by a racist in all white schools. I was almost instantly ashamed of myself and soon became good friends with my Black teammates. I actually became angry at my Father, who had divorced my Mom years earlier and was remarried. I chose not to speak to him for years after I”d heard one too many “N” words coming from his mouth. Still, it took me years to fully understand what it meant to benefit from “white privilege.”

I say this because I believe MANY of the so-called “base” of the republican party – who now seem to be in a CULT – are motivated by the FEAR of the reality their “white privilege” is being challenged as our society becomes more diverse. Racism has become a “flash point” for me when I’m trying to dialogue with someone who disagrees with me. When I start hearing the “dog whistle” stuff being regurgitated – like, someone I know complaining about his own adopted daughter living off public assistance – as if he’d prefer she be on the street (She’s African American and was a “special needs child”) – I’m just losing my ability to tolerate it.

My point is, I’ve been around numerous African Americans who are, from my perspective, much STRONGER than myself – and, I’m talking about internal strength including spiritual strength – and, yet are forced to live on much less – I can’t help but realize how much I’ve benefited from being white. And, if America is to continue pursuing the goal of being a “more perfect union” I believe it is imperative for MORE of “white Americans” to internalize what it means to have “white privilege” and how that “privilege” is at the root of so many of our problems.

I have to add – there are issues with Native Americans which are going under the “radar” – I occasionally donate to “Indian Schools” in South and North Dakota and, it appears to me, “we the people” long ago stopped honoring the “agreements” (i.e. “Treaties”) made with the various Native American tribes. Additionally, it’s no secret many of the “right wing” members of individual 1’s CULT are what you’d have to call “haters.” People in the Asian communities, Latinx communities, LGBTQ communities, African American communities, Jewish communities, etc. have felt the violence which seems to originate out of the mouths of people like individual 1 and those who are his sycophants. God help us if we can’t figure out how to bridge these “divides.”

OBTW – Florida is AVERAGING more than 25,000 NEW cases of covid per day and her hospitals are at or near capacity. (In some cased over capacity) And, they don’t have enough doctors and nurses to address the numbers of SICK patients. My youngest daughter is a nurse and I say “God Bless those doctors and nurses who have been working OVERTIME for almost two years now in a desperate – in many cases – attempt to save the lives of patients, now, who refused to get vaccinated when it was available and FREE. The docs and nurses are, likely, getting angry with those who call Covid a “democrat hoax” and then need their help in the hospital. And, I don’t blame them one bit! Right wingers are threatening health care professionals who tell the TRUTH about this pandemic with violence. It really is, in my view, time for our Justice Department to “clamp down” on those who are threatening violence and those who are INCITING violence.

Ben Shapiro claiming the “Progressives” in America are “authoritarian” is simply MORE right wing projection!

One of the most consistent things I’ve observed about republicans, sept for the LYING, is the constant PROJECTION they spew in their propaganda “active measures” – to use the Russian term which seems apropos. If the republicans are accusing YOU of it, that means that’s what they’re doing. So, today as I was wandering through Costco itching to spend the money on my “Costco Shop Card” I got for buying a water softener for our home, I checked out the book section to see if there was something I wanted to purchase. As the saying goes, “The cupboard was bare,” although there was a book titled something about “authoritarianism” by someone named Ben Shapiro.

I had heard of him before and my thoughts placed him in the Fox “news” universe – or something similar – and when I read the reviews on the back cover all I could do was shake my head. I’m certain Mr. Shapiro would be a supporter of individual 1 and it seemed awfully strange to me reading about how the “left was pushing an authoritarian agenda” – or words to that effect. Reading the book cover it came across as as much of a distinguished work as one of Bill O’Reilly’s “Killing …………… (Fill in the blank) – other than – my guess is Shapiro may have actually written it.

Based on what I read on the cover his thesis is “the left” wants to “control” everything – your thinking, your rights, etc., etc. As I just said above, when you’re reading (or listening) to a “conservative” these days, if they’re making an accusation, just realize that’s where THEY’RE coming from. After, wasn’t it just about 8 months ago (now), that THOUSANDS of individual 1 fanatics were storming out nation’s Capitol Building chanting “hang Mike Pense.” I have to wonder “what is the ‘liberal’ equivalent to that?”

George Floyd protests, you say? Awe, come on, you MUST be able to do better than that. Even the protests in Portland, Oregon (just across the Columbia River from where I live), covered just a few blocks in the downtown area – around the Federal Courthouse – and, it’s true, some of the “protesters” put “graffiti” on the Federal Building. For that, individual 1 shipped in a bunch of “unmarked” Federal agents who were plucking various PEOPLE (most doing absolutely nothing more than “being there”) off the streets, taking them to undisclosed buildings, interrogating them, and then releasing them. What do you call that?

And, of course, individual 1, after “Portland,” re-instituted some obscure Federal statute which, he claimed, would include a MANDATORY 10 year prison term for ANYONE who illegally entered or did any damage to a Federal building. Just think about that as an aside. So far, the FBI has arrested well over 500 INSURRECTIONISTS with over 300 more in their “crosshairs” as they attempt to identify them. By individual 1’s “standards,” EACH and EVERY one of them SHOULD be facing a MINIMUM of 10 years in prison. Fortunately, our Justice Department has a bit more empathy – even for individual 1’s INSURRECTIONISTS – and they’re recommending much more LENIENT sentences for those who seemed to just get caught up in the “crowd.” (Although, they’re still MOSTLY going to be guilty of a FELONY)

Back to authoritarianism. Earth to Mr. Shapiro: I’m NOT the only one who’s been pointing out individual 1 and his republican sycophants are/were pseudo authoritarians. And, of course, we have the example of January 6th, 2021 to prove it. Not only did our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president first “groom” his followers for months before the election (The only way we can lose the election is if it’s ‘rigged'”), then encourage them to come to D.C. on January 6th, 2021 (“It’s going to be wild”), and then, along with Mo Brooks, Individual 1 Jr., Rudy Giuliani and others, “gin up” the crowd into a froth with phrases like, “Go to the Capitol – I’ll be there with you (another preposterous LIE) – and Fight like Hell, because if you don’t ‘Fight like Hell’ you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

Here’s the thing I’d say to Mr. Shapiro if I could speak to him personally. There’s a HUGE difference between a large MOB storming the nation’s Capitol with the intent of OVERTHROWING a “free and fair” election (Even if they believed the LIE that it wasn’t), injuring OVER 140 Capitol and Metro police officers, and then having over 140 members of Congress vote to OVERTHROW the election AFTER the INSURRECTIONISTS were turned away from the Capitol – with, of course, the blessing of individual 1 as opposed to protests in the streets because Police CONTINUE executing members of the Black Community seemingly ad nauseam. Not only are our African America brothers and sisters sick and tired of this, but so are a bunch of us “white folk” and any other freedom loving Americans. But, progressives DON’T attempt to overthrow out government. We VOTE!

I’m fine with the dialogue which SHOULD be happening between those on the “left” and those on the “right” (and, of course anyone else interested) but, for me, I draw the line with overt racism – such as what we see from individual 1 and MANY of his supporters – the infamous “basket of deplorables.” I can tell you to whom Hillary Clinton was referring when she made that ill advised comment in one of the debates with individual 1 back in 2016. For example, she was referring to the guy wearing the Camp Auschwitz shirt in the INSURRECTION – or the “Proud Boys” with the shirts suggesting “6MWE” (Six Million Weren’t Enough – meaning Jews murdered in WW II – ugh!) – or the Neo-Nazi’s in Charlottesville in 2017 carrying Tiki Torches and chanting “Jews will not replace us” while carrying Confederate flags and wearing Nazi arm bands, David Duke and Don Black – former “Grand Wizards” of the KKK. These are NOT people who are supporters of “democracy.”

And, of course, individual 1 referred to the neo-Nazi’s marching in Charlottesville (They called it the “unite the right” rally) as “very fine people” – to which, David Duke – who was there – responded with positive affirmation for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. These are the core of the group which attempted to overturn our “free and fair” election by STORMING the Capitol Building, trashing it, and attempting to find Pence and Nancy Pelosi in order to KILL them. This is their response to LOSING an election! Apparently, they DON’T believe in our democratic republic.

And, I have to say, most on the “left” are fine with VOTING and accepting the results – win or lose. It should be OBVIOUS, neither individual 1 nor his cult members see it that way. In fact, the term “Stop the Steal” was the work of Roger Stone and he came up with it shortly before the 2016 election. Individual 1 was planning his coup attempt way back then – if you remember, he never, even then agreed he would accept the result of the election if he LOST. (Which, of course, he did via the “popular vote” – by around 3 MILLION votes. In 2020 he set the record, he lost be OVER 8 MILLION votes.)

Another area where we find “common ground” between republicans and authoritarians is in the FACT they are fine with CHEATING in order to WIN. As the saying goes, “Whatever it takes.” Or, better stated, “The end justifies the means.” That’s been part of the republican M.O. for years, it’s just that individual 1 has NO “moral compass” and he’s a pathological LIAR which makes him the perfect “leader” for the wealthy “puppetmasters” who surreptitiously CONTROL the republican party. The objective is NOT “governing” – NO – it’s POWER! Plain and simple!

However, as I’ve stated here multiple times, the TRUTH will come out – drip by drip – and our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is going to be very busy in the next couple of years defending himself in court. For example, in this past week we’ve learned FOR CERTAIN about the surreptitious plan individual 1 was working on behind the scenes AFTER he LOST last November 3rd – well, MOST of us paying attention already KNEW what is being corroborated with DIRECT evidence showing a CONSPIRACY between individual 1 and part of the Justice Department – mainly Jeffrey Clark along with Mark Meadows (chief of staff) and Lindsey Graham (lackey) and others – were attempting to get Georgia’s legislature to override the “will of the people” in what simply confirms these people should be facing serious charges – including individual 1 for the MOST corrupt action by any president in the history of this nation.

And, to Mr. Shapiro, this is the stuff of authoritarianism – not “progressives” demanding rights for every American citizen – including, most fundamentally, the RIGHT to VOTE! The fact you don’t like the results of the previous couple elections might suggest the republican party SHOULD change their “course” and attempt to actually broaden their “base” from the mainly white nationalists – who claim the cover of Christianity – to a more diverse organization which looks closer to the “melting pot” which is our nation. Our nation’s history is based on being a “melting pot” – people from all “corners” of the world immigrating to this country and, in the process, making America a better nation.

Sadly, this core of white “Christians” (and, believe me, I say that with a sense of sadness in my heart, because I’m a Christian) are acting like the Pharisees in the Bible and it seems as if they are wanting some kind of apartheid government in this nation. I believe this “backlash” all started when the reality of a man of “color” was elected president. What is now the republican “base” became susceptible to the fear mongering of the right wing, racist “leaders” of their party – who’ve been practicing out and out BRAINWASHING via the “Big Lie Theory” since the days of Reagan. They do it because, sadly, it works!

I’m not kidding! I can’t even have a conversation with people who watch Fox “news” or the other right wing media outlets. Usually, they start yelling and/or throwing things – in fits of defensive absurdity. That’s simply when I ask them “why,” for example, they support individual 1. I had one friend who I could talk to, but Covid prevented personalized dialogue and after the election (when all his predictions were off by 180 degrees – and, mine were right on – although I couldn’t even imagine the attack on the Capitol Building) his comments got so absurd it just became too hard for me to be, I’m sure, what he considered “civil.”

For example, he asked – after Joe Biden had been declared the winner of the election – how that would be proven. This was after all the votes had been counted! I went over the process in detail which culminated on January 6th, 2021 – and, each step of the way turned out EXACTLY as I explained it to him – including predicting a right wing protest at the certification of the Electoral College votes on January 6th – and, he accused me of “bullying.” Simply because I explained the TRUTH about the process which was unfolding as it happened. I’m sure he then, and probably now, believed/believes the election was rigged – because he allows the right wing propaganda into his head. The last I heard from him was the republican party is “conservative and Christian.” This was AFTER the INSURRECTION attempt! (More on that in a bit)

I point this all out because my former friend, who I see as a microcosm of the republican party, said to me on several occasions he didn’t believe in “democracy.” I always took that to mean pure democracy, not what is in our Constitution, a democratic republic with “checks and balances” designed to protect a “tyranny of the majority.” For years, I’ve suggested republicans are scheming to succeed in creating a “tyranny of the MINORITY” – because they realize they’re in the MINORITY (and, it’s getting worse) and their solution is, instead of attempting to broaden their appeal, to disenfranchise as many of the “other” as they can – so, they can still “win” elections. (While, of course, LOSING the “popular vote”)

As I’ve said, the gerrymandering, the “stuffing” of the courts with right wing judges – including a 6 – 3 majority on the Supreme Court – a Court which might possibly go along with the republican scheme because it WAS the Roberts Court which gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965 – allowing for all the VOTER SUPPRESSION bills cropping up across this land as I’m writing this – and working to control “local legislatures” in the states – is the “plan” for the so-called “permanent republican ‘majority.'” So, I’d say to Mr. Shapiro when he brings up the issue of authoritarianism – you’ll NEVER find progressives storming our Capitol in a brazen attempt to overthrow our nation’s government – they’ll do their fighting at the ballot box. Your claim the “Progressives” in America are “authoritarian” is simply MORE projection! Stay tuned!…………..

Final Thought: I keep suggesting, at some point, I’ll write a post on abortion. I haven’t got around to it, but I have pointed out my prayer is America would find a way to minimize the demand for the procedure. In short I’ll say two things: First, MEN should be held accountable for their role in creating unwanted pregnancies and secondly, I’ve come to the conclusion my best advice would be, “If you don’t believe in abortions don’t have one.” It’s the Christian community which is so vocally opposed to “A woman’s right to choose” in regard to her own body. Well, if you believe in the Bible you MUST believe in “free will” and these decisions women make are between the woman and her spiritual beliefs.

I absolutely am thankful I was NEVER confronted with this decision, although I would have never gone along with an abortion unless the woman’s life (in this case my wife’s) was in danger. Many years ago my wife had a miscarriage and, at the hospital, the procedure performed as akin to having an abortion – other than she had already passed the fetus. I say all this because I find it ironic as a NEW wave of “SARS Cov-2” (The “novel” coronavirus) is ravaging our nation from the effects of the so-called “Delta variant” and right wing republicans are encouraging their followers to refuse to get vaccinated. The irony, to me, is listening to these people who want to “control” the bodies of America’s women claiming by encouraging vaccinations our government is attempting to take “control their bodies.” One thing about today’s republicans, they ALWAYS seem to want it “both ways.” Just sayin……………..

In America, we’re not supposed to say the word “Hitler,” but “The Big Lie Theory” has become republican orthodoxy!

As the republicans continue their assault on the TRUTH when will the so-called “Mainstream Media” (MSM) begin to REGULARY point out this “strategy” is the “strategy” which catapulted Adolf Hitler to POWER back in the 1920’s. Yes, I understand I’m not supposed to say that name or mention words like “Nazi” or “Fascist” but, well, “it is what it is.” As far as I’m concerned it’s HIGHT TIME for the MSM to educate the American public they’re receiving an organized ASSAULT on the TRUTH using the playbook of Hitler’s chief of propaganda Joseph Goebbels.

I keep hearing members of the so-called “liberal media” in conversation where they are showing disgust at the number of LIES coming from this republican and that republican and how these LIES seem to be coordinated – into “alternative facts.” The LYING causes a measure of DISGUST, but my disgust comes from the refusal of commentators on TV and democratic politicians to “tell it like it is” almost as much as the LIES themselves. Or, is it possible they don’t really understand what is happening? They MUST have enough of a grasp on history to understand the TRUTH about what is behind all these LIES! Or do they? Or are they afraid to tell it like it is because we’re not supposed to understand or believe the SAME “strategies” used by Hitler could EVER be used here?

Well, to that, I say “wake up!” For years I’ve been lamenting the lack of “spine” coming from the democratic party. I’m heartened by many of the younger members of the party, people like “AOC” and many others who seem to have the GUTS to FIGHT for this country in the face of the right wing ASSAULT which SHOULD be undeniable. I “get” there are MILLIONS of good honest Americans who simply have too much going on in their lives for “politics” – although, I don’t accept that as OK. When the American republic is under ASSAULT, to me, there’s no excuse for shirking one’s public responsibility. I certainly don’t want to get to a place where I say, “I wish I had………………..” (fill in the blank)

One of the sayings I’ll never forget is, “Those who choose to ignore history are bound to repeat it.” My father was part of the Army during WW II and, for whatever reason, he was NEVER able to talk about it with, at least me – I don’t know about my siblings. It was NEVER part of the discussion in our family. I say that because I’ve said this before, “individual 1 came closer to turning America into a fascist state than Hitler.” And, of course, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is still “at it.” And, his white nationalist supporters are still “at it” as well.

For heaven’s sake, the Fox “news” “mouthpiece” to the white nationalists in America, Tucker Carlson is, as I’m writing this, broadcasting his nightly propaganda shpiel from Budapest, Hungary where he’s been “kissing up” to Viktor Orban, the right wing Prime Minister of Hungary who is considered the individual 1 (I can’t bring myself to write the name) of Europe with actual political skill. He’s managed to turn Hungary’s fledgling democracy into an autocratic state – and Carlson is, apparently, hell bent on glorifying him. (Orban actually got his wall built)

The right wing in America has long believed “the end justifies the means.” Their purpose is having control of the “levers of power.” They are supported by a “gaggle” of right wing Billionaires who are very smart – largely the so-called “Koch network” of puppeteers. They have been at this for as many years as I can remember. In 1980 David Koch managed to get about 1% of the electorate to vote for what he believed as the VP nominee of the Libertarian party – ie way out on the fringe. However, with an unending supply of SURPLUS money, he along with his brother Charles Koch started the process of turning state after state into right wing republican strongholds where they had control of the mechanisms which MOST of us don’t think about at all.

Things like control of local legislation from the city to the state level which evolves to the national level. Controlling the local levels of government has led to the “gerrymandering” of the legislative districts in state after state which has required democrats to gain tens of MILLIONS more votes than republicans, nationally, to gain control of the House of Representatives. And, supporting the right wing media outlets has led to republican control of rural areas all across this nation where “information” coming from TV and radio have been controlled by outlets like Fox “news” on the Cable TV, Sinclair Broadcasting on local TV, and the radio controlled for years by people like the late Rush Limbaugh. This has been BRAINWASHING, pure and simple, and, for some reason, it’s a rare person I see on the MSM even coming close to pointing this out.

Tens of MILLIONS of Americans have been “influenced” by the constant LYING coming from the republican party. I started writing this “blog” (actually, to me, my diary in cyberspace – how you found it, who knows?) after Bush/Cheney LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO. After Bush/Cheney bungled their invasion of Afghanistan into a 20 year FIASCO. To me, a person of the Viet Nam era, it was “deja vu all over again.” Since then, it’s only gotten worse. And, on that, I put much of the BLAME on democrats – sadly, Barack Obama. I’ve written numerous posts about my lamenting the “looking forward instead of back” comment (and policy) of the Obama administration. Individual 1 was the logical result of that decision. It’s caused republicans to act like they saw a “green light” in regard to the apprehension of democrats to have the GUTS to hold them accountable for ILLEGAL behavior.

Unless you’re part of the individual 1 cult it’s IMPOSSIBLE not to see the ILLEGAL behavior of “the former guy” who, by MOST accounts I’ve seen from actual historians, was leading the most CORRUPT administration in this nation’s history. His attempt to OVERTHROW the 2020 election by what is becoming apparent via “any means necessary” was far beyond the CORRUPTION of even Richard Nixon. The use of Hitler’s propaganda scheme SHOULD be enough to turn off enough Americans to cause this version of the republican party to be voted into the History books – but, we’re all also seeing an attempt at voter suppression which is WORSE than anything we’ve seen since Reconstruction and Jim Crow. It’s all part of an organized plot.

This gets to my final point about the sophistication of the right wing ASSAULT on our nation which has been fueled by the Koch network and the “by any means possible” strategy of the republican party. And, of course, I’m talking (OK writing) about our Courts. The Koch network is squarely behind the push to FLOOD our Court system with right wing judges and, naturally, that’s likely to be the one lasting “success” of individual 1’s time in office. To be sure, that “plan” was in effect prior to individual 1’s “win” in 2016 with the Bush nominees Roberts and Alito being key to the GUTTING of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ALONG with the so-called “Citizens United” decision which has allowed those BILLIONAIRES to covertly buy off members of Congress.

This all has become “the way it is,” but the reality of how the republicans have gone about their attempt at the “goal” of a “permanent republican ‘majority'” SHOULD be common knowledge among “we the people.” And, that will not happen without the so-called MSM over and over again pointing out the LIES which are repeated “over and over again” are the result of the republican party adopting the propaganda scheme of the Third Reich. Maybe they can put it that way because we’re not, in America, to compare anyone or anything to Hitler or the Nazi’s of the 1930’s. Sorry, but that’s how I see it!

(And, oh, by the way, these people are hell bent on bringing individual 1, or someone with his lack of shame but with more brains, back into power. The way the people at Fox want to “expand their base” is by supporting an administration capable of closing down their “opposition.” Let’s us all hope I’m wrong – and, by the way, make sure you VOTE!)

Final Thought: While all this is going on, we’re now up to over 120,000 NEW cases of Covid-19, via the “Delta Variant,” EACH day and RISING. The daily DEATH toll has now increased to OVER 600 DEATHS per day – and, this is with numerous states not even recording – either NEW cases of Covid or DEATHS or BOTH. Missouri, for example, is experiencing 3000 to 4000 NEW cases per day, but according to “,” no one is DYING in Missouri from the virus. Of course, anyone who does a little investigating online KNOWS that’s impossible. Their hospitals are so FULL of Covid patients they’re turning Emergencies away. Then, of course, there’s South Dakota which pretty much is NOT reporting anything regarding the virus. I seriously doubt NO one in South Dakota is affected by the virus – especially with the most RECKLESS governor in the nation – Kristi Noem – who visions herself as the 2024 republican presidential nominee.

Thanks to republicans America is crumbling at the seems but the focus of those on the “right” is to continue the so-called “Big Lie” until they are able to achieve what Karl Rove called the “permanent republican ‘majority.'” Individual 1 has been called a “moron” by many of those who were part of his administration, but it’s clear he was simply an EVIL narcissist who had a plan to turn America into a right wing autocracy. And, he’s still at it and if the democrats DON’T point out the TRUTH about what has happened, and if the Justice Department fails to hold him accountable for his ILLEGAL attempt to overthrow our recent election, we are destined to LOSE our republic to a fascist overthrow – from within. The DISASTERS facing our nation right now continue to be on multiple fronts. Covid, failing and obsolete infrastructure, a recovering economy – all of this possibly causing “we the people” to take our focus off the right wing attempt to turn our nation into a right wing autocracy. Stay tuned!!!

I’m old, it takes me a few days to finish my thoughts. So, today the Covid “totals” of NEW infections in America was OVER 130,000 – one day after what I just said above – and the DEATHS were over 750 – and, that’s with SEVERAL states controlled by republicans NOT reporting actual numbers. One of those states is South Dakota where the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is happening once again, this year with over 700.000 visitors. Guess what is going to happen next!? God help us!

What will republicans say when individual 1 is not re-installed as president come August 13th?

I’ll admit it, I subscribe to the Washington Post and regularly read as much of it as I have time. Today, there was an article – you can access it HERE if you like, where a “Pastor” in a small town close to Nashville, Tennessee told his congregants if they enter his church wearing a mask he will ask them to leave and he was urging NONE of them to get vaccinated for Covid-19, was calling the coronavirus a “democrat hoax” (from the pulpit, no less), calling Joe Biden a “demon possessed sex offender,” (along with other QAnon “theories”), and was refusing to honor ANY public health “suggestions” in a state which, today, had OVER 2200 NEW infections of Covid-19 reported as their hospitals approach their capacities.

This is the kind of stuff which is happening all across the parts of the country where people have made the classic “deal with the devil” – and that, of course, is their fealty to individual 1. The (world) history of the Christian community giving their complete loyalty to a political demagogue is one which, hopefully, won’t be repeated in the U.S. And, I’m talking, of course, about the Third Reich in Germany back in the late 1920’s and through their defeat in WW II. If you’re confused about what I’m referring, please read the biography of Deidrick Bonhoeffer. That’s one of my favorite books of the past five years as I’ve struggled with why “conservative Christians” would align themselves with someone as CORRUPT as individual 1.

Today, according to (where data about the pandemic – along with other issues is collected), in the U.S. there were almost 62,000 NEW cases of Covid-19 reported – up by OVER three times in just the past few weeks. And, that is without Florida (where the WORST outbreak of the “Delta Variant” is occurring) Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Alaska reporting. I’ll give you three guesses (and, of course, the first two don’t count) on which political party controls EACH of those states. Florida, alone, likely had around 15,000 NEW cases in the past 24 hours, so the national “tally” is likely around 80,000, where it was close to 10,000 (and falling) just about a month ago.

As the rate of vaccinations slowed I listened to one scientist and/or doctor warning after another about the “Delta Variant” for the past couple of months and, well, now it’s here – and multiple states – mostly in the South, but, also mostly “governed” by republicans – are experiencing HUGE spikes in the number of cases, the number of people in their hospitals, and the number of people DYING of this terrible disease. And, it’s a terrible way to “go” – with no one able to be with you and with a tube crammed down your throat – as burned out doctors and nurses do whatever they can to save your life – doctors and nurses who have the RIGHT to be disgusted with you for not getting the vaccine which is FREE and widely AVAILABLE.

According to “” the number of people in “serious/critical” condition is just under 9000 as of today where just last week it was around 6000 and last month is was down to below 4000. These are the numbers of people likely to DIE from Covid. The numbers are increasing by SEVERAL hundred per day and people like the Pastor in Tennessee referenced above will make things WORSE in the coming days and weeks.

If you have the slightest bit of curiosity you can find out the TRUTH about the reality “we the people” are facing as this virus hits another “spike” – and, this time with a “variant” which is more transmissible and more DEADLY than the original “version,” by a lot! Here’s the real rub: By MILLIONS of Americans CHOOSING not to get vaccinated, despite the availability of the vaccines and the FACT they are FREE, “we the people” are facing the real possibility that NEW strains will emerge due to our FAILURE to get enough Americans vaccinated to stop the spread of the disease. Once “strains” emerge which are resistant to the present vaccines we could be facing what scientists call and “endemic” – meaning, this virus could be around for, well, forever. Endemic is defined as “persisting in a population or region, generally having settled to a relatively constant rate of occurrence: The coronavirus that causes COVID-19 may never disappear, but could become endemic like HIV.

Should that happen “we the people” will be able to “thank” people like the Pastor referred to above, politicians like Ron DeSantis (Florida has about 20% of the cases right now), Greg Abbot of Texas (today, Texas had almost 8,000 NEW cases reported) and republican governors in numerous other states where CDC guidelines are NOT followed and where the virus is SURGING out of control. I often hear people referring to the “two Americas” and the issue with Covid-19 bears that out as much as any other. (Although the White nationalists cause me even more angst – although, I believe the two issues are virtually interchangeable)

America is being torn apart by misinformation/disinformation which spreads across “social media” like wildfires. It’s coming from some of the “kookiest” of conspiracy theorists (Q ???), from right wing personalities on the TV and the right wing radio “talkers,” and, don’t forget, the Russians are CONTINUING to fuel the division in America with their “active measures” – which is another way of saying they’re also spewing “fake news” on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. There’s virtually too much “stuff” coming at the average American who is working for a living and has little to no interest in politics to keep up with. I was a teacher until I retired in 2014 (although I worked part time for almost three more years) and I asked MANY teachers if they knew what “Citizens United” was – and, I don’t remember ONE who could tell me what it was/is.

Of course, if you’re reading this post you likely KNOW it was the Supreme Court decision which declared, as Mitt Romney put it, “Corporations are people, my friend.” Citizens United was the catalos for the BILLIONS in “secret, Dark money” which has POLLUTED our political “scene” since the day it was decided. It opened the door for foreign “investors” to, in essence, through their lobbyists, buy off members of our Congress. That decision overturned about 75 years of attempts to control the flow of MONEY into political campaign “coffers.” I say that because, the people I questioned about “Citizens United” were all “educated” with at least a Master’s Degree and were teaching Middle School students – yet, were ill informed on one of the more critical Supreme Court decisions in generations. So, why would we expect others in our society to be aware of critical issues like this if it’s not part of the focus of our national media?

I’m not sure what the answer to that question is, (maybe Senate Bill one) but there are so many other “realities” I discover in my obsession with reading books which almost no one I know is aware that I really worry for our country. Of course, there are MANY Americans aware of the dire situation going on as I’m writing this, all across the country, with voter SUPPRESSION legislation being passed in many states. That’s the republican solution to not having a platform – other than fealty to individual 1 – make it harder for people who might vote for democrats to actually exercise their franchise. The “fewer people who vote, the better our chances” – words I’ve heard from more than one republican “leader.”

I’ve harped on this one regularly here and, so far, I’ve not heard one public commentator mention anything more than individual 1’s claims he actually “won” the 2020 election is the “Big Lie.” What they fail to say to America via their platform of TV, print media, or ????, is that “The Big Lie theory” was the work of none other than Adolf Hitler. Yes, I get, in America we’re NOT supposed to even bring up his name. But, the TRUTH is the theory behind the republicans LYING over and over about things people like me understand are not true comes from Hitler and his head of propaganda, Joseph Goebbels. “Tell a LIE over and over until people believe it must be ‘true.'” That’s what the republicans are doing regarding the 2020 election – individual 1 began “grooming” his faithful followers MONTHS before the election about how it was going to be “rigged” – republicans are saying the “Big Lie” over and over again, and it’s “working” with their “base.”

Something like 30% of republicans actually believe individual 1 is going to be re-instated as our president – albeit, a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING one – come August – which is just a few days away. (In fact, it’s possible I don’t manage to post this rant until early August) In fact, the Pastor I referred to above has seen the “numbers” in his church increase during the Covid pandemic as he’s been defiant in refusing to follow any recommended guidelines designed to protect his “flock” from Covid-19. Hopefully, none of those in his church will contract the “Delta Variant,” but considering he’s in Tennessee my guess is that’s unlikely. What will they all say if/when an outbreak occurs among the members of his church? What will they say when individual 1 is not re-installed as president come August 13? (I predict they’ll simply latch on to another STUPID conspiracy theory – my bigger question is what will they say/do when he gets INDICTED? Should be interesting.)

Final Thought: It’s now August 3rd and I’m FINALLY finishing this post. Today’s total on regarding the numbers of NEW Covid infections in the U.S. is over 104,000 (Yep, that’s just today) with OVER 500 MORE Americans DEAD from this pandemic. And, you guessed it, those states I mentioned above (last week) are STILL leading the way. Florida with almost 18,000 NEW cases, just in the past 24 hours, Texas with OVER 14,000, Louisiana with almost 5,000, Missouri almost 3,000 NEW cases, Tennessee almost 3,000 new cases and on and on. This Delta Variant, by my observation, first got “going” in Florida and NOW it’s spread ALL across America. It makes me a bit angry thinking about what all those who refused the vaccines are causing for the rest of us. This DIDN’T have to happen. And, sure as “shootin” republicans will nominate one of these “deplorable” governors to run for president in 2024 (Because, there’s a good chance individual 1 will be a convicted felon by then)

I live in a state (Washington) where the goal of 70% vaccinated has finally been reached, but the problem is the “Delta variant” has “invaded” our state and there are significant pockets of citizens who’ve refused to be vaccinated and, so, there are places where the “numbers” are going up and the hospitals are FILLING up. I’m guessing there will be another “mask mandate” (something else for the right wingers to complain about) on the horizon. The county I live in is predominantly republican and, sure enough, the numbers here are going up. The “Delta Varian” is over 5 times as transmissible, from what I’ve read and, as I said above, much more deadly. I reported above about the numbers in America of people in “serious/critical” condition as per “” and it’s NOW over 12,000. About four times what it was in June. Yikes! Stay tuned!!!

When the TRUTH comes out (drip by drip) individual 1 may NOT be “set free!”

I’ve been saying for some time the TRUTH about individual 1 and the weak willed sycophants who didn’t have the COURAGE to stand up against him will be coming “out” drip by drip, and, of course, it’s happening. In fact, it’s well under way. I’m presently reading a book about suggesting our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president purposely allowed the Covid-19 virus to get out of control and, essentially (I’m still reading it) had ZERO empathy for the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Americans who’ve DIED from this pandemic while his focus was on CHEATING his way into a second term in office.

Which is where some of the other books I’ve now put next to my bedside exposing much of the other CORRUPTION happening in plain sight, but “we the people” just couldn’t keep up with it all. And, of course, the republican party, as it’s presently constituted, has gone “all in” on individual 1’s CORRUPTION because they view it as the best course of action for them as their THIRST for POWER exceeds their willingness to honor the OATH they ALL took to the CONSTITUTION when they began their terms in public office. It really is SHAMEFUL, but, sadly, the republicans have no ability to feel SHAME – as I just said, it’s all about the POWER. It’s about getting re-elected.

At some point in time the real HEROES of the republican party will be people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who, in essence, volunteered to make the House SELECT Committee investigating January 6th, 2021 actually bipartisan. Kevin McCarthy, who continues to volunteer for a “deplorable” place in American History as a total wimp, attempted to place republican members on the Committee who would have turned the proceeding into some kind of SHAM where they would attempt to DEFLECT from the TRUTH by making the FALSE “equivalency” of the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION to the Black Lives Matter (George Floyd) protests.

But, as I’ve continually said (OK, I just said it above) the TRUTH is going to come out. And, true to form, I’m betting republicans will attempt to stall as they’re called to testify before this Committee, pushing its work right up and maybe into the Mid Term elections. Smart! About as “smart” as individual 1 and Moscow Mitch refusing to consider the “HEROES Act” back in the previous Congress – a decision which likely was the key to individual 1 LOSING the 2020 election in a LANDSLIDE – by his own formula – and, I’m not even talking about the FACT he LOST the “popular vote” by around 8 MILLION votes – a record!

There are multiple reports individual 1’s election FRAUD, after he had been SOUNDLY beaten by 78 year old Joe Biden, went well beyond his multiple phone calls to people like Brad Raffensperger and other officials in Georgia, officials in Michigan, and likely officials in places like Arizona and Pennsylvania. It appears he was trying to get the Justice Department to intervene on his behalf in another of his attempts to overturn the “will of the people.” I’m sure Vladimir Putin was proud of his effort in a LOSING cause. Of course, both individual 1 AND Putin continue to feed REAL “fake news” to the MILLIONS of unsuspecting users of Facebook (full disclosure: I don’t use Facebook or ANY of the Social Media outlets) who believe what they read/hear about from those spewing the “Big Lie Theory” and don’t fact check it.

I’ve tried many times to listen/watch outlets like Fox “news” and “Newsmax” but I don’t last more than a minute or so – at best. The LYING is always OBVIOUS and seems to be like a steady stream of toxic propaganda that it’s both disgusting and embarrassing. Embarrassing because I know lots of people who get their “news” from those sources and, when you have a conversation with them, it’s just, well …………… embarrassing. Grown adults who simply don’t have the will to do what I used to teach sixth graders. Fact check the information you absorb and DON’T allow your “sources” to LIE to you.

Yes, I “get” that we all have our biases and our biases influence our opinions. However, FACTS are FACTS. There is NO such thing as “alternative facts” – the “brainchild” of one of individual 1’s “advisers,” Kellyanne Conway. Her own husband was, obviously, the FACT “checker” in their family – and, he wasn’t shy about calling individual 1 and those around him for the LYING. If fact, Conway’s daughter made it clear she was EMBARRASSED by the LYING coming from the mouth of her mother along with the other willing LYERS working for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

I watch MSNBC, when I watch any thing at all, and, to me, when people I know suggest they are just as bad as Fox, only on the “liberal side,” it actually makes my blood boil a bit. That’s the work of the “Big Lie Theory” in full view. It’s a TOTAL false equivalency, pure and simple, Yes, several of the “hosts” on the programs on MSNBC clearly have a “liberal bias,” when you look at the “facts,” in most cases, what they’re saying is correct. In fact, I often end up yelling at my TV because, in many instances, right wing nonsense goes without challenge on their programs.

And, keep in mind, several of their “hosts” are – or were – republicans. I don’t tend to get up early enough to watch “Morning Joe” but it’s not a fair criticism to call him a “liberal.” To me, from what I’ve heard from him, he’s a true republican who isn’t/hasn’t been afraid to call out individual 1 for the LYING and CHEATING. Nicole Wallace was the Communications Director for Bush/Cheney and, I believe, is driven by her realization individual 1 has, in essence, for actual “conservatives” ruined the republican party. I find hosts biased against individual 1, but, at the same time, realizing the importance of a functioning republican party.

What many of the republicans I listen to when they’re interviewed on MSNBC seem to be suggesting – which, I happen to agree with – (and this comes in many different “nuances”) is the ONLY way to salvage the party is by individual 1 and those sycophants without the COURAGE to honor their OATHS to the constitution being VOTED out of office. (Yes, that’s already the case for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called ….. you get the rest) Most of them are not “all in” on Joe Biden and the democrats agenda (full disclosure, I’m all in) but they’re realizing what DAMAGE the republican party has done to this great nation in the past 20 (or more – my inference) years and some of the issues progressives are FIGHTING for – as I’m writing this – are becoming CLEAR to many of these republicans who recognize the DANGER individual 1 CONTINUES to pose for America are vital to the future of our country.

My point is, there’s a HUGE difference between MSNBC (as a source of information) and outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and many of the other right wing propagators of the “Big Lie Theory.” I choose to read as many books as I can – books which have been edited by professionals who demand multiple sources for controversial information. Individual 1, as I’ve been saying for over three years now, comes across as a wannabee mob boss. The level of “alleged” criminality facing our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president would suggest where I might be wrong is with the adjective “wannabee.”

It was reported today that FINALLY the House Ways and Means Committee is going to get his tax returns, which he went to EXTREME ends to block. Why do you think he doesn’t want his tax returns to be checked by those with OVERSIGHT responsibility in our system of “checks and balances.” My guess is there’s going to be MORE potential CRIMINAL activity uncovered – possibly involving his relationship with foreign governments and the money he used to, for example, buy a bunch of golf courses when no banks, other than Deutche Bank, would “touch him.” He’s got a very BAD record of paying back his debts – and, apparently, there are a lot of debts. In addition, he bragged in the debates with Hillary Clinton that the FACT he hasn’t paid taxes for years, makes him “smart.” Well, now we’re going to find out how “smart” he really is.

And, keep in mind, the Manhattan DA’s office has had his tax returns for several months now and, already, his CFO has been indicted and his organization has been INDICTED – for tax fraud – 15 counts each – surprise, surprise. And, the investigation is “ongoing” according to the two offices involved. Here’s another thing I’ve suggested – his organization could be looking at a RICO charge – which would put the “icing on the cake” for those of us suggesting individual 1 comes across as a CRIME boss. And, of course, a RICO charge (which is how prosecutors go after organized Crime – RICO stands for “Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act”) would directly bring individual 1’s children into the picture.

If you believe individual 1’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) was the only “executive” in the “tightly held” organization of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president CHEATING on his/her taxes, well, “I’ve got a bridge………………..” OK, you know the rest. There are already multiple reports which would indicate Ivanka Kushner is in serious trouble and I’m guessing the same issues “flow” through individual 1’s two sons who were “supposedly” running the business while “daddy” was sitting in the Oval Office.

I keep thinking back to the days of Richard Nixon and, at that time, our Justice Department had the “stones” to go after as many of the CRIMINALS involved in Nixon’s shenanigans as they could, with many, including Nixon’s Attorney General going to JAIL. Does Merrick Garland have a good memory – mine’s not that great, but I can’t help but remember back to those days. What was Bill Barr up to? And, his close associates? There’s a LOT to still come out and I don’t believe it’s going to look good for individual 1 and those who went along with his CRIMINAL activity. If America TRULY is a “nation of laws and not men” then Attorney General Garland will make that clear to all of us – and, politically, that message SHOULD permeate the entire political spectrum – democrat, republican, independent. There will be accountability for those who break the law. (I have to add – to me, the CORRUPTION in individual 1’s administration was far worse than what we saw during Watergate)

If you’ve been around this site at all you know my BIGGEST gripe with Barack Obama occurred shortly after he took the oath of office – an oath which says ”  I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Well, one of President Obama’s first actions after taking that oath was to say, in regard to the ILLEGAL activity of the Bush/Cheney regime, “we’re going to look forward instead of back.” I knew at the time that meant there would be NO accountability for the TORTURE authorized by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others in their administration and carried out by members of out CIA, among others.

I said at the time President Obama’s (terrible) decision would simply lead to, at some point in the future, MORE illegal activity by upper level members of our government. In fact, I believe some of the illegal “snooping” done by Bush/Cheney was carried forward into Obama’s administration. It’s as if they don’t want to hold their predecessor accountable with the fear it will come back upon them. Yikes! Now I’m worried the OBVIOUS criminal activity of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president will go unheeded. There seems to be a good chance he could get indicted by the Manhattan DA, but there’s been NOTHING coming from the Fulton County DA’s office on the investigation into individual 1’s attempted voter FRAUD down there – which we all heard on his phone call with Georgia’s Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger – with several OTHER witnesses listening in on the call – “Just ‘find’ me 11,780 votes – one more than we need” – without question that was an ILLEGAL request!

And, the INSURRECTION at the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 – is it not PERFECTLY clear who INCITED that crowd? Who groomed the crowd? Who brought the crowd there and said, “It’s going to be wild.” So far, the FBI and Justice Department have ARRESTED and INDICTED over 550 of the INSURRECTIONISTS – suspecting there could be another 300 arrests as they continue to study the videos and identify the most egregious of the perpetrators of that “deplorable” day. But, what about individual 1? Will all his “stooges” end up being the only “culprits” held to account for that day? What about Mo Brooks? He CLEARLY encouraged the crowd to “Kick Ass” at the Capitol that day. And, individual 1 Jr.? Rudy Giuliani? and others who chose to get up on the dais at the ellipse that day and encourage the crowd to attempt what amounted to an overthrow of our government. Merrick Garland, are you listening? (OK, reading?)

Of course, I read Robert Mueller’s report TWICE – from cover to cover – and, I have to admit, it was tedious reading – which may explain why reading that report is the ONLY way in my lifetime I have become part of the “1%.” Here’s the deal, from my perspective. It’s undeniable that during the 2016 campaign there was “collusion” between individual 1’s campaign and the Russians. Read it if you don’t believe me! Mueller’s report had two sections and the second one laid out about 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice by our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex president. I’ve heard some people suggest there were “only” six examples – and, me, not being a lawyer, I have to suggest ONE example SHOULD be too much. But, hardly anyone even talks about that report and Mueller made it clear, once individual 1 was out of office the EVIDENCE had been “memorialized.” And, he then could be PROSECUTED!

When Mueller testified before Congress and was asked, “Could a prosecutor go after individual 1 on these OBSTRUCTION (potential) charges” (or words to that effect) and he gave a one word answer: “Yes.” The Congressman asked the question again to clarify and Mueller simply answered, “Yes.” In the report Mueller went out of his way to point out the seriousness of OBSTRUCTION as a foundational (my characterization) CRIME in our system of justice. OBSTRUCTION simply means someone is attempting to interfere and a legal investigation which, in this case, likely prevented the investigation to be as thorough as it should have been. In other words, the OBSTRUCTION of individual 1 and the complicity in it of William Barr likely prevented the “Russia Investigation” from uncovering the true CRIMINAL activity of individual 1’s 2016 campaign. It’s as if individual 1 believed he was “above the law” – and, unless Merrick Garland wants to allow this STAIN on the Justice Department to endure, this evidence of OBSTRUCTION of Justice should NOT go without consequences!

OMG, keeping up with ALL the SCANDALS which seemed to be happening on a daily basis during individual 1’s reign was dizzying and, as you can see by the words written above, keeping up with all the INFORMATION coming out and the opportunities for our Justice Department to put an end to this – what now seems like a “reign of terror” – will require a full commitment from Attorney General Garland – AND, Joe Biden staying out of whatever lies ahead. Biden needs to, in my opinion, keep pushing his agenda through Congress and pay no attention to all this legal mumbo jumbo.

Final Thought: I’m a bit concerned republicans will find a way to stop this HUGE infrastructure INVESTMENT in the foundation or our nation – which includes an investment in the working class of Americans. Creating an environment where those who want to work hard to “get ahead” have a pathway to achieve their dreams. I LOVE the idea of two years of FREE Community College and would prefer that all state Colleges would be tuition free. It’s worth it to the rest of us to invest in our PEOPLE, along with fixing and MODERNIZING our roads, bridges, schools, etc. etc.

I’m constantly feeling the need to ADMIT I didn’t support Joe Biden in the democratic primary in my state, but I now realize the American people made the absolute best choice in who should come in and attempt to “clean up” the MESS left behind by individual 1. First Mr. Biden came in with Barack Obama as they were challenged to clean up after Bush/Cheney et. al., and now this! This MESS, in my view, is far greater and, therefore, a far greater CHALLENGE than the MESS Obama/Biden inherited back in 2009. Yes, that was serious, but, at least to me, it “pales” compared to what individual 1 left behind. Wouldn’t it be great if, all of a sudden, republicans began working with democrats to solve more problems than “just” the infrastructure bill?

I have to add: I’m beginning to feel a bit better about Joe Manchin – in fact, I believe he has the opportunity to come out of all the rancor he’s had to endure from people like, well, ME, making us all look a bit anxious and kind of like “rookies.” In this instance, I hope I’m correct. As I’ve been listening to Mr. Manchin, I believe the “Voting Rights” legislation may make it through with his help – he simply wants to narrow the focus of the bill (not that the things he won’t support aren’t important – but maybe a challenge for another day). If democrats manage to restore the VOTING RIGHTS ACT of 1965 with the “preclearance” section applying to EVERY state in the union – something like that would be cause for celebration if they can get it passed. They would just need to make sure it would apply to all the state legislators who’ve been busy passing voter suppression bills this year – so that future elections would be determined via a debate on ideas with all who wish to vote having the opportunity to do so without obstacles targeted at various groups. I’m actually wising for Manchin to succeed in his endeavors in this area! Stay tuned….