When the TRUTH comes out (drip by drip) individual 1 may NOT be “set free!”

I’ve been saying for some time the TRUTH about individual 1 and the weak willed sycophants who didn’t have the COURAGE to stand up against him will be coming “out” drip by drip, and, of course, it’s happening. In fact, it’s well under way. I’m presently reading a book about suggesting our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president purposely allowed the Covid-19 virus to get out of control and, essentially (I’m still reading it) had ZERO empathy for the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of Americans who’ve DIED from this pandemic while his focus was on CHEATING his way into a second term in office.

Which is where some of the other books I’ve now put next to my bedside exposing much of the other CORRUPTION happening in plain sight, but “we the people” just couldn’t keep up with it all. And, of course, the republican party, as it’s presently constituted, has gone “all in” on individual 1’s CORRUPTION because they view it as the best course of action for them as their THIRST for POWER exceeds their willingness to honor the OATH they ALL took to the CONSTITUTION when they began their terms in public office. It really is SHAMEFUL, but, sadly, the republicans have no ability to feel SHAME – as I just said, it’s all about the POWER. It’s about getting re-elected.

At some point in time the real HEROES of the republican party will be people like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger who, in essence, volunteered to make the House SELECT Committee investigating January 6th, 2021 actually bipartisan. Kevin McCarthy, who continues to volunteer for a “deplorable” place in American History as a total wimp, attempted to place republican members on the Committee who would have turned the proceeding into some kind of SHAM where they would attempt to DEFLECT from the TRUTH by making the FALSE “equivalency” of the January 6th, 2021 INSURRECTION to the Black Lives Matter (George Floyd) protests.

But, as I’ve continually said (OK, I just said it above) the TRUTH is going to come out. And, true to form, I’m betting republicans will attempt to stall as they’re called to testify before this Committee, pushing its work right up and maybe into the Mid Term elections. Smart! About as “smart” as individual 1 and Moscow Mitch refusing to consider the “HEROES Act” back in the previous Congress – a decision which likely was the key to individual 1 LOSING the 2020 election in a LANDSLIDE – by his own formula – and, I’m not even talking about the FACT he LOST the “popular vote” by around 8 MILLION votes – a record!

There are multiple reports individual 1’s election FRAUD, after he had been SOUNDLY beaten by 78 year old Joe Biden, went well beyond his multiple phone calls to people like Brad Raffensperger and other officials in Georgia, officials in Michigan, and likely officials in places like Arizona and Pennsylvania. It appears he was trying to get the Justice Department to intervene on his behalf in another of his attempts to overturn the “will of the people.” I’m sure Vladimir Putin was proud of his effort in a LOSING cause. Of course, both individual 1 AND Putin continue to feed REAL “fake news” to the MILLIONS of unsuspecting users of Facebook (full disclosure: I don’t use Facebook or ANY of the Social Media outlets) who believe what they read/hear about from those spewing the “Big Lie Theory” and don’t fact check it.

I’ve tried many times to listen/watch outlets like Fox “news” and “Newsmax” but I don’t last more than a minute or so – at best. The LYING is always OBVIOUS and seems to be like a steady stream of toxic propaganda that it’s both disgusting and embarrassing. Embarrassing because I know lots of people who get their “news” from those sources and, when you have a conversation with them, it’s just, well …………… embarrassing. Grown adults who simply don’t have the will to do what I used to teach sixth graders. Fact check the information you absorb and DON’T allow your “sources” to LIE to you.

Yes, I “get” that we all have our biases and our biases influence our opinions. However, FACTS are FACTS. There is NO such thing as “alternative facts” – the “brainchild” of one of individual 1’s “advisers,” Kellyanne Conway. Her own husband was, obviously, the FACT “checker” in their family – and, he wasn’t shy about calling individual 1 and those around him for the LYING. If fact, Conway’s daughter made it clear she was EMBARRASSED by the LYING coming from the mouth of her mother along with the other willing LYERS working for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president.

I watch MSNBC, when I watch any thing at all, and, to me, when people I know suggest they are just as bad as Fox, only on the “liberal side,” it actually makes my blood boil a bit. That’s the work of the “Big Lie Theory” in full view. It’s a TOTAL false equivalency, pure and simple, Yes, several of the “hosts” on the programs on MSNBC clearly have a “liberal bias,” when you look at the “facts,” in most cases, what they’re saying is correct. In fact, I often end up yelling at my TV because, in many instances, right wing nonsense goes without challenge on their programs.

And, keep in mind, several of their “hosts” are – or were – republicans. I don’t tend to get up early enough to watch “Morning Joe” but it’s not a fair criticism to call him a “liberal.” To me, from what I’ve heard from him, he’s a true republican who isn’t/hasn’t been afraid to call out individual 1 for the LYING and CHEATING. Nicole Wallace was the Communications Director for Bush/Cheney and, I believe, is driven by her realization individual 1 has, in essence, for actual “conservatives” ruined the republican party. I find hosts biased against individual 1, but, at the same time, realizing the importance of a functioning republican party.

What many of the republicans I listen to when they’re interviewed on MSNBC seem to be suggesting – which, I happen to agree with – (and this comes in many different “nuances”) is the ONLY way to salvage the party is by individual 1 and those sycophants without the COURAGE to honor their OATHS to the constitution being VOTED out of office. (Yes, that’s already the case for our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called ….. you get the rest) Most of them are not “all in” on Joe Biden and the democrats agenda (full disclosure, I’m all in) but they’re realizing what DAMAGE the republican party has done to this great nation in the past 20 (or more – my inference) years and some of the issues progressives are FIGHTING for – as I’m writing this – are becoming CLEAR to many of these republicans who recognize the DANGER individual 1 CONTINUES to pose for America are vital to the future of our country.

My point is, there’s a HUGE difference between MSNBC (as a source of information) and outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and many of the other right wing propagators of the “Big Lie Theory.” I choose to read as many books as I can – books which have been edited by professionals who demand multiple sources for controversial information. Individual 1, as I’ve been saying for over three years now, comes across as a wannabee mob boss. The level of “alleged” criminality facing our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president would suggest where I might be wrong is with the adjective “wannabee.”

It was reported today that FINALLY the House Ways and Means Committee is going to get his tax returns, which he went to EXTREME ends to block. Why do you think he doesn’t want his tax returns to be checked by those with OVERSIGHT responsibility in our system of “checks and balances.” My guess is there’s going to be MORE potential CRIMINAL activity uncovered – possibly involving his relationship with foreign governments and the money he used to, for example, buy a bunch of golf courses when no banks, other than Deutche Bank, would “touch him.” He’s got a very BAD record of paying back his debts – and, apparently, there are a lot of debts. In addition, he bragged in the debates with Hillary Clinton that the FACT he hasn’t paid taxes for years, makes him “smart.” Well, now we’re going to find out how “smart” he really is.

And, keep in mind, the Manhattan DA’s office has had his tax returns for several months now and, already, his CFO has been indicted and his organization has been INDICTED – for tax fraud – 15 counts each – surprise, surprise. And, the investigation is “ongoing” according to the two offices involved. Here’s another thing I’ve suggested – his organization could be looking at a RICO charge – which would put the “icing on the cake” for those of us suggesting individual 1 comes across as a CRIME boss. And, of course, a RICO charge (which is how prosecutors go after organized Crime – RICO stands for “Racketeer Influence and Corrupt Organization Act”) would directly bring individual 1’s children into the picture.

If you believe individual 1’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) was the only “executive” in the “tightly held” organization of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president CHEATING on his/her taxes, well, “I’ve got a bridge………………..” OK, you know the rest. There are already multiple reports which would indicate Ivanka Kushner is in serious trouble and I’m guessing the same issues “flow” through individual 1’s two sons who were “supposedly” running the business while “daddy” was sitting in the Oval Office.

I keep thinking back to the days of Richard Nixon and, at that time, our Justice Department had the “stones” to go after as many of the CRIMINALS involved in Nixon’s shenanigans as they could, with many, including Nixon’s Attorney General going to JAIL. Does Merrick Garland have a good memory – mine’s not that great, but I can’t help but remember back to those days. What was Bill Barr up to? And, his close associates? There’s a LOT to still come out and I don’t believe it’s going to look good for individual 1 and those who went along with his CRIMINAL activity. If America TRULY is a “nation of laws and not men” then Attorney General Garland will make that clear to all of us – and, politically, that message SHOULD permeate the entire political spectrum – democrat, republican, independent. There will be accountability for those who break the law. (I have to add – to me, the CORRUPTION in individual 1’s administration was far worse than what we saw during Watergate)

If you’ve been around this site at all you know my BIGGEST gripe with Barack Obama occurred shortly after he took the oath of office – an oath which says ”  I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” Well, one of President Obama’s first actions after taking that oath was to say, in regard to the ILLEGAL activity of the Bush/Cheney regime, “we’re going to look forward instead of back.” I knew at the time that meant there would be NO accountability for the TORTURE authorized by Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld and others in their administration and carried out by members of out CIA, among others.

I said at the time President Obama’s (terrible) decision would simply lead to, at some point in the future, MORE illegal activity by upper level members of our government. In fact, I believe some of the illegal “snooping” done by Bush/Cheney was carried forward into Obama’s administration. It’s as if they don’t want to hold their predecessor accountable with the fear it will come back upon them. Yikes! Now I’m worried the OBVIOUS criminal activity of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president will go unheeded. There seems to be a good chance he could get indicted by the Manhattan DA, but there’s been NOTHING coming from the Fulton County DA’s office on the investigation into individual 1’s attempted voter FRAUD down there – which we all heard on his phone call with Georgia’s Sec. of State Brad Raffensperger – with several OTHER witnesses listening in on the call – “Just ‘find’ me 11,780 votes – one more than we need” – without question that was an ILLEGAL request!

And, the INSURRECTION at the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021 – is it not PERFECTLY clear who INCITED that crowd? Who groomed the crowd? Who brought the crowd there and said, “It’s going to be wild.” So far, the FBI and Justice Department have ARRESTED and INDICTED over 550 of the INSURRECTIONISTS – suspecting there could be another 300 arrests as they continue to study the videos and identify the most egregious of the perpetrators of that “deplorable” day. But, what about individual 1? Will all his “stooges” end up being the only “culprits” held to account for that day? What about Mo Brooks? He CLEARLY encouraged the crowd to “Kick Ass” at the Capitol that day. And, individual 1 Jr.? Rudy Giuliani? and others who chose to get up on the dais at the ellipse that day and encourage the crowd to attempt what amounted to an overthrow of our government. Merrick Garland, are you listening? (OK, reading?)

Of course, I read Robert Mueller’s report TWICE – from cover to cover – and, I have to admit, it was tedious reading – which may explain why reading that report is the ONLY way in my lifetime I have become part of the “1%.” Here’s the deal, from my perspective. It’s undeniable that during the 2016 campaign there was “collusion” between individual 1’s campaign and the Russians. Read it if you don’t believe me! Mueller’s report had two sections and the second one laid out about 10 instances of OBSTRUCTION of Justice by our now TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex president. I’ve heard some people suggest there were “only” six examples – and, me, not being a lawyer, I have to suggest ONE example SHOULD be too much. But, hardly anyone even talks about that report and Mueller made it clear, once individual 1 was out of office the EVIDENCE had been “memorialized.” And, he then could be PROSECUTED!

When Mueller testified before Congress and was asked, “Could a prosecutor go after individual 1 on these OBSTRUCTION (potential) charges” (or words to that effect) and he gave a one word answer: “Yes.” The Congressman asked the question again to clarify and Mueller simply answered, “Yes.” In the report Mueller went out of his way to point out the seriousness of OBSTRUCTION as a foundational (my characterization) CRIME in our system of justice. OBSTRUCTION simply means someone is attempting to interfere and a legal investigation which, in this case, likely prevented the investigation to be as thorough as it should have been. In other words, the OBSTRUCTION of individual 1 and the complicity in it of William Barr likely prevented the “Russia Investigation” from uncovering the true CRIMINAL activity of individual 1’s 2016 campaign. It’s as if individual 1 believed he was “above the law” – and, unless Merrick Garland wants to allow this STAIN on the Justice Department to endure, this evidence of OBSTRUCTION of Justice should NOT go without consequences!

OMG, keeping up with ALL the SCANDALS which seemed to be happening on a daily basis during individual 1’s reign was dizzying and, as you can see by the words written above, keeping up with all the INFORMATION coming out and the opportunities for our Justice Department to put an end to this – what now seems like a “reign of terror” – will require a full commitment from Attorney General Garland – AND, Joe Biden staying out of whatever lies ahead. Biden needs to, in my opinion, keep pushing his agenda through Congress and pay no attention to all this legal mumbo jumbo.

Final Thought: I’m a bit concerned republicans will find a way to stop this HUGE infrastructure INVESTMENT in the foundation or our nation – which includes an investment in the working class of Americans. Creating an environment where those who want to work hard to “get ahead” have a pathway to achieve their dreams. I LOVE the idea of two years of FREE Community College and would prefer that all state Colleges would be tuition free. It’s worth it to the rest of us to invest in our PEOPLE, along with fixing and MODERNIZING our roads, bridges, schools, etc. etc.

I’m constantly feeling the need to ADMIT I didn’t support Joe Biden in the democratic primary in my state, but I now realize the American people made the absolute best choice in who should come in and attempt to “clean up” the MESS left behind by individual 1. First Mr. Biden came in with Barack Obama as they were challenged to clean up after Bush/Cheney et. al., and now this! This MESS, in my view, is far greater and, therefore, a far greater CHALLENGE than the MESS Obama/Biden inherited back in 2009. Yes, that was serious, but, at least to me, it “pales” compared to what individual 1 left behind. Wouldn’t it be great if, all of a sudden, republicans began working with democrats to solve more problems than “just” the infrastructure bill?

I have to add: I’m beginning to feel a bit better about Joe Manchin – in fact, I believe he has the opportunity to come out of all the rancor he’s had to endure from people like, well, ME, making us all look a bit anxious and kind of like “rookies.” In this instance, I hope I’m correct. As I’ve been listening to Mr. Manchin, I believe the “Voting Rights” legislation may make it through with his help – he simply wants to narrow the focus of the bill (not that the things he won’t support aren’t important – but maybe a challenge for another day). If democrats manage to restore the VOTING RIGHTS ACT of 1965 with the “preclearance” section applying to EVERY state in the union – something like that would be cause for celebration if they can get it passed. They would just need to make sure it would apply to all the state legislators who’ve been busy passing voter suppression bills this year – so that future elections would be determined via a debate on ideas with all who wish to vote having the opportunity to do so without obstacles targeted at various groups. I’m actually wising for Manchin to succeed in his endeavors in this area! Stay tuned….

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