Monthly Archives: March 2021

Individual 1 came closer to turning America into a FASCIST nation than Hitler did in WW II.

If you’ve been around here it would be no secret when I choose to watch “TV news” I tend to find myself on MSNBC. That being said, I also find myself often times YELLING at the screen as commentators use terminology which just makes me shake my head. I’ve mentioned many times my frustration with the so-called “liberal media” FAILING to remind viewers of where the “Big Lie (theory)” originated (Adolf Hitler) and there’s another “word” I’m hearing which is starting to fall into the same category of what I’d call “unintentional misinformation.” Today, for example, I was listening to “conservative” Charlie Sykes referring to his “long time acquaintance” Ron Johnson as someone in “conservative circles.”

Here’s the deal with me. Words like “conservative” have been hijacked from the English language. People like Ron Johnson, who’s regurgitating racist “conservative” theories in public, is a member of what I call “today’s republican party” which is NOT a bastion for “conservatives.” Johnson, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, Mitch McConnell (AKA “Moscow Mitch”), Mike Lee, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and I could go on – the republicans in the Senate (And, I’m not even mentioning the House because republicans there are so far over the edge, well………….) are NOT “conservatives,” they’re a bunch of right wing reactionaries. Based on their willingness to destroy our republic, I’d refer to them as neo-fascists if not just fascists. My guess is if you asked each one of them to define “conservative” they’d turn and walk away – with a confused look on their face. They’re POWER hungry racist reactionaries who would accept fascism if that is necessary to keep them in POWER.

For anyone who doesn’t understand what I’m suggesting, here “Miriam Webster’s” definition of fascism: “A political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.” Webster then adds: ” a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial control, early instances of army fascism and brutality.”

Here’s more: “The Italian Origin of Fascism” – still from Webster’s dictionary: ” The words fascism and fascist have long been associated with the Fascisti of Benito Mussolini and the fasces, the bundle of rods with an ax among them, which the Fascisti used as a symbol of the Italian people united and obedient to the single authority of the state. However, Mussolini did not introduce the word fascista (plural fascisti) with the 1919 organization of the Fasci di combattimento (“combat groups”), nor did the fasces have any direct connection with the origin of fascista. In Italian, the word fascio (plural fasci) means literally “bundle,” and figuratively “group.” From at least 1872 fascio was used in the names of labor and agrarian unions, and in October 1914 a political coalition was formed called the Fascio rivoluzionario d’ azione internazionalista (“revolutionary group for international action”), which advocated Italian participation in World War I on the side of the Allies. Members of this group were first called fascisti in January 1915. Although Mussolini was closely associated with this interventionist movement, it had no direct link with the post-war Fasci di combattimento, and in 1919 the word fascista was already in political circulation. It is, however, to the Fascisti in their 1919 incarnation—who seized power in Italy three years later—that we owe the current customary meanings of our words fascism and fascist.”

So, for all you republicans out there who believe “the 2020 election was stolen,” and who languish in the right wing “echo chamber” of MISINFORMATION – much of which comes from Vladimir Putin’s cyberwarriors – ie direct from the Kremlin – I’m just letting you know you’re supporting a movement – ie individual 1’s movement (I can’t bring myself to type his surname) – which has brought the danger of fascism closer to America’s republic than Hitler ever managed back when my father was part of the military participating in the effort to squelch the spread of fascism. Essentially, we’re talking about white nationalism attempting to stop the inevitable in a country which is known as the “melting pot” because we’re ALL a bunch of “immigrants.” And, if that’s too much to understand, I’m talking about America.

Of course, “Native Americans” migrated here THOUSANDS of years before the white Europeans “IMMIGRATED” to America who then “helped” Africans to “IMMIGRATE” to America in slave ships to be sold at auction if they survived the trip at sea. Here’s a little aside for those of you who are supporters (still?) of individual 1 (who will soon find himself in court as “we the people” attempt to PROVE we are a “nation of laws and not men.”) – our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is a SECOND generation GERMAN IMMIGRANT to this nation. Many of those AMERICANS who he referred to as coming from “shithole” countries are descendants of AMERICANS who were (brought) here 400 (or so) years ago. Do you get my point?

And, on top of that, MANY of those “conservative Christians” who make up individual 1’s “base” are descendants of the very people who’ve been persecuting our African American brothers and sisters since, well, in some cases the entire 400 years (or so). They are the descendants of those who participated in the lynchings which followed the “freeing of the slaves” during the Civil War. There’s no way to sugarcoat this. America is facing a BARRAGE of attempts to SUPPRESS the votes of our African American brothers and sisters as I’m typing this. The Governor of Georgia, who himself, disenfranchised upwards of 500,000 Georgians in order to “win” his election back in 2018 just signed the first of the bills aimed at making it HARDER for “Black and Brown” people to vote (along with young people) and, in case they do vote and the legislature doesn’t like the results, they can override the “will of the people.”

This isn’t just happening in Georgia. Iowa has already passed a VOTER SUPPRESSION bill which is aimed at those in the “Black and Brown” community (or, essentially, those tending to vote for democrats) and, in Arizona, there’s legislation which very well could make Georgia’s bill look moderate. (Although, it’s hard to make a bill which makes it a FELONY to provide WATER to someone standing in the HOT SUN for up to TEN hours in order to vote seem “moderate”) Arizona’s legislature also wants to be able to override the “will of the people” if they vote, for example, a democrat in a federal election for president. They want the right to be able to choose “their electors” for the Electoral College if the people “make the ‘wrong’ choice.” OMG!!!

When you look at the definition of FASCISM, you see it playing out all across the so-called “red states” – especially those states which consider themselves “red” but are trending to “blue.” There can be no denying individual 1 has exhibited ALL the characteristics of a FASCIST – it’s just that he was “throttled” by our constitution which withstood a “full frontal assault” during his four (LONG) years in office – but, especially OBVIOUS at the “end,” when he was refusing (which he’s still doing – the so-called “Big Lie”) to accept the results of his DEFEAT at the polls. Of course, he’s actually LOST twice – but, in 2016 he “won” the Electoral College despite actually LOSING the “popular vote” by around 3 MILLION votes. Even back then he was indicating he would not accept the results of the election if he “lost.”

And, of course, back then “we the people” had no idea he was “cavorting” with the Russians as both they and his campaign had “data” from over 150,000 Facebook users which they bombarded with the ACTUAL “fake news.” Another aside: Whenever you’re listening to individual 1 bloviating you can be assured any accusation he makes originates with him – the epitome of projection. You can count on it as much as you can count on the sun rising each day in the East. I read the Mueller report TWICE and there’s NO doubt individual 1 was “COLLUDING” with the Russians. Our “liberal media” helped engrain that possibility as something Mueller was “investigating” in our public mindset.

Well, when you read the actual report, Mueller was NOT investigating “collusion” because there’s NO statute which defines or is aimed at “collusion.” What they were investigating was whether there was a “CONSPIRACY” between Russians and individuals involved in individual 1’s campaign which could be proved beyond a “reasonable doubt.” For example, then individual 1’s “number 1” son, along with his son-in-law Jared Kushner and his campaign manager (at the time) Paul Manafort met with a group of Russians to get “dirt” on Hillary Clinton, Mueller decided, essentially, they were too stupid to understand that was ILLEGAL. (Yep, it’s ILLEGAL to take ANYTHING of value from a foreign entity in order to help your campaign – like it or not, that’s the LAW) Of course, by the time Mueller had arrived at that conclusion Manafort was already being tried for NUMEROUS other ILLEGAL transgressions so, well, you “get it” don’t you?

What I’m saying is there was “COLLUSION” all over the place in individual 1’s campaign against Hillary Clinton with the Russians. (That was, essentially, what Roger Stone, for example as “alleged” to be doing when he was convicted of SEVEN felonies) Everyone paying attention saw our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, himself, requesting the Russians “find the thirty thousand missing emails” if they were “listening.” Well, of course, he KNEW they were “listening” and, sure enough, within 5 hours the HACKERS were attempting to breach Mrs. Clinton’s email accounts and the accounts of her campaign. (They had already gained access to the accounts of the DNC and those of John Podesta – which, of course, they strategically released emails and other data from those accounts during the campaign – “allegedly” at the direction of Roger Stone who was “connected” in some kind of way with “Wikileaks.”

Here’s the deal: by definition Vladimir Putin is a FASCIST – although many refer to him as the “boss” of the worlds largest organized crime syndicate. Him and his so-called “oligarchs” have been pilfering the natural resources of Russia – which, by the way, are bountiful – for the past 20 years, or so, that Putin has ruled Russia with an “iron fist.” I suppose you could just refer to him as a “dictator” – but, to me, that’s simply parsing terms. And, of course, individual 1 has expressed and admiration of Putin for far longer than his (reign of terror) time as America’s TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president and, it appeared to me he was jealous of Putin’s POWER in Russia and was attempting to USURP similar POWER in America by overriding our constitution. The “climax” of that attempt happened on January 6th, 2021.

There can be no doubt the FAILURE of the INSURRECTION on January 6th, 2021 (“A date that will live in infamy”) is the “stimulus” for the OVER 250 VOTER SUPPRESSION bills which are progressing through republican state legislatures all across the nation. This is the reason it’s important for “we the people” to ELECT as many democratic (and, I’ve always been an “independent” but dangerous times calls for responsive actions) governors who can VETO any of this repugnant “Fascistic” legislation which might make it to a governors desk. Of course, many of the states where this is happening have republican governors who will sign the legislation – “or else.”

People complain about the “tribalism” which is happening in America, but those of us who call ourselves “independents” along with those republicans referred to as “never individual 1 (ers) – I just can’t bring myself to write the word), must align ourselves with the democrats in order to STOP this FASCIST assault on our republic. I believe our system needs (at least) two parties which are “functional,” but the republican party has proved itself DISFUNCTIONAL – so the rest of us are OBLIGATED to fight back against what they’re attempting to accomplish. And, trust me, I understand my 73 years have had the benefit of “white privilege” and I believe this nation will not “heal” until we truly understand we’re a “melting pot” and our nation was designed on the notion of democratic rule with built on protections for the minority. What republicans are attempting to do is create a nation which has MINORITY rule by those who believe in “white nationalism” – ie read the definition of fascism above and let this all sink in.

This is NOT a two sides issue. Republicans are offering NOTHING in the realm of policy – save for tax cuts for their wealthy DONORS. They chose NOT to participate, for example in the recently passed on a pure “party line vote” the “Covid Relief bill” which is the MOST significant bill aimed as “we the people” in my lifetime. (And, as I pointed out above, I’ve been around for quite a while) OVER 70% of “we the people” supported the bill, but NOT a single republican could bring themselves to vote for it. Under individual 1’s “leadership” republicans had shown themselves to be incapable of governing – to them, it’s all about the POWER and pilfering as many TAX dollars as they can from the Middle and working class Americans as possible. EVERY time in the last 40+ years there’s been a republican in the “White House” their focus has been MORE tax cuts for wealthy Americans and their corporate benefactors. (Actually, it’s time for “we the people” to start boycotting businesses who are willing to fund members of Congress who are/were willing to overturn our system of government OK, another “aside”)

Democrats are pushing a couple bills aimed at making elections more fair – meaning, making it easier for EVERYONE or ANYONE who chooses to participate in the most basic right of being an American citizen – no matter where you came from. HR-1 (now SR-1) is aimed at, essentially, preventing these voting rights abuses which are happening all across the country from becoming LAW in ANY state. It’s like we’re back in the Jim Crow era where African Americans (and other “minorities”) are being forced to fight the battles of Civil Rights and Voting Rights all over again. The abuses which are happening are too many to list here, but the bills which are now in the Senate will legally preclude what these republican state legislatures are attempting to do. In addition, the HR/SR-1 would ban partisan gerrymandering, which is another “subtle” way republicans are working to create their “permanent republican ‘majority.'” That is, they want to embed “minority rule” in our nation so they DON’T have to do the “battle of ideas” in order to gain POWER. That’s because you could print their “ideas” on a single sheet of paper.

Final thought: I get going on these rants and can’t seem to stop, so my apologies for all the words if anyone actually makes it this far (I have no idea who might read this). But, here’s the deal, and it’s popping up everywhere, the FILIBUSTER is getting in the way of actual legislation “we the people” overwhelmingly want. The problem is people like Charles Koch, or the DeVoss family, or the Coors family, the Walton family, etc. – in other words the DONORS who fund the republican party and have turned it so dramatically to the right – don’t like it – so republicans as a BLOCK vote AGAINST legislation “we the people” want.

MOST Americans (including MANY “republicans”) want free and fair elections – with EVERYONE who is eligible and wants to vote being able to do so easily. (And, by the way, I’ve been voting by mail for years and it’s a great way to do so.) “We the people” want “common sense” gun reform. We want our infrastructure to be “updated” (fixed) and we want to combat the climate crisis. We want our nation to be able to INVEST in our PEOPLE and that will require the “wealthy” to pay more in taxes. They’ve been “benefiting” (pilfering) from the tax code for over 40 years. It’s time for the pendulum to “swing” in the other direction. (BILLIONAIRE wealth during the Covid pandemic has increased by $1.3 TRILLION while MILLIONS of Americans are facing eviction, food insecurity, etc.) If republicans continue to OBSTRUCT the legislation “we the people” favor, in the Senate, then it really is time for the filibuster to “go away.”

We’re at an inflexion point in history and the filibusters fate very well could determine the fate of our republic for the foreseeable future.

Are republicans really willing to sacrifice American lives in a BRAZEN attempt to regain POWER? Yikes!!!

It NEVER seems to stop with individual 1. Just in the last day he’s been given another spot on Fox “news” to claim the “election was stolen” once again and he continues referring to the coronavirus as the so-called “China Virus” while, almost at the same time 6 Asian women in Atlanta were brutally gunned down by a young white guy. We’ll have to wait to learn more about him, but I’m a bit skeptical his motive was a “sex” issue. The officer who interviewed the shooter has recently posted online photos of anti Asian clothing he had purchased (or was selling?) previous to this heinous act. He’s the officer who claimed the shooter, “was having a bad day.” My guess is that officer was one of the many police officers in America who are sympathetic to individual 1 and the INSURRECTIONISTS. Just a guess, we’ll see how it plays out.

Regardless, Fox and other right wing media outlets continue to give individual 1 a platform to continue pushing what is now referred by many as the “Big Lie.” I’ve said this ad nauseum, but when will our “liberal media” point out at the same rate they refer to the “Big Lie” that “The Big Lie Theory” comes straight from the Third Reich via Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s chief of propaganda. And, further, the “Big Lie Theory” was the work of Hitler himself. “If you repeat a LIE often enough people will believe it’s true.” Well, MILLIONS of Americans, who have an issue with thinking, believe individual 1 was robbed out of the 2020 election via “voter fraud” when the ONLY person committing significant “voter fraud” was INDIVIDUAL 1, himself.

The DA in Futon County Georgia is likely going to INDICT individual 1 for his BRAZEN phone calls to members of the Georgia Election officials (some recorded! oops!) as he tried to get them to “create 11,780 votes” – just one more than he needed to “win” the election in Georgia. Despite individual 1’s clear violation of Georgia state laws and, likely, federal laws, the republican legislature in Georgia is now considering a group of bills designed to SUPPRESS the ability of African Americans, poor Americans, young Americans, and others who might vote for a democrat in response to individual 1’s “Big Lie.” (And, oh by the way, Lindsey Graham might be in a bit of hot water for his attempt to get Georgia’s Sec. of State to “flip enough votes for individual 1 to “win.” Yikes!

Their justification for pushing these bills through their legislature is “voter fraud” – which doesn’t exist – but, in reality, it’s their desire to make it harder to vote. (I call this legislated “voter fraud”) They’re planning to make the lines LONGER, restrict “mail in voting,” and, at the same time, make it a crime to even provide WATER to someone standing in line for up to 10 hours waiting to cast their ballot (And, I’ll let you guess where those long lines will occur) – have we really stooped to such a low? Will Congress pass the voting protections republicans are standing in the way of in the U.S. Senate? Will Joe Manchin relent on his objection to republicans BLOCKING critical legislation via the filibuster? OMG!

If you’ve previously visited this “blog” (?) you know I’ve been “railing” against the republican party since GW Bush/Dick Cheney LIED America into Iraq back in 2003 – for me, a “deja vu all over again” moment in remembrance of the Viet Nam FIASCO. Our government, at the time, seemed hell bent on more “fiascos.” (For heaven’s sake, we’re still there and STILL in Afghanistan!) The bottom line to me is that the republican party puts virtually NO value in telling the truth. It’s always “the end justifies the means” – and, usually their “end” is focused on the so-called “top 1%.”

Of course, the racially motivated vendetta going on in America, fueled by the right wing “haters,” is the direct result of individual 1 trying to find something to BLAME for his own ineptness at dealing with the coronavirus pandemic which has put HUNDREDS of thousands of lost lives directly “on him.” (It also cost him the election – not “voter fraud”) America didn’t need to lose (at this moment) around 550,000 lives to this pandemic. Reports I’ve read suggest had our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president followed the same “path” as the South Koreans (who suffered their first Covid-19 death on the same day as the U.S.A.) America may have lost as few as 10,000 lives to the virus. Hense, his use of a derogatory term in attempt to BLAME his shortcomings on China.

Those of us who have been paying close attention to the spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) were continually “shocked” by the BRAZEN LYING coming from individual 1, those around him at the “White House,” and republican governors all across the nation. I started pointing out I was noticing what appeared to be governors CHEATING on the statistics they were reporting regarding the effects of the virus in their states – as they “fought” to keep their economies “open” despite all the people DYING from this virus. Chief among the “culprits” I suggested was Ron DeSantis in Florida who, I believed, had ordered health department personnel to change the cause of death on death certificates for those dying of Covid-19 to dying from “pneumonia.”

And, of course, this was happening elsewhere. I still remember reading statistics of the “unexplained” increase in the number of cases of people dying from pneumonia which was way more significant than to be explained by “just one of those years.” This was one of the ways all the republican governors justified “opening” their states against the recommendation of the scientists who were telling us what would happen if these governors continued to operate without regard to the science. And, keep in mind, the numbers of Covid-19 deaths in some of these states – including Florida – are staggering. And, of course, the bigger problem, from my perspective is their recklessness affects the “rest of us.” And, of course, the scientists were correct! (The day individual 1 left office America was averaging close to 300,000 new cases of Covid-19 reported EACH DAY!)

And, for any republican who might happen on this website and wants to “pile on” Andrew Cuomo of New York, the difference from what happened in New York was whether the deaths from Covid-19 were reported to have happened in a nursing home or hospital – the total number of deaths reported was the same either way. And, of course, the underreporting which may have occurred in New York was because of the severity of the pandemic in its early stages there, causing hospitals to be full, resulting in (likely) thousands of New Yorkers having died in their homes. (No comment on Cuomo’s other issues) How many of those deaths were included in New York’s “data” is, well, to me, uncertain. However, there’s a HUGE difference in what happened there and what has been happening in Florida virtually this entire pandemic. To me, governor DeSantis is as incompetent in dealing with the virus as individual 1. (Of course, that makes him a “front runner” for the GOP nomination in 2024! He’s gotten away with things like providing vaccines for his donors – allowing them to “jump the line” among other irregularities)

Republicans are scared to death of the progressive agenda “on the docket” coming from the House and supported by MOST of the democrats in the Senate. It appears Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia is going to make as much of his position as a “moderate” “swing” democrat as he can – and, in the end, it may well serve the democratic party well – if he follows through on his willingness to “modify” the filibuster. The voting rights legislation which is now in the Senate may be the most critical legislation in the FIGHT to “save” our republic from the authoritarian wing of the republican party.

I’ve been very clear in pointing out these republicans “are going nowhere” – and, of course, that statement could have two meanings. My “guarantee” is they will continue their racist, xenophobic ways until they’ve been voted into obscurity – right next to individual 1 and Benedict Arnold in the history books. However, they are not going away quietly and their “white nationalist” base is longing for a “second civil war.” Many of the voter suppression bills across America bring back memories of the Jim Crow era – which, I certainly would have hoped would be a “thing of the past,” but apparently, not. And, if you’re a republican in today’s world you can’t separate yourself from that reality. I know republicans who claim their agenda is “conservative and ‘Christian based,'” to which I say “hogwash.”

Today’s republicans are anything but “conservative” and to suggest what they’re doing is “Christian based” suggests they’re reading a different Bible than myself. In fact, one of my struggles with my own Christian beliefs is being around people who claim to be a “Christian” and then demonstrate a cultlike affiliation with our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. Apparently, the OVER 30,000 LIES when he was in office – many directly to their faces – doesn’t resonate to them with the “ten commandments.” Just as the infidelity, the CHEATING in virtually every thing he does, AND all the lives which are gone because of his ineptitude. Of course, they’ll tell you they’re “pro life” and “it’s all about the judges.” Yikes!

Individual 1 is soon to be so busy defending himself, and likely in places along with members of his family, that, I believe, his political “fortunes” are coming to a screeching halt. (I believe he envisions himself redoing 2020 in 2024). He’s been busy “grifting” at an incredible pace since LOSING the election (along with OVER 60 court challenges to it – with some of his “lawyers” now facing potential sanctions for their frivolous claims in court) by a RECORD amount, apparently gathering hundreds of “MILLIONS” which he’ll use for his attorney fees. (If he chooses to actually pay his attorneys – which is NEVER a “given”) That will open the door to one of the “traitors” waiting in line to take the “helm” of the republican party. Will they succeed in SUPPRESSING enough voters to give them a chance moving forward? We’ll see. Republicans, long ago, decided they virtually hate democracy – they’re fighting for a perpetual “minority rule.” Kind of an American Apartheid. Sad!

Republicans have backed themselves into a corner which is getting smaller by the day. They’re NOT going to change their “message” in an attempt to gain more public support – they can’t because they’ll lose all the “Proud Boys,” the “Three Percenters,” the “Atomwaffen,” “Oathkeepers,” the “Texas Freedom Force,” those who cater to “,” and other Nazi and white supremacist members of their “base.” They’re relying on people like Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and other right wing media pundits to keep the “flames” burning – and it’s working on a dwindling audience. Republicans are seemingly focused on restricting the ability to vote of as many democratic leaning groups as they can and hoping democrats do what they’ve always done in the past and “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.”

Hopefully the voter suppression tactics will simply cause more progressives to be committed to VOTING and their “civil war” can be defeated at the ballot box. I understand Texas is a so-called “red state,” for example, but this latest “freeze” which cost residence of Texas (those who survived it) THOUSANDS in expenses which SHOULD have been avoided (and, likely will be repeated if they continue voting in republican “leaders”) and, now, their governor has opened the state and pulled off the mask mandate right when the “B117” variant of the coronavirus (Often referred to as the UK variant) is taking “root” in Texas. And, of course, there’s a “plethora” of Texans who will refuse taking a vaccine. In other words, despite all the gains against this virus since Joe Biden took office, it almost appears as if there are republican governors who want to see another “surge” which they believe will make Biden look bad.

This would not be a surprise because it’s been apparent to me for at least 30 years that republicans care about controlling POWER and they have little interest in governing in a way which benefits the average citizen. Just as the republican members of Congress are likely to vote against ANYTHING Joe Biden is “for,” I have to question whether all these republican governors who are taking off any Covid-19 restrictions in their states, against the wishes of the scientists who’ve been RIGHT all along during this pandemic, are doing so for purely political reasons – meaning, an attempt to be able to BLAME Biden??? Seems stupid, but, time will tell. Stay tuned! Additionally, are these governors going to accept the Covid Relief funds? Those funds have no affiliation to “red” or “blue” states. Maybe governors like DeSantis or Gov. Abbot in Texas should “send the money back.” Stay tuned………………….

Final Thought: I guess what I’m suggesting is there are too many republicans in positions of “leadership” whether in Congress, governors “mansions,” or state or national legislatures who put regaining POWER ahead of what is good for “we the people.” After all, not a single republican voted for the “Covid relief bill” which was supported by three out of every four Americans. The benefit of that bill directly affects about 85% of Americans starting at the “bottom up.” It’s the absolute OPPOSITE of individual 1’s “signature” legislative “achievement” which cost the taxpayers almost the exact same amount but was aimed at the “top 1%.” These two bills are better than anything I can write in explaining the difference between republicans and democrats. And, keep in mind, the democrats “Covid relief bill” doesn’t discriminate between republicans and democrats.

EVERY family in America with a household income less than $150,000 for a couple or $75,000 for and individual received the $1400 payment – for everyone in their household. I, personally, know several families where the parents were (are?) supporters of individual 1 who were in desperate need of more than just the money they received. The benefits of the “Covid relief bill” go well beyond the $$$ and, I believe, republicans are scared to “death” this bill will be REALLY difficult to campaign against as it re-invigorates our economy once the pandemic has been “crushed” – which, I believe, as I said above, might be why some republican governors are refusing mitigation measures against the virus. (Keep in mine, that so-called “UK” mutation is the predominant form of the virus in several Southern states (Texas, Georgia, Florida, and others). The battle hasn’t been “won,” but at least we have leaders (democrats) doing everything they can to “crush the virus.”

Still on the agenda: Two bills aimed at protecting voting rights and fair elections (and redistricting), a MASSIVE infrastructure bill (which would include measures to encourage “green” improvements), and a tax increase for the “wealthiest among us.” (Can you picture republicans voting for any of that?) Many of us will be on the “edge of our seats” waiting to see if the filibuster gets reformed or dropped. Democrats control both houses of Congress and they have the ability to reform the “rules” which republicans are ABUSING in order to prevent legislation which is OVERWHELMINGLY popular among “we the people. Again, stay tuned!

In 2017 Moscow Mitch changed the rules of the FILIBUSTER for judges. Well, as the saying goes, “turn about is fair play!”

If you’re paying close attention to politics in America right now you’re witnessing a political party which has backed itself into a corner and is reacting in desperation to what is REALLY going on in the U.S. Republicans, over the previous 12 years – in response to the election of Barack Obama in 2008 – have aligned themselves with the “white nationalists” who, obviously, “inhabit” much more of this nation than people like me, naively, thought and who are very dangerous. We’re talking about the Americans who live in fear of “liberals” because they think democrats want to take away their guns – so, many of them have an arsenal of guns and a “mountain” of ammo they believe they’re going to have to use to save them from the “libs.” Yikes!

Republicans have degenerated to the place where the above defined “white nationalists” are the bulk of their “base.” The so-called “conservatives” have only one goal and that is to take back control of the very government they routinely ridicule. Go figure! The American people are about to receive the “bottom up” approach of the democrats (ie liberals) which the republicans voted 100% AGAINST. And, of course, now Moscow Mitch is attempting to claim the impending “recovery” is the result of the republicans doing virtually NOTHING to fight against the pandemic which has obliterated our economy. And, sadly, many in their base will actually believe what he says. That’s why I’ve been referring to these people as “stupid.” (Sadly)

Republicans have spent the previous few weeks, as the democrats have been pushing Joe Biden’s “Covid Relief bill,” arguing about “Mr. Potato Head,” “Dr. Seuss,” and whether or not the INSURRECTIONISTS were actually “patriots.” Ron Johnson, the republican Senator from Wisconsin, actually claimed the INSURRECTIONISTS were “good people who would never disrespect Police Officers” and then he added he wasn’t worried at all during the attack (which, by the way, put over 140 Police Officers in the hospital and three of them in the grave) because the INSURRECTIONISTS were such good people, however, had it been “individual 1 winning the election and the INSURRECTIONISTS being Black Lives Matter supporters” he would have been “worried.” The republicans continue to make BLATANT racist comments and act as if they have no idea what they’re doing. Mr. Johnson is pathetic and I hope the people of Wisconsin wake up!

The Biden “Relief Bill” will cost almost the exact same amount as the republicans “tax scam” of 2017 which did NOTHING for the average working class American, while this bill will focus MOST of its benefits on the “bottom 40% of Americans and almost ALL of it’s benefits on the bottom 80% which will end up benefitting the “top 1%” because their businesses will thrive as those “at the bottom” spend all this money. The list of reasons this bill is so momentous are numerous and it’s already happening. I’ve been paying attention to American politics since the days of Dwight Eisenhower and this bill is the BEST thing I’ve seen since the early days of Lyndon Johnson. It was during Johnson’s “Great Society” when Medicare and Medicaid were enacted PLUS when the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Acts were passed.

Johnson correctly predicted the South would not vote for a democrat for a generation – and, well, by and large, it’s been longer than that. Those who are pushing all these vote SUPPRESSION bills remind me of the people who were opposing the Voting Rights Act back when I was in High School. The relatives of those who beat up John Lewis and all the other COURAGEOUS supporters of Voting Rights on the Edmund Pettis Bridge – it’s like they’re wanting to take up back in time. And, sadly, this is how we define today’s republican party – a bunch of RACISTS! And, for those republicans who are offended by that characterization, I say, “you’re choosing that by your affiliation with individual 1 and that party. You DON’T get to have it “both ways.”

Democrats are pushing two bills which will regulate the process of voting, along with limits on the HUGE amounts of “dark” money going into politics since the so-called “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision. We can thank John Roberts and Samuel Alito for that one – the “mother” of “legislating from the bench.” HR-1 (Now SR-1) the voting rights bill in the Senate (Along with the John Lewis Voting Rights Bill – they go “hand in hand”) will alleviate much of the damage from “Citizens United.” The John Lewis Voting Rights Bill will “fix” the DAMAGE done to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the Roberts Court a few years ago. No sooner had Roberts et al, “gutted” Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act than voter SUPPRESSION bills started “popping” up all across the nation.

As of the last reporting I’ve seen there are 253 voter SUPPRESSION bills pending in 43 states across the nation. What has become clear is that republicans have NO “message” other than to STOP anything the “libs” want to accomplish. They are scared to “death” of the success which could result from the progressive agenda Joe Biden has aligned himself with. Not a SINGLE republican voted for the Covid Relief bill which is supported by 75% of the American public. My guess is no republicans will vote for the voting rights legislation and they’ll even try to BLOCK Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill because, well, they DON’T want Biden to succeed. Keep in mind, Biden is 78 years old and his success could translate to Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. I guarantee you, republicans are already living if FEAR of that reality.

Biden wants to invest in this nation in a way that hasn’t happened since the days of FDR. He actually wants to invest in our people, in our cities, in our rural areas which have long been ignored, in our young people (hopefully, by making state public universities essentially free for our young people or others who want to improve their lot in life by gaining more education), improve our environment, and make it easier for our nation’s corporations to turn America into a “greener” society – via electric vehicles, solar and wind power, etc. etc.

Of course, America’s great obstacle can be referred to in two ways – first would be the “filibuster” and secondly, it would be Mitch McConnell (and the republicans in the Senate). As I’ve said republicans live in FEAR of democratic success which could leave them as the minority party for a generation – the same generation they stacked the courts with right wing judges as the one lasting memory of individual 1. How did McConnell accomplish that? Well, of course, he changed the rules of the FILIBUSTER. Well, as the saying goes, “turn about is fair play.” Democrats MUST convince Joe Manchin, Kristen Sinema, and any other recalcitrant democrat, getting these progressive bills passed is a MUST. If republicans want to participate, they should do so in good faith – with deference to the “will of the voting public.” All these bills are popular when you get outside the “Beltway.” McConnell answers to people like Charles Koch and other republican donors who are desperate to avoid the changes we the people desire. It’s like more of the same – republicans answering to the “top 1%.” In the long run this won’t work for republicans because, simply put – based on their present “philosophy” their numbers are shrinking. There are even reports of Tucker Carlson as the republican nominee in 2024. For sure, that will keep the white nationalists in the party happy!

Final Thought: Today, individual 1 was quoted again in a Fox “news” appearance of claiming he “won” the 2020 election and he referred to the “China Virus” once again. So, why are people surprised when 6 women of Asian descent were MURDERED in Atlanta Georgia? Do republicans not understand that “words matter.” This has been going on since the day our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president realized his non-response to the Coronavirus pandemic was threatening his “hold” on the presidency. I’m confident just as individual 1 feels no remorse for ALL the Americans who are DEAD because of his FAILURE to fight the pandemic he also feels no responsibility for the six Asian women who were MURDERED today. Asians have been dealing with racists attacks since the first day our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president used the “China virus” slur. We all know he is a RACIST so it wasn’t surprising – it’s just that he continues to escape accountability for the connection of the results of his words to his, well, words! I’ll write more on that later. Stay tuned………………….

Once again, I’m too lazy to edit. My apologies!

These republicans have no limit to their ability to go “low.” Disgusting!

Individual 1 is attempting to take credit for all the good stuff which is happening in regard to “crushing the virus” – with a little ill-advised “help” from Moscow Mitch – as republicans are about to get more desperate in hiding the effect of their incompetence during the first almost one year of the reign of our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president in the battle against Covid-19. When Joe Biden took office we were on the cusp of having 500,000 Americans DEAD from this virus – more deaths than the Korean War, WW II, and Viet Nam “war” COMBINED. For comparison, President Obama and VP Biden faced the H1N1 flu pandemic and America lost just over 12,000 “souls.” When Biden took office there were 300,000 new infections per day and we were losing over 3000 “souls” per day.

Well, today was the day Biden’s Covid relief plan passed through Congress and the numbers of people infected has dropped to around 50,000 to 60,000 – still a number too high for republican governors to be opening up their states – but down from the 300,000 when Biden took office. Biden is acting like a real president who is LEADING by example and in just 50 days, there seems to be “light at the end of the tunnel.” But, as usual, we can all count on republicans to attempt to throw a “monkey wrench” into the plan. In Florida the “UK variant” is rapidly expanding and their governor, Ron DeSantis, is brain dead to what’s happening. The only thing I’ve been accurate about in my description of DeSantis’s actions is that he’s been CHEATING in regard to the official effect of this virus in that state (by undercounting deaths) – and, it’s still really BAD – likely to be getting worse despite the vaccines. (He’s prioritized his white donors over those who should have received the shots)

Individual 1’s cult will believe him when he attempts to take credit for all the good work Joe Biden is using, but there SHOULD be many Americans who take a second look at President Biden when they begin to receive the benefits of the relief bill – which is the BEST legislation in my lifetime aimed at workingclass Americans – and, keep in mind, the “price tag” is the same as the tax scam of individual 1 which led to stock buy backs and big donations to republicans. Biden’s Covid relief bill will put money into the pockets of people who, in most instances, will be SPENDING the money right back into our economy – that’s the difference between the two bills and demonstrates the real difference between the two parties. Americans SHOULD start figuring this out.

Tonight I listened to Mike Lee of Utah – one of the republican Senators who COWARDLY voted to acquit individual 1 in his SECOND IMPEAHCMENT “trial” – refer to the House bill aimed at making it easier to vote, among other issues which it addresses. It’s labeled “HR 1” and Mr. Lee referred to it as “from the devil.” Odd coming from an “individual 1” sycophant, wouldn’t you say? HR 1 will get NO republican support because it would reverse the voter suppression tactics which are happening all over the nation – a “solution seeking a problem.” It would also attempt to restrict some of the “dark money” in our political process (which might be why it scares Mr. Lee so) and addresses many of the issues of fairness we all need to address.

It also address gerrymandering by requiring legislative districts be “drawn” by a non-partisan commission and it contains rules regarding ethics – which, again, might be why Mr. Lee sees it as “from the devil.” Could it be the reform of campaign finance laws which has made Mr. Lee such a proponent against this bill – or the part where presidential candidates MUST publicize their tax returns. That would be a real problem for individual 1, wouldn’t it? The bill would create oversight on lobbyists and foreign agents – maybe that comes across to Mr. Lee as the work of the devil. I really don’t know, but I’m trying to understand. What’s obvious is democrats won’t pass this bill with republican votes – so, there’s got to be some kind of change to the filibuster rules in the Senate. I’d be OK with the idea if you want to filibuster you’ve got to TALK continuously with a requirement of 41 votes to continue the filibuster. If republicans want to spend a couple months talking about HR 1 and sleeping on cots in the Senate, well, then they could put off their obstruction. Otherwise?????

Back to Moscow Mitch. I was driving around today and Mr. McConnell reminded me of the depravity, or shall I say the willingness to LIE by republicans, as the Senate MINORITY leader was attempting to give republicans credit for the great progress against the virus since Biden took office – which, above, I’ve given the FACTS of where “we” were at back on January 20, 2021. Not only was McConnell soon to be voting to acquit individual 1 and then turn right around and regurgitate the allegations of the House managers – one of the more curious political acts of double speak I’ve ever seen. McConnell’s wife resigned from her place in individual 1’s cabinet one day after the INSURRECTION and, yet, now McConnell is on the record as being willing to support our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president should the republican party nominate him once again in 2024. Yikes!! (When has a political party been so intent on aligning to someone who does so much LOSING?

Regardless, today McConnell was attempting to take credit for the “CARES Act,” which was passed after the stock market had tanked following the reality we were facing with the coronavirus and a so-called president who was doing NOTHING to address the danger of it. The original DAMAGE was the “missing 70 days” at the beginning of the crisis when an effective response would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. The reality of the “CARES Act” was that Nancy Pelosi named it and the democrats FORCED the republicans to do things they were almost apoplectic about – like the additional $600 per week in unemployment benefits and an extension of eligibility for those benefits. Everyone was sent a check and there were aspects of the bill aimed at small businesses which would NEVER have been in any bill with republicans in control of the Senate without Ms. Pelosi realizing she could force these things into the bill.

Republicans wanted more tax cuts for the “big shots” (and, of course, they got some) along with a $500 BILLION slush fund to be at the whim of Steve Mnuchin, the Treasury Secretary. In addition, the Fed got the “go ahead” to funnel TRILLIONS into the stock market to prop it up – and, of course, that worked. I believe the Fed “balance sheet” increased by around $6 or $7 TRILLION over the course of the first few months after the “CARES Act.” Republicans would have NEVER allowed this bill into law if the market had not dropped over 20%. Now, McConnell wants people to believe the “CARES Act” was a republican initiative. I still remember Lindsey Graham (and five other republicans) announcing there would be another bill like the “CARES Act” “over our dead bodies.”

Well, republicans were NEVER able to understand the seriousness of the pandemic and, as I’ve said here several times, Ms. Pelosi gave them the ultimate opportunity to actually win the 2020 election by making a move to “crush the virus” in the Speaker’s words. Democrats passed the “HEROES Act” which McConnell, and by extension individual 1, declared “dead on arrival.” It was a $4 TRILLION proposal which McConnell panned as a “Blue state bailout” and, by refusing to allow it to be debated they gave themselves a “death knell” for the upcoming election because the failure to “crush the virus” was key in individual 1’s defeat.

The one thing where individual 1’s administration was the so-called “operation Warp Speed” in the push for the development of a vaccine. The first vaccine was given conditional approval in early December and by the time Biden took office it was clear our former (TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president – I’m really getting tired of typing that) president had NO PLAN for distributing the Vaccines PLUS he had failed to purchase the necessary number of vials from Pfizer – vials which ended up being sold to Europe – where Pfizer is actually located.

However, as the success of the Biden administration is becoming apparent and the reality NOT a SINGLE republican voted for the “Covid relief bill” it has become apparent to McConnell the LYING is necessary in an attempt to offset the popularity of the bill, the likelihood it’s going to be tremendously productive, and that the republican obstruction could very well be a serious problem come the mid terms – especially if democrats “tweak” the filibuster allowing them to pass HR-1. That would overcome republican efforts to suppress the vote in over 40 different states and head off their efforts to further gerrymander legislative districts.

So, now McConnell is referring back to the “CARES Act” in his LIES intended to cause the “base” to believe it’s the republicans bringing them all this help as they – even republicans in the “base” – are suffering from the effects of the coronavirus. Senator Wicker from Mississippi even had the nerve to “BRAG” about the effects of the bill for his constituents despite his vote AGAINST the bill – saying the “fact I didn’t like the whole bill doesn’t change the fact there’s a part of it which is good.” As if to say, “I tried to vote the bill down, but since the democrats passed it I want you to know I liked the part which helps Mississippians.” These republicans have no limit to their ability to go “low.” Disgusting!

Fortunately, Biden and those closest around him are heading out into the country to help people to understand what is in the bill which will help them as they recover from the effects of this virus. The job is FAR from done – and, I worry that the effects of all the republican governors who won’t ever continue mask mandates (The Texas Ranger baseball team has announced it will welcome a “full house” for their first game which takes place on April 1.) I know for sure the UK variant is spreading Florida and likely Texas, Mississippi, South Dakota, Idaho, and a bunch of other states where there are no mask mandates. It is entirely possible the UK variant could spread faster than “we” can get people vaccinated. Stay tuned……………..

Final Thought: Today Merrick Garland was approved as the new Attorney General. I believe individual 1 may have ONE more serious criminal investigation to worry about. His actions on January 6th were the result of a couple months of “grooming” his base to believe the election was “stolen” and we all know the result. As I’m typing this there are over 300 INSUREECTIONISTS facing years in prison and my hope is this won’t be a rerun of the Abu Ghraib scandal in the Bush/Cheney regime. If you remember, the only people who faced accountability for that SCANDAL were the Army “grunts” who thought they were “following orders” but NONE of the “instigators” faced even a bit of “oversight.”

Well, let’s hope individual 1 gets his day in court for the INSURRECTION in the Capitol which, by all accounts, he watched on TV and enjoyed it because “these people like me.” He reportedly told Kevin McCarthy who was pleading for him to call off the INSURRECTION, “Well, Kevin, I guess they’re more upset about the election than you are.” To me, that answers ANY question any investigator would have about “intent” – which seems to be the barrier to some investigations into cases of INCITEMENT. Attorney General Garland has promised to put the investigation into the INSURRECTION as his FIRST order of business. I believe individual 1 should be a bit uneasy.

Of course, in New York individual 1 could be facing TWO investigations which could lead to criminal charges – including the case where he got the name (by me) of individual 1 – the paying off of two women he had dalliance’s with while his present wife was bearing his last son – for the purpose of HIDING these affairs from the voting public right before the 2016 election. Maybe even more dangerous to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is the investigation in Georgia which, apparently, has evolved to a RICO investigation. I actually predicted he might face that kind of charge (me thinking from the Manhattan DA) – it’s a charge which implies the organized crime nature I believe he’s shown since the day he took the “oath” of office. (He’s never kept an “oath” in his lifetime)

Once again, my apologies for my lack of re-reading and editing. Maybe tomorrow! :o(

Republicans = pushing voter suppression! Democrats = pushing for relief to America’s working and middle class!

If you’ve visited this site in the past you know I’ve been following the pandemic quite closely. When Joe Biden took office, for example, according to “” there were around 30,000 Americans in “Serious/Critical” condition with most of them facing death as the result of the coronavirus on January 20, 2021. (Plus, 300,000 new infections per day) Once you get to the point where you’ve been intubated, there’s not much hope. Well, after a little over 7 weeks of Joe Biden encouraging EVERYONE to wear masks in public, that total was down, today, to just over 13,000 – and, dropping consistently. Naturally, the result of this is republican governors “opening” up their states, very possibly prematurely.

Texas, for example, is still one of the worst places in the nation and, now, their governor, Greg Abbott – whose incompetence was just exposed by the deep freeze in Texas – has completely opened up Texas to, well, very likely, the UK strain of the virus. I’ll be watching the numbers closely, but if Texas “spikes” it will very likely spread to the rest of the nation – just when we can see “the light at the end of the tunnel.” Republicans are marching in “lock step” against Biden’s Covid-19 relief bill COUNTING on the “short term memory loss” of the American people to get them through the upcoming elections as they will attempt to regain control of, first, Congress and, then, the “White House.” We’ll see if progressives continue to show up in record numbers or if they’re willing to allow the “white nationalist” backed GOP back into power.

Of course, as I’m writing this, there are over 250 different bills across this nation designed by republicans to SUPPRESS the vote – and, of course, I’m sure you know who they don’t want voting. Can you picture the “colors” “Black and Brown?” How about young people? Yep! Do you think all these bills are aimed at as many “democratic leaning” voters as possible? Of course they are. We’ll see if democrats can overcome the filibuster to pass HR 1 and the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. (Are you listening Joe Manchin?) The $15 minimum wage? A badly needed infrastructure bill? Oh yes, they’ve got to overcome the party of LIARS! (These republicans are pushing an American Apartheid)

For example, the GOP has “branded” itself the “Party of the Working Class.” This is the party which gave about $2 TRILLION to their corporate donors and are now BLOCKING the first bill in my lifetime (I’m 73) which is aimed entirely at the “Working Class” of Americans. Will the democrats allow them to get away with this? Well, we know Fox “news” will attempt to help them do so, along with the other right wing media outlets. I’m thinking the repeal of the filibuster may very well have the future of our republic in the balance.

Thankfully, republicans HATE the idea of working on the weekend, so democrats were able to get THEIR version of Biden’s Covid relief bill passed this past weekend. I have a VERY bright 31 year old son who has been trying to understand American politics for the past couple of years. Back when individual 1 was first in office my son remarked to me, which I’ve shared here before, that maybe this was the best way to get America to the “bottom” more quickly and, I have to say, I hope he’s correct. I’ve never seen a bill so focused on working class Americans (which people like Ted Cruz claim are the ones republicans support) in my lifetime. There’s not a single provision for a “tax cut for the wealthy” as part of a compromise to get republican votes. It will likely be passed into law this week. (It passed today 3/10/2021)

My son has been a “server” in restaurants over the previous many years and, before the pandemic, never got above 25 hours per week because restaurants don’t want to be liable for “benefits” like “health care,” etc. Well, he’s been unemployed or MOSTLY unemployed for the past year and the original “CARES Act” was a great benefit to him – although, about half of that bill was a compromise with republicans to meet the needs of BIG business to the tune of TRILLIONS available to the “Fed” for “quantitative easing” (ie – buying toxic corporate or municipal debt) resulting in the recovery of the stock market to, now, record highs. Biden’s bill, as I said, is focused on working class people and people like my son who are in desperate need for support. (And, by the way, once more the stock market will benefit)

Over the years I’ve tried to help my son understand the reality of American politics and the difference between republicans and democrats. I’ve tried to keep it simple as I’ve been the optimist about what democrats (supposedly) believe – I’m of the New Deal democrats which changed this nation during the time of my parents and extended to the early part of my lifetime. I’ve given my son a great book, “Evil Geniuses” by Kurt Andersen and I hope he reads it. It’s the best book I’ve ever read explaining the “attack” on our republic which began with the “Powell memo” back in 1972, picked up “steam” under Reagan and hit the “apex” (I hope) under individual 1. MOST of our national debt – which republicans are fond of complaining about – has occurred under the decisions of the republican presidents starting with Nixon. Of course, President Obama was “saddled” by HUGE debt inherited from Bush/Cheney and Biden inherited a worse debt situation.

What I really like about President Biden is he didn’t allow the “inheritance” of an annual debt which topped $3 TRILLION (which didn’t include the “quantitative easing” of the Fed) to stop him from pushing forward on the necessary INVESTMENTS which are long overdue in America. These are INVESTMENTS aimed at working class and middle class Americans which will also benefit the “wealthy 1% of Americans” because it will help to make this country healthy again. There’s a long list on the democratic “wish list” and not all of them are on board with everything, but this next year and a half will be critical in turning back the right wing assault on the foundation of our republic – led by individual 1. Our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president believes in retribution. He DOESN’T believe in our constitution. I’m convinced he’s NEVER read it and considers it a nuisance to his whims.

Sadly, there’s a large segment of the population who don’t understand he’s a pathological LIAR, he’s been LYING to them since he came down the escalator in his NY home – and they don’t understand he’s no “successful” businessman. He’s presently “grifting” his supporters as a way to keep himself from the necessity to begin selling off his properties because, well, his “brand” is TOXIC. Most people are not staying at properties with his name on the building. He has a LOT of debt coming due in the next year or so and he’s looking at MASSIVE legal bills in the not too distant future. Republicans across the country are pushing voter suppression bills as they seem desperate to “win” in the future by preventing people from voting.

So what we have is the two major parties in America moving with a sense of imperative in two almost opposite directions – surprise, surprise. The democrats are PUSHING to get help to the working class and trying to provide assistance to the “least of these” in America while the republicans are desperately pushing voter suppression laws which will prevent “the least of these” from participating in our democratic processes. It’s a stark difference! I’ve mentioned my belief (reluctantly) that there’s too many Americans who are ignorant (OK, I used the word “Stupid”) and have allowed themselves to believe individual 1’s LIES. Biden is working hard to combat this, and, more importantly in my mind, is he “gets it.” We’ll see if he heads to “red” states in an attempt to get through to the people there. Somehow the “cult” following of individual 1 needs to be broken before there’s a massive “cool aid” moment. (I’ll let you figure out what that means)

My son is one of the MILLIONS of young Americans who’ve been negatively affected by this pandemic and individual 1’s incompetent response (actually lack of response) which led to almost 500,000 DEAD Americans by the time he left office – in LESS than one year – plus the reality his job may be lost forever. I have to say I was not a Biden supporter back in the primaries, but I’ve accepted I was wrong – he’s the perfect guy for this time. I worry he won’t last for the next four years (After all, he’s 78 years old) but I’m thankful we have a President who is aware of all the suffering which is going on in this nation. I wish him “God’s speed.”

Final thought: Sadly, I’ve felt the need to refer to some of individual 1’s supporters as being “stupid.” I have to add, that goes for individual 1 and his republican sycophants as well. Today, the Biden Covid relief bill was passed. I couldn’t help but think back to the democrats “HEROES Act” which was passed last May. Moscow Mitch declared it “Dead on Arrival” in the Senate and individual 1 expressed the same. Well, in essence, it’s finally been passed. Had individual 1 realized the need to FIGHT the pandemic the “HEROES Act” would have been passed and he would likely still be in office. I guess I’m thankful it took this long because even I had no idea how much our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president was willing to tear down our republic. I knew he was an autocrat and I had called him a “mob boss” for over three years – but, it all became too clear after he LOST the November election. He’s considered the republican “standard bearer” as I’m writing this – and, it’s curious to me, that the republican party would align themselves with people so STUPID!

The CPAC conference stage designed EXACTLY like a “Nazi ‘rune'” was NO accident. Suggesting that doesn’t pass the “smell test!”

Many in the “mainstream” media are not commonly referring to republican “Big Lies” – as they have since November regarding individual 1’s so-called “Big Lie” about the election being stolen. That’s a good “first step” for our somewhat “timid” (OK, call it liberal if you must – but, I disagree) media although they continue to fail the “next step.” And, of course, I’ve been pointing out this republican strategy for years – having to do with ALL the LYING. No one in America wants to mention things like “Nazi” or “Hitler” or “Fascism” (see below) because it just seems so, well, “un-American.” However, as I’ve been saying for several years the republicans’ “Big Lies” come from the Nazi’s “Big Lie Theory” implemented by Joseph Goebbels at the direction of none other than Hitler himself. Why would they stoop to this “deplorable” level? Well, they’re all about POWER over governing and the “Big Lie Theory” works. Simple, full stop!

Just look at the INSURRECTION of January 6th, 2021. Hundreds are headed for MANY years behind bars and, yet, by and large, republican “rank and file” still believe the “election was rigged.” In fact, there are reports there’s another attack on the Nation’s Capitol planned for the day Joe Biden gives his State of the Union Speech. And, according to “QAnon” March 4th, 2021 will be the day individual 1 is declared to be the “19th” president of the United States. ????? As I’ve said, these people are NUTS! Really, it’s takes someone who is certifiably IGNORANT to fall for this stuff, but, there you have it. We’re talking about MILLIONS of Americans – most of which claim to be “Christians.” Earth to republicans, when individual 1 complains about “voter fraud” it’s because he’s committing “voter fraud.” (See, Grand Jury in Gwinnett Co. Georgia)

Reports from the so-called “CPAC” convention would suggest there will be no let up in the LYING coming from the mouths of the republicans who expect to be the party “leaders” going forward. I find it interesting there are a bunch of them who clearly want to represent the party as the nominee for president, yet they continue to fear individual 1 who will be likely too busy defending himself in court, along with his children, between now and 2024 to be much of a “factor” in the process. As I’ve mentioned in previous posts, republicans have had two opportunities to purge themselves of this “weight” around their necks during BOTH IMPEACHMENT “trials,” but they couldn’t gather up virtually ANY courage. So, now they’re stuck with individual 1 and a party which has succumbed to a “cult of personality” – enamored with someone, ironically, with virtually NO personality. How do you say STUPID?

If democrats play their cards correctly, and, so far so good, they very well could be looking at a generation of Control of Congress and very possibly the “White House.” If democrats can finish the job of neutralizing the Electoral College (they’re about two thirds there) republicans will have to “change their ‘tune'” in order to have any chance of winning national elections – unless, of course, democrats get complacent and – as they’ve done in the past – draw defeat out of the jaws of victory. However, considering the MESS individual 1 left behind, the Biden administration has an FDR opportunity to change the course of this nation in the next two years and there are some incredibly astute YOUNG progressives who will likely help him do so. (Here’s what would help save this nation: end the filibuster)

On top of that, there’s a large group of disenchanted republicans who will be pulling ranks with the Biden administration – he of the “center-left” variety of democrat which will make it that much harder for republicans to regain power. I mean, who you gonna vote for? Ted Cruz? Josh Hawley? Kristi Noem? individual 1? Heck, individual 1 NEVER garnered support above 50% in four years – that’s historically LOW and he’s about 38% now, and likely going down as more people understand his connections to organized crime, tax fraud, insurance fraud, and bank fraud – not to mention his culpability in the INSURRECTION and his legal exposure on a number of ill advised phone calls when he was attempting to pressure politicians to commit voter fraud. The attempted Steal!” (The epitome of “projection” don’t you think?)

However, you have to keep in mind there’s NO level too low for these republicans and the voter suppression bills across the land which are counting on individual 1’s packed courts and/or the democrat’s unwillingness to end the filibuster to finally create their “permanent republican ‘majority.'” I’ve been pointing out that republicans HATE “democracy” and they’ve adopted what amounts to fascism. That’s NOT hyperbole, but most people I know who think it is are unable to define terms like “fascism,” socialism,” Marxism,” etc. Here’s the deal, do you think the stage at the so-called CPAC conference which was designed EXACTLY like a “Nazi ‘rune'” was an accident. I don’t even think that’s possible. Go online and check out the photos if you don’t believe me. I’ll help you, click HERE.

Here’s a little history – “The runic insignia of the Schutzstaffel were used from the 1920s to 1945 on Schutzstaffel flags, uniforms and other items as symbols of various aspects of Nazi ideology and Germanic mysticism. They also represented virtues seen as desirable in SS members, and were based on völkisch mystic Guido von List’s Armanen runes, which he loosely based on the historical runic alphabets. SS runes are commonly used by neo-Nazis.” It’s NO coincidence!

Here’s the bottom line, when individual 1 says “stop the steal” what he means is “start the steal.” When he says “democrats committed voter fraud” what he means is “I’m committing voter fraud.” When he said “There was no collusion or no obstruction” what he meant was there was massive “collusion and obstruction.” When he accuses democrats of LYING what he means to say is “I’m a pathological LIAR.” When he says certain democrats should be “locked up” what he’s diverting your attention from is that he SHOULD be “LOCKED UP.” When he says he “loves America,” what he means is he “hates America” and wants to turn it into a fascist state. When he brags about Vladimir Putin, well, that’s the rare occasion when he’s being “honest.” He’s saying, “my goal is to be like Vladimir Putin.” When he says, “I don’t know who David Duke is” what he means is “David Duke is one of my strongest supporters.” When he says, “I don’t know about the Proud Boys” – well, he gives up the ruse when he tells them to “Stand back and Stand by.” I could go on, but I’ve had surgery lately on my hands and, well, I’m at my limit.

Final Thought: I wrote how I was proud of my republican member of the House who voted to IMPEACH individual 1, but, true to form, she’s back to the COWARDLY votes which are required for republicans who put their job ahead of their country. She, like the rest of them, are not STUPID – they know exactly what they’re voting for. They continue to push the so-called “Big Lie” and, to me, those who go along with it are complicit in whatever happens going forward. I’ve grown impatient with the whole lot of them. Those of us who are committed to stopping these people, who HATE our “democracy” and are attempting to prevent democrat leaning constituencies from voting all across America as I’m writing this – that, of course, means African Americans, Latinx communities, Native American, young people, etc. – need to remain diligent and commit to VOTE every chance we get. The right wing of the republican party will do whatever it takes to gain POWER. Their mantra, “The end justifies the means.” Stay tuned………

The republican party is the greatest threat to America in my lifetime!

The democrats in Congress are soon to pass Joe Biden’s “rescue bill” which is TOTALLY aimed at the working class of Americans – including those who are, hopefully, still working and had an income of less than $150.000 for a couple or $75,000 as an individual back in 2019. Of course, many who were working back then are not doing so now, or working for far less than they earned in 2019. So the relief package is intended for them, those who are still unemployed, State and Local governments, money to open up schools, money to help “crush the virus,” etc. Apparently, what’s missing when it comes to getting republican votes is a “tax cut” for those who don’t need it. This bill will “cost” about the same amount as the 2017 tax cut, but with one major exception!

The money INVESTED into our PEOPLE will come right back into the economy in most instances. I’ve read, for example, what the return is on each dollar invested in people who immediately spend it and it’s well over the value of that dollar. The difference from the republican’s tax cut (scam) is that those who received that money in all too many instances used it to buy stock. Corporations were repurchasing their own stock by the BILLIONS. For example, the Airline industry was buying up their own stock and then, when the pandemic hit, their stock tanked and they were then getting relief from the government to prevent a bunch of bankruptcies.

But, focus an equivalent amount of dollars on “we the people” and, yep, there will LIKELY be not a single republican vote of support – certainly NO chance to overcome the filibuster rules in the Senate. Republican governors and mayors, all around the country, are almost begging for Biden’s bill to get passed and, yet, probably not a single republican will vote for it. Polls suggest “we the people” support the Bill by 76% including 60% of republicans polled. Yet, of course, there will likely NOT be a single republican voting for it. The republican party at the national level is, well, completely bankrupt. The examples are many!

Just the other day I listened, and almost gagged, to Moscow Mitch (and, by the way, there’s a good reason he “earned” that moniker) as he was asked if he would support individual 1 should he be the party’s nominee in 2024 and, NATURALLY, his response was “of course.” Yep, this is the same McConnell who, after voting to acquit individual 1 for instigating the INSURRECTION, gave an almost complete rendition of the case put forth by the House IMPEACHMENT managers – to the amazement of many – including me as he lambasted our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. His wife RESIGNED the next day after the INSURRECTION, apparently in another hollow attempt at distancing herself (and her husband) from individual 1.

Republicans had the opportunity to banish individual 1 from their party and prevent him from EVER running for an office of public trust again, but they decided to remain under his “spell.” It really is a sad state of affairs. In 2022 I will FINALLY have a republican I can vote for and her name is Jaimie Herrera Beutler, my representative in the House. She voted to IMPEACH individual 1 after hearing him tell Kevin McCarthy “apparently the INSURRECTIONISTS are more angry about the election than you are” while refusing to send in the National Guard to end the INSURRECTION. Why am I voting for her? I really don’t know, because she didn’t vote for the Biden relief bill. It really is hard for me to vote for a republican. Not a single one in the House voted for this bill which is supported by over 70% of Americans.

Well, despite the fact I disagree with much of what Ms Beutler votes for I totally RESPECT the courage it has taken for hier to take the “stand” to vote for impeachment. (Of course, it took NO courage to vote against the relief bill! Am I getting second thoughts?) To no one’s surprise she’s been “censored” by the local GOP and there are already three FAR RIGHT “wing nuts” lined up to primary her. I live in a district which has been gerrymandered to almost guarantee a republican will be my representative. That being the case I’ll vote for the one with some guts if I finally decide to vote for Ms. Beutler! (I really wish she’d have voted for the pandemic relief)

What will really be interesting will be all the republicans benefitting from the relief bill Joe Biden is PUSHING through Congress (albeit without the $15 minimum wage – thanks in part to Joe Manchin along with the Senate parliamentarian and the balking republicans) and then they will accuse him of being a “socialist” or, if they watch Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” etc. (OK, most of them do) they’ll call him a “Marxist.” (Most people I know can’t define a “socialist” or “Marxist”) There’s a reason polls in the past have shown the Fox “news” audience to be less informed than people who don’t watch any “news” on TV. The world of “alternative facts” will accept the relief money and continue to “hate” liberals. Go figure!

I’m 73 and finally got my first vaccination shot the other day and it’s clear Biden’s push to get MORE vaccinations in “people’s arms” is picking up “steam.” Yet, there will continue to be the group of people who still believe the coronavirus has been just another “flu.” One of the three people I mentioned above who is going to primary Ms. Beutler is someone who chose to point out she’s part of the “no mask” group who believe the pandemic has been nothing other than the “liberal’s” way to defeat individual 1 – although, of course, she still believes “the election was stolen.” Another of the candidates to represent me still believes the election was “stolen.” I’ve used the word here, reluctantly, of “STUPID” and that’s the word that came to mind when I read their initial postings. Yikes!

Let me summarize my thoughts, and I am soon hoping I can take my mind off of republicans. This past week was the so-called “CPAC conference” which is supposed to be a gathering of “conservatives.” It has morphed into a public confirmation the republican party has become a CULT of personality under the spell of individual 1. Senators like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley further STAINED themselves (if that’s even possible) with their “deplorable” comments at the conference. And, of course, the “keynote” speaker was individual 1 who was in the perfect place to continue the so-called “Big Lie” (How many of his 30,000 LIES while in office were NOT “Big Lies?”) about the “stolen election” where, if they actually publicly owned what there grievance really is, they object to all the “Black and Brown” people being able to vote.

Here’s what’s really dangerous out of all this. I’ve been pointing out the reality republican “dogma” is focused on their so-called “permanent republican ‘majority'” for at least 20 years and likely longer behind the scenes. I believe it likely started during the Reagan years when Newt Gingrich began the policy of unending OBSTRUCTION as a way to turn the public off to politicians so that republicans could “win.” They’ve been gerrymandering and attempting to suppress the vote ever since. I’ve heard more than one republican “leader” say, “The more people who vote the smaller our chance of success,” as they’ve been trying to make it harder for people who vote for democrats to vote. It’s presently in “high gear” with well over 100 voter suppression “laws” being proposed in over 40 states.

Republicans in places like Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have not reacted well to democrats gaining “steam” in their states. In Arizona republicans, who control the state legislature, are proposing a bill which would allow them to decide who gains the “electors” in their state in future presidential elections. Of course, that would have allowed them to overrule the “will of the voters of Arizona” in the previous election.

Many of those who participated in the INSURRECTION are associated with groups which are dedicated to starting a “racial civil war.” These are people at the heart of individual 1’s “base” and they are the greatest threat to America’s republic existing in the world at present. It’s really hard for many Americans to understand that our republic is under assault from within. Clearly, the focal point of this assault is coming from individual 1 and his sycophants – two of the MOST disgusting are Cruz and Hawley. I listened to as much of Cruz’s “speech” at CPAC as I could stomach – he made a reference to his trip to Cancun as a joke. I really have to wonder how STUPID the people of Texas are. Will they continue to support him after such an egregious dereliction of duty and then joking about what he did? I really hope not.

The bottom line here is the republican party is the greatest threat to America in my lifetime. Not one of them voted for the pandemic relief plan in the House and I expect the same when it comes to a vote in the Senate. I mentioned to a friend of mine, who is a republican, this is the FIRST major bill I can remember, in my lifetime, which is AIMED exclusively to working class Americans along with Americans who are in desperate need of health. I didn’t expect a response from him and didn’t get one. Republicans have been BRAINWASHED to think the democrats are “socialists” – but, they had no thoughts when a bill of a similar amount was aimed at those at the top (including my friend) in the form of a tax cut.

I’ve lost my patience with some of the people I know who continue to spew the garbage that has come from the mouth of individual 1 over the previous four plus years. The LYING has worn my ability to be prudent thin and when it evolved to an actual INSURRECTION and a delusional TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who continues to claim – with NO evidence – the 2020 election was “stolen” that was simply too much. I’m thankful we have someone in the “Oval Office” who is actually working to solve the MAJOR problems “we the people” are facing – with the first legislation aimed at “crushing the virus” and stopping what could be an actual economic depression. Sadly, but not surprising, there will NOT be a single republican supporting what “we the people” desperately need.

I’ll end with this: republicans look at the stock market with the DOW sitting over 30,000 and, to them, that means all is well in America. Their inability to “remember” even just a few months ago and understand the reason the market is where it is has been due to the “Fed” pumping TRILLIONS into what would have been toxic debt obligations of corporations and municipalities which, otherwise, could have “tanked” the entire economy had these entities been left to end up in default. I believe we’re talking about near $7 TRILLION of an almost invisible bailout. As I predicted prior to Biden’s win, republicans would be complaining about the debt before Biden took office and, sure enough, like clockwork there they are. My greatest hope is “we the people” have understood the importance of continuing to vote in record numbers to get these republicans voted into the history books!

Final Thought: By the time this virus is “under control” – if the vaccinations get ahead of all the variants, God willing, there will be more than 600 THOUSAND Americans who will have died from the pandemic – and, it very well could be MORE – because of the segment of the population who won’t wear masks. I’m a baseball fan and this morning I was reading about how “fans” will be allowed into the stands of the Spring Training games in Florida. Well, I said a quick prayer, because it’s known that the “UK” variant is spreading rapidly in Florida and their governor is among the WORST in the country at “fighting” the virus. I just hope the virus doesn’t spread to the players on the baseball teams – but, there will be people in the stands who have it and the UK variant is almost twice as likely to spread – in fact, the distance it will cover is almost twice that of the original virus from what I’ve read. By the time this is published, that variant is likely to be dominant in Florida.