In 2017 Moscow Mitch changed the rules of the FILIBUSTER for judges. Well, as the saying goes, “turn about is fair play!”

If you’re paying close attention to politics in America right now you’re witnessing a political party which has backed itself into a corner and is reacting in desperation to what is REALLY going on in the U.S. Republicans, over the previous 12 years – in response to the election of Barack Obama in 2008 – have aligned themselves with the “white nationalists” who, obviously, “inhabit” much more of this nation than people like me, naively, thought and who are very dangerous. We’re talking about the Americans who live in fear of “liberals” because they think democrats want to take away their guns – so, many of them have an arsenal of guns and a “mountain” of ammo they believe they’re going to have to use to save them from the “libs.” Yikes!

Republicans have degenerated to the place where the above defined “white nationalists” are the bulk of their “base.” The so-called “conservatives” have only one goal and that is to take back control of the very government they routinely ridicule. Go figure! The American people are about to receive the “bottom up” approach of the democrats (ie liberals) which the republicans voted 100% AGAINST. And, of course, now Moscow Mitch is attempting to claim the impending “recovery” is the result of the republicans doing virtually NOTHING to fight against the pandemic which has obliterated our economy. And, sadly, many in their base will actually believe what he says. That’s why I’ve been referring to these people as “stupid.” (Sadly)

Republicans have spent the previous few weeks, as the democrats have been pushing Joe Biden’s “Covid Relief bill,” arguing about “Mr. Potato Head,” “Dr. Seuss,” and whether or not the INSURRECTIONISTS were actually “patriots.” Ron Johnson, the republican Senator from Wisconsin, actually claimed the INSURRECTIONISTS were “good people who would never disrespect Police Officers” and then he added he wasn’t worried at all during the attack (which, by the way, put over 140 Police Officers in the hospital and three of them in the grave) because the INSURRECTIONISTS were such good people, however, had it been “individual 1 winning the election and the INSURRECTIONISTS being Black Lives Matter supporters” he would have been “worried.” The republicans continue to make BLATANT racist comments and act as if they have no idea what they’re doing. Mr. Johnson is pathetic and I hope the people of Wisconsin wake up!

The Biden “Relief Bill” will cost almost the exact same amount as the republicans “tax scam” of 2017 which did NOTHING for the average working class American, while this bill will focus MOST of its benefits on the “bottom 40% of Americans and almost ALL of it’s benefits on the bottom 80% which will end up benefitting the “top 1%” because their businesses will thrive as those “at the bottom” spend all this money. The list of reasons this bill is so momentous are numerous and it’s already happening. I’ve been paying attention to American politics since the days of Dwight Eisenhower and this bill is the BEST thing I’ve seen since the early days of Lyndon Johnson. It was during Johnson’s “Great Society” when Medicare and Medicaid were enacted PLUS when the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Acts were passed.

Johnson correctly predicted the South would not vote for a democrat for a generation – and, well, by and large, it’s been longer than that. Those who are pushing all these vote SUPPRESSION bills remind me of the people who were opposing the Voting Rights Act back when I was in High School. The relatives of those who beat up John Lewis and all the other COURAGEOUS supporters of Voting Rights on the Edmund Pettis Bridge – it’s like they’re wanting to take up back in time. And, sadly, this is how we define today’s republican party – a bunch of RACISTS! And, for those republicans who are offended by that characterization, I say, “you’re choosing that by your affiliation with individual 1 and that party. You DON’T get to have it “both ways.”

Democrats are pushing two bills which will regulate the process of voting, along with limits on the HUGE amounts of “dark” money going into politics since the so-called “Citizens United” Supreme Court decision. We can thank John Roberts and Samuel Alito for that one – the “mother” of “legislating from the bench.” HR-1 (Now SR-1) the voting rights bill in the Senate (Along with the John Lewis Voting Rights Bill – they go “hand in hand”) will alleviate much of the damage from “Citizens United.” The John Lewis Voting Rights Bill will “fix” the DAMAGE done to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 by the Roberts Court a few years ago. No sooner had Roberts et al, “gutted” Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act than voter SUPPRESSION bills started “popping” up all across the nation.

As of the last reporting I’ve seen there are 253 voter SUPPRESSION bills pending in 43 states across the nation. What has become clear is that republicans have NO “message” other than to STOP anything the “libs” want to accomplish. They are scared to “death” of the success which could result from the progressive agenda Joe Biden has aligned himself with. Not a SINGLE republican voted for the Covid Relief bill which is supported by 75% of the American public. My guess is no republicans will vote for the voting rights legislation and they’ll even try to BLOCK Joe Biden’s infrastructure bill because, well, they DON’T want Biden to succeed. Keep in mind, Biden is 78 years old and his success could translate to Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. I guarantee you, republicans are already living if FEAR of that reality.

Biden wants to invest in this nation in a way that hasn’t happened since the days of FDR. He actually wants to invest in our people, in our cities, in our rural areas which have long been ignored, in our young people (hopefully, by making state public universities essentially free for our young people or others who want to improve their lot in life by gaining more education), improve our environment, and make it easier for our nation’s corporations to turn America into a “greener” society – via electric vehicles, solar and wind power, etc. etc.

Of course, America’s great obstacle can be referred to in two ways – first would be the “filibuster” and secondly, it would be Mitch McConnell (and the republicans in the Senate). As I’ve said republicans live in FEAR of democratic success which could leave them as the minority party for a generation – the same generation they stacked the courts with right wing judges as the one lasting memory of individual 1. How did McConnell accomplish that? Well, of course, he changed the rules of the FILIBUSTER. Well, as the saying goes, “turn about is fair play.” Democrats MUST convince Joe Manchin, Kristen Sinema, and any other recalcitrant democrat, getting these progressive bills passed is a MUST. If republicans want to participate, they should do so in good faith – with deference to the “will of the voting public.” All these bills are popular when you get outside the “Beltway.” McConnell answers to people like Charles Koch and other republican donors who are desperate to avoid the changes we the people desire. It’s like more of the same – republicans answering to the “top 1%.” In the long run this won’t work for republicans because, simply put – based on their present “philosophy” their numbers are shrinking. There are even reports of Tucker Carlson as the republican nominee in 2024. For sure, that will keep the white nationalists in the party happy!

Final Thought: Today, individual 1 was quoted again in a Fox “news” appearance of claiming he “won” the 2020 election and he referred to the “China Virus” once again. So, why are people surprised when 6 women of Asian descent were MURDERED in Atlanta Georgia? Do republicans not understand that “words matter.” This has been going on since the day our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president realized his non-response to the Coronavirus pandemic was threatening his “hold” on the presidency. I’m confident just as individual 1 feels no remorse for ALL the Americans who are DEAD because of his FAILURE to fight the pandemic he also feels no responsibility for the six Asian women who were MURDERED today. Asians have been dealing with racists attacks since the first day our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president used the “China virus” slur. We all know he is a RACIST so it wasn’t surprising – it’s just that he continues to escape accountability for the connection of the results of his words to his, well, words! I’ll write more on that later. Stay tuned………………….

Once again, I’m too lazy to edit. My apologies!

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