The republican party is the greatest threat to America in my lifetime!

The democrats in Congress are soon to pass Joe Biden’s “rescue bill” which is TOTALLY aimed at the working class of Americans – including those who are, hopefully, still working and had an income of less than $150.000 for a couple or $75,000 as an individual back in 2019. Of course, many who were working back then are not doing so now, or working for far less than they earned in 2019. So the relief package is intended for them, those who are still unemployed, State and Local governments, money to open up schools, money to help “crush the virus,” etc. Apparently, what’s missing when it comes to getting republican votes is a “tax cut” for those who don’t need it. This bill will “cost” about the same amount as the 2017 tax cut, but with one major exception!

The money INVESTED into our PEOPLE will come right back into the economy in most instances. I’ve read, for example, what the return is on each dollar invested in people who immediately spend it and it’s well over the value of that dollar. The difference from the republican’s tax cut (scam) is that those who received that money in all too many instances used it to buy stock. Corporations were repurchasing their own stock by the BILLIONS. For example, the Airline industry was buying up their own stock and then, when the pandemic hit, their stock tanked and they were then getting relief from the government to prevent a bunch of bankruptcies.

But, focus an equivalent amount of dollars on “we the people” and, yep, there will LIKELY be not a single republican vote of support – certainly NO chance to overcome the filibuster rules in the Senate. Republican governors and mayors, all around the country, are almost begging for Biden’s bill to get passed and, yet, probably not a single republican will vote for it. Polls suggest “we the people” support the Bill by 76% including 60% of republicans polled. Yet, of course, there will likely NOT be a single republican voting for it. The republican party at the national level is, well, completely bankrupt. The examples are many!

Just the other day I listened, and almost gagged, to Moscow Mitch (and, by the way, there’s a good reason he “earned” that moniker) as he was asked if he would support individual 1 should he be the party’s nominee in 2024 and, NATURALLY, his response was “of course.” Yep, this is the same McConnell who, after voting to acquit individual 1 for instigating the INSURRECTION, gave an almost complete rendition of the case put forth by the House IMPEACHMENT managers – to the amazement of many – including me as he lambasted our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president. His wife RESIGNED the next day after the INSURRECTION, apparently in another hollow attempt at distancing herself (and her husband) from individual 1.

Republicans had the opportunity to banish individual 1 from their party and prevent him from EVER running for an office of public trust again, but they decided to remain under his “spell.” It really is a sad state of affairs. In 2022 I will FINALLY have a republican I can vote for and her name is Jaimie Herrera Beutler, my representative in the House. She voted to IMPEACH individual 1 after hearing him tell Kevin McCarthy “apparently the INSURRECTIONISTS are more angry about the election than you are” while refusing to send in the National Guard to end the INSURRECTION. Why am I voting for her? I really don’t know, because she didn’t vote for the Biden relief bill. It really is hard for me to vote for a republican. Not a single one in the House voted for this bill which is supported by over 70% of Americans.

Well, despite the fact I disagree with much of what Ms Beutler votes for I totally RESPECT the courage it has taken for hier to take the “stand” to vote for impeachment. (Of course, it took NO courage to vote against the relief bill! Am I getting second thoughts?) To no one’s surprise she’s been “censored” by the local GOP and there are already three FAR RIGHT “wing nuts” lined up to primary her. I live in a district which has been gerrymandered to almost guarantee a republican will be my representative. That being the case I’ll vote for the one with some guts if I finally decide to vote for Ms. Beutler! (I really wish she’d have voted for the pandemic relief)

What will really be interesting will be all the republicans benefitting from the relief bill Joe Biden is PUSHING through Congress (albeit without the $15 minimum wage – thanks in part to Joe Manchin along with the Senate parliamentarian and the balking republicans) and then they will accuse him of being a “socialist” or, if they watch Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” etc. (OK, most of them do) they’ll call him a “Marxist.” (Most people I know can’t define a “socialist” or “Marxist”) There’s a reason polls in the past have shown the Fox “news” audience to be less informed than people who don’t watch any “news” on TV. The world of “alternative facts” will accept the relief money and continue to “hate” liberals. Go figure!

I’m 73 and finally got my first vaccination shot the other day and it’s clear Biden’s push to get MORE vaccinations in “people’s arms” is picking up “steam.” Yet, there will continue to be the group of people who still believe the coronavirus has been just another “flu.” One of the three people I mentioned above who is going to primary Ms. Beutler is someone who chose to point out she’s part of the “no mask” group who believe the pandemic has been nothing other than the “liberal’s” way to defeat individual 1 – although, of course, she still believes “the election was stolen.” Another of the candidates to represent me still believes the election was “stolen.” I’ve used the word here, reluctantly, of “STUPID” and that’s the word that came to mind when I read their initial postings. Yikes!

Let me summarize my thoughts, and I am soon hoping I can take my mind off of republicans. This past week was the so-called “CPAC conference” which is supposed to be a gathering of “conservatives.” It has morphed into a public confirmation the republican party has become a CULT of personality under the spell of individual 1. Senators like Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley further STAINED themselves (if that’s even possible) with their “deplorable” comments at the conference. And, of course, the “keynote” speaker was individual 1 who was in the perfect place to continue the so-called “Big Lie” (How many of his 30,000 LIES while in office were NOT “Big Lies?”) about the “stolen election” where, if they actually publicly owned what there grievance really is, they object to all the “Black and Brown” people being able to vote.

Here’s what’s really dangerous out of all this. I’ve been pointing out the reality republican “dogma” is focused on their so-called “permanent republican ‘majority'” for at least 20 years and likely longer behind the scenes. I believe it likely started during the Reagan years when Newt Gingrich began the policy of unending OBSTRUCTION as a way to turn the public off to politicians so that republicans could “win.” They’ve been gerrymandering and attempting to suppress the vote ever since. I’ve heard more than one republican “leader” say, “The more people who vote the smaller our chance of success,” as they’ve been trying to make it harder for people who vote for democrats to vote. It’s presently in “high gear” with well over 100 voter suppression “laws” being proposed in over 40 states.

Republicans in places like Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania have not reacted well to democrats gaining “steam” in their states. In Arizona republicans, who control the state legislature, are proposing a bill which would allow them to decide who gains the “electors” in their state in future presidential elections. Of course, that would have allowed them to overrule the “will of the voters of Arizona” in the previous election.

Many of those who participated in the INSURRECTION are associated with groups which are dedicated to starting a “racial civil war.” These are people at the heart of individual 1’s “base” and they are the greatest threat to America’s republic existing in the world at present. It’s really hard for many Americans to understand that our republic is under assault from within. Clearly, the focal point of this assault is coming from individual 1 and his sycophants – two of the MOST disgusting are Cruz and Hawley. I listened to as much of Cruz’s “speech” at CPAC as I could stomach – he made a reference to his trip to Cancun as a joke. I really have to wonder how STUPID the people of Texas are. Will they continue to support him after such an egregious dereliction of duty and then joking about what he did? I really hope not.

The bottom line here is the republican party is the greatest threat to America in my lifetime. Not one of them voted for the pandemic relief plan in the House and I expect the same when it comes to a vote in the Senate. I mentioned to a friend of mine, who is a republican, this is the FIRST major bill I can remember, in my lifetime, which is AIMED exclusively to working class Americans along with Americans who are in desperate need of health. I didn’t expect a response from him and didn’t get one. Republicans have been BRAINWASHED to think the democrats are “socialists” – but, they had no thoughts when a bill of a similar amount was aimed at those at the top (including my friend) in the form of a tax cut.

I’ve lost my patience with some of the people I know who continue to spew the garbage that has come from the mouth of individual 1 over the previous four plus years. The LYING has worn my ability to be prudent thin and when it evolved to an actual INSURRECTION and a delusional TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president who continues to claim – with NO evidence – the 2020 election was “stolen” that was simply too much. I’m thankful we have someone in the “Oval Office” who is actually working to solve the MAJOR problems “we the people” are facing – with the first legislation aimed at “crushing the virus” and stopping what could be an actual economic depression. Sadly, but not surprising, there will NOT be a single republican supporting what “we the people” desperately need.

I’ll end with this: republicans look at the stock market with the DOW sitting over 30,000 and, to them, that means all is well in America. Their inability to “remember” even just a few months ago and understand the reason the market is where it is has been due to the “Fed” pumping TRILLIONS into what would have been toxic debt obligations of corporations and municipalities which, otherwise, could have “tanked” the entire economy had these entities been left to end up in default. I believe we’re talking about near $7 TRILLION of an almost invisible bailout. As I predicted prior to Biden’s win, republicans would be complaining about the debt before Biden took office and, sure enough, like clockwork there they are. My greatest hope is “we the people” have understood the importance of continuing to vote in record numbers to get these republicans voted into the history books!

Final Thought: By the time this virus is “under control” – if the vaccinations get ahead of all the variants, God willing, there will be more than 600 THOUSAND Americans who will have died from the pandemic – and, it very well could be MORE – because of the segment of the population who won’t wear masks. I’m a baseball fan and this morning I was reading about how “fans” will be allowed into the stands of the Spring Training games in Florida. Well, I said a quick prayer, because it’s known that the “UK” variant is spreading rapidly in Florida and their governor is among the WORST in the country at “fighting” the virus. I just hope the virus doesn’t spread to the players on the baseball teams – but, there will be people in the stands who have it and the UK variant is almost twice as likely to spread – in fact, the distance it will cover is almost twice that of the original virus from what I’ve read. By the time this is published, that variant is likely to be dominant in Florida.

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