In America, we’re not supposed to say the word “Hitler,” but “The Big Lie Theory” has become republican orthodoxy!

As the republicans continue their assault on the TRUTH when will the so-called “Mainstream Media” (MSM) begin to REGULARY point out this “strategy” is the “strategy” which catapulted Adolf Hitler to POWER back in the 1920’s. Yes, I understand I’m not supposed to say that name or mention words like “Nazi” or “Fascist” but, well, “it is what it is.” As far as I’m concerned it’s HIGHT TIME for the MSM to educate the American public they’re receiving an organized ASSAULT on the TRUTH using the playbook of Hitler’s chief of propaganda Joseph Goebbels.

I keep hearing members of the so-called “liberal media” in conversation where they are showing disgust at the number of LIES coming from this republican and that republican and how these LIES seem to be coordinated – into “alternative facts.” The LYING causes a measure of DISGUST, but my disgust comes from the refusal of commentators on TV and democratic politicians to “tell it like it is” almost as much as the LIES themselves. Or, is it possible they don’t really understand what is happening? They MUST have enough of a grasp on history to understand the TRUTH about what is behind all these LIES! Or do they? Or are they afraid to tell it like it is because we’re not supposed to understand or believe the SAME “strategies” used by Hitler could EVER be used here?

Well, to that, I say “wake up!” For years I’ve been lamenting the lack of “spine” coming from the democratic party. I’m heartened by many of the younger members of the party, people like “AOC” and many others who seem to have the GUTS to FIGHT for this country in the face of the right wing ASSAULT which SHOULD be undeniable. I “get” there are MILLIONS of good honest Americans who simply have too much going on in their lives for “politics” – although, I don’t accept that as OK. When the American republic is under ASSAULT, to me, there’s no excuse for shirking one’s public responsibility. I certainly don’t want to get to a place where I say, “I wish I had………………..” (fill in the blank)

One of the sayings I’ll never forget is, “Those who choose to ignore history are bound to repeat it.” My father was part of the Army during WW II and, for whatever reason, he was NEVER able to talk about it with, at least me – I don’t know about my siblings. It was NEVER part of the discussion in our family. I say that because I’ve said this before, “individual 1 came closer to turning America into a fascist state than Hitler.” And, of course, our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is still “at it.” And, his white nationalist supporters are still “at it” as well.

For heaven’s sake, the Fox “news” “mouthpiece” to the white nationalists in America, Tucker Carlson is, as I’m writing this, broadcasting his nightly propaganda shpiel from Budapest, Hungary where he’s been “kissing up” to Viktor Orban, the right wing Prime Minister of Hungary who is considered the individual 1 (I can’t bring myself to write the name) of Europe with actual political skill. He’s managed to turn Hungary’s fledgling democracy into an autocratic state – and Carlson is, apparently, hell bent on glorifying him. (Orban actually got his wall built)

The right wing in America has long believed “the end justifies the means.” Their purpose is having control of the “levers of power.” They are supported by a “gaggle” of right wing Billionaires who are very smart – largely the so-called “Koch network” of puppeteers. They have been at this for as many years as I can remember. In 1980 David Koch managed to get about 1% of the electorate to vote for what he believed as the VP nominee of the Libertarian party – ie way out on the fringe. However, with an unending supply of SURPLUS money, he along with his brother Charles Koch started the process of turning state after state into right wing republican strongholds where they had control of the mechanisms which MOST of us don’t think about at all.

Things like control of local legislation from the city to the state level which evolves to the national level. Controlling the local levels of government has led to the “gerrymandering” of the legislative districts in state after state which has required democrats to gain tens of MILLIONS more votes than republicans, nationally, to gain control of the House of Representatives. And, supporting the right wing media outlets has led to republican control of rural areas all across this nation where “information” coming from TV and radio have been controlled by outlets like Fox “news” on the Cable TV, Sinclair Broadcasting on local TV, and the radio controlled for years by people like the late Rush Limbaugh. This has been BRAINWASHING, pure and simple, and, for some reason, it’s a rare person I see on the MSM even coming close to pointing this out.

Tens of MILLIONS of Americans have been “influenced” by the constant LYING coming from the republican party. I started writing this “blog” (actually, to me, my diary in cyberspace – how you found it, who knows?) after Bush/Cheney LIED America into the Iraq FIASCO. After Bush/Cheney bungled their invasion of Afghanistan into a 20 year FIASCO. To me, a person of the Viet Nam era, it was “deja vu all over again.” Since then, it’s only gotten worse. And, on that, I put much of the BLAME on democrats – sadly, Barack Obama. I’ve written numerous posts about my lamenting the “looking forward instead of back” comment (and policy) of the Obama administration. Individual 1 was the logical result of that decision. It’s caused republicans to act like they saw a “green light” in regard to the apprehension of democrats to have the GUTS to hold them accountable for ILLEGAL behavior.

Unless you’re part of the individual 1 cult it’s IMPOSSIBLE not to see the ILLEGAL behavior of “the former guy” who, by MOST accounts I’ve seen from actual historians, was leading the most CORRUPT administration in this nation’s history. His attempt to OVERTHROW the 2020 election by what is becoming apparent via “any means necessary” was far beyond the CORRUPTION of even Richard Nixon. The use of Hitler’s propaganda scheme SHOULD be enough to turn off enough Americans to cause this version of the republican party to be voted into the History books – but, we’re all also seeing an attempt at voter suppression which is WORSE than anything we’ve seen since Reconstruction and Jim Crow. It’s all part of an organized plot.

This gets to my final point about the sophistication of the right wing ASSAULT on our nation which has been fueled by the Koch network and the “by any means possible” strategy of the republican party. And, of course, I’m talking (OK writing) about our Courts. The Koch network is squarely behind the push to FLOOD our Court system with right wing judges and, naturally, that’s likely to be the one lasting “success” of individual 1’s time in office. To be sure, that “plan” was in effect prior to individual 1’s “win” in 2016 with the Bush nominees Roberts and Alito being key to the GUTTING of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 ALONG with the so-called “Citizens United” decision which has allowed those BILLIONAIRES to covertly buy off members of Congress.

This all has become “the way it is,” but the reality of how the republicans have gone about their attempt at the “goal” of a “permanent republican ‘majority'” SHOULD be common knowledge among “we the people.” And, that will not happen without the so-called MSM over and over again pointing out the LIES which are repeated “over and over again” are the result of the republican party adopting the propaganda scheme of the Third Reich. Maybe they can put it that way because we’re not, in America, to compare anyone or anything to Hitler or the Nazi’s of the 1930’s. Sorry, but that’s how I see it!

(And, oh, by the way, these people are hell bent on bringing individual 1, or someone with his lack of shame but with more brains, back into power. The way the people at Fox want to “expand their base” is by supporting an administration capable of closing down their “opposition.” Let’s us all hope I’m wrong – and, by the way, make sure you VOTE!)

Final Thought: While all this is going on, we’re now up to over 120,000 NEW cases of Covid-19, via the “Delta Variant,” EACH day and RISING. The daily DEATH toll has now increased to OVER 600 DEATHS per day – and, this is with numerous states not even recording – either NEW cases of Covid or DEATHS or BOTH. Missouri, for example, is experiencing 3000 to 4000 NEW cases per day, but according to “,” no one is DYING in Missouri from the virus. Of course, anyone who does a little investigating online KNOWS that’s impossible. Their hospitals are so FULL of Covid patients they’re turning Emergencies away. Then, of course, there’s South Dakota which pretty much is NOT reporting anything regarding the virus. I seriously doubt NO one in South Dakota is affected by the virus – especially with the most RECKLESS governor in the nation – Kristi Noem – who visions herself as the 2024 republican presidential nominee.

Thanks to republicans America is crumbling at the seems but the focus of those on the “right” is to continue the so-called “Big Lie” until they are able to achieve what Karl Rove called the “permanent republican ‘majority.'” Individual 1 has been called a “moron” by many of those who were part of his administration, but it’s clear he was simply an EVIL narcissist who had a plan to turn America into a right wing autocracy. And, he’s still at it and if the democrats DON’T point out the TRUTH about what has happened, and if the Justice Department fails to hold him accountable for his ILLEGAL attempt to overthrow our recent election, we are destined to LOSE our republic to a fascist overthrow – from within. The DISASTERS facing our nation right now continue to be on multiple fronts. Covid, failing and obsolete infrastructure, a recovering economy – all of this possibly causing “we the people” to take our focus off the right wing attempt to turn our nation into a right wing autocracy. Stay tuned!!!

I’m old, it takes me a few days to finish my thoughts. So, today the Covid “totals” of NEW infections in America was OVER 130,000 – one day after what I just said above – and the DEATHS were over 750 – and, that’s with SEVERAL states controlled by republicans NOT reporting actual numbers. One of those states is South Dakota where the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is happening once again, this year with over 700.000 visitors. Guess what is going to happen next!? God help us!

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