Want to place BLAME on the “messy withdrawal” from Afghanistan? Blame Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and the “neo-cons” who wanted Iraq’s oil!

I did not risk my life in Viet Nam ONLY because my left knee, which got, essentially, ruined during a High School football game made me undesirable for the Marine Corps – of which I enlisted (in the Marine PLC) in 1967 – when the doctor who checked me out as I was headed for boot camp in Quantico, Virginia said, “Son, if the Red Chinese were marching down Broadway (in Portland, Oregon) we wouldn’t take you and I walked out of that meeting with an “honorable discharge from the U.S. Marine Corp.” At this point in time I have no idea what happened to that piece of paper, but what I will NEVER forget is how I came to understand Viet Nam was a prime example of America’s leaders LYING “we the people” into “unwinnable” “wars” and refusing, right up to the disgraceful exit to admit the war was a mistake. I believe there are still those who believe we should have stayed. Yikes!

So, if you’re new to my little diary in cyberspace, I started writing after the Bush/Cheney regime invaded Iraq and turned Afghanistan into the false reason for doing so (Actually, vice versa). I started this “blog” (if that’s what it is) toward the end of the Bush/Cheney “era” after beginning my effort to READ as many books as I could giving the actual TRUTH about what was happening in the TWO invasions which, to me, were like “deja vu all over again” – as if our “leaders” learned NOTHING after Viet Nam. And, neither George W Bush nor Dick Cheney had an excuse because they lived through the Viet Nam FIASCO just as I did (Although, neither served – well, GW managed to avoid service through his “Daddy’s” political connections putting him into a Reserve Unit which he failed to attend – but, that’s a story for another day). I was a High School Senior at the time of the Gulf of Tonkin “resolution” which was LBJ’s mechanism for LYING “we the people” into what turned out to be such a DISASTER – both for our nation, our troops, and the Vietnamese (and Cambodian) people.

The invasion of Afghanistan, arguably to catch Osama bin Laden and render Al Qaeda “out of business” after “9/11,” turned out to be part of the justification used by Bush/Cheney for their ILL-ADVISED invasion of Iraq. What MOST Americans – at least the ones I know who I’ve talked to about this – don’t understand is Osama bin Laden (and his “troops”) were cornered at a place called “Tora Bora” within a short while after the U.S. entered Afghanistan back in 2001. Astonishingly, the U.S. troops/ partners (Afghani’s mostly, I believe, from the “Northern Alliance”) were ordered to evacuate bin Laden and his “troops” to Pakistan via an airlift the U.S. agreed to with Pakistan to get their (Pakistan’s) “fighters” out of Afghanistan. They (Bush/Cheney) wanted the “war” in Afghanistan to continue so they could LIE about Al Qaeda being embedded in Iraq. Capturing bin Laden would have removed the Bush/Cheney rationale for invading Iraq. (Along with claiming Saddam Hussein had “weapons of mass destruction.”)

I can’t remember the name of the first book I read on Afghanistan, but, in summary, it focused on the INCOMPETENCE of the American “adventure” there and that book was written within a couple years of the beginning of this American FAILURE. The numbers of Afghani’s and Iraqi’s who were either KILLED or dislodged from their homes during the past 20+ years is UNTHINKABLE – but, here in America, we NEVER seem to hear about what this “colonial adventurism” has done to those countries – what we hear about is the terrible DAMAGE to our own troops (understandable, but for how many years was this going to go on?)

Coincidentally, I have to say as I was driving home today and listening to my XM radio – the “news” was full of people attempting to BLAME Joe Biden for a situation which has, predictably, become very chaotic. Biden is resolute in bringing our troops home and HOPEFULLY, he’ll manage to get as many Afghans who are in danger for helping American troops out as well. But, what I was listening to today on the radio, some of it from Vets who I’ve been financially supporting for the past several years (when I’m able), had me YELLING at my radio.

I’m fine with former troops who want to get interpreters and other Afghans who SHOULD be relocated to America – at least out of Afghanistan – but, what seems to be the American “way” of BLAMING Joe Biden f0r what is happening ,to me, is disgusting. Personally, I APPLAUD Biden for having the GUTS to do this knowing he was going to be getting “HEAT” from all sides – including from places like former members of individual 1’s administration – who still haven’t learned “don’t throw rocks out of a glass house.” While I agreed with individual 1’s desire to get America out of Afghanistan, the bottom line is, as usual, not with the process. They “set the table” for what has happened in the previous few weeks.

Most people don’t remember individual 1 actually wanted to bring the leaders of the Taliban to Camp David – which somehow he was talked out of – and that his administration and members of his administration met personally in Afghanistan and made an agreement which, in essence, FORCED Biden’s hand. Today I listened to Richard Engel in a very emotional diatribe about all the people in Afghanistan who are in danger because of the Taliban takeover – which, was, basically, set in motion last year via the agreement made with individual 1’s administration. The drawdown of American troops from around 10 to 12,000 down to 2500 at the time President Biden took over gave Biden two options: Get out or create another “surge.” Anyone who’s been listening at all to Biden knows he’s been in favor of getting our troops out for years and, another “surge” just wasn’t going to happen.

And, plllllease, the recriminations coming from former members of individual 1’s administration, including Mike Pompeo, who was key in negotiating with the same people he’s now calling “butchers,” as usual, makes me want to gag. I can only hope, in my lifetime, to see the day when the American people who frequent media outlets like Fox “news,” “Newsmax,” and the others will tire of the relentless barrage of LIES coming their way – at some point in time. And, I have to say, I’m not that much impressed with MSNBC, which, when I can stomach “news,” is where I go. All I’ve been able to think this past week when I tune in to ANYWHERE is “do you believe we should stay in Afghanistan, well, FOREVER? Getting out was bound to be MESSY. By the time Biden took over, the U.S. was, in essence, “occupying” Kabul. The Taliban were already moving on the rest of the country. We COULDN’T remain there with 2500 troops, period, full stop.

I believe President Biden was EXACTLY correct when he said we shouldn’t be fighting in a country where their troops aren’t willing to fight for themselves. The bottom line to me is how can “we the people” support keeping thousands of troops in Afghanistan indefinitely – which, when you listen to people like Engel and others in our “liberal media” complaining about “the way we’re withdrawing” with nary a word about how it really came about with the Taliban taking over the country without firing a shot. The Afghan troops simply threw down their weapons. In fact, as I already pointed out, there are reports the Taliban were negotiating with various “war lords” ever since the agreement made by the “other guy” early in 2020. This was all predictable – just not that Kabul would fall in a matter of a couple days – with virtually no fighting. but that it would “fall.” Obviously, “we the people” don’t understand the Afghan culture. (And, in that I include myself)

Yes, there’s the issue with the women and girls. I would think that would be enough for the “men” to use the arms and training they had from the Americans for the previous 20+ years to put up a fight. What will be interesting will be how the Taliban respond to about 6,000 American troops at the Kabul airport as they attempt to get the Afghans who wish to leave, along with all the diplomats, and other Americans flown out of the country. My guess is the Taliban will simply watch this happen, BUT if they choose to instigate a conflict I believe they’ll find something far different from the Afghan troops who simply laid down their (formerly ours now the Taliban’s) guns. I believe the Americans will respond aggressively to any challenge coming from Taliban fighters.

Remember, it only took American troops a matter of weeks to rout them out of the country back in the early 21st century. I guess my point in all of this is the American media seems to be always on the prowl for sensationalism – and, in this we have “bipartisanship.” Look, the date of our withdrawal has been no secret since the early days of Biden’s administration – in fact, he originally said by “9/11.” While I “get” there are bureaucratic issues for the Afghani’s who want out – all these members of the military who are now flooding the airwaves with their “angst” about those Afghani’s who helped Americans and might be left behind, why did they wait until now to make this an issue? They’ve had a YEAR and a HALF!

I remember Viet Nam and I just don’t believe there’s a way to exit a “war” you should NEVER have been in, one that has ALWAYS been “unwinnable,” without it being “messy.” Yes, individual 1, Mike Pompeo, and others made it more difficult but I don’t blame them either. It was going to be MESSY – chaotic – however you want to characterize it. And, trust me, just as, I presume, those who didn’t agree with individual 1 would have been “clamoring” about the withdrawal had he been smart enough to actually “win” an election, it’s no surprise to me listening to our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president, along with Pompeo and others, attempting to put ALL the blame on Biden and NONE of it on themselves. That’s America’s politics anymore. If you remember, up until just a few years ago, the “norm” in America was that “politics” stopped at the “water’s edge.” (Meaning our borders, if you’re too young :o)

The use of media which has no accountability for reporting via FACTS along with Social Media (disclaimer, I don’t use “Social Media” – unless this would be “Social Media”) which has been weaponized via the strategies of our worst adversaries – and, yes, I’m talking about the Russians and their “active measures” campaign intended to drive “wedges” (i.e. “wedge issues”) between Americans – and politicians who’ve adopted their assault on our nation and are spewing their actual “talking points” – is, to me, the “root” cause of the destabilization of America which is happening in “real time.”

And, the so-called “liberal media” – if there is such a thing – in my view, got sucked in to the “Blame Game” regarding the withdrawal from Afghanistan with little attempt at rational thought. Even someone like Richard Engel, who I’ve always respected, seems to me to be way over the edge emotionally when reporting on this “chaotic withdrawal.” I mean, what on earth did he expect?

Do I feel badly for the women of Afghanistan who are devastated by the return of the Taliban to power? Absolutely! However, again, how long would it take to create an “army” from the Afghan people willing to FIGHT the Taliban to protect their women? My guess is, if 20 years wasn’t enough, then 30 years wouldn’t be either. And, does Engel or any others in our “liberal media” really believe there was an “unmessy” way to get out? Especially, considering the agreement made between the Taliban and individual 1 in February of 2020. Really, when you get right down to it, if anyone’s to BLAME for how messy this is turning out, in my view, it’s George W Bush, Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld and the so-called “neo-cons” who were “hell bent” on invading Iraq when they took office in 2001 and used the “intrusion” into Afghanistan, ostensibly to get bin Laden, as their “mechanism” to achieve their ultimate goal. (Iraq’s oil)

Final Thought: Just recently I was in a rural area close to the Southern Oregon Coast visiting a couple who build guitars (classical and flamenco). They are wonderful, HONEST people – I had taken an instrument they built for me back in 1973 to be repaired a few months ago and was now picking it up. Before leaving I went into their home to say goodbye and, sure enough, on a big screen TV there was Fox “news” and, of course, without thinking I said something along the lines of “you shouldn’t be watching that.”

Well, I’ve got enough experience in life to fully understand that was a “non starter.” Suddenly, the conversation became very defensive and, then (at least to me) offensive. Unsurprisingly, as I now think about it, the Joe Biden attacks started – two aneurisms, screwing up Afghanistan, and not actually being the president. I was a bit shocked, but I shouldn’t have been. I know many other “Fox viewers” and the end result is always the same – don’t talk about politics with them – which, by the way, was not my intention – I just thought it was good advice :o). The saddest part in all of what was a very short dialogue was the reason “Biden is screwing up Afghanistan” – it wasn’t because he can’t get the Afghani interpreters and other helpers of Americans out, but that he might! I wasn’t going to get into any kind of “discussion” so I just said my goodbyes and headed home with my 48 year old instrument. It just grieved me to witness (once again) what Fox has done to so many fine unsuspecting Americans. (I’m sure if you suggested their opinion on the Afghans was “racist” they’d say, “who me?”)

I knew these people 50 years ago and would have completely lost touch except for my desire to have them repair the instrument they originally built for me in the early seventies. Nowadays, any kind of dialogue beyond the guitar seems impossible. And, sadly, some of what has become (what appears to me) their “core beliefs” would be what you hear on Tucker Carlson’s program on a nightly basis. I was very sad on my way home! (And, oh, by the way, if you don’t “get it” – America has ALWAYS been a “nation of immigrants” – no matter what Tucker says! Very likely, somewhere in your family tree you are an immigrant)

Oh yes! Because I didn’t want to “go there” I said NOTHING about the aneurisms – The husband who is 79 years old and was the one who brought up the aneurisms as if that FACT renders Biden incapable of thought and, therefore, being president – I didn’t, but should have, pointed out the “brain surgery” relating to the “aneurisms” took place in 1988. That FACT would likely have made little, if any, difference to his thinking. But, whatever!

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