I would encourage the so-called “liberal media” to stop being obsessed with being “fair and balanced” and begin calling out Trump and his surrogates when they lie

I keep trying to watch the “news” – and, of course, if you’ve been on this site much you know that I have a strong interest in politics (that’s all I write about), AND about the only “news” I can stomach is MSNBC.  And, if you’ve watched much of MSNBC in the past year it’s pretty much Trump and little else (including in the campaign last year).  So, I get the views of “experts” on “both sides of the isle” pretty much every time I tune in relating to Trump and, not much else.  Lately, of course, the subject has been “did he or didn’t he” – meaning did Trump and his surrogates “collude” with the Russians who were attempting to make sure either Trump would become president, or more likely, that they could contribute to the undermining of Hillary Clinton had she won as everyone (including Trump) expected.  To me, it’s continuing to be INTERESTING to say the least.

I’ve pointed out (repeatedly) a few points that I believe need to be reiterated virtually every time this subject is “broached.”  First, when Trump’s lips are moving it is likely he is lying.  I believe him to be a pathological liar – meaning, he believes his own lies are the truth as they come out of his lips.  Secondly, his top surrogates – meaning Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, and Kellyanne Conway have direct ties to the White Nationalist movement that is growing worldwide.  Conway was seen “tweeting” to a person who’s “handle” said, right up front, “White Nationalist,” Miller was giving the White Nationalist hand signal (presumably to reassure the “base”) as he was being interviewed on one of the Sunday “news” programs on TV – I believe it was “Face the Nation.”  And Bannon, well – he has been at the forefront of the White Nationalist movement as the editor of Breitbart “news” – which was one of the originators of so-called “fake news” – which Trump, in all his projectionist glory is attributing to the “mainstream media” who are investigating his administration.  (And, Lord knows there’s much to be investigated ALREADY)

That all being said, what has struck me as completely interesting – and, somewhat depressing at the same time – are the number of republican “hacks” (pundits), many of whom were part of the “never Trump” movement, who are lining up to propagate the lying of Trump and his close surrogates.  This morning the new lie is that Trump “inherited a mess,” and he’s going to create MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of jobs to “get the economy moving again.  The first thought that came to my mind when I heard that was – well, yes I’m sure the economy could grow a bit faster – BUT, it was President Obama who inherited the MESS.  Evidently Trump was too busy pushing the “birther” crap to remember that when President Obama took office the economy was shedding jobs at almost one MILLION per month.  By comparing Obama’s first month and a half in office with Trumps – well, by now President Obama had a “stimulus bill” signed into law that helped to prevent our economy from going into another “Great Depression.”  Essentially, at this point all Trump has done is sign a bunch of “executive orders” that have reaffirmed the fears of those who didn’t vote for him that he’s a tyrant.  The damage (or help) to the economy by Trump and his regulation cutting cohorts remains to be seen.  Remember, his first year in office will have an economy operating on the Obama agenda.  This time next year, we’ll be able to have a better discussion as to what effect Trump’s “plan” (if there is one) will have on the economy.  My point here is that the surrogates – even those who didn’t support him in the election are willing to spew the lies.

Of course, as of right now, for most Americans the economy is secondary to a couple other issues.  People on “both sides of the isle” – or, better put,  most people – want to know how much influence the Russians really did have on the election AND how much collusion was there between Trump and his “representatives” and the Russian intelligence community.  We KNOW there was at least some “collusion” OR Michael Flynn would still be Trump’s national security advisor.  People want to know how much collusion there was – was it just promising to remove sanctions when Flynn talked to the Russian ambassador in December (the same day President Obama imposed sanctions for their intrusion into our election process) or was there MORE?  Americans also want to see Trump’s tax returns to see how much he’s “invested” in places that are connected to Russia and Vladimir Putin – who Trump seems to view as the world’s greatest leader (aside from himself, of course)  In my mind, if there was “nothing there” – in the words of Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary – the Trump camp would be encouraging a bi-partisan open investigation to get this issue behind them as soon as possible.  Considering the level of “untruths” coming from all directions out of the White House since Trump moved in, nothing less will calm the “waters.”  If Spicer, Trump, and the other surrogates think this is just going to “go away” – I believe they’re fooling themselves.  (I was around during Watergate – and, this seem much more serious, potentially, to me)

The other issue that has the hair standing up on the backs of many Americans is the so-called “repeal and replacement of the ACA” – usually referred to as “Obamacare.”  Republicans spent 6+ years attempting to repeal it (something like 50 times) and NEVER attempting to FIX it.  I don’t know anyone who believes “Obamacare” is the total solution to America’s out of control health crisis – but, a majority feel it was a step in the right direction.  Now, the republicans have the opportunity to do what they should have done years ago and FIX the ACA so that it reaches more people and, whatever the problems with it (I’m obviously not an expert on health care) they try to improve.  The ultimate goal SHOULD be some form of a national health care – single payer type – solution so that, in the words of Bernie Sanders health care becomes a “RIGHT” and not, as it is now, a privilege.  Republicans are going to “own” whatever they do to the ACA and, from what I’ve heard, they can’t even agree amongst themselves on what to replace it with.  I can pretty much assure you that the replacement will make the problem worse instead of better based on what I’ve been able to “glean” from listening to early reports from Paul Ryan and others.  The 2018 election should be very interesting.

While most of us are tuned in eagerly to find out about the Russian issue and the “Obamacare” circus, I’ve been watching Ryan and Mich McConnell to see how they’re dealing with all this.  If you’ve read any of my previous posts I predicted that there will become a point in time where the republican leadership tires of Trump’s folly and they find a way to create Mike Pense as the 46th president.  I firmly believe he’s much more palatable to them than Trump.  However, they’ve made what could be considered a “deal with the devil” and they are now reliant on the Trump “base” which includes the hard right “White Nationalist” group.  So, they will have to tread lightly and find a good reason before they move against Trump.  However, I watched Ryan and McConnell in an impromptu news conference the other day (I believe both of them are trying as hard as they can to stay out of the “spotlight”) and they looked like two kids in a candy store.  They had just left a meeting with Trump and you could tell, by – as I used to teach my 6th graders – reading between the lines, that they were excited to have someone in the White House who will sign the legislation they’ve been pushing for years but couldn’t get past President Obama’s veto pen.

For example, TAX CUTS.  Let me try to find a polite way to say what the main agenda is for Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell.  It’s TAX CUTS.  And, guess  which way the tax cuts will be aimed – toward the top, or the bottom????  Yes, you’re correct, that was a stupid question.  For starters, the repeal of “Obamacare” will give the top one or two percent of Americans something like 380 BILLION dollars over the next ten years.  (you’re right, that’s a lot of money) But, that’s not all – it’s just the beginning.  They’ve got plans for another GW Bush/Cheney tax cut that will put BILLIONS more in the pockets of those who so generously finance their campaigns.  As Trump himself said, when he gives money to politicians he expects a return on his investment.  Think of the Koch brothers – who’ve “invested” maybe more than a BILLION dollars just since the day Citizens United was decided by the Supreme Court making it MUCH easier for America’s wealthy elite to buy congresspersons.  For example, I’m confident that if you check the donors list (those who’ve been identified) for just Ryan and McConnell you’ll find massive amounts of oil and coal money.  (Right now, I’m guessing Ryan is getting a lot of health insurance and pharmaceutical money “invested” in his campaigns as he tries for find an alternative for the ACA – remember, OVER a BILLION dollars was “invested” in the original bill – mainly from health insurers and “big pharma”)

Of course, Ryan and McConnell also are leading the charge to deregulate, and where possible, disassemble entire government agencies that prevent their benefactors from making even larger profits.  The EPA is in danger, the education department, the Food and Drug administration, the Consumer Protection agency (over Elizabeth Warren’s “dead body” as the saying goes), and who knows what else is in the cross hairs.  We know republicans want to defund Planned Parenthood where women get low (to no) cost health care, and the list goes on and on.  They now have a president who will obligingly sign whatever they can get through the last roadblock for us “liberals” and that is the democratic Senate.  However, there are several democratic senators (like Joe Mansion who first comes to mind) who live in states won by Trump and are apparently willing to vote like a republican.  So, the 60 vote barrier could be reached on some consequential legislation that will turn back the clock many years.  Time will tell, and, again, the 2018 election should be interesting.  (Taking Mansion and West Virginia for example, one “success” of the early Trump administration was allowing coal companies to again dump their waste into rivers and streams.  I, personally, was conceived in West Virginia and I have to wonder are there no “liberals” there?  The coal industry is virtually devastating huge segments of the beautiful mountains in West Virginia and surely there will become a time of remorse for allowing this to happen – I just have to wonder if anyone there cares enough to speak out?  We should no longer be relying on coal for our energy in the first place – there’s too many better options, but dumping the waste in rivers????)

My point here is that “we the people” need to be busy watching our “fronts” and our “backs” as the Trump administration moves ahead.  While many people like me will get caught up wondering how much collusion there was in the election (I mean, the fundamental premise of our nation is at stake on that one – if Trump and his surrogates colluded with the Russians, in my view, they’ve “got to go”) there’s a lot going on behind the scenes and much damage could be done if we’re not paying attention there as well.  Furthermore, people need to be encouraged to get their butts to the polls whenever there’s a chance to start the process of voting these people out of office – and, I’m talking about anyone who’s in office and is cooperating with the “white nationalists” in the White House.  I would encourage the so-called “liberal media” to stop being obsessed with being “fair and balanced” and begin calling out the surrogates when they lie – as happened (again) today on MSNBC. I read the other day that in Trump’s “successful” address to Congress – considered a success because he proved he can read a teleprompter – he LIED 51 times.  So, the headline wasn’t the lies (evidently, that’s just a given now) but the tone.  This is leading us to a bad place!

In essence, via obstruction, republicans managed to gain control of all three branches of government (once Trump’s SCOTUS nominee is confirmed) and have convinced Americans that government is “broken.”  So, now it’s up to them to FIX it.  The early returns, as I watch the Trump administration in action are a bit scary.  And, the damage the republicans (ie Ryan and McConnell) can do “behind the scenes” could take a generation to recover from.  It’s up to “we the people” to stop this takeover of our government.  There’s no doubt going to be significant “damage” done by 2018, but Americans – many of whom are presently in the streets protesting – will have the opportunity in 2018 to stop this “right here, right now.”  I don’t have much confidence in the democrats, but they are the only hope for those of us who don’t want America to be Russia’s buddy and an authoritarian state.  Should be interesting and, remember, while we’re all focused on the folly of Trump and his associates, keep a watch on what the republicans in Congress are up to – the damage they can do will likely be much more difficult to “fix.”

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