The future of America, at this point, is dependent on the media continuing to uncover the TRUTH about Trump and his campaign.

I spent most of my career teaching Middle School and, in the process, you get a good lesson in learning to tell when someone’s LYING.  In fact, for years in the administration’s office (where they deal with “naughty” students) there was a poster which read: “Tell the truth, there’s less to remember.”  The other day, when Donald Trump was giving a bizarre news conference I couldn’t help but be reminded of that saying – actually, MULTIPLE times.  I mean, he started off with an astonishing claim – that he won a landslide “electoral college” victory – the largest since Ronald Reagan.  Of course, that was completely untrue – even I knew that without checking – in fact, the ONLY president to get a smaller “victory” was GW Bush – who relied on the Supreme Court to get 271 electoral votes back in 2000.  For some reason, (I think both you and I know the answer to that thought) Trump continues to talk about the electoral college “victory” as if it’s a mandate, despite the FACT he called it (the electoral college) “a disaster for democracy” back in 2012 after President Obama defeated Mitt Romney.  Fortunately, a reporter “called” Trump on the LIE he began his news conference with – but, there was plenty more to come.  (Trump failed to mention that Hillary Clinton got almost 3 MILLION more votes nationwide than him – I wonder why? Honestly, he still seems to be struggling with that FACT)

Later in the news conference Trump, as he was attempting to intimidate the “media” said he no longer watches CNN.  “They are too dishonest.”  (Talk about “the pot calling the kettle black”)  Of course, later in the conference he actually called on and had a diatribe with a reporter from CNN – during which he said, “I watch you every night.”  I wanted to say, “OK, which is it?  Either you watch them or you don’t.”  I could picture Trump in the principal’s office trying to get out of some kind of trouble that had no way out.  Later in the “session” Trump was looking for a “friendly” reporter and called on a reporter from, I believe, a Jewish network (or publication).  The reporter brought up the increase in anti-Semitic violence since Trump took office – specifically and carefully trying to avoid connecting it with Trump himself – which I thought was a kind gesture on the reporter’s part.  Of course, Trump took it very defensively and then made a couple remarkable comments that NO ONE, that I saw, who were reporting on the news conference picked up on.  (I guess, even though Trump is surrounded by anti-Semitic racists the subject is too sensitive for our “liberal media”)  Trump told the guy to sit down, and said – first – that he was offended and then said – and, I’m not kidding, “I’m the LEAST anti-Semitic person AND I’m the LEAST racist person.”  I wasn’t sure who Trump was comparing himself to – Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway, and Stephen Miller were sitting right in front of him – maybe he was comparing himself to them.  He’s “less” racist and anti-Semitic than his top advisers.  Well, for all I know he could be telling the truth on that one.

However, I had to wonder, why didn’t he say “I’m not anti-Semitic or racist?”  Of course, saying that would have brought another trip to the principal’s office.  I can’t say I’ve heard – or that I can remember hearing – Trump make an anti-Semitic comment, but to call himself the “least racist?”  Again, I’m not sure who he’s comparing himself to – we know where many of his strongest supporters stand (If you’re not sure, research Breitbart and the “alt right”) – but to PUBLICLY lead the so-called “birther” movement against President Barack Obama speaks volumes about Trump as a racist.  Of course, you could also read about the Justice department actions against Trump and his father regarding their unwillingness to rent properties to African Americans.  None of that is conjecture – it’s FACT!  To me, it’s just further example of a pathological liar – in his mind, if he says it, it must be true.  But, again, maybe he was comparing his racism to, say, Bannon – and maybe he is “least racist” in that sense – I’m not sure.

If you were unlucky enough to have to listen to one of Trump’s top political advisors – Stephen Miller – on a recent tour of the “Sunday morning talk shows” on television – you would get a good look at the mindset that permeates Trump’s administration.  Miller said, on one occasion, “our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”  That wasn’t all.  He also added, when defending Trump’s RIDICULOUS claim that 3 – 5 MILLION Illegal aliens ALL voted for Hillary Clinton to explain why she won the popular vote by nearly 3 MILLION votes, “I’m prepared to go on any show, anywhere, anytime, and say the president of the United States is correct 100 percent.”  If you’ve studied authoritarian regimes in history, this group should have your attention.

Miller, Kellyanne Conway, and Steve Bannon all come from the world of Breitbart.  That’s the home of the White Nationalist movement – and, even it Trump doesn’t understand this group’s foundation is RACISM, well, that’s on him.  I wrote the other day about Kellyanne Conway sitting at a press briefing given by Trump stooge Sean Spicer right in line with one of the cameras (to Spicer’s left).  Conway was busy texting (or something that looked to me like texting – I don’t do Twitter, Facebook, etc.) and just as she was writing a response – under her “hashtag” or whatever you call it on Twitter – showed up a response to a congratulatory “tweet” (I hope that’s the right word) from one of her admirers – who’s “Twitter handle” (again, I’m guessing for the right terminology) gave a clear connection to White Nationalists and was titled “Lib Hypocrisy.”  Here’s an explanation of the symbolism on Lib Hypocrisy’s handle:  “Lib Hypocrisy’s Twitter handle features the green face of Pepe the Frog, a well-known symbol of the white nationalist movement. The related account bio lists the hashtags #WhiteIdentity, #Nationalist and #GeertWilders, a reference to the virulently anti-Muslim Dutch politician.”  Conway nevertheless retweeted Lib Hypocrisy’s message and wrote, “Love you back.” She also wished her “hapless haters” a happy Valentine’s Day.  (This info thanks to the Huffington Post) Trump and his top surrogates will claim to be “the least racist” – but, the evidence clearly says …………. “back to the principal’s office.”

Understand this, however; Trump is working in the classical form of a true tyrant.  And, Steve Bannon is the perfect “silent partner” in pushing their agenda.  Of course, the republican party – I’ve been writing about them for years – are the perfect enablers to allow Trump to create damage to this great nation that could take generations to reverse because while we’re all worked up about Trump they’re busy dismantling every New Deal remnant they can get their hands on.  I’ve heard it said that Bannon believes that – evidently by using the voter suppression tools, the Big Lie Theory of Joseph Goebbels, the intimidation of the press, and the ability to dismantle important regulatory parts of government – keeping a “base” of 40% is enough for the so-called “permanent republican ‘majority.'”  I’ve written about this ad nauseum, but I don’t think the original architects – like Karl Rove – envisioned Trump in the White House portion of their “plan.”  That’s where I sometimes think that “we the people” are better off just enduring Trump for one term rather than the impeached alternative – because, I believe the conservatives behind the “plan” would much prefer Mike Pense as president.  But, the reality is that, in my mind, Trump MUST be opposed at EVERY opportunity.  The sooner he’s out of office the better for “we the people.”

I’m already seeing signs that the “media” is weakening – getting tired of the EVERY day drama that’s going to be “life under Trump.”  He will continue BASHING the media and “we the people” will continue to depend on them to keep “investigating” what is really going on.  The only TV “media” I can stomach is an occasional viewing of MSNBC – plus I have it on my car radio.  Commentators like Chuck Todd, Chris Matthews, Steve Kornaki, to name three that come right to my mind, appear to be looking for ways to “get along” with Trump and his surrogates.  In one moment they’re calling the LIES out as they should, and the next moment they’re looking for a way to make sense out of something that makes no sense at all and is provably FALSE.  Matthews is the most discouraging to me because I know he was a staffer for Tip O’Neil and Jimmy Carter – he should know better.  Todd has been getting “used” by republicans for as long as I can remember watching him.  I will probably never forget him interviewing Allison Lundergan Grimes who was running against Mitch McConnell – the person filibustering EVERY position of Barack Obama in his attempt to make sure Obama failed – and saying she was “disqualified” because she wouldn’t share with him who she voted for in the previous presidential election – yes, you’re right – in his mind she was disqualified for protecting her right to a secret ballot.  Of course, he said NOTHING regarding McConnell’s OBSTRUCTION of President Obama – evidently, in his mind, that was not disqualifying. Todd’s remarks ultimately ended up being the focal point of the McConnell advertising campaign that brought him through a tough election – which was potentially winnable for his opponent.  These guys are going to give in to Trump – I can feel it coming.

Many in the media, including those I just mentioned, apparently have accepted that ALL politicians are liars.  While I don’t agree with that (although I do believe we’ve all lied at some point in our lives) to the point where it can be stereotyped – the “level” of LYING coming from Trump and those he’s surrounded himself with is staggering.  There’s a difference between “spinning” and pathologically LYING. The whole world is watching and wondering what on earth is going on in America.  “We the people” MUST continue with what’s being termed the “Resistance” for as long as Trump is in the White House and we MUST be adamant that the democratic party come home to her roots and show a readiness to FIGHT for what I’ve termed the “heart and soul” of this nation.  I believe one thing that Trump’s election has done is “wake up” MILLIONS of apathetic Americans who’ve been taking their privileges for granted (and, right now I’m not talking about “White privilege” – which is what Trump and his followers are determined will continue)  Traditional privileges like Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, the right to join a union, food stamps, unemployment insurance, clean air, clean water, safe food and drugs, and I could go on and on all hangs in the balance.  Much of this will be – at least temporarily – going away.  The wealthy in America are in line for another big boost to their “bottom lines” and, if “we the people” don’t persevere and get our collective BUTTS to the polls – and, I’m talking now about 2018 – this will continue getting worse.

Step one is throwing republicans out of control of the congress.  I don’t care if states are considered “blue or red,” the democrats need to be active in EVERY state where there’s an election and they need to find and support good YOUNG progressive candidates who can make the case for working people all across this land.  The first and most effective way to “stop Trump” is to start voting republicans out of office en masse.  The next step is to find good YOUNG candidates who would be willing to go through the GRIND of running for president in 2020.  Whether it’s Trump or Pense in 2020, the damage done in these four years will need to be “fixed” sooner rather than later.  Even my granddaughter (a sixth grader) is scared and wondering how someone like Trump could even get elected.  Kids her age know about the Access Hollywood tapes and the LYING and they’re wondering how there could be enough adults in America to vote someone like this into office.

At some point we are likely to have much more information as to why Trump should never have been elected president – like maybe he’ll be forced to disclose his tax returns, maybe the so-called “dossier” from Russia that no one’s talking about anymore – and, that I believe is true and is out there on video – will show up, maybe we’ll find out the true amount of collusion between Trump’s campaign staff and the Russians who were hacking the Democratic National Committee, maybe Trump will end up in court facing the numerous women who claimed he sexually assaulted them, or who knows what else.  (I’ve heard that Trump is facing something close to 100 lawsuits) In my mind, it shouldn’t take any of that – the LYING coming from the Trump White House is enough for me to believe he should never have had the privilege to move in there.  He’s called the media “the enemy of the American people.”  Of course, the purpose of that is to get them to stop “snooping” on all these issues.  The future of America, at this point, is dependent on the media continuing to uncover the TRUTH about Trump and his campaign.  He will continue to LIE and attempt to BULLY them so that, as his surrogate Miller stated,  he’s “unquestioned.”  If we EVER get to that point, God help us!

2 thoughts on “The future of America, at this point, is dependent on the media continuing to uncover the TRUTH about Trump and his campaign.

  1. Cpacific

    Gee Wiz… Talk about fact checking… you might want to retract your comments about Trumps electoral college victory.
    — 1824 draw: Andrew Jackson, John Quincy Adams, William Crawford [a] 261 84 99 0.000 32.18%
    — 1800 draw: Thomas Jefferson, Aaron Burr [b] 138 73 65 0.000 52.90%
    56. 1876 Rutherford B. Hayes 369 185 184 0.003 50.14%
    55. 2000 George W. Bush 538 271 266 0.009 50.37%
    54. 1796 John Adams 138 71 68 0.029 51.45%
    53. 1916 Woodrow Wilson 531 277 254 0.043 52.17%
    52. 2004 George W. Bush 538 286 251 0.063 53.16%
    51. 1884 Grover Cleveland 401 219 182 0.092 54.61%
    50. 1976 Jimmy Carter 538 297 240 0.104 55.20%
    49. 1968 Richard Nixon 538 301 191 0.119 55.95%
    48. 1848 Zachary Taylor 290 163 127 0.124 56.21%
    47. 1960 John F. Kennedy 537 303 219 0.128 56.42%
    46. 2016 Donald Trump 538 304 227 0.130 56.50%

    Did you notice the name right before Donald Trump…. Oooo Ya, That would be John F. Kennedy.

    Talk about ideas. No more whinning.

    1. admin Post author

      Not sure what your point is here, other than to say you’re watching Fox “news” and logging in to Breitbart. No idea what you’re referring to. I believe I’ve acknowledged Trump won the electoral college – he also lost the general election by almost 3 MILLION votes. Not sure if anyone’s every accomplished that before. But, of course, we’ve (as far as I know) never had the Russians and the FBI attempting to swing American elections before.

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