I don’t know how much longer the republicans who control the Congress will be able to tolerate Trump as THEIR president.

I guess it was to be expected that Donald Trump would give people like me plenty to write about.  In fact, it’s coming so “fast and furious” it’s hard for me to focus my ADHD mind.  But, let’s just focus on something I saw Trump say today in reference to the court decisions that are putting (at least) a temporary halt on his attempt at being America’s first DICTATOR.  Trump made the comment that – after saying he didn’t want to accuse the court of being biased – that “courts these days are SO POLITICAL.”  I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in seeing the irony of that comment.  (Shortly after making that comment, there was another STUPID remark in reference to his Supreme Court nominees reported displeasure with his attacks on the judiciary – which I’ll get to later)

Maybe instead of using the word “irony” I should have said hypocrisy.  There’s been plenty of discussion (including on this site) of how Trump got himself elected.  There was the manipulation of the media, the Russian interference (which may have actually been coordinated with the Trump campaign staff – which, by the way, would be treasonous), The FBI – James Comey deciding to announce, 11 days prior to the election, that the Hillary Clinton “investigation” was re-opened, and there was the voter suppression tactics by republicans in several swing states that actually worked.  Any one of those “issues” may have swung the election.  However, by my estimate, a majority of Trump’s “base” was made up of right wing Christians who could care less who’s in the “Oval Office” if Roe v Wade can be reversed.  And, on this POLITICAL issue Trump promised a Supreme Court judge who would be committed to overturning that decision.  No matter your position on abortion, that is Trump suggesting he’s going to nominate a judge based on POLITICS.

Now, most “liberals” are going to fight Trump’s nomination of Neil Gorsuch as the replacement for Antonin Scalia – if for no other reason than the seat he’s been nominated for SHOULD be held by Merrick Garland. For POLITICAL reasons, the republicans refused to even meet with Judge Garland for almost en entire year.  Now, with Trump’s ill informed attacks on the court system, along with some incredibly STUPID surrogates (Stephen Miller comes to mind), I believe the republicans will have no choice but to get rid of the filibuster to get Gorsuch nominated. (Despite the FACT Gorsuch seemed a bit rational when he commented about Trump’s attacks on the court as being disheartening and demoralizing.  Those comments alone might get a few democrats to vote for him – but, I believe without 60 votes there will be an 8 person Supreme Court for at least 4 years.  So, it’s inevitable that Mitch McConnell will use the so-called “nuclear option” to get Gorsuch confirmed.  (The only caveat here is that McConnell may be getting nervous about the republicans’ ability to control the Senate based on they are now the party of Trump and he may want to keep that option for when he’s in the minority again)

I’ve pointed out several times on this site that Trump and many of his surrogates (mostly Kellyanne Conway) are LIARS.  In my mind, Trump is a pathological liar – as the lie is leaving his lips, he believes it is true.  I’m guessing that Trump has been LYING so long that it’s just a way of life for him.  Which brings up another IRONY involved with observing the MESS that is Trump’s administration.  He just fired Michael Flynn, his national security advisor, for – you guessed it – LYING.  To me this all would be comical if it wasn’t so serious.  Of course, Trump didn’t really fire Flynn for LYING, he fired him because the press found out he LIED to Vice President Pense (who, by the way, I’m predicting will be our 46th president within the next year).  Trump fired Flynn because he pretty much had to in his attempt to shield the TRUTH about the involvement with his campaign and the Russian attack on Hillary Clinton during the election.  This is ALL going to get very interesting.

And, speaking of Kellyanne Conway, she was seen sitting at the news briefing where Saturday Night Live star Sean Spicer was LYING about why Flynn “resigned” texting to, who else, but someone who’s “Twitter feed” shows an allegiance to the White Supremacist movement.  Of course, afterward – after being “outed”- Conway did what she usually does – she LIED.  Only this time it was to cover up her own actions instead of Trump’s.  Someone must have “hacked” into her Twitter account and sent the message – at exactly the same time she was seen sending a message during Spicer’s attempt to calm everyone down about Flynn’s “resignation.”  Now, this should surprise no one because Conway came into the Trump campaign with Steve Bannon straight from Brietbart which is the “home” of the White Supremacist movement in America.  The only surprise I have each time stuff like this comes up is that our “liberal media” seems to be “missing in action” as far as reporting it to the general public.  Despite the implication of people of this “bent” in positions of the highest power in this nation our “liberal media” seems to be willing to “go along to get along.”

That would bring me back to the aforementioned Stephen Miller – who’s pretty much been identified as a “whack job” every step along the way.  If you missed it, he made the rounds on the “Sunday news” shows last week and, depending on your perspective – either told it like it is, OR showed the reality of what I’ve been writing about for the past year – as Trump became a “possibility” in the republican primary process.  Miller, as with Bannon and Conway, comes from the Brietbart “world.”  He’s only 31 years old but he talks as if he’s the impending RULER of the universe.  I’m not kidding, this dude was really full of himself.  (And, of course, Trump loved it)  The parts I saw of Miller were a little on the scary side if you believe that Trump is actually going to be able to advance his “plan.”  Miller made statements like: “Trump will not be questioned.”  He made other statements as ridiculous as that and Trump gave him a “Twitter” pat on the back.  That should get my previous references to the similarities of Trump’s campaign with that of a certain German back in the early thirties a bit more relevance.  Of course, the “facts” Miller used in his tirade against anyone who would even question the fuhrer er president, as with MOST of what comes from the White House, were LIES – gaining what the Washington Post “fact checkers” called a “bushel of Pinocchio’s.”

A quick aside:  The other day I saw the picture of Miller that was widely published after his tirade on the so-called “Sunday news shows” and he was giving the “white power” salute with his hands as he was talking to the reporter (being broadcast on national TV).  This is just more of the coded garbage that has been a part of the Trump campaign – mostly what I’ve picked up on is the coded language – and, I have to admit I had no idea what the “white power” hand signal was until it was shown to me in an article from Daily Kos.  They showed examples of two other White House staffers doing the same thing in the White House briefing room.  NO ONE in the “liberal media” is reporting on this stuff.

I don’t know how much longer the republicans who control the Congress will be able to tolerate Trump as THEIR president.  The world is wondering, “what the hell is going on in America?”  The American people who are watching are in the streets in virtually every city – and, each proclamation that Trump comes up with (if the public is informed) seems to result in massive protests.  And, it’s going to keep getting progressively worse.  First of all, Trump has no idea what he got himself into.  Secondly, the reality of what Trump, and probably more significantly Steve Bannon and Stephen Miller, wants is going to be FAR outside the “mainstream” in America.  And, say what you will about the “mainstream,” but politicians need to be operating in at least some segment of it.  The opposition is likely to grow and Trump’s “approval rating” is likely to continue falling.  Yes, the 30% of America who were attracted to Trump’s candidacy because he led the “Birther” movement, will stick with him high and dry.  That is the Brietbart side of America – which, until Trump got elected was considered a “fringe element.”  Many of the supporters of Brietbart are unapologetically RACISTS.

Trump has already committed impeachable offenses – that we know about and probably some we don’t yet know about – and, in my view, as each day passes, he’s on thinner and thinner “ice.”  The reality is that “true conservatives” in America have a much higher opinion of Mike Pense than they have of Trump.  I believe it’s just a matter of time before republicans start talking among themselves (if it’s not already happening) about the IMMENSE damage Trump is doing to their “brand.”  At that point the “scheming” as to how to get rid of him will begin to grow.  Remember, they are all about having power (obviously, they know not how to govern) and when they get to the point where they believe Trump is going to cause them to lose power it will be a short while until he’s impeached.  It’s going to happen!  (The TRUTH about the collusion with the Russians during the campaign will likely be the “last straw”)

So, that gets me to my final thought.  A person who commented on this site asked me to give ten things that should be done to make things better (Implying that I’m “whining”).  Of course, if you’ve read some of my previous posts you know there are at least ten that should be obvious – although the suggestions I made to President Obama obviously are “moot” at this point.  But, here’s at least a few (and, Trump could save his presidency by reading this and actually pushing for them – I’m not kidding): 1.) Instead of repealing the ACA, FIX IT.  Start by including the “public option” that was torpedoed by turncoat democrat Joe Lieberman. 2.) Push for an overhaul of our infrastructure with a “bent” toward clean energy – although, obviously, roads, dams, bridges, schools, government offices, and more need to be upgraded and/or repaired.  And, do this by encouraging union workers who are making a “living wage.” (require and independent bidding process for the projects) 3.) Improve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – first by extending the payroll tax for all earnings which would solve the present problem and lead to increases that would benefit millions of Seniors. (full disclosure, I’m a senior – but, we all get there if we’re lucky enough) and secondly, by laying the groundwork for a “medicare for all” future 4.) Reverse the recent decisions to allow the Keystone XL pipeline and the Dakota Access pipeline, each of which threatens the water supply of millions of Americans by allowing the DIRTIEST oil to pass through America’s heartland.  I really DON’T want to have to say “I told you so” on each of these dangerous projects – just check out the reality of the safety of these pipelines – they’re breaking all over the place.  The list of “accidents” is staggering) 5.) Actually create an advisory group to lead the way in rebuilding our inner cities in a way that will help minority communities become healthier.  And, this advisory group should be made up of the leaders of those communities.  Commit the resources to do this.  6.) Get rid of Betsy DeVos in the education department and appoint someone who believes in public education and local control (Yes, there needs to be federal guidelines regarding equal opportunity, but not the cumbersome system that has evolved since “no child left behind” left so many children “behind.” 7.) Actually commit the resources to our VA to deal with the reality that there’s MILLIONS of veterans who are not getting the care they need to deal with the aftermath of being sent into ridiculously STUPID wars.  I believe almost all veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan are likely to at least be suffering from PTSD.  8.) Pass comprehensive immigration reform that gives those who need it a “path to citizenship.”   I could go on, but hopefully, if that person shows up here again, this will do as a start.

7 thoughts on “I don’t know how much longer the republicans who control the Congress will be able to tolerate Trump as THEIR president.

  1. Cpacific

    I tried to find out about the 100+ sexual assault lawsuits you sited. Please tell me where I can read about these cases. It would be nice if you could make a list like that of Bill Cosby’s exploits.

    1. admin Post author

      Not sure where you got the “100+” figure from. I reread this post (quickly) and not sure I mentioned anything here. However, I have written that there are “numerous” women who claim that Trump sexually assaulted them (because he’s famous – which is apparently why they have filed charges against him) and I have pointed out that Trump himself (on the Access Hollywood tape – which I watched) admitted to what you could interpret as numerous sexual assaults on women – “because I’m famous” (his words). I have no idea what the number is – maybe you got “100+” from another source. I suppose it could be true, but what we KNOW is true is that Trump has sexually assaulted numerous women. This is really the classic example of why this is such a pervasive problem in our society. Any woman who comes forth and fights back will be “dragged through the mud” by Trump and his legal cronies. Most probably feel it’s not worth it. Of course, in the campaign he said he would “sue” every one of them – so far, another lie?

      1. Cpacific

        I was just quoting your post, “maybe Trump will end up in court facing the numerous women who claimed he sexually assaulted them, or who knows what else. (I’ve heard that Trump is facing something close to 100 lawsuits)”.

        That’s a pretty bold statement. Please give me 10 names of people who have made sexual assault charges against Trump. I’d like to do a little research for your readers.

        1. Cpacific

          Please refrain from including in the list you are compiling for me of women who Trump has sexually assaulted not those who have accused him publicly (In the Media), rather list specific Lawsuits that are on public files regarding his alleged criminal acts.

        2. admin Post author

          OK, I think I did (somewhere) mention the number 100 when mentioning Trump’s pending legal issues. If I wasn’t clear, not all of them have to do with his sexual impropriety. Here’s some of the evidence – for the outstanding cases prior to the election click here For the list of post election numbers click here Of course, some of these have to do with his attempted “Muslim ban” so they are connected to his duties in office. No idea what the lawsuits he was facing prior to the election – but, that’s where I got the number 100 – at the time I wrote that (prior to the “Muslim ban” that he claims isn’t a “Muslim ban”) I think there were about 30 new ones in the first couple of weeks. At least one of the lawsuits if for sexual assault (and, apparently, there could be more – 12 women were referenced in this article that you can read by clicking here) I guess you can continue defending this person who actually admitted to being a sexual predator, but I’m not able to do that – no matter how incompetent a politician he might be. Honestly, I’m surprised at what you choose to defend when it comes to Trump. He’s admitted to being a sexual predator and it’s not hard to prove he’s a liar. As a Christian I’m having a hard time accepting any of that.

  2. Cpacific

    Please send me the quote where Trump personally claims to be a sexual predator. However, if this is true, and he has personally confessed, why have federal and state authorities not arrested him?

    I suspect you are using hyperbole again fabricating fact by innuendo. BTW, I did read those articles. I’m also guessing that you are follow that crowd that convicts people in the press and not in court. Innocent until proven guilty….

    Here is the real truth of the matter:
    You believe that Trumps whole presidency is based on fraudulent activity.

    My Suggestion:
    You are an American citizen who has every right to bring suite against the president yourself. I suggest you collect your “facts” and begin filing lawsuits suite.

    1. admin Post author

      Actually, the quote was in one of the articles I referred to in your last post. If you failed to hear Trump on the Access Hollywood tape you’re one of the few Americans who hasn’t heard it. Maybe they didn’t report it on Fox and Breitbart. But, the “evidence” is irrefutable. If you’re like me and have daughters (or granddaughters) and/or you have great respect for women then it would be hard for me to understand how you can be OK with that. You asked earlier for “evidence” about the 100 lawsuits – I gave it to you. Part of that “evidence” referred to Trump’s boasting that he can grab women by their “p@#^*es” “because he’s famous.” Personally, I found that disgusting. So far, from what I’ve read, only one of the twelve women who came forward and said that’s what he did to them have actually filed a lawsuit. But, the reality is that what I’ve quoted comes from Trump’s own words. And, you’re right, I believe Trump’s presidency is based on FRAUDULENT activity – but, that has more to do with the Russians – which I’m sure we’ll be finding out much more as time goes by. Not sure about you, but I don’t want “leaders” who are beholden to Putin or any other part of the Russian Oligarchy. If that wasn’t a REAL issue, wouldn’t Trump be encouraging an open investigation to prove there’s “nothing there?” As I said in one of my posts – “tell the truth, there’s less to remember.” Trump and his surrogates are getting deeper and deeper in the quagmire as days go by. If you keep watching Fox you won’t hear much about all this – and, that’s your choice. But, I’m betting that MOST Americans DON’T want “leaders” who gained power via collaborating with America’s adversaries. That’s just me.

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