Regarding President Obama’s centrist approach, the only reasonable explanation for the republican reaction of “Hell No you can’t” is OVERT racism!

It’s spring break.  I spent a couple days away from everything – the news that is – and, when I came home I openend up my online edition of the NY Times to see an article about President Obama titled: “Obama to open Offshore areas to Oil Drilling for the first time.”  Now, this was no big surprise to me.  If you’ve been reading my thoughts of the past couple of years you know that I’m not one of the people claiming our president is a socialist, or anything of that ilk.  In fact, I’ve been lamenting that President Obama is much farther to the “right” than I had anticipated when choosing to support his bid for the presidency in 2008.  To me “The change we can believe in” was far different from what Obama was actually delivering.  Despite my age (which would qualify me for early social security benefits) I still have something of a memory left.  So, I can vividly remember some of the “promises” made during the 2008 campaign.  Of course, I’ve been around long enough to know what promises made in political campaigns mean – usually just words – but, that kind of leads me to my point.  Part of the “Change I could believe in” was a hope that the promises made were actually true.  I don’t want to “lambast” Obama here, that is not my point for this post, I just need to frame my thoughts for the evening, however they might emerge here, (I never quite know what I’m going to write) by saying that I believe a lot of what we’re getting is “politics as usual” in America.  It would be stupid to suggest that Obama’s direction is not a “change” from GW Bush’s.  To me, that just went without discussion – any democrat would have been a significant change from Bush/Cheney.  Heck, even the republicans weren’t mentioning the names of Bush/Cheney during the previous election.  Personally, I was hoping for a fundamental change in the way we do politics in America.

That all being said, the intense rhetoric being thrown around after the passage of “health reform” pretty much supports a lot of what I’ve been claiming to be the problem with the republican side of the “isle” since before Obama took the oath of office.  If you listen too much to these people you would think that America is doomed as a nation.  They are throwing – with little apparent knowledge of the terms they’re using – words like “socialist,” “communist,” “fascist,” and even “racist” at President Obama in what appears to me to be a desperate attempt at preventing the American public from discovering the truth about the real damage caused by what I call the Great American Heist (I’d write a book with that title, but I’m not a writer of books and I’m sure someone would beat me to it anyway).  What is the “Great American Heist?”  Well, if you’ve not been paying attention (or listening to republican talking heads), it’s what has happened to the 12 trillion dollars the American taxpayers have lost above and beyond the services received for their tax payments over the previous 30+ years since Ronald Reagan was “thrust” on the scene.  It’s the blatant “filtering” UP of America’s great wealth to less than 1% of America’s population.  It’s the “bludgeoning” of America’s Great middle class which resulted from FDR’s “New Deal.”  It’s been no secret that Republicans hated the New Deal, they hate unions, they say they despise government – all the while as they’re using government to provide themselves with “corporate welfare” – while, ostensibly decrying “real” welfare (welfare intended for the poor, that is), they claimed social security was a communist plot, medicare was – according to Reagan – socialized medicine that would “curtail America’s freedom, and – of course – the civil rights movement has been a “raw spot” for republicans since the 60’s.  Astonishingly, republicans now HATE “health reform” that will bring health insurance benefits to over 30 million Americans in a way that is WAY TOO REPUBLICAN for me.  None of this makes too much sense to me.  If you listen to the “mainstream” media, however,  you would almost think the republican perspective has merit.

Let me try to clarify a point I’ve been making since Obama’s campaign for the presidency.  It became clear to me prior to Obama winning the democratic nomination that racism is MORE alive and well in America than, certainly, I had thought.  I teach 6th graders and one of the things that is encouraging to me about them is they seem to be pretty much “color blind.”  Now, there’s a lot of issues I don’t like that I’m seeing with the 11 – 12 year old children I teach – but, the fact they seem to predominantly judge each other based on something other than the color of their skin is a positive for me.  That’s still not the case, evidently, with MANY adults in this nation.  During Obama’s campaign against Hillary Clinton I was definitely surprised to see race to be as much of an issue as it seemed to be.  Foolishly, I guess, I had allowed myself to believe that ALL the racists were in the republican party.  Obviously, that was pretty naive (I was going to write stupid, but naive made me feel a bit better) on my part.  However, once the national campaign unfolded and it was Obama/Biden vs McCain/Palin the contrast between the two parties became very apparent – I mean, if our media would do the research they’re paid to do, they would have connected Palin to the Alaska Successionist Party which is affiliated with the John Birch society so that some of her references to “taking back America,” or “real Americans” would have allowed them to make an accurate description of her position on race (maybe there would have been a reaction other than silence from Palin  as she stood quietly while her supporters shouted “kill him” in reference to Obama).  And, the issue of race has not gone away since Obama’s inauguration – as I’ve been saying for some time now, I don’t believe it will until there is a fundamental EXPOSURE of the leaders of the republican party.  The imperical evidence is EVERYWHERE, but, somehow, the “journalists” in this nation don’t seem to want to “go there.”  This so-called “health reform” is a great example to show the true motivation behind the “party of NO!”  In the sixth grade we teach our students the importance of “inferring” – so, bear with me because I’m going to assume if you’re reading this you understand that concept.

The reason you need to “infer” what’s really happening is due to the republican’s great willingness to LIE.  So, let’s look at this so-called “government takeover of health care,” or “socialized medicine” that they’re so “up in arms” about.  Aside from those two claims we’ve endured endless claims about “death panels,” about the government coming “between you and your doctor,” about government “funding abortions,” and on and on.  So, what is the reality that caused EVERY republican in both houses of congress to vote against giving 30+ million more Americans access to health care.  The bill doesn’t include the “public option” that progressives demanded, it gives tax breaks to small businesses to help them provide health care for their employees (that’s good isn’t it?), it closes the “doughnut hole” for seniors which was costing our senior citizens billions of dollars for medications, the bill preserves the private insurance companies (as stated – providing them MILLIONS of new customers), the bill prevents companies from excluding customers based on “pre-existing” conditions,  OVER 200 amendments in the bill were proposed by republicans (in fact, it’s being reported that the bill resembles the Massachusettes plan initiated by then republican governor Mitt Romney), the bill extends the life of Medicare for something like 10 years – giving more time to solve the medicare solvency problem, the bill requires insurance companies to pay out 85% of premiums in benefits (I suppose that’s not one of the republican amendments because it could cause a reduction in CEO pay – although I’m sure they’ll find a way around the requirement), and it has many provisions designed to reduce the need for expensive medical procedures.  The bill is a very CONSERVATIVE approach to the health care crisis in my opionion.  It provides needed benefits to untold MILLIONS of Americans – so why not a single republiccan vote for the bill?

This is where the inferencing comes in.  In fact, the republican response to the passage of this bill further lends “inferential” evidence to what I’ve been saying for well over a year now.  The republicans now are going to be betting everything on REPEAL of the legislation.  Bouyed by the Supreme Court’s decision in “Citizen’s United” – opening the “floodgates” of corporate money into the impending elections – it appears the republicans are going to make a strong “push” to gain enough seats in congress to REPEAL the bill.  (that seems foolish to me on two fronts – first, that’s a lot of seats and second, it further makes my point more obvious)  Instead of giving the bill a chance to work, they want to repeal it – and, I believe the reason for that is they think the bill will work!  It’s a very republican-like bill.  Now, if it was up to me, congress would simply have passed a “medicare for all” buyin with the necessary tweaks to insure the key proponents of this bill.  The American public would have then had the opportunity to “choose” between the existing insurance market and a buyin to medicare.  The simple argument could have been made to republicans that if government programs are so bad, the insurance companies would have nothing to worry about (in fact, at one time, I believe I heard President Obama himself make that EXACT argument)

Why then, if it’s a republican like bill, would the republicans be so united against it?  Well, the real truth is that the thought of a Black president succeeding is simply unacceptable to republicans.  I believe they are well aware that “whites” (I’m one of them) will soon be a minority in America – that is, compared to the combined total of all other members of our “melting pot.”  Evidently, they think the only people who should be “qualified” to be president are “white” people.  You know, like GW Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitt Romney, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton (well, Clinton’s a whole different story), and – GOD FORBID – Sarah Palin!  (hence the redundant claim from republicans; “We want our country back” – as if it’s gone somewhere)  The republicans are smart enough to understand the consequences of Barack Obama pulling this nation out of the crisis created by Bush/Cheney.  They weren’t smart enough – or courageous enough (keep in mind there wasn’t ONE republican COURAGEOUS enough to vote against their leadership on this republican – like bill) – to stand up to Bush/Cheney as the two of them were virtually destroying our economy and our standing in the world.  But, now they’re standing strong against President Obama in a united effort to prevent a person of color from “fixing” their BLUNDERS!

I mean there’s a plethora of evidence to support my contention based on Obama’s cautious approach to governing in a crisis that the only legitimate reason for their constant barrage of NO’S is the color of Obama’s skin.  I’m not the only “progressive” minded person out there who’s dissapointed in the decisions of our new president.  That’s why it’s so surprising that not one republican has “crossed the line” so far to support Obama’s PUSH for bipartisanship.  Let me give you a list of things I’m not too happy about, but the republicans should be:  First (and foremost in my mind), Obama essentially pardoned Bush/Cheney and a bunch of others once taking office (similarly to Nancy Pelosi taking “impeachment off the table” when it clearly should have been on the table).  I’ve been “harping” on this since day one of the Obama administration.  Not only did Obama let Bush off the hook, he’s been defending his illegal activity in court.  To make matters worse for Obama on this one, Judge Vaughn Walker ruled today that the Bush administration violated the FISA act (they did this many times – probably thousands) when they illegally wiretapped the Al-Haramain foundation after the 9/11 attacks.  Obama’s justice department was trying to carry on the claim that the “state’s secrets priviledge” essentially allows the government to hide it’s illegal activity by claiming we’re at war (you can see why Bush/Cheney wanted the never ending “war on terror”).  In my mind, President Obama has opened himself up to “own” a large part of the Bush fiasco, not only by continuing Bush policies, but by defending those policies – clearly illegal policies – in court (there are many more instances besides the illegal wiretapping).  So, how do you explain the republicans being upset with Obama for this? (of course, to me, a better question is why would Obama even do this?)  Could it be the color of Obama’s skin?  But, hold on, there’s a lot more evidence to support my contention.

Take Iraq and Afganistan for example.  If we were getting the “change I could believe in” we would be out of there by now.  Obama has been in office for almost 15 months now – so, actually – based on what I heard him PROMISE during the campaign – it would be another month until our troops would be out of Iraq – TOTALLY.  He did claim that he wanted to “finish the job” of getting Osama bin Laden in Afganistan – but, I didn’t interpret that as on OK for another Bush-like “surge” – only this time in Afganistan, with a seemingly endless occupation of two Arab countries.  Honestly, I believe the republicans, the generals, the military industrial complex in America should all be VERY HAPPY with Obama.  People like me – not so happy.  Obama has essentially CONTINUED the Bush policy in Iraq – with little or no modification.  The so-called withdrawal plan was negotiated by the Bush administration and, I believe, is not even a withdrawal plan.  I REALLY hope I’m wrong on this one, but I have the worst feeling that our “non combat” troops (now there’s a republican misnomer for you) are going to be in Iraq indefinitely.  And, we are apparently going to spend the next several years “nation building” in Afganistan while the Afgan government and people – who don’t want us there – glean what they can from our occupation of their country.  Hamad Karzai may have had some potential when he was first put in office in Afganistan, but that day has long since “expired.”  The seven years of the “real” Bush policies soured the Afgans on America, and we should just quit sending “good money after bad.”  Yes, we need to somehow deal with al Qaeda, but this is not the solution.  We have brilliant minds in our government who need to go back to the drawing board on finding and eradicating al Qaeda – but, not through these endless occupations of Arab nations which is just making the United States more vulnerable on several fronts.  We need leadership here instead of Obama trying to impress the “right” that he’s a “tough” commander in chief.  That all being said, based on Obama’s continuance of their policies, why are republicans so venemous toward him?

Then, today it’s the oil drilling off our coast.  Really, from the “progressive” perspective, it’s just one republican-like move after another.  What’s that old saying?  “If you try to please everyone, you please no one.”  Somehow, I’m forcing myself to believe that Obama’s smarter than that – but, it certainly seems like a relevent saying, doesn’t it?  I still remember Obama’s chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, calling people like me fu__ing retards, evidently for our “idealistic” yearnings.  Of course, Obama hasn’t received a republican vote yet, although I saw an interview on TV last night where he said quite clearly that he will continue to reach out to republicans.  I guess maybe his strategy is to back them into a corner by giving them legislation that makes it even clearer where they’re coming from when they vote against it – or, maybe give them legislation that forces them to vote with him (and, all the while him assuming us progressives will just “be there” when he needs us).  The bottom line is that one decision after another coming from Obama’s White House is either centrist, or maybe even “right” leaning.  If there was a “moderate” republican left in Congress with any guts whatsoever, he/she would be right along side the president.  Given Obama’s intellect, I have to concede that he must have a plan that goes beyond my ability to imagine for defeating these thugs.  In the end, the result could be the same as would have happened had he followed my lead (now, there’s some arrogance for you) and that is the republican party – in its present form – in dissaray.  At this point I’m guessing they would vote no if Obama proposed extending the Bush tax cuts! The bottom line – I’ll quit mincing words – is there’s no logical explanation for all the NO votes, all the vitriol coming from the “right,” besides republicans feeling it’s more important for our government to fail than for a Black president to succeed!  OK, I’ll say it – the republican party is “infested” with of a bunch of racists.  Not all of them, mind you, but the ones who aren’t racists are not showing the courage necessary to stand tall – and SPEAK OUT against the Limbaugh’s, the Beck’s, the O’Reilly’s, the Boehner’s, the McConnell’s, the McCain’s, the Palin’s, the Grassley’s, and all the others who are lined up SOLIDLY against a president of the United States like nothing that’s ever happened in this nation before.  If Obama was doing what I wanted him to do, this vitriol would be more understandable – although, I believe the end results would be better legislation and a clear message to America and the world that the United States is a nation based on the rule of law – but, based on his pragmatic, conservative, and cautious approach to serious problems left behind by Bush/Cheney et al – the only reasonable explanation for the republican reaction of “Hell No you can’t” is OVERT racism!

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