The last thing we needed at the beginning of Covid-19 was BILLIONAIRES getting more BAILOUT money!

If you’ve been around here at all lately you know I’ve been watching “Wall Street” due to the incredible ability of our “free market” republican led government to “find” about $7 TRILLION to keep it “afloat” during the Covid-19 pandemic. To me, this is just further evidence of why America has been heading toward “third world” status over the past 40+ years – led by corporate interests and executives who just can’t seem to get enough “cash.” I won’t go into all the “inequality” stats, because if you’re reading this you are either aware of them or you willfully hiding yourself from the TRUTH. But, here’s an interesting bit of info I heard this morning: During the pandemic America’s Billionaires have seen their wealth increase by another $282 BILLION – while Americans in the most vulnerable areas of the country are dying at a very disproportionate rate.

If you’ve seen the statistics from who’s doing the most dying in this pandemic you KNOW that the “Black and Brown” communities are bearing the greatest “brunt” from this virus. For example, in cities like Detroit, or Chicago, or New York, or New Orleans – to name a few off the top of my head – members of the “Black and Brown” communities are dying at a rate of around twice the proportion of what would represent their actual numbers in those cities. And, you might ask, is this some kind of heretical issue? Did they inherit the asthma which is leading to many of the deaths? Or the other issues which affect their respiratory systems? And, of course, the answer to those questions is, NO!

“We the people,” for as long as I can remember have been trying to ignore the sad reality of the racial inequality in our nation and refusing to accept this as a national issue. Republicans say, “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps.” And, democrats, well, I don’t remember them saying much other than racism is wrong and encouraging African Americans to be the backbone of their party. But,. the lack of clean water in Michigan, for “people of color” isn’t a new issue – it’s been more serious since their former (republican) governor turned the water in Flint into a lead pipe nightmare – which hasn’t been fixed to this day.

And, like many of the other cities in America, these cities I mentioned above have what seem to me to be (at least nearly) segregated communities many of which are located near the major polluters of their areas which leads to the issues with their lungs which is what is making them more vulnerable to this virus. The coronavirus is exposing so much about this nation which needs to CHANGE – and sooner rather than later – I hope we’re all paying attention. And, just voting for Joe Biden this November isn’t going to be the solution unless “we the people” make CERTAIN “business as usual” is not an option going forward – not even close to “business as usual” as we can get post Covid-19.

I’m happy Biden has committed to choosing a woman as a running mate and, personally, I’m in agreement with those who believe it should be a woman “of color.” My personal choice is Stacy Abrams who SHOULD be the governor of Georgia, but that being put aside, is an extremely intelligent, articulate, and strong woman. From everything I’ve read, heard, or seen from her she’s not afraid to “tell it like it is” and she’s not someone who is willing to LIE to get what she wants. It also appears to me she’s very energetic, very passionate, and did I already say STRONG?

Of course, I’m going to vote for Biden assuming he doesn’t go out campaigning and get this virus – he’s like me, in that class of old people who are, apparently, the most susceptible to the worst form of the disease. I’ve listened to Biden recently and it’s clear he’s moving closer to positions championed by Bernie Sanders which should be clear to everyone would have made this nation more prepared to deal with this virus. I can’t help but keep thinking about all the republicans (and, sadly democrats – including Biden) who’ve been claiming “Medicare for All” is too expensive. “How are you going to pay for it?”

Well, Bernie didn’t do a good enough job of explaining how “Medicare for all” would be much cheaper than our present insurance for profit plan and, actually, much better. For example, there are now MILLIONS of Americans who are out of work due to this virus and their “employer based insurance” has either run out or will run out shortly – which will mean there are even more Americans who won’t get tested or go to the hospital until they’re desperately sick because they fear the bill in the tens of thousands of dollars. With Medicare for all everyone “wins.” People get the health care they need and, in times like this, the hospitals get paid – they can get rid of their bill collectors.

Also, think of all the doctors and nurses who are risking their lives to fight this virus in hospitals all over the country who are still facing HUGE debt from their years in college. Both Bernie and Elizabeth Warren made college loan forgiveness a centerpiece of their campaigns AND this could have been done for ONE of the SEVEN TRILLION republicans managed to funnel to Wall Street as a result of the market crash at the beginning of this pandemic. Really, the last thing we needed at the beginning of Covid-19 was BILLIONAIRES getting more BAILOUT money! The list is LONG as to where that money might have been more needed and where it might have, in the long run, been a MUCH better “investment.” When you watch the stock market as I am and you wonder how it could be going up when the economy is in near depression, well, join the club!

I’ve heard estimates that bringing America’s infrastructure up to 21st Century standards with an eye toward the future would cost around the amount of “Care’s 3” – $2.2 TRILLION – (and, remember, the $7 TRILLION was “on top” of that amount – so, our government has managed to come up with around $10 TRILLION so far – and, I can guarantee you there are some investigative reporters out there who are going to fill “we the people” in on what Steve Mnuchin (Treasury Secretary) and Jerome Powell (The head of the Fed) are doing with all that money. Individual 1, conveniently, fired several of the “inspector generals” who would have been in charge of overseeing the dispersal of some or all of that money. Sooner or later we’ll find out where it all went.

And, America’s corporate interests showed us exactly where their “hearts” are at when the “PPP,” (Paycheck Protection Program) was initiated – this was the plan to get money to small businesses in order to keep them “afloat” during this crisis and to keep their employees on the payroll until it’s time to bring them back and start up operations again – so they CAN start up again. Well, the first “tranche” of the money was “gobbled up” largely by publicly held corporations who found ways around the requirement that they have fewer than 500 employees – the money was gone in less than one week. Clearly, this was a scheme put forth via the larger banks who were simply conduits for the money so had no “skin in the game,” and, apparently, just passed the money along to existing customers. In the process not many actual “small businesses” got any of the funding – businesses who are desperately in need of it.

The numbers are becoming more shocking every day – as of today the total number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 has gone over a MILLION and, of course, the number would be much higher if there was sufficient testing capability. And, the number of deaths has exceeded 55 THOUSAND Americans and that number is climbing at the rate of somewhere between 1000 and 2000 per day. Hopefully, it will go down, but it’s a bit worrying that many people, including some governors, are losing patience and either, in the case of the governors, opening up their states, or many people are becoming defiant of the “stay at home” orders coming from their governors – which may lead to a spike in the number of infections.

Look, I understand we can’t stay in our homes indefinitely, but we certainly need to be thinking of the people on the “front lines” – the doctors, nurses, and others who are fighting to save lives in hospitals around the country and they need, at a minimum, a break from this initial surge. I believe it’s inevitable that MOST Americans will be exposed to this virus, but, to me, the sensible plan would be to, at this point in time, re-open in a way that somehow might cause our hospitals to avoid being overrun by Covid-19 patients. There’s only so much room in these hospitals and, as of today, people who need “elective” surgeries are waiting for a time when the hospitals can handle their procedure safely.

I’m certainly not smart enough to figure out what the “plan” should be – what I do know is under our IMPEACHED so-called president there is NO plan – other than whatever he can do which makes him feel like he’s putting himself in a bright light. He’s been forcing his way in front of the cameras on a daily basis for the “Covid-19 task force” briefings which is, from the standpoint of Joe Biden, the “gift which keeps on giving.” It will be interesting to see if individual 1, for example, can EVER recover from suggesting people ingest disinfectants as a way to clear up their lungs. And, of course, the list of BLUNDERS coming from our IMPEACHED so-called president seems almost never ending.

There’s the “missing in action” 70 days at the beginning of this crisis which is responsible for who knows how many deaths to this point in time – and, if you think those days weren’t important, just log on to and compare what is happening in America to what’s happening in the rest of the world. And, it’s true, the virus isn’t his fault – it just exposed how individual 1 is simply incapable of handling the responsibility of being the president of the United States. That’s not a job for a pathological LIAR who is such a narcissist he is unable to admit ANY kind of mistake – even suggesting people “ingest disinfectants into their lungs” – nor is it a job for someone who is an overt racist, misogynist, or xenophobe in a country which has been built by immigrants. In fact, individual 1 is a second or third generation immigrant and TWO of his wives are immigrants – meaning first generation.

I believe the WORST mistake of all, when the “smoke” clears from all of this, will be if what I read today is actually true – that America’s BILLIONAIRES have used the stimulus (relief) funds appropriated by Congress – along with that mysterious $7 TRILLION appropriated (?) to the Fed – to increase their wealth by almost $300 BILLION – while doctors and nurses are using garbage bags in an attempt to protect themselves as they are on the “front lines” of this fight – that will be the ultimate scandal – in an administration which has seemingly had a “scandal a day” since individual 1 took the oath in January of 2017. Moscow Mitch is suggesting states file for bankruptcy – meaning fire police, firefighters, and other front line workers – while the republican donors are gaining more “fat.” I think that would be too much even for those in the cult who survive the drinking of Lysol! (Doesn’t that remind anyone of Jim Jones?)

Final thought(s): I’m guessing the $7 TRILLION I’ve referred to which apparently is money provided for the Fed (?) and/or Treasury (?) to use to prop up the financial markets – CONSIDERABLY more than we saw in the TARP bailout of the banks back in 2008 – is going to be money which is “off the books” – to make our deficit look better. As I often say, I’m no economist, but it appears from what I’ve been able to find out that the Fed is buying up bonds which would be considered “bad debt” – meaning as a way to prevent default on the bonds. (I’m honestly not sure who that’s protecting?) I don’t know how all that works, but my point is, I don’t think we’ll see these numbers when the annual deficit is reported. This reminds me of the Iraq and Afghanistan “wars” back in the days of GW Bush/Cheney where they didn’t report the expense of the “wars” “on the books.” As if it was on a mysterious credit card. If I wasn’t so old I’d spend more time studying economics.

And, if you don’t believe my “assertion” that our IMPEACHED so-called president is a narcissist (of the highest order) well, today, in the mail, I received the absolute proof. I got a letter from the IRS today which, on the envelope, said it was “Official Business” “Penalty for Private Use, $300.” (Whatever that means?) My first thought was – looks like we’re being audited! But, Nooooo! It was a letter signed by individual 1 making sure we think he was the one responsible for putting $2400 into our bank account! Actually, wasn’t this Mitt Romney’s idea? But, I digress! Just like individual 1 is forcing his name onto all the checks Americans are receiving, I guess this is his way to use the POST OFFICE to send MILLIONS of letters to us minions in the hope we’ll all vote for him. Stay tuned……………

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