When the Covid-19 press briefings come on MSNBC I turn off MSNBC. Enough already with PUBLICLY enabling the LYING!

Wouldn’t it be great if “we the people” actually had competent leadership in charge as the coronavirus is ravaging our nation? Like, if there was actually someone who’s been put in charge as so many have suggested is necessary. So, why is this not happening? Well, I can guarantee you I have the answer. There’s no way individual 1 is going to give up his place in the center of the “stage” as he pushes out his pandemic response “team” day after day – to the absolute absurdity of the so-called “liberal media” he continually attacks; showing it – usually from start to painstaking finish. I’ve learned to turn off the TV as soon as the “two minute warning” is given – but, MSNBC curiously continues to show what are individual 1’s new campaign rallies EVERY day. It’s really hard to explain.

If you remember, MSNBC gave individual 1 MILLIONS in FREE advertising back in the 2016 campaign. I still remember them showing virtually entire speeches by our now IMPEACHED so-called president while hardly showing a sentence coming from Secretary Clinton. I complained back then and it didn’t do any good, so I’m guessing my complaints today won’t do any good either. My children watch CNN and I suppose I should check it out – although, for all I know, they’re falling for the same scam. While it’s good to see the blundering incompetence of our so-called “leader” it SHOULDN’T be at the expense of forcing onto “we the people” all this propaganda.

BTW – tonight I checked with the Kinsa thermometer map once again and, once again, it’s suggesting Florida is in for a continued spike in something which has to do with elevated temperatures – I’ll let you figure out what that means. Also, places like South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Kansas – some of the ones I can remember have growing numbers of their residents showing elevated temperatures. Many of these states where their (republican) governors have refused to enact the “stay at home” orders are looking at the next “wave.” Apparently, they’ve been listening to individual 1 who’s going to have a heavy load on his shoulders when this is all said and done. (Of course, he’ll be oblivious to it!)

Another “BTW” – a few days ago I pointed out individual 1 FIRED the inspector general of the Intelligence Community – part of his “revenge tour” – he did it late on Friday expecting an action which SHOULD have been received with a wave of criticism to be buried in the Covid-19 focus of the media – which is bad enough for our IMPEACHED so-called president due to his incredibly incompetent leadership during this pandemic – but, sure enough, not a whimper in the news about him FIRING this inspector general for doing his job. Of course, he was an individual 1 appointee, but the FACT he did his job (which was to report the whistleblower complaint to the Intelligence Committee in the House) was too much for individual 1. Our IMPEACHED so-called president just can’t stomach people who actually tell the TRUTH – which, to him, is a constant threat.

It was reported today he’s also FIRING the people who are the inspector generals over the disbursement of the “Cares Act” – ie the 2+ TRILLION rescue package which specifically has prohibited individual 1 from getting his grubby fingers on any of the money. Of course, it also prevents ANYONE else in his family or in the executive branch or Congress from getting any of the money either – but, the one person “we the people” need to be watching like a “hawk” is our IMPEACHED so-called president – because, I personally, predicted several days ago he’s going to be lurking over all that money with the idea of getting his “fair share” – whatever he considers that to be. And, he’ll do what he needs to do to get that money. I’ve said this before but I don’t think there’s a limit on the number of times a (so-called) president can be IMPEACHED!

And, speaking of people being fired by our “dear leader” – how about the captain of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, the spectacular Air Craft Carrier now anchored in Guam because the Covid-19 somehow had invaded the ship. The captain of that ship apparently was having trouble getting the attention of the ACTING Secretary of the Navy so he sent a letter almost pleading for permission to get the affected sailors off the ship. These sailors are living in extremely close quarters which makes it a “petri dish” for this virus and their captain was FIGHTING for his sailors – what would you expect from an actual leader? Somehow, individual 1 considered him “weak” for sending this letter (naturally, someone leaked it) and the captain was FIRED. As he left the ship you could see what his crew thought of the order coming from the “commander in chief.” (Picture in your mind 4000 sailors cheering and chanting the captain’s name as he departed the ship! Individual 1 wouldn’t recognize a real leader if he bumped into him in the……………. you can fill in the blank)

To top it all off, the ACTING Secretary of the Navy flew all the way to Guam to get on the public address system of the ship and tell all these sailors, who are loyal to their recently FIRED captain, that the FIRED captain was “stupid.” I heard his comments and in the background you could hear one of the sailors yell out “What the F*@k?” Here’s what was “stupid:” The ACTING Secretary of the Navy flying thousands of miles to Guam (8000?) in order to tell these sailors, whose captain, who had sacrificed his career for them and was FIRED, that their beloved captain was “stupid.” Honestly, coming out of individual 1’s administration I see “stupid” all the time – this action was “right up there” among some of the MOST stupid things I’ve seen lately. I’m sure this ACTING Secretary of the Navy was acting on the directions of the Commander in Chief and he’ll be the “scapegoat” of this stupid action. Here’s where we can determine who’s “weak” in all of this. Anyone who would LIE about bone-spurs in order to avoid service, to me, would be “weak.”

Today, the number of deaths as a result of the coronavirus in the United States will approach 2000 (for just today) and it’s going to get worse. People around individual 1 are frustrated by the FACT people are not FORGETTING the 70 (or so) days from when individual 1 was informed this virus presented an emerging CRISIS which could take the lives of hundreds of THOUSANDS of Americans to the point when he started to take this pandemic serious. But, worse than his FAILURES in dealing with this pandemic to begin with he continues with his CORRUPT behavior “across the board.” And, why would we expect anything different? I keep saying I’m tired of writing so much, but it’s my outlet, and I just have to keep going. Individual 1’s assault on this nation is relentless and, therefore, I’ve got to keep going relentlessly – just for my own sanity!

My GOOD friend I often write about who (somehow) continues to support individual 1 seems to think I should be watching these Coronavirus briefings from start to finish. The reality is, as I’ve shared multiple times here, when those briefings come on MSNBC I turn off MSNBC. These briefings are nothing more than individual 1’s substitute for his campaign rallies and you can tell even the experts, Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, have to be careful in what they say because it’s often counter to what individual 1 just said and he’s a bit “touchy.” I’ve watched a few of the briefings and, as happened years ago when I actually watched Fox “news” for a while, my head tells me “why are you exposing yourself to this propaganda?” I’m actually concerned the two doctors are being manipulated in order to continue in their positions.

Succinctly put, individual 1 has NOT earned a “10,” he SHOULD accept responsibility for his decisions, and he’s NOT doing a great job! He can tell me otherwise over and over and, if I’m not in the cult, it’s just “poppycock.” It really is time for the networks (except, of course, Fox “news” ie individual 1 TV) to take the “oxygen out of the room” and stop covering these briefings live. On the rare occasion where something important is said, good or bad, report on that – but take the camera’s away from this IMPEACHED so-called president who, while showing his incompetence regarding government in this pandemic, clearly is an expert at manipulating the media outlets which he’s constantly disparaging. I guarantee you his temperature (figuratively) would go way up if they’d follow my advice!

I often wondered what would happen if/when individual 1 was faced with a crisis and, of course, we are watching it in real time. It almost looks to me as if his fake tan is melting off his face as this goes on. Of course, anyone who’s been paying attention knows he is chomping at the bit to get out on the campaign trail LYING to his cult in those gatherings which cement their cult-like support but does nothing to help him with the 55% of the American voting public who are committed to removing him from office this November. I actually believe the now infamous 70 days where he tried to convince America this virus was nothing to worry about was his opportunity to get himself re-elected. Of course, he would have needed to take this seriously, appoint an actual expert to be in charge, and be transparent all through the process – in other words act like a competent leader. You’re correct, that would be IMPOSSIBLE!

Naturally, he can’t go back and “fix” those disastrous 70 days – and, by the way, if you’re thinking it didn’t have much effect on the outcome of the virus, I’ll just remind you of a few things – First, the Mardi Gras. Those in charge in Louisiana decided to go ahead with that festival based on individual 1’s words suggesting this would be no problem at all – “down to zero in a few days.” Well, if you’ve seen what has happened to Louisiana since then you know it IS a problem. And, there were nearly a million people there from all over the world who have spread out since that time to other places likely taking the virus with them. And individual 1 isn’t the only member of his administration “with egg on their face” during the 70 days – Kelley Anne Conway and Larry Kudlow made public statements which, well, also fall in the absurd category and likely helped influence those in Louisiana!

And, let’s not forget Florida! Based on what I can figure out Florida is STILL on the “upswing” of the so-called curve and maybe two to three weeks from the “apex.” Florida is such a concern because about 20% of Floridians are in the category of being the most susceptible and that’s people like me – old people. Of course, now we’re finding out African Americans are maybe more susceptible to the worst part of this virus than anyone else, but older people are as well – and that’s when it attacks your lungs and ultimately causes death. Florida could soon be the “New New York.” As I’m saying way too often here, I hope I’m wrong. The sad reality is the Florida governor is a devotee of individual 1 and he has really had a hard time enacting a truly “shelter in place” order. I’m honestly still confused about whether or not he’s done so. If churches are still open doesn’t that pretty much negate the benefits of a shelter in place order?

Then there’s Brian Kemp in Georgia. He’s the guy who was the Secretary of State running the election where he was also the candidate for governor (nice work if you can get it) and he CHEATED in order to “win.” (Does that sound familiar to you? He’s a republican) Well, I suppose, it shouldn’t be a surprise that he, like the governor of Florida just couldn’t bring himself to enact a “shelter in place” order, despite the FACT the Covid-19 virus was spreading rapidly in his state, until just a few days ago when he decided to act. He said he waited so long because he had just found out asymptomatic people could be spreading the virus. Apparently, I knew that about a month before Mr. Kemp. But, of course, he decided Georgia’s beaches and churches are part of the “essential businesses.” So, picture this weekend as there will be (I don’t know how many thousands of) Georgians in church spreading the virus among one another. There’s lots of “stupid” going around lately wouldn’t you think?

These are all people who have been influenced in their decisionmaking by individual 1. You’d think by now people all around the country would be realizing it’s time for them to think for themselves – that when he was described as “unfit” for this office people knew what they were talking about. However, it’s not just the decision makers in Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. There are several other states where their (republican) governor has yet to take action. Apparently, the fact lots of people aren’t yet dying of this disease in their state means it’s not a problem for them. It seems like they’ll just wait until it gets bad and then take action. Of course, that means the rest of us will be home bound longer and the economy will be puttering along much longer. Or, it will speed up the second “wave.” Take your choice!

I’m actually expecting individual 1 to attempt to “open” the economy back up too soon – so, combined with these governors this virus could be here through the summer, if not longer. Remember, as I’m writing this there’s no cure for it, no vaccine, and “we the people” don’t have a natural immunity to it. Of course, some do better than others, but just look at the statistics as to what is happening. All the experts are saying the way to get beyond this and to “open” up the economy again is via MASSIVE testing. I really don’t know why that’s not sinking in to individual 1, but, again, the “buck stops at the…..” resolute desk in the Oval Office.

This virus is going to be here for the foreseeable future, it’s worse than it should have been, and compounding all that with more poor decisionmaking is just harming more people. The captain of the Aircraft carrier who put the well being of his crew ahead of his own was someone showing true leadership. Individual 1 called him weak and FIRED him. That’s what you’d expect from someone who resembles a mob boss. I’m constantly reminded lately of the saying “The skunk smells his own hole first.” (And, by the way, the captain of the USS Roosevelt is now down with Covid-19 – talk about taking one for the team)

I’ll finish by saying individual 1 and his economic advisers are desperately hoping for what they call the “V” curve economic recovery to all this – I’m sure with our IMPEACHED so-called president hoping the stock market will be right back up to record territory by November. Well, while I don’t think even that would save him (it would be a miracle) it doesn’t appear to me that’s what lies ahead. This economy is going to take a huge “hit” from this pandemic. Not every small business (or maybe even large one) will come out of this whole, if they come out of it at all. I’m not sure how much money we can print to try saving things but there’s already been $6 TRILLION allocated to the Fed to keep Wall Street “afloat” and it’s, basically, treading water. I’m no expert, but I don’t see how it doesn’t have another period where it takes a dive.

It looks to me as if the speculators are “ruling the day” right now and the market will be, as I’ve said, going up and down like a yo yo – but, in the end, it seems likely it has to go down. If we’re truly headed to depression territory I don’t see how they can keep the market propped up. I heard an economist tonight explaining each week our economy is shut down like this costs the economy up to $400 BILLION of “GDP.” Again, I’m no economist, but that sounds really bad, Just as the captain of the USS Roosevelt lamented the most important cargo on that ship is the sailors. I believe, ultimately, government leaders, including (maybe) some republicans, will realize the most important asset of this nation is her people and that’s where the “rescue” money should be aimed. Maybe the result of this pandemic will be the long overdue “remodeling” of our nation – not only in our infrastructure, but in the way we view our people. Democrats forced republicans to include in the rescue bill funding for workers in various ways, but you can see individual 1 is looking for ways around that by scuttling the inspector generals already. I really hope Congress is paying close attention.

The price tag for the “rescue” part of that bill WAS a bit over $1.5 TRILLION (remember, it included the so-called $500 BILLION “slush fund” – money intended for businesses and which individual 1 is likely targeting by removing the oversight) and it was always considered too expensive by republicans. (As opposed to the $6 TRILLION for Wall Street?) About a half dozen republicans balked at the provisions in the bill aimed at unemployed workers right up to the point where the vote took place. Their words were, well, DISGUSTING. (They were led by Lindsey Graham – someone who’s become one of the most DISGUSTING members of the U.S. Senate – come on South Carolina, you can VOTE him out come November) So, we see there seems to be an endless supply of money once Wall Street is teetering, how about……?

How about a Medicare for All bill – which actually would save money, but based on all the money we’ve managed to come up with to bail out Wall Street in a matter of two weeks, it’s hard for me to envision the argument providing health insurance for All Americans as being “too expensive.” How about tuition free college? How about an actual infrastructure bill aimed at roads, BRIDGES, and high speed rail along with unthrottled internet access? The list could go on and on, but I’m sitting here thinking the main thing which I hope comes out of this crisis is we DON’T go back to “business as usual.” In many ways, the worst thing which could happen would be that “V” curve recovery. Would that mean, then, “we the people” are willing to wait for Miami and Los Angeles to be under water before we worry about the Climate Crisis? That seems it would be the “republican way!” Stay tuned…………………

Final Thought: Today, there are people in Wisconsin standing in long lines to VOTE because the republican party doesn’t seem to understand “social distancing” – despite the hollow words in these “press briefings.” Republicans showed their “true colors” by refusing to allow this primary election to be postponed until it’s safer for the people to vote and, additionally, refusing to allow additional days for Wisconsinites to get mail in ballots which they could turn in a week or so later. Wisconsin’s (democratic) governor attempted to put the primary off for a couple months until the worse of this virus is (hopefully – see above) behind us, but both the State Supreme Court and the US Supreme Court blocked the attempts to prevent today’s long lines. No matter how they’re voting I say “we the people” need to “give it up” (That means applaud, if you live under a rock) for the VOTERS of Wisconsin who are standing in those long lines in order to cast their ballots today. Risking their lives to vote – the last time I saw that it was in Iraq!

Not only are Wisconsinites being forced to vote today in the face of this pandemic, but the number of polling places was reduced from 180 to 5 based on what I’ve heard – obviously, making the lines even longer, causing people to congregate for even longer periods of time, and exposing MORE people (evidently, they’re mostly democrats, so…….. I’ll let you speculate) potentially to the virus, and further sending a message to the American people what is important to republicans. (Which is they’ll do whatever they can to PREVENT people from voting) I expect another BLUE wave come November whether it’s vote by mail or voters being forced to stand in long lines. Enough already with this autocratic, corrupt, greedy version of a government. God Bless all these Wisconsinites who braved those lines today demonstrating they appreciate the privilege we have in this country to VOTE – no matter who they voted for! I”m sure many were republicans.

Oh Yes, why am I not surprised. Today, individual 1 accused Wisconsin’s governor of wanting to change the date of today’s primary election “Only because I endorsed the (right wing) candidate for the State Supreme Court.” OMG – does he ever stop? As I’ve said, narcissism is a mental disorder! Earth to individual 1; there’s a world wide pandemic going on. Did it ever cross your mind Wisconsin’s governor maybe is concerned for the citizens of Wisconsin? You know, like in their health? I’m proud of those Wisconsinites who braved the long lines to vote, I’m just wondering if there’s something nefarious going on here? I don’t know what the affiliation of the voters who braved this injustice were, I just hope they’re able to vote again in November. Do you think they’re all democrats so it’s OK if they get the virus? I just hope they remember who made them do this and, also, those disrespectful words aimed at their governor. And, I hope all of us who witnessed this from afar realize it could happen to us and we should be planning accordingly RIGHT NOW! BTW – I believe it was a judge in Wisconsin who individual 1 referred to as a “so-called” judge back in 2016 when his fraudulent “university” was found guilty and fined $25 MILLION! (If anyone’s wondering where all my “so-called’s” came from)

I have to add: And, I hope I’m right on this one. I believe the 100,000 to 240,000 number given as the expected death toll by Dr. Birx last week “If everything goes perfect” very well may have been a “set-up” in order to make individual 1 look better when this is all over. Maybe if this drags on for 18 months as some suggest that will be the number, but I really do hope that’s not how many Americans will perish in the crisis. I’m watching the numbers closely and if that’s correct then we really do have a rough couple of weeks (maybe months) ahead of us. The number which will be the most significant will be the number as we approach November – there are a lot of gullible voters in America who are susceptible to individual 1’s LIES. I question whether our health care workers can be humanly expected to have the endurance to withstand that much of an assault on our system. They have responded unbelievably to this point! We’re at between 12 and 13 thousand deaths as I’m writing this and New York is supposedly nearing its “apex.” 240,000? I hope we haven’t, once again, allowed ourselves to be “played” by the master manipulator of the media, individual 1. OK, call me a skeptic…………………………..

However many die from this pandemic, it SHOULD have been far fewer!

2 thoughts on “When the Covid-19 press briefings come on MSNBC I turn off MSNBC. Enough already with PUBLICLY enabling the LYING!

  1. Otto VonWolfGang

    Deaths and Mortality
    Data are for the U.S.

    Number of deaths: 2,813,503
    Death rate: 863.8 deaths per 100,000 population
    Life expectancy: 78.6 years
    Infant Mortality rate: 5.79 deaths per 1,000 live births
    Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2017, tables 1, 3, 13 pdf icon[PDF – 2 MB]

    Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
    Heart disease: 647,457
    Cancer: 599,108
    Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
    Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
    Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
    Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
    Diabetes: 83,564
    Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
    Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
    Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173
    Source: Deaths: Final Data for 2017, table B pdf icon[PDF – 2 MB]

    1. dfpiper Post author

      Hi Otto, apparently you’re trying to demonstrate to me you can copy and paste. Nice work! However, I’m not sure I get your point unless you’re still suggesting we just let this virus run rampant, get this over with, and try to bury all the bodies in some mass grave. And, of course, try to replace all the health care workers who would likely be gone as well. My intuition tells me you’re just defensive regarding individual 1, you don’t think his blundering through this crisis is any big deal, you still don’t believe he’s a LIAR (despite OVERWHELMING evidence to the contrary), and, of course, you’re still watching Fox “news” and thinking “your” “news” is not filtered. Thanks for all the statistics I’m just not sure what they have to do with anything I’ve been writing about. God Bless you!

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