In November “it’s all hands on deck” – regarding the need for voters to show up and STOP Trump’s takeover of our country!

I’ve commented many times that Trump reminds me of the sixth grade bullies I used to encounter in my career as a sixth grade teacher.  They keep pushing until you draw CLEAR lines they CAN’T cross or the consequences are severe.  In the case of a sixth grade student the consequence, should the student keep PUSHING after several warnings and interventions, is expulsion from the school.  Where I live that leads to the student going through a program called “back on track” in an attempt to get them to learn they don’t get to ruin school for everyone else.  In Trump’s case, “we the people” (unfortunately) are relying on republicans to provide the “interventions” necessary to prevent the “severe consequences” – which, of course, would be IMPEACHMENT.

Apparently, in today’s “climate” in Washington D.C. – due to Trump’s (and Trump TV along with the other right wing perpetrators of the “Big Lie Theory”) constant LYING and his “base” falling for the LIES – the republican party doesn’t have the “stones” to attempt the “interventions” necessary to clarify the BOUNDARIES which Trump won’t be allowed to cross.  He’s “crossing” them at will and, while he does it, “thumbing his nose” at his republican enablers as if to say, “go ahead and try to stop me.”  In the process, Trump is expertly preparing his “base” to NOT believe ANYTHING that comes from the Mueller investigation of Russia’s ATTACK on our nation during the previous election – AND ongoing – with the mid terms in mind.  Trust me, the Russian ATTACK will continue as long as we allow it.  Kind of the same thing as Trump’s ARROGANCE toward American “norms” – the Russians are doing the same thing.  Why wouldn’t they – if no one is going to stop them.

The goal of the Russians is to exacerbate the political divide in America – in essence, using our open society AGAINST us – as they work to undermine as many countries in the “West” as they can.  Vladimir Putin is set on trying to recreate the “former Soviet Union” and he’s willing to do “whatever it takes” to accomplish his goal.  To what extent Trump is collaborating with Putin is unknown at this point, and may never be totally known.  But, what is CLEAR, is Trump is doing NOTHING to stop Putin and his Russian cyber warriors from causing as much division in America as they can.  Who they’re working with hopefully will become clear when Mueller finally gives his report, that HOPEFULLY will be made public – my guess is Cambridge Analytica will fit in somehow somewhere with the CONSPIRACY to COLLUDE with the Russians AGAINST the laws of the United States.

Rudy Giuliani claimed Mueller has said he’s  planning to finish the “Obstruction” phase of his investigation by September.  I can only hope that’s true.  It’s apparent Trump will be accused of OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE in Mueller’s report – it’s hard to imagine he won’t come to that conclusion – although, one thing which is clear is that Mueller won’t be swayed by any of us armchair attorneys out in cyber space – he’ll make a fair report.  It appears to me, based on all the reports about Mueller’s negotiating for an interview with Trump that he wants to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.  I know right wingers believe it’s a “perjury trap” – but, that’s only because EVERYONE in America and around the world understands Trump is a pathological LIAR.  I believe Mueller genuinely wants to understand Trump’s “intent” in the firing of James Comey and some of the other things that could easily be considered OBSTRUCTION.  To me, there’s NO DOUBT that Trump is trying to “short circuit” the investigation because he KNOWS what he’s done that’s problematic.

Recently, the flurries of pardons – another Trump example of his willingness to push the BOUNDARIES – because he “can” – appear to be further attempts to OBSTRUCT the investigation by sending not so subtle messages to potential witnesses who are in legal jeopardy themselves – like, for example, Michael Cohen, who could cause Trump even more nightmares than he’s already having if he “flipped.”  However, I would caution Trump, the government already has MILLIONS of documents from Cohen that will, if there’s anything nefarious, make Cohen’s “flipping” unnecessary.  Cohen’s “flipping” would be designed, in his interests NOT Trump’s, to keep him closer to his family than he might if he doesn’t cooperate.  One reason I believe that is because I’m convinced one of the reasons Cohen’s problems are coming from the SDNY’s (Southern District of New York) prosecutors office is because the Attorney General of New York is “sitting in the shadows” to file state charges against Cohen if Trump attempts a “pre-trial pardon.”  It’s almost as if Trump and Mueller are playing a game of chess.  Except, of course, this is NO game!  (It appears Trump’s ultimate defense is he believes he can pardon himself! Yikes!!)

If you’ve read any of my recent posts this will be redundant, but I’ve been calling Trump a Fascist since before he was elected.  I recognized the similarities with a German from the 1930’s early on.  Of course, I don’t know how intentional it is, but it’s certainly suspicious.  Just the “Make America Great Again” – which is ALMOST identical to Hitler’s campaign slogan “Make Germany Great Again.”  Both men running on a “platform” based on racism and nationalism.  Both men believing they are/were above the law.  Recently, Trump’s legal team “floated” their belief Trump actually IS above the law – claiming he could even shoot someone and not be liable for criminal charges – the ONLY check on him, according to the lawyers, is IMPEACHMENT.  They are claiming that the special counsel law is unconstitutional (evidently, they’re feeling it’s not going to work out well for them) and that it is IMPOSSIBLE for Trump to OBSTRUCT justice.  That tells me they believe he’s obstructed justice.

Virtually every week Trump further supports my claim he’s a fascist.  He continues to act as if he is not subject to the laws, that he SHOULD be able to decide who’s prosecuted in America, and that he should be able to control what is said via the public media.  Today, there was a situation in the press briefing where reporters challenged Sarah Sanders about one of her (many) LIES – this one where she claimed Trump had nothing to do with the FALSE memo released after the June 9, 2016 meeting with Trump Jr., Paul Manafort, and Jared Kushner with representatives from the Kremlin who supposedly had “incriminating evidence” on Hillary Clinton.  Today, it was reported a letter from Trump’s attorneys to Mueller corroborated what we all knew already, that Trump dictated the memo which was based on LYING (why would that surprise anyone?) AND that Ms. Sanders (along with others in Trump’s “orbit”) LIED to the public about it.  Sanders was very defensive – but, the reality is she has already STAINED her reputation going forward due to her willingness to LIE  to the American people from that podium.  Prior press secretaries cringe every time they witness this – because, it’s an HONORABLE position where telling the TRUTH has been foundational for those privileged with that job.  I suppose, as long as Trump TV continues to exist (Fox “news”) there will be a place for Ms. Sanders once the Trump NIGHTMARE is over, but she is leaving a STAIN on that position (and, her own reputation) that may be hard to overcome in the days to come!

Our “liberal media” continues to “shudder” at the reality they’re facing and they continue to parse their words in a way to avoid any more conflict than is necessary.  When you study the history of this version of the republican party you realize what “we the people” are dealing with is EXACTLY what they wanted to create back in the days with what I called “The Contract ON America” (They, of course, called it the “Contract for America”).  This was in the early 1990’s and Newt Gingrich felt the ONLY way for republicans to gain control of the Congress was through OBSTRUCTION (and, then masterfully figuring out how to LIE about it and cause our “liberal media” to buy into “it’s both parties to blame”).

Obstruction has become a “way of life” for republicans since the aforementioned “contract” – except on those few occasions when they’ve had control of Congress and the “White House.”  When that happens, they soon confirm, while they’re good at winning elections and rigging the process, they’re virtually INEPT at governing.  It’s just a matter of time under these circumstances – Trump has another six months until his majority in the House MAY go “bye bye” – until the economy goes “south” and our standing in the world is further destroyed.  (I can guarantee republicans will find a way to BLAME democrats for the economic demise once it happens)  It’s actually happening as I write this but it might not be obvious until after the November elections.  Usually, when republicans screw things up, the democrats can finally win enough elections to retake Congress.  This year, the possibility of taking back the House, is strong.  (Very unlikely the Senate – short of a disaster happening sooner rather than later)

Trump is attempting to “short circuit” the impending “disaster” by claiming powers for the American Executive that are delusional, except for one sad reality – and, that is we have a republican party with members who are sadly lacking in COURAGE.  Trump, as I’ve tried to explain in pointing out his BULLYING tendencies, will PUSH the “boundaries” until he’s stopped – and, as I’ve said OVER and OVER – the SAD reality is “we the people” are depending on the very republicans who are showing virtually NO courage in the face of Trump’s POWER grab for – you guessed it – COURAGE!  Fascists CAN’T take over a country that is a republic or democracy without ENABLERS.  For me, even worse than BLAMING “republicans,” the MOST discouraging part of all this is Trump’s base is MOSTLY “conservative Christians!”  This is ANOTHER parallel to what allowed the Third Reich to succeed in Germany back in the 1930’s.

Those who’ve focused on creating division in America – starting with the republican’s “Contract ON America” in the 90’s, gaining steam with the incredible OBSTRUCTION and LYING that took place during President Obama’s administration – republicans ginning up the racist undertones that emerged after America chose an African American president – led by Mitch McConnell, and further exacerbated to an as yet unknown degree, by Vladimir Putin’s ATTACK on America – with the intent of dividing our people – turning one American against another are succeeding.  And, these guys are very sophisticated in how they go about their business.  They care not about the future of America – it’s all about gaining and MAINTAINING power!

If This wasn’t so serious, it would be laughable to me as I’ve listened to pundits suggest democrats and President Obama are “elitists.”  This coming from BILLIONAIRES who are expert at manipulating the minds of anyone who will subject themselves to their messaging – usually coming across Fox “news,” listening to people like Limbaugh, and subjecting themselves to apps like “Twitter” and “Facebook.”  As I’ve said, when all is said and done about this era in American History, Fox “news,” Trump, the right wing enablers in Congress, and the right wing bloviators on the radio airwaves, will find themselves in the ash heap of history next to Benedict Arnold.  They are propagandists in the same “light” as Joseph Goebbels of the Third Reich.  Check it out! (It’s not hard to find this information)

While “we the people” are CONTINUALLY focused on Trump’s scandals – justifiably so – as it’s up to us to prevent a FASCIST succeeding in getting a stranglehold on our nation’s government – there’s a lot of other “stuff” flying “under the radar.”  There’s little discussion of the tax scam which will “HIT” many middle class Americans next year (they won’t even understand enough to BLAME their increased health care costs on the tax scam), we’re not hearing much regarding the “DREAMERS” (evidently, those types of topics only gain attention when it’s critical timing), we’re not hearing about all the institutions under assault by Trump’s surrogates, and, today, I read about Senator Merkley from Oregon being denied entrance to an immigration facility that is apparently holding children who’ve been separated from their parents.  There’s a LOT of s@#t happening behind the scenes that, by the time “we the people” find out about it, people could be suffering needlessly.  I’m guessing Trump’s FASCIST tendencies are leading to many directives that ABUSE American laws or, at the minimum, American norms regarding political asylum.  “We the people” NEED to know what’s going on with the families fleeing violent countries and applying for asylum – for example.  Trump is an immigrant, he’s married to an immigrant (I think TWO of his wives have been RECENT immigrants) AND we’re “A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS.”

What’s happening to those people is just a small example of the DAMAGE I’ve talked about since Trump took the “oath” of office – and, much of it is going to take a long time to rectify.  And, the “beat goes on” simply because the republicans in Congress LACK the COURAGE to put it to an end.  Trump, as I’ve said, will continue pushing until he’s FORCED to stop.  It’s all about him and NOT about our country.  He’s the master manipulator – manipulating the media, manipulating the voters who support him, and, SADLY we’ve all watched him manipulate the republican party – turning it into the party of Trump.  It’s masterful what he’s doing to his party and, again, it mirrors what happened in Germany during the 1930’s.  As I heard someone say in a TV interview the other day, in November “it’s all hands on deck” – regarding the need for voters to show up!

Final thought:  In the memory of Keith Olberman’s time on MSNBC I’ve, since the “election,” come to believe Trump to be “the worst person in the world.” (WPITW) Well, now I’ve learned he has competition!  I’ve pointed out how it seems ANYONE who allows him/herself to be associated with Trump comes out on the “other side” DIRTY, there now has emerged a person where we can safely say, “this takes the cake.”  Yesterday, Rudy Giuliani was in Israel and had a “sit down” where someone foolishly gave him a “mike” and people were allowed to question him.  OMG!  Rudy accomplished a lot – but, to me, he put himself right in the running with Trump for WPITW!  He made comments about Stormy Daniels’ looks that would have you believe Rudy has NEVER looked in a mirror.  He made comments about Kim jong-un which, if they don’t scuttle the so-called “summit,” they should.  (It’s on Kim if he really is “begging on his hands and knees” to meet with Trump)  And, worst of all – at least if I was in Trump’s “shoes” it would be – he made comments about Trump’s wife that has caused the NUDE pictures of her sitting out in cyber space to be the most “googled” item of the day.  Rudy suggesting women who use their bodies for “profit” and all – seemed to forget about Melania’s “pre-Trump” days.  And, of course, Rudy’s big mouth apparently wasn’t informed of Trump, himself, appearing in porn movies “back in the day.”  It was, however, his self righteous comments about Stormy Daniels which would make Rudy today’s WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD!

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