The FACT Fox “news” viewers believe both Giuliani and Trump “tell the truth” is just further confirmation why they are the least informed of ALL Americans! (Including those who don’t even watch/read news!)

I want to write this BEFORE Trump’s “summit” with Kim Jong-un that is scheduled to happen next week in Singapore.  Trump has already given Kim something he has wanted for a long time and that’s a place on the international “stage.”  What got him there?  Obviously, it’s his nukes.  What does he want?  At this point I’m not sure.  One thing he wants, for sure, is to still be “in charge” when he returns to North Korea.  What does Trump want?  Probably at the top of the list would be the Nobel Peace prize – which, if this works out, should go to the leader of South Korea who is responsible for all of this.  One thing I feel confident about is this meeting is more important to Trump than to Kim.

Is Kim going to give up his nuclear arsenal?  My instincts tell me if he agrees to do that he won’t be the “Supreme Leader” when he returns home.  Don’t get me wrong, I would love them to give up their nukes!  I’d love it if everyone gave up their nukes.  (That, of course, would include the U.S.A.)  However, probably not going to happen.  The leaders of North Korea have to believe the reason this meeting is happening is because of the nukes and I can’t imagine them believing – especially after the recent Iran agreement being “torn up” by Trump – they can trust America after what’s happened over “all these years.”

It appears to me this entire situation is a VERY complicated one.  Trump seems to be implying that he’s just going to negotiate a wonderful agreement with Kim on the spot.  OK, it’s true, I’d love to see something positive come from all this – but, it seems to me there should be some kind of negotiating going on with the lower levels of the State Department to set up clear parameters to this meeting – with some kind of tentative agreement reached beforehand.  Oh yes, I had momentarily forgotten, our State Department has been obliterated under Trump and we don’t even have an ambassador in South Korea.  This is Trump at his authoritarian best – it’s him and him alone who can solve this problem.  That alone almost makes me wish for him to FAIL.  However, it looks as if this is all set up to fail without any wishes from me.

Most of what has happened under Trump’s “watch” – which he believes makes him the greatest president in the history of the country – is ALL short term thinking.  (With the exception of the judges he is nominating to lifetime positions – nominations that makes his right wing base very happy)  For example, Trump is counting on the pittance in many people’s weekly paychecks due to the tax cut to make them vote for republicans in November.  Most people are not falling for this scam – but, it is what it is.  Why is it short term thinking?  Well, first of all, this summer “we the people” will start seeing the ADDITIONAL rate hikes to health insurance as a result of the “tax scam.”  So, most workers will lose out and, in many cases, not even notice – or, understand why.  Trump will find a way to blame Obama.  The tax “savings” will be offset by much higher expenses in health insurance costs.  Another “consequence” of the tax scam will be an uptick (of yet unknown amount) in INFLATION.  The “downstream” effect of INFLATION could be significant to America’s economy.  Possibly recession!  (Trump is “banking” on this effect not happening until AFTER November’s Mid Terms.  In reality, INFLATION will make Trump even more wealthy because of his real estate holdings – unless, of course, there’s a severe recession – in inflation, real estate values go up)  And, I haven’t even mentioned the deficits which will exceed ONE TRILLION dollars per year for the foreseeable future.  That’s correct, the “tax scam” will be ENTIRELY funded with BORROWED money! (And, then some)

So, with all this (and more) coming “down the pike” at Trump and the republicans regarding long term consequences for short term decisions Trump is DESPERATE for this meeting with Kim to “go well.”  He’s kind of boxed himself in by “tearing up” the Iran deal, which was considered by most to be a good and fair agreement – so, he’s got to get something better.  This all should be interesting, to say the least.  I’ve always said I’m not the type to hope “my” president fails, but, to be honest, I’m not claiming Trump as “my president.”  To me, he’s the “so-called” president that “won” a “rigged” election that had an as yet unknown amount of Russian influence to an unknown effect.  He’s an admitted sexual predator, he’s a pathological LIAR, a misogynist, and a racist – off the top of  my head – there’s nothing I look forward to more (excluding the health of my family and friends and the continuation of America as a “nation of laws and not men”) than the day Trump is OUT of office.  Whether he gets impeached or gets VOTED OUT in 2020, I hope I live to see the day.  (If you haven’t been around here, I’m “getting up there”)  To me, Trump is an embarrassment to the office he is “holding.”

Trump’s supporters are “devout” and it’s still questionable to me whether or not the republicans in Congress will act if Trump is accused of impeachable offenses by the Mueller probe.  In fact, it’s apparent even Trump is expecting to be charged with something “untoward” based on his actions and those of Rudy Giuliani – his “TV lawyer.”  Giuliani, himself, is willing to “soil” his own reputation, what was left  of it, by willingly LYING on TV for Trump – in an effort to BRAINWASH his base into believing the Mueller probe is “out to get Trump.”  Just imagine what they’d be saying if this probe was aimed at Hillary Clinton.  (Which they’d obviously prefer)  They’re willing to DESTROY the foundational institutions in America to protect Trump from accountability to what might be significant illegal activity.  (And, by the way, Trump’s “bromance” with Vladimir Putin and Russia goes on – incredibly!  He wants a “summit” with Putin and wants Russia back in the G-7 – which is apparently going to be the G-6 because of Trump’s reckless use of tariffs.  This is ARROGANCE at its highest!)

Speaking of Giuliani, earlier tonight I finished another post I’d been working on (it’s really hard to keep up with all of Trump’s scandals!) where I nominated (actually chose) Giuliani as “The Worst Person in the World” (pulling the idea from the archives of Keith Olberman) for a series of OUTRAGEOUS comments he made while further SOILING himself as Trump’s TV “lawyer” while in Israel.  Clearly, the right wing Israelis have issues similar to right wing Americans as they appeared to “soak” it all up.  Giuliani was BAD!  How bad was he, you ask?

OMG!  He started off by claiming Kim Jong-un got on his “hands and knees, right where we want him” as he “BEGGED” Trump to attend the “summit.”  Does Kim watch MSNBC? (I’m guessing Fox “news” – AKA “Trump TV” – didn’t show Giuliani’s comments)  Giuliani followed his “begged” comment with a reference to “porn” that brought laughter to more sophisticated observers than myself – I”m guessing there was an inference to “porn” in Giuliani’s comments (I really am “old fashioned”) that Kim may actually understand and that weren’t very complimentary.  But, speaking of “porn,” Giuliani then went off on a tirade about “Stormy Daniels” and how Trump wouldn’t have an affair with her because, “Have you seen what she looks like?”  (I wrote in my other post, evidently Giuliani hasn’t looked in a mirror lately – PLUS, he apparently hasn’t seen the pictures of Trump with his arm around Ms. Daniels – actually Stephanie Clifford – at the golf tournament where the assignation apparently took place.)

Giuliani suggested Melania Trump doesn’t believe her husband had this affair (while she was pregnant with their son) while it’s OBVIOUS to just about EVERYONE she has to have known about it.  She may NOT have known about the $130,000 in hush money Michael Cohen paid to keep her quiet right BEFORE the 2016 election – but, of course, it’s no secret now.  In fact, she also NOW knows about the “hush money” paid to the Playboy model also right before the election – both deals which could get her husband in even MORE “hot water.”  Then there’s the money Michael Cohen paid a maid at Trump Tower, allegedly for Elliot Brodie, for an affair resulting in an abortion.  Rumors are suggesting Brodie was a “stand-in” for Trump on that one, but who knows, as I said above, it’s hard to keep up.  Cohen, again, was the “fixer.”  Giuliani’s comments about his lack of respect for women like Stormy Daniels who make their living “selling sex,” and pointing out how Trump’s THREE wives (the last two the result of AFFAIRS while he was married to the previous one) are so much more classy and “respectable.”  They would never sell their bodies for “money.”  (That caused a furor today as pictures of Melania Trump’s nude photos – which she posed for in return for MONEY – apparently are the “rage” on “Twitter.”  (I don’t do “Twitter” so this is “second hand,” but I have to admit that a couple of years ago I saw one of Melania’s nude photos on the internet.)

Giuliani was attempting to “put lipstick on a pig” as he implied Trump and his wives – and, by extension Rudy and his wives – are incredibly (my adjective) respectable.  As I said, Trump ended two marriages via AFFAIRS with his soon to be “next wife.”  And, according to, I think it was “Buzzfeed,”  Trump’s first wife claimed he “raped” her at some point during their marriage.  This is the episode where Michael Cohen went all “mafia fixer” on the reporter who wrote the article and he claimed a married woman cannot be “raped” by her husband.  This is where many people began questioning where Cohen received his law degree.  But, I digress………  Giuliani’s comments, in Israel no less, were so disgusting it’s hard to believe someone could be in a position of “authority” in ANY country and be that STUPID.  But, then again, he’s working for Trump. And, by all accounts, Trump approves of Rudy’s incredibly STUPID comments.  (And,  by the way, apparently Rudy is in the middle of his third divorce – from a woman he was having an affair with while she was working for him AND while he was still married to his second wife.  In today’s America this is one of our “spokes people.” Respectable??? Yikes!)

Sadly, there really is a swath of America that believes Trump is telling the “truth” when his lips are moving, people who believe Giuliani is reputable, and believes Trump’s “policies” are good for America.  People around the globe wonder what they’re “smoking?”  Here’s an upcoming issue: the G-7 Summit is this coming weekend in Canada and, I’m guessing, the other “six” members are just as loathe for Trump to show up as he is NOT excited to go.  Trump really doesn’t like anything that is not butt-kissing, and he’s not going to get it from our closest allies – all of whom he’s pissed off with his dishonest excuses for threatening a trade war.  The reality, which all of Trump’s supporters seem to believe is inconsequential, is that Trump is creating fissures across the globe that could be catastrophic in the “long run.”  (quite possibly the “short run” as well)  Just one example that quickly comes to mind:  What if the world community turns from the dollar as the world’s leading exchange currency?  (Trump is already “making China great again” on so many “fronts”) I don’t know what that would mean, but, in my mind, it doesn’t sound good!  (I’ve mentioned many times on this site, “I’m no economist”)  The FACT Fox “news” viewers believe both Giuliani and Trump “tell the truth” is just further confirmation why they are the least informed of ALL Americans!  (Including those who don’t watch/read news!)  I want Mueller to finish every bit as much as Trump – I just want to make sure he is FINISHED!  It’s time to get this recent “blot” on America’s history over with!

Final Thought:  My original thought in starting this post was to make my thoughts clear before Trump meets with Kim (if it happens, now that Kim is “on his knees begging.”).  I continue to believe it is Trump who is most wanting this meeting to succeed.  I’m guessing Kim will have achieved what he wants if the meeting takes place and he’s still the “Supreme Leader” when he returns to North Korea.  Kim is quite possibly the MOST brutal dictator in the world and, it seems clear, Trump could care less about his (and his family’s) BRUTAL treatment of the North Korean people.  Trump really wants that Nobel Peace price and he’s willing to go to any lengths to get it.  I believe Trump believes that is his “ticket” to keeping republicans in control of Congress and, by extension, him in the “White House.”  Personally, I don’t think there’s any way Trump prevents the “blue wave” coming in November.  I do believe there’s no way democrats gain control of the Senate – or even if a miracle happens and they gain control of the Senate – there’s no way republicans vote to convict in the Senate even if democrats would vote to impeach in the House.  Remember, there’s history here on this subject – and, Nancy Pelosi was right in the middle of it.

In 2006 democrats took control of Congress (both houses) in response to the Bush/Cheney illegal wars, the TORTURE, and the tearing down of government institutions (sound familiar?) with the expectation BOTH Bush and Cheney would be impeached as WAR CRIMINALS.  The democrats refused to act because it was not “politically expedient” – I got that “straight from the horses mouth” as I quizzed my (democratic) representative at a local Town Hall.  (He was later voted out of office and we’ve had a republican ever since – who’s now on “shaky ground” largely due to Trump)  My guess is it will be deja vu all over again.  They’ll say “Why impeach him when it’s not going anywhere in the Senate?”  Of course, you didn’t hear that from republicans in the days of Bill Clinton and, if you’ve noticed, republicans have been more energized ever since.  I hope democrats take a look at recent history.  Remember, “those who ignore history are bound to repeat it!”  (I’ve been saying this for years and hoping democrats figure it out – this is a “war” for the heart and soul of America)

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