Individual 1 violates our LAWS with IMPUNITY! Is anyone at DOJ paying attention?

The sheer amount of ILLEGAL corruption which occurred during the reign of individual 1 on our nation was dizzying. The incredible amount of LAWBREAKING was so brazen (arrogant? presumptuous? cavalier? haughty? cocky? you fill in the blank) it was difficult to keep up. It seemed like “we the people” (who care about a “nation of laws and not men”) were chasing our tails. Sadly, we’re STILL chasing our tails because individual 1 (along with Steve Bannon and other sycophants) continue what has now been called a “slow motion” coup d’etat. I’ve written this several times, Merrick Garland, whether he likes it or not, has been pushed into a position of significance in American History. Progressives continue to hope our constitution will be able to stop this attack on the foundation of our nation. Garland will be either a hero or “goat.”

Individual 1, Bannon, Mark Meadows, and a whole bunch of others who were involved in the CONSPIRACY (including a Supreme Court Justice’s wife) to overturn the 2020 election are acting as if they are immune from our legal system. To me, that’s on AG Garland. Every day he doddles along makes this all worse. There are republicans all across America attempting to undermine our system of laws – EVERY day. And, if they’re not subject to those LAWS then, I suppose, they’re correct when they assume “democrats” don’t have the “balls” to stop them. This is going to come to a head ONE way or the OTHER!

God, I’m tired of writing – mostly to myself. But, it’s God who spurs me on because He tells me what republicans are doing to the WORLD does NOT reflect His teachings. For heaven’s sake, since 19 CHILDREM were MURDERED in Uvalde Texas – just two weeks ago, there have been an additional 18 MASS shootings in America. There are HUNDREDS of MASS shootings in America EVERY stinking year. And, for the past nearly 20 years (since GW Bush allowed the assault weapons ban to “expire”) it’s been (MOSTLY) republicans standing in the way of SENSIBLE gun safety reforms – many which have the support of something like 90% of Americans! I wrote the other day about ALL the legislation of recent years that the MAJORITY of Americans support yet NEVER even gets a vote in the U.S. Senate – a body which suffers from MINORITY rule. Guns are at the top of this list!

So, today, the 18th MASS shooting took place in a Tulsa, Oklahoma hospital where 4 people died and 10 more were injured. Probably wouldn’t have made the “news” except for all those DEAD children being buried this week in Texas. And, clearly, the problem standing in the way of solutions is republicans in the Senate. Is it just Mitch McConnell? We KNOW he’s taken gobs of MONEY from the gun lobby ($1.2 MILLION just from the NRA) but, surprisingly, it’s Mitt Romney at the head of the pack with over $13 MILLION just from the NRA. Not surprisingly, the top 48 members of the Senate on the NRA’s “wish list” are ALL republicans as are ALL the top “earners” of NRA cash in the House. Do you see why THEY are the problem on this issue? But, I digress! (Sorry)

Am I concerned about the proliferation of gun violence in America? Of course! However, to me, the major concern is the above metioned “slow moving coup d’etat” being promulgated by republicans inspired via the LYING of individual 1. Honestly, I never even imagined saying this kind of stuff about either of America’s two political parties. But, I’ve LONG seen the republican push to attain POWER at any COST! Which is why I’ve been “lobbying” for America’s voting public to vote these people into the history books.

The republicans are MUCH more sophisticated than the democrats – who, in my mind, still don’t fully understand the gravity of what is happening right under their noses. The “Koch brothers” put a plan into place over 20 years ago and it pretty much has been “flying under the radar” – until recently. They’ve been focusing on local politics as well as national politics. Keep in mind, the Koch’s (now the “Koch” – David Koch has died) have UNLIMITED funds and they definitely operate via the mantra “the end justifies the means.” 40 years ago they were on the fringe of political thought.

The Koch’s were largely responsible for the so-called “Tea Party” movement – the backlash to “we the people” having the audacity to elect an African American to be our president. The “whiteness” of their scheme to gain their so-called “permanent republican majority” – when they’re fully aware republicans represent only one third or less of this nation – has become more and more OVERT as time has gone by. Republicans welcomed in the “Tea Party” – a movement based on “white nationalism” – with “welcome arms” because they were desperate for a way back into POWER – after the debacle of Bush/Cheney.

They showed they have no SHAME as they attempted to destroy President Obama’s administration and then, when – with the help of the Russians and James Comey – they managed to get individual 1 elected, the RACISM just became MORE and MORE overt. Watching all this from afar has simply confirmed to me that when CORRUPTION is the means to POWER, too many in our society will choose POWER. I’ve got a couple examples – the first of which is right in individual 1’s family. Jared Kushner is a practicing Jew and, yet, virtually everytime individual 1 showed his true RACIST “colors” what did we hear from Kushner? Yep, “crickets.”

There’s another example which I learned from a book I (tried to) read a month or so ago titled “A Team of Vipers.” The author, Cliff Sims, was “plucked” out of Alabama during individual 1’s 2016 campaign and became an intregal part of his “White House” once our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president was in office. As I read the book I felt as if Mr. Sims (a young man) seemed like a genuine Christian – of course, coming from Alabama, a “conservative Christian.” That part was what kept me reading until I got close to page 200. What kept turning me off was Mr. Sims devotion to individual 1 and his ability to look past ALL the ILLEGAL “un Christian” stuff, ALL the LYING, and ALL the “deplorable” smears which were (and are) fundamental to how individual 1 operates. (Not to mention individual 1’s PHONY attempts to keep “Christians” in line.)

For example, all the marriages and the KNOWN affairs didn’t seem to bother Mr. Sims. The Access Hollywood tape didn’t seem to bother him – to me, at that point, he SHOULD have said “no thankyou” to the prospect of working in Washington DC. But, as I said above, “POWER” definitely “corrupts.” It seemed to me, as I was reading the book, Sims allowed himself to be USED by individual 1 as he became somewhat the “White House” “tattletale.” At the point where I simply became disgusted by Mr. Sims (admitted) behavior, I had to put the book down. I kept thinking, this is how so many “Christians” have become part of the CULT. Are “judges” worth sacrificing our democratic republic and our moral compass? Well, unfortunately, based on “Christians” I know I believe the answer to that question is yes!

So, at this point – should Merrick Garland choose to be on the side of history which relates to how we saved our nation from authoritarianism (or worse) – the question becomes how many of these “Christians” are going “down with the ship?” I’ve pointed this out several times, a “CONSPIRACY” is defined as “An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act.” Or, “An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime or accomplish a legal purpose through illegal action.” Legally, if you DISCUSS the ILLEGAL activity with someone in the group and ANYone of the members of the group takes an action which is part of the “plan” then YOU are part of the CONSPIRACY and legally accountable.

Think of Ginni Thomas, Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, Scott Perry, Mo Brooks, Paul Gosar, Andy Biggs, Steve Bannon, Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, Jeffrey Clark, Roger Stone, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Ghomert, (and, maybe) Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and who knows who all else was actually involved in the plan to overturn the 2020 election. What we do know is there was a CONSPIRACY and it started in the Oval Office with individual 1 and Meadows pushing to get Mike Pense to violate his constitutional DUTY in certifying the Electoral College results. There were something like 100 people who signed FRAUDULENT elector documents which, likely, was both a STATE, and a FEDERAL crime. Does Garland want to take all of this on? Of course, this is on top of prosecuting OVER 800 of the INSURRECTIONISTS who physically STORMED the Capitol!

DOJ recently subpoenaed Peter Novarro, a member of individual 1’s inner circle, who on national TV and, apparently, in a book, admitted to taking part in the CONSPIRACY along with Mr. Bannon. They devised the so-called “Green Bay Sweep” which was part of the scheme to get VP Pense to block electors from key states to be subsituted by the FAKE (fraudulent) electors which was put together by a “White House’ team (apparently, including Giuliani, Eastman, and Ellis). This is part of the group of people, apparently, the American voters think should be back in POWER! Yikes!!!

As I said above, the problem of keeping up with ALL the ILLEGAL activity almost ends up with NONE of it being prosecuted. Looking JUST at individual 1 – he committed around 10 potential cases of OBSTRUCTION of Justice – just in the Mueller investigation. Mueller pointed out the COLLUSION in volume 1 of his report and explained “collusion” isn’t a “crime” and they couldn’t prove a “conspiracy” to the point they could prove in court. Holding back the Congressionally approved assistance for Ukraine (so he could bride Ukraine’s president) was likely ILLEGAL. Individual 1’s associates violated the “Hatch Act” routinely as they did political activity on the “White House” grounds or while on official duty – it was as if they simply refused to acknowledge the existence of the Hatch Act.

The payments to the two women with whom individual 1 allegeldly had sexual affairs (while his wife was bearing his final son) right before the 2016 election gave him his new name (with me) “individual 1” in the case against Michael Cohen where he was listed as an unindicted “co-conspirator” – simply because DOJ believes a sitting president can’t be indicted. However, once out of office he COULD have been indicted – but, individual 1 hasn’t faced consequences for any of this. Nor has Mr. Garland chosen to pursue the 10 instances of Obstruction of Justice “memorialized” by Robert Mueller in the “Mueller Report.” This was when I began to feel bad about Garland and the DOJ.

Individual 1’s now infamous phone call to Brad Raffensperger, the Secretary of State in Georgia, along with other phone calls and attempts to BULLY Georgia’s authorities charged with overseeing elections has led to a Grand Jury in Fulton County Georgia where our TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president is the TARGET of a possible SERIOUS indictment – maybe even a RICO charge (along with others – are you paying attention Mark Meadows and Lindsey Graham?) Like I said, it’s all “dizzying.” And, it’s a challenge to the strength of our constitution – essentially a piece of paper – like none other in the history of this nation. Sadly, there are many “Christians” in America who would destroy our constitution, in the name of – what? – the constitution! Makes you wonder how many have actually read it???

Final Thought: The January 6th Select Committee in Congress will begin to make public their report in about a week (I’m writing this on June 2nd). I’m looking forward to it, I have to wonder how many Americans will actually watch the public hearings? I believe the hearings will show the level of the CRIMINAL activity which occurred during individual 1’s reign. Will Merrick Garland be in the audience? Is the Justice Department up for indicting a former president – even a TWICE IMPEACHED so-called two time popular vote LOSING (ex) president? Millions will be on the edge of their seats looking to find out. This is what I’ve been asking: Individual 1 violates our LAWS with IMPUNITY! Is anyone at DOJ paying attention?

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